Why does a girl dream of yellow bananas? Why do you dream about a banana?

Fruits are quite often present in dreams, but why do you dream of bananas? To get a complete answer to this question, you will need to look through several dream books and remember the details of the dream plot.

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Family dream book

A family dream book will help you find out why bananas are dreamed of. It doesn't bode well. The man will have many problems in the business sphere, so he will seek the truth in wine. For a woman, this symbol promises chores around the house. Perhaps guests will come from afar and settle in her home. In this regard, it will spin like a squirrel in a wheel.

Sometimes this symbol portends a new romance for a lady. But she won’t get any pleasure from him, since the gentleman will turn out to be a scoundrel who will subsequently begin to blackmail her. For a girl, this symbol promises disappointment in love. She should not start a new relationship, she will quickly be disappointed in her chosen one, but she will not be able to get rid of him quickly. He will pursue the dreamer and try to harm her. She will suffer greatly from his antics, but she will not be able to do anything.

Ripe bananas portend a deterioration in financial condition. It will be difficult for a person to find a good job, so he will start doing odd jobs. This will destroy him mentally, so he will start drinking the bottle to forget about his grief and inadequacy.

If a person enjoyed the taste of exotic fruits in a dream, pleasure awaits him in life. An invitation to a celebration will soon follow, where he can have a great rest and meet pretty ladies. One of them will very persistently pursue the dreamer, and he will not resist such pressure.

When a woman has such a dream, she should not attend noisy events in the near future, as this will not bring her anything good. She may witness a scandal or fight.

Freud's Dream Book

You can find out why you dream of a banana by consulting the dream book of the great psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. He offers an interpretation of this symbol only for women. After all, the banana symbolizes the male genital organ. If a lady enjoyed the taste of fruit, then this indicates that she is completely relaxed in bed, she likes sexual intercourse, it brings her pleasure. Her intimate life is full of colors and positive emotions. The dreamer is happy with her partner and is not going to cheat on him.

If a woman picked a fruit from a palm tree in a dream, then in reality she wants to dominate her partner. She likes to feel superior to him.

If a woman dreams that she was peeling a banana, then she sometimes has the idea of ​​depriving her partner of male power. This would give her great pleasure. Perhaps the dreamer is offended by him and thus tries to take out all the evil that has accumulated in her. Green bananas indicate that the woman is not very experienced in bed, and therefore is tense. She should loosen up, otherwise her partner may leave for someone else.

Dream book of the 21st century

When thinking about what a banana means in a dream, you should look through the 21st century dream book. It promises a person a new activity, which will involve some risks, but the dreamer will still agree to participate in it.

For a woman, a dream foreshadows a quarrel with a relative, which can lead to mutual hostility. You should not provoke a scandal and find fault with a person over trifles. It is better to focus on the positive aspects, this way you will be able to save the relationship. Selling fruits in a dream means empty troubles. A woman will have to spend a lot of personal time, but she will not achieve any special results.

Buying bananas means having a fun time. The person will receive an invitation to a celebration where he can have a good rest and meet nice people.

If a woman dreamed that she gave her husband a bunch of bananas, then a romantic adventure awaits her. Perhaps the dreamer will look at her husband with different eyes or meet a man with whom she will have an affair. In any case, she will receive positive emotions from communicating with her partner.

Bananas promise a girl a new lover, who will turn out to be a skilled lover. The relationship will be bright, but it won’t come to a wedding.

Rotten fruit promises a person problems in his personal life, which will not be easy to cope with.

If you dream of bananas from Thursday to Friday, then you should expect a gift from a loved one. A man can hope for the reciprocity of an attractive person whom he has been seeking for a long time.

Spring, summer, autumn dream books

According to the spring dream book, bananas promise a person a new romance. Just don’t get too carried away with your partner, as he may betray and tell the dreamer’s other half or friends about love joys. A woman should be more careful and not quarrel with her husband, since he has been eyeing a pretty person for a long time, but still does not dare to approach her. It is better to become a good and affectionate wife in order to keep a man with you.

Rotten fruits promise troubles and troubles. You shouldn’t count on something good in the near future; you need to get ready to fight for your good name and accumulated capital.

According to the summer dream book, bananas portend a person to do an activity that will fascinate him greatly, but it will not bring profit, so you should not even take it up. It is better to spend this time relaxing with your family, who rarely see the dreamer.

