What are people called who have prophetic dreams? Prophetic dreams - how to develop a gift? Prophetic dreams - what are they?

Prophetic dreams are dreams whose events occur, but not every dream is prophetic. People see in dreams what they thought about during the day, a reflection of secret aspirations and dreams.

The ancients believed that during sleep the soul leaves the body, although it is tightly connected with the owner by invisible threads. The thread breaks only after the death of a person. An “empty dream” (about worries or worries), dreams when the soul travels nearby and does not leave the body for a long time. Prophetic dreams occur when a part of a person goes to the other world.

Prophetic dreams are rare, so there is no need to worry or think about the meaning of what you saw. Prophetic dreams come true if they are dreamed during the holy week (begins with the holiday of Christmas and ends with Epiphany). If you dreamed of a deceased person during this period, you should pay close attention to what he says or does. This will predict the move later life. There's no point in calling prophetic dreams with the help of magic, this can lead to disaster.

Some events are remembered by the subconscious, so it is sometimes difficult to determine the connection between an event and a prophetic dream.

Prophetic dreams occur on Religious holidays, V favorable days– every third day of the month. The 25th in 2016 is the time for “empty” chains of events; they should not be given importance. Prophetic dreams (some) occur on the night from Thursday to Friday, due to the fact that the latter is the day on which Christ was crucified.

The time of day affects the veracity of what is seen. The day may (but rarely) partially reflect a series of upcoming events. Evening sleep- a dummy without meaning, and the early night with the transition to the morning - prophetic. Even professionals in this field are faced with the problem of distinguishing empty dreams from prophetic dreams: it is difficult to find the line between them. The likelihood of a prophetic dream is high when it is early morning. At this time, the soul is far separated from the human body, tired of everyday problems and worries. If you are lucky and what you saw came true, then happiness awaits you only if you do not share the content of the dream with anyone.

When dreams come true

Not every night dream carries reliable information that intersects with reality. This is due to the work of the brain, during which moments of a person’s life are processed. On some dates of the month (depending on the lunar calendar), new moon periods and even days of the week, the dream will come true.

Dreams that occurred on the night of Tuesday and Saturday are not worth attention. The next day, the dreamed event will come true to one degree or another: people who dreamed at this time may soon meet in reality, or news will appear about them.

Prophetic dreams come on Friday night, but this event will not come true soon (you will have to wait until 50 years or more).

What you dream about on Sunday night comes true in life only before lunch, if nothing of what you saw happened - a dream without meaning. Hidden fears and doubts are embodied on the night of the first day of the week.

Prophetic dreams and lunar days of 2016

Prophetic dreams are determined by lunar days 2016. First day lunar phase- a kind of reflection of ongoing future monthly events, but you should not trust night visions, since the images that come at night act as sketches of phenomena and events - changing, complemented by other elements, sometimes opposite.

The first lunar day of the month symbolizes success and happiness. The vision on the second day is an instruction for taking actions, since events and images directly point to the path chosen for the sleeper. The next day reveals a person’s energy potential, which he may not even be aware of. A dream at this time is an impetus for new beginnings in the future, suggesting a way out of a difficult situation.

Pay attention to the 11th, 17th, 20th, 25th, 29th and 30th of the lunar month.

  • Eleventh day - harmony of existence with outside world person, and what he saw will come true in the near future.
  • Day 17 is characterized true dream, which will happen the next morning or in the next 3 days.
  • A vision I had at 20 lunar day, is interpreted only with positive side, besides, it will definitely come true.
  • Expect what you saw on the 25th day in the future: the connection with the water of these lunar days forces the subconscious to work.
  • You should expect the fulfillment of what you saw on the 29th lunar day soon, working through each image and element received in memory, but it happens that what you dreamed about symbolizes the logical conclusion of what recently happened to a person - a kind of summing up of the past.
  • On the last 30 days of 2016, get ready to make your dreams come true.

Dreams that occur on the 14th and 16th lunar days do not carry any information. There is no need to remember images and analyze what you see these days. In rare cases, they are true (if they appeared on the 22nd lunar day), they carry information about the obstacles that constantly stand in a person’s life and do not allow him to move forward.

On a note! Only vivid dreams, which are remembered, are subject to interpretation. You need to focus on visions where the sleeper directly influences what is happening and participates in events.

