How to write an essay on the topic: “Life is short, but art is eternal”? Life is short - art is eternal. Ancient aphorism


“Life is short, art is eternal,” as the ancient Romans said. This expression means that the values ​​embodied in works of art are eternal and do not lose their significance. Looking at the great buildings of the past, you are convinced that this saying is absolutely true. But what about works of verbal art?
English novelist and playwright William Somerset Maugham I once remarked that the eternity of any literary work is measured in several centuries. For example, modern reader it's hard to get a wonderful one to read satirical novel Francois Rabelais' Gargantua and Pantagruel, which just a few years ago was a bestseller, like Harry Potter is now. However, you shouldn’t go looking for such distant examples. The novel “Eugene Onegin”, very popular in the 19th century, has today turned into educational material for literature classes and few adults reread it. It turns out that works of literature age faster than ancient temples and statues?
The secret of the fragility of literary works is that the material from which they are created quickly becomes obsolete, or rather changes. Language is changing rapidly, absorbing new words and getting rid of old ones. For the reader, the language of his time is most interesting. And yet they exist literary works, which do not lose their value over many centuries.
“Eternal images” are few in fiction. For example, Shakespeare's Macbeth and Hamlet, Servant's Don Quixote, Goethe's Faust, etc. But there are few truly “eternal themes”: love, death, feat in the name of humanity - that’s probably all.
Works that reflect " eternal themes", destined long life They continue to excite minds, find more and more new incarnations in drama, fine arts and music. Let us remember the milestones on the path of “eternal” literary works.
Engravings by Gustave Doré illustrating " Divine Comedy» Dante Alighieri. The opera "Faust" by Charles Gounod, which uses the same plot as Goethe's "Faust". The ballet “Don Quixote” by Ludwig Minkus, based on the novel of the same name by Cervantes. Production of Shakespeare's Hamlet by the Meyerhold Theater, as well as a film adaptation famous tragedy Russian director Kozintsev.
And these are just a few examples of how masters of art are mastering the heritage of the literature of the past.
Apparently, continuity is what makes literary works eternal. The language of literary works changes, writers of each era bring something of their own to prose, drama and poetry, but the themes and images born of the genius of the great masters of the past remain eternal.
Are there really no works being created today that will eventually become classics and be included in the “golden fund” of world literature? In fact, “eternal themes” are eternal simply because time does not exist for them. And now literary works are being created that deserve to remain for centuries. Life is short, art is eternal, and they cannot exist without each other.

Life is short, art is forever
From Latin: Vita brevis, ars longa (Vita brevis, are longa).
From famous saying, which belongs to the great ancient Greek thinker, naturalist, great doctor, founder of modern medical ethics Hippocrates (460-370 BC).
When he spoke of “art,” he did not mean artistic creativity, but the art of healing. And the meaning of this comparison is that the art of healing is so complex, it requires so much knowledge that even all of it is not enough to comprehend it. human life. “Hence,” explained the Roman Stoic philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca in his essay “On the Brevity of Life,” “the famous exclamation of the greatest of doctors that life is short, but art is long.”
In the original, Hippocrates’ thought goes like this: Life is short, the path of art is long (another translation: science is vast), chance is fleeting, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult. Therefore, not only the doctor himself must use everything that is necessary, but also the patient, those around him, and all external circumstances must contribute to the doctor in his activities.
The expression became popular after J. V. Goethe repeated it in his tragedy “Faust” in the following form: “Art is durable, but our life is short.”
Usually used in the sense: the artist, the creator dies, but the fruits of his hands, the creations of his spirit, mind, art live forever, and thereby they preserve the memory (remind) of the person who created them; the master lives in his creations.

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Sages from Ancient Rome They believed that “Life is short, but art is eternal.” With these words, they wanted to declare that the spiritual values ​​​​embedded in any work of art are imperishable, eternal. They do not lose their great meaning and significance over time. And this applies not only to sculpture, architecture and painting, but also, no less, to literature.

However, not everything is as simple as it might seem, and many literary works of world significance lose their popularity over time. An example is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s masterpiece “Eugene Onegin,” which was very famous and in demand during the writer’s life. But centuries have passed, and now few people except schoolchildren turn to this work. The same can be said about the brilliant work of Francois Rabelais “Gargantua and Pantagruel”, which brought world fame auto RU. It was a real bestseller of that era, but nowadays...

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Select biographies of artists - from various fields - and specifically those who died young, leaving behind a rich legacy that is still an object of public interest and value.

