How to draw an original drawing. How to learn to draw with a pencil for beginners? step-by-step master classes with photos

If at school during art lessons you could not depict anything other than the sun, a house or a tree, if your level of painter can be compared to the creativity of a four-year-old child, if you are an artist from the word “bad”, we are offering to you simple lessons about how to draw with a pencil step by step for beginners: for children, for adults and for everyone.

Perhaps every person who is not related to the fine arts, at least once in his life, had to pick up a simple pencil or a piece of chalk and draw a simple picture from scratch without looking at the manual or textbook.

People who have a lack of imagination and problems with spatial thinking will probably agree that this task is not an easy one. And if you have long forgotten about drawing lessons at school, you may have a sudden need to learn how to draw with a pencil step by step for beginners. With a pencil step by step - this already sounds more pleasant than starting from scratch without a manual or textbook. After all, if you don't great artist, you are enough correctly convey the shape of the object, draw the main lines and draw the main details. Leave claims to the realism of the image, to the relationship between color and shadow, as well as other professional requirements for real artists; for now we are learning to draw the most simple pictures: cartoons, animals, plants and people. The image diagrams that await you below are designed for the most adult “dummies” in the field of drawing, as well as for children 5-6 years old, so you will not have any difficulties.

How to learn to draw with a pencil: from scratch step by step for beginners

Drawing may seem like a difficult and overwhelming task for those who want to get results right away without putting in a lot of effort. But you remember that we draw in stages and set ourselves initially simple tasks so that expectations coincide with reality.

In the first stages of preparation you will need a simple pencil, a sheet of paper and patience. You also need to know that almost everything simple drawings consist of lines, circles, ovals, rectangles, squares, zigzags and other kinds of squiggles. If for some reason your drawing is not perfect, you can erase part of it or start all over again clean slate. This is the beauty of drawing.

We will start with our smaller brothers, that is, with animals

How to draw a person's face step by step with a pencil for beginners?

Perhaps the most difficult task for a beginning painter is to draw a human face. You probably won’t be able to reproduce all the details and accuracy of a human physiognomy the first time. It's better to start with less realistic drawings, for example, with anime.

Learn to draw anime

The anime genre has won the attention of not only children, but also adults. Big expressive eyes unusual shape faces and lush flowing hair are characteristics of anime characters.

However, there is something else interesting about them - emotions. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the process of creating an anime-style face, as well as explore all the shades of anime emotions.

Drawing a portrait of a person with a pencil

After a little warm-up with emotions, we will tell you how to draw a person’s face step by step with a pencil for beginners. We will not reinvent the wheel and will draw all the main lines together with you.

How to draw a person with a pencil step by step for beginners?

You have already acquired a little knowledge on how to learn to draw with a pencil from scratch step by step for beginners. A simple pencil is the most practical tool aspiring artist. With its help you can depict entire landscapes, flowers, tanks, people. And if with a picture human face We've already figured it out a little, but we still need to work with the human figure.

Figure standing man will interest budding artists.

A woman who takes a step.

Figure of a woman in different positions.

What else can you draw with a simple pencil?

IN fine arts proportions must be taken into account, as well as the symmetry of the arrangement of all parts. Yes, when you draw a cat, you should calculate exactly where the ears, paws, nose and eyes will be located. Markup will help you with this.

With a simple pencil you can draw beautiful house, palace and even the Kremlin.

When drawing animals, you can use a basic technique, for example, drawing a regular circle.


Most likely, everyone periodically has the desire to draw something, and not just a doodle, but so that everyone likes it. Especially often, such a desire appears when looking at a beautiful and talented picture. It would seem that it’s so difficult? I want to learn how to draw coolly with a pencil, so I take paper and draw a masterpiece. But when it comes to implementation, then difficulties arise: either the center is shifted, the scale and aspect ratios are incorrect, or the details did not work out. How to quickly learn to draw with a simple pencil , if immediately, because of your own ineptitude, the desire to create masterpieces disappears?

