How is paid parking indicated? No parking sign: coverage area

We will be interested now in the sign prohibiting parking. There are quite a few interpretations of it. And for each case there is a separate image. Of course, there are some penalties for parking violations. But which ones exactly? What does a sign prohibiting parking look like in one case or another? All this is necessary to know. After all, this is the only way to avoid punishment and the dire consequences of committed violations. Let's try to make sense of all this. There is no need to be scared - everything is extremely simple to understand. The main thing is to know your rights and traffic rules.


Let's start with definitions. The thing is that in the traffic rules there are signs prohibiting parking, and those that do not allow stopping. These are all different concepts, but the penalties for these violations are approximately the same.

Before examining a no-parking sign, it’s worth understanding the definitions. What is what? According to the law, a stop is a temporary and intentional interruption of the movement of a car (or vehicle) for up to 5 minutes. This definition is used in cases where the action is necessary for boarding and disembarking passengers, as well as unloading and loading.

But parking is a broader concept. It characterizes a long stop (more than 5 minutes) not associated with passengers or loading. At the same time, the driver does everything consciously and deliberately. As you can see, there is nothing difficult to understand here. The sign prohibiting parking has several interpretations. Which ones?


The first option is "No stopping". Everything here is extremely easy and simple. This sign looks like a circle with a red edge. And it is crossed out diagonally twice. In fact, a cross.

If you have seen this kind of image, you can be sure that you cannot stop here. And you can't park in this place either. Quite often, a yellow solid line is depicted nearby on the roadway. This is another signal for a stop ban.


There is another popular type of prohibition sign. This is "No Parking". It is somewhat reminiscent of the previous version, but has a difference. Which one exactly?

“Parking is prohibited” is a circle with a red “edge” crossed out only once diagonally in the direction from left to right. At the same time, this sign does not prohibit stopping. Near it you can “pause” for 5 minutes to unload and load something, as well as disembark and pick up passengers. Everything is easy and simple, isn't it?


Please note that very often there are some additional signs on poles with installed signs. They play an important role in traffic rules. Their task is to clarify certain points.

For example, a sign prohibiting truck parking is "No Stopping" with an additional small picture of a truck underneath it. Please pay attention to this feature. After all, very often prohibition signs have certain clarifications. And, of course, the coverage area. Which one? We will talk about this now.

Coverage area

Let's consider the most common and simplest scenario. If there are no clarifications, then any road sign has its own coverage area. What restrictions might there be?

A sign prohibiting parking (the coverage area of ​​which is not specified) is valid only for the lane of the roadway on which it is installed. More precisely, on the side where it stands. And parking in this case extends to the nearest intersection (in a populated area). If there are none, then until the very end. Nothing difficult, right?

It turns out that if you “run into” “Stopping is prohibited”, then you can’t park to the nearest intersection at a minimum. Please take this into account. Although there are some limitations and features that we have not talked about yet. But now we have to fix this.

Arrow to down

Clarifying signs very often indicate the coverage area of ​​the main sign. And in our case, you can easily get confused. Please note that a no-parking sign with an arrow down is quite common on the roads. But what does he “represent”?

As practice shows (and the law states), this kind of image indicates the end of the sign’s validity. That is, you can already park behind it. And nothing will happen to you with such actions. But it’s better not to stop in front of the sign. After all, the coverage area has not ended yet. In principle, there is nothing difficult to understand. Did you see a down arrow under “Stopping prohibited” (in a separate sign)? Then know that you can park behind this sign. The restricted area is ending.

Double arrow

But that is not all. Many drivers, especially beginners, can become confused by traffic signs. And in clarifying interpretations too. For example, what does a no-parking sign with an arrow down and an up arrow represent?

We have already dealt with one “arrow”. This is an action limitation. What about the double then? In this case, there is no need to panic. The only thing worth considering is that this kind of sign shows us that it is within the coverage area of ​​the main sign. That is, it prohibits parking in a certain area before and after the pole. Nothing difficult. Usually on the same side you will see "No Stopping" with a down arrow. These are very common cases. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid or afraid of the double arrow. It is needed to prevent stops in a certain area. Quite often there is a specific small clarifying symbol in the form of meters. It indicates the parking restriction area after and before the sign.


And that's not all. Sometimes you can find quite non-standard parking restrictions on the streets. For example, a sign prohibiting parking, indicating the time. To be honest, everything is quite simple here. The driver does not have the right to stop near the sign or after it within a certain period of time.

Which one? This will be indicated by a clarifying sign below under the main image. Most often, such restrictions are imposed in busy areas of cities. And you must anticipate this. At times not indicated on the table, you can park in certain places. Although some drivers still do not risk doing this. Only in rare cases, when it is really necessary. It’s better to play it safe once again than to run into this or that punishment.

