How to draw a hand with a pencil step by step? How to draw a hand? Anatomy for the artist.

Not everyone can paint like great artists. But you can learn to draw if you put in the effort.

His hands can tell a lot about a person. It is very difficult to depict them on paper. But the problem of how to draw a hand can be solved with work and diligence.

Anatomy to help

A complex system is the human body. The hands alone consist of several dozen elements. And in order to draw them correctly, you need to know the structure of the hands. Conventionally, hands can be divided into three main parts: wrist, metacarpus and fingers.

  • The wrist is the part closest to the forearm. It is responsible for the movement of the hand, but all its elements work as a single whole.
  • The metacarpus is the widest part of the hand - the palm.
  • The fingers are mobile due to the phalanges. Four fingers (index, middle, ring and little fingers) have 3 phalanges, but thumb consists of only two phalanges.

Knowledge of the basics of anatomy will allow you to correctly draw the hands step by step so that they turn out to be “talking”.

It will be easier to draw if, while sketching a sketch, you decide what the subject of the image looks like - something simple, even primitive. Agree that the brush human hand similar to a shovel not only in appearance, but also in functionality? You can start a sketch with this - draw a contour similar to a shovel: the wrist is the handle of the shovel, and the contour of the palm with fingers is its canvas. It’s difficult to immediately decide how to draw a hand with a pencil step by step, which is why it’s worth starting with a basic sketch.

The main thing is proportions

In order to correctly and beautifully draw any object or detail, it is necessary to maintain proportions - the relationship of different parts to each other. This rule also applies to the image of a person.

So, how to draw a hand? We start by determining the correct proportions. The ratio of the length of the metacarpus and fingers is on average 1:1. Naturally, this ratio different people will vary a little, because some people have long fingers and some don’t. But on average the proportions will be equal.

Depending on the length of the fingers, the outline of the palm will be either more elongated or square. Using thin lines (even before drawing the hand), draw the outline of the hand according to the proportions. The thumb does not fit into the overall silhouette; it is always somewhat apart from the other four “brothers”.

Drawing fingers

The fingers are mobile and flexible due to their articular structure, each of three or two phalanges, if we're talking about about the thumb, attached to each other using joints and tendons. The bones of the phalanges, located one after the other, become shorter and thinner, so the fingers gradually become thinner.

Ideally, each phalanx is 2/3 the length of the previous one. These proportions are called the golden ratio - it is perceived by the eye as the most perfect.

Again, when drawing details, it is necessary to make allowances for individual characteristics - not every person’s hands have harmonious proportions. It should also be remembered that the fingers are not the same in length: the longest finger is the middle, index and are approximately the same and shorter than the middle finger, the smallest are the little finger and thumb. Although the big one is rather the thickest. Its length corresponds to the length of the little finger.

Lines are the basis of authenticity

Before drawing a human hand, analyze again what parts the hand consists of. Remember that the contours of the palm and fingers, taking on specific shapes in the drawing, become more and more rounded. For example, the line connecting the fingers and the palm is shaped like an arc, as is the outline of the hand itself - different lengths of the fingers allow you to create a semicircle when drawing fingers pressed together. The thumb is slightly turned in relation to the rest of the palm; its contour will not be straight, but somewhat rounded.

Small details matter

We have sketched out the outline of the palm, then we begin to work on the details. So, how to draw a hand authentically? This is impossible without drawing small details - folds, thickenings, fold lines, the contour of the nail plate on each finger. These seemingly insignificant touches will make the drawing more realistic.

Let's start with the fold lines on the fingers. As already mentioned, the wrist, palm and fingers consist of many elements. They allow the fingers to perform the functionality for which they are given to a person. How to draw a hand so that it looks as natural as possible? By drawing all the nuances. In places where the bones are connected by joints, there will definitely be folds on both the inside and outside of the palm. If the hand is drawn with inside, it is also necessary to draw the so-called “life lines” - fairly deep grooves in the places where the joints of the palm work.