Remember that even the most talented masters did not learn immediately: everyone has gone a long way in order to improve their skills and delight others with beauty. This is preceded by more than one year and more than one month of hard work - very little time will pass, and now we are already good at drawing simple pictures and people.

The pencil is considered the most simple tool for drawing, so it’s worth starting your training with it.

It takes some getting used to carry a pencil and notepad with you in order to make sketches. Only hard work and perseverance will help you achieve your goal. But what to do if, apart from desire and some abilities, there is nothing?

Drawing: how to draw something beautiful and easy for beginners

So, to draw pictures, you need to know where to start. remember, that For beginners, a pencil is the most convenient tool. This is because it is easy to erase, and if the line is wrong, it can be changed. Moreover, there is different types pencils, with the help of them you can easily create a beautiful drawing.

The main advice for future artists is never do not start drawing with complex and large paintings until you learn how to depict details. You are unlikely to succeed, and the desire to draw again will simply disappear.

First learn to portray individual items. To do this, highlight one element from the others with your eyes. Then visually evaluate the shape and size. Next, highlight where on the paper it is best to place it, taking into account the size and shape. Don’t forget that tall elements are positioned along the length of the paper, and wide elements are positioned along the width.

In addition, keep in mind that a real object is usually larger than a piece of paper, so you need to draw it, taking into account aspect ratio and scale. Is not simple task for a beginner. Therefore, to develop skills, below there will be suggestions simple exercises, which will help allocate space for the drawing.

Drawing exercises

In these drawing exercises we draw objects as diagrams, without creating small parts- this is something that a beginner can draw simply and beautifully. Here it is important to see how objects are created using simple figures and their dimensions are taken into account. By acquiring such skills, in the future you will be able to automatically find the location and size of the picture.

Exercise No. 1: so the first task is that you need to draw an object not from natural size, and from the picture. This greatly simplifies the task, since there is no need to select an element and find a place to place it - everything has already been done. You need to reproduce the same thing, but in a different size, so that it does not become a copy.

Repeat similar exercises with other images, developing an understanding of proportions and space.

Let's draw a mountain. First, take a close look at the picture. Visualize it on your sheet. Now draw a straight line. This will be the foundation. Study the shape of the hill and its slopes. If the mountain has equal sides, then depict it as a regular cone, whose height is less than the width of the base. To understand how many times the parts differ in size, you can take a ruler, but the main thing is to be able to do this by eye. In this situation, the proportions of height and width are 1:3.

To get the aspect ratios right, create a vertex first. Find a place on the horizontal line where you will place it. Create 3 equal segments on the line. Next, find the middle and draw a perpendicular. Then mark the top of the mountain at a distance of 1 division from the base. If the image matches, everything was done correctly. Now try to create the same mountain, but in a different size.

Do not forget that to correctly determine the aspect ratio of an object, you need to start by dividing the base into equal parts, and then move on from there. A task like this will teach you to accurately determine ratio of various elements of objects. And this is the basis of drawing.

Exercise No. 2: another challenge is that it is required to depict a mountain with different proportions of width and height. Here they will be 1:4, and the top deviates at right side. The task is more difficult, but not impossible.

First, repeat the steps of the first exercise: draw a straight line, dividing it into equal parts (here 4). Then there is a peculiarity - the vertex will not be in the center of the segment. It seems to be above the third segment, so we draw from it perpendicular line. Then the top is laid off. Usually, when creating a drawing, the base is divided by 2 or 3, rarely by 5.

Exercise No. 3: this exercise will require depiction on one sheet profiles of different mountains, which have different vertices in location and height. Don't be afraid, the task is not too difficult. Imagine each hill separately, mentally draw a dotted line to the bases. And then you will understand that the first exercise is simply repeated several times.