Green fruits are a harbinger of troubles. A person needs to be more attentive in business and try to listen to the advice of wise people.

They will be able to help him in a difficult situation. Rotten fruits indicate that a person is not doing well in his family life. He is not happy with his partner, so he seeks pleasure on the side.

According to the autumn dream book, bananas promise problems in various areas. A woman needs to show understanding to her husband, who will find himself in an unenviable position. You should not reproach him and criticize him, as this will not yield results; on the contrary, the relationship will only worsen.

Rotten bananas promise losses; businessmen may lose their business or go bankrupt.


Bananas are a sweet and nutritious tropical fruit that is a favorite food for many people, especially children. At the same time, the oblong shape of the banana is traditionally associated with phallic symbolism, which often makes it necessary to use this concept as an allegory.

Most dream books interpret bananas from this point of view. Although other interpretations can be found, mainly based on the symbolism of the sweet taste, yellow color or low cost of this fruit.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina. I dreamed about bananas - what is this for?

Bananas seen in a dream are always a very favorable symbol.

Dream book of Sigmund Freud. What does a banana seen in a dream symbolize?

A banana in a dream symbolizes masculinity, the penis, sexual relations, and women usually have such dreams. A banana in a dream speaks of a full intimate life and its joys. Eating a banana means regularly experiencing pleasure from sex and expecting the same in the near future. Tearing bananas means striving to dominate a couple; Peeling a banana means feeling the desire to make your partner weak.

Dream book for the whole family. What does the dream “Bananas” mean?

Dreaming about bananas is not very positive. For women, this can mean an unpleasant and boring relationship with an uninteresting and useless partner, as well as situations in which you will walk in circles without seeing a way out.

Dream book of the 21st century. I dreamed about a banana - what will happen now?

If you ate bananas in a dream, this foreshadows doing new, but rather risky things. Sometimes a dream about bananas speaks of an upcoming conflict, which you yourself will cause. Selling bananas is a waste of time.

Islamic dream book. How to understand the dream “Bananas”?

A dream in which you see or eat bananas is very favorable; it promises prosperity and good health.

Esoteric dream book. How to interpret a dreamed banana?

A dream in which you eat bananas is a reflection of your sexual desires, but if someone else has them, you are the object of his sexual desires. Rotten banana - problems in the intimate sphere. A bunch of bananas is a pleasant partner for you.


Bananas in a dream are sometimes clearly sexual. sometimes in quite complex ways. For women, such a dream most often has erotic overtones. For men, bananas in a dream can reflect the degree of success of their efforts in some business.

Usually such a dream is interpreted based on the simplicity and relative cheapness of this fruit, that is, as a predictor of something not very successful. At the same time, the sweet taste and high nutritional value of a banana can also predict the onset of some pleasant period in life associated with carelessness. Often such a dream is purely gastronomic in nature, reflecting only your desire to enjoy these delicious fruits.

"Sometimes a banana is just a banana"(Old joke)


Dreams can have both positive and negative interpretations. To find out the most accurate and detailed information, you first need to try to remember the dream in detail, and then begin to decipher it.

Why do you dream about bananas?

These sunny fruits can be a symbol of the presence in your life of unpleasant and uninteresting people with whom you will have a lot of contact. If you eat bananas, it means that there is a new project ahead of you, which will be quite tedious. Such a dream also foreshadows a loss of authority among colleagues. The person with whom you are actively fighting for the championship will be to blame for this. If you treat another person to fruit, this is a symbol that you want to avoid responsibility and are trying to put it on the other person.

In a dream, seeing bananas gathered in a bunch means that you should expect serious troubles ahead. Unripe fruits are a sign that you have serious, responsible work ahead of you. Another dream like this can be taken as a recommendation that you should reconsider your views on life. Buying bananas in a dream means you are in doubt and you should take outside help to make the right decision. Spoiled fruits promise participation in an unpleasant business; perhaps it’s time to change your field of activity.

Why does a woman dream of bananas?

For a representative of the fair sex, a dream in which ripe bananas appeared symbolizes the desire for erotic adventures and excellent health. Such a dream also predicts an unpleasant relationship with a man, and disappointments await you ahead.

Why do you dream about ripe bananas?

