What are the lines on the hand called? Palmistry, Palmistry

Palmistry – ancient system fortune telling by hand or by the skin texture of the palms. It has been known since ancient times, since the time of Aristotle. The very first books, which carefully describe the system of palmistry, appeared in Germany in 1448. There are also times when it was taught at universities.

In general, fortune telling is a method of fortune telling with which you can learn about a person’s spiritual qualities, talents and future successes. By opening this curtain of the future, a person learns about his fate and what is destined for him in the future.

If you are thinking about how to learn to tell fortunes by hand, we will try to help you with this. There is no need to memorize a large amount of knowledge. It is very important to familiarize yourself with the basics of palmistry and practice from time to time on friends, acquaintances and relatives. If you really want, with diligence and patience, you can become an excellent palmist.

General examination of hands

In order to find out a person’s character, it is not necessary to delve into palmistry itself. It is enough to look at your hands, that is, to perform a general inspection. To do this, take the leading hand.

If, when feeling the hand, a certain roughness of the skin is noticed, this means that the owner of the hand has a straightforward character. A cold and thin hand, on the contrary, speaks of sophistication and tenderness.

If you look at the shape of your hand, you can easily see that it is different for everyone. The owner of a square palm is likely to have a direct and practical character. An outstretched palm speaks of the impressionability and suspiciousness of its owner.

Finger length also provides additional information. Short fingers are usually found in energetic and superficial people. The presence of long fingers indicates a pedantic and stubborn character. If a person has fingers middle length, which means he doesn’t have that much pronounced character, that is, he is both stubborn and superficial in moderation.

Main lines

After examining your hands, you can begin to tell fortunes by hand. Each hand has its own pictures and they are different for everyone. In the form of pictures in palmistry, 4 main lines are considered: the line of the heart, head (mind), life and fate, and the latter is not found in all people.

To begin with, let’s decide which hand to use to guess. Many books say that when choosing a hand, it is important who is doing the guessing: a man or a woman. It’s best not to worry about this, but to choose according to this principle: dominant hand (if you are right-handed, then right hand) will tell the fortuneteller about the past and present, and the other hand (non-dominant) will tell about future events.

Heart line

Fortune telling by hand must be taken seriously. Otherwise, joking and having fun, you can predict a completely wrong fate.

The heart line will tell its owner about emotional stability, the degree of romance and heart health. It starts under the little finger from the edge of the palm and goes in the form of a curve to the index finger.

Heart line values ​​according to various characteristics:

  • If it ends between the index and middle fingers, then this means that the person has an open character, he has many friends and acquaintances who appreciate and love him.
  • If it is quite short, then its owner is restrained in emotions and not romantic.
  • If the line of the heart ends at the middle finger, then this means that the person cares more about his own problems than about other people’s.
  • If it goes to the base of the index finger, then the person is a perfectionist and demands from people appropriate behavior that is close to ideal.
  • Long and curved - indicates easy expression of emotions.
  • A circle crossing the line indicates sadness or a depressive character.
  • A breakup indicates emotional trauma suffered.

Head (mind) line

The second main line in palmistry is the head line. It shows exactly how its owner uses his mental abilities.

  • If it is short, then its owner relies more on his logic rather than on fantasy and imagination.
  • Uneven and curved means that a person has creative abilities.
  • The long one is about clear and focused thinking. A person with such a line likes to complete everything.
  • Circles and crosses indicate an emotional crisis.
  • A straight line indicates realistic thinking.

Life line

The life line will tell about a person’s love of life, love for himself and the people around him.

Many believe that its length is directly related to a person’s life expectancy. Fortunately, this is a misconception that scares and stresses many people.

Its values ​​according to various characteristics:

  • If the line is quite far from the thumb, then the person has great vitality and vitality.
  • If it is located close to the finger, then its owner lacks vital energy.
  • If it is short and shallow, then the person is easily manipulated by strangers.
  • The presence of several life lines indicates high vitality and good health.
  • The circles talk about the hospital and possible illnesses.
  • If it looks like a pronounced semicircle, then the person is plump great strength and enthusiasm.

Line of fate

When fortune telling by hand, the fate line is not found in all people. Starting at the base of the palm, it very often crosses the line of the head and heart.

Its values ​​depending on some characteristics:

  • If it is quite deep, then a person’s life is controlled by fate.
  • If it crosses the life line, then its owner has great support from parents and friends.
  • If it crosses the life line in the middle of its line, it means that a person will think not only about himself, but also about people close to him.
  • If it begins simultaneously with the line of life, then a person creates his own destiny.