The analyzed “night pictures” include those in which close person reports the news. It is difficult to analyze dreams in which there is no relationship between the events that occur. This concerns the display of all kinds of letter inscriptions or the repetition of unknown names. Work on rearranging letters or syllables in words, change the sequence, find matches with familiar expressions. Keep a detailed diary to record parts of the visions, since the dreamer soon forgets an episode or detail.

A prophetic dream is a night vision that warns a person about what may happen to him in the future. This kind of vision most likely comes to every person, but not everyone understands and perceives their meaning.

The results of the studies showed that approximately 13-38% of people had at least one prophetic dream.

A real prophetic dream should directly, and not indirectly, predict future events. For example, a girl saw her in a dream own wedding, and after a while he actually receives a marriage proposal. Prophecies can concern not only personal life an individual, but entire states. For example, before the tragedy in New York on September 11, many people subsequently admitted that in their dreams they had already seen the disaster in great detail.

A person can see from 4 to 7 dreams per night. The average dream period is between an hour and two each night.

There are several types of prophetic dreams:

Pseudo-prophetic dreams. When a person himself adjusts events. For example, a snake. The dream book says that this means trouble. Man being impressed and in bad mood, he himself runs into conflict. As a result, trouble happens. It turns out that, but he was not prophetic.

Twin dreams. A phenomenon that often occurs in creative people or among scientists who devote all their time to solving one problem. It is well known that D. Mendeleev periodic table I just dreamed it in every detail.

Truly prophetic dreams. The situation in a dream is completely repeated in life. In 1741, Mikhail Lomonosov had a dream. The body of his father, washed up on an island in the White Sea. Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Mikhail learns from his brother that there has been no news of his father for four months. He, as usual, went fishing and disappeared. He knew the island that Lomonosov saw in his dream - he and his father had been there during his childhood. Mikhail sends a letter to the local fishing crew with details of where to look for the body of his missing father, and in fact the fishermen find it.

How should you treat prophetic dreams?

Under no circumstances should you take dreams to heart, much less model your own after them. life situations, but you shouldn’t just ignore them.

Human life is multifaceted and there is no specific program that everything should happen exactly this way and not otherwise. You shouldn’t take dreams as a final verdict and start preparing for the worst. Perhaps this is just a signal or a warning, and whether to listen to it or not is a personal matter for everyone.

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How a person manages to look into the future in a dream is not known for certain. But the fact remains: such dreams exist. Everyone dreams of them from time to time. Sometimes they are in the form of images, sometimes they directly indicate upcoming events, which happens less often and is more often characteristic of chosen people.

Do prophetic dreams exist?

Dreams can be prophetic. Millions of people around the world face this. But the prophetic dreams of famous people have gone down in history.

Abraham Lincoln's Prophetic Dream

For example, Abraham Lincoln 10 days before tragic death I had a dream that he was following a strange sound in the theater. He sees Big hall, coffin in the middle of the hall, guard of honor. He asks the guards who is in the coffin? And they answer him that it is the president, he was killed. Indeed, Lincoln was assassinated in the theater.

Prophetic dream of Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte often had prophetic dreams. At the beginning of it military career he dreamed of a beautiful, but tear-stained woman in disheveled clothes. She cried and begged him for something. Napoleon tried to console her. When leaving, the woman left him a ring. Napoleon correctly interpreted the dream: the woman is France, and the ring is a sign of autocracy and power. The commander had another prophetic dream after meeting with the Russian Tsar Alexander. It was horrible dream, in which the bear tore him apart. Subsequently, Napoleon was defeated by the Russian army.

Adolf Hitler's prophetic dream

In 1917, Adolf Schicklgruber, a corporal in the Bavarian army, had a dream that he was killed in a trench by an explosion. Having woken up, he crawled out of the trench like a sleepwalker and wandered away from this place. Minutes later, he was thrown aside by the blast wave. Having come to his senses, he returned to the trench and saw that all the soldiers had died. Two decades later, Adolf, who survived thanks to a prophetic dream, destroyed millions of lives in Europe and Russia, going down in history under the name of Adolf Hitler.

Prophetic dreams of other famous people

There is a version that the great Beethoven, who wrote “ Moonlight Sonata", at a time of great love and passion, I heard music in a dream. And getting up in the middle of the night, he began to transform what he heard into notes.

Dmitry Mendeleev, the great chemist, saw in a dream how chemical elements formed into the periodic table.

Sergei Korolev, as a child, found himself in a dream inside a rocket that he built himself.

American mechanic Elias Howe, having seen a dream about aborigines dancing with spears, understood how to make a sewing machine with a double stitch - the hole for the thread should be at the bottom of the needle point.