Such a dream predicts the occurrence of scandals that will arise solely through your fault. This can also be taken as a warning that you will soon quarrel with a close friend. There are ripe and very tasty bananas, which means that in reality you should start developing, for example, sign up for some courses or learn new technologies, etc.


This symbol predicts you joy, good news, conversations and success in love. The dream book interprets banana not only as an erotic symbol that promises a man victory in love or various pleasures, but also as a symbol of sweetness, a pleasant and carefree life, relaxation and abundance.

It is clear that bananas in dreams are different. Some are added to confectionery, sweets, jams, dried or served as an addition to cocktails. Other fruits just sit raw in boxes and are bought and eaten as they are. In modern cooking they are used both green and cooked, ripe. This is what bananas mean most often in dreams.

In men's and women's dreams

For men, seeing large elongated fruits symbolizes pride, self-sufficiency and happiness.

They can mean success on the erotic front, as well as self-love, a large but healthy egoism that contributes to a man's strength and competitiveness.

For the stronger half of humanity, seeing bananas in a dream can mean admiration for one’s own masculine capabilities and victories. But in some cases, dreaming of green fruits means complexes and grief in this area, shortcomings, or the fact that you will easily take some unpleasant step, which you will later regret.

Small, thick fruits, like unripe fruits, can mean problems on the personal front, lack of self-confidence, and also sexual failure.

However, there is another interpretation of such dreams. Most likely, you will simply not get something in life or begin to experience a feeling of self-doubt.

Why does a woman dream of fresh bananas? Almost always, the dream book interprets them as an erotic symbol and a hint of a man with whom there will be a sexual relationship. If a girl, still very young and inexperienced, dreamed of bananas, then very soon she will experience an increased interest in this area, in everything related to intimate relationships and the joy from them.

However, in some cases, especially when you see large and ripe fruits, the dream means seduction. It is possible that very soon you will learn what sex is in practice.

Big sweet fruit

Why do you dream about a large banana that someone offers you? Quite often, women have such a dream as a sign of increased curiosity about men or that she will soon have a new lover. The larger the fruit in the dream, the stronger the new sensations will become, but too large a fruit often means trouble and the fact that very soon you will take the initiative in intimate relationships yourself.

Sometimes the dream book about why you dream of an unnaturally large banana writes that this means fear of intimate relationships or men in general. These are the main interpretations of why a woman dreams of bananas. Especially if she sees only one fruit or several and they are fresh and not green. However, the dream book also gives other interpretations of such a dream.

Why do children dream about bananas? Interpretation books write that such a dream means joy, good news and pleasure. As with other fruits, a dream about bananas, if only they were ripe enough and not green, means happiness, relaxation, and pleasant communication. Feeling their sweetness and bright taste is a good sign.

Eating and treating others

The dream book interprets for children to eat bananas to mean that their wishes related to material needs will come true and will bring a lot of benefits. Dried fruits in a dream mean that everything will not come true immediately, but after some time.

The dream book interprets seeing bananas on the grass as a sign of a quick trip out of town, but if they were dragged away by a monkey, then modern books write that this dream predicts trouble for you. Sometimes modern books indicate that pleasure will be spoiled by the fault of an unpleasant person.

Why do you dream of eating a green banana or adding it to some dish? This night vision predicts pleasant moments for you. Modern books write that unripe fruits dream of increased sexuality, as well as the fact that someone in practice learns earlier than necessary what sex is.

In some situations, the dream book of eating tender bananas in a dream, although not quite ripe, interprets it as an unexpected and quick fulfillment of desire. Everything will work out faster than you think.

But in some cases, a book on dream interpretation urges you not to rush things and try to restrain your desires, since the situation is not over yet.

Those who want to know the future should not do this, because the situation has not yet matured to its logical conclusion. There are unresolved contradictions in it that can be changed and corrected.

Exotic natural sweets

Fried fruit or a milkshake with its pleasant aroma means a feeling of satiety and satiety. Drinking it or eating various desserts, ice cream, sweets and snacks with aromatic exotic fruits means pleasure, satiety, and prosperity.

Modern books indicate that you will soon receive more than you expect. This dream means joy, happiness and pleasant impressions and emotions. In some situations, interpretation books indicate that very soon you will receive a gift, money, or you will be able to find a place where you will earn as much as you want.

