How to draw a clock with a pencil step by step. Learn how to draw a New Year's clock correctly

In this tutorial we will create in Adobe Illustrator set of icons for Apple Watch. These icons are found on the home screen of the original Apple Watch by default. To create them, we will use basic shapes and deformation effects, in conjunction with more complex techniques. So, let's begin!

Step 1.

The Apple Watch icons are designed in a trendy flat style, similar to the iOS icons on the latest iPhones, iPads, and other Apple devices. It's important to note that all the icons are round in shape, so we'll need a circle-shaped grid as a basis for creating the icons. You can download a great vector icon template (in the Source folder) to make things easier.

If you want your icons to be as close to the original as possible down to the pixel, you can find an image of the Apple Watch desktop in a Google Images search, and then File > Place into your document as a template to draw icons on top of the original ones, respecting the sizes and proportions. This lesson is not strict instructions for creating exact copies icons for Apple Watch.

Step 2.

Open one of the icon templates (the icon template is used in this tutorial 80 x 80 pixels for watches 38 millimeters). Go to menu View > Hide Grid - View > Hide Grid (Ctrl + ") to hide the mesh if she turns you away. But make sure Smart Guides are activated (Smart Guides) and Alignment (Snapping)– you can find these functions in the same menu.

Step 3.

Let's start creating the first Clock icon. Create a circle 4 x 4 pixels and place it in the center of the template, to do this, double-click on Ellipse Tool (L), so that a pop-up window with settings appears. Then go to the panel Align and install Align horizontally and vertically on the Artboard. Set the fill to orange (#FF9506).

Step 4.

Use to create a 2 x 4 px second hand on our clock, with the same fill orange color. Place the shape along the central guide as shown in the figure:

Step 5.

You can also Align Arrow to Key Object (Align to the Key Object), by clicking on the circle while holding down the key Alt.

Step 6.

Copy the arrow (Ctrl + C > Ctrl + V), make it shorter and rotate it at an angle of -60 degrees: to do this, with the arrow highlighted, press the right mouse button and go to the menu Transform > Rotate. Then place along the guide as shown below:

Step 7

Now we will create a minute hand. Create a 4 x 30 px black rectangle and use the function to round the corners of the rectangle using small round handles - take and round the corners as much as possible (in this case, a 2 px radius).

Step 8

Place the arrow in the appropriate position along the guide (you can also make it a little smaller to fit into the inner circle of the template).

Step 9

Create another 4 x 20 px rectangle for the hour hand. Round the corners, rotate 60 degrees and place on the opposite side of the minute hand.

Step 10

Now create a white circle of 80 x 80 px using Ellipse Tool (L) and place it below all other objects. Great! Our first icon is ready; let's move on to the next one.

Step 11

Now let’s create the “Mail” icon; for this you will need to draw an envelope. To start, create a 50 x 33 px rectangle of any color.

Step 12

Further using Polygon Too Tool l) with three sides (you can adjust the number of sides by left-clicking anywhere on the canvas with the tool selected) or create a triangle with a 2-point stroke. Then go to menu Object > Expand to convert triangle to curves: check the boxes Fill, Stroke.

Step 13

Next, create another triangle for the top of the envelope, round the bottom corner of the shape and also select from the menu Object > Expand. Now you can erase the top and bottom lines of the triangles with Eraser Tool (Shift + E), because we don't need them anymore.

Step 14

Remove the top of the bottom triangle with Eraser Tool (Shift + E), then select both shapes and click the icon Unite on the panel. Next, make a copy of the envelope base (Ctrl + C > Ctrl + F), select both the rectangle and the top shape, then click on the icon Intersect on the panel Pathfinder to trim off unnecessary parts that extend beyond the border of the envelope.

Step 15

Select the rectangle and stripes again and click the icon Minus Front In the Envelope Fill Color panel, select white and create a round shape that will be the base of the icon. Fill the shape with a linear gradient (Gradient Tool (G), Type: Linear) from dark blue (#2066F0) on top to light blue (#1DD4FD) on the bottom.

Step 16

Our next icon will be the Music application, which consists of one element: musical note. Start creating the note with a 27 x 11 px rectangle. Next, use to select all the nodes on the left side of the rectangle and move them down, as a result you will get a beveled rectangle.