Why do we have prophetic dreams?

Many have tried to explain prophetic dreams world scientists. Sigmund Freud, a scientist of the last century, wrote in his work that especially sensitive people have prophetic dreams, whose brains are in permanent job. And at night, when extraneous thoughts do not interfere, the brain produces the result of a logically constructed chain in the form of a prophetic dream.

John Beslow, professor of medicine, expressed a hypothesis about the material nature of biofields. That is, everything in the world is interconnected, special people manages to connect to the World Consciousness and get answers to questions. Academician Leonid Prishchepa also confirmed this hypothesis, adding that all matter and energy of the universe are related by the general law of electromagnetic motion.

And if so, then theoretically any person can connect to the World Mind. We just need to know how this happens and how to make this process natural and not random.

When do prophetic dreams occur?

Prophetic dreams can happen any day. But they can be distinguished from meaningless dreams by the fact that prophetic dreams are memorable and vivid dreams. “Empty” dreams are confusing and incomprehensible.

It is believed that during the holiday week, prophetic dreams occur most often, since the line between worlds becomes thinner, and our departed relatives want to convey to us the information that, in their opinion, is important for us.

Dream theme:

At that moment I was finally convinced: yes, I see prophetic dreams. Do not consider me impudent and crazy, I am a hardened materialist, I do not believe in any mysticism, in any stupid signs, palmistry and astrology. This is all nonsense and a scam. Fun for women. I always interrupt when asked about my zodiac sign. I’m tired of hearing from astrologically gifted girls: “Oh, that’s it! Then it’s clear why you have such a character and why you don’t like Gemini...” Dream Interpretations are completely nonsense, a legacy of medieval obscurantism. Throw it away and forget it.

But dreams are a completely different thing. There are no stars here Mercury retrograde, it's all in our heads. And everyone sees prophetic dreams; I am not at all a unique biological object. It is only important to remember them.

As a child, I had a very scary dream about my mother. It came true twenty years later

My happiness and my misfortune is that I remember all my dreams that have a clear plot. Even if I see completely unknown character. Let's say a girl, a thin blonde with an elusive smile - I will remember her. I once dreamed about this, we wandered with her near tall Stalinist buildings, I tried to kiss her, she said: “Later!” Five years later, this girl appeared in my life; she lived in the Moscow State University dormitory, in the main building. I walked her to the door, tried to kiss her - oops! Here comes the dream. He immediately told her: “You are the girl from my long-cherished dream.” She smiled and decided it was a compliment. Why not? Let him think.

For several years I waited for her after sleep, and she appeared in that very “interior”. For those who are curious, I will say that I managed to kiss her. And even more.

Dreams do not always give the exact scenario of an event, sometimes its first act or even its last. Sometimes just a couple of scenes, fast, exciting, vague. Remembering everything is the law. I’ll explain why further.

When I was a child, I had a very scary dream about my mother. I remembered it forever. It came true twenty years later, when she became very ill and actually lost her mind. It came true almost exactly the same. When I saw that terrible dream, my mother was about 35 years old, she was a cheerful and healthy woman. This is also why the dream scared me so much when I was little.

But when, 20 years later, I discovered that the dream was coming true, no, I again did not think about mysticism. I was simply reliving what I was warned about as a child. Who warned? Me, my childish restless brain. I believe that when we set him free, he begins to consider all his options. He has so much information that there are a million options. But he is ours, dear, he cuts off obvious nonsense, builds viable schemes.

In the case of my mother, it already had all the information about our hereditary diseases, and what minor problems with blood pressure could lead to after many years is not so difficult to predict. We are just being warned: it may be so, get ready! That's why serious illness I endured my mother - no, not easier, of course - but as if I was already mentally prepared.

You must remember your dreams about yourself and not tell anyone. These are yours personal codes, appearances, passwords. And forecasts for the future

But we don't remember dreams. And some are looking for clues in dream books or asking sophisticated friends to comment. Oh yes, they will be happy, just give them free rein - they will tell you about the sky in diamonds. No, you need to remember your dreams and not tell anyone. These are your personal codes, logins, passwords. And forecasts for the future.

