How to draw the most popular dragon designs. How to learn to draw a dragon, learn to draw the head and neck of a dragon

Hey bro. Today I will give you not one, but THREE lessons! The first two will be about drawing Chinese dragon and a water dragon. The third one I don’t know what it’s called. You can come up with a name for it yourself. I also want to congratulate everyone on the New Year and wish you new creative success, find yours true calling and love. Here =) If it’s more convenient for you to watch a video lesson about drawing dragons, then I’ll give you the video right away. You can go to my YouTube channel and subscribe to get new lessons in your news. Next will be pictures of dragons! Before I start, I’ll say that this is not the only lesson about mythical creatures on DeiFan. Here you will find many lessons, and I advise you to try it later:

Now let's get down to business! Today we will find out how to draw a dragon with a pencil step by step. First, let's figure out what kind of creature this is. Most people have an idea of ​​what it is, but cannot give a specific and unambiguous answer. According to Wiki, dragons are, first of all, they do not exist in nature, but, nevertheless, they are included in popular stories different nations, as inhabitants of reservoirs, or even their owners. They are depicted in a very diverse manner, usually as a creature consisting of the body of a reptile, sometimes in combination with body parts of other animals, birds, and fish. Human imagination naturally added many details to this image; they are even credited with a connection with the devil and many heads are seen (such as the Serpent Gorynych). But, in general, we will not delve into history. Our dragon will be kind and beautiful, and will only bring benefits to people. If you want to learn how to become a great artist, read the article. Step one. We draw a position - the dragon is flying in the air, in the place of the future body, head, tail and limbs we make circles and ovals. To make him look at least a little intimidating, let’s add horns to his head and the shape of his “face” as you see in the picture. Let's imagine that he will breathe fire on everyone who dares to go against his will. He will be cunning, like the predators from the movie “The Reign of Fire.”
Let's add a ridge to his head and back.
According to legend, Japanese dragons have three toes on each paw, which distinguishes them from other dragons eastern mythology. That's why I'll draw like this =)
Carefully draw the wings
Don't forget to add details, small touches on the body and wings. Start with the belly and back leg. Then add more details and you can move on to the next step.
Our dragon is almost ready. All that remains is to add the tail and adjust the wings:
What we should end up with:
Of course, I tried to draw this wonderful bird myself. Here's what I got:
If you liked my lesson on drawing a dragon with a pencil, write in the comments. Show off your work. If you are interested in how to draw other animals with a pencil, write in the comments what lesson to prepare. Let's learn to draw together =) I give you two more instructions: 1) 2)
I also recommend that you, my dear readers, try to draw this.

If your child wants to draw a dragon, then step by step drawing will make this task much easier.

We offer you several lessons from which you will learn how to draw a dragon step by step.

You can help your child draw both simple dragons and complex, mysterious mythical creatures that are the heroes of many fairy tales and legends.

We will need standard set for drawing:

  • paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • felt-tip pens, colored pencils or paints with a brush.

You definitely need to take care of your workplace young artist. It should be comfortable, well-lit and suitable for the child’s height. It’s better to give him a separate table for such activities, and hang them next to him. previous works. It is important for a child to know that his parents appreciate his efforts.

What does a dragon look like?

Nobody knows exactly what it should look like real dragon, so the child can give free rein to his imagination. But some mandatory features must still be present in the drawing.

Dragons are usually depicted as huge lizard-like creatures with a long powerful tail, a large head on an elongated neck and strong clawed paws.

The body of this mythical character is covered with scales and sharp growths. Often the appearance of a terrifying creature is complemented by large wings and a massive jaw, and fire spews out of the monster’s mouth.

But it is not at all necessary to recreate this terrifying picture on children's drawing. A kind smile and big open eyes will make your little dragon very cute and friendly, even if not so realistic.

Drawing a dragon step by step: lessons for beginners

To make the drawing neat, you first need to draw the dragon with a pencil step by step, that is, make a sketch. If you draw something wrong, you can easily erase the extra lines.

There are many options for drawing a dragon. Choose any of them with your child and start creating!

