How to draw a mother beautifully and easily: step-by-step instructions for children. What to draw for mom as a gift for Mother's Day, birthday, or just because

Do you need a reason to please your beloved mother with a beautiful drawing? Of course not! And although children most often present postcards and memorable drawings with their own hands to their mothers for their birthdays, March 8th or Mother’s Day, you can do this just like that. For example, you can draw a portrait of your mother or the whole family (mother, father, daughter, son) with a pencil and attach it to the refrigerator, making an unplanned a pleasant surprise. A beautiful drawing can be not only a gift to mom, but also part of a memorable card, panel or poster. How to draw a mother and what beautiful things to draw in her honor will be discussed further. In this article we tried to collect the easiest interesting master classes drawings on a given topic for children 8-9 years old and older with step-by-step photos.

Master class on how to draw a mother beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old - step-by-step lesson with photos

Probably the most difficult question is how to draw a mother beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old. At this age, not everyone’s artistic talents are sufficiently developed, and giving clumsy portraits as in kindergarten It's already a shame. In this case, the following master class on how to draw a mother beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old with step-by-step photos comes to the rescue.

Necessary materials to draw a mother beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old

  • album sheet
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • markers or colored pencils

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a mother beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old

How to quickly and easily draw a mother, father, daughter and son - a master class with photos step by step

You can also make your mother happy or design a themed card with a family portrait. The next master class on how to quickly and easily draw a mother, father, daughter and son is suitable for students of secondary and high school. Younger children, in turn, can use the general elements of the technique from the lesson to learn how to quickly and easily draw individual people - mom, dad, daughter or son.

Necessary materials to quickly draw a mother, father, son, daughter

  • simple pencil
  • paper
  • eraser
  • colour pencils

Step-by-step instructions on how to quickly and easily draw a family of mom, dad, daughter, son

How to draw a mother with a small child on Mother's Day with a pencil - master class step by step with pictures

Mother's Day is a great occasion to give beautiful drawing mom. For example, you can draw a mother with a small child on Mother’s Day with a pencil, as a symbol of boundless love and care. Detailed instructions How to draw a mother with a small child in pencil for Mother’s Day with pictures, see below.

Necessary materials to draw a mother and child with a pencil for Mother's Day

  • pencils
  • eraser
  • paper sheet

Step-by-step instructions with pictures on how to draw a mother with a small child with a pencil

What a beautiful thing to draw for a mother’s birthday from her daughter with a pencil - a step-by-step master class with photos

Mom's birthday is a good reason for her daughter to draw something beautiful and memorable with a pencil or paints. For example, you can draw a very feminine and gentle image of a mother, decorated with flowers. Original idea You will find a beautiful way to draw a mother’s birthday with a pencil for her daughter in the master class below.

Necessary materials to draw beautifully for a mother's birthday from her daughter with pencils

  • simple pencil
  • paper
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on what to draw beautifully for your mother’s birthday from her daughter with a pencil

What to draw for mom just like that with your own hands - a simple step-by-step master class with pictures

You don’t have to wait for a special occasion or holiday to please your mother with a memorable drawing. What should mom draw with her own hands just like that? Most often, children draw bouquets, individual flowers, and family portraits. But you can just draw a cute animal for your mom with your own hands, for example, a panda with a heart - a kind of declaration of love.

Necessary materials to draw a picture for mom just like that with your own hands

  • paper
  • black marker
  • colored markers

Step-by-step instructions on what to draw for mom just like that with your own hands

How to quickly draw a card for mom for Mother’s Day with your own hands - master class with video

Any drawing from the master classes above on what and how to draw for mom with your own hands, including a portrait, can be used to design a postcard for March 8, birthday or Mother’s Day. But the next option step-by-step master class, how to beautifully and quickly draw a card for mom on Mother’s Day with your own hands for children, adapted specifically for this format of congratulations. Of course, you can easily draw such a card for mom with a pencil and for no reason, as they say, just like that.

only person on earth who will say “I love you” completely disinterestedly, without expecting anything in return. They simply love their children, sincerely believing that they have the most beautiful, smartest children. That's probably why quotes about mom s deep meaning so often searched on the Internet - sometimes you want to say “I love you” to her, but your tongue seems to stick to the roof of your mouth, refusing to speak.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s due to upbringing or lifestyle. It is important that you can choose now beautiful pictures with gentle inscriptions for mom, choose your favorite phrases about mom, and send them to her at any time, as soon as you want to tell her kind words.

Mom will appreciate it with humor and funny pictures with perky inscriptions, or maybe she will like cool photos with her name, decorated ?

