Why do you dream about earthquakes and floods? Earthquake Dream Book Vanga

A dream in which a person sees an earthquake indicates the person’s life path. Often such visions are a symbol that the dreamer should pay attention to his rhythm of life and attitude towards people around him. Regardless of who is having the dream - a man, a girl or a pregnant woman, in most cases it is interpreted negatively, foreshadowing losses and loss of physical and moral strength. To understand why a cataclysm is dreamed of and what such a vision portends, it is worth turning to different sources.

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    Why do you dream about an earthquake?

    Quite often, people only see an earthquake from the outside in their dreams and it does not cause them any damage. Seeing in a dream how the earth shakes in a neighboring yard is a sign of the imminent arrival of guests. If you dreamed that an earthquake was happening on a nearby street, then such a dream indicates a desire to start a romantic relationship.

      Seeing the destruction of a house, public buildings and various kinds of structures in a dream means that a person is following the right path, which leads to the fulfillment of a cherished dream or the achievement of a goal. However, if the entire city collapses completely, then such a dream indicates that you will need to work hard for a long period of time to get what you want. When a person observes fragments and ruins after a natural disaster in a dream, it means that he will soon suffer losses or suffer intangible losses.

      If an animal is present under the rubble of destroyed buildings during an earthquake, this promises a new move. If the protagonist is a child, then this indicates the imminent arrival of welcome guests.

      Night vision, in which a natural disaster occurs without destruction, promises positive news in any field of activity in the near future. Such a dream is a good sign, indicating positive changes in life. Seeing yourself in a house that is being shaken by tremors means that serious trials will befall the person in the near future.

      A flood after or during a period of oscillations of the earth's crust may indicate that a person has a high pace of life, which does not allow him to relax. This plot indicates that very soon the source of vitality will dry up, and it will take a very long time to restore it. People who see such night pictures in real life are perfectionists who strive to bring any task to an ideal state. In most cases, they independently take on several projects, which they bring to perfection at the cost of their health. Such people need to slow down the pace of work and plan their time wisely in order to preserve internal resources in the future.

      Why do you dream about your ex-husband - interpretations in dream books

      Interpretation in different dream books

      The interpretation of a dream about an earthquake can be found in various dream books.

      • Vanga's dream book. Seismic thunderstorms, according to Vanga’s dream book, most often dream of such phenomena as poverty, the imminent occurrence of natural disasters, food shortages, as well as unwanted or accidental pregnancy. Most often, such dreams occur due to daily fatigue, lack of sleep, or a large number of problems at work or in family life. If you dream of an earthquake at night, then you should pay attention to your health, namely, reduced immunity, which occurs against the background of accumulated fatigue and nervous shock.
      • Muslim dream book. According to the scriptures of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah, seeing underground thunderstorms in a dream means incurring the wrath of the king of the state (country) where the earthquake was observed. The meaning of these words can be interpreted in this way: a person who has seen such a dream will face problems related to the work of government bodies.
      • Gypsy interpretation. Seeing a destructive natural phenomenon in a dream means that a person and his property are in danger. If a serviceman dreams of such an image, then he will soon be reprimanded by his superiors for his mistakes and omissions. Seeing the destruction of buildings in a dream is a harbinger of the death of some important person.
      • Esoteric dream book. Such a dream speaks of impending misfortune. If a person was damaged by an earthquake or damage was caused to his apartment or other property, the dream foreshadows financial losses and other problems that may affect the dreamer.
      • English dream book of Zedkiel. Seeing a natural disaster in your dreams means the arrival of an economic crisis in the country, disasters and even war. According to the old dream book, such visions foreshadow huge losses in commercial activities or the loss of personal savings. In family life, disagreements and quarrels with loved ones may arise.
      • Interpretation according to Shuvalova. The circumstances and location of the earthquake play an important role in the correct interpretation of dreams. In most cases, trembling of the earth in a dream indicates changes for the worse, losses, aggression and fear of punishment for what has been done.