Children's line

Taking advantage of fortune telling, women will not miss the opportunity to find out about the number of children she may have. Finding out the number of children, as well as the gender of the unborn child, is quite simple.

First, when fortune telling by hand, you need to find the marriage line, which displays the number of children. It is necessary to remember the fact that the possibility of having so many children is displayed on the hand, but does not mean that the person will have exactly the number that is displayed on the hand.

Let's look at a clear example of a hand.

This hand displays two marriage lines. They are marked in red and parallel to the heart line. There are no vertical lines on the first marriage line No. 1. This means there were or will not be children in this marriage at all.

There are two vertical lines on the second marriage line. The one at No. 2 is short, which means the baby will be a girl. The dash under No. 3 is long, which means the birth of a boy. Consequently, in the second marriage the number of possible children will be equal to two, namely a boy and a girl.

An important rule for all palmists is that when reading palms, it is important to take into account the lines on both the right and left hands.

If a specialist looks at only one of your hands, then he is nothing more than a charlatan who knows nothing about palmistry.

Many people interested in palmistry often ask questions: which hand should be used to tell fortunes and what does the left and right palm reflect?

In palmistry, a distinction is made between a passive and an active hand. For right-handed people, the active hand will be the right, and the passive hand will be the left. For left-handed people the opposite is true.

Passive palm in palmistry: The passive palm shows what a person was born with. From it you can learn about the character that was formed in childhood, about what parents invested in a person, what was given to him by fate. The passive hand is also used to determine the origins and causes of events in life. The passive palm also tells about the life span, or more precisely about how many years a person was allotted at his birth. This hand also reflects a person's past.

Active palm in palmistry: The lines on the active palm show what a person has done himself, how he has changed his life and what was given to him from birth. In other words, the active hand reflects a person’s activities throughout his life and how exactly he disposed of what was given to him by fate.

By the active palm you can recognize the present and future of a person, since it shows everything that a person does, what he strives for, what he thinks and dreams about.

How to tell fortunes by hand: In order to compose full picture the fate of a person needs to be guessed andon the right and left hand. This allows the palmist to see impending events or problems and warn a person about changes in his destiny.

For example, if on the passive hand the life line is long, deep and clear, but on the active hand it is weakly expressed or has breaks and islands, then this is a direct sign that the person is managing his life incorrectly. And here the main task of the palmist is to tell the person that he urgently needs to change something in his life.

Which hand should you use to guess? The answer is obvious - both on the left and on the right. The main thing is to remember the meaning of the left and right palm and accordingly interpret the information correctly.

The ability to understand the lines on your hands is the key to unraveling our future. Map of life – there’s no other way to call our palms. You don't have to be a trained professional to read them.

We invite you to predict your destiny yourself!

So let's begin!

To begin with, look only at the hand that is your dominant. For a right-hander it is the right, for a left-hander it is the left.

Focus on her. You have to find 4 main lines in the palm of your left hand: lines of heart, mind, fate and life

First, pay attention to the heart line. It should be read from the outer edge of the palm (the beginning of the path and your life) to the inner.

If the heart line rises from the outer edge and ends under the index finger, you are happy with your personal life.

If this line ends under the middle finger, then in love you are an egoist, and in relationships everything is done for your sake.

If the heart line ends even earlier, between the middle and ring finger- you are amorous.

If the line is straight and short, you are not a romantic, you do not need this paraphernalia in a relationship.

If the heart line is directly under your fingers, you are a jealous and very passionate partner.

If the line is long, you tend to hide your true feelings.

If the heart line crosses the life line, it is easy for you to break your heart.

If the heart line curves (means upward) towards the index finger, you are an affectionate person who cares about tactile contacts in personal relationships.

If the line of the heart is parallel to the line of the mind, you know how to keep your heart cold and control your feelings with the help of your mind.

If the heart line is wavy, you have had many relationships in your life, but none of them were serious.

If this line has breaks, you have experienced serious heartache or grief related to personal relationships.

If there are many small strokes on the heart line that intersect it, then you have difficulty remaining faithful to your regular partner, constantly looking around.

If the line of the mind is short, then you focus on physical labor and achievements rather than mental work.

A long line across the entire palm - you rely on logic in everything, you like to think about and analyze events.

If the line is wavy or zigzag, you easily lose concentration, distracted by extraneous things and external stimuli.

If the line ends downwards, then you are trusting and creative.

If the line of mind does not cross the line of life, you are looking for adventure and new experiences, never sit still.

