How to give your man a lap dance. Seven basic strip dance moves that can drive a man crazy

Dirty dancing
Let's assume that you know what tricks a girl uses to turn you on, but you shouldn't rush to explain it to her. Let's describe seven very simple movements strip dance. So just sit back, relax and let the girl do everything herself. It is also recommended to buy shoes for striptease, for greater effect).

Seductive moves
Do you want to turn on your boyfriend? It's not the same as what you do to him in bed. Of course, good sex makes you a star in his eyes, but if you know how to tease him, then it will make you a legend. Don't believe me? In the book "Little Secrets of Seduction Dancing for Your Lover," exotic dancer Rebecca Drury described seven basic (and very erotic) Lap Dance moves that always work on any man. . You can thank us later.

1- Circular movements
Stand 60cm away from your partner with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Start making circular movements with your shoulders, while your back should be straight or tilted slightly back. Now slowly bend your knees and begin to make circular movements with them, lowering yourself, then rising. Repeat these waves different movements hips and dance erotically. It is very important to keep your back straight, or slightly back, because if you lean forward, you risk looking like a sumo wrestler.

2- Rotate
When strip dancing, you have to show all your strengths, so sometimes you need to turn it around. For greater effect, turn slowly, your friend should notice everything. If you're just practicing, try to determine which direction you turn more naturally. And don't worry too much about how you do it; slowly and surely you will achieve the desired effect. Rotate your hips and be aware of the movement of your arms. As much as possible, try to keep your partner in sight when turning.

3- Spanking and stroking
Turn your back to your partner, and on straight legs, bend forward a little, turn your head, look at him flirtatiously, and lightly slap yourself on the butt. I guarantee it will make him smile. Another option: still with your back to him, gently move your hand along your ankles, gradually spreading your legs. Slowly bend down so that your buttocks are at his eye level. Bend one leg and straighten the other leg. Run your hand along the straightened leg from the bottom up, raise your head above the corresponding shoulder and look at it. Slap your butt a little harder. Repeat on the other side.

4- Lap dance
While dancing gracefully in front of your partner, stand with your back to them and bring your legs together. Make sure that you are as close to the chair (chair) as possible. Now bend your legs, keeping your back straight, and gently place your hands on his knees. Lower your buttocks onto his legs until you feel the touch of his pants on your skin. Then, using your knees as support, begin to move your hips in circles or move back and forth. If you can, look over your shoulder at your partner. This is quite difficult to do. Be especially careful when your buttocks are near his groin. If you hurt him, he will never allow you to dance for him again.

5- Breast touching
Each girl has her own personal scent that collects in the valley between her breasts, regardless of the size of her breasts or the perfume used. This is a powerful aphrodisiac. Move closer to the space between his knees. Standing in front of him with straight legs, slowly bend over and place your hands on the chair behind his back. Holding the back of the chair firmly, push your chest towards his face. His nose should be right in the hollow. To enhance the effect, try swaying from side to side to touch the bra on the end of his nose. Try to move seductively all the time.

6- Knee spanking
Facing your partner, stand next to him as close as the chair allows. Place your legs between his legs. Lightly press your knee into his groin. Lean towards him and blow gently into his ear or on his face. You can even exchange a sip of wine or champagne or let him lick the wine or champagne off your chest. Alternatively, do the following: Stand in front of your partner, then squeeze one of his knees with yours and gently rub back and forth across his thigh. The impressions are amazing. Someday ask him to do the same for you.

7- Stroking the body
Standing between your partner's legs, lean forward and place your hands on the back of the chair behind him. Place one knee on his legs and lift your body. After that, kneel down in front of him, sliding all the time over his body. To get up, use his knees and do it nice and sexy - first lift your buttocks, then swing your hair sharply, hitting his face, and lift your upper body.

Fascinating and teasing, there was and will be a good striptease the best gift for husband or young man. In addition, a private dance with strip elements liberates and brings together both “participants in the game”, brings notes of sensuality and passion into your life - magical spices that prevent relationships from becoming insipid! And for this magic to work, we will analyze it step by step.

Important Details

To prepare your little show you need:

  • Select an image. How would you like to appear before your lover: bold and teasing, proud and unapproachable, or tender and flirtatiously shy?.. Awaken your sensuality, listen to your feelings - and decide what image and mood you want to convey.
  • Create an atmosphere in the room. Your main ally is a soft, dim light that will intriguingly outline the silhouette and mysteriously hide the details. Candles, garlands and dim lamp light will help achieve this. You can use additional room decorations: light curtains, heavy curtains, mirrors, hanging ribbons.
  • Choose music. For a private dance, choose the kind of music to which your body itself wants to move and squirm alluringly, which gives you a feeling of your own sexuality. Make a small playlist of several songs and start improvising in front of the mirror.
  • Think about the attire. You should wear several layers of clothing. For underwear you can wear a thin robe, shirt, dress, shorts with a blouse. Also use tantalizing accents: stockings, a belt, a garter, a casually tied tie or a formal hat, necklaces and bracelets. And choose shoes with comfortable heels, with a comfortable clasp or without it at all.
  • Get in shape. If you are serious and want to make your striptease really beautiful, work on your stretching. Start stretching at home, or sign up for stretching classes - stretching will give you confidence and expand your capabilities. What does it cost or undo the heels on straight legs!