Another skill - skills to draw straight lines without tools. This is not too easy, it will require training. First draw vertical line using a ruler. Now practice, trying to create maximum parallel by hand. A similar exercise is repeated with the horizon.

Mastering shading

When creating masterpieces with a pencil, you will need to master shading skills for the volume of an object. It will show where the shadow falls and where the light falls. Start with simple shapes: cube, ball, cone, etc. In addition, if you look closely, you will notice that these figures have penumbra.

In order to obtain a smooth transition from light to dark, you will need pencils with different densities. After mastering this skill, you will easily learn how to draw three-dimensional details. For classes, you can choose interesting and stylish drawings for beginners - not very complex, but beautiful, they will delight you with the results and maintain confidence in your abilities.

How to draw a person correctly

If you have achieved success in previous tasks, then let’s figure it out now, how to draw a person. This is not the easiest task. Let's consider step by step drawing. First try creating people on paper who are standing - this is important for distinguishing between aspect ratios.

Draw a vertical line and build off of it to create a mesh, i.e. the main lines of the waist, shoulders, head, arms and legs. But how do you understand the size of these lines? When drawing from life It is important to use a pencil as a measuring tool. For example, you want to determine the distance from the waist to the head. Take a pencil, visually align its tip with the level of the crown, then mark on it where the waist is located. Transfer the size onto paper. This way you can measure all the items.

Drawing people is a difficult task. Start by creating the base, then draw in the details.

To test yourself, remember that the body is visually divided into 8 parts. One part is equal to the size of the head. In representatives of the stronger sex, the body length is 3 heads, and the border is located on the chest, chin, crotch and belt. The legs are 4 heads, and the center is near the knees. The width of the shoulders reaches 2 1/3 the size of the head. The length of the arms reaches 3.5 times the size of the head. Female proportions differ - the body is more elongated, and the hips are considered the widest part.

If you have determined the proportions of a person, drawn marks, then give shape to the body. To do this, all elements are drawn in the form of cylinders and ovals. If you like everything, then draw the outline. Now all that remains is to create the details - fingers, hair, face, clothes.

How to draw a portrait

The greatest difficulty is creating portraits. The difficulty is that to obtain a similarity you will need to correctly draw all the details and features. So, let's figure out how to draw a portrait for beginners.

First tip: think about what can be easily drawn or copied from a photo with a pencil? Separate areas of the face: nose, eyes, lips from different angles, even ears. Then move on to creating the full image. For beginners there will be easier work Based on the photo, you can gradually move on to personal observations, sketches and sketches from life.

Tip two: Start by creating an oval shape for the head. Then draw a vertical line down the center. She will divide the face into equal parts. Then divide it into 2 parts horizontally - this is the line where the eyes are located. The eyebrows are located in line with the upper edges of the ears.

Third tip: The length of the nose can be determined as follows: divide the gap between the eyes and chin by 2 - this is the location of the tip. Its width corresponds to the gap between the edges of the eyes. These relationships are not an axiom, but most often faces are drawn this way.

There is a certain concept of facial proportions that can be taken as a basis.

When positioning the parts of the face, you need to create the contour of the lips, nose, ears, and hair. If you are satisfied with the details, then start drawing. Now all that remains is to add the finishing touches.

Graffiti style

If you like lettering, then you should consider. Eat different directions and stylistic exercises for drawing words, letters, phrases. And to understand in what specific direction you will create, you will need to study them all.

Practice on paper first. Create a word. The letters need to be placed at a distance corresponding to ½ the height of the letter, because they will need to be outlined. Now give each letter volume and convexity with shading.

Selecting Tools

The choice of tools and sheets plays a significant role in drawing. So, what devices to choose:

There are different types of pencils. A simple pencil happens With different levels softness. They are often designated by Latin letters: B - the softest, H - the hardest, and HB - hard-soft pencils. Besides this, there are also numbers from 2 to 9. These show the tone;
a beginner will need different pencils with different hardness. In addition, when drawing you will need soft eraser;
paper plays an important role. It is better to use thick white sheets - they can withstand corrections. A grainy sheet is suitable for a pencil because the shades are visible on it.

