Why do rappers dream? Why do famous people dream?

according to Loff's dream book

As the media creates idealized images of famous people, they become frequent guests in our dreams: we imagine that we “know” certain celebrities, which is why they come to us in our dreams. The appearance of a pop star in a dream is usually caused by the desire to make friends or have an affair. And in this way our desire to show that we are not born with bast can be manifested. Sometimes we get used to the image of a star and then we feel involved in her success and popularity. Another option is to become a star yourself. How wonderful it is to perform on stage with other celebrities, and even become famous at the same time. Such popularity indicates your talent in a certain area or pushes you to achieve higher goals in life. Of course, you need to make allowances for the abundance of information messages about the lives of stars. This often reduces their appearance in our dreams to a simple confirmation of the fact of their existence.

Expert answers


I saw Freddie Mercury in a dream. He showed me signs of attention and invited me on a date. In life he is not my idol, but I love his songs. What is this for? Thank you! ([email protected])

The dream means that in reality you will have the opportunity to meet a celebrity.


I dreamed that a famous American rapper took me to his place. Took him to America. I understand that he wanted to marry me. And I didn’t even have time to tell my parents anything. How it all ended, I never found out. What does this mean? (Daria)

If this rapper is your idol, then the dream is a reflection of your dreams in real life. If not, then such a dream may indicate unexpected career advancement or, if you are a student, academic success.

Why do you dream about a famous singer? The dream book gives several interpretations of this image, based on the accompanying details. So, just seeing him or hearing beautiful singing in a dream portends happiness, and personal communication with him is an important conversation. However, a dream can warn of illness.

Beware of illnesses, do not dream the impossible

Did you dream that a famous singer proposed to marry him? The dream book warns: it is very pleasant to be