If there are curls or breaks on the line of the mind, you have experienced or will experience an emotional crisis.

If there are obvious intersections on the line with small strokes and especially crosses, these are places of fateful decisions that will be on your life path.

Now let's look at the life line. It is correct to read it from above, i.e. from the place between the thumb and index finger, to the wrist.

If the life line is long and deep, i.e. is clearly visible throughout, then you try to feel the taste for life without missing out on any opportunities.

If the line is short and faintly visible, you are not an ambitious person at all.

If the life line has a good bend, you strong man. You have a will that is difficult to break.

If the line is almost straight or direct, you are cautious in communicating with new people.

If the life line is interrupted, you have had sudden changes in your lifestyle. And if curls or circles are visible on the line, there were serious injuries, injuries, hospitalizations.

If you have more than one such line, or your life line constantly bifurcates, you are a very lively person, full of energy and strength.

And finally, we look at the line of fate. It is read from the bottom (from the wrist) up.

If the line of fate goes clearly and evenly upward, you are a careerist, and your work is the most important thing for you. You will achieve greatest success specifically in career matters.

If the line is faintly visible, you are not happy with your job and choice of profession.

If there are many branches and touches from your fate line, you often started new things, changed jobs.

If your fate line seems to branch off at the base from the life line, you are a person who has raised himself, who influences the minds and actions of others and is able to inspire young people.

If the line of life and destiny intersect somewhere in the middle, then you will be forced somewhere along the path of life to sacrifice your interests for the sake of others.

If the fate line starts at the base of the thumb and then crosses the life line, you have strong family support, most likely even family business, common cause.

10 signs that are signs that a person is destined to be rich and successful.

The line of fate is directed towards the index finger. This suggests that a person has found his calling in life and can easily achieve material well-being.

Double or triple fate line- a sign of talent and giftedness. This means that a person can realize himself in several areas of activity.

Fork on the heart line, directed towards the index finger. This sign on the palm in palmistry speaks of a person’s success in society, respect and recognition.

Branches on the life line going up, talk about a person’s success. Each line is happy event, victory, achievement.

Triangle or square at the base of the index finger indicates that the person is protected. He will be spared misfortunes, disasters and illnesses.

Money triangle. If the line of mind, the line of life and the line of fate form a triangle in the center of the palm, then a person has a great opportunity to get rich.

Double or triple life line speaks of a person’s luck, inexhaustible energy and fortitude. These qualities undoubtedly help him achieve success. Also thissign in palmistryalso called guardian angel protection. If the life line is double or triple, then this means the protection of a strong guardian angel.

Double heart line speaks of good health and physical endurance.

Double line of mind indicates that a person has extraordinary thinking, a creative nature and the ability to predict a situation in advance.

Many squares and triangles on the palm in palmistry it is also considered very good sign. These symbols are considered protective.

All these signs and lines on the palm in palmistry are lucky symbols. If you find at least three of these ten signs on your hand, then you have a very happy fate.


Degree of openness along the lines on the hand: The distance between the line of the heart and the line of the mind speaks about a person’s openness. If these two lines are close to each other, then this indicates a closed character. It is difficult for such a person to make new acquaintances, he has few close friends and is not very frank with others. A large distance between the line of the mind and the line of the heart speaks of an open and sociable nature.

Degree of sympathy: Can a person empathize or is he indifferent to everything? The location of the heart line relative to the fingers will tell you about this. If this line is located low on the palm in relation to the fingers, then this indicates a person’s ability to sympathize, help and sympathize. If the heart line is high, then this indicates coldness and indifference.

Logic degree: Is a person logical in his actions and decisions, or is he used to being guided by his feelings and intuition? This can be recognized by the size of the second phalanx of the thumb. If it is longer than the first phalanx, then it means that a person tends to think logically. If the phalanx is short, then the person does first, and then thinks.

The degree of confidence and self-esteem along the lines on the hand: The length of the index and ring fingers tells about a person’s self-esteem. If these fingers are equal in length, then this indicates healthy self-esteem. If forefinger in short, nameless, this indicates self-doubt. If the index finger is longer, then this indicates strong ambitions and self-confidence.

Willpower and endurance in palmistry: You can tell about willpower by the Mount of Venus (the base of the thumb, the protruding part of it). If the hill is well developed and hard, and the life line bends around it in a strongly curved arc, then this indicates well-developed willpower and endurance of the person. A soft Mount of Venus with a weakly defined life line is a sign of weakness, both physical and moral.

