How to draw very simple kittens. Learn to draw a kitten step by step - pencil drawing lesson for beginners and schoolchildren

Now we will learn to draw a kitten from the very beginning, and with our own hands. If you learn to draw it with a pencil, you can draw it with anything.

Like this one.

Step 1
In order to draw it correctly, you need to figure out what it is made of. What, what, what are our kittens made of?.. Naturally, from the head, carcass, paws (4 pcs.) and tail.

All shapes are very simple: the body and front legs resemble sausages, the hind legs resemble sausages with lentils attached to the top, the head is a flattened ball, the ears are rounded triangles.

Step 2
Now let's connect the parts together. Naturally, we don’t stupidly apply one to the other - this is not Soviet that making a toy bear! And the kitten’s paws are not nailed down. They need to be grown. Imagine that you are sculpting it from plasticine - you make a body, a paw, and then press it into the body with the upper part and lubricate the joint with your finger. So it is here. The transition from the body to the paws should be smooth, do not forget that the kitten still has to walk and jump on them! If the muzzle is half turned, then the far ear needs to be turned: it will become narrower, and the inside of the ear will almost not be visible.

To make the picture look more alive: do not draw with straight lines! Also, don't draw the entire object with one simple arc. Look at the near front leg: it is not straight, not concave or curved, it bends in both directions!

Step 3
Now we draw the eyes and nose. We draw them at the bottom of the head, leaving the kitten more space for the brains (his brains will be useful to him in life). We draw the eyes almost at the same level as the nose; in fact, the inner corners of the eyes and the lower corner of the nose form an obtuse triangle. Don't forget that the head is not round, but spherical. That is, it is volumetric, so even with the slightest rotation there will be slight distortion.

Step 4
Draw the pupils following the Caracal tutorial. Carefully draw the nose, eyes, outline the eyebrows and mouth (this way you can make the face more expressive).

Now the outline and features of the faces... muzzles! ready. But he shouldn't be bald! This is not a sphinx, this is an ordinary kitten. We need to make it wool. Therefore, before drawing the fur, I erase the clear dark outline of the kitten. Well, I paint the eyes, I like to do it. Dark on top, light arc below, white highlight on top.

Step 6
Now you can make the outline woolen. We draw in place of the old outline of the hair.

Carefully draw the tail. Many people like to immediately draw a panicle, so that it is more magnificent and beautiful. In fact, a thin ponytail that tapers towards the end looks much more touching!

Step 7

The most tedious part is shading the kitten with hairs. At the same time, we make sure that the hairs grow in the right direction, do not continue each other and do not merge. You can make a few stripes on the tail and leave a white breast.

Step 8
Woolen, but flat. It's like it's covered in texture. Ugly. Need to add volume! Add it along the edges of the legs, body, head, using neat semicircular strokes. We shade from the edge to the middle in an arc! Select arcuate stripes. The far paw should be made darker than the near one. You can also put triangular shadows on the paws above the toes and above the nose. We paint over the ears in depth.

Step 9
Now, it’s already beautiful! Now we strengthen all the shadows, because there are few of them yet. If somewhere it turns out to be a very dark place, lighten it with a nag. And along the edges we add random thin hairs to enliven the picture. Don't forget about the mustache: it grows on the muzzle near the nose, on the eyebrows and in the ears. Well, we need to put it on the surface, then a shadow will come to our aid if there is no time or desire to come up with something else

Step 10
From these same simple shapes By combining them and bending them, you can create different poses. It’s okay if the sketches are sloppy, you can always draw 5 pieces, select the most successful one and redraw it on a clean copy.

Did your child ask you to draw a kitten? There is nothing complicated, create an image step by step, and the drawing process will seem easy and interesting to you.

It is difficult for children to perceive schemes consisting of many elements, therefore, than younger child, the simpler the drawing and its elements should be.

In this article we will tell you how to quickly and easily draw a kitten step by step and teach even a preschooler how to do it with a pencil.

From this article you will learn

Let's start with a simple image

Various will come to help us geometric figures. In order to make an image of a kitten, you need to be able to draw circles and ovals, which will become the basis of the image. Thus, first we must teach children to make the head and body, and then finish drawing the ears, eyes, tail and paws. We decide on the direction, that is, in which direction the animal is looking, and that’s where the head is made.

As you can see, everything is very simple here, even for younger children. Since we are using a pencil, it is easy to erase the lines in the neck area, creating a smooth transition and completeness of the drawing. Draw the paws and also remove the extra lines.

Difficulties may arise in creating the muzzle; as we see, it is based on a semi-oval, which we superimpose on a circle, which is the basis for the head.

Be sure to use with a simple pencil so that there are no extra lines left. With just two ovals as a basis, we were able to draw a cute kitten. Even for small children, mastering this image will be quite simple.