Make all sorts of factual statements, and also look for information about what exactly is happening now with creative heritage the heroes you have chosen.

So, let's start writing:


Artist such and such died at the age of 20;

Composer so-and-so died tragically at the age of 20;



Rock performer (we are, like, not some kind of retro bastards) .....

What unites them all is the theme of our work today - “Life is short, but art is eternal.”

The main part - here you can pour out a nightingale on any topic: how they lived, how they worked, what they thought / didn’t think about - You read their biographies, as long as the conclusion follows:

“They were able to leave such important and/or so much to us! Have you ever thought...

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The sages of Ancient Rome believed that “Life is short, but art is eternal.” With these words they wanted to declare that the spiritual values ​​​​embedded in any work of art are imperishable, eternal. They do not lose their great meaning and significance over time. And this applies not only to sculpture, architecture and painting, but also, no less, to literature. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem, and many literary works of world significance lose their popularity over time. An example is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s masterpiece “Eugene Onegin,” which was very famous and in demand during the writer’s life. But centuries have passed, and now few people except schoolchildren turn to this work. The same can be said about the brilliant work of Francois Rabelais “Gargantua and Pantagruel”, which brought world fame to the author. It was a real bestseller of that era, but nowadays not everyone has heard of it. And the point here is not that the meaning of these...

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Topic: Preparation for an essay-discussion on the topic “Life is short, but art is eternal” (using the painting “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci).

Teach students to write an argumentative essay using a work of painting, introduce them to the creative heritage of Leonardo da Vinci and his painting “Mona Lisa”;

Develop students’ speech, the ability to express their opinions, expand their vocabulary, and broaden their horizons;

Cultivate a sense of beauty aesthetic taste, interest in immortal works art.

Equipment: portrait of the artist, reproduction of the painting “Mona Lisa”, handouts, audio recordings of music by A. Vivaldi, G. Handel, presentation.

Lesson type: speech development lesson.


I. Organizational moment

Poetic minute (Melodic recitation of a poem to the music of G. Handel)

II Motivation for learning activities

Teacher's word

Guys, today...

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Essay “Life is short, but art is eternal.” Essay “Life is short, but art is eternal.” The sages of Ancient Rome believed that “Life is short, but art is eternal.” With these words they wanted to declare that the spiritual values ​​​​embedded in any work of art are imperishable, eternal. They do not lose their great meaning and significance over time. And this applies not only to sculpture, architecture and painting, but also, no less, to literature. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem, and many literary works of world significance lose their popularity over time. An example is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s masterpiece “Eugene Onegin,” which was very famous and in demand during the writer’s life. But centuries have passed, and now few people except schoolchildren turn to this work. The same can be said about the brilliant work of Francois Rabelais “Gargantua and Pantagruel”, which brought world fame to the author. It was real...

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If you are a normal user of this web site and don"t know what this page is about, this probably means that the site is currently unavailable due to maintenance. If the problem persists, please contact the site"s administrator.

Ubuntu"s Apache2 default configuration is different from the upstream default configuration, and split into several files optimized for interaction with Ubuntu tools. The configuration system...

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800 ready-made essays

Essay “Life is short, but art is eternal”

The sages of Ancient Rome believed that “Life is short, but art is eternal.” With these words they wanted to declare that the spiritual values ​​​​embedded in any work of art are imperishable, eternal. They do not lose their great meaning and significance over time. And this applies not only to sculpture, architecture and painting, but also, no less, to literature. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem, and many literary works of world significance lose their popularity over time. An example is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s masterpiece “Eugene Onegin,” which was very famous and in demand during the writer’s life. But centuries have passed, and now few people except schoolchildren turn to this work. The same can be said about the brilliant work of Francois Rabelais “Gargantua and Pantagruel”, which brought world fame to the author. It was real...

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Essays on a free topic - “life is short, art is eternal” (1). “Life is short, art is eternal” - this is what the ancient Romans said.

Processing on an unconscious level is only the art of doing something, it will forever show that officials tried to life is short, the art is forever composing.

“Life is short, art is eternal” - this is what the ancient Romans said. This expression means.

Essay “Life is short, but art is eternal” Sages from Ancient Rome believed that “Life.

Essay: Life is short, art is eternal (1). Topics Oral topics By English language For.

Essay Essays on a free topic (5-11 grades) - Miscellaneous. “Life is short, art is eternal” - this is what the ancient Romans said.

After all, the poet lives in two dimensions: in everyday life, like everyone else normal people, and in art, where it comes into contact. The life of the outstanding poet was short.

