How to draw for mom for the New Year. How to draw New Year

Drawing lesson on the theme of New Year's drawing. In this lesson we will look at how to draw a New Year's drawing with a pencil step by step. We can make a lot of paintings on the theme of New Year's drawings. Let's draw one of them as a classic one, after that I will offer you more options on how to draw a New Year's picture, since I have a lot of them.

Draw a slightly rounded horizon, we will have a fence on the left, show tree trunks and a few branches on the right. These are trees in the distance, so they are very small.

Now we draw the trunks on the left much larger; the further they go into the distance, the smaller they become. Also show vertical lines partitions on the fence, the further from the foreground, the closer to each other you need to draw the lines. In the middle we draw two circles, one smaller, a little larger below.

Draw the third part of the snowman, now we need to show the tree crowns in the snow, just draw their silhouettes. We have a very snowy winter and there is so much snow on the branches that they have created a single cover that adheres to the branches.

We complete the snowy trees on the left, and on the right, add another one on top of the existing ones. Draw eyes, a nose, a mouth, buttons and a bucket on the head, as well as hands in the form of sticks.

In his hand he holds a spruce branch, and someone has placed a small tree below, let’s sketch out the bottom and top of it. A spruce branch is drawn like this: first a curve, then on one side we draw needles in separate curves close to each other, and also on the other side.

We finish drawing the Christmas tree, erasing unnecessary lines inside it and in the bucket on the snowman’s head.

On the fence, make wavy lines on the lying snow; the further the fence goes, the narrower the thickness of the snow becomes. In the clearing we show the snow with small snowdrifts. We show snow on the snowman’s bucket, nose, sticks (arms), and on a spruce branch. For the branch, we erase part of the outline and re-draw the adhered snow, outlining the erased area with uneven curves. On the bucket we also draw a lot of snow on top, on the nose there is an additional curve on top and on the sticks there are also just additional lines above them. I also drew the legs. Someone hung them on the Christmas trees, they are also covered in snow, like the Christmas tree itself. Someone scattered seeds or specially sprinkled grain for the birds, one bird saw this and pecked them, most likely it was a sparrow.

Draw falling snow, it's everywhere. This is the New Year's drawing we got, I deliberately made it very simple and light. If you want, you can add something of your own.

Now I have a lesson on my website about Santa Claus riding a sleigh with a bag of gifts on a horse. To see.

A small dog in a Santa Claus hat, this is also a New Year's drawing. .

There is also New Year's drawings with cats:

To draw a New Year's drawing, you need to remember what it consists of. This is snow, winter, Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, bullfinches, sleighs and much more. But we will not draw a complex New Year's drawing, but will take a simple New Year's hero - a snowman. First we will draw winter nature: some snow-covered trees, a horizon, a bird. Then in the center we will draw the figure of a snowman with pencils and light strokes. We may want to make some corrections and we won’t draw too much of the snowman’s head, arms and torso. The snowman reminds children and adults a lot about New Year. In summer and spring, the snowman turns into a stream and floats away to where it is cold. And next New Year we will fly to us again in the form of snowflakes and we will be able to draw a New Year's drawing with a pencil step by step again. Let's draw a smile for the snowman, because he is glad that New Year is coming. The snowman will not mind if you draw a Christmas tree decorated with New Year's toys next to him.

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Loud children's laughter, elegant Christmas trees in shop windows, hurrying townspeople with full bags of gifts - all these pictures involuntarily hint that the most important day of the year is just around the corner. It's time to hurry: thoroughly clean the house, decorate the holiday decor, hang shiny balls on spruce branches, decorate the window panes and draw another magical picture for the New Year of the Rooster 2017. For an adult this is a great opportunity plunge into childhood and break away from the bustle of everyday life. For a child, this is a good chance to take part in the creative process and create something beautiful with their own hands, in order to ultimately show off their talent at a competition in kindergarten or at school. Bright and colorful step-by-step drawings of the Rooster, Santa Claus, Snowman, Christmas tree, winter landscapes will not only strengthen home comfort for the New Year 2017, but will also remain a memorable item for beloved parents about their little children.