Even days

Another rather interesting case is the sign prohibiting parking on even days. It does not occur very often in small cities, but in large cities all the time. Moreover, it does not apply to taxis, fixed-route transport, or cars driven by disabled people. In all other cases you will have to follow the rules.

What does this sign look like? This is “No Parking”, but inside the circle there will be two white “bricks” located vertically. And they will be crossed out. As you can see, nothing supernatural either. If you see this sign, you can be sure that you cannot stop here on even days in the month. The rest of the time this rule does not apply. And each driver can “pause” in the area near the sign. This is worth taking into account.

Odd days

There is also a sign prohibiting parking on odd days. And it doesn't look particularly original. Somewhat reminiscent of a sign prohibiting parking on even days of the month.

What exactly does the next type of ban look like? This is nothing more than "No Parking", but there is one "brick" in the center. In a vertical position and under the diagonal line of the circle. That is, it is crossed out. That's all.

The restrictions in this case are exactly the same as in the previous case - parking is prohibited to all citizens with the exception of the post office, minibuses (transport), as well as the disabled. You can park on even days. If there are any clarifications under the index, pay attention to them. It happens that on both even and odd days, parking is prohibited only at certain times. This is a fairly common phenomenon that drivers rarely pay attention to.


So you and I have studied the sign prohibiting parking. In general, there are many more additional clarifying symbols that specify the action of it. But the most popular of them are now no secret to us.

Violating parking and stopping rules can result in punishment. It will not always be serious, but this feature will have to be taken into account. And, as practice shows, special attention is paid to places specially equipped for parking.

The nature of penalties varies. Firstly, it all depends on the region where you live. If you live in a federal area, it will be stricter. And in ordinary cities it’s softer. Secondly, your history of “relations with the law” will also play a certain role in case of a particular violation. And this is a pretty important factor. Thirdly, a lot depends on the situation as a whole.

Practice shows that the most harmless punishment is a reprimand in the form of a warning. In second place are fines. If you decide to deal with the problem immediately, you can hope to deposit only 500 rubles. Otherwise, depending on the severity of the violation and the specific situation, you will have to pay from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. The most unpleasant moment is the deprivation of a driver's license and confiscation of the car. In such circumstances, you will need to additionally buy your vehicle from the impound lot.

When it comes to violations of parking rules in specially designated areas, government officials talk to drivers in a more harsh manner. If you take the place of a disabled person, be sure that you will either be deprived of your rights (a very common punishment), or your car will be confiscated (also not that uncommon), or you will have to pay a hefty fine of approximately 5,000 rubles. It is unlikely that you will be able to get away with a simple warning. Always pay attention to traffic signs and obey parking rules. Remember about the restricted areas, and then you will not have any problems with the law. A sign prohibiting parking (photos of different interpretations can be seen above) will tell the driver how to act in a certain situation.

The number of cars in our country is increasing every year, which is why there are numerous traffic jams on the roads, and parking in the city center is becoming a big problem. Finding a free parking space takes a lot of time and not everyone has the patience for this. It happens that car owners in a hurry leave their car in the wrong place or grossly violate parking rules.

As a result of such actions, an obstacle is created for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, causing traffic jams and congestion. For such a violation of parking rules, a fairly large fine is provided, and the car is towed to the impound lot. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the stop sign and parking is prohibited to avoid material and moral costs.

If you email often notifications about payment of a traffic fine are received from the traffic police, then this is a reason to once again carefully study the requirements of traffic rules, as well as the location of parking spaces for stopping vehicles. In addition, it is advisable to remember in which places there are road signs “No Stopping” and “No Parking” in the area of ​​the city where you visit most often. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to quickly find a suitable place to stop without unnecessary hassle.

Where is it prohibited for any vehicle to stop? Such places include:

The difference between the concepts of “stop” and “parking”

Not every car owner will be able to correctly explain the difference between terms such as “parking” and “stop”. Road The “No Stopping” sign looks very much like the “No Parking” sign., but differs from it in that it has an additional intersecting diagonal line. However, the meanings and requirements of such signs differ greatly. In the Rules, these terms are interpreted as follows: if the car stopped for a short time (up to 5 minutes), it is a stop, and if for a longer period, it is a parking lot. In reality, things don't happen quite like that.

For example, a truck brought goods to a hypermarket or vegetable warehouse and while it is unloading it, it can stand on the road for quite a long time until the process is completed. According to According to the rules, this situation is interpreted as a stop., if the goods are unloaded continuously. But if the driver stopped near a store to buy cigarettes, but because of the long line at the checkout, stood there for 10 minutes, then the inspector assesses this situation as parking.