Step 17

Use Rectangle Tool - Rectangle Tool(M) to create two more rectangles: 1) 3 x 20 pixels; 2) 14 x 11 pixels - this will be the “foot” of the note.

Step 18

Further using Direct Selection Tool (A) select three reference points bottom shape as shown in the picture and round them. Then select both shapes and in the panel Pathfinder click the icon Unite, then round the inside corner connecting the shapes using the function

Step 19

Copy the foot of the note and place it as shown below. Then round the corners of the top rectangle to make the overall shape smoother. Finish the icon by making a round base and filling it with a linear gradient. (Gradient Tool (G), Type: Linear from orange (#FA5D3B) at the top to pink (#FF2968) at the bottom.

Step 20.

Now let's move on to the time-related icons that were created in uniform style. Let's start by creating a 48 x 48 px circle, and another smaller circle inside. Next use the function Minus Front (Minus Front) in the Pathfinder panel, to make a ring.

Step 21

Create an oval inside the ring and two intersecting lines aligned in the center.

Step 22

Then add a line at the top of the shape and curve it using the function Effects > Warp > Arch and apply the following settings:

-select Horizontal

- Bend: -35%

Section Distortion

- Vertical: 0%

Step 23

Create another one curved line for the bottom of our icon, then select all parts of the globe and select from the menu Object > Expand. Next, create a circular icon base and fill it with a gradient from dark orange (#ff7632) at the bottom to light orange (#ff9408) at the top. Add another circle the size of the orange globe (#e45221) and place it below the globe itself to give the icon more contrast.

Step 24

For the next icon – Stopwatch – we use the base from the previous icon. Create an 8 x 8 px white circle in the center, then create a 2 x 25 px rectangle (this will serve as the second hand) and align it to the center.

Step 25

Use Rectangle Tool (M) to add small parts our "Stopwatch". Next, round the corners of the stopwatch button using the function Live Corners, setting the value Corner radius is 1.4 pixels.

Step 26

Now we will make the “Timer” icon - we will use the same basis as for the stopwatch.
Create a 2.5 x 13 px rectangle and place it in the top center of the ring. Then take Polygon Tool with number of sides (Sides) 3 or use Pen Tool (P) to draw a triangle. Place it as shown in the picture:

Step 27

Select the main white ring and triangle and then click on the icon Minus Front on the panel Pathfinder to cut out the left side of the ring. Next, add a small 6 x 6 px circle in the center of the icon.

Step 28

Now rotate the circle 45 degrees, then use Direct Selection Tool (A) select the top left point and drag it left and up (see picture). Then, with the point highlighted, click the icon Convert selected anchor points to corner on the top settings panel. This is how we get the timer hand.

Step 29

Our final time-related icon is Alarm Clock. It has the same base as the previous ones, so we leave the base. The clock hands are two rectangles - create them using Rectangle Tool (M).

Step 30.

Now we will make the upper part of the alarm clock. Create a circle using Ellipse Tool (L) and then divide it into two equal parts by selecting Scissors Tool (C) and clicking on the middle left and right point of the circle. Rotate the bottom part 180 degrees (the easiest way to rotate the shape is to move the cursor to extreme points until the rotate icon appears - then rotate the shape). When finished, place the pieces on top of the alarm clock and add small “legs” at the bottom to complete the icon.

Step 31

Icon "Cards" quite simple and does not contain many elements. So, create a 40 x 40 px circle in the center and fill it with blue (#087eff). Next, create a triangle (as described in previous steps) measuring 17 x 25 px.

Step 32

Create a beige (#e5decb) base for the icon. Then go to menu Object > Path > Add anchor points (Object > Path > Add Anchor Points) and after that select the middle point at the base of the triangle using Direct Selection Tool (A) and move it up as you can see in the picture below:

Step 33

Create a wide vertical stripe crossing the entire icon, measuring 26 x 83.5 px, copy this shape, place it perpendicular to the first one, reduce it by half, then with both shapes selected, click on the icon Unite on the panel Pathfinder. Place the resulting shape under the blue circle. Then select this shape along with the base of the icon and click the icon Divide. This way you will have 3 different parts of the base. Ungroup the shapes by right-clicking and selecting Ungroup

Step 34

Fill parts of the base with green (#78c73d) and light pink (#fbc7d2).

Step 35.