We looked in detail at how to learn to work with a pencil and how to draw something beautiful at home, but now let’s sum it up. Let's look at some brief tips on how to get better at drawing - the list, of course, is far from complete, but it sums up the experience:

Create sketches.

This is the main point. Required to create per day at least 5 sketches. It's worth doing your best here. Take advantage of every chance to create drawings: on the road, in the office, at home. This improves your skills, develops imagination, and the ability to understand size relationships. Drawing storyboards and comics is useful.

Copy the works of masters.

Imitate the masters, it develops taste. Do 1 copy every 3 months. This should include the originals good artists. Try to get as close to the source as possible, study not only the techniques of the masters, but also the cultural features of that era.

Experiment, don’t be afraid of mistakes and don’t put off creativity until later. This way you will soon learn how to create masterpieces.

Draw from memory.

Even when drawing from life, you have to create an image from memory. Besides, it is important to draw small elements from memory- this will improve visual memory and imagination.

Repeat mistakes.

People often quit at the first problem: they are afraid of repeating the mistake. But you shouldn't do this. If it doesn't work, start again. Don’t avoid mistakes; they are worth taking a closer look at - perhaps this is where your individuality lies.

You shouldn't draw from a photo.

Yes, at first this is the only way to train, but then you shouldn’t do it. The lens is not able to convey the full depth of forms.

Take a break.

Don't concentrate on one thing it's important to be able to switch. If something doesn't work out, take breaks. Start different drawings, change points of view, technique.


Even if drawing with a pencil or paints (pastels, watercolors, oils, etc.) is a completely new area of ​​life for you, don't be afraid to set goals, both modest and global. It is important to remember why you decided to learn drawing: will it become future profession or a hobby, do you want to please your friends or relatives with a landscape or portrait as a gift, have you just decided to master a new creative niche?

Fears of your own inability do not give you peace, constantly buzzing in your ear, “You won’t succeed anyway”? Don’t put off ideas and plans for later, gradually purchasing boxes of pencils and paints or spending weekends looking for that “best paper” in stores. Make your wishes come true today- just take a notebook and pencil and start making, albeit not very skillful, but at least your own sketches.

January 23, 2014

Do you dream of learning to draw? And look for detailed step-by-step drawing lessons for beginning artists? I will try to help you with this simple matter and tell you about the many nuances when writing beautiful drawings and portraits in pencil and watercolor! With the help of my step-by-step lessons, not only adults, but also children will be able to master the basics of fine art!
In this section I publish all my step by step lessons drawing, and separately, in the section Drawing Lessons for Children, I collect simple drawing lessons for beginning artists. Therefore, if you are just taking your first steps in drawing with pencil and watercolor, I recommend starting your training with this section. Be sure to check out all the drawing lessons and tips for artists collected on my blog!

Before you start painting a full portrait, you need to learn how to draw the details of the face. In today's lesson we will learn, how to draw lips in pencil, thanks to the step-by-step description. The lesson is not difficult and is intended for beginner artists, but do not rush. To achieve a result, namely beautifully draw a person's lips, you need to carefully follow the rules of construction and shading.

Almost every person wants to have their own portrait at home, which is considered one of the most complex drawings what an artist can draw. It is not surprising that there is a great demand for this type of drawings. Therefore, the duty of a beginner and an experienced artist is to step by step improve his skills in drawing a person’s facial features, because through the face you can convey not only gender and age, but also the character and temperament of a person. According to their characteristics, portraits are divided into three types: children's, women's and men's. Today we will learn to draw the last view - male portrait with a simple pencil. It has its own characteristics and secrets, which we will tell you about in this step-by-step lesson.