Cartoon dragon. Method 1

  • We make a sketch: first we draw a small circle, which will be the head of our dragon, then a circle of a larger diameter, it will become the tummy. We connect these circles with a curved arc - this is how we will mark the line of the back and neck. Drawing a wavy line from the lower large circle, we outline the tail of the animal.
  • Draw two small ovals near the dragon’s belly, these will be the legs. Draw a small bean nose, which should slightly overlap the head. Two curved lines indicate the wings. Then we draw the second lines of the neck and tail, as shown in the figure. The part of the neck that is adjacent to the body should be thicker.
  • We continue to detail the drawing, as shown in the picture. First, let's work on the head of the beast: draw small ovals for the eyes and nostrils and a curved line for the mouth.
  • We draw jagged lines on each wing, connect the legs and torso with a curved arc, and draw a small triangle at the tip of the tail. Three elongated ovals on each side will indicate the shape of the front legs.
  • Let's do finishing touches: we draw stripes on the tummy and the lower part of the tail, add spots on the body, draw teeth along the entire length of the tail and neck, draw ears on the dragon’s head. We use bold dots to denote the pupils of the eyes, draw lines on the wings, draw on the toes. Near the nose you can draw puffs of smoke. Now we erase all the extra auxiliary lines and color the drawing with felt-tip pens or pencils.

The charming friendly dragon is ready!

Cartoon dragon. Method 2

  • First we create a sketch. Draw a small circle, it will become the head of the dragon. Then we add two rectangles to this circle (neck and jaw).
  • We continue to work on the sketch: draw a large circle for the body and several small ovals for the legs and tail.
  • After we have outlined the main parts of the dragon's body, we outline them with a thick line, as shown in the figure. In this case, you need to smooth out sharp corners.
  • We draw a hand; it will be alone in the picture, since our animal is standing sideways. Let's draw two eyes.
  • We detail the picture: add wings, spikes, stripes on the tummy, nostrils and a pair of sharp fangs.
  • All that remains is to paint the dragon and hang the result of your efforts on the wall!

  • Circles of different diameters denote the head, jaw, upper and lower torso. We connect the circles with each other using a curved line.
  • Draw two wings and a back line.
  • We complete the curved tail with a triangle at the end, the front and hind legs.
  • Drawing lines along inside wings and serrations on the back and tail. Then we begin to work with the head of the animal: we draw in the eye, nostrils and line of the mouth. You can give the dragon any facial expression, with us it will be kind and harmless.
  • We erase all the extra lines and draw the head and paws in more detail.
  • We outline the outline of the drawing with a thick line, draw spots on the body, claws and color the dragon.

Drawing a dragon step by step: for advanced

If all the methods presented above seem too simple to you, try drawing a more realistic fire-breathing dragon.

  • Draw a small oval of the head, inside of which you need to place an oval of smaller diameter. We draw several lines to the head to make spikes.
  • Below we draw a circle of larger diameter (the dragon’s chest) and connect it to the dragon’s head with two lines.
  • We denote the body and tail with a large curved curve, then draw two lines along the contour of this curve.
  • Draw four large and several small ovals (front and hind legs), add sharp claws at the ends of the paws.

  • Using several curves we outline the outline of the wings.
  • We begin to detail the sketch: draw an open mouth, spikes on the head, make the lines smoother.
  • We draw the eyes, teeth, scales, spikes on the neck and tail. Don't forget about the dragon's fiery breath.
  • Remove the auxiliary lines and add color.

The fire-breathing dragon is ready!

Dragon head drawing

In this tutorial you can learn how to draw a dragon's head in detail.

  • We draw two circles, one of which seems to be behind the other.
  • We sketch the jaw as shown in the picture.
  • Three curved lines denote the neck.
  • We draw a trapezoid or a triangle (fin) on the head, and two cone-shaped figures, they will mark the place from where the horns grow.

  • We add horns to the dragon like a buffalo.
  • Draw a slightly squinted eye.
  • We finalize the sketch, adding details and smoothing out the angular shapes of the figures. Let's draw additional details: spines, fins and antennae on the chin.
  • We erase the auxiliary lines and make the final touches.
  • We color the work and apply shadows.

You can watch another detailed method of drawing a realistic dragon in the video.