Each finger at the end is protected by a nail - a hard plate that must be drawn for a realistic image. The nail plate is another important element in solving the problem of how to draw a hand. Nails may have different shapes- from elongated almond-shaped to almost square.

Fingers indicate a person's age. Children's fingers are rounded, with uniform thinning along the entire length. The older a person gets, the more clearly the marks of time appear on their hands. For example, in older people, the thickness of the fingers will be uneven - the joints become more and more swollen with age, which is affected by many years of work and illness. Also, joints are very visible in thin people.

How to draw a hand in different positions?

Hands not only gradually participate in the conversation, but also often serve as a “language” themselves, for example, when communicating in sign language. Palms and fingers will clearly tell what a person is thinking about this moment time, what his mood is, what he does. How to draw a hand so that it truthfully reveals all the secrets?

When depicting the human body, it is always necessary to rely on the basics of anatomy. Hands are no exception. The size of the fist, for example, is determined by the length of the fingers. And the rule of the golden ratio will be important in any position of the fingers, even clenched into a fist. When drawing an open palm, you must Special attention pay attention to drawing the lines of the metacarpus and slightly bent fingers.

How to draw a hand from the side? In this case, it will be important to draw the viewer’s attention to the fact that back side the palm and fingers will be drawn with almost straight lines, but from the inside, both the fingers and the palm itself have pads, which must be drawn with rounded, smooth lines.

Step-by-step drawing of human hands, with a systematic transition from a sketch to drawing small details, however, like any other object, will allow you to get a realistic drawing.


§ 164. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate, expressed by a noun in the nominative case (without a connective). This rule is most often applied when the predicate defines the concept expressed by the subject, for example:

Oak is a tree.

Optics is a branch of physics.

Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Baku - Largest cities THE USSR.

The elder brother is my teacher.

My older brother is a teacher.

Note 1. If before the predicate, expressed noun in the nominative case, there is a negation Not, then the dash is not placed, for example:

Poverty is not a vice.

Note 2. In an interrogative sentence with the main member expressed by a pronoun, a dash is not placed between the main members, for example:

Who is your father?

§ 165. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if the subject is expressed in the nominative form of the noun, and the predicate in the indefinite form, or if both of them are expressed in the indefinite form, for example:

The purpose of each person is to develop in himself everything human, common and to enjoy it.


Living life is not a field to cross.

§ 166. A dash is placed before this, this is, this means, here, if the predicate, expressed by a noun in the nominative case or indefinite form, is attached to the subject through these words, for example:

Communism is what it is Soviet authority plus electrification of the entire country.

Poetry is the fiery gaze of a young man, seething with an excess of strength.


Romanticism was the first word that announced the Pushkin period; nationality is the alpha and omega of the new period.


§ 167. A dash is placed before the generalizing word after the listing, for example:

Hope and the swimmer - the whole sea swallowed up.

Neither the crow of a rooster, nor the sonorous hum of horns, nor the early chirping of swallows on the roof - nothing will call the deceased out of their graves.


§ 168. A dash is placed before the application at the end of the sentence:

1. If you can insert it before the application without changing the meaning, namely, for example:

I don't really like this tree - aspen.


In relations with strangers, he demanded one thing - maintaining decency.

Paying tribute to his time, Mr. Goncharov also developed an antidote to Oblomov - Stolz.


2. If the application contains explanatory words and it is necessary to emphasize the shade of independence of such an application, for example:

I had a cast iron kettle with me - my only joy in traveling around the Caucasus.


§ 169. A dash is placed between two predicates and between two independent clauses if the second of them contains an unexpected addition or sharp contrast to the first, for example:

I went out onto the terrace, not wanting to offend him, and was stunned.

I rush there - and the whole city is already there.

I wanted to travel around the whole world, but I didn’t travel a hundredth part.


I wanted to paint, but my brushes fell out of my hands. I tried to read, but his eyes glanced over the lines.