Play by the rules

This teasing game for two has its own rules:

Untouchable. Don't let your lover touch you. You are free to tease him with touches and sensual movements, but he must slowly languish in impatience.

Hands off. Did your loved one dare to break the first rule? Punish him with a light slap on the wrist.

The main role. You are in charge, take full control of what is happening. Take your time, be sassy and relaxed, enjoy yourself.

Eye contact. Look your partner in the eyes. Charm him not only with your body movements, but also with the depth of your gaze.

Additional accessories will help you make the game more intense. For example, a silk scarf, tie or handcuffs will come to the rescue if your partner breaks the touching rule.

Where to start the dance?

Turn on the music and take your lover to his place and explain to him the “rules of the game.”

It is not necessary to start with dizzying steps. Listen to the music, feel it, tune in. Start slowly moving to the rhythm, and gradually increase the intensity of your movements. Smooth development will give you time to relax and feel confident.

Experiment with the "intro". Invite your loved one into the room with a note and wait for him there, hiding behind the curtain, or appear spectacularly at the door of the room. It all depends on your imagination and freedom.

How to stay in character?

Your image during a striptease is not just a set of outfit, music and body movements. This is the emotion and mood that you strive to convey to your lover, and clothes, accessories, etc. are just tools to achieve this goal.

Something may not go according to plan - you will worry, and your partner’s reaction cannot be completely predicted. And so that this does not interfere with your performance, you need to get used to your image, feel confident, awaken your natural feminine sexuality and attractiveness. Get ready in advance, practice in front of the mirror, love yourself in your role - and nothing will stop you from staying in character from start to finish!

How to build a dance

The main thing for you is to constantly maintain your loved one in a state of tension, occasionally encouraging him with light touches.

To keep the “viewer’s” interest from fading away, add speakers. Do not stay in one place for a long time: walk around the room, wriggle around your loved one, approach him and teasingly move away. Use different levels: dance not only standing on your feet, but also luxuriously arching on the floor, moving your legs invitingly. Try using different surfaces and paraphernalia: dance on chairs and tables, twirl a feather, hat or scarf in your hands, use a cane.

How to end a dance effectively

If you feel that the curiosity of the “spectator” has reached its limit, it’s time to end the performance on a spectacular note. You can fall gracefully into his arms, or take a beautiful pose on a chair or on the floor. Another interesting way– smoothly move into another room so that your partner follows you.

An unattainable ideal

Don't try to describe your private dance in detail. Think it through with “strokes” rough plan actions - and then you won’t have to worry about not having time to do something. Always leave yourself room for spontaneous decisions and interaction with your partner. Your game is for two, so try to capture and take into account the mood of your lover.

How to learn to dance striptease?

It’s not difficult to surprise your loved one once. Arousing his interest and passion again and again is much more difficult. And our teachers can help you with this. We have gathered in our team the best choreographers in Moscow who are professionally involved in staging private dances. Individual sessions in a comfortable environment, comprehensive training both physically and psychologically - we will help you develop plasticity, sensuality and grace, teach you to relax and feel confident in every movement and look!

Read further:

How to make his dream come true, while at the same time enjoying it yourself? You need to learn how to do a private dance! Let’s try to tell you the “scheme” of a private dance so that you can have an idea of ​​what it’s all about we're talking about.

When preparing a private dance for your loved one, you will discover a bright, interesting and sexy woman. You'll be able to move differently than ever before—with confidence and grace. You will be surprised how much beauty, love and freedom is inside you. And you can give all this to your man.

Private is not just a dance beautiful girl under beautiful music. This small performance and even a game that has its own rules. What rules are we talking about, and how to choose the right costume for a private dance?

Is it possible to learn to dance strip dance at home? Yes! Is it easy? No! But don't look for easy ways. There is nothing that a person who has set a goal for himself cannot cope with.

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Of course, if you want to learn strip plastic, then start with the video lessons that are presented at the end of the article, but we also recommend reading useful recommendations which are proposed in this article.