Now let's start creating the icon "Weather". Fill the base with a linear gradient from dark blue (#2066f0) at the top to light blue (#1dd4fd) at the bottom. On the left side, create a 27 x 27 px circle and fill it with a yellow linear gradient from #ffc505 to #fee403. This circle will be the “sun”. Next we create the clouds: make two circles: one with a diameter of 25.5 pixels and the second with a diameter of 21 pixels. Place the circles as shown in the picture.

Step 36

Create a 43 x 16 px rectangle and round the corners with a Corner radius of 8 px. Align the rectangle with the circles as you see in the picture. Then select both circles and the rectangle and click on the icon Unite on the panel Pathfinder- now you have a great smooth cloud.

Step 37

Fill the cloud with white and make it semi-transparent by decreasing the value Opacity to 90% in the Appearance panel.

Step 38

So, now we will make an icon "Camera". Create a base - a circle filled with a linear gradient from dark gray (#8e9196) at the bottom to light gray (#dadcdd) at the top. Next, create a rectangle approximately 62 x 41 px, fill it with gray (#3c3c3c) and round the corners. Create another 30 x 17 px rectangle, position it at the top right of the first (see image), then round its top left corner with Corner radius 7 pixels. Next, click the Unite icon on the panel Pathfinder and then round the corner between the two shapes.

Step 39

Create a stripe at the top of the camera as shown in the picture and then use the function Minus Front to cut this part out of the shape that forms the camera.

Step 40.

Create a button from a 9 x 4 px rectangle with rounded top corners and position it in the center of the template. Next use Pen Tool (P), to create an arrow pointing to the button. Set the Stroke Weight to 4 points and make the ends (cap) and corners (corners) of the stroke rounded on the panel Stroke the panel can be called up by clicking on the inscription Stroke above.

Step 41

Final details: Create a bright yellow (#fac81b) 6 x 6 px circle. Then create a 37.5 x 37.5 px circle with no fill, and a Stroke Weight of 4 points. Place the small and large circles as shown in the image:

Step 42

Select the big circle and go to the menu Object > Expand (Object > Expand), transforming it into a ring. Then select the ring and camera base and click Minus Front on the panel Pathfinder. Next, select all the gray parts of the camera and combine them into one shape by pressing Ctrl + 8.

Step 43

Finally use Shape Builder Tool (Shift + M), hold down the key Alt and remove unnecessary parts of the camera that protrude from the base of the icon.

Step 44

Now let's make a tube for the icon "Telephone". Create an 8 x 40 px rectangle and apply Effects > Warp > Arch with these settings:

-select Vertical

- Bend: 27%

Section Distortion

- Horizontal: 0%

- Vertical: 12%

Next, create two 17 x 20 px rectangles at the top and bottom of the tube, rounding the corners. Next, select all parts of the tube and click the icon Unite on the panel Pathfinder.

Step 45.

Smooth the left side of the tube by removing unnecessary anchor points using Pen Tool - Delete Anchor Point Tool (-) and then smooth internal corners using the function Dynamic corners (Live Corners). Rotate the tube 45 degrees and place it on top of a base filled with a linear gradient from light green (#86fb71) to dark green (#0fd51c).

Step 46

Next let's move on to the icon. "Message". We leave the base as in the previous icon. Create a white oval measuring 48 x 40 px. Add a small triangle at the bottom of the white shape to create a dialog bubble. Round the bottom corner of the triangle a little, then bend the triangle a little using Effect > Warp > Arch (Effects > Warp > Arch):

- select Vertical:

- Bend: -36%

Step 47

This is what the finished icon looks like.

Step 48

Next icon "Remote controller", it is very simple and consists of one element. Start by filling the base with a linear gradient from dark blue #2066f0 at the bottom to light blue #1dd4fd at the top. Add a 5.3 pt white stroke and in the Stroke settings check Align Stroke to Inside. Create a 30 x 30 px white triangle and place it in the center of the icon.

Step 49

Finally, round the corners of the triangle with Corner radius 2.5. Great! The icon is ready, let's move on.

Step 50.

Icon "Training" represents a stylized silhouette of a running man.
Create a bright base for the icon with a linear gradient fill from yellow-green (#c2ec38) at the top to green (#a3fc3f) at the bottom.

Take Pen Tool (P) and create separate lines for the arms, legs and body with a Stroke Weight of 3 points and in the stroke settings set the ends (cap) and corners (corner) to rounded. Increase the body stroke weight to 6 points. Create a “head” - a 9 x 9 px circle.