Note 1. To enhance the connotation of surprise, a dash can be placed after coordinating conjunctions, connecting two parts of one sentence, for example:

Ask for payment on Saturday and march to the village.

M. Gorky

I really want to go there and meet them, but I’m afraid.

M. Gorky

Note 2. To express surprise, any part of a sentence can be separated by a dash, for example:

And they threw the pike into the river.

And she ate the poor singer to pieces.

§ 170. A dash is placed between two sentences and between two homogeneous members of a sentence, connected without the help of conjunctions, to express a sharp contrast, for example:

I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am a god.


It's no wonder to cut off a head - it's no wonder to add it.


This is not where they live - it's paradise.

§ 171. A dash is placed between sentences not connected by conjunctions if the second sentence contains a result or conclusion from what is said in the first, for example:

Praise is tempting - how can you not want it?

The sun has risen and the day begins.


§ 172. A dash is placed between two sentences if they are connected in meaning as a subordinate clause (in first place) with the main one (in second place), but subordinating conjunctions missing, for example:

Gruzdev called himself get in the body.

The forest is being cut down and the chips are flying.

You yourself are confused - unravel yourself; If you knew how to brew porridge, you knew how to dissolve it; If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleds.


§ 173. A dash is placed to indicate the place where a simple sentence splits into two verbal groups, if this cannot be expressed by other punctuation marks or word order, for example:

I ask you: do workers need to be paid?

Such a breakdown is often observed when some member of a sentence is omitted (which is why the dash placed in this case is called elliptical), for example:

Pustoroslev for faithful service - the Chizhov estate, and Chizhov - to Siberia forever.

A.N. Tolstoy

We sat in ashes, hail in dust, swords in sickles and plows.


Everything obeys me, but I obey nothing.

§ 174. By means of a dash the following are distinguished:

1. Sentences and words inserted into the middle of a sentence for the purpose of explaining or supplementing it, in cases where bracketing (see § 188) can weaken the connection between the insertion and the main sentence, for example:

There is nothing to do here - the friends kissed.

...Suddenly - lo and behold! oh shame! - the oracle spoke nonsense.

Only once - and even then at the very beginning - did an unpleasant and harsh conversation occur.


2. A common application, placed after a qualified noun, if it is necessary to emphasize the shade of independence of such an application (for commas in an application, see § 152), for example:

The senior sergeant - a brave elderly Cossack with stripes for long-term service - ordered to "form up."

In front of the doors of the club - a wide log house - workers with banners were waiting for the guests.

3. Group in the middle of a sentence homogeneous members, For example:

Usually, from the upper villages - Elanskaya, Veshenskaya, Migulinskaya and Kazanskaya - Cossacks were taken into the 11th - 12th Army Cossack Regiments and the Ataman Life Guards.

Note. A dash is placed after an enumeration located in the middle of a sentence if this enumeration is preceded by a generalizing word or words such as, for example, namely (see § 160).

§ 175. A dash is placed as an additional sign after a comma before a word, which is repeated in order to connect with it a new sentence (usually a subordinate clause, reinforcing, supplementing or developing the main clause) or a further part of the same sentence, for example:

I knew very well that it was my husband, not some new one, Unknown person, A good man, - my husband, whom I knew as myself.

L. Tolstoy

Now, as a judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that all the most important, self-satisfied people, without exception, were all in his hands.

L. Tolstoy

§ 176. A dash is placed as an additional sign after the comma, which separates the main sentence from the group of subordinate clauses preceding it, if it is necessary to emphasize the division of a single whole into two parts, for example:

It is not for us to judge who is to blame and who is right.

Whether Stolz did anything for this, what he did and how he did it, we don’t know.


§ 177. A dash is placed as an additional sign after the decimal point to indicate the transition from increase to decrease in the period, for example:

Oh, if it's true that in the night,
When the living rest
And moon rays from the sky
They slide onto the grave stones,
Oh, if it's true, what then
Quiet graves are empty, -
I am calling the shadow, I am waiting for Leila:
To me, my friend, here, here!