How else to make a simple cat image

Perhaps you want to draw a kitten sitting upright and looking at you. This is also easy to do. First we draw the head. It will be round. For convenience, you can take a round object, for example a small glass, and circle it. The result is a head, on top of which two triangular ears are drawn.

Now the most difficult part begins, but since we do everything step by step, you and the child will quickly understand the whole process. It is necessary to draw the kitten's body. We use smooth lines that will help create the sides. The very last thing we draw is the tail, after which you can take paints or a felt-tip pen and give the cat the desired color.

It is also easy to draw a kitten in motion step by step, starting from the head. Only here the elements of the back will go horizontally. In addition, you will have to learn how to draw paws. We remember that we are using a pencil, you can take a simple hard one, and then use colored ones, tracing the picture along the contour, so the process will become even more interesting for children.

So, carefully draw the head and ears, then draw a side line of the back, smoothly turning into the hind legs. Then we finish the front paws, the bushy tail, and don’t forget about the eyes and whiskers.

As you can see, this picture, if done step by step, is quite simple, a few repetitions with the children, and they can easily do it themselves.

Perhaps you want to learn how to draw a kitten step by step that will look like a real one. Geometry and a little drawing skills will help us with this. First, we outline the main lines: it is important to maintain proportions and teach children to use tools and rulers correctly.

We draw a circle that will represent the head and outline the lines of the neck. Now in the central part of the circle we draw two lines that will allow us to correctly and symmetrically draw the cat’s face and the pattern of its fur. The next step is to draw the body; it will resemble an oval extending from the neck. We will definitely make paws on the sides of the body; they will slightly protrude beyond the contour. This way we can depict a kitten sitting with its back to us.

To make the drawing look natural, we paint over some elements with a pencil. You need to gradually draw the stripes on the face, as well as the mustache, then make a drawing on the back. Don't forget about the tail. You can give it fluffiness and naturalness using the shading technique or simply make a few lines.

Study several pictures of this animal with your children. Show your child the cat in sitting position, in move. It is useful to tell how a cartoon character differs from a real kitten. Draw several options.

A preschooler can give an interesting gift to a brother or sister, and a parent will help to create a beautiful and original image step by step. You can use additional elements, such as a bow.

Children are interested in the process of creating an image and how, using a pencil, the end result is funny and beautiful pictures.

Also using pencil shading, we draw a cat in motion. Having learned from the previous examples, this will not be difficult to do; it is enough to correctly position the parts of the body and maintain proportions.

We learned how to draw a cat, now every parent will be able to show their preschooler how to do it easily and quickly.

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There are different breeds of cats, we all know that. But many who have their own pet are convinced that, despite the animal belonging to one or another family, they are all incredibly proud and graceful people. How can we show our admiration for them? How to portray their nobility? How to draw a cat that is calm and at the same time has an unprecedented sense of self-esteem?

How to get a good portrait of an animal

Both in fairy tales and in works felinol O gov, scientists who study the life of our pets, a cat is a special creature that you want to respect and listen to its opinion. It is enough to give an example of how Puss in Boots behaved, and it is immediately clear what a true esthete and master of his life means, despite the fact that we sometimes naively believe that we have at least some kind of power over cats.

Having understood this, we prepared ourselves for how we would try to depict a cat with a pencil. But first, let’s prepare all the necessary tools and materials so that in the process of drawing a cat, nothing will distract us.

We will need:

  • A simple pencil for sketching;
  • Eraser, sheet of Whatman paper;
  • And colored pencils for drawing.

Now it would be nice to divide the whole process into 3 stages, so that even for children it is not difficult to follow our example:

  1. We find a suitable portrait with a pencil for sketching;
  2. Draw auxiliary lines;
  3. Using a pencil we make drawings step by step;
  4. Let's decorate.
Now even for beginners it will be quite easy to complete the task.

First stage quite simple and we will help you with this. Look how proud and beautiful sample. This is not a puss in boots, it’s easier to call him Vaska, but this is exactly what every child will love.

Execution of work

Second phase when we transfer everything we see onto paper and understand how to draw a cat in the most the easy way. Here we will repeat everything step by step according to the sample in order to understand the principle of depicting a cat with a simple pencil, and subsequently so that we can do everything ourselves. We will divide this stage into steps.

Step one

Before we start sketching, we will build an auxiliary grid and draw 6 cells, while the middle ones should be slightly longer than the top and bottom ones.

Step two

We do 3 circles. These are the head, chest and hind legs of the animal. The circle patterns may not be perfectly even, but that doesn't matter. Each drawn oval is just an auxiliary one, and serves to determine the location of the head, chest and paws in the cat’s drawing. Two lines radiate down from the middle oval.