Step-by-step pencil drawing of a Rooster for New Year 2017

Sometimes pencil drawing it turns out to be more expressive and elegant than something painted with paints. Especially if it is dedicated joyful event or important character. In our case - the symbol of the New Year 2017 - the Fire Rooster. Such a drawing is associated with deep childhood, when with unimaginable pleasure we depicted our festive emotions and magical fantasies on white sheets of paper. Now it’s time to involve your own children in the creative process and teach them how to draw a Rooster in pencil for the New Year 2017 step by step. Your favorite New Year’s story, framed in an elegant frame or glued to a window glass, will imbue the whole house with the atmosphere of the main winter holiday.

Necessary materials

  • sheet of white A4 paper
  • sharpened pencil
  • eraser

Step-by-step instruction

Children's drawing for kindergarten for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Burning with the desire to draw a children's drawing for kindergarten for the New Year, kids often cannot decide on a theme. The choice is simply incredible! Can be depicted good grandfather Frost, a long-eared bunny, a lush green spruce, a scarlet bag with shiny gift boxes. Or you can draw everyone’s favorite and adored snowman. This amazing character symbolizes the snowy winter, magical holiday, funny children's games.

Necessary materials

  • thick paper or white cardboard
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • set of painting brushes
  • water and container for it

Step-by-step instruction

Drawing “Santa Claus” with pencil and paints with your own hands for the New Year 2017

On the eve of the New Year holidays, we see images of Grandfather Frost everywhere: on bright postcards, on concert posters, on sweets. gift sets and everywhere you look. Once you look at such beauty, you’ll want to draw it yourself. But first, it’s worth thinking about what a real Grandfather Frost should be like.

Firstly, the country's most important grandfather has a luxurious white beard, lush sideburns, fluffy eyebrows and a head of hair slightly longer than shoulder level. Secondly, Santa Claus always has the following magical attributes with him: a long shiny staff and a red bag with gifts. Thirdly, Moroz Ivanovich is most often dressed in a velvet fur coat with frosty patterns, a hat and mittens with fur cuffs, as well as warm, warm felt boots. And finally, the character's face. It deserves special attention. Santa Claus always has kind, cheerful eyes, a sincere smile, a potato nose, funny wrinkles and rosy cheeks. Remember all these subtleties, and your drawing of “Santa Claus” with pencil and paints with your own hands for the New Year 2017 will turn out just perfect.

Necessary materials

  • sheet of thick white paper
  • sharp pencil
  • eraser
  • set of brushes of different thicknesses
  • watercolor or gouache paints

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Place a white sheet of paper vertically. At the top, draw the circumference of the head. Below, mark with dashes 5 more segments of the same size.

  2. Draw a hat for grandfather on the circle. And then draw the top line of the mustache.

  3. Sketch the smile of Santa Claus. Carefully draw a wavy beard. You can draw it short or long (below the waist). Also draw a line for the eyes and a transverse auxiliary line for the face.

  4. Draw the eyes, marking the inner corners slightly higher than the outer ones. Make Moroz Ivanovich’s nose a “hook” and draw the mustache more clearly. Start outlining the hands.

  5. Add details to your face. Draw the nose with nostrils in more detail. Add wide eyebrows - and Santa Claus will immediately become prettier. Draw lines along the direction of the beard hair growth. Draw the hem of the fur coat just below the arms. Clothes should reach almost to the very bottom.

  6. Following the illustration, draw gloves for the character. Please note that your palms should be slightly bent. One will contain a staff, the other a bag. Start drawing one hand.

  7. Draw the second hand. Draw the staff in the form of an ordinary straight stick, and carefully throw the bag over your shoulder.

  8. It's time to draw Santa Claus with a belt tied in a thick knot and a fur frill on his fur coat. The hem of the fur coat can be made thicker and more massive.

  9. Decorate the staff with any in a suitable manner: detail snow pattern, sharpen the tip, add a sun, star, etc. at the end. Don’t forget to decorate your fur coat, gloves and felt boots with a beautiful ornament.