Yogurt or a fermented milk drink with bananas predicts minor disappointments, but any alcoholic banana cocktails predict easy and pleasant communication, joy and mutual love.


Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Banana?

  • Why do you dream that you ate a banana? It means that you have no reason to worry in your sex life. You are satisfied with your current relationship and perceive the future positively.
  • Why do you dream of a banana that you pick from a tree - this means that sexually you strive to dominate your partner, to play a leading role in a couple.
  • Seeing how you peeled a banana means that in reality you sometimes have a desire to deprive a man of his power.
  • Why do you dream of bananas - the dream also predicts communication with an uninteresting and unpleasant person.
  • Why dream of selling bananas means that you will soon be carried away by a useless undertaking.
  • If you just saw Bananas in a dream, this is a promise that very soon you can start doing something new for yourself. However, the dream warns that it will be extremely risky. Therefore, think carefully before agreeing to any dubious enterprises, so as not to remain at a loss.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing a Banana in a dream, what does it mean?

  • Why do you dream about a banana? It’s a good and promising dream. It guarantees you a great mood, and also a love adventure. Just don’t take this too seriously - first love always leaves vivid impressions, but a second and third will certainly come after it. This is how Banana stands for if you saw it in a dream.
  • But seeing a box of bananas does not mean anything good. For a woman, this dream foreshadows a tiring and unpleasant pastime, a passion for some useless person who is not worth her attention, as well as unnecessary troubles and disappointment. So, it’s one thing to actually eat bananas, enjoying their exotic taste and aroma, and another thing to see them, after which your life can turn into a wheel on which you will constantly rush like a squirrel, not seeing a way out of this situation. .
  • What does a peeled Banana dream about - it means empty chores, marking time, without hope of moving forward. Perhaps now is simply not the right time, or perhaps you are, in principle, doing something completely useless and meaningless. Take a short time out to think a little and correctly assess the current situation.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Banana in a dream?

  • Such a dream has different interpretations, depending on its circumstances. Seeing Bananas, according to the author, means you will have to communicate with a not very pleasant person. Or he will simply be uninteresting to you, and therefore this contact will tire you. This is an interpretation of what a banana means in a dream.
  • There are Bananas - a warning that you will soon decide to do something new for yourself, but you will quickly become disappointed and lose interest. New responsibilities will weigh on you, and this venture may turn out to be risky.
  • Why do you dream of rotting Bananas - the work that you will be forced to do will be frankly unpleasant for you.
  • If you saw yourself in the role of a Banana merchant, it means that all your efforts will be in vain.
  • Carrying bananas home is a dream in the spring - a sign of love experiences. To dream about it in the summer, it means that you will receive a small gift. If you had a dream in the fall, it promises to get what you were looking for, but you will be disappointed. In winter, this means unexpected luck.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of a dream in which Banana was dreamed

  • Why do you dream about a banana - it symbolizes the masculine principle, it is clearly interpreted as a phallus, so the interpretation of the dream will be intended only for the fair half of humanity. So, if you dreamed about eating a banana, it means that you have no reason to worry about your sex life. You are satisfied with your current relationship and perceive the future positively.
  • You pick a banana - it means that sexually you strive to dominate your partner and play a leading role in the couple. It can be argued that sometimes you perceive the male organ as an insult to your feminine dignity and for this reason you want to dominate it. Feminism. Where to go?
  • Seeing how you peeled a banana means that in reality you sometimes have a desire to deprive a man of his power. Why were you so angry with him?
  • If you dreamed about bananas, if they are spoiled, you will soon be burdened with an unpleasant task.
  • A bunch of fresh bananas is a sadness that there is no one to tell about.
  • Why dream of carrying bananas - you will have to communicate with an uninteresting and worthless person.
  • Eating bananas in a dream, if they are ripe, means that the blame for a quarrel that you yourself did not want will nevertheless lie with you.
  • Why dream of unripe bananas - you will have to take on a new business, fraught with risk and increased responsibility.
  • Trade bananas or buy them - you can’t decide what is better to do first, outside advice will help you.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Banana in a dream?