The rules of stopping and parking are interpreted as actions of the car owner, carried out both at will and at the request of the passenger. If the car was forced to stop due to a breakdown, at a traffic light, as a result of a traffic jam or an accident, then this is not considered a stop or parking because the driver did it unintentionally.

A forced stop is carried out in the place where the car owner is caught in an emergency or force majeure situation. In this case he certain actions need to be performed to ensure the safety of other vehicles. So, the driver must turn on the flashing alarm and park the car on the side of the road. If the stop is expected to be long, then it is necessary to install an emergency sign.

How to distinguish between “No Stopping” and “No Parking” signs?

To avoid getting fine for wrong parking, you must carefully study the Traffic Rules indicating where stopping vehicles is prohibited. Only after this can you confidently occupy a free space in the parking lot.

According to road rules, a parked car must:

  • do not interfere with the normal movement of vehicles and pedestrians;
  • do not create obstacles that force other road users to violate road rules;
  • not lead to a threat to the safety of public traffic.

In the place where parked vehicles can cause an emergency, “Parking is prohibited” and “Stopping is prohibited” signs are installed. Even experienced drivers can confuse them, as they are very similar to each other.

They can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

It is not prohibited to stop:

  • postal vehicles;
  • transport for disabled people of groups 1–2;
  • taxis that wait for the client with the taximeter on.

Sign areas

The driver must always notice from which place the sign begins to operate, as well as the entire area of ​​its action and its completion. Let's consider this point in more detail.

Area of ​​operation of the “No Stopping” sign

Everyone knows that the effect of any sign begins from the place where it was installed. Therefore, if a car stops right in front of him, then a fine cannot be imposed in any case.

In accordance with traffic regulations, effect of a sign prohibiting stopping, has its distribution only on the side of the road where it was installed. The length of its action varies:

  • to the intersection, which is located next to the location of the sign;
  • to the place where the nearest populated area begins;
  • to the “End of all restrictions zone” sign.

In addition, there is another option for determining the coverage area: an information plate is installed under the sign, which indicates the length of the restriction. That is, it stops operating after the distance shown on the plate.

"No Stopping" sign with arrow, pointing downwards, means that the area covered by such a restriction ends immediately after its passage. On the roads you can also find a prohibition sign with an information plate showing two arrows, one pointing up and the other down. This means that the driver is driving through the restricted area at this time.

On additional signs Restrictions that apply to a specific type of transport may also be indicated. Their absence means that no one is allowed to stop, except for route transport and taxis with the meter on. Drivers who violate traffic rules and stop under a sign prohibiting stopping are punished with a fine.

Regarding disabled drivers, they can park or stop at the location where the sign is valid only when there is an information sign underneath it indicating that its effect does not apply to this category of citizens.

Area of ​​operation of the “No parking” sign

Necessary know the boundaries within which this sign operates. They start from the place where it was installed and continue to the following sections of the road:

As soon as these sections of the road are crossed, you can park your car.

Thus, we have understood such concepts as parking and stopping, as well as signs prohibiting doing this. You should be careful not to confuse these two signs, as inspectors like to impose a fine for this offense. Knowing the rules of the road eliminates many unpleasant situations.

Every time a Moscow motorist does not appeal against an illegal
a parking fine, a kitten dies somewhere.

And Liksutov smiles.

In what cases do you have the right to appeal a parking fine (2,500 rubles) or a fine for violating stopping/parking rules (sign 3.27, 3,000 rubles, evacuation + 5,100 rubles)?

Let's start with parking.

According to the traffic rules, "GOST R 52289-2004. National standard of the Russian Federation. Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices" and the resolution of the Moscow Government dated May 17, 2013 N 289-PP "On the organization of paid city parking in the city of Moscow" the parking space must be marked and marked with a sign 6.4 with plate 8.8:

It will not be a violation (and cannot be punished with a fine of 2,500 rubles) stopping at a place where:

1. No combination of characters 6.4. "Parking" and 8.8. "Paid services".

If there is just a sign 6.4, if there is a sign about paid parking, if there are no signs at all (read about the lack of signs below - there may be nuances) - the stop is legal and you cannot be fined!

Please note that signs 5.29 located at the entrance to the parking area, according to the traffic rules, indicate “the place from which the territory (section of the road) begins where parking is permitted and regulated using signs And markings." That is, without additional signs And markings, even inside the paid parking zone, it does not become paid everywhere.