Drawing a Chinese dragon

You can try to draw a Chinese fire dragon. It vaguely resembles a lizard and has no wings. The colors can be any, but traditionally these creatures are depicted as red or blue.

  • Draw two shapes as shown in the picture (the head and jaw of the dragon).
  • We draw two sharp triangles to the head, they will become horns.
  • A curved line denotes the contour of the body.
  • Using several lines we outline the dragon’s paws, its claws, teeth and tongue.
  • We draw the details as shown in the figure, erasing everything unnecessary.
  • We draw an auxiliary line along the contour of the body, then draw a fiery flame.
  • All that remains is to color the work.

Drawing the dragon Toothless

If your child likes the cartoon “How to Train Your Dragon,” he will probably want to depict one of the main characters on paper - the Night Fury (or Toothless).

  • We draw two ovals and mark the center on them vertically and horizontally. We will get a sketch of the head.
  • We connect the ovals, draw a mouth in the center of the horizontal line, and above it we designate the nostrils.
  • We draw two arcs above the nostrils, draw eyes and two tubercles on the head.
  • Curved lines indicate the lower part of the mouth and eyes. Draw a small pupil and outline the shape of the ears.
  • On the inside of the ears we draw wavy lines, draw the teeth and tongue in the open mouth. We have a sketch of Toothless's head.
  • Now we sketch the body as shown in the figure.

  • Based on the sketch we made, we draw the front paws with claws.
  • Then we draw right leg and claws on it. We use a wavy line to mark the outline of the left side of the body and draw another leg.
  • We draw the tail, making notches at its tip. Then we draw a few lines that will help us depict the wings.
  • We draw two triangles, the right one should be much larger than the left one.
  • Now inside each triangle we draw wings.
  • We make the final touches, erase everything unnecessary and paint Toothless, not forgetting to apply shadows.
  • Before offering any lessons to your child, objectively assess his abilities. If he is only taking his first steps in the art of drawing, you should not offer him complex tasks; let him first practice on simpler ones.

How to draw a dragon? This is a question many aspiring artists ask. This is not surprising, because just the sight of these powerful and fabulous creatures can evoke completely different emotions. This question is especially relevant for those who are engaged in the depiction of any fairy worlds, creating comics or fantasy cartoons.

Experienced craftsmen can create many varieties of dragons. At first glance, it seems that they create and invent unprecedented and original creatures. This is partly true. But in reality, many of the masters simply combine many individual components that they once saw into a single drawing. Their skill lies in the organic combination of all elements.

As has already become clear, in this article we will talk about how to draw a dragon step by step. We'll look at a few different examples. They will help you understand the basic techniques and principles that you will need in your future work. In principle, we did the same in other materials, for example, . Check it out if you want to learn how to draw anything else. In the future we will have many lessons that will reveal certain important aspects. If you don't want to miss them , subscribe for updates.

How to draw a dragon for children

To begin with, we will look at, in our opinion, the easiest way to draw a dragon step by step. It is simple in its own way, so even a child can master it. But before that, you need to understand a few features of dragons:

  1. Dragons are particularly large lizards.
  2. As with real animals, there are many varieties of these creatures.
  3. Despite all their fabulousness and fantastic nature, real animals are always taken as the basis for depicting a dragon. The choice of the latter depends on the desired appearance of the lizard.

This is basic, but not the only information that will help you depict these creatures on paper or in graphic editor. And now, directly, the technology itself.

Let's start with the most basic

The first thing you need to figure out before drawing a dragon is its appearance. In our case, we will take a standard European-type dragon as a basis. In legends and myths it is described as a lizard on four legs with a long neck, tail and wings. It has a massive body and a large mouth from which flames erupt. A typical representative can be considered Smaug (Smaug) from John Ronald Reuel Tolkien’s book “The Hobbit”.

Draw a small oval at the top of the landscape sheet. This is the future head of our scaly beast. We use this particular figure, since the lizard's skull has a rectangular shape. But, for example, in order to use an ordinary circle for the base.

Inside the oval, draw a smaller oval. Pay attention to the picture below and the locations of the figures. Their borders touch, but do not cross each other. This is necessary for correct perspective, since the dragon stands at ¾ in relation to the viewer. At the same stage, make a few light touches. They represent the spikes protruding from the animal's muzzle.