Many people dream of painting a portrait of their family and friends. But before you draw the face as a whole, you need to learn how to draw the details of the face. This lesson for beginning artists is devoted to the question “ how to draw a nose" This task is not difficult, you just need to use the information about constructing and applying shadows. The shape and size of the nose may vary, but the basic design remains the same. Let's quickly find out how easy it is draw a nose with a pencil.

Hands are a personal and unique part of the body. They can often tell a story about a person's life through their shape and size. Long years people study their lines and structure, trying to read the future from the lines. Today we will learn draw hands with a simple pencil by using step by step lesson. Let's pay Special attention their construction and application of shadows so that the drawing comes out as realistic as possible.

A step-by-step lesson on how to draw a woman's portrait with a simple pencil. After going through just a few steps, you can understand the main features that are inherent in portrait of a woman and are absent in the rest. The face will be positioned from the front, hair pulled back. This is important to know before starting work. Now you can get started.

Each of us made our first sketches as children. During the drawing lessons, not everyone tried to do the work well and did not think about acquiring skills. In adulthood, many people feel the need to create something beautiful, but how to learn to draw with a pencil? After all, any drawing technique is based on the ability to hold the stylus correctly, make basic sketches, and create images. In this article you will find useful tips for learning to draw, as in art school, and independently.

Pencil Drawing Basics

Experts say that anyone, regardless of age, can learn how to draw correctly with a pencil. Learning to paint always begins with getting to know the materials that a beginning artist needs:

  • a sheet of white paper, any format;
  • eraser, also known as a rubber grater;
  • simple pencils.

The first steps in drawing begin with pencil sketch. With the help of meager lines, the general outlines of the object being copied, various poses, and moments of movement are conveyed. Sketching is the fastest way to put on paper your first thoughts and impressions of what you are drawing. While sketching, you don’t need to pay attention to unnecessary details; it is recommended to draw it for no more than 10 minutes.

How to learn to draw from scratch

Scientific psychologists have proven that during the process of creating a drawing, both hemispheres of the brain are actively working in a person, and the imagination is activated. It’s not for nothing that there is a technique for calming nerves called art therapy - this is drawing for adults and children. Many people want to be able to, but do not know how to learn to draw with a pencil. Learning to draw from scratch is not at all difficult, because the technique of drawing with a pencil is accessible to children and adults.

Art school

How can a child learn to draw with a pencil? The most The best decision- send him to art school. It is designed for teaching children school age from 6 to 17 years old. Upon admission to this institution, the level of knowledge and skills in the fine arts is determined. Depending on the child’s skills, they are assigned to the appropriate group of students.

Education at the art school is free and government funded. I visit this place after main school lessons three times a week. The course of study ranges from two to seven years. After graduating from school, the graduate receives a diploma, which opens the door to an artistic future: admission to a college or higher institution in his specialty.


How can adults learn to draw with a pencil? You can learn the art of drawing with the help of art courses. They are paid. The course of study ranges from several weeks to four years. During this time, the art studio will teach you the following skills:

  • How to draw correctly in step-by-step technique.
  • Learn to use a pencil and brush. Teachers in art studio They teach not only the ability to hold tools correctly, but also to choose and distinguish high-quality from low-grade ones.
  • Learn how to draw children with a pencil.
  • Learn many drawing techniques.
  • Learn how to learn to draw various items.
  • Learn to draw from life, landscapes, still lifes, people, animals, etc.
  • Learn coloristics - choosing and combining colors correctly.
  • Learn how to draw a cat with a pencil and other animals.
  • They will tell you how to learn to draw portraits.

Online lessons

If you don’t have free time and you don’t know how to learn to draw with a pencil, then use online courses. They are suitable for those who are unable to attend a stationary studio. An approximate plan for completing classes in this format for beginning artists:

  • The teacher provides basic knowledge of drawing in the form of examples of work and pictures.
  • The selected topic of the drawing lesson is discussed in detail.
  • At the end of the lesson the teacher gives homework, which you complete and mail to your teacher for review.
  • At the next lesson, the student, together with the teacher, analyzes the homework in detail, and together they correct errors in the drawing, if any.