When fortune telling by hand and using your knowledge of palmistry, do not forget that you need to look at both palms. Only then will the whole picture of a person’s personality be revealed to you.

Everything unknown has attracted man since ancient times. One of the most mysterious sciences is palmistry. The lines of the hand will be able to tell everything about a person that he wants to hide. At the same time, they will tell who a person really is, and not how he sees himself. Decoding hand lines is one of the most universal methods, allowing you to learn about the subject’s character, his preferences, and the opportunity, if you’re lucky, to look into his future: distant and not so distant. Palmistry will tell you how to approach a person and what to expect from him.

What is palmistry?

The lines on the hand can tell a lot about a person. Palmistry can describe your future based on formulas on your hand that are incomprehensible to the average person.

Main lines on the palm

In total, there are six main lines found on our palms: the Life line, which includes the Mars line, as well as three rosette bracelets; line of Fate; Head line; the Liver line, containing the path of voluptuousness and the line of Intuition; the line of the Sun and, of course, the line of the Heart, which includes the line of unity and

Line colors

As you probably already know, the colors of the lines on the palm have great importance in palmistry. If we turn to the science of hand reading, which originated in India, we can identify fourteen types of lines that dot the palm.

A rich person is defined by bright, clear and narrow lines. If there are pale lines on the hand, then this means that the subject's health is poor, and he also lacks determination and vitality. Barely noticeable, dry lines are also a sign of trouble. Yellowness indicates that there is an excess of bile in the subject’s blood, he is proud, reserved and, most likely, selfish. Red lines indicate that you have an active and quick temperament, as well as a good mood. The vengeful, arrogant and unforgiving nature of a person is revealed by dark lines. If the lines are deep, then the person is happy and merciful. T

thin lines indicate the acquisition of wealth. The triangle in the very center of the palm also speaks of a favorable fate. Lack of energy, loss of goodness and complete lack of vitality are revealed by broken lines. Sorrows are indicated by short lines, which tend to branch. Uneven lines directed downwards are also considered unfavorable. Lines that are out of place on the palm are considered the same. The complete opposite is rounded and deep lines, which have clarity, brightness and the necessary length.

Possible line defects

Fortune telling on the hand by lines, or palmistry, teaches that only those lines that are well colored and narrow are favorable. However, on each hand there may be a variety of broken, uneven or loose lines that are of dissimilar color. They contain all kinds of symbols and signs, in most cases showing defects in the lines on the palm, which are unfavorable to one degree or another.

A wavy, chain, broken and unclear line or a line with an island indicates that the body is weakened. If the line is broken, then this promises obstacles, illness, troubles and betrayal. A line ending in a brush indicates that it has dissipated and the subject is sore, weak and lacking any good qualities. A star located on one of the main lines is considered an extremely unfavorable sign. As a rule, it means an accident, shock, misfortune or fatal misfortune, even death. But this must be confirmed by other marks on the hand. If any lines cross the hand, with the exception of the line of the Heart and Head, then they are considered an unfavorable sign. Lines intersecting and stopping there are a bad sign, as they should continue further. If there is a deeply expressed cross on the line, then it symbolizes an obstacle or is evidence of poor health or global changes in life. It is a bad sign if the line is split and weakened. If there is a dot on the line, then it indicates disorder and disturbance. The cross member on the line is also bad sign, which denotes health defects or an obstacle. The deeper it is, the more the line, after its break, turns back to its source.

The lines on the hand change - trouble or happiness?

The signs on the palm have psychological significance. The brain both creates and modifies the lines on the hand. Fortune telling on the hand by lines states that these changes occur only on branches or on lines tending upward or downward that depart from the main ones.

The main lines do not change: neither in structure, nor in direction. That is, they talk about what life path destined for a person, and also show his natural course of life. Whereas small lines, which tend to appear and disappear, tell about events that can happen in a short period of time, and also reflect what a person is thinking and feeling, his recent ideas and small goals.

Deciphering the lines of the hand will allow you to recognize a person as he is. He will not be able to appear different or change the pattern on his hands on purpose.

Which signs are especially favorable?

Decoding the lines of the hand speaks of the following three signs, the presence of which will only benefit the owner. Let's look at them in detail.

First of all, it should be noted that double lines on the hand, as a rule, mean something favorable and do not promise any illness or trouble.

The first sign is a trident, which is located at the end of a line. Often this sign is located at the ends of the line of Fate, Health, Sun. However, it can be located on any other line that is located vertically. If, while describing the lines on your hand, you notice a trident, then know that financial success and other favorable events await you. However, it must be well defined and clearly visible.