It should be mentioned that information that appeared on the Internet that in parking lots marked 6.4. "Parking" and 8.8. "Paid Services" and 8.4.1. "Vehicle type" - cargo:

you can park and cars turned out to be unreliable - cars are taken away from such parking lots.

2. There are no markings indicating a parking space.

We read in Resolution 289-PP “Establish that the placement of vehicles in parking spaces paid city parking (use of parking spaces) in the territorial zones of the organization of paid city parking is paid". We do not place it in a parking space - there is no charge. There is also a definition of a parking space: " specially designated and, if necessary, a developed and equipped city parking space designed to accommodate one vehicle". No designation - signs AND markings - no parking space. Moreover - there are no markings - there is no paid parking, because in 289-PP it is written "The city parking area includes the entire section of the road network, marked with appropriate road signs and markings, provided for by Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 N 1090 "On Road Traffic Rules"".

The presence of only a sign cannot specifically indicate a parking space; moreover, the absence of markings prevents compliance with the rule that it is prohibited in paid parking lots "place a vehicle in violation of the boundaries of parking spaces".

We move on to stopping and parking in places where it is prohibited.

Such places according to Traffic rules and "GOST R 52289-2004. National standard of the Russian Federation. Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices" can be indicated by signs 3.27 - 3.30:

All of them can be supplemented with signs defining their coverage area:

If the coverage area is not defined by a sign, then it extends to the intersection. PLEASE NOTE - exits from courtyards and other adjacent areas are not intersections and do not interrupt the sign's coverage area!

Sign 3.27 “Stopping is prohibited” can be supplemented with marking 1.4 - a solid horizontal marking line along the curb or on top of it. Then the coverage area is limited to this marking - the marking is over - the coverage area is over! (As practice shows, the Moscow Road Inspectorate does not know this!)

Markup 1.4 can be used without the sign - saw a yellow line - you can’t park regardless of the signs.

Similarly to 3.28, “Parking is prohibited” can be supplemented with markings 1.10 - intermittent horizontal yellow markings. 1.10 can also be used independently, without a sign.

(I won’t even discuss parking at bus stops, tram tracks and sidewalks - for this, both the car and the driver must be evacuated to Magadan.)

If you parked your car in a place indicated by any of these signs or markings, you have violated traffic rules and a fine of 3000 is yours. If you are unlucky, you will also be evacuated. In all other cases, if you are fined or evacuated, you must appeal!

Please note - if you are not standing on the road, but are familiar with it, the parking lot can easily issue you a fine. Such a fine must also be appealed - it is illegal and can be easily changed.

Let's move on to the appeal.

0. Yes, point number zero - you are parking in a paid parking zone, but there are no signs/markings and you see no reason to pay. Ok, your legal right. But, we must remember - few people care about your legal rights in this country. When you get out of the car, take a couple of photos confirming the absence of signs and markings. It might come in handy. In general, I highly recommend subscribing to any newsletter for information about fines. Better - directly to Moscow from the Moscow Public Services Portal.

Fine 2500 for non-payment of paid parking

You learned about this from the newsletter. If you have SNILS and full registration with Moscow or federal State Services, then we go to Avktokod and there we find detailed information about the fine and a photograph of your offense. Let's see what the fine is for. There is no registration at PSU - you are waiting for an envelope.

If it’s your fault and it was completely impossible to park, let’s go pay a fine. Wait, not so fast! Check whether the address indicated in the protocol is correct; very often even foot inspectors make mistakes, and even parking inspectors make mistakes regularly. If the address is incorrect, you can appeal. If not, you will have to pay.

If it was possible to park, but the inspector or the parking lot stepped in, we write a complaint.

The approximate text of the complaint is below under the spoiler, you have the rest of the materials, you have completed step “0” and you have photos.

No??? You're a sucker... Okay, go and take a photo. What? Go far away? Ok, let's go to, find the right place, open the panoramas and take screenshots of the desired area from there. Why not Yandex.Panoramas or Google.Street View? The Atlas has fresher panoramas and is quite the official website of the Moscow Government + there is an opportunity to look at old ones, which can be useful as proof that the sign/marking never existed. Or that it was broken a year ago!

The complaint must be sent to [email protected]

General Director of GKU

"Administrator of the Moscow

parking space"


From ______________

residing at:

Moscow, st. ______________

Contact number:


E-mail address:



(on a decision in a case of an administrative offense)

"04" On ______________ 2014, an official of the State Property Committee of the AMPP issued a resolution in the case of administrative offense No. ______________. In accordance with this resolution, I was found guilty of committing an administrative offense under Art. 8.14 of the Administrative Code of Moscow and I was sentenced to a fine of 2,500 rubles.