Step three

If we connect the two upper circles with curved lines, and then the middle one with the lower one, mark the ears on the head and the paws at the bottom, then a will appear in front of us.

Third stage– let’s move on to turning all the lines and ovals into our beast.

Step four

At the bottom of the head we draw a small oval, which in the future will be the cat’s nose and mouth. We depict the paws more accurately.

Step five

Erase all auxiliary lines.

Step six

Let's learn to draw a pussy nose and mark the place for the eyes. Inside the small circle on the muzzle, we write the letter “x”, and two small arcs emanate from the top of the circle. We draw the paws more accurately.

Step seven

In the pictures, in place of the arcs, we make eyes. We erase the excess details, leaving the nose. We make a pattern on our striped whale.

Third stage– decorating. We always start by circling everything. important details in the picture with its color.

Now you can fill in the blanks. We get a brown handsome guy with dark brown stripes and green eyes.

How to easily draw a cat with a pencil step by step - for children and adults. Learn to draw with a pencil step by step beautiful cat together with the child. Find out how to quickly and easily learn to draw a beautiful cat.

To make it easy for a child to draw, for example, a cat, we will tell you how to draw a cat step by step. Draw with your child, then it will be easier for him to remember and master the drawing of a cat.

Take a sheet of paper and a pencil and start drawing with your child, controlling and prompting him. At the top of the sheet of paper, draw a circle so that it is slightly extended to the sides.

Then, from the circle down, draw two curved lines, from these lines just below half of the curved line, draw two more curved lines, these lines will indicate the cat’s hind legs.

So, you have the body of a cat and the hind legs of a cat.

Now draw the cat’s ears; they look a little like triangles with curved sides.

Look with your child at the lower part of the cat’s face, here you need to draw a nose in the form of a triangle, draw two curls from the nose - this will be the cat’s mouth.

Now the cat needs to draw eyes. The eyes should be semi-oval with pointed corners at the edges. Inside the eye you need to draw circles, and inside the circles you need to draw a pupil, it should be elongated.

Look carefully at the drawing, your cat doesn’t have enough paws, now let’s draw the paws. Draw four paws for the cat, each paw should have three toes.

Now the cat needs to draw a tail. The tail should be drawn on the left side of the cat. The cat's tail should be slightly fluffy.

Your cat is almost ready, but to make her look more beautiful, add a little fluffiness on her chest and legs.

Now draw fluffy ears, whiskers on the cat and draw a bow for the cat for beauty.

Well, your cat is ready, near the cat you can draw a ball, a ball that she plays with, or a mouse.

Another step-by-step drawing of a cat

Now let's see step by step how you can draw another cat in a different way.

Let's see how you can draw a cat in full height in another way, for this we offer you step by step instructions and visual pictures.

Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, first you need to mark the sheet of paper so that the cat fits in completely.

First, let's draw the cat's head. Look carefully at the following picture and draw the cat’s head exactly as shown in the picture, now draw triangular ears, look carefully at how the body is positioned and draw exactly the same.

Apply the lines of the sketch of the cat with thin strokes, so that later you can adjust, erase and draw further.

A little above the nose, draw the cat’s eyes; they should be in the form of an oval with pointed ends.

Now pay attention to the cat’s ears, they need to be corrected a little so that they turn from simple triangles into beautiful ears, draw a mustache and finish the cat’s eyes, draw her vertical pupils.

Now you should start drawing the cat's body, look carefully at the picture and draw the cat's front legs and toes.

Look at the next picture, now you need to finish drawing the cat’s back, tail and draw her back legs. Add a few touches to the cat that will make it more cute and expressive.

Remove the lines that interfere and are unnecessary in your drawing, outline the outline of the cat more brightly, paint your cat in any color you like.

This is such a beautiful cat you have.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a cat step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw a beautiful cat. We wish you good luck in your future works.

Master class on drawing cats in sitting and sleeping poses step by step with photos.

Nadezhda Yurievna Gorbova, teacher at the Children's Art School, Yaransky District Kirov region, city of Yaransk.
Description: This master class shows step by step drawing red cat sitting and sleeping in watercolor. It also shows a step-by-step drawing of a Siamese cat using the raw technique.
Purpose: The master class is intended for art teachers, educators additional education, parents and children over 7 years old who want to fulfill beautiful work for an exhibition, interior decoration or just for a gift.
Target: making a drawing of a red cat in sitting and sleeping poses, making a drawing using the raw technique of a Siamese cat.
- consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities of drawing an animal using simple geometric shapes;
- further improvement of watercolor skills;
- consolidating the skills of arranging an animal on a sheet of paper;
- consolidation of color science skills;
- fostering love for animals;
- development of attention and accuracy.