Step 51

Select all the lines and go to the menu Object > Expand (Object > Expand), then fill all the shapes with black.

Step 52

Icon "Settings" is a gear. Create the base of the gear - a 48 x 48 px ring. Add three lines with a Stroke Weight of 3 points, connecting in the center of the template.

Step 53

Now you need to add the teeth. Create a 5 x 9 px rectangle and make the top part of it a little smaller (you can do this by moving the points using the Direct selection - Direct Selection Tool (A), then round the top corners using the function Live Corners with a Corner radius of 1.6. Place the prongs at the top and bottom of the base (see picture).
Now select both shapes, click on them twice Rotate Tool (R), in the window that opens, enter in the field Rotate – Angle 360/18, so Adobe Illustrator will automatically calculate the value for 18 figures. Click the button Copy.

Step 54

Click Ctrl+D several times to repeat previous action and add more elements. Then select all the teeth, set the fill color to white and rotate all the elements by -10 degrees.

Step 55.

Our next icon is a stylized app flower. "Photo". Start by creating a 20 x 30 px rectangle with rounded corners (Corner radius: 10 pixels). Copy the petal and place the copy at the bottom of the icon template as shown in the image. Select both petals and use Rotate Tool (R) make 8 more copies of the petal using a value of 360/8 for the parameter Angle, click the Copy button.

Step 56

Click Ctrl+D several more times until you get a flower with 8 petals. Switch Blending Mode all the petals on Multiplication and reduce Opacity up to 80%. Now apply a different color to each petal, starting from the top middle and moving clockwise: orange (#fa9700), yellow (#f0e22c), green (#b5d558), turquoise (#6ec19d), blue (#71b5e1), purple (# 8f60c3), pink (#d782a4) and red (#ff2c2c).

Make a white base for the flower.

Step 57

Icon "Stock" is a minimalistic diagram. Let's start by creating a bright blue (#02a6f5) vertical line 3 points thick - for this use Line Segment Tool (\). Place the line in the middle of the template, on a dark (#3f3f3f) icon base.

Next, create a small blue circle in the center of the template and give it a 1 point Stroke of dark gray (#3f3f3f). Add 4 more lines with a 3pt light gray (#555555) stroke on both sides of the icon.

Select all lines, go to menu Object > Expand, then remove unnecessary parts of lines using Shape Builder Tool (Shift + M).

Step 58

Next, using Pen Tool (P), create a zigzag line with a stroke weight of 1.5 points. Go to menu Object > Expand and also remove the lines protruding beyond the edge of the icon.

Step 59

Icon "Activity" more complex, but also interesting. It consists of three multi-colored circles with a gradient fill.
Create two 6 x 7 px rectangles, one pink (#ff2b91) and one red (#f1281e). Select both rectangles and go to the menu Object > Blend > Create - Object > Blend > Make (Alt + Ctrl + B). You can adjust the settings in the menu Object > Blend > Blend Options by selecting the option Optimal colors (Smooth Color) to get a seamless transition. Drag the resulting transition to the Brush palette and check in the box Art Brush, leave the settings as default.

Step 60.

Create a dark gray (#393839) circle as the base of the icon and place another circle inside using our brush like Stroke. Adjust the size of the circle so that it fits exactly within the size of the icon template. Set the stroke weight to 1 point, then go to the menu Object > Expand Appearance to convert the stroke to an object. Rotate and/or flip an object using Reflect Tool (O) horizontally, if necessary, pink side the circle was on the right, and the red one was on the left.

Then create a small pink (#ff2b91) circle and place it in the center of the color ring so as to hide the color line.

Step 61

Now we need to add depth by making a shadow. As you may have noticed, the ring became divided into parts after the operation Expand Appearance. Select the top red piece of the ring, copy and place in front (Ctrl + C > Ctrl + F), fill the copy with a linear gradient from dark red (#a11b17) to white and change the blending mode to Multiplication– this will make the white part of the gradient invisible.

Step 62

Using the same technique, create two more colored rings inside the first shape. Create Art Brushes from the transition from yellow (#d8ff06) to green (#86e402), and from the transition from turquoise (#06ffaa) to blue (#06e3f9). Just like we did for the first ring, make shadows for the other two.