The second favorable sign is a square, meaning protection. Its function is to protect against danger that threatens a person. Decoding the lines of the hand as a science suggests that a square on any line provides protection for a person from an excess of the qualities that the line symbolizes. This sign will protect the subject from all kinds of financial losses, from loss of profession or position, as well as from failure in everyday situations. Palmistry says that a square standing on the Head line prevents all sorts of dangers to the brain. If this mark is close to the line of Fate and is located under the Mount of Saturn, then it means the opportunity to avoid an accident. A square located on the Heart line means that the subject may have worries associated with a dearly loved loved one. If there is a mark on the Mount of Saturn, then this indicates an impending serious misfortune that will soon befall the loved one.

One more in most cases auspicious symbol- This is a monetary sign that is formed by lines on the hand. A triangle formed from the line of Fate and the line of Mind promises financial success.

Life Line

The very first line that appears on the palm of a person is It begins to form at the stage of embryonic development, when it is only eight weeks old. After the appearance of the Life line, the Mind line begins to form.

It should be noted that all these marks on the child’s hands appear long before he gets the opportunity to move or show any activity, so they cannot be considered freely formed folds that were formed due to the fact that the person worked with his hands, as they say some skeptics.

So, a unique indicator of the love of life and vitality of an individual is the Life line. It is she who is able to reflect both the amount of vitality that a person possesses and the quality of his life. Also, the Life line illustrates how resilient, strong and energetic the subject is.

Heart Line

The main line, closest to the base of the fingers, is the Heart line. This mark on the palm can tell about a person’s emotional sphere. Along the line of the Heart, one can understand what kind of relationships the subject has with the people around him. It originates on the edge of the palm under the little finger, and ends, as a rule, in the area between the index and thumb. That is, the Heart line crosses the entire palm.

It is located near the edge of the palm under the little finger. If it rises up, then this indicates that the person cannot get married. For those who do not want to start a family and for those who have lost their spouse, a widow's line appears on their hand. A variant of this line is considered to be the ring of Mercury.

Head Line

This is one of the main lines found on the hand. The Line of the Head, or Mind, speaks of a person’s intelligence. Along this line you can find out how the subject thought on different stages own life. It can also be used to determine what a person’s approach to a decision is. life problems and troubles, as well as learn about his attitude to life in general.

Palmistry believes that the intellect of the owner is regulated by the length of this line. But it is worth noting that even if the Head line is long enough, this does not mean at all that a person will be able to realize his full mental potential. Why? Because a subject with a short line of Mind, striving to succeed in life, will achieve where great success than a subject with a long line, lazy to somehow express himself.

Line of Fate

The line on the hand, located in the center and vertically crossing the palm, is It originates at the wrist and tends upward to the base of the fingers. Interesting feature This line is that it can start at absolutely any point at the base of the palm. But, as a rule, it originates approximately in the center and tends to the middle finger.

The Line of Fate testifies to what life aspirations drive a person, speaks of his capabilities and desire to achieve success in life. If there is only one line of Fate in a person’s palm, it means that for a long period of time he will work in order to realize his dream, or in order to achieve a specific goal.

Palmistry (palmistry), or popularly just fortune telling by hand, is often called pseudoscience by scientists, but not everyone is given the ability to predict future events in life or fate based on the lines on the palms and other signs. This is complex, painstaking work, a comparison of facts, and not the imagination of a fortuneteller. Therefore, a few lessons for beginner palmists or those who decide to have an interesting time with friends will not be superfluous.

Palmistry is a science that studies the relationship between lines and patterns on the hands and events in life.

The most important lines in palmistry

There are a large number of lines on the palms, but there are 14 basic ones.



  • Path of Voluptuousness;
  • Line of Mars;
  • Line of Intuition;
  • Travel Line;
  • Mercury line;

The main ones provide information about the spiritual and practical sides of the personality, and the additional ones – about current life. There are also duplicate symbols that make the meaning of the main ones more clear.

Which hand to guess by

Palmists, as a rule, reveal the future by the active hand: the one with which people write, but they give a complete prediction using both. The inactive hand indicates what is destined by fate and the past, and the active hand talks about the present and shows possible actions that influence the course of the future.

It is believed that the lines on the hand most accurately reflect individuality, and an experienced palmist is able to trace the path from the past to the future.

Therefore, the choice of hand for fortune telling depends not only on whether you are right-handed or left-handed, but also on the purpose - what kind of information you want to receive.