Materials: pencil, eraser, watercolor, sheet of A4 size watercolor paper, squirrel brushes No. 2,6,8, white gouache, cloth, jar of water.

Hello dear guests!
This master class is dedicated to drawing one of your favorite pets - a cat.

To cats - children of the universe -
Poems are dedicated.
Cats are cute creatures
Graceful and light!

Egyptians and more
They could be deified
So many years have passed since then,
You can't turn back those centuries.

But centuries are not a burden to them,
Cats don't care about years
After all, even in our time they
The tail is a pipe, but life is the key!

Cats just have a mass:
Bring coziness and comfort into the house.
Still, the cat is a princess,
Well, the cat is undoubtedly a lord!

Cats and cats are varied in color. Today I propose to draw a red tabby and a Siamese cat.
The watercolor technique is not simple, it does not tolerate wear and tear and it is not always possible to correct a mistake. But we will not be afraid and, if the drawing does not work out, we will take a new sheet and try again.


1. Let’s imagine the cat’s body as an oval, and its head as a ball. We place the body at an angle and shift it relative to the center of the sheet to the right. There should be margins on the sides. We leave a little more space at the bottom than at the top.

2. Draw the front, hind legs and tail.

3. We begin to draw the muzzle. The nose looks like the letter “T”, the eyes are slightly oval and are located at an angle. Let’s enlarge the chest a little and arch the back.

4. Paint the muzzle with golden ocher color. The nose is pink in a cool shade. Leave white areas around the eyes.

5. Mark the dark areas with red ocher.

6. Paint the ears dark pink. On the muzzle we draw stripes (pattern) in brown.

7. Paint over the entire body with shades of yellow ocher and red ocher and, while this layer is not dry, immediately draw a striped pattern.

8. Then we will depict the texture of the fur, drawing with small strokes in the direction of hair growth.

9. Let's start drawing the face. Emphasize the nostrils and the contour of the mouth pink-lilac color. Let's draw dots from where the mustache grows. Then we draw a yellow eyeball, then a black pupil in the form of an elongated oval, dry, leaving a white highlight. Outline the eye with a pink-lilac color.

10. Then draw the mustache in pink-lilac color, and repeat on top of it with white gouache. We will also paint the hairs on our cat’s ears with white gouache.

11. You can highlight the fur on the cat’s chest with white color, so it will look even more voluminous.

Now I propose to draw a sleeping ginger cat, curled up in a ball, using the wet technique.
1.Draw an oval

2.Draw the tail, right hind paw and a round muzzle.

3. Wet the sheet well cold water. The leaf should absorb water well. Before you start writing, make sure there are no puddles on the piece of paper. Daylight is cold, so we’ll go through bright areas with blue and pink.

4. Paint the remaining areas with shades of yellow ocher and red ocher. When dry, the color in watercolor becomes very light, so use thicker paint on a damp brush.

5. Strengthen the shadows on the body, muzzle and under the tail.

6. Draw a striped pattern.

7.As the paint dries, the tone becomes lighter, so I will further enhance the shadow parts. If you drip from a brush clean water next to fresh paint, you will get interesting stains.

How to draw a Siamese cat using the raw technique.

1.Draw an inverted drop on the right side of the sheet. This will be the head and front legs. On the left side of the sheet we will draw a semi-oval (the back of the cat).

2.Then we will draw the muzzle in more detail, outline the fluffy tail and paws.

3. The Siamese cat has a very interesting coat color. It casts blue, lilac and different shades blue and brown colors. We begin to write from light to dark, after the sheet is well saturated with water. There should be no puddles on the surface of the sheet. We paint the breast with cool shades, interspersing warm ocher. Then brown shades back and paws.

4. We begin to write the face. First, light shades of brown, then a richer tone, and at the end we emphasize the center of the muzzle with dark blue.
Attention: we try not to let the paint spill into the cat’s eyes; we will paint them dry in a beautiful cornflower blue color!

5.Draw the fur on the chest and make the tail darker.

6. Let’s highlight the central part of the muzzle even darker (the paint dries and becomes lighter). Using a dry brush, remove a little paint on the cheeks to make them lighter. Let's draw the nose more clearly. Lastly, we paint the eyes: first with blue, and when it dries, we paint narrow vertical pupils. At the end we put highlights in the eyes and draw a mustache.

Thai shirt made of fur

Thai shirt made of fur
Of desires and riddles.
A cat is not a dog
She has her own habits!

It can’t be someone’s secret
Appreciates affection and care.
It was very hard
She is without a home in bad weather.

People invented the secret
So that when you come home from work,
Ironing while sitting on the sofa,
Forgetting about worries.

Thai woman comes to the house at night
Through the window on the first,
She knows a lot of windows
She just knows how to be faithful.

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