How to draw a chicken step by step. How to draw a chicken? Master classes How to draw fried chicken with a pencil step by step

A chicken is a poultry from the order Galliformes, family Galliformes. A chicken is a female bird, a female. And the rooster is the male, the leader of the chicken coop. Usually, entire chicken families, consisting of several hens and one rooster, live in a chicken coop on a farmstead in villages and villages. We want to teach you how to draw a chicken correctly. Perhaps such a bird walks around the yard of your grandparents, if they live in the village. So, let's start drawing this bird step by step with a pencil.

Stage 1. We will start with a sketch. Let's depict the frame of our future drawing. These are the lines along which or along which we will draw the chicken. Let's draw a large oval diagonally on our sheet of paper. Or else this figure reminds us of a large egg. At one end of the oval we draw two lines connected by their edges and forming something like a triangle. At the other end of the oval we show with curved lines the outline of the head of the future chicken. Below under the oval we will place two straight lines, at some distance from each other and diverging slightly from each other downwards. These are the lines of the chicken's limbs.

Stage 2. We begin to draw the lines of the chicken’s body, using the sketch we made. From the base of the triangular figure we draw a back line, then lift it up and show the neck line, which smoothly turns into the head line, on top of which we make a zigzag comb. Then we draw the line of the chin, which goes into the abdomen and below into the protrusions, from which we will then draw the limbs. We finish with the back line to the base of the triangle.

Stage 3. We outline the entire triangle with the lines of the tail. We do this over the lines of the triangle, forming the upper tail and undertail. And below, under the protrusions of the legs, we draw straight lines of the limbs, diverging at the line of the fingers. Moreover, three fingers are directed forward, and one is directed back. The ends of the fingers are pointed and have claws.

Stage 4. Now we draw the chicken's face. These are beautiful eyes. We can only see one, since the chicken is standing sideways. In the front part of the muzzle we show a sharp beak of two halves, on the upper part of the beak there are nostrils in the form of slits. Gorgeous earrings hang behind the beak. On the front part of the body we draw a small wing. Chickens fly low and close, so their wings are not very developed.

Stage 6. Now let’s use small lines to depict the plumage of a chicken. On the tail, at the border of the head and body, along the entire body we make small strokes, showing us that the chicken’s body is covered with feathers.

Stage 7. Here black and white drawing, which we were able to depict.

Stage 8. Let's color our cute chicken. We chose Brown color for her, and the legs and beak are yellow. The plumage is shown with dashed lines.

How to easily draw a chicken with a pencil step by step - for children and adults. Let's learn to draw a beautiful chicken with a pencil step by step together with your child. Find out how to quickly and easily learn to draw a beautiful chicken.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw beautifully and quickly, children especially love to draw and want to learn how to draw beautifully, they are interested in learning to draw not only nature, the sun, flowers, houses, people, but also pets and wild animals.

Today we’ll see how you can easily and quickly learn to draw one of the domestic animals, a chicken. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the chicken is drawn. Look at the location of the chicken, how and where its different body parts are located.

In the center of the picture is a chicken’s body, on the left is a chicken’s tail, on the right is a chicken’s head, and at the bottom are the chicken’s legs.

First, start drawing the chicken from the body, draw the body of the chicken in the form of a large circle.

Now from the circle with right side draw the neck and head of the chicken, it should be drawn in the form of a triangular figure, with a rounded end.

At the end of the rounded part is the chicken's head; draw the chicken's eye and beak. On the left side from the body to the top, draw the chicken’s tail; near the body it is slightly narrowed, and at the end of the tail it is widened.

Now draw a comb for the chicken, it is on the head of the chicken and earrings, they are under the beak of the chicken, earrings are a decoration for the birds. Draw the tail of the chicken so that the feathers on the tail are visible, as shown in the picture.

Below under the body of the chicken, draw the legs; they should be of medium length and the toes on the legs.

In the center of the chicken’s body, draw its wing; it is drawn towards the top and divided into feathers. Now erase the extra lines and draw a brighter outline of the chicken.

Let's try to draw another chicken

Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the chicken is drawn. Look at the location of the chicken, how and where its different body parts are located.

In the center of the picture is a chicken's body, a chicken's tail on the left, a chicken's chest on the right, a chicken's head on top, and a chicken's paws on the bottom.

Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts of the chicken’s body.

First, start drawing the chicken from the body, draw the chicken's body in the form of a large oval, the left side of the oval is slightly smaller than the right side, draw a small concavity on top.

From the larger part of the oval to the top, draw another oval, it should be wider at the bottom and narrower at the top. The middle of the oval should be concave on both sides - this will be the chicken’s neck and head.

Draw the chicken's eye, it is located at the top of the head. On the opposite side of the eye, draw the bird's beak and divide it into two parts. Draw a chicken comb on top of the head, and draw earrings for the chicken below the beak.

Now look at the part of the chicken's body where the head connects to the chicken's body. From left to right, draw a zigzag line, this will be the chicken’s plumage, it will decorate the chicken, and will emphasize the border between the chicken’s body and neck.