Step 63

Next icon – "Passbook", which consists of four small icons: credit card, airplane, video camera and cup of coffee. These icons are minimalistic and can be made using a panel Pathfinder and functions Live Corners. Below you can see the process of creating pictograms step by step: how to combine the shapes of each pictogram.

Step 64

The base of the icon consists of four stripes of different colors: red (#ff4e46), blue (#439eca), green (#3dca36) and orange (#ffa02b), each 20 pixels high.
Create a basic 80 x 80 px circle and remove unwanted parts of the stripes using Shape Builder Tool (Shift + M), selecting objects and clicking on unnecessary parts of the stripes, while holding down the key Alt.

Step 65.

Create a 3.5 x 3.5 px circle intersecting the top of the orange stripe, then copy the circle while holding down your keyboard shortcuts Alt and Shift, and dragging it to the right. Click Ctrl+D several times to make even more circles. Then select all copies and Create a compound path - Make Compound Path (Ctrl + 8). Select the circles and orange stripe and click the icon Minus Front on the panel Pathfinder.

Finally, place the icons you created earlier on the stripes and align them to the center of the icon.

Step 66.

Last icon – icon "Calendar". It consists of text written in font Helvetica Neue and a plain white base.

Step 67

Great job! Apple Watch desktop icons are ready!

This tutorial was created in Adobe program Illustrator CS2. Minor changes are possible for other versions of the program.

Step 1: Create a Metal Mold

First we create the shape of the clock. Create a circle using the Ellipse tool. Fill the circle with a gradient with the options shown below. Stretch the gradient so that the light spot is at the top left of the circle.

Create new circle with the center in the same place. Make this circle a little smaller than the first. Fill the new circle with a gradient as shown below.

Add a third circle again centered in the same place and again slightly smaller than the second circle. Give the new circle a gradient similar to this:

To add an additional shadow effect to the third circle, create a new circle of the same size and apply a gradient and transparency:

If this work is for microstocks, then the gradient with transparency is supported only in EPS 10! You can also read

The result should be similar to this:

Now to the watch dial. Create a new circle, slightly smaller than the previous one. Add a gradient as shown below so that the lightest part is in the center of the clock.

Now you have created the metal frame of the watch and dial. Let's move on to the buttons.

Step 2. Buttons

To add buttons to a stopwatch, first create a new layer and place it below the first layer.

Create a rectangle at the top of the clock. Fill the rectangle with a gradient as shown below to simulate the highlights of the metal.

Copy the new rectangle and then place it on top of the first one (CTRL+F). Move the new rectangle above the first one and resize it so that it is wider, as in the image:

To simulate the knurled surface of the button, we'll make a lot of dark rectangles to show the shadows. Create a bunch of small rectangles as shown below and place them on top of the button. Make them all black and set the opacity to 60%.

If this work is for microstocks, then transparency over the gradient can only be saved in EPS 10; EPS 8 does not support this.

To add a shadow to the button, create a new rectangle below the top but on top of the first rectangle. Make it black and set the opacity to 30%.

For microstocks, you can simply select colors in a black gradient (if you want to save in EPS 8) without using transparency. For EPS 10 you can apply transparency.

Now create two circles as shown below. Select these two circles and make a compound path (Object > Compound Path > Make). Place a circle behind the button (Object > Arrange > Send to Back)

Apply a gradient to the new circle. Drag the gradient from the center of the circle to the edge.

To add another button, select the two main rectangles and the shadow rectangle we created and copy them. Rotate them approximately 35 degrees and place them on the left.

Step 3. Dial, numbers and details

We move on to create the numbers and details on the dial. Create a new layer and place it on top of the others. Before we create the numbers, we will create all the lines. First create a single line at the top of the dial, as shown here:

With the line selected, click on the Rotate tool. Drag the pivot point from the center of the line to the center of the clock. Now rotate the line by holding shift and ALT. Drop the line copy at 180 degrees. Drag a copy of the line to the opposite edge of the watch face:

We need to copy these lines around the dial with 6 degrees space between each one. Select both lines and open the Rotation window (Object > Transform > Rotate). Set the Rotation Angle to Angle =6 and click Copy.

Repeat this step by pressing CTRL+D until you have created all the lines.

We want to highlight every 5th second, so we will now change the line thickness. Every 5th line should be thicker - 1.3 pt., and the rest - 0.6 pt.