Life is short art is eternal essay, Essay “Life is short, but art is eternal.

The topic of the essay is...

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Life is short, but art is forever!

Especially if your life is dedicated to art. This is exactly what happened in the fate of Boris Mayevsky.

IN post-war years he grew up as a guy who, as they say, don’t put a finger in his mouth. Hooligan. That's what the teachers said about him. Well, what is it like to explode a heavy machine gun cartridge found somewhere during a lesson! The class was booming literally and figuratively. There are two fragments in the wall, and the bullet core is near the board. When the teacher kicked him out of the class, the boy grabbed the desk and pulled it with him. Now Boris Ivanovich remembers this with a smile. But that’s how it was.

And it's all about him

In 1970 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Kyiv state university them. T.G. Shevchenko. Afterwards I studied at the Institute international relations. For several years he worked as a military translator, then as a journalist. However, he did not stay long in this profession. "Not mine!" - admits frankly. He “found” himself in documentary filmmaking, becoming...

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Essay on the topic life is short but art is forever in the details

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Yu. A. The executioner cut off my head and I. The poet’s life was short, but it was not in vain: his descendants will forever remember him. This essay can be printed or simply read. Woe from Wit, Innovation A. Search by essays. Random essays. Preparation for the Unified State Exam. essay. Essays > Essays > Free theme> Essays on the work "Art, culture" > Essay ""Life is short, art is eternal" (2)". Lermontov is a confession of an endlessly lonely, courageous and rebellious soul. Download the essay “Life is short, art is eternal (2)” in the ZIP archive. The poet’s life was short, but it was not in vain: his descendants will forever remember him. “Life is short, art is eternal,” as the ancient Romans said. Do you need an abstract, essay, outline? Then save - "...

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The sages of Ancient Rome believed that “Life is short, but art is eternal.” With these words they wanted to declare that the spiritual values ​​​​embedded in any work of art are imperishable, eternal. They do not lose their great meaning and significance over time. And this applies not only to sculpture, architecture and painting, but also, no less, to literature.

However, not everything is as simple as it might seem, and many literary works of world significance lose their popularity over time. An example is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s masterpiece “Eugene Onegin,” which was very famous and in demand during the writer’s life. But centuries have passed, and now few people except schoolchildren turn to this work. The same can be said about the brilliant work of Francois Rabelais “Gargantua and Pantagruel”, which brought world fame to the author. It was a real bestseller of that era, but nowadays not everyone has heard of it.

And the point here is not that the meaning of these works loses relevance due to the change of generations. No, just any language changes, modernizes, is replenished with new words and replaces (or loses) old ones. And works on which time has not had any influence, which will always be popular among readers of all nations and ages, are unfortunately few. This, of course, is Shakespeare's Hamlet, Goethe's Faust, Cervantes' Don Quixote and several other works. And they will be alive until the last person dies out.

Many literary works long time“keep afloat” thanks to the fact that workers of other arts transfer them into their masterpieces - painting, cinema, theater.

In literature, the so-called “eternal themes” - love, friendship, death - have almost always been raised and continue to be raised. And the images created brilliant writers and poets, will never lose their relevance. It is people who die, and manuscripts, as you know, do not burn.


“Life is short, art is eternal,” as the ancient Romans said. This expression means that the values ​​embodied in works of art are eternal and do not lose their significance. Looking at the great architectural structures of the past, you are convinced that this saying is absolutely true. But what about works of verbal art?

The English prose writer and playwright William Somerset Maugham once noted that the eternity of any literary work is measured in several centuries. For example, it is difficult to get the average modern reader to read Francois Rabelais’s wonderful novel “Gargantua and Pantagruel,” full of evil satire and tart humor, which just a few centuries ago was a bestseller, like “Harry Potter” is now. However, you shouldn’t go looking for such distant examples. The novel "Eugene Onegin", which was super popular in the first quarter of the XIX century, has now become teaching material for literature classes, and few adults reread it. So, it turns out that works of literature age faster than ancient temples and statues?

The secret of the fragility of literary works is that the material from which they are created is short-lived, or rather, changeable. Language is changing rapidly, absorbing new words and getting rid of old ones. The same process of mastering the new and abandoning the old occurs in the mind of the reader. But at the same time, such “obsolescence” and “update” cannot be considered absolute, because there are literary works that will not lose their value for many centuries.

“Eternal images” are few in fiction. Let's name Shakespeare's Macbeth and Hamlet, Cerventes' Don Quixote, and Goethe's Faust. And there are even fewer truly “eternal themes”: love, death, feat in the name of humanity - that’s probably all.