In the center of the chicken's body, draw the chicken's wing and divide it into feathers; the plumage gives the chicken its beauty. From the left side up, draw the chicken's tail, divide it into feathers. At the bottom under the body, draw two legs of the chicken, the legs are widened at the top, narrowed towards the bottom, draw the chicken’s fingers.

Draw the chicken's eye and color the pupil. Now erase the extra lines and draw a brighter outline of the chicken.

Look what a beautiful chicken you have made. Color the chicken as shown in the top picture or with any colors you like.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a chicken step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw this magnificent domestic animal. We wish you good luck in your future works.

This will be an article from the series "Drawings and coloring of domestic (farm) birds."

Do you know this children's game - “cockerel or hen?” when the driver hides several short or, conversely, long blades of grass behind his back. Yes, roosters and chickens are noticeably different from each other in appearance. This living creature is very common in villages. If in our times it is not a fact that anyone (a child) has already personally seen a horse or a turkey, then certainly everyone has seen chickens. This domestic bird is valued for its eggs and meat, so more and more meat breeds are being bred, so chickens are not inclined to fly: on a pole in their own chicken coop or on a fence and that’s it - this is where their impulses to fly end.

Let's draw a chicken - lesson 1

Let us mark with a pencil the contours of the body - it is large and located almost horizontally (unlike flying birds whose body, while moving on the ground, is located, although not vertically, but usually at an angle).

The neck is directed forward and upward, it narrows strongly towards the head.

The wings, when folded on the back, hardly stand out among the plumage. Legs, yeah, legs... Remember in Pelevin, the Recluse says to Six-Fingered: our legs are especially interesting to people.

In general, breeders strive to breed breeds with massive hips. The legs themselves are located in the picture literally in the middle of the body.

When I tell my students about the structure of animals, I get tired of repeating that the legs are at the end of the body. But the chicken, if you look at the paws in the middle of the body, has a very balanced figure. The paws have four toes, three forward and one back.

What kind of tail does a chicken have? Well, I’ll compare it to a neat broom or a panicle of large straight feathers.

The head is (proportionally) very small. The beak is small, the upper half is slightly curved (very slightly). The eye is round. There are a lot of different decorations on the head: a comb (very modest for chickens), earrings and even a kind of beard.

Well, we drew the first picture of Chicken. We will also have the promised Chicken coloring.

Let's color it. Our hen is red, but please don’t tint it evenly. Take into account the shadows and shading should be applied in the direction of feather growth.

How to draw a chicken - lesson 2

Let's consolidate the material we've covered - learn how to draw a chicken in a different spread. This chicken will be more massive and it will not stand sideways to the viewer, but almost full-on. And her coloring is motley - natural Ryaba Hen.

Draw the body of a chicken:

Neck up, pointed tail also like a pistol:

Legs. Well, the legs look like... like the legs of a hut on chicken legs - very stable:

All that remains is to finish drawing a small head with a beak, an eye and all sorts of decorations:

This is our second Chicken coloring book. So let’s color our Pestroushka.

This comrade looks much more representative. My wonderful encyclopedia puts it succinctly: a rooster takes care of his hens. So that!

Drawing the torso:

The chest is stuck out, the neck is stretched upward - the rooster looks around the surroundings: is there any danger and is there food somewhere.

Tail-wheel. Or a rainbow. A whole plume of large arched feathers. No, comrades, even completely domesticated and intended only for food, roosters manage to retain their charm and majestic beauty.

Legs with spurs - it won't be good for your opponents.

Knowing how to draw a chicken, you can decorate your children’s room yourself with cool stickers on the walls and furniture, make a funny humorous wall newspaper, or design a custom postcard with a funny signature. Children's clothing decorated with embroidery and appliqués in the form of funny chickens will look great. You can also use this skill in kitchen design.

Preparing to Draw a Chicken

Before drawing a chicken, you need to carefully examine this poultry and highlight its main distinctive features. First of all, she has quite large body and a small head on a short neck. Secondly, there is a fleshy comb on the head and under the beak there is an equally fleshy bright red beard.

The chicken therefore has highly developed legs. The eyes are round. And this poultry, listening or peering at something, tilts its head to the side.

Being an excellent mother, the hen carefully protects her chicks. Therefore, there is nothing better than to draw a chicken along with chickens - in order to emphasize this feature of it.

Chicken drawing master class

Second master class

This master class will teach you how to draw a chicken with a pencil without a chicken.

  1. The chicken’s body itself is schematically depicted as a circle.
  2. A neck is attached to the upper part of the circle, and wings are drawn on the sides.
  3. A smaller circle is added to the top of the neck - the head of the chicken.
  4. There is a comb on the head, and something similar to gloves is drawn on the bottom of the circle - they will later become the bird’s shins.
  5. The beak and eyes will be the final stage of drawing the chicken “face”, and the chicken’s drawn legs will complete its entire portrait. Although you can add a few arcs on the wings of the poultry.
  6. If desired, you can paint the chicken's comb red and its legs and beak yellow-orange.

Children's drawing for kitchen design “Chicken”

Pictures drawn by children touch adults. They can also be used to decorate rooms or even to design wooden kitchen utensils or painting wall plates.

A symbolic image of a poultry drawn by a child can be transferred onto a wall plate. Then you can highlight it using a wood burner or black paint.

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