In the 1800s, at a time when there were no railroads, no highways, no gas, no stearin light, no springy low sofas, no furniture without varnish, no disillusioned young men with glass, no liberal female philosophers, nor the lovely camellia ladies, of which there were so many in our time, in those naive times when, leaving Moscow for St. Petersburg in a cart or carriage, they took with them a whole kitchen homemade, drove for eight days on a soft, dusty or dirty road and believed in Pozharsky cutlets, Valdai bells and bagels; when tallow candles burned on long autumn evenings, illuminating family circles of twenty and thirty people, at balls wax and spermaceti candles were inserted into candelabra, when furniture was placed symmetrically, when our fathers were still young, not just because of the absence of wrinkles and gray hair, but they shot at women, from the other corner of the room they rushed to pick up accidentally or not accidentally dropped handkerchiefs, our mothers wore short waists and huge sleeves and solved family matters by taking out tickets; when the lovely camellia ladies hid from the daylight; in the naive times of the Masonic lodges, the Martinists of the Tugendbund, in the times of the Miloradovichs, Davydovs, Pushkins, - in provincial town There was a congress of landowners and the noble elections were ending.

L. Tolstoy

§ 178. A dash is placed between two words to indicate spatial, temporal or quantitative limits (in this case, the dash replaces the meaning of the word “from... to”), for example:

Flights USSR - America.

Manuscripts XI - XIV centuries.

§ 179. A dash is placed between two or more proper names, the totality of which is called a doctrine, scientific institution, etc., for example:

Boyle's physical law - Mariotte.

In this article you will find a lot interesting ideas How to diversify painting activities with your child and make them interesting and educational.

Eco-friendly paints for children

There are 3 types for children safe paints which parents prefer:

  • finger-shaped
  • gouache
  • watercolor

It’s better to start with finger paints; they are suitable for younger children. You can learn more about them from the article. Gouache and watercolor for older children.

A child is interested in exploring something new, but over time he may get tired of the monotonous procedure of coloring a sheet with paint. To prevent this from happening, parents need to show their child how to draw.

There are many ways to paint with the above paints. Various techniques They won’t let your child get bored and will show him a lot of new and interesting things that he hasn’t seen before.

Finger painting for kids

Exactly this interesting activity for the little ones, because you first need to feel the paint before you learn to paint with it. Dip your index finger into the paint and use it to make spots on the paper, using them to draw a flower or a caterpillar. Draw lines with your finger, make rays of the sun. Show your child that you can draw like this and let him create on his own, let him draw what he wants.

Painting with a brush for children

When the child can already hold a brush in his hands, show him how to paint with it. Explain to your child that before taking a new color, it needs to be washed. Take the paint with a brush and apply it to a piece of paper. Try painting with brushes of different sizes and shapes, see what kind of drawing you get.

You can paint with a brush in the following ways:

Dot painting for kids

Show how you can draw with dots; for this you can use a brush, a finger, or a cotton swab. Dip your tool into the paint and quickly touch it to the paper. You can color simple pictures using this technique, kids really like this activity, and it is also very useful for development fine motor skills hands

Drawing with stamps for children

Apply paint to the stamp and apply it to the paper, press down. An imprint of the picture will remain on the paper. Show your child how to work with it. The stamps can be painted in different colors; instead of ready-made stamps, you can use homemade ones. For example, to make circles with straws, you can use figures from sorters, parts from construction sets, and even cut vegetables and fruits.

Very interesting texture This works if you use a regular napkin with pimples instead of a stamp. Dip it into the paint and, as if blotting, walk it over a sheet of paper.

Drawing with foam rubber

Cut a piece of foam and dip it in paint, then press it onto the paper and remove it. You can draw lines and paint over some shapes. Show your child how to draw. Your child will also be interested if you make different geometric shapes from foam rubber. You can attach them to a pencil or stick and use them as stamps. This way, by playing, you can learn not only colors, but also shapes. Then complicate the task, try to draw ornaments, first from two shapes, then use more shapes.