Online lessons, as an option, in order to learn how to draw professionally, are not the only way out. If you do not have financial and territorial capabilities, but have great and irresistible desire If you learn how to draw well, you can do it yourself with the help of:

  • textbooks and drawing aids;
  • tutorials;
  • drawing instructions;
  • training videos.

Step-by-step drawing technique

A beginner needs to practice drawing by creating sketches. In order for the drawing to be meaningful, the sketch must be created according to the rules that form the plan:

  1. First, choose an object that you will draw, for example, a teapot or vase.
  2. Examine it from all sides, determine its shape, its texture, how the shadows fall on this object.
  3. Determine the composition of the drawing, i.e. how it will be placed on paper, in what format.
  4. After the contours are drawn, draw the details and apply shadows.


In order to draw a person, you need to decide on the composition. This means that you need to analyze the boundaries of the location from head to toe. Once you have a figure in your mind, start composing the body parts. You need to draw a person from a sketch of the contours of the head, going lower. In the image of a person, it is very important to immediately find the image; you should determine the number of details necessary for the finished drawing.


When drawing a person, much attention is paid to the face. To draw it correctly, you need to follow the steps:

  1. Decide how the face will be positioned on the paper. To do this, mentally draw an axis of symmetry; it should pass through the center of the sheet.
  2. Draw with a pencil on paper the outline of the face in the form of an oval (shape chicken egg).
  3. Build the shape of the face, starting from the jawline, moving to the most convex part - the cheekbone area, then to the narrowest - the temporal area.
  4. Align the drawn lines with an eraser; this will noticeably “lighten” the outline of the oval.
  5. Divide the resulting oval into three equal parts using light, barely noticeable lines. The very first line, located closer to the chin, marks the tip of the nose.
  6. Draw the nose, starting from the tip. It always protrudes forward, so it has a round, square, or pointed shape. Then we draw the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose.
  7. We draw the mouth, starting from the upper bend of the lip, which is located in the middle of the nostrils of the nose.


In a portrait of a person, the eyes occupy the most important place; they attract attention, so they need to be given special attention. To draw them using a step-by-step technique, you must adhere to the following plan:

  1. Before drawing the eyes, it is necessary to outline the eyebrows, which are located at the level of the bridge of the nose. Their shape depends on the character that the artist wants to convey in the portrait.
  2. Having outlined the approximate location of the eyes, we draw out their shape in the form of an oval.
  3. Draw the pupil in the shape of a circle.
  4. We line the eyelids and shape the eyelashes.

Anime and Manga

Many young artists begin learning to draw with anime and manga, because... portray people in style bright characters Japanese cartoons are much simpler than classic ones. The greatest emphasis in such cartoon characters falls on the head, eyes and hair. Let's sort it out step-by-step scheme drawing, with the help of which a novice artist will learn how to learn to draw anime:

  1. We start drawing the anime with an oval, which will be the head.
  2. Divide the circle in half lengthwise using straight line.
  3. Divide the head crosswise into three parts using light lines.
  4. Next, you need to note the location of the eyes, nose and mouth.
  5. Draw the big eyes, starting from the arc upper eyelid. The distance between them should be equal to one eye. When drawing pupils, much attention is paid to applying highlights. Eyebrows are drawn on these characters classic style: two even arcs.
  6. The nose in anime and manga is drawn small, expressed with a tick.
  7. Lips are drawn with two small lines.
  8. Anime and manga hair should be drawn in flowing triangles that slightly cover the eyes.
  9. Anime girls are depicted in bright clothes, mostly dresses.