I consider this resolution illegal and subject to cancellation due to the absence of an administrative offense.

According to Article 8.14. Moscow Law of November 21, 2007 N 45 “Moscow City Code on Administrative Offenses” failure to pay for placing a vehicle in a paid city parking lot entails an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand five hundred rubles.

According to the note to this article, city parking should be understood as an improvement facility in the city of Moscow, which is a specially designated, arranged and equipped place that is part of a highway and intended for organized parking of vehicles on a paid basis or without charging a fee by decision of the Moscow Government. A similar definition is contained in the Traffic Rules.

According to Appendix 1 to the Traffic Rules, a parking space is indicated by sign 6.4 “Parking (parking space)”. If parking is paid, sign 6.4 must be supplemented with sign 8.8 “Paid services”.

On the section of the road network along building 13 on B.______________ lane, sign 6.4 (neither one nor with sign 8.8) is installed. There are also no signs prohibiting or restricting parking. The previous sign 6.4 with plate 8.8 was installed before the intersection of B.______________ with S.______________ lane, accordingly its coverage area does not extend beyond the intersection.

Thus, by parking the car in the specified place, I did not commit an administrative offense, since the specified road section was not marked as a paid parking zone in accordance with the requirements of the traffic rules.

Based on the above, I ask and in accordance with Art. 30.1 -30.9 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

Cancel resolution No. ______________ dated 04 ______________ 2014 in the case of an administrative offense.

I request that my complaint be considered in my absence within ten days.

Send a copy of the decision on the complaint against the ruling by email.

Date of: ______________


1. Information about the resolution in the case of an administrative offense from the portal of the Moscow City Hall “Aktokod”.

2. Photo of the area - the building at B.______________ lane, building 13.

Fine of 3000 for violation of parking/stop rules

Everything is the same, only the complaint is submitted not to the State Administration of the AMPP, but to MADI (if the fine was issued by MADI) or to the traffic police (if the fine is from the traffic police) - the text is the same, just change the heading to:

To the boss

Moscow administrative

road inspection

Yu. P. Ovsyannikov

To the boss


If possible, it is better to go after the car prepared, with printed photographs and a ready-made complaint. There is no such opportunity - take photos anyway, let you have them. When you arrive at MADI or a parking lot where there are inspectors, immediately demand that the administrative case be rejected. Show photos and explain that there was no violation. BE SURE to write all this down in the protocol!!! If possible, record it on a voice recorder - then you can punish the careless employee a little.


on challenging resolution No. ______________ dated ______________ in a case of an administrative offense.

The car belonging to me______________, UAH ______________ was forcibly evacuated from a section of the road network located at the address: Moscow, ______________. Resolution No. ______________, issued by acting. Deputy Head of the Moscow Road Inspectorate ______________ I was found guilty of committing an administrative offense under Part 5 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. An administrative fine of 3,000 rubles was established as punishment. To return the car that belonged to me, I was forced to pay for evacuation services in the amount of 5,000 rubles + a commission of 100 rubles.

I consider the evacuation carried out and the decision issued to be illegal and unfounded for the following reasons:

1. Absence of an offense event.

According to Appendix 1 to the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation “ROAD SIGNS”, sign 3.27 “Stopping is prohibited”, stopping and parking of vehicles is prohibited.

The coverage area of ​​sign 3.27 extends from the place where the sign is installed to the nearest intersection behind it, and in populated areas, in the absence of an intersection, to the end of the populated area. The effect of the signs is not interrupted at exit points from areas adjacent to the road and at intersections (junctions) with field, forest and other secondary roads, in front of which the corresponding signs are not installed.

The coverage area of ​​sign 3.27 can be limited by using it together with markings 1.4, while the coverage area of ​​the signs is determined by the length of the marking line.

The effect of sign 3.27 applies only to the side of the road on which they are installed.

From the above it follows that I did not commit an offense under Part 5 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, since the car was parked in that part of ______________ lane where there is no marking 1.4. As can be seen in the attached photographs, on the left side of ______________ lane, sign 3.27 is installed at the entrance to ______________ lane from the street. ______________, marking 1.4 is also applied there. The indicated marking ends after building 4 along ______________ lane and along building 2, page 1 there is no marking. The 3.27 sign on the left side is also no longer there. There is a sign on the right side, but it only applies to the right side of the lane.

Thus, the car is parked in the place where, according to traffic regulations, stopping and parking are permitted.

I reported these facts ______________ , this was indicated in the explanation in the protocol, however ______________ they were not taken into account when considering the administrative case. ______________ stated that his functions include only making decisions on the imposition of punishment. By these actions ______________ Articles 24.1, 24.5, 26.1 were grossly violated. and 29.9 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The resolution is based on the Protocol on Administrative Offense ______________, which contains false information.