Let's take the torso

To draw a dragon with a pencil for children, you definitely need a torso. Therefore, draw a circle slightly lower and to the right than the head. Next, connect them with two lines. You should not use a ruler for this, as the lines should be smooth and curved. Thus, we drew a blank of the head, neck and chest part of the body.

On at this stage we need to complete the main body of the lizard without paws and wings. We'll get to them a little later. Draw one curved line from the chest area. Its length directly depends on the size of the dragon you want to draw step by step. Next, outline this line with two more segments that connect at the end of the center line. Thus, we got a body and a full-fledged tail.

Limbs, where would we be without them?

Typically, to draw the legs of most animals, a frame in the form of several center lines is used. We'll try another method. For each limb, draw several ovals and circles. Remember the perspective and position of the dragon in the drawing. To make it easier to understand how to position the paws, look at the picture. Don't forget about the sharp claws of the beast.

However, the Western European dragon has not only paws, but also wings. To draw dragon wings for children, draw two broken lines in two places. In addition to the proportionality of the elements of the drawing. Don't make the frame too short or too long.

From the ends of the broken lines, draw another line. In this case, the wing closest to us will touch the body, while the farthest one will hide behind the head of the animal.

Although dragons have wings, in reality they would not be able to fly with their help, since their weight would be too large and their wingspan too small.

Let's work on the details

The last, final stage of how to draw a dragon for children is working on the details. Trace the drawing along the boundaries of the auxiliary (support) figures. Add a couple of lines to the axes of the wings to make the image more realistic.

Draw the creature's eye, teeth inside the mouth and, of course, scales. The latter is worth paying attention to Special attention, since it is different for most dragons. Don't forget to separate the belly from the rest of the body. Add a few broken wings inside the wings to make them more "leathery". Don't forget about the comb from the back of the head almost to the tip of the tail. Since it is a European dragon, it should breathe fire. Draw the appropriate attribute next to the beast's mouth.

Remove all unnecessary details and auxiliary lines. Basically, if you wanted to draw a black and white dragon, then you succeeded. However, you can take more time and colorize your drawing. As a result, you may end up with something like this.

How to draw a dragon for beginners

In the previous version, we looked at how to draw a dragon for a child. This time we will look at the way of depicting this creature to a mature, but still novice, artist. As in the previous case, we will do this in stages, step by step. But this time the image will be based on an oriental, Asian dragon.

There are also several features you should know about this creature:

  • eastern dragons are not so much lizards as very large and long snakes;
  • these creatures, as a rule, have short legs and no wings at all;
  • often they are depicted with some semblance of a beard;
  • often they have a couple or larger number long mustache;
  • some eastern peoples dragons are associated with wisdom and nobility.

This type of dragon is so firmly entrenched in Eastern culture that the creatures often become heroes of various cartoons, comics, and films. Tattoos depicting these creatures are extremely popular not only in Asia, but throughout the world.

Geometry to help artists

In one of previous materials we have already said that everything in our world consists of geometric shapes. Knowing and understanding this helps artists in competently depicting any object on canvas or in a graphics editor.

In order to draw an eastern dragon step by step for beginners, draw a rectangular trapezoid that lies on one of the sides in perspective. In a future article we will talk in detail about perspective and its importance for drawing. If you don't want to miss this, subscribe to updates.

Next, draw the same figure, but slightly lower than the first one. In this case, the edges of the lower trapezoid are covered by the upper object. Next, from the last one, draw two triangles with sharp corners in different directions. So we drew a rough version of the dragon's head.

Wireframe lines

Next, another geometric object comes into play - a line. From the frame of the head, draw a segment winding in several places (ps. for better writing and clear explanation, the author puts an “=” sign between these geometric objects). It is the axis, the frame on which the entire body of the animal will be attached.

The next thing to do is draw the limbs. Draw four broken lines from two randomly selected points. At the ends of each, draw a few more pieces. Paw frame.

Although eastern dragons do not have wings, they can still fly. It is impossible to say for sure what exactly allows them to do this. But this is fairy creatures. Or is it not?