We need to create even more lines on this clock. Create a new layer. Create a line at the top of the dial (where 12 o'clock is), this line should be even thinner (0.2 pt.) and shorter than the lines on the previous layer. As with the previous example with the first line, click on the rotate tool. Drag the pivot point from the center of the line to the center of the clock. Now rotate the line by holding shift and ALT. Move a copy of the line to the opposite side of the clock face.

Select both lines and open the Rotation window (Object > Transform > Rotate). Set the Rotation Angle to Angle =6 and click Copy. Repeat this step by pressing CTRL+D. Repeat until you have created the required number of lines.

To add detail, create two circles with a center point in the center of the dial. One circle should be along the edge of the newly created lines, and the other a little closer to the center. set the line weight to 0.4 pt.

Now it's time to add the numbers. Create numbers using the Type Tool and a font of your choice. Add numbers next to the thickest lines.

Now let's create an arrow. You can use the Star tool to create a triangle. Drag the star while holding down the mouse button and press the down arrow on your keyboard to decrease the number of corners on the shape. Release when you have a triangle. Make the triangle dark grey.

Resize the triangle to make it very narrow and adjust the length.

Add a small circle in the center of the clock. Fill it with a dark gray gradient. You can rotate the clock hand using the Rotate tool.

The last detail we will create in this is the highlight on the glass surface. Create a new layer. Create two circles as shown in the image below.

With both circles selected, select Divide from the Pathfinder palette. Then ungroup the result (Object > Ungroup) and remove everything unnecessary:

Add a gradient to create a highlight, with the parameters as in the image below:

This gradient with transparency only supports EPS 10 format.

The result should be similar to this:

This is all. Now you have a beautiful stopwatch icon.

We all keep track of time, and in order not to be late for important events, we need a watch for this. Today we will talk about how to draw a clock. Several different master classes will be demonstrated and you can choose the one that you like the most.

Wrist watch

The first example will show us how to draw a watch dial. The watch will be small, wrist and with a leather strap, and the design itself will be made in black and white style. But if you want it, you can paint it in your favorite colors at any time.

First we need to draw two circles. One will be inside the other. These circles will become the dial in the future.

Now we draw the strap. To do this, we need to draw rectangles on the top and bottom sides. Draw decorative seams using dotted lines.

At the last stage, we draw the corners of the body and add a wheel to the side, which is used to wind the time. Also in this step we must draw a dial with an hour and minute hand.

At this point our drawing is ready, but if you want, you can take colored pencils and color it in any colors.

Wall Clock

In this paragraph we will look at how to draw a clock with a pencil. They will be large and round. Usually these are hung on the wall in the kitchen or room. We will make the dial from green, yellow and Pink colour, but you can choose any other colors for your drawing. Let's not waste time and get started as soon as possible!

As in the previous example, at the first stage we need to draw two circles. One inside the other. Try to make them even, but if you can't do it by hand, you can use a compass or any round object, such as a cup or plate.

Let's start drawing the dial. To do this, we need to add four green circles and sign the time “12, 3, 6, 9” on them. Add a short strip next to each circle.

Using the same principle as in the previous step, add pink and yellow circles. As a result, we should have 12 multi-colored circles.

We sign the time in each circle as in the picture below. Now we come to the most interesting part, we need to draw the minute and hour hands. We decided not to do the usual straight stripes and added creativity to an ordinary household item. The clock hands will be wavy! At this point the drawing can be considered complete.

Small watch

This example will tell you how to draw a clock for children. It is very light and the finished drawing can be obtained in just three simple steps. For drawing we need pencils. Of course, you can use felt-tip pens, but then we won’t be able to correct the resulting errors with an eraser.

Let's draw the body of our object. If you studied the previous two master classes, you will probably guess that first we need to draw two roundnesses.

This time we are not drawing an ordinary clock, but one that wakes you up in the morning. Therefore, we will add ringing bells on top in a semicircle, and between them a button that turns off the bell. To prevent our item from rolling anywhere at the bottom, we must add two legs.

Now let's move on to drawing the dial. It is very difficult to describe it in words. It's better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so look at the photo below. You will immediately understand what and how you need to draw to get it beautiful picture! The drawing is ready, but you can color it if you wish.