The protocol indicates that the car was towed from the address ______________ lane, building 3/7. According to information from the Public Cadastral Map of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, such an address does not exist in the city of Moscow.

In addition, the car was parked near the house at ______________ lane, building 2, building 1, which should be visible in the photographic recording of the evacuation process.

I reported these facts to ______________, this was indicated in the explanations in the protocol, however ______________ they were not taken into account when considering the administrative case. These actions of ______________ grossly violated Articles 24.1, 24.5, 26.1. and 29.9 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Thus, it is obvious that Resolution No. ______________ was made using inadmissible evidence and in violation of the procedure for considering a case of an administrative offense, as well as in the absence of an event of an administrative offense.

In connection with the above, I ask you to cancel this resolution.

Result of appeal

10 days for consideration, 3 days for sending you a decision. There is no answer - we complain to the prosecutor's office, it is checked - it helps.

If there was an evacuation, after the resolution is cancelled, you submit a request for the return of 5100 to the State Administration of the AMPP. (Problems will most likely arise with this stage - I have not received the money yet, despite the canceled decree. I’m waiting. I will update the instructions as events develop.

If your complaint is denied, you can appeal the refusal in court. Instructions on how to do this and a sample complaint - .

There must be something I missed in the instructions. I will gladly accept any comments and add to the text. If you have any questions, ask.

No one can argue with the idea that movement is life. By the way, a moving car is no exception to this law of existence. But there are situations when the movement has to be interrupted. In traffic regulations this process is called “parking” or “stopping”. In a modern metropolis, by the way, the problem of stopping, and especially parking, is sometimes much more serious than the movement itself. Still would! Cities are filled to capacity with cars, and increasingly it turns out that the driver stops not where he can, but where he can find a seat. And sometimes such tricks, such as parking under a “No Parking” sign, end with fines, and in the worst case, the car being sent to the impound lot.

Description of the sign prohibiting parking

First of all, you should consider what the “No Parking” sign looks like. It has a round shape and is approximately 0.25 m in diameter. In places where there are no populated areas, its diameter should be at least 0.6 m. It has a blue background with a red border and inclined stripes.

About parking next to a “No Parking” sign

Violations can entail very serious consequences for motorists who are inattentive and frivolous about road signs and markings. Every year the size of fines for non-compliance with these regulations increases. So, for example, in the code published in 2014, for ignoring the requirement “Parking is prohibited” (sign), the fine is 1,500 rubles in any locality, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg it increases to 3,000 rubles. By the way, depending on the situation, it is also possible to detain the vehicle.

Therefore, to avoid this, you need to clearly understand how and in what territory this sign is valid, and take into account all the subtleties prescribed in the traffic rules on the road.

What is the difference between the concepts of “stop” and “parking”

For many road users, the concepts of “stop” and “parking” cause difficulties, and it is necessary to distinguish between them in order to avoid fines or, even worse, an accident.

To put it as simply as possible, these concepts differ in the duration of the process. A stop is a cessation of movement for a short period of time, while parking involves a longer period of time.

The rules explain stopping as no more than five minutes of deliberate braking, and parking is a cessation of further movement for a long time, which is also not associated with boarding or disembarking passengers, as well as unloading or loading luggage.

How does a no stopping sign work?

Since, of course, it cannot allow parking, we will call it this way: the “Stopping and parking prohibited” sign.

It is installed on a variety of sections of roads and, if there are no other signs that interrupt the action of what is being described, then its ban is extended until the first intersection. Please note that exits from courtyards or any areas do not equate to an intersection! If there are no intersections in the locality where this sign is installed, then the ban is extended to the border of this locality.

Most often, this sign is placed on bridges where the driver will have difficulty determining the boundaries of the structure while driving.

The restriction of its action has the same rules as those established for the “No Parking” sign. We will consider them below.

Effect of the “Stop, No Parking” sign

Let's figure out what exactly this sign prohibits and to whom. The main thing to remember is that it does not allow passengers to stop, disembark, or pick up from any type of transport except public transport and taxis.

The sign is placed on the right side of the road or above it. True, its effect is limited only to the side where it is installed. By the way, please note that the presence of this sign implies a ban on stopping on areas built for public transport, as well as in so-called “pockets”.

Roadsides and sidewalks are part of the highway, and accordingly, also fall under the scope of the described sign.

Is it possible to stop under a “No Parking” sign?