  10. Start drawing the character. For the face, spread a flesh color on the palette. To highlight the cheeks, add a little red. For wrinkles under the eyes and shadows on the forehead, use a little brown.

  11. Use whitewash to cover the mustache, beard, eyebrows and hair of Santa Claus that comes out from under the hat.

  12. To make the character's eyes look alive, first draw a gray iris, then a black pupil and small white highlights. Gray Draw the ridges, eyebrow and beard growth lines. For the latter, mix white with light gray paint. Make the ends of your beard a little darker.

  13. Start coloring the fur coat. Use blue to paint one half. Then lighten the paint a little and paint the other half. The one on the side of which the imaginary light source will be located.

  14. Mix a darker blue color and use it to draw all the folds on Santa Claus' fur coat. Then make the paint even darker and paint the most shaded areas.

  15. Similarly, color the hat according to the “light-dark-shadow” principle. You can paint the gloves in a different color so that they don’t blend in with the fur coat.

  16. Start painting the bag. Use a lighter red-burgundy mixture first, then a darker one in areas where shadow is obvious. Don't forget to leave a light reflection from the bag on the fur coat, and blue reflections from the fur coat on the bag.

  17. Paint the staff in walnut color and add burgundy ribbons to match the bag. Remember the reflection of the staff on the fur coat and beard.

  18. At the last stage, add whitewash to the boots, fur on the fur coat, blue patterns on clothes and small, small fur fibers wherever they should be. The most delightful drawing of “Santa Claus” in pencil and paint for the New Year 2017 is finished. You can frame it and hang it in a place of honor.

Step-by-step drawing “Snowman” for school for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Winter is the most magical period of the year, shrouded in an atmosphere of goodness, fairy tales, New Year's miracles and magic. A positive holiday mood can be conveyed not only through images of Santa Claus, a Christmas tree and gifts, but also through delightful drawings of a mysterious winter landscape. Such artistic experiments are possible even for beginning painters, regardless of gender, age and experience. Step by step drawing“Snowman” for school for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 will be an excellent classroom decoration or addition holiday exhibition.

Necessary materials

  • sheet of thick white paper
  • simple pencil
  • colour pencils
  • eraser

Step-by-step instruction

Children's drawing competition for the New Year 2017 at school and kindergarten

The main task of New Year's drawings is to create a festive mood, engage children and adults with exciting creativity, and decorate bright exhibitions and competitions in schools and kindergartens. Invite your child to draw Santa Claus, Rooster, Snowman or another picture in the cells using a pencil or paints with your own hands. And ours step-by-step master classes will help you cope with difficult times creative process and direct your imagination into the right direction. Children's drawing for New Year 2017 - the best craft, filled with the soul of the author and the warmth of his small palms.

Preparing for the New Year is a pleasant bustle, anticipation of magic, creativity, winter's tale. During this period, it will be very interesting to take up drawing, because hand-made drawings will decorate the holiday no worse than toys bought in a store. The first step is to decide what to draw for the New Year. And then feel free to get creative.

Christmas tree
A Christmas tree hung with toys, garlands and “rain” is one of the most important symbols winter holidays. Coniferous trees can be seen in every home - this tradition came to us from countries Western Europe and was officially approved by decree of Peter I in 1700. If you decide to draw a New Year's beauty, an article that describes in detail what a Christmas tree should be like can help you

The most important guests New Year's celebration- this is, of course, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden. True, they are known only in our latitudes - in Europe and the USA, Santa Claus and his elves come to children on winter holidays. But if you still want to draw characters such as Father Frost and Snow Maiden, then these lessons will be useful to you.

Although the fashion for toys and other decorations for the winter holidays changes from year to year, there are some things that have become a tradition. So, more and more often during the Christmas and New Year holidays you can see an Advent wreath and a New Year's stocking in homes. And, of course, you can’t do without such holiday elements as a Christmas tree toy or garland.