Drawing on wet paper

Wet a piece of drawing paper with water. Now draw on it with paint. The contours of the lines blur, become fuzzy, smooth transitions and haze are excellent. Just don’t overdo it with water; it will be better if you wipe it with a damp cotton swab. This technique is good for paintings with rain, images of fog, flowers behind a curtain.


Teach your child to make blots, because then it’s so interesting to guess what they look like.

Take a sheet of paper, fold it in half, unfold it and put a few blots on the fold; you can make them the same color or different ones. Fold the sheet along the fold line and run your fingers from the center of the design to its edge. You can say something like “sim-salabim”.

Unfold the sheet and show your child what you came up with. When the child grows up a little, you can ask him what he sees in the drawing, what it reminds him of. When the drawing is dry, you can finish drawing with a felt-tip pen. small parts or outline. This develops imagination and abstract thinking very well.


To do this you will need a sheet of thick paper and a woolen thread. Bend the sheet in half and unfold it, lower the thread into a jar of paint, then place it on the paper and fold it. Move the thread, pressing the sheet with your palm. Unfold and see what happens. You will see chaotic strokes of paint, look at them with your child, maybe you will see some familiar objects in them, circle them and complete the details, say what they are called. The combination of creativity, mental and speech work will help your child develop intellectually.

Wax painting

This is very common and interesting technique. Draw on a piece of paper with a wax crayon or piece wax candle picture, and then paint over this sheet of paper with your child. Since the wax is greasy, the paint will not cover it and you will see your drawing. This method can also be used to make secret notes or write congratulations.

Waxing and waxing technique

Place something under a sheet of paper, such as a coin or other embossed object, rub the sheet with wax, paint on top and you will get an image of the object.

Drawings with salt

Sprinkle the finished drawing with salt. When the paint dries, the salt will remain on the sheet and give an interesting texture to the design. This way you can do three-dimensional drawing, for example, highlight stones or a path in the image. On blue paint, salt will look like snowflakes; if you sprinkle green leaves with salt, they will become life-like, translucent.

Drawings with masking tape

Molar tape sticks and peels off paper well, so it can be used in drawing and get interesting effects. For example, you can make a birch forest: cut out tree trunks from tape, you can glue twigs and branches from the leftovers, and glue the tape onto a sheet of paper. Paint everything on top with paint, when it dries, remove the tape, white stripes will remain under it. All you have to do is add details and the forest is ready!

You can cut out something more complex, such as houses and draw the whole city. The good thing about adhesive tape is that it can be used instead of a stencil, but paint drips are unlikely to get under it, and there is no need to fix it additionally.

You can also use the tape as a frame for the picture, when you remove it, the edges of the picture will be clear and it will be neat.

Drawing pictures using cling film

Yes, yes, you can also make interesting drawings using cling film. Lay it on a sheet of paper covered with wet paint and move it around a little. When you remove it, you will see interesting abstractions that resemble crystals.

Blowing paint through tubes

Thin the paint with water to make it thinner. Take one or two colors. Drop paint onto the sheet and blow into the tube, directing it in different directions onto the paint. What you draw will resemble the interweaving of tree branches, or you can add a face and it will be hair - let the child dream up.

Coloring drawings

Draw some animal on a piece of paper and ask the child to hide it, just show how first: paint it completely over it. You can tell a fairy tale, for example, that there was a mouse, she went for delicious cheese, and a cat was waiting for her, who wanted to eat the mouse. And ask your child how you can help the mouse? Of course, it must be hidden. And ask him to do it.

Leaf drawing

Very interesting way drawing. For this you will need leaves from trees. Apply paint to the leaves, you can paint them in different colors, attach the leaf with paint to the paper and press it, then carefully remove it. You can make such a beautiful forest.