On the topic of motherhood different times greatest minds thought, writing down their statements with the exact meaning, and how good it is that they reached us! It becomes clear that the institution of motherhood has not changed one iota, and then and now we write to our mother, our most beloved, most precious.

The relationship between mother and child is not always replete with only tenderness and love. This is not the most pleasant topic, but who among us doesn’t remember how your mother forced and persuaded you to do something that you really wanted, but she didn’t like? But years pass and you realize that she did all this for your sake, all her actions were filled with meaning. And that company that you weren’t allowed to hang out with ended badly, and that party that you weren’t allowed to go to ended badly.

And about this side of mothers’ characters there are photos, aphorisms, and cool sayings in our selection. Sometimes they are funny, uplifting, and sometimes these pictures, seemingly with simple inscriptions, make you think and, perhaps, cry.

You can download pictures for your beloved mother completely free of charge and then save these for yourself beautiful photos with inscriptions on the desktop.

Let all your friends see the coolest pictures, if you like our selection of images with captions about your beloved mother, just select the appropriate icon social network at the bottom of the post to save it on your page.

The pictures are accompanied by elegant inscriptions, and all the aphorisms found here will appeal to even the strictest mother. What mother doesn’t melt when she hears “I love you” from her child? Of course, “I love you” will immediately follow with a hug! Well, of course, if you are nearby. If for some reason the parent is far from you, do not be lazy to send her your photo, and our funny aphorisms that will definitely lift her spirits. Don't hesitate!

Irina Evgenievna Parieva

Mother! The most beautiful word on earth is MOTHER! This is the first word that a person utters and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world! Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old we are - five or fifty - we always need a mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater our love for our mother, the more joyful and brighter life is.

Mother's Day across the country

Today they celebrate

One thing in the world is clear to everyone -

We love mom!

And our guys, of course, are also preparing for this holiday, they have prepared for gifts for moms, learned poems, songs, dances.

And, of course, every child I drew a portrait of my mom!

We invite you to look at one of the options for creating such portrait.

Before draw mom, ask the children to take her photo from home. Let the child look at the photo and highlight the main ones that are characteristic only of his mother features: face shape, eyes, hair color, lipstick color, etc.

Stage 1. Select paints. Help the children choose the right paint color for their face. It's not at all as easy as it seems! Most often, the required shade is not included in the paint set. Mix the shade of ocher, red and white.

Stage 2. Draw the face.

Draw an oval - it needs to be placed in the center of the sheet. We paint the neck and ears with the same paint. Draw details: pupils of the eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, lips.

Stage 3. Draw clothes.

Take a different color and draw a blouse or mom's favorite dress.

Stage 4. Create a hairstyle.

Let's remember what mom's hair: What color are they. what length, straight or wavy. Select the paper of the desired color and the right size (this depends on the size of our drawing and the length of mom’s hair). It is best to use double-sided paper.

Cut it into long thin strips (but not completely). Using a craft knife, make a cut in the shape of the head, insert the whole end of the paper and secure it with reverse side our drawing. Here's what we have happened:

And now - we either leave the stripes straight, or twist them with scissors, make the desired length, form bangs, i.e., we convey the features of my mother’s hairstyle.

Stage 4. The final touch to mom's portrait.

Can finish drawing mom’s favorite earrings or beads(or make them from any other material).

We did it by trimming.

If desired, you can place portrait in such beautiful frame from colors:

The portrait is ready! A great gift for mom!

The word "mother".... Ma-ma...Mom... This is the very first word little man. Mom is the beloved, the only, the most unique, the most tender, kind and affectionate mother on Earth. This is my mother - every child thinks so. Mom opens this world for us. Her caring hands, her soothing voice, her everyday, invisible, but so necessary for everyone, household work. And how deliciously mom can cook! Just lick your fingers! Mom always manages to do everything. And how does she do it? And we love our mother, simply because she exists and she is our mother. Now in this lesson we want to teach you how to draw a mother with a child in her arms step by step with a pencil. The drawing is not easy, in order to turn it out well, you have to try.

Stage 1. Here we will draw an initial sketch - the primary lines of our future drawing. We draw the lines of the head of both mother and child: oval faces, in which we make both vertical features in the middle and horizontal ones at the level of the eyes and mouth. Then we will show the mother’s body with contours: the lines of the back, chest and arms hugging the child’s waist. And for the child we sketch out the line of the back and the arm placed on the mother’s shoulder.

Stage 2. Let's start with faces. Let's outline the face of mother and child with a gentle oval. Let's also draw the child's ear.

Stage 3. Now let's draw mom's hair. From the top of the forehead we make a parting line and from it in both directions with wavy lines we draw curls falling onto the face and shoulders. For a child (in our case, it’s a boy), we also draw hair on the head with bangs. His hair is ear-length.