The first thing all children do when they wake up on the morning of January 1 is to run to unwrap gifts. They are usually placed under the Christmas tree, but are sometimes placed in special Christmas stockings hanging over the fireplace. Both a gift and a New Year's fireplace will help you draw detailed instructions with illustrations.

Winter means snowstorms, frozen rivers and lakes, patterns on windows and, of course, snow sparkling in the sun. Playing snowballs, sledding, and of course, a snowman are indispensable entertainment for children in the cold months. You can also catch a real snowflake on a mitten and admire it, because each of us knows how beautiful and graceful the most ordinary snowflake can be.

Winter means not only frosts and cold winds, but also beautiful snow-covered landscapes, frost-covered trees, frozen rivers, icicles and viburnum branches hanging from roofs. And if you want to take some of this beauty with you, then learning how to draw a winter landscape would be a great idea. And, in particular, to paint a winter landscape in watercolors.

According to eastern calendar 2019 is the year of the pig. So images of these human friends are already full of them in stores as souvenirs, posters and calendars. However, it is not at all necessary to buy ready-made paraphernalia - it would be much more interesting to make drawings depicting pigs and wild boars.

Thematic drawing for the New Year performs several important functions. For example, a New Year's pencil drawing can be the basis for a greeting card or poster. Great option it will also be used for an art competition on New Year's Eve in kindergarten or school. New Year's drawings can also be used for interior decoration. The most popular characters are creative works are traditional heroes: Father Frost, Snow Maiden, snowflakes, Snowman, Christmas tree. In the New Year 2017, they will be joined by the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster. Several interesting step-by-step master classes on New Year's themed drawings with photos, as well as a selection original ideas For artistic creativity, are waiting for you further.

A simple pencil drawing for the New Year 2017 “Herringbone”, step by step with photo

First, we suggest you master a very simple drawing for the New Year 2017 “Christmas tree”, made with a regular pencil. This option is perfect for both very young children and older children. As the name implies, we will draw a Christmas tree with a simple pencil. But this does not mean that the end result should be left in black and white. A brightly colored simple drawing for the New Year 2017 in pencil “Herringbone” looks much more impressive.

Necessary materials for a simple pencil drawing for the New Year “Christmas tree”

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • black marker
  • colored markers or paints

Instructions on how to draw a New Year's drawing "Christmas tree" with a simple pencil

Bright drawing “Rooster” for New Year 2017 in kindergarten, master class with photo

Since the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017 is the Fire Rooster, this bright bird automatically becomes a popular character in drawings in kindergartens and schools. True, many people think that it is very difficult for small children to draw a cockerel with their own hands. Our next master class with step by step photos bright pattern“Rooster” for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten will convince you otherwise. This is such a simple master class that it is suitable even for the youngest kindergarten students.

Necessary materials for a bright cockerel for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten

  • black felt-tip pen
  • pencils
  • paper

Instructions on how to draw a bright cockerel for kindergarten

How to draw a rooster for New Year 2017, master class with photos for school

Of course, the first master class in drawing a cockerel for kindergarten is very simple and is not suitable for school. Therefore, we offer you a second option with step-by-step photos on how to draw a rooster for the New Year 2017 for school. Students are unlikely to master this option the first time. primary school, but it is perfect for competitions in middle classes. Read more about how to draw a rooster for school for the New Year 2017.

Necessary materials for drawing a rooster for school for the New Year 2017

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a rooster for New Year 2017 for school

DIY pencil drawing of Santa Claus for New Year 2017

Santa Claus is a constant hero of children's do-it-yourself pencil drawings for the New Year. His image adorns Greeting Cards, new year posters and wall newspapers, decorative elements. A do-it-yourself pencil drawing of Santa Claus for the New Year 2017, a master class for which you will find below, is easy to reproduce. Therefore, students who are already in school will be able to master this technique. primary classes schools.