If you turn on a little imagination, you will come up with a lot of new ideas with which drawing will not only a fun activity, but also informative, educational and useful.

In addition to paints, there are other tools for drawing. Your baby will definitely like it wax crayons, markers, crayons. More details about fine art and other types of creativity are described in the article

VIDEO: Let's paint! Drawing games

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All children love to draw. But sometimes things don’t turn out the way a child wants. Or maybe he doesn’t have enough familiar ways to express himself? Then you can inspire him to experiment with different techniques, among which there is sure to be a favorite. After this, your child will probably want to invent something new.

website I have collected the most interesting techniques for you.

Dot patterns

First we draw the simplest squiggle. Then using cotton swab and paints (gouache or acrylic) we make intricate patterns as the soul pleases. It is better to pre-mix the paints and dilute them slightly with water on the palette.


A technique familiar and loved by many since childhood. We place an object with a slightly protruding relief under a sheet of paper and paint over it with pastel, chalk or an unsharpened pencil.

Foam prints

Having dipped a sponge in thick gouache, the child can draw landscapes, bouquets of flowers, lilac branches or animals.


One option: drop paint on a sheet and tilt it in different directions to create an image. Second: the child dips the brush into the paint, then places the blot on a sheet of paper and folds the sheet in half so that the blot is imprinted on the second half of the sheet. Then he unfolds the sheet and tries to understand who or what the drawing resembles.

Hand and foot prints

It's simple: you need to dip your foot or palm in the paint and make an imprint on paper. And then use your imagination and add a couple of details.

Paint patterns

For such an application you need to apply a thick layer of paint onto the paper. Then, using the opposite end of the brush, scratch patterns on the still wet paint - various lines and curls. When dry, cut out the desired shapes and paste them onto a thick sheet of paper.


The name speaks for itself. You need to paint your finger with a thin layer and make an imprint. A couple of strokes with a felt-tip pen - and you're done!


A design is applied to a flat, smooth surface (for example, glass) with paint. Then a sheet of paper is applied, and the print is ready. To make it more blurry, the sheet of paper must first be wetted. Once everything is dry, you can add details and outlines if desired.


The highlight of the work is that the drawing needs to be scratched. A sheet of cardboard is densely shaded with spots of multi-colored oil pastel. Then you need to mix black gouache with soap on a palette and paint over the entire sketch. When the paint is completely dry, use a toothpick to scratch the design.

Air colors

To make the paint, mix a tablespoon of self-raising flour, a few drops of food coloring and a tablespoon of salt. Add a little water to the consistency of thick sour cream and mix well. The paint can be placed in a pastry syringe or in a small bag. Tie tightly and cut the corner. We draw on paper or regular cardboard. Place the finished drawing in the microwave at maximum mode for 10-30 seconds.

Marbled paper

Paint a sheet of paper yellow acrylic paint. When it is completely dry, paint it again with diluted pink paint and immediately cover it cling film. The film needs to be crumpled and gathered into folds, since they are the ones that will create the desired pattern. We wait until it dries completely and remove the film.

Painting with water

We draw with watercolors a simple figure and fill it with water. Until it dries, we put colored blots on it so that they mix with each other and form smooth transitions like this.

Prints of vegetables and fruits

Vegetables or fruits need to be cut in half. Then you can cut out some kind of pattern on it or leave it as is. We dip it in paint and make impressions on paper. You can use an apple, potato, carrot or celery for prints.

Leaf prints

The principle is the same. We smear the leaves with paint and make prints on paper.

Many will agree that drawing a person's face is not an easy task. However, among some artists there is an opinion that drawing a hand is even more difficult. What is more difficult to draw - a face or hands - I cannot say. Probably for some people. But what can be stated quite definitely is that drawing hands and fingers correctly is really difficult. But this is possible if you understand the basics of plastic anatomy and know the proportions. To do this, I have prepared a series of drawings with visual diagrams. They will help you understand the key points that you need to learn to pay attention to when drawing hands.