Can also be a sexual image, especially if limbs are submerged or brought to the surface, thus demonstrating that the unconscious views dirt as sex, since the limbs are associated with the genitals.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychoanalytic Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Earthquake

it's fear. And whoever sees that the earth begins to shake, then this is a misfortune that will befall this earth or it will be attacked by locusts, or cold, or drought, or severe fear. And if a pregnant woman sees this, she will give birth to a child. And sometimes, an earthquake indicates human unrest and unrest.

An earthquake in a dream means that some great event will happen or is happening in the world. If you see in a dream that mountains are shaking, then the Ulama will become bad. If you see your own body shaking, then there is nothing good in this dream. If you see your own house shaking, then adultery will be committed in that house. If you dream that someone’s yard is partially destroyed, then the person to whom this dream relates will die.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation Earthquake

A dream in which you saw or felt an earthquake symbolizes the dreamer’s subconscious fear. As a rule, such a vision foreshadows loss or a blow of fate, but sometimes such dreams have a favorable interpretation. Therefore, in order to understand why an earthquake is dreamed, you need to analyze all the little details of dreams.

The plot of the dream and its meaning

A dream in which there is an underground storm promises changes that will soon occur in the dreamer’s life. Perhaps in the near future the sleeper will expect a promotion at work, a change of place of residence, or spiritual changes. If you had to see an earthquake in a dream, you need to remember the plot of the vision and its emotional content.

The appearance of dreams in which you simply saw an underground thunderstorm indicates that the time has come for active action. Sometimes such a vision indicates problems in a relationship with a loved one. Perhaps it's time to have a serious conversation with your other half.

If there was no serious damage during the shaking, it means a long and happy life ahead. All problems and troubles will bypass you.

A vision in which you not only saw an underground thunderstorm, but also felt a strong shaking, portends trouble at work.

As the dream book says, an earthquake symbolizes the dreamer’s desire to get rid of obsessive thoughts and foreshadows a streak of failures. If you were not injured during the shaking, this means that in the near future you will overcome all difficulties.

When loved ones need help

Night dreams in which you saw people hiding from a seismic thunderstorm indicate that loved ones need your help and support.

The appearance of dreams in which you saw serious damage from shaking predicts the onset of a new period in life. If a large city collapsed during the shake-up, it means that you will face long-term difficulties related to finances.

For people who live in a seismically dangerous zone, a dream in which an earthquake occurs may foreshadow a seismic thunderstorm in real life .

What does Miller foretell?

According to Miller, a dream in which an earthquake occurred is quite often a harbinger of interethnic wars and disorder, as a result of which a huge number of people will suffer.

If they saved people

Miller's dream book has other interpretations, which depend on the details of night dreams:

  • according to the dream book, an earthquake that you simply saw in a dream predicts unpleasant news or a serious illness;
  • if you had to save a person during a shake-up, it means that in the near future you will face many problems that you will have to cope with on your own;
  • a vision in which a natural disaster destroyed buildings, but your house remained undamaged, suggests that your enemies will not be able to harm you;
  • Miller's dream book says that a dream in which you were hiding from an underground storm indicates the appearance of envious people and ill-wishers in your environment.

Interpretations of other interpreters

As you can see, a dream in which a natural disaster occurs can have different interpretations. Therefore, to answer the question of why an earthquake is dreamed, it is worth turning to other interpreters.

Dream book of fortune teller Vanga

As a rule, a dream in which an earthquake occurs foreshadows poverty, a natural disaster or an unwanted pregnancy. Do not despair if you have such dreams, since a natural disaster may just be the personification of your state of mind.

Quite often, dreams of seismic thunderstorms predict a serious illness, so take care of strengthening your immune system.

Freud's interpretations

The appearance of dreams in which a natural disaster is seen symbolizes the sleeper’s complexes and lack of self-confidence. Quite often, such visions predict an intimate relationship with an old friend.