3D drawings

Volumetric drawings fascinate with their realism, thanks to correct construction shape, applying shadows and highlights in the right places. You should learn to draw such pictures from simple geometric shapes: cylinder, rhombus, square. To recreate the 3D illusion of an object, you need to draw it in isometry, when the angles between the coordinate axes are 45 degrees. Volume is added to the drawing by auxiliary lines, which are drawn inside the figure with light pressure, and the outline is drawn in bold, more dark color.


Portraits can be drawn both from life and from photographs. Before drawing up an image, carefully consider what message the future drawing will convey. Learn to draw a portrait of a person correctly, not only in terms of proportionality and symmetry, but also to display real emotions. Another task of drawing an image of a person is to convey the maximum similarity of the person being copied. To achieve this, before you start drawing, consider all the details, highlight those features, “highlights” that you will focus on.

Graffiti on paper

Nowadays, graffiti painting is a fashionable movement that is gaining momentum. Many buildings are full of incomprehensible voluminous inscriptions, but quite often there are beautiful, professional drawings on the walls. To ensure that your paintings do not disfigure city buildings, and that expensive paints do not go to waste, you need to practice on paper for a long time. First, try drawing the letters of the alphabet using a simple pencil. To give them volume, use auxiliary lines.


The ability to draw buildings is useful not only for children, but also for people of all ages. age groups, to easily compose pictures, for example, a house with a landscape. Buildings are very easy to draw using lines. You should start with a rectangle, adding a triangle, you will get the image of a house, this is how children draw it. With the help of simple techniques and additional lines, the house becomes voluminous.


To draw a car with a pencil, you must adhere to step by step plan:

  1. Mark the outer outlines of the car, dividing it in half with a line.
  2. We draw the body with thicker lines.
  3. Then we draw the wheels.
  4. We draw out the parts of the front of the car: headlights, windshield, bumper.
  5. We draw windows, doors, mirrors.


It is much more difficult to draw animals than objects, especially from life, because they constantly change their pose and are in motion. To draw an animal, for example, a horse, you need to decide on its characteristic features: thick mane, elongated muzzle, slender muscular legs. Look detailed instructions, . You may not be able to correctly portray your favorite cat or dog on the first try, but after several practices you will definitely succeed.

Video tutorials on drawing with a simple pencil for beginners

Video lessons - great way learning to draw on your own. Below is a selection of training videos in which experienced artists clearly show how to create easy pencil drawings for beginners. After watching the video, you will learn how to draw Japanese cartoon characters - anime girls, and learn how to draw flowers. If you like landscapes, then watch the third video to the end, in which the artist paints nature, focusing special attention on the trees.

Drawing girls

How to draw flowers

Beautiful landscapes

How to Draw the Human Body

The basis artistic arts- drawing with a pencil, or to be more precise - sketching with a pencil. After basic exercises with a pencil (for example, on a stroke), you need to take up sketching in order to acquire drawing techniques, use your hand and understand how certain things are drawn. How lighting and shadow are drawn, how to create a “skeleton” of a drawing and attach detailing to it. We offer you pictures for sketching with pencil: beautiful and easy images that will help develop all of the above. The pictures are collected all over the Internet, both Russian and foreign.

The author of the collection was engaged in drawing on entry level. Drawing was not easy for me, but my diligence paid off. The pictures presented in this collection are suitable for both beginners and advanced beginners. Get ready to scroll down for a long time, because there are more than 60 pictures in the selection! You will surely find something to your liking and skills.

A large selection of beautiful and easy pictures for sketching in pencil

A simple outline of a camel-ship of the desert for sketching in pencil.

A beautiful and easy to draw silhouette of a cat.

Kawaii hamster with highlights on his eyes. But they don't make it much more difficult to draw. Beautiful and simple drawing!

Outlines of an anime cat for drawing, easy to draw even for a beginner.

The frog is a small animal with few curves. Try to work the shadow as closely as possible to the original, and you will get an excellent copy.

Another frog with more detailed eyes and muscles. But have you already trained on the previous frog?