There is no need to be afraid of plane crashes or alien invasions; sometimes your brain just entertains you. Although in that same childhood I had a wonderful dream about how I made friends with a scary but kind alien. I remember I cried a lot when he had to return to his planet. And a few years later I saw the film “E.T. Extraterrestrial” and realized: my ugly friend visited Steven Spielberg that night. But as for your relationships, acquaintances and loved ones - sleep is in your hands! Dreams give very accurate predictions. Even in wild circumstances, with strange minor characters. This is not a movie, you have to cut out the unnecessary and capture the plots themselves. The cinema has not learned to show dreams at all, because it is impossible to recreate this phantasmagoria, which lasts only a few seconds.

Our brain is also very caring, thinks about others, calculates their options

Let's say, one day I was in the blues and sadness and suddenly had a bright dream: I laugh merrily in the company of former boss, there is some kind of carnival, celebration, music around. We are very pleased together. When I woke up, I said: “Nonsense!” The fact is that about two years before that, my boss and I had quarreled, I quit, and during rare meetings he didn’t even greet me. But what would you think? Another three years passed, and he suddenly called me: “Listen, do you want to work with me?”

We met. He forgot old grievances. We laughed merrily. No, there is no holiday around, just an office. But, it seems, he was even wearing a suit of the color that I dreamed about. Although this is already a random detail, a prank of my subconscious. You guessed the color, naughty! We started working together again. Nothing fancy really. Our vectors were always directed in one direction, it was just that the brain, freed from emotions, easily calculated this, but in my blues I could not. But I mentally prepared for his call in advance, because I remember dreams well.

Everyone sometimes dreams of sex with a person you don't pay attention to in life.

And the story with the husband and the accident It’s also not mystical. I knew that my husband, a businessman, works incredibly hard. Can doze off even during friendly get-togethers. Yes, his death, which I saw in a dream, is an extreme version. But he crashed on the way home from work. And I just saved him good car. Our brain is also very caring, it thinks about others, calculates their options. Therefore, if you see problems with your loved ones in a dream, you don’t need to hide them, it’s better to warn them. Maybe you'll save someone.

And finally, about the main thing. Erotic dreams. Everyone sometimes dreams of sex with a person you don’t pay attention to in life. You wake up and think: “Lord! Never mind!” And in vain. The dream won't give you any bad advice. Maybe this is just what you need. Take a closer look, will you? There may not be sex, but you will become close friends. This has happened to me. We are still friends with one girl.

Prophetic dreams are visions that are destined to come true. They predict the future and warn the dreamer. Having seen a prophetic dream, you can prevent an event or contribute to its occurrence.

But not all the dreams that people see are prophetic. A dream is a reflection inner world person.

It conveys character, emotions, experiences, aspirations, and indicates a person’s hidden resources. Therefore, every vision should not be considered prophetic.

Interpretation of dreams by dates of the month

Dreams can be interpreted by the days and dates of the month. Based on this classification, you can understand whether the dream carries some kind of load, or is a reflection of reality.

Let's look at which days of the month you can see a prophetic dream, and on which days this is only a psychosomatic effect on the human brain.

Day of the month Sleep characteristics
First On this day there is a prophetic dream, signifying joyful events, good news.
Second A dream on this day is called “empty”. It doesn't mean or promise anything. Therefore, if you dreamed of bad events, do not be upset, they will not come true.
Third The images you see will soon become reality. They will definitely come true in the near future.
Fourth It will come true, but not soon. This sign foretells events that will happen years later.
Fifth On this day of the month you have good dreams.
Sixth You will have to wait a little while for it to happen.
Seventh On the seventh, people see positive dreams. But if a person saw bad events, so that it does not come true, you cannot tell anyone about it.
Eighth What you see reflects the person’s wishes. To implement it you will have to put in a lot of effort. The result will depend on the dreamer himself and his desire to bring to life the images and situations he saw.
Ninth A harbinger of favorable events that will become a reality soon.
Tenth What you see will come true. The dreamer should prepare for bad omens and situations.
Eleventh Expect fulfillment eleven days after the dream.
Twelfth The dreamer should prepare for the fulfillment of a dream that promises favorable changes.
Thirteenth Expect unpleasant dreams to come true.
Fourteenth The images do not carry any omen.
The fifteenth Soon to become a reality.
Sixteenth Is "empty". It doesn't mean anything.
Seventeenth The situation seen will come to life within twenty days.
Eighteenth The dreamer should prepare for an improvement in his financial situation. Psychics say that it doesn’t matter what images a person saw on the 18th. The dream promises the purchase of new things, an increase in money.
Nineteenth Take what you see on the 19th seriously. It foreshadows changes in the family: quarrels, contentions, betrayals, omissions. Therefore, try not to provoke your spouse and close relatives in order to avoid conflict situations.
Twentieth Expect execution soon.
Twenty first The dreamed event will come true within the first eleven days.
Twenty second Be careful about your sleep. It foretells the fulfillment of unpleasant situations and warns of trouble.
Twenty third Expect fulfillment soon.
Twenty-fourth A prophetic dream promising favorable news.
Twenty fifth Don't trust what you dreamed. The situations seen will not come true, but will confuse the person and lead to the wrong trail.
Twenty sixth It won't happen soon.
The 27th "Empty" dream.
The 28th Expect fulfillment within the first thirty days.
Twenty-ninth Don't expect the dream to come true.
Thirtieth Having seen the event, do not entertain yourself with illusions. Such dreams rarely come true.
Thirty-first Expect what you see to come true. If the dream is about love, relationships, wedding, then expect fulfillment within the first fifteen days.