Start with stretching

You should choose a set of stretching exercises. If, suddenly, you have previously been involved in yoga, fitness, dancing, then you should start with a more advanced course of stretching, which consists of various dynamic elements (bending, swinging, etc.) and static ones (in which you linger in certain positions for a while ). If you decide to engage in physical activity for the first time, you should choose exercises for beginners, which will consist of moderate stretching elements followed by increasing the load. Our recommendation: if stretching causes muscle pain, you should consult a doctor.

How often should you stretch? Everyone will unanimously say: “The more often, the better!” But this is true. Only regularity can guarantee results. This is due to the structure of the muscles of the human body. If you have done one lesson a week, you will feel soreness (this is a normal condition, the muscles stretch and “ache”). Now you will wait until the body stops “aching” and then start training again - believe me, the previous lesson has been multiplied by 0 - the muscles have returned to their normal position. But on the contrary, when you stretch your muscles, you need to consolidate the result - carry out the next lesson on time. Therefore, we recommend stretching at least twice a week for an hour each day. But if you want quick results (3 to 6 months), you need to train at least three times a week.

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Work on your coordination

After you understand that the first steps have already been taken - you have started stretching - you can continue learning strip plastic at home - add movements that develop coordination. To control your body, you need to do regular lifts of your arms, legs, bends, rotations, walks - you can learn all these elements from video lessons. Repeat these movements as often as possible, you can perform them not only at a specific allotted time - you can walk around the apartment, from room to room, using a “dance gait”. During your work break, you can get up and do a couple of tilts left and right, a couple of rotations. Be sure to stretch your arms and neck. If you're feeling self-conscious, this may be your first step in overcoming your fear of public speaking! Prove to others and yourself that you are confident.

The result of coordination classes will be confident body control. People learn this throughout their lives - the more you practice, the more complex movements you can perform. But the basics: balancing on one leg, lifting your legs, spinning in a straight line or on one point, jumping with a clear landing, transferring weight to your heels, the ability to stand on your toes, transferring weight from one leg to another - all these and other simple elements should be the ABC of your self-learning.

Develop plasticity

Naturally, the most striking skill of all strip-dance dancers is excellent plasticity. This should be 50% of your training. Special exercises, which are easy to find on the Internet, will help you take your first steps. After you have a certain course of exercises that you put together yourself, and you have made the first progress, you will be ready to come up with your own plastic exercises, and then your own dance elements for your dance.

Listen to music

And the last thing, which is quite difficult to learn, but still possible, is to listen and hear music. To make the dance organic, musical and graceful, you need to select the appropriate music, you need to listen to the rhythm, use different movements at certain moments. They will help to beat and complement musical composition, and won't just bump into her and seem out of place. It should be understood that dance is not an ordinary set of movements, it is an art accompanied by music. Especially in strip-dance, where it is important for a dancer to be seductive, smooth, graceful, gentle - you should become musical.

Let's summarize.
You can learn stripdancing at home. Video lessons on strip plastic and various tutorials can help you with this. You need to pay attention to musicality, coordination, plasticity and stretching. You should exercise regularly. You should practice speaking in front of an audience. But do not forget that everything is good in the right place and at the right time - there is no need to show elements of strip plasticity where it would be “inappropriate”, or in front of those who will not like it or find it “vulgar”!

Video lessons

Every man likes it female body, and when the female body performs some kind of dance moves then the man begins to simply melt like a piece of ice and idolizes his woman. It's no secret that every man simply dreams of his chosen one giving him a private erotic dance. Today, dear girls, we will give you some tips that will help you learn how to dance a private dance.

If you have read up to this paragraph, then you have probably decided to learn to dance and surprise your boyfriend. The first thing we need is to overcome ourselves, to throw out of our heads all the prejudices and constraints that may arise in your head. Even if you are not a slim model, even if your body is not perfect, forget about it and remember that your dance will be great. Secondly, don’t worry while dancing, even if something doesn’t work out for you or you do something wrong, there’s nothing to worry about. Any movement can be replaced with something else, and your chosen one is clearly not a professional dance judge.

If you have overcome all your fears, then move on to the next one. To the manner of behavior while dancing. Namely, now let's talk about your view. While dancing, try to look your chosen one in the eyes; the gaze should resemble the gaze of a cat, sometimes playful and cheerful, and sometimes daring. This is the look that will help you awaken passion in your boyfriend.

Behavior and other things are undoubtedly important in dance, but we should not forget about external environment, namely about lighting. Not suitable for dancing bright light, night light or sconce. It’s quite good that your movements will also be visible on your shadow.