It is worth remembering that the signs on the palms show only general information about abilities creative potential and the approximate future of people. However, you can only change your life on your own.

What are the lines on the palms?

The absence of kinks and irregularities, and on bends, indicates their favorable significance.

Pale colors of the lines indicate health problems and a weak flow of vital energy. A reddish color is evidence of optimism, activity and an influx of positive energy, while a yellowish color indicates liver disease and is often found in closed and narcissistic individuals. Dark colors talk about serious attitude to life, arrogance and restrained expression of emotions and feelings, vindictiveness and rancor.

The meaning of lines in palmistry

Psychological and biological characteristics are reflected on their palms. Here you can also find prophetic symbols, information about mental and physical condition. At the same time, to understand the meaning of the signs, it is important to take into account their length and location.

Life Line

It appears on the palm first and does not change over time. Displays a person’s vitality, energy, and possible prospects. Lines rising from it symbolize favorable opportunities, while lines descending indicate health problems.

  • Closely intertwined with the Head line, it distinguishes suspicious and vulnerable people. These people should focus on their own interests and believe in themselves.
  • It does not always mark the exact moment of death, only approximately making it clear how much is measured out to a person. Other symbols and bends, crossing the Life Line, are responsible for the likelihood of accidents.

Belt of Venus

Thanks to the Belt of Venus, you can find out how emotional a person is, about his behavior in love relationships and devotion.

  • On long and narrow hands, the presence of the Venus belt speaks of sensuality and emotionality, on wide and flaccid hands - about susceptibility to the influence of vices.
  • Regarding Marriage, it may indicate excessive eroticism, which negatively affects relationships.

Line of the Head (Mind)

The next symbol will tell you about intellectual abilities, intelligence and confidence.

  • Separating from the Life line at the starting point, it characterizes the owner as an independent, impetuous individual.
  • Connecting with Life at the starting point, it speaks of a tendency to take offense.
  • If it originates on the Mount of Mars, and not at the end of the Life line, it can mean nervousness and a rather irritable nature.

Health Line

The absence of this sign is considered a good sign, as it indicates health problems.

  • If Health does not intersect with the Life line and bends away from the latter, this indicates irritability, some nervousness, which does not harm the physical condition at all.
  • If starting point Health intersects with the Heart, it is worth paying attention to possible problems with organs of the cardiovascular system.

Heart Line

Displays the emotional component of human nature: love, loyalty and devotion.

  • One of the rare combinations when the lines of the Heart and Mind are laid in a straight line through the palm, connecting to the starting point of Life. It denotes the aggravation of all feelings, which is why such people often feel uncomfortable in society, and their lives develop in an unusual way.

Line of Fate

It is responsible for success. It starts at the bottom of the palm and extends to the Mount of Saturn.

  • Breaks and various kinds of defects on it indicate difficulties in the professional sphere.
  • The merging of the principles of Fate and Life indicates attachment to relatives, to the family, dependence on the opinions of parents and closest relatives.
  • When Fate stops at the Heart, a person’s future can be destroyed due to unbridled feelings or emotions that burst out. Perhaps we are talking about love.

Line of the Sun (Apollo)

It originates in the lower part of the palm and “runs” along it to the tubercle of the Sun. Testifies to the successful implementation of a person in various fields, but is not always present on the hand. Displays moments of professional growth, achievements and success.

  • If the starting point of the Sun is located at any point in Life, you have a creative nature awaiting success.
  • If the starting point of the Sun is located above the Heart line, a person will be able to fully realize himself, but only at an older age.

Line of Voluptuousness

Short and small, it runs parallel to the line of Mercury or tangentially connects the tubercles of Venus and the Moon, revealing susceptibility to the influence of base instincts.

Line of Mars

Runs along the line of Life, means good health and prosperity.

Marriage Line

It’s easy to guess what it’s talking about: the duration and number of marriages, well-being in the family field.

Line of Intuition

Starting on the hillock of the Moon, the semicircular Intuition moves towards the hillock of Upper Mars or Mercury. It is used to judge the development of intuition and the presence of mystical and supernatural phenomena and events in a person’s life.

Travel Line

Starting on the line of Life or in the center of the tubercle of the Moon, a small horizontal line runs across the palm - Travel, symbolizing travel, including outside the home country.

Mercury line

Another additional sign originating in the lower part of the palm. Gives information about health, business abilities and intelligence.

Wrist Rings

Usually there are 3 rings around the wrists.

  • If the lines rise upward from the rings, expect trips abroad and unexpected wins.