  • Seeing bananas means temporary companies.
  • Unripe bananas are boring company.
  • Eating bananas means preparing for a feast or other event related to relaxation.
  • Seeing bananas on display but not buying them is boring loneliness.
  • Overripe bananas - tired of the same faces.
  • Treating you with bananas means meeting an uninteresting and boring person.
  • Why dream of selling bananas - a useless undertaking.
  • You dream of bunches of ripe bananas - a person who finds himself next to you in new circumstances is uninteresting and even unpleasant, but you will be forced to communicate with him and even make joint decisions.
  • According to the dream book, seeing a rotten banana means an unpleasant thing awaits you in the near future; but you will understand that a person needs to do this too, and you will not give up this business.

Culinary dream book

Features of the dream about the Yellow Fruit

  • Why do you dream of a banana - the dream is not a very good sign. According to this dream book, seeing a Banana means some kind of sadness will befall you, which you will have to keep secret, because you cannot or simply do not want to share your experiences with anyone.
  • Seeing that you are eating a Banana - a dream is a warning that you will soon have to go through a quarrel, a conflict that you yourself initiate. Maybe you need to be a little more restrained and forgive loved ones their little weaknesses?
  • If you saw one of your friends or acquaintances eating a Banana, it means that this person has sexual desires towards you.
  • Why dream of a banana with a rotten barrel - in the near future you may experience sexual problems that can really upset you.
  • If there was a beautiful bunch of Bananas in front of you, a love adventure with a pleasant partner awaits you.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

Interpretation of the dream Banana taking into account the date of birth

  • In the spring, why do you dream of bananas - a waste of money.
  • In the summer, dreaming of a large bunch of bananas means trouble.
  • In the fall, why did you dream of rotten bananas - it means the collapse of your business.
  • In winter, why do you dream about a banana - Sensuality; sexy symbol.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Banana?

  • Why do you dream that you ate a banana? It means that you have no reason to worry in your sex life. You are satisfied with your current relationship and perceive the future positively.
  • Why do you dream of a banana that you pick from a tree - this means that sexually you strive to dominate your partner, to play a leading role in a couple.
  • Seeing how you peeled a banana means that in reality you sometimes have a desire to deprive a man of his power.
  • Why do you dream of bananas - the dream also predicts communication with an uninteresting and unpleasant person.
  • Why dream of selling bananas means that you will soon be carried away by a useless undertaking.
  • If you just saw Bananas in a dream, this is a promise that very soon you can start doing something new for yourself. However, the dream warns that it will be extremely risky. Therefore, think carefully before agreeing to any dubious enterprises, so as not to remain at a loss.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing a Banana in a dream, what does it mean?

  • Why do you dream about a banana? It’s a good and promising dream. It guarantees you a great mood, and also a love adventure. Just don’t take this too seriously - first love always leaves vivid impressions, but a second and third will certainly come after it. This is how Banana stands for if you saw it in a dream.
  • But seeing a box of bananas does not mean anything good. For a woman, this dream foreshadows a tiring and unpleasant pastime, a passion for some useless person who is not worth her attention, as well as unnecessary troubles and disappointment. So, it’s one thing to actually eat bananas, enjoying their exotic taste and aroma, and another thing to see them, after which your life can turn into a wheel on which you will constantly rush like a squirrel, not seeing a way out of this situation. .
  • What does a peeled Banana dream about - it means empty chores, marking time, without hope of moving forward. Perhaps now is simply not the right time, or perhaps you are, in principle, doing something completely useless and meaningless. Take a short time out to think a little and correctly assess the current situation.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Banana in a dream?

  • Such a dream has different interpretations, depending on its circumstances. Seeing Bananas, according to the author, means you will have to communicate with a not very pleasant person. Or he will simply be uninteresting to you, and therefore this contact will tire you. This is an interpretation of what a banana means in a dream.
  • There are Bananas - a warning that you will soon decide to do something new for yourself, but you will quickly become disappointed and lose interest. New responsibilities will weigh on you, and this venture may turn out to be risky.
  • Why do you dream of rotting Bananas - the work that you will be forced to do will be frankly unpleasant for you.
  • If you saw yourself in the role of a Banana merchant, it means that all your efforts will be in vain.
  • Carrying bananas home is a dream in the spring - a sign of love experiences. To dream about it in the summer, it means that you will receive a small gift. If you had a dream in the fall, it promises to get what you were looking for, but you will be disappointed. In winter, this means unexpected luck.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of a dream in which Banana was dreamed