Even more lines

Next, we will be presented with the most important and difficult stage of how to draw a dragon with a pencil step by step - creating the outline of our beast. For easier learning, you can initially draw various ovals and circles on the frame so that the outline is not so complicated. If you are just starting to draw in general, then use this method.

The figure clearly shows how exactly the contours need to be drawn. Also draw the eyes and tongue of the creature. Let's pay special attention to each of the elements. On the head, as you may have noticed, there is quite a lot of vegetation. It can be left as is, or turned into flames. Although eastern dragons are rarely described as fire-breathing creatures.

The dragon's body, like the frame of the drawing, is sinuous and mobile. As you remember, Asian dragons are more like snakes, so phenomenal mobility and flexibility are one of their main differences from their relatives.

The dragon's paws, although small, are very sinewy. They are very muscular and pumped up. This can be explained, among other things, by the fact that they have to hold, albeit not so heavy, but a very long body. and their location far apart from each other, coupled with their size, exposes them to serious daily stress.

Don't forget about the details

When we draw a dragon step by step with a pencil for beginners, we must not forget about the details. In particular, about the ridge on the back of the animal. First, draw an axis that will outline the body and tail of the kite. This will simplify the process of depicting the element.

After that, draw an arbitrary number of winding lines. They can be both inside the contour and outside it. The more arbitrary they are, the more natural it will look. Don't try to make them the same.

With this, in principle, you can finish drawing the eastern dragon. However, you can complement the drawing if you decorate it, as in the previous case. You can use that one color scheme, which is offered below, or create your own.

What happens in the end

At the end of our lesson, we would like to summarize the whole result. Please accept these recommendations for future use:

  1. Dragons are fantastic creatures. Real laws physics, as well as anatomy, have no effect on them.
  2. You shouldn’t draw a completely “monstrous” dragon that won’t look like its relatives (unless the author’s style and ultimate goal require it).
  3. There are different types dragons
  4. Define appearance and the character’s character before starting the work process means becoming several times closer to the desired result.

IN this material we tried to tell you about the basic principles of how to draw a dragon with a pencil step by step for beginners and for children. If the material turned out to be useful, we will be very happy. Share your opinion or thoughts in the comments.

Also, if you want a personal dialogue, write to email. You will recognize it if you go to the “” section. We welcome constructive criticism and suggestions on how we can make our site better and more attractive.

Also remember that skill is only a couple of percent dependent on talent or innate ability. Work every day to become better. Don't limit yourself to just the examples we've provided on our website. There are many decent artists online. Study their works and take for yourself what seems important to you.

Try, experiment, take it to public court, ask for advice and, of course, draw!

Illustration fairy tale characters- it's always interesting. A monster in the guise of a winged fire-breathing serpent plays significant role in the mythology of many cultures of the world. For example, the dragon in the classical Chinese style is a sign of water, associated among the people with the good and bright beginning of yang, while the European one, on the contrary, means evil, dark force, the devil. Appearance The lizard differs when comparing these two cultures. Therefore, the drawing of one or another character will be very different.

Step-by-step drawing of a cartoon dragon

Fire lizards- Russian heroes folk tales and legends. Their image is still used to this day in science fiction films and cartoons. If it is difficult for a novice artist to draw a dragon, you can first find a picture to sketch. It could be a specific character from your favorite movie.

The first difficulty that an artist faces is how to draw a dragon head. It’s easier to depict the body, the main thing is to maintain proportions. The head requires drawing the smallest details. This is important because emotions should be depicted on the lizard's face, especially if he is an evil, negative character.

The work plan is as follows:

When the main work is completed, you can add some details of your own: for example, horns or brushes on the tail. These elements are often found in European dragons.

Drawings of dragons for children to draw

If a child wants to draw a fiery serpent and an illustration is being selected specifically for him, then you need to pay attention to other styles in which dragons are depicted. It could be cute little dragon, a cartoon character for the age category up to 5 years.

Finding such a picture will not be difficult, since there are many illustrations of fairy-tale characters made specifically for teaching a child. Drawing them is not difficult, since they do not require knowledge of academic drawing: the laws of light and shadow, proportions, perspective. As a rule, a child can choose the color, shape, and pose of the hero independently, and this will not spoil the drawing.