Sometimes dreams indicate that you have made the wrong decision in some situation and the consequences will be unfavorable.

Women's dream book

The appearance of dreams in which there is an underground thunderstorm promises the sleeper separation from a loved one and troubles at work.

Night dreams in which a natural disaster destroyed many houses predict the death of a loved one.

Disasters, natural disasters, natural disasters seen in a dream leave a vivid and unpleasant aftertaste in the memory. The terrifying pictures and experiences that the dreamer had to experience in a dream are sometimes impossible to forget. But such dreams do not always promise problems and misfortunes in the future. A dream in which a destructive earthquake occurs warns a person about upcoming changes in life and that friends or loved ones need his help. Why do you dream about an earthquake, and how do popular dream books interpret the dream?

Earthquake - what does the dream mean?

  • If you dreamed of small and weak tremors, there is no need to worry; global changes are not expected in your life.
  • If tremors increase, buildings and structures collapse - in the near future you will experience important turning points that will significantly affect your future life. Possible relocation, change of job, place of residence.
  • A dream in which all the houses around are destroyed means that the dreamer is afraid of losing a loved one. Pay more attention to your significant other.
  • If in a dream the dreamer saw terrible destruction, cracks in the ground under which cars and houses disappear, in reality he will face losses and financial problems.
  • If in a dream you are in the very epicenter of events, under the rubble of a building, perhaps you took the wrong step or committed a rash act in life, for which you will have to pay.
  • During an earthquake, being in your own home and seeing furniture, dishes and other household items falling - pay more attention to your family. Seeing cracks on the walls in your own home means you are surrounded by ill-wishers.
  • Rebuilding a house after destruction from an earthquake means the dreamer’s readiness for any changes and ups and downs in life.

Miller's Dream Book

An earthquake or any natural disaster seen in a dream is a sign from above that fate gives a person a real chance to change, to correct mistakes or change his attitude towards life. The plot of the dream should be a hint for the dreamer about where exactly important changes need to begin.

  • If the earthquake did not bring destruction and casualties, unpleasant news awaits you, but it will not affect your life in any way.
  • If the dreamer saw in his dreams terrible pictures of destruction, numerous earthquake victims and was unable to help people, in reality the person would miss the opportunity to help those who really needed his help.
  • If help is provided to the victims, perhaps in reality you will give another person another chance, be it a loved one, a colleague or your friend.
  • A young woman who recently got married had a dream about a catastrophe, indicating that in reality she was tormented by doubts about the correctness of her choice of the chosen one. She should beware of gossip and betrayal.
  • If in a dream a woman saves her child from under the rubble, in reality she will have to fight for the health of her child.
  • If a man dreams of an earthquake and in a dream he saves his family from the rubble, the dreamer will face a difficult period in life, filled with conflicts and clarification of relationships with loved ones. But the final word will be his.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's interpretation of dreams always has sexual overtones.

  • If a girl dreams of an earthquake, she does not receive satisfaction from intimacy with her partner.
  • If a man dreams of tremors and destruction, in reality he will be used in a relationship, a love triangle is possible. Such events can lead to disappointment in your life partner.

Loff's Dream Book

According to Loff, the surface of the earth is associated with something solid, stable, reliable, and an earthquake with a feeling of fear and uncertainty in the future. Therefore, a disaster seen in a dream warns the dreamer about possible changes in financial terms, business, and personal life. Be prepared for unexpected turns and blows of fate.

Dreams associated with natural disasters warn us that it is time to reconsider our views on life. And also about the need to make important decisions that can change life for the better. The more destruction and casualties the earthquake caused in a dream, the more serious and significant the changes expected. You need to pull yourself together and be ready to accept all the trials of fate.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Why do you dream about an earthquake?

  • This is a symbol of coming changes. Perhaps these changes will shake the very foundations of your being. Are you afraid of shocks? Although change sometimes destroys the comfort of existence, it always provides the potential for growth and new experiences.
  • It can also herald a physical earthquake, especially if you live in a seismic zone. Evaluate your inventory. Are you ready to survive an earthquake? If not, take immediate action.