Now let’s move on to a more “democratic” “No Parking” sign. Drivers, especially those who have recently been behind the wheel, forget that it only allows parking, and stopping in its area of ​​operation is possible. If your vehicle is under the sign for no more than five minutes, as well as in cases where traffic is stopped in order to disembark or pick up a passenger (equivalently in order to unload or accept cargo), then the requirements of the rules will not be violated. In these cases, a stop is made that is not regulated by the said sign.

Limits of the ban

It is very important to clearly understand the boundaries within which the “No Parking” sign is valid. They start directly from the place where it is installed and stretch to sections of the road that will be listed:

  • this may be the intersection closest to your direction;
  • the zone can extend to the edge of a populated area;
  • the boundary of action can also continue to the place where the sign “End of the zone of all restrictions” is installed.

As soon as you cross the named sections of the highway, parking of vehicles is again permitted (it should be noted right away that only if there are no other prohibiting mechanisms prescribed in Section No. 12 of the Traffic Regulations). But the effect of the sign described is not interrupted in places where there is an exit from areas adjacent to the road (for example, courtyards or residential areas), as well as at intersections with unpaved roads, if not installed in front of them. By the way, please note that these rules apply equally to both the described sign and the “Stopping and parking prohibited” sign, which was mentioned above.

What information do additional signs on “No Parking” signs convey?

Their coverage area is sometimes and more specifically indicated with the help of additional information on plates or signs attached next to them.

So, for example, a sign with an image of an arrow pointing upward and a distance designation (822), combined with our sign, will indicate the distance to which the prohibition applies. As soon as you pass it, the ban ends and you can stop.

A sign in the form of an arrow pointing down (823) regulates the prohibition as follows: the prohibition zone ends, and the effect of the sign extends to the part of the road that is located in front of the place where the “Parking is prohibited” road sign and this sign are located.

A sign in the form of a double-sided arrow (up and down) once again makes it clear to the driver that he continues to be in the prohibition zone (824). That is, the mode that was established by the previous sign of the same type has not yet been canceled.

Signs in the form of arrows pointing left and right (825 or 826) are used to limit parking along the facade of any buildings. Parking under a “No Parking” sign is not permitted from the place where the sign is installed and in the direction of the arrows (or one of them). But the ban applies only to the distance indicated on the sign.

What do one or two stripes mean?

In some cases, the “No Parking” sign may also display one or two vertical stripes. They indicate that parking in the prohibited zone is not allowed only on odd (one stripe) or even (two stripes) days of each month.

It is also possible to have an alternation other than daily. In such cases, the stripes on the sign are replaced by dates that indicate the period of rotation. For example, from the 1st to the 15th and from the 16th to the 31st, alternating from the 1st to the 16th, every month.

In what cases is parking possible in the prohibited area?

By the way, the effect of the “No Parking” sign is also reduced by using the “Parking” sign (64). But it should be noted that this sign must in this case be combined with a sign indicating the distance over which the zone of this prohibition applies (821).

Along with the “No Parking” sign, in some cases you can also see markings on the asphalt, in the form of a yellow broken line, which is applied over the curb, along the edge of the sidewalk or roadway. It’s easier to say that if the marking ends, then the restriction ends, and parking is allowed again.

By the way, you must remember that the sign described in our article prohibits parking only on the side of the road where it is located.

Who is allowed to stop under a prohibitory sign?

Road users should remember that legally the described sign can be ignored by drivers who are disabled people of groups I and II, or by vehicles that transport such people of any age (including children), provided that this means of transportation is marked with the “Disabled” sign. Stopping under the “No Parking” sign is also permitted for taxis if they have a taximeter included, as well as for vehicles that are the property of the Federal Postal Service of the Russian Federation. The specified behavior is also permitted for vehicles that serve organizations, retail outlets, etc., if there are no workarounds for them in the prohibited area.

Conflict situations

Now, after reading the material presented to your attention, it may become easier for you to understand exactly how the “No Parking” sign and its more “strict brother” - “No Stopping” - work.

Unfortunately, quite often situations arise when a driver is punished for parking where it is prohibited, but at the same time stopping is allowed. In these cases, the inspector drawing up the protocol must provide evidence that the movement was stopped for more than 5 minutes and was not associated with loading and unloading. Remember this! But do not violate the established rules yourself, since only such behavior will help establish order on the roads, which means that the way to work or home will not be associated with a lot of unpleasant situations for you.

In recent years, innovations have appeared in our lives that came as a surprise to many. One of them was the collection of fees for parking vehicles in the central regions of Moscow. Without questioning the feasibility of this project, we will try to understand how and in what amounts payment is made, what paid parking sign is provided for by traffic regulations.