1. Brush size

The size of the hands is approximately equal to the face (not the head). If you measure from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger, then this segment will be equal to the distance from the chin to the top of the forehead. This is the size of an adult's hand. The younger the person, the smaller the hand will be relative to his face. In small children, the palms are equal to the distance from the chin to the eyebrows.

2. Skeleton and muscles

The shape of the fingers and the entire hand depends on the shape of the bones and muscles. You can verify this by looking at the given anatomical drawings of the hands.

3. Middle of the brush

During the drawing process, it is important to compare distances and check proportions. A good starting point for this is a line corresponding to the middle of the brush. Having outlined it, it will be much easier to avoid mistakes in the future. Therefore, at the very beginning of the drawing, you should not immediately draw fingers and details. It's better to outline general outline brushes, similar to a mitten. Then determine the middle. And then you can proceed to the details.

4. Middle of fingers

To ensure that the fingers in the drawing do not turn out crooked, you need to correctly determine the length of each phalanx that makes up the fingers: proximal, middle and distal. The following will help with this schematic drawing, in which the middle of the fingers is easily visible. Having determined the middle of each finger, further comparison of proportions will be much easier.

5. Thumb length

The thumb will end at 2/3 of the proximal phalanx index finger.

6. Length of index finger and ring finger

The length of the index finger is equal to the length of the ring finger. However, this ratio may vary slightly among different people.

7. Little finger length

The tip of the little finger is at the level of the joint between the distal and middle phalanges ring finger. By comparing the length of the little finger to this level, it is easy to check your drawing for errors.

8. Nail length

The length of the nail of each finger is 1/2 the length of the distal phalanx of the corresponding finger.

9. Location of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb

When a person looks at the hand, he simply sees some bumps and depressions. But an artist who studies plastic anatomy sees behind each such “tubercle” joints, ligaments, bones, muscles... On our hands (more precisely, hands) there are three key joints, “tubercles”, which are important for determining the size and further marking of the drawing. If you identify these three points at the beginning, then further drawing will be much easier, since you can start from these points. Therefore, to draw the thumb, it is better to start with its metacarpophalangeal joint (2nd point). And to determine its location, you need to remember that it is located approximately halfway between the metacarpophalangeal joint of the middle finger (1st point) and the head of the ulna (3rd point).

10. The hand fits into the circle

The hand fits easily into the circle. Therefore, you can draw hands using a circle as an auxiliary line.

11. Concave brush shape

On the inner, palmar side, the hand has a concave shape, repeating the shape of a ball. The hand is not flat.

12. Fingers slightly curved towards the center

The fingers have a subtle bend. They are curved towards the middle of the hand. Fingers are not absolutely straight.

13. The bends of the fingers on the palm and outer sides of the hand are at different levels

The phalangeal joints of the fingers form folds of skin. These folds on the palmar and outer sides of the hand are located at different levels.

14. The shape is based on geometric shapes

From the above figure you can see that by dividing the hand into geometric shapes, it will be easier to understand its shape.

15. Model of the hand, corresponding to the main anatomical features

To learn how to draw hands, you need to be able to see the main shape among many little things. Be able to see the nature of the form. To do this, you can imagine the hand in the form of volumetric geometric shapes. Just as in the drawing of the head, artists use a model called “chipping,” so in the drawing of the hand, you can use the given diagram. Such a conditionally schematic image corresponds to the main anatomical features. It will help novice artists understand the concept, and therefore draw hands more confidently.

Summarizing the above, we can add that beginners should accustom themselves to pay attention to the proportions indicated in this article. If you constantly compare values, compare sizes, then the drawing will be easier and will become much more competent.

Despite the fact that the proportions of the hands may differ depending on the individual characteristics of the person, these differences are unprincipled and insignificant (for example, the length of the index and ring fingers may vary). Therefore, the proportions and features outlined in this article generally

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