Stage 4. Let's start with the eyes. Along the upper horizontal line we outline the contours of the eyes, the upper and lower eyelids and detail the eyelashes.

Stage 6. Now we draw the lines of the noses vertically. Along the lower horizontal line are the lines of the mouth: the upper and lower lips in a smile.

Stage 7. Let's draw the boy's body. He is wearing a shirt. Let's outline the lines of the shoulder, back, chest and sleeves. Then from the sleeve we will draw a line with fingers. He hugs his mother's shoulder.

Stage 8. And now we show the lines of the mother’s body: chest, back and circular neckline of the sleeve of the dress.

Stage 9. Let’s draw both hands: right and left. The lines of the arms meet each other on the baby’s belt.

Drawing mom:step by step drawing for children, step by step photos, examples of children's portraits of mother.

We draw a mother with children

Do you yet have a family portrait of your mother drawn by your child? Today we will draw it with the children! By analogy, you can make a portrait of a grandmother, sister, or a child’s favorite teacher and give it as a gift for a birthday, March 8, or Mother’s Day.

Before drawing a portrait, be sure to have a conversation with your children.

Preparing to draw a mother with preschool children

Discuss using photos of people close and familiar to the child, illustrations from children's books about family:

—What shape is a person’s face?

— What shape is mom’s face? What characteristic features does a face have?

— What color are mom’s eyes?

— Are mom’s eyebrows dark or light?

- What color is your hair?

- What hairstyle does mom wear? short haircut, fluffy hair, hair gathered in a bun at the top or back)?

Drawing mom: step-by-step drawing for children

Step 1. Draw mom's face

Draw an oval face. (You need to draw with a simple pencil, here in the master class a felt-tip pen is used so that you can see the lines more clearly).

Step 2. Draw the mother's neck and shoulders

Divide the oval in half vertically (from top to bottom). It is advisable to draw all lines with very light pencil pressure.

Draw the neck and shoulders.

Step 3

— Divide the received vertical line into three equal segments.

— Draw two thin horizontal lines through the obtained points, dividing the oval of the face into three parts.

Step 4. Draw eyebrows, mother's eyes

— Draw eyebrows under the upper dividing line. We make sure that the eyebrows are at an equal distance from the center of the face.

— Draw almond-shaped eyes under the eyebrows.

- Draw a circle in the center of the eye - an iris.

- Draw a smaller circle in the iris - the pupil.

Step 5. Draw the nose, mouth, ears of mom

— From the eyebrow line to the bottom dividing line, draw a nose.

- Divide the lowest vertical segment in half and draw a line for the mouth - a concave line.

— Above the resulting line of the mouth, draw the upper lips with two curved segments.

— Under the line of the mouth, draw the lower lips with a more concave line

— Draw ears between the first and second dividing horizontal lines.

Step 6

— Now let’s take paints and brushes different numbers. Thin brush black paint draw eyebrows, eye contours, eyelashes. If the eyebrows are light, draw them in light paint

- Draw an iris with blue paint. If mom's eyes are a different color, then draw an iris in the right color.

- Draw a pupil with black paint.

Step 7

Paint lips with red paint. Mark the line of the mouth with a thin line of darker paint.

Step 8. Draw mom's dress and hairstyle

— Draw a dress, preferably your mother’s favorite one. Draw beads if she wears them. Or a chain with a pendant.

- Draw hair. It is important to convey to children the idea that hair is drawn in the direction of its growth. In this case, in the picture for this article we drew a bob-type hairstyle. The hair falls in even strands from top to bottom, covering the ears. Let's start drawing on the right side of the face by moving the brush from top to bottom from the middle of the forehead. Do not forget to hold the brush vertically. Pay attention to the fact that we tear the brush off the sheet of paper and move it again from top to bottom, and not “here and there.”

— If mom’s hair is long, draw it lower, it will fall over her shoulders and onto her dress.

Likewise right side draw hair on the left side of the face.

If the mother has a hairstyle with an open forehead, then as a result of this step the portrait of the mother will look something like this.

Step 9

If your mother has bangs, then you need to paint the bangs with a thin brush, moving the brush from top to bottom. At the top we draw lines closer to the center, at the bottom we draw lines to the sides.

You should watch your mother’s hairstyle: the bangs may be short, they go only in the forehead or from the center of the head. Then in the drawing you should draw lines from the center of the head in the shape of a triangle.

That's how different mothers are! Below you will see drawings of children who drew their mother in this master class. Notice how differently they portrayed their mothers!

Drawing mom: examples of children's drawings

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