  • Why do you dream about a banana - it symbolizes the masculine principle, it is clearly interpreted as a phallus, so the interpretation of the dream will be intended only for the fair half of humanity. So, if you dreamed about eating a banana, it means that you have no reason to worry about your sex life. You are satisfied with your current relationship and perceive the future positively.
  • You pick a banana - it means that sexually you strive to dominate your partner and play a leading role in the couple. It can be argued that sometimes you perceive the male organ as an insult to your feminine dignity and for this reason you want to dominate it. Feminism. Where to go?
  • Seeing how you peeled a banana means that in reality you sometimes have a desire to deprive a man of his power. Why were you so angry with him?
  • If you dreamed about bananas, if they are spoiled, you will soon be burdened with an unpleasant task.
  • A bunch of fresh bananas is a sadness that there is no one to tell about.
  • Why dream of carrying bananas - you will have to communicate with an uninteresting and worthless person.
  • Eating bananas in a dream, if they are ripe, means that the blame for a quarrel that you yourself did not want will nevertheless lie with you.
  • Why dream of unripe bananas - you will have to take on a new business, fraught with risk and increased responsibility.
  • Trade bananas or buy them - you can’t decide what is better to do first, outside advice will help you.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Banana in a dream?

  • Seeing bananas means temporary companies.
  • Unripe bananas are boring company.
  • Eating bananas means preparing for a feast or other event related to relaxation.
  • Seeing bananas on display but not buying them is boring loneliness.
  • Overripe bananas - tired of the same faces.
  • Treating you with bananas means meeting an uninteresting and boring person.
  • Why dream of selling bananas - a useless undertaking.
  • You dream of bunches of ripe bananas - a person who finds himself next to you in new circumstances is uninteresting and even unpleasant, but you will be forced to communicate with him and even make joint decisions.
  • According to the dream book, seeing a rotten banana means an unpleasant thing awaits you in the near future; but you will understand that a person needs to do this too, and you will not give up this business.

Culinary dream book

Features of the dream about the Yellow Fruit

  • Why do you dream of a banana - the dream is not a very good sign. According to this dream book, seeing a Banana means some kind of sadness will befall you, which you will have to keep secret, because you cannot or simply do not want to share your experiences with anyone.
  • Seeing that you are eating a Banana - a dream is a warning that you will soon have to go through a quarrel, a conflict that you yourself initiate. Maybe you need to be a little more restrained and forgive loved ones their little weaknesses?
  • If you saw one of your friends or acquaintances eating a Banana, it means that this person has sexual desires towards you.
  • Why dream of a banana with a rotten barrel - in the near future you may experience sexual problems that can really upset you.
  • If there was a beautiful bunch of Bananas in front of you, a love adventure with a pleasant partner awaits you.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

Interpretation of the dream Banana taking into account the date of birth

  • In the spring, why do you dream of bananas - a waste of money.
  • In the summer, dreaming of a large bunch of bananas means trouble.
  • In the fall, why did you dream of rotten bananas - it means the collapse of your business.
  • In winter, why do you dream about a banana - Sensuality; sexy symbol.
The interpretation of this dream is primarily relevant for women, because the banana is interpreted exclusively as a phallic symbol. If a woman dreams that she is eating a banana, it means that in reality her sex life is full and varied, she has no reason to worry. Her personal relationship with her current partner is wonderful and harmonious. If you pick a banana in a dream, such a dream indicates that you are striving to become a leader in the union. Perhaps the male organ is offensive to you and you perceive it as a thing that you can dominate and use to your advantage. Peel a banana in your sleep? This means that in reality you want to deprive a man of his power, think about whether it’s worth it.

Miller's Dream Book

A banana seen in a dream should be interpreted as a symbol of the fact that soon you will have to communicate with a boring and uninteresting companion.

If in a dream you eat a banana, be prepared for the fact that you will soon participate in an activity that involves risk, most likely it will be quite tiring for you.

Rotting, spoiled bananas in a dream are a sign that in the future you will have to take part in something unpleasant for you.

A passion for useless trifles awaits the one who saw himself in a dream as a banana seller.