Measures to streamline vehicle parking

The increase in the number of vehicles on Russian roads has given rise to a number of problems. Among them, one of the most pressing is the difficulty of finding parking spaces on the busy streets of cities and towns. Paradoxical as it may seem, the driver is sometimes forced to leave the car not where he needs it, but where it is not prohibited.

However, finding such a place can be very difficult, because it is not for nothing that Section 12 provides for more than ten cases in which stopping or parking is prohibited. If we take into account that they are accompanied by some types of road markings, which also limit the parking space, then it is quite clear that this cannot but introduce unnecessary nervousness into traffic.

"Paid parking" sign in the traffic rules

To simplify the task of drivers, information road sign 6.4 “Parking (parking space)” was specially established. It indicates that the area in front of which it is installed, or some part of it, is specifically intended for parking vehicles. But the way our life works is that we have to pay for everything (except for the cheese lying in the mousetrap), so the joy of drivers is often overshadowed by the sign 8.8 “Paid services” attached to this sign. The photographs in this article will tell you what a paid parking sign looks like.

In our country, a lot of paid services (as opposed to free ones) are provided for owners of personal vehicles. It is enough to mention transport tax, insurance, fuel and lubricants and even travel on a number of highways. Therefore, the paid parking sign (photo below) is not something exceptional. He informs the driver that a certain fee is charged for using the parking area.

Signs that are widely used these days

The paid parking sign has become the same objective reality as rain, snow or it is impossible to fight it - you need to adapt to it and, if circumstances force you to be in the zone of its action, try to correctly fulfill all the requirements and not incur additional troubles in the form of fines provided for failure to comply with its instructions.

Paid parking signs in Moscow can be seen in the area limited by the outer radius of the Kremlin and Moskovskaya embankments. The sector within Chekhov Street and Tsvetnoy Boulevard reaches the outer side of the Garden Ring.

Paid parking zone designations

In order to accurately determine whether the “Paid Parking” sign applies to the area where the driver intends to leave his car, he must carefully look at exactly which road signs are in front of him. First of all, make sure that sign 6.4 “Parking (Parking space)” is present.

Then pay attention to whether there is a paid parking sign underneath it - “10 15 20” (image of coins), which was mentioned above. In addition, a sign may be installed on the road with an inscription informing that the driver is entering an area where a fee is charged for parking the car. It is important to keep in mind that if these signs are not present, then parking in this area is free.

The driver, before leaving the car in the place he has chosen, must keep in mind that the presence of appropriate markings and information posters may indicate that, when entering the parking zone, he did not see the “Paid parking zone” sign in a timely manner. In this case, it is recommended to double-check that it is missing.

It should be borne in mind that the paid parking zone ends when the driver sees the same paid parking sign in front of him, but crossed out by slanted lines. Signs with the inscription “You are leaving a paid parking zone” may contain similar information. It is important to note that the “Paid parking” sign does not apply to courtyards.

Questions related to paying for a parking space

Having finished talking about what sign indicates paid parking, you need to understand how it is paid for. This will help avoid many troubles. If the driver finds himself exactly in the area where paid parking signs are installed (in Moscow or any other city), it is very important that payment is made correctly and on time. To do this, he must know a few simple rules of this unpleasant but necessary procedure.

The “Paid Parking Zone” sign informs you that you have to pay, but does not indicate how much. You should know that the price in this case is fixed - one hour of parking costs fifty or sixty rubles. If you leave your car for less than fifteen minutes, parking is not paid. There are several forms of payment available. The most common is to transfer the payment amount via SMS message.

Pay for parking using mobile devices

To do this, the driver needs to send an SMS message from a smartphone or any other mobile device to 7757 with a text indicating the number of the parking lot where he is located and the registration number of his car. An asterisk is placed between them as a separator. For example: 1004*006 a 254. This message means that the estimated parking time does not exceed one hour, and fifty rubles will be debited from the driver’s account.

In the case of longer parking, X2 or X3, etc. is added to the text of the SMS message. In this case, the number after the letter X means the expected number of hours of stay where the paid parking sign is installed, and funds will be debited according to this. When fifteen minutes remain until the end of the specified time, the driver receives a message with an offer to extend, if necessary, the duration of the service provided to him.

To do this, he sends a new SMS to the same number with the text: X + a number from 1 to 24, indicating the duration of the stay. The rules also provide for early termination of parking and preservation of funds in the client’s parking account. In this case, the text of the SMS message is limited to one letter S or C, and the saved amount can be used next time.

Parking meter services

An alternative form of payment is payments made through parking meters, which are equipped in some Moscow parking lots. Payment in this case is made using bank cards or scratch cards. Detailed step-by-step instructions for making a payment can be found directly at the parking meter.

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