Children's Lines

Width and depth indicate the gender of the child: wide and deep - expect a son, lines are weakly expressed - a daughter.

It would be difficult to reveal all the secrets and features of palmistry in one article, but we still provided the basic knowledge.

Who knows, maybe this is your calling!

If you look at your palms you will see there mysterious lines, arranged in a certain order. Few people think about what they mean. And even if they think about it, or read something somewhere, they don’t believe in all this nonsense.

Meanwhile, experienced practicing palmists even cooperate with the secret services, because they can very easily decipher the palm of any person, tell everything in detail about his life, his small and big weaknesses, psychological characteristics, open his future.

These mysterious lines on the palm of every person were noticed by ancient people. They compared the events taking place in a person’s life with changes in the pattern on his hands. The ancients were also surprised by the fact that the palm patterns of all people are completely different. One palm is completely different from the other.

Thus, the science of reading lines on the palm was born, which we call the mysterious word palmistry.
Usually, newcomers to palmistry are only interested in the life line. It is from this that it is believed that it is possible to predict the life expectancy of each individual person.

Where and how to look at the life line?

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The line of life is the same line that comes out from the line of the head and, going around the Mount of Venus, goes down to the wrist. Although, it depends on who. For some, it is so short that it reaches only the middle of the palm, or even shorter. For others, this line does not go straight down, but bends and turns to the right towards the Mount of the Moon.

Life line full transcript

It is a common misconception to believe that it is along the line of life that duration is determined. human life. Although we once saw a little girl with such a short life span, which, according to our calculations, did not even reach 20 years of life. And so it happened.

That girl died at the age of 18 along with her boyfriend in a tragic and ridiculous death.

It also happened to us to see a very strong man with excellent health, who had an even, deep, clear and very long life line, and even the same companion next to her. Such a line could promise its owner that he would live to at least 120 years.

However, this man died at the age of 68, although it was not a natural death in the full sense of the word - the man died from a death spell cast upon him.

So, you already understand that an even, deep, clear and very long life line without dots or islands indicates that its owner is lucky enough to have good health and the same reinforced concrete psyche. It's hard to piss him off. He can withstand serious psychological stress, has a strong will and is very resilient, in every sense of the word.

Two life lines on the hand

The presence of a companion along the life line (this is exactly the same line, running next to the life line in the same direction) shows that this individual also has excellent genetics, which helps him a lot in life.

In addition, a person with such a hand is an extremely extraordinary person and has the strongest energy, capable of self-healing and pulling himself out of the most difficult situations.

People who can raise themselves from wheelchair, these are, most often, individuals with such a life streak. They are considered lucky and darlings of fate. Such people are waiting for brilliant military career. And if your lines are also reddish, then you are too loving, and spend your abundant energy on the opposite sex.

If you are such a person, remember that there are too many envious people around you, beware. As we have already written, a person with such an amazing life line and powerful energy was sent to the next world with the help of very severe damage to death.

What does the life line on the hand mean?

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If your line is thin, barely noticeable, then you are too suspicious and impressionable, most likely possessing poor health and an unstable psyche. Such people are easy prey for energy vampires. You already feel bad, you are constantly anxious and afraid of something, and here you are also being “sucked out” every day by more viable and stronger individuals than you. We can say that you often cry, sleep poorly and spend a long time “chewing” every problem in life.

Life line in palmistry

If your life line is very close to thumb, then you are a depressive and changeable nature. The further it is from the Mount of Venus, the more cheerful and energetic you are.

Many people think that if they have breaks in their life line, then this means sudden death, although this is far from true. Breakups indicate that the personality is changing, different views on life appear. A man, after all. He can suddenly change his life 180 degrees and go in a completely different direction. Often, next to such gaps there are short lines side by side from the side of the Mount of Venus. These are a kind of insurance so that nothing bad happens to you.

Now, when you see tears on both hands in the same place, this is where you should be wary. This is a sign of possible accidents.
Dots and crosses, which are often found on this line, also most likely indicate some dangerous situation and health difficulties.

If there is a cross at the very end of your life line, expect a poor old age.
The triangle sign can be interpreted in different ways. If it is located next to the life line, then unexpected profits (winning the lottery) will fall on you. This geometric figure located on the line itself indicates a fire hazard.

Do you have an unusual life streak starting from the Mount of Jupiter? Congratulations, you have the opportunity to achieve a prominent position in life. But your ambition is off the charts.

If your life streak is crossed out by small thin stripes, then you are too emotional. Your life is full of nerves and worries.