Dream Interpretation of Semenova

A banana seen in a dream is a symbol of masculinity (phallus). Eating a banana in a dream is a very good sign that everything is harmonious and correct in the sexual life of the sleeping person. Your relationship and future are positive. Picking a banana in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you want to be a leader in a couple, partially suppressing your partner. Do you peel a banana in your sleep? This means that in reality you have more than once wanted to deprive a man of his power.

In addition, a dream in which a banana appears may indicate that you will soon have an unpleasant interaction with a person you are not interested in, who is also, to some extent, your companion.

Culinary dream book

If you saw a banana in a dream, it means that soon you will have to experience something unpleasant, you will be overcome by bitter thoughts, but you will not be able to share them with anyone, you will have to experience this difficult moment in your life on your own. If you ate a banana in a dream, in reality you will initiate a quarrel that is unlikely to give you pleasure.

Dream Interpretation Food

The absence of a true friend with whom you can talk and relieve your soul is predicted by a dream in which you saw a banana. Most likely, this period of life is accompanied by problems and troubles. Some cooling off and a falling out with friends is foreshadowed by a dream in which you eat a banana.

Correct dream book

Seeing a banana in a dream means in reality that you will work with people who are unpleasant to you. Eating a banana in a dream is a symbol of the fact that your business is very stagnant and there is no progress. In addition, this dream suggests that you will soon have to perform duties that are unlikely to give you pleasure. A bad deal is foreshadowed by a dream in which you are trading a banana.

To understand why you dream of bananas, you need to remember what you did with them in your dream, how many of them you dreamed about and what quality they were.

Most often, this fruit is considered a good sign. But sometimes it foreshadows quarrels and troubles.

See them

If a woman dreams of fragrant, ripe bananas, then this speaks of her beauty and good health. And walking through a banana grove in a dream means being very successful with members of the opposite sex.

If the beauty of palm trees gives you an indescribable feeling, then strong, mutual love awaits you. And getting lost in a grove means facing a serious, fateful choice.

  • Dreaming of rotten bananas means starting a useless business.
  • Green - to solve problems independently.
  • They lie on the table - to a short love affair.
  • Seeing them in the refrigerator means putting off important things for later.
  • Banana slices in chocolate - for a pleasant acquaintance.

Seeing a bunch in a store means trying to avoid trouble. And one banana in the window is a sign that you should take care of your own well-being, without counting on others.

According to the dream book, a banana with brown spots is a sign of disagreement with your loved one. And if its peel is brown, but the fruit itself is not spoiled, then behind the indifference of one of the men you know is hiding a serious feeling for you.

Small fruits appear in a dream when you are deprived of the attention of men. Large ones, on the contrary, mean that you have a lot of nice fans.

eat them

Eating a delicious banana in a dream means trying to develop your abilities. And if it is not ripe, then you do not need to get down to business if you have not prepared a clear plan for its implementation.

Eating overripe fruit means being deceived by a loved one. And pricking thin rings with a skewer means getting into a romantic adventure.

A valuable gift or a well-deserved bonus is what you dream of about a banana that you were treated to. And eating it on the street means being an independent and confident person.

Peeling a fruit means leading in family relationships. And to bite it and put it on the table means to abandon the work you started halfway.

  • Feeding a child with it means pleasure.
  • Eating a lot of fruit means a gradual accumulation of problems.
  • Cutting fruits with skin means making a hasty decision.

When you dream that you eat bananas, but do not feel their taste, it means that you are indifferent to the experiences of close relatives. And enjoying their aroma, prolonging the pleasure, means taking an active part in the lives of friends.

According to the dream book, a banana baked in the oven warns of the insidious plans of colleagues. And if you fry it in a frying pan, then you can easily get out of a difficult situation.

Did you dream about something else?

Buying bananas in a store means waiting for advice or support from loved ones. And purchasing them at the market means experiencing financial difficulties.

Carrying fruits in a bag means keeping plans for the future to yourself. And if you carry them in your hands, you will soon cooperate with a person unpleasant to you.

Collecting bananas in the jungle means taking on major responsibilities in the family and taking a leadership position. And if you dream that you are picking fruits at your dacha, then to implement your plan you will need the moral support of your loved ones.

Financial stability and wealth are what dreams of a banana grown at home mean. And collecting them in your neighbor’s garden means waiting for a pleasant person to visit.

Now, having seen these sweet, tasty fruits in a dream, you can easily predict your future.
Author: Vera Drobnaya

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