A simple and surprising volume. Surprise him even more by drawing him well!

It’s very simple to draw this cat’s face; the main thing is to immediately estimate the lines of symmetry and mark the ovals. There's nothing complicated about the drawing itself (except maybe the eyes), so just make it symmetrical.

Elementary pencil drawing of a bird. You can not stop there and continue to detail it by adding feathers and shadows.

How to draw an elephant: step-by-step instructions.

Pencil drawing for advanced beginners. The face of a lion cub from a Disney cartoon.

Zebra is the perfect animal to draw with a simple pencil. We suggest drawing this zebra, which does not have complex detailing. Lightweight and beautiful image!

Large bear for sketching. The main thing here is to follow the rhythm and direction of the stroke. The bear should be combed, as in the original. If you can draw a nickel as cool as the original, then you're not so bad at drawing!

A drawing without detail, but which will require a confident hand and a clear delineation of space. You can first draw the cup more freely, applying a lot of extra strokes, and then remove them with an eraser.

An owl under a blanket with a cup of hot drink. Great autumn drawing It will work if you develop it and detail it. But for this you need to draw at least one like this! You know what to do.

Cute kitten is playing. An excellent drawing in terms of anatomy and shadows, although a minimum of strokes were used. The cat is alive! You can also convey this in a drawing, try it!

A ballerina with a minimum of detail and a very abstract figure, and even with eyes closed. A real gift for a sketcher.

Panda looks out of a cup. You can make the shadows better than in the original, but you have a basis for sketching.

Scrabbles cat in an original drawing style. Big eyes, on which it will be very convenient for you to practice glare. Also the shadow and the rhythm of the stroke are very important here. Notice how the stroke becomes more frequent where the shadow thickens, and how it thins out in the illuminated place.

Fox from Zootopia, depicted in a slightly casual style. You can first portray him in severe negligence, and then remove the excess.

A beautiful drawing for sketching in pencil: a pretty girl has a Pikachu sitting on her shoulder. But it has a minus: it is not so simple. You'll have to try hard to draw it well. But there's not much detail, so go ahead!

An easy way to draw a horse.

A simple way to draw Winnie the Pooh in the Russian style.

Vinny in an overseas, Disney style. Both options are cute and easy to draw with a simple pencil.

A cute kitten with virtually no detail, easy to draw.

Lace-up boots with heels. Try sketching just one shoe first.

A sad but funny owl sits on a branch and waits for you to start sketching it with a simple pencil.

A simple landscape, without unnecessary detail. But there is something to practice in applying shadows and being steady with your hand.

Little penguin for sketching.

Little squirrel with a potion in his hands. Eyebrows are the final touch in conveying emotions, just like expression wrinkles at the bottom of the picture.

Stylish, beautiful street pattern. Sketching it in pencil will be the first step to depict something similar in paint in the city.

A girl's cute face in profile, not burdening you with unnecessary detail. Only outlines, only basics.

Waist and legs of a ballerina. There must be very subtle work with shadows here. Do everything in your power: eraser, fingers, movements barely touching the sheet of paper.

A bullfinch sits on a branch.

Another bird on the branch. Here you will have to try to shade the bird properly. Notice where and how the lines become denser and darker.

A great picture for sketching that will develop your skills. No special detail, just playing with strokes and darkening.

A picture to practice drawing bird feathers. The ideal angle for these purposes.

Key from; A watermark will not interfere with copying from this picture.

Landscape with two boats, trees, silhouettes of mountains in the background. Easy picture, but requiring initial training

Half detailed house. Try to draw at least half of it. Notice how the roof tiles are made. Rocks are less of a problem here.

Cute parrots communicate, and you copy them, because they are really light and beautiful.

Cool drawing with an abstract silhouette of a girl with curves.

Landscape with trees, stones, bridge and mountains in the background. The picture is easy, does not require any super technical skills, but tests your diligence and perseverance.

Flower buds for sketching

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