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Seeing an Earthquake in a dream

  • Good value
    If you dreamed about the earthquake itself, then many pleasant changes will happen in your life in the near future. To make this happen, sleep on the floor for a week.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed of the consequences of an earthquake (destroyed buildings, cracks...), then now you are going through a difficult period, especially when it comes to communicating with people. To end this period as soon as possible, burn a candle near an unmarked grave.

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Why do you dream about an earthquake?

  • Earthquake - big changes in life/important turns.
  • A huge earthquake that instantly wipes everything off the face of the earth - you are facing a new stage of development.
  • Hearing an underground hum is treason.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Why do you dream about an earthquake?

  • An earthquake is a very bad sign, foreshadowing an unfavorable outcome of affairs, as well as mental illness.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Earthquake

  • An earthquake symbolizes failure in business and unrest in the country.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Why do you dream about an earthquake?

  • You are in a state of anxiety and are waiting for and waiting for something terrible to approach. Behind the image of an earthquake there may also be hidden feelings of aggression, guilt, hatred, and fear of punishment. At the same time, this dream may mean a desire for sexual pleasure. The circumstances under which the earthquake occurred and the behavior of people are of greater importance for understanding this dream than this symbol itself.

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

Seeing an Earthquake in a dream

  • If you dreamed of an earthquake, your dream foreshadows destruction and loss.

Dream book: Ancient English dream book (Zadkiel's dream book)

Dream Interpretation Earthquake

  • This dream foreshadows many troubles: it promises huge losses in commerce and severe personal losses - a break in family ties, serious family disagreements, the end of family happiness.
  • It is also a sign of great national economic distress and possibly war.
  • Love dies, severe heartache begins, if you, having seen this dream, do not strengthen your spirit against future troubles.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Earthquake

  • The dream warns of losses, the collapse of a business or family.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Earthquake

  • Seeing or feeling an earthquake in a dream means failure in business and many troubles due to ethnic unrest and wars.

Dream Interpretation: Vedic Dream Book of Sivananda

Seeing an Earthquake in a dream

  • Such a dream indicates that big problems, business losses, bereavements and separations are approaching. Family ties can be interrupted by death, there will be disputes and disagreements in the family, feelings of fear will be everywhere, suffering and misfortune are likely in all areas of life. But if you manage to escape in a dream, you will overcome the upcoming difficulties

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Earthquake

  • If in a dream you witness an earthquake, then in reality you will face serious trials associated with global cataclysms.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Why do you dream about an earthquake?

  • Earthquake - news, receiving a rank; with ruins - loss, loss.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Earthquake

  • Natural disasters in the near future; if you are a victim of an earthquake, then the cataclysms will affect you personally.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Book by Meneghetti

Why do you dream about an earthquake?

  • It means a state of anxiety, anticipation of an approaching catastrophe.

Dream Interpretation: Erotic Dream Book of Danilova

Dream Interpretation Earthquake

  • If you were hit by an earthquake in a dream, it most likely means that you are not happy with your current relationship with your partner. You dream of change. Perhaps you are tormented by some unsatisfied desire or need. This state of dissatisfaction will eventually certainly lead to an explosion, quarrel, scandal, after which your sexual partner will either reconsider his attitude towards you, or you will break up.

The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Cleopatra's dream book, Gypsy dream book, Health's dream book, Solomon's dream book, Otavalos Indians' dream book, ancient French dream book, esoteric dream book, Assyrian dream book, medieval dream book of Daniel, Old Russian dream book, Miller's dream book, Freud's dream book, Chinese dream book of Zhou-gong, Mayan dream book, Slavic dream book, Chaldean dream book, Russian dream book, Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshefa), children's dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (brief), Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti, old English dream book (dream book Zedkiel), Vanga's dream book, dream interpreter (1829), and others.

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