Very danger sign, when 3 lines are connected to the life strip) of the head, heart and life). Such individuals take pointless risks all their lives and sooner or later find a sudden and quick death.
If only the line of life and the head are connected on the palm, this is a sign of a person who is insecure and very cautious.

Designation of life lines in children

The interpretation of lines on the hand in children differs slightly from how it occurs in adults. Since the child’s future has not yet taken shape, you should not look at his right hand (if the child is right-handed, and vice versa).
Take a better look at left palm your child, there you will see what is inherent in him, his innate traits.
Prediction from children's hands is also made more difficult by the fact that the signs on children's palms are short and they grow as the child grows.

Don't worry if the life line on your child's hand is short. Predict in such at a young age anything is impossible with precision. Over time, the line will grow, the other signs will become clearer and larger, then look.

Otherwise, you will screw yourself up and program the unenviable fate of your child.
In such cases, palmists urge you to calm down, and also take the advice of the famous astrologer Pavel Globa on how to lengthen own life and the life of your child if there is a short life line on both palms.

Island on the life line on the hand

The presence of islands (in the form of circles) on the life line may indicate vision problems. The presence of fairly large islands on your line indicates the possibility of dangerous diseases. And the larger the island, the more dangerous the disease. Squares are like insurance.

If there is a gap in the line of life, and in this gap there is a square, and your line comes out of it and continues its movement, then this is a reason to rejoice - you will overcome all your difficulties and remain a winner.
A dangerous sign on the life line is the grid.

The hand is your destiny

Often it indicates imprisonment, although it can also simply indicate some kind of restriction, for example, military service or studying at a closed school.
If there are multiple branching lines from the pattern of your life bar, pay attention to which direction they are directed. If it’s up, then your energy is constantly accumulating. Down - you are constantly losing vitality.

on the right

It is believed that a person's leading hand is right if he is right-handed. And the left - if he is left-handed. Usually all signs are looked at by the main hand, which means the right. The right hand reflects all the actions that a person has performed during his life, and the events that happened to him. In other words, the right hand indicates the present and future of the individual.

on the left

The left hand of an ordinary right-handed person is not the leading one, which means that it is not events that are reflected here, but the mental plan of a person (i.e., his thoughts).
From this we can conclude that the left hand can tell about the human past.

Short life line

Today, palmists urge people not to worry if they find a very short life line in their palm. It is believed that such a line simply speaks of the person’s lack of a stormy temperament, of his restraint and some coldness.

If your stripe breaks and is very far toward your thumb, prepare to die.
To find out at what age this or that event will happen to you, divide your life line into 1.5 mm segments (this corresponds to 1 year of life).

Famous astrologer Pavel Globa offered his own option for extending life if your streak is too short. He recommends buying a red pen and drawing on your hand every day the life line you want it to be. This procedure must be observed for a long time until the space of your destiny changes for the better.

Then you will be surprised to find that your life streak has lengthened on its own, becoming clearer and deeper. This, according to the astrologer, reliable way change fate.
Sometimes it happens that the vital line suddenly disappears from a person’s palm; palmists in this case predict paralysis.

However, we met people who suffered paralysis, but the life line did not go away, but continued to be just as long and even without any signs or breaks.
All this suggests that all the signs on the palm must be considered as a whole and without separation from each other. Otherwise, you can only scare yourself in vain.

In addition, if there is a small stripe on the palm, you should Special attention pay attention to your health, eat right, get examined on time, don’t interfere dangerous situations. Then there is a good chance to lengthen your life.

And even with a gorgeous long life line on your hand, you can manage to die ahead of schedule if you don’t care about yourself and your health, as well as excessive self-confidence.

Life line bifurcates

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If the short life line also bifurcates at the end, then we can say that the person does not have enough energy for life, and is constantly lethargic and tired.
If your life streak bifurcates and turns towards the Mount of the Moon, this is a direct indication to you that in your life you will travel a lot and often change your place of residence. If the line bifurcates on both hands, then emigration awaits you. You will end your life in a foreign land.
If the stripe bifurcates not at the bottom, but at the top, this predicts patronage powerful of the world this.

Life line center

We have already told you above how to measure the life line. Using this technique, you can find the center of the vital band. Signs located in the center of the life line are especially important in the event series human existence. Therefore, they need to be monitored especially closely.

It is known that throughout life the length and shape of the lines on the hand can change. Of course, everyone wants to have perfect lines and signs on their hands, everyone wants to be the darlings of fate. However, not everyone succeeds. The important thing to remember here is that life can be changed. Everything is in the hands of man.

Photos of life line

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