On a chain

Let's look at how to draw a watch on a chain step by step. This type of case has long been outdated and modern people do not use it. But such cases used to be extremely popular, so let's try to draw them!

Let's start drawing by drawing the boundaries of the dial. After studying the picture below, you will understand that it is very simple and you can handle it in a matter of minutes, or maybe even seconds!

In the upper and lower parts we depict decorative plates.

Now we need to draw a mount on which we will attach a chain and a wheel that sets the time. To draw the fastener, we must add a rounded rim at the top, to which the first element of the chain will be attached.

Let's work on the numbers. As you can see, they will be Roman numbers 1 to 12.

Inside we work on another row of numbers and add an hour and minute hand. They will have an unremarkable standard appearance of hairs with an arrow.

The final stage will be coloring our drawing. We will use a regular pencil and adjust the shades with pressure. The darker the color we need, the harder we will press and vice versa, the lighter it is, the less we will press on the pencil.

On the hand

This master class will show you how to draw wrist watch dressed on hand. We will not depict the hand in detail, but will focus only on a small part of it. After this example, you will learn and be able to draw a watch on your hand of absolutely any case.

First, let's make a simple pencil sketch, for this we will depict the hand in the form of two parallel lines. And then we will make a sketch of the clock. It doesn't have to be detailed. It will be enough to outline the general concept.

Don't press too hard on the pencil because in the next steps we will be erasing this sketch with an eraser.

Take a black felt-tip pen and outline the main contours as in the photo below.

And finally, let’s detail the drawing with small details!

IN New Year's Eve We are all waiting with bated breath for the chimes to strike and the New Year to begin. Clocks are one of the main symbols of the holiday, and it’s not for nothing that they are painted on New Year’s Eve. greeting cards and posters. Pick up the New Year's issue of any magazine, and there with high degree Chances are you will find a beautiful clock with hands frozen at almost midnight. In this article we want to talk about how to draw a New Year's clock correctly. And if you decide to do new year poster with a clock, or draw beautiful postcard in order to give it away to a loved one- then this drawing lesson is just for you.

Example No. 1

You can try the simplest method first. To do this, draw a circle using a compass. Then you need to draw neat numbers on them. On their surface it is desirable to create New Year's drawing. Santa Claus sitting on the moon will look beautiful.

When everything is ready, it is advisable to decorate the numbers with one color, and the surface with others. Wonderful New Year's watch is ready. The design can be cut out or left as is.

Example No. 2

Another way is to create a New Year's cuckoo clock. Previously, such an element was in every home, although now it is found in some. If there are none, then you can easily draw them.

First you should draw a small village house on which a round dial is placed. At the top you need to make a cuckoo and a small place for it. After this, you need to decorate your work with any chosen colors of paint.

Example No. 3

This method produces unusual New Year's watches. They are similar to homemade ones, only they have some additions. First you need to draw a circle using a compass. Then semicircles should be drawn along the edges of the entire surface. In each petal you need to place numbers and separate them from each other.

After this, you need to draw arrows with a pencil, which can also be of unusual shape. All that remains is to add color to the product, and it is ready. You can decorate them with any details, it all depends on your desire.

Example No. 4

You can create a clock not only in the shape of a circle, but also in the shape of a square. By decorating them with unusual decoration, they may well become New Year's. First of all, you need to create an even square. It is advisable to leave a space at the edges that will be the field of the product. Numbers will be placed next to it. Moreover, they can be both Arabic and Roman.

Then you will need standard arrows. It is advisable that they show the time closer to twelve. It is recommended to decorate the resulting drawing with any colors.

Example No. 5

Using this master class, you can make another festive drawing, since a New Year's wreath will be placed around them. First you need to draw a round clock, decorating it with arrows and numbers. In a circle you need to draw a wreath of spruce branches. Then you will need Christmas tree decorations to decorate it.

When the drawing is ready, it is advisable to transform it using paints of different colors. The result is a festive clock that can be hung on the wall. He'll make a great New Year card or poster. Gift wrapping will be no less beautiful. You can make a beautiful New Year's alarm clock.

Video master class on drawing a clock

Clocks can be made different ways. They are decorated with various ornaments and relief figures. Snowflakes, stars, a month, a Christmas tree will look beautiful; they can be cut out and hung on the wall or on the Christmas tree. While working, you should make the lines smooth and neat. The clock making activity is very interesting and therefore perfect for children and adults.

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