How to learn to draw dragons from scratch?

Novice creators can try their hand at creating a character from scratch, but such work requires confident use of a pencil. But you can experiment in any case if you simplify the task for yourself.

How to draw a dragon with a pencil step by step:

To draw a dragon in Chinese or European style, you need to train a lot. The characters are detailed and require careful development of each individual element. Creating a dragon in a realistic style is not an easy task even for a professional. Beginning creators should pay attention to simplified pictures for sketching.

Drawing a dragon step by step

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a dragon step by step. This lesson is suitable for beginner artists and people with some experience in this field.

If you already know how to draw dinosaurs, then this is very good, because dinosaurs and dragons have a similar body, tail and legs. If you don’t know how, then there’s nothing to worry about, after reading this lesson you will still be able to draw dragons!

A bit of dragon anatomy

Before drawing these mighty creatures, let's talk a little about their anatomy.

The dragon is a very, very muscular creature. His arms, which later become wings, are very powerful at the base of his body. And they are powerful because this creature has very heavy weight, which the wings must lift into the air with their flaps.

The picture below (which was drawn by our foreign friend) shows ideal figure this creature. Very powerful legs needed for landing, spiked tail and chicken breast. Yes, yes, exactly chicken breast.

There are different heads. Typically, the larger and more massive the head, the larger the dragon, the slower and clumsier it is. The smaller and faster he is, the narrower his head.

First example of drawing a dragon

We didn't tell you what materials you'll need to draw a dragon, because you can draw it with anything. Pencil, pen or marker, it doesn’t matter, draw with what you are used to drawing.

So let's get started!

Stage 1
At the first stage we need to draw the skeleton of our future dragon. This is a rather complex stage, although at first glance it may seem simple.

We draw the body, head, tail, two wings, two front paws and one leg. You need to draw one leg, because drawing the second one at this stage will not be convenient. Therefore, we draw the leg that is closer to us.

Stage 2
Now we detail the front legs and draw the neck and head. You should draw one line on the left and right sides of the neck line. The right line should be close to midline, and the left one is a little further away. This will add volume to the dragon's neck.

We begin to draw the dragon's head with horns. Towards the end of the lesson we will look in more detail at how to draw a dragon's head.

Stage 3
In the third stage we continue to draw the dragon's head and draw the scales on its neck.

Stage 4
We finish drawing the neck and start drawing the wings. We need to outline the skeleton of the wings and we will get full-fledged wings; this is not difficult to do. We outline the wings from the left side, starting from the entire body.

Also, at this stage we detail the dragon's front legs.

Stage 5
We continue to detail the wings, outlining their skeleton. We continue to detail the front legs. On the neck we begin to draw something similar to a fin, it is drawn perpendicular lines different sizes in relation to the dragon's neck.

Also, at this stage we begin to detail the leg. Dragons are very heavy and their legs are very muscular, so try to draw big legs.

Stage 6
At this stage you should already have a dragon, because we will finish drawing all the unfinished parts of it.

We finish drawing the fin on the neck, drawing the structure of the torn material between the lines. Finally finishing the wings!

Draw the tail. As with the neck, we need to draw lines around the center line, this is necessary for dimension.

We finish drawing the first leg and draw the second. Please note that the second leg should be slightly higher than the first, this is necessary to give volume and this is one of the main mistakes of novice artists.

Remember we drew the scales under the neck? Now let's draw it. Between the paw and leg we draw scales.

Stage 7
We detail the wings, giving them volume.

Stage 8
Before this stage, you need to erase all the auxiliary lines, because after applying the scales, you will no longer be able to do this. We dress our dragon with scales in the form of uneven triangles. This is a very difficult stage that can take up a lot of your time.

The dragon is ready, you can paint it any color if you wish.

Second drawing example

Draw a monster in flight with open mouth. If you want, you can finish drawing the flames, we decided to do without them.

Stage 1
Draw a skeleton, which we will outline step by step. It is very difficult to draw a skeleton from scratch, so we will show you a picture next to it so that it is clear what you are drawing and why.