Necessary materials for drawing Santa Claus with a pencil with your own hands

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • colour pencils

Instructions on how to draw Santa Claus with a pencil with your own hands

Ideas for a drawing competition for the New Year in school and kindergarten, photo

Do-it-yourself New Year's drawing is a popular theme for themed children's competitions. We hope that the above pencil lessons will inspire you to interesting ideas for a drawing competition for the New Year in kindergarten or school. In addition to these master classes, we also invite you to take a look at a selection of amazing works dedicated to Santa Claus and New Year's holidays. Perhaps these are the ideas for drawings for the New Year 2017 Fire Rooster Suitable for your competitions at school and kindergarten. Also below you will find several video tutorials on how to create stunning New Year's drawings with your own hands. Don't be afraid to create, and let inspiration always accompany you!

Waiting for the New Year will not be so tedious if you do something useful. You can start preparing gifts for loved ones, making decorations for the Christmas tree, taking care of the decor of your apartment, cutting out windows for windows, creating New Year's drawings on.

Children especially love to indulge in such activities. That is why parents are obliged to take care of children's leisure on New Year holidays: it should be easy, and most importantly, useful. If your child loves to draw and create amazing things with pencils, markers or paints, let him completely surrender to the creative process.

Who knows, maybe on New Year's Eve a wonderful winter picture or a sweet New Year's card made with love.

Drawings of New Year characters

What would New Year be without everyone’s favorite Father Frost and Snow Maiden? Even if you don’t feel the makings of an artist, with a little effort and perseverance, you can draw a beautiful fairy tale character. Believe me, portraying Santa Claus and his charming granddaughter is not at all difficult.

Look at the pictures below and you will understand that even a beginner can cope with this task. In addition, today you can find step by step instructions creating cartoon characters, following which your heroes will turn out no worse than those of experienced artists.

I would like to note that for those who are just starting to “make friends” with a pencil, it is better to draw on a sheet of paper with a checkered pattern. This will make the task easier and make the picture more realistic.

In addition, you can use ready-made drawings fairy-tale heroes, print them out and just paint them.

New Year's landscape

Nature in winter is filled with inexplicable magic, which is felt in every breath of wind. Just look at the pristine snow that covers courtyards, roofs of houses, trees and bushes. Snowflakes sparkle in the sun, like gems, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

This situation evokes a lot wonderful paintings and memories in your head - these are the ones you can capture on paper. Winter landscapes are considered one of the most beautiful, and painting them is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to determine the technique in which you will work.

  • Crayons or pencils are perhaps the ideal option for those who are just starting to create. In addition, it does not entail serious financial expenses, which means it is suitable for everyone. Draw New Year's landscapes with your children, husband, mother and other relatives - it's exciting and fun.

  • Graphics - already skilled artists can handle this technique, because every stroke left on paper is important.
  • Watercolor is another easy way to paint a beautiful winter drawing. By using watercolor paint manages to depict all the delights of this time of year, and how nature changes.
  • Acrylic - these types of paints are usually used to paint on canvas and are not for beginners. Their main feature is that they dry quickly, so there will never be drips on such a picture.
  • Oil - this option is chosen by professionals. Oil paintings evoke admiration and are able to show true beauty winter nature.

What to draw? Yes, whatever your heart desires: winter forest, a snow-covered courtyard, birds flying near feeders, village houses, etc. If you don’t have a decent view in front of you, take our drawings as an example, transfer them to your paper, put them in a frame - what a gift for loved one for New Year 2018.

Symbol of 2018

The New Year approaching us will receive a powerful patron in the person of the Yellow Earth Dog. Very soon, cute dog figurines, calendars, posters, and Christmas tree decorations depicting this good-natured animal will appear on store shelves.

For your part, you can easily draw a dog using our templates. Such a picture will make a wonderful postcard, which can be supplemented with a congratulatory poem and attached to a gift.

Christmas balls

And finally, I would like to pay attention Christmas tree toys. Today in any mall You can purchase an original Christmas tree decoration that will transform the “needle-shaped beauty” beyond recognition.

At the same time, you can be creative and create New Year's paraphernalia with your own hands. Look what wonderful balls you can draw using

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