Works that reflect “eternal themes” are destined to have a long life. They continue to excite minds, finding more and more new incarnations in drama, fine art, and music. Let us remember the milestones on the path of “eternal” literary works.

Engravings by Gustave Doré illustrating The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri.

The opera Faust by Charles Gounod, which uses the same plot as in Goethe's Faust.

The ballet “Don Quixote” by Ludwig Minkus, based on the novel of the same name by Cervantes.

A production of Shakespeare's Hamlet by the Meyerhold Theater, as well as a film adaptation of the famous tragedy by the Russian director Kozintsev.

And these are just a few examples of how masters of art are mastering the heritage of the literature of the past.

Apparently, continuity is what makes literary works eternal. Language changes fiction, writers of each era bring something of their own to prose, drama and poetry, but the themes and images born of the genius of the great masters of the past remain eternal.

It turns out that the “eternal” themes and images have already been fully developed? Are there really no works being created today that will eventually become classics and enter the “golden fund” of world culture? In fact, “eternal themes” are eternal simply because they do not exist in time. And today literary works are being created that deserve to remain for centuries. Life is short, art is eternal, and they cannot exist without each other.

The age of man is short, and especially the age of the poet. After all, the poet lives in two dimensions: in everyday life, like all normal people, and in art, where he comes into contact with the secrets of the universe, listens to the most subtle movements of the soul, and feels a deep kinship with all living things.

The great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin lived only thirty-eight years. “By reading his works, you can magnificently educate a person within yourself,” V. G. Belinsky wrote about him. The whole of human life, its dreams and seductions, its hopes and sufferings, exuberance, the pressure of young feelings and sophisticated maturity pass before us in the works of A. S. Pushkin:

And I heard the sky tremble,

And the heavenly flight of angels,

And the reptile of the sea underwater,

And the vegetation below the vine...

These words of Pushkin’s “Prophet” can also be attributed to the author of these lines himself. F. M. Dostoevsky wrote about the “worldwide responsiveness” of A. S. Pushkin. Life for the poet is an unconditional and absolute value, it is a unity in which there is nothing separate or superfluous, and even its finitude is accepted by the poet:

And let at the tomb entrance

The young one will play with life,

And indifferent nature

Shine with eternal beauty.

What grace, subtlety of feelings, truly grand union"magical sounds, feelings and thoughts."

M. Yu. Lermontov lived twenty-seven years. His “iron verse, drenched in bitterness and anger” sang inner freedom human personality, spoke about the tragic loneliness and harmony of nature, unattainable for humans:

God's garden was blooming all around me;

Plants rainbow outfit

Kept traces of heavenly tears,

And the curls of the vines

Weaving, showing off between the trees...

Nature in the lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov is full of animation, huge and mysterious life. The voices of nature “speaked about the secrets of heaven and earth.” Only man does not feel complete fusion with nature, and therefore his lot is tragic.

And it’s boring, and sad, and there’s no one to give a hand to

In a moment of spiritual adversity.

Desires? What good is it in vain to wish forever...

The lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov are the confession of an infinitely lonely, courageous and rebellious soul.

The life of the outstanding poet of the 20th century S. A. Yesenin was short - only thirty years.

Reading his poems, we admire the beauty of the greenery, experience great love for our homeland, for life, for all living things, and feel a blood connection with the world around us.

O Rus'! - raspberry field

And the blue that fell into the river.

I love you to the point of joy and pain

Your lake melancholy.

The greatness of Yesenin’s poetry lies in its utmost sincerity, in the sharpness of its philosophical and moral problems, is that in every line, in every word you feel something very close, dear.

The life of the poet N. Gumilev was tragic. He lived only thirty-five years. He is a romantic and a dreamer, a singer of conquistadors, captains, and warriors. He dreamed of exotic grottoes, African giraffes, fairy-tale pavilions:

Among the artificial lake

The porcelain pavilion went up,

Arched like a tiger's back,

A jasper bridge leads to it...

But harmony and beauty turn out to be fragile and transitory. In many of his works one can hear despair, breakdown, and a premonition of death:

Signboard... bloodshot letters

They say green, I know, here

Instead of cabbage and instead of rutabaga

They sell dead heads.

In a red shirt, with a face like an udder,

The executioner cut off my head and...

The poet’s life was short, but it was not in vain: his descendants will forever remember him. Art is a living memory; it transmits from generation to generation thoughts and feelings, pain and joy, gains and disappointments - everything that a person lives with.

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