One of the most important things in a private dance is your clothing. Clothes should be light and fairly easy to remove. So that during the dance you do not suffer with fasteners, buttons and zippers, otherwise your dance will definitely not go according to plan, given the fact that there will still be some kind of excitement. For example, you can take a classic outfit that you have clearly seen in many films. For example, a jacket and a tie that barely hangs around your neck. The jacket can be replaced with a translucent white shirt or something similar. Shoes can be used as shoes high heels. From underwear thongs combined with stockings. When a young man sees you, he will be extremely delighted even without dancing, but the outfit in this case is not yet the key point.

Remember, you shouldn’t immediately take off your clothes and expose yourself in front of a man. As a rule, a man likes mystery more than open nudity.

You can use a chair as dance equipment; you can perform a sufficient number of dances on it. interesting movements, or you can simply sit your young man on a chair in the middle of the room and start dancing.

Everyone knows that there can be no dance without music. So for dancing, and especially for something like this, you need to choose a worthy composition. It’s better to choose a track that both you and your chosen one like, but remember that you must repeat the movements to the beat of the music, otherwise the dance may not turn out the way you wanted.

You shouldn’t get carried away with dancing for a long time; 3-7 minutes of dancing will be enough. And so the climax. For you, we have prepared several training videos that were once shown on TV. In our opinion, these lessons are worthy. Alisa Malkova will be your erotic dance teacher for the next 10 lessons.

Every woman is a hunter and seductress at heart. Even a gray office mouse and a modest employee of a bank or law office sometimes wants to throw a formal office suit at the feet of her beloved, let down her hair and dance on the table no worse than Dita Von Teese.

Back to the roots

Striptease is a dance in which the performer demonstrates sexual body movements, gradually exposing himself. Strip dancers have beautiful bodies, and they control them perfectly when moving. The harmony and grace of sexuality elevate striptease to the level of erotic art.

The name of the dance “striptease” comes from the English strip, which translates as “undressing, undressing.” Professional dancing The strips look frank, but intimate, beautiful and natural; there is no vulgar rudeness in them. Mastering the art of undressing to music may not involve the process itself.

Strip plastic is dance style with the addition of basic movements simulating striptease, which is aimed at developing flexibility and liberation of the body. Strip plastic allows you to demonstrate emotionality and express sexuality in dance, learn to control your body and present it beautifully. Strip plastic classes combine elements of classical and modern choreography, stretching, catwalk techniques, Pilates and basic movements of striptease and modern styles.

Why do we need strip plastic?

Such dances are quite an energy-intensive form. physical activity, belonging to the category of dance aerobics. They will allow you to correct shortcomings and emphasize the advantages of your figure, change your attitude towards your own body, increase your overall self-esteem, increase your charm, self-confidence and attractiveness. You can not only train your body, develop coordination of movement and overall muscle tone, but also improve their elasticity and stretching. Not to mention what a wonderful surprise you can arrange for your other half. According to psychologists, a girl who moves beautifully is 70% more attractive than her more constrained friend.


To learn how to move beautifully to the beat of music, you need to know a few basic movements. Once you have mastered them, you can combine them in different orders, improvise them to your liking and create completely different moods for your dance. The main thing, as our column expert Natalia Novichkova says, is to feel the music and not be shy about looking sexy and attractive. Even if a girl has sufficient physical characteristics and is flexible, but at the same time she is tense and seems to be afraid of herself, beautiful dance will not work.

Natalia suggested that we learn a few simple basic stripping movements.

plastic movements that even beginners in dancing can perform. The main trick

– so that the movements are smooth and flow into one another.

1. Wave

Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart,

Keep your torso straight, hands on your hips.

Tilt your head to the right, bend your right knee, lower your right arm down.

We tilt our torso to the right, continue to bend the knee more strongly, and right hand circle from bottom to top.

We straighten the body and lead it into left side, bending left leg and straightening the right one, at the same time we straighten our head and run our hand along the body back to the thigh.

2. Basic movements in a standing position

Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, one slightly bent, hands on hips, torso held straight.

We make a circular movement with our head without raising our shoulders.

Without lowering your arms, we make a circular movement with your hips (you can make a more advanced interpretation of this movement - while your hips are spinning, move your hands over yourself, from your hips to your neck).

A little trick: when we turn our hips in right side, transfer the body weight to the right leg, and do the same on the left side.

3. Bundle No. 1 (with chair)

Starting position – sitting sideways to

the “object” of your dance on the edge of a chair, knees together, feet apart, left hand on the back of a chair, the right one on the right knee, the shoulders are turned towards the “public”, and the head is thrown back in profile.

Slowly lower your right knee to the floor, running your hand along your leg and lowering your head down.

We rise sharply, leave the torso in a horizontal position, turn our shoulders away from the audience, and spread our legs wide apart.

Using the basic “wave” movement, we lift the torso, bring the right leg towards the left in a circular motion, bringing the feet together.

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