Prophetic dreams for church holidays

It has long been believed that prophetic visions occur on church holidays. In the old days, dreams were interpreted differently. But people at that time had one belief: a dreamed vision on one of the following church holidays can be changed.

In their opinion, this is a sign from above, which was given to people to prevent troubles, to realize their mistakes and sins.

Church holidays when prophetic visions occur:

  • Christmas.
  • Baptism. From Christmas to Epiphany, the dreamer may see dead people in visions, warning or foretelling future fate person.
  • Any religious holiday. The vision will be fulfilled before 12 noon.

Prophetic dreams often occur on Good Fridays before:

  1. Palm Sunday.
  2. Great Lent.
  3. Annunciation.
  4. Ascension.
  5. Trinity.
  6. Dormition.
  7. Happy Archangel Michael.
  8. Epiphany.

Interpretation by days of the week

Psychics are sure that the fulfillment of a vision also depends on the day of the week:

  1. Monday Tuesday. The dreamer sees “empty” visions that mean nothing.
  2. Tuesday Wednesday. A person dreams of situations that come true in the future. If you dreamed of a bad event on Wednesday, then this indicates that the person still has the opportunity to prevent its occurrence.

    This is a sign from above, warning against trouble. It symbolizes a person’s wrong actions, which may end badly in the future. Therefore, if the dreamer understands the essence of the vision in time and changes his lifestyle, he will be able to prevent trouble.

  3. Wednesday Thursday. The dreamer dreams of situations that are not destined to come true.
  4. From Thursday to Friday. Visions will come true during the first three years.
  5. From Friday to Saturday. Don't expect fulfillment.
  6. Saturday Sunday. Visions come true before 12 noon.

Many interpret visions by time of day:

  • Daytime. More often it is not destined to come true, since the brain works during the day, so dreams seen are reflections mental state person.
  • Night. At night, there is a high probability that the vision will come true.

Classification of prophetic dreams

Psychics say that prophetic dreams are divided into the following groups:

  • Literal. This means that what a person saw will come true after a period of time.
  • Symbolic ones predict the future indirectly. Example: the girl saw wedding rings. This means that she will soon become a bride. If a cup breaks, expect health problems, etc.

Symbolic ones need to be interpreted according to dream books. They offer clues to details that play an important role. But it is worth remembering that today there are a large number of dream books. Therefore, it is better for a person to study several meanings according to different dream books and combine them into one.

Psychics advise trusting the dream book of birthday people. This dream book is listed according to the month of birth of a person and has some of the most accurate interpretations.

Interpretations according to the solar and lunar calendar

Many people wonder whether it is possible to provoke the appearance prophetic vision. There is no clear answer to this question.

But astrologers say that it is possible to provoke visions. You need to go to bed during the waxing moon. It is forbidden to think or worry while leaving for the kingdom of Morphine. The person's brain and body should be completely relaxed.

According to astrologers, prophetic dreams can be interpreted by lunar calendar. Deduced by astrologers special days months when people can see prophetic visions.

Prophetic visions occur on many days of the month. They appear more often than “empty” dreams.

Nothing is meaningful visions can be seen on the following dates of the month:

On other days you can see prophetic visions.

Solar calendar (when prophetic visions are not dreamed):

No one has yet been able to fully understand the secret of dreams. Today, the opinions of psychics and scientists differ. But as practice shows, many dreams actually predict future events and warn people.

You should pay attention to those visions in which dead people come. According to psychics, they come to warn a person about trouble. Therefore, this should not be taken lightly.

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