Stage 2
Let's detail the head. On top of the circle we sketch the skull of our monster with an open mouth. The mouth must necessarily consist of uneven lines, because if you make an ordinary triangle, it will not at all look like a believable mouth.

Stage 3
We continue to detail the head. Add eyes and a tongue with teeth to the mouth.

Stage 4
Add horns. You can, of course, draw a dragon without horns, but then it will look more like a dinosaur. Therefore, it is better to draw horns.

Stage 5
At the first stage, we drew a skeleton with figures representing the chest and pelvis of our monster. At this stage you need to combine the head, chest and pelvis with smooth lines. Please note that we are making a rounded line on the body under the wing - this will be the shoulder of our monster.

Stage 6
In the sixth stage we begin to detail the wings. In this example, the wings are unusual, they take the shape when the dragon flaps them. In general, you will see everything for yourself, but for now let’s draw a powerful hand and four bones from them.

Stage 7
At this and the next stage we work on the tail and legs. Make the tail thick at the base and tapering towards the end. We draw the legs so that they can withstand the dragon when landing, that is, very powerful and muscular.

Stage 8
We continue to detail the legs and tail. Draw the claws and the tip of the tail.

Stage 9
Remember when we said that we would have unusual wings? At this stage you will see for yourself. Let's draw a wing in the shape of a crescent, and if you still don't really understand how it will turn out in the end, then take a look at the next step.

Stage 10
Draw the wing in the form of torn material. At this stage our wing is ready and now everything becomes clear :)

Stage 11
Draw the second wing. To make your monster look old, you can make holes in its wings.

We make torn skin on the neck and back.

Stage 12
Ever seen dragons or dinosaurs? The lower part of their body is one of the most vulnerabilities. This is what we should draw at this step.

Our monster is ready!

Drawing example number three

In example number three, we will draw an ordinary dragon in flight with flames.

Stage 1
First, let's draw the skeleton of our dragon: a head with an open mouth, an oval chest, an oval pelvis. We will also sketch out the tail and wings using simple lines.

Stage 2
Let's detail our fire-breathing monster. We draw a neck, connecting the head with the oval of the chest, and in the same way we connect the oval of the chest and the oval of the pelvis. Draw the wings and tail.

The legs can be placed in almost any position, because our monster is in flight.

Stage 3
We erase the extra auxiliary lines and work on the dragon's head.

Stage 4
We draw teeth, spikes on the neck and a couple of spikes next to the tail.

Stage 5
Our dragon is already ready, but if you want, you can add chiaroscuro as in the picture below. Applying light and shade is a very complex process, so it is not necessary to do it.

Fourth drawing example

This dragon will be a little unusual; instead of two powerful legs, it will have four. Let's start drawing!

Stage 1
We draw the skeleton of our monster with legs, body, head, tail and a sketch of a wing.

Stage 2
We detail the head and connect the neck to the chest. Don't forget to draw on your head required attribute dragon, horns.

Stage 3
On the neck we add something similar to a fin.

Stage 4
At the fourth stage, we begin to detail the leg. Try to make her big and muscular.

Stage 5
Draw another front paw and one hind paw. Connecting the legs curved line, thereby creating the body of our dragon.

Stage 6
Now we give our monster a thick tail and draw the last leg.

Stage 7
Draw the wings raised up.

Stage 8
We erase all the auxiliary lines and draw the muscles and spikes on the body of our monster.

Our dragon is ready!

Drawing the dragon's head

It's time to talk more about drawing the head.

Stage 1
We draw an oval with two lines, these lines are auxiliary and later we will erase them.

Stage 2
Along the bottom line we draw a row of sharp teeth. The place where the top line connects to the oval is the height of the dragon's eyes. Therefore, in that place there will be a dragon eyebrow and the angle of the line will be approximately 90 degrees.

Stage 3
At the third stage we work on the chin with spikes and draw the jaw. We also draw the nostrils and eyebrow above the eye.

Stage 4
The teeth of our monster close like your fingers when connecting two hands, so we make a second row of teeth. Let's draw the eye.

Stage 5
We make sharp spikes on the back of the head and draw the line of the neck.

The head of our dragon is ready, now you can paint it or draw a body to it.

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