How to make a pickaxe from blocks in Minecraft. Stone pickaxe

Greetings to the readers of this guide! So, let's see how important pickaxes are in Minecraft. Pickaxes are needed to mine various underground resources - but there is one caveat! Not every pickaxe can mine diamonds or gold!

Types of picks

  • Wooden pickaxe. Starting pickaxe. Quite fragile, very easy to make, 3 Boards and 2 Sticks. Can mine: Stone, Coal.
  • Stone pickaxe. Also unreliable, like its predecessor, but it will help you extract one of the valuable ores - IRON. Crafted from 3 Cobblestones and 2 Sticks. Can mine: Stone, Coal, Iron.
  • Iron pickaxe. The first serious pickaxe, with its help you can get the most valuable resource in the game - DIAMOND. To create it, you will need to rummage in the mine and craft the long-awaited pickaxe from 3 iron ingots and 2 sticks. Can mine: Stone, Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamonds, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli.
  • Golden Pickaxe. A very fragile pickaxe, but it impresses with its speed. Better leave your gold on the same compass. Crafted from 3 gold bars and 2 sticks. Can mine: Stone, Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamonds, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli.
  • Diamond pickaxe. The most valuable pickaxe in the game! If you are lucky enough to get 3 diamonds and 2 sticks, then you can become the proud owner of this pickaxe. Produces ALL resources in the game. Can mine: Stone, Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamonds, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Obsidian.

The pickaxe is the most basic and very necessary tool in Minecraft. In fact, even the game is called "Mining" or "Miner's Craft". That is, the pickaxe is the main attribute of the game. Therefore, let's look at the question of how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft.

There are several types of pickaxes in the game. They differ in the material of manufacture.

Accordingly, they differ in quality and strength. The weakest and worst is the wooden pickaxe. The most durable option is a diamond tool. , as a rule, very durable.

It is highly not recommended to make a gold pickaxe. The fact is that gold is a very fragile material. Such a tool will break very quickly. But resources are very expensive. It's not worth it. Moreover, gold is even worse in quality than wood.

Here's what you'll have to craft as you play. Let's look at everything one by one.

How to make a wooden pickaxe in Minecraft

First you need to extract about 5-10 blocks of wood with your own hands. Next you will need to create boards and all the resources you have collected.

Now you need to create sticks.

Finishing touch. We put together the boards and sticks as shown in the screenshot, and you will get a wooden pickaxe.

Of course, such a pickaxe is not durable. Therefore, it will only suit you at the very beginning Minecraft games. Next, it is recommended to create at least a stone tool. Otherwise, you won't be able to dig far.

What to do next?

Take a couple of stone picks and go in search of the treasured coal. You will need it to create torch After all, this is also a very necessary attribute of a miner. The lower you go, the more valuable the resources will be. Generally, diamonds will be at the lowest level.

Type – tool

Strength – wood – 60, stone – 132, iron – 251, gold – 33, diamond – 1562

Where to look - do it yourself / find in abandoned mines or villages

Foldable - no

Description and features

How to create a pickaxe in Minecraft also needs to be understood literally from the first steps in the game, since you will definitely need this if you plan to stay in the game for a long time. It is with the help of this tool that much-needed ingredients and ores will be mined, which you will certainly find a use for!

A lot of useful resources are stored in the subsoil, so you will definitely have to engage in mining - mining in mines is one of the most important ways to replenish your own reserves of ordinary and precious metals, stones and other things.

So, let's begin to understand how minecraft craft pickaxe There are several pickaxes that differ significantly in performance, so the screenshots below will show you how to make each of them and what you will need for it. Open the workbench with the right mouse button and lay out the ingredients in the following order:

Your very first such tool will be a wooden pickaxe (if you do not play on an online server where starting chests are provided) since it is with the help of it that you will be able to mine cobblestones - this happens during the process of breaking a stone, and it should be noted that cobblestones will only fall out provided that it is mined with a pickaxe, whereas if you break a stone with your hand/any other object, nothing will fall out when the block is destroyed.

Also very important is the fact that some ores must be broken with a pickaxe made of a certain material, so that when a block is destroyed, you get this ore, and not lose it forever.

There is an option that when mining a certain ore, it will not turn into something else (for example, when mining stone, we get cobblestone, or when mining redstone ore (red stone, red ore), red dust falls out) - for this, an enchantment must be applied to the pickaxe "Silk touch".

We figured out how to craft a pickaxe in Minecraft, now we find out their main technical parameters, shown in the table below:

Frankly, I will say that making gold pickaxes is a useless activity, since even taking into account the increased mining speed, its low strength makes it at least unprofitable.

If you are playing with the ThaumCraft mod, then they can be easily turned into a source of gold nuggets using a crucible, otherwise we go to the mine and grind the pickaxes there.

Now you know how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft. This is another achievement on the path of your prosperity in virtual world, therefore, as usual, I can only wish you not to stop there - there are still many interesting things and accomplishments ahead that you will certainly master!

The pickaxe is one of the main tools in Minecraft, so as soon as you register in the game, it’s worth figuring out how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft.

If you are a complete beginner and have not crafted anything in the game yet, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with. This article on our site will introduce you to the basics of minecraft.

How to make a wooden pickaxe in Minecraft

A wooden pickaxe is quite impractical, but it is necessary at the very beginning of the game, so first we will figure out how to use a wooden pickaxe in Minecraft.

The main purpose of such a tool is to mine stone, from which you can create a more advanced and durable stone pickaxe. But more on that later. First, get about 10 blocks of wood. This will take you a lot of time, because most likely you won’t have an ax at hand. In the game you can cut down wood with your bare hands, but this is a very labor-intensive process. So, after a lot of effort, you have a tree from which to make boards. It's much simpler: place a block of wood in the middle bottom cell. Now make a workbench from the boards, arranging the four blocks in a square. The next step is the actual production of the pickaxe part, or rather, the stick. A stick is two blocks of boards placed on top of each other.

You have a stick and boards, it's time to craft a pickaxe. We turn on the logic and place two sticks vertically, and place three blocks of boards above them. Ready!

It's time to take your Minecraft skill to the next level and figure out how to make a stone pickaxe in Minecraft.

We go to any rock and get the main ingredient for a stronger pickaxe - stone. It will take three blocks. Next, everything is extremely simple: make two sticks again and repeat the recipe for a wooden pickaxe, replacing the boards with stone. Now you have in your hands the tool you will need to acquire the best picks - iron and diamond. By the way, It is not advisable to make an instrument from gold; it will be very fragile.

How to make an iron pickaxe in minecraft

Now, having an iron pickaxe, we will figure out how to make an iron pickaxe in minecraft.

As you already understand, the pickaxe recipe is always the same, only the ingredients change. Stock up on a couple of stone pickaxes and torches (they can be made from a block of sticks and coal, and the latter, in turn, is made in a furnace from any wood) and go underground. Find iron ore here and smelt it into iron ingots, of which you also need three. Don't forget to load wood into the fuel compartment.

How to make a diamond pickaxe in Minecraft

Now let's look at how to make a diamond pickaxe in Minecraft. Diamonds are a rare block, so you have to work hard.

Dig down into the cave until you reach the adminium - a black impenetrable stone. It is at this depth that diamond deposits are found. Dig forward, avoiding all the black rocks and avoiding streams of water and lava. Sooner or later you will come across diamonds. And now the long-awaited stones are in your hands. You haven't forgotten the recipe, have you?

The pickaxe in Minecraft is a very important tool. Using it you can extract minerals, as well as several other types of blocks. In this article we will tell you how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft.

In order to craft a pickaxe, we need 2 sticks and 3 boards/ingots of iron/gold/stone/diamond. The picture below shows general principle crafting a pickaxe (in this example we will get a pickaxe made of wood).

Pickaxes don't last forever. However, like any other tool in Minecraft, they have their own characteristics:

  1. A golden pickaxe is enough for 33 hits*.
  2. A wooden pickaxe is enough for 60 hits*.
  3. A stone pickaxe lasts for 132 hits*.
  4. An iron pickaxe lasts for 251 hits*.
  5. A diamond pickaxe lasts for 1562 hits*.

* including air strikes.

How to make an iron pickaxe

To craft an iron pickaxe, we need three iron ingots and two sticks.

How to make a diamond pickaxe

In order to craft a diamond pickaxe, we need three diamonds and two sticks.

How to make a stone pickaxe

To craft a stone pickaxe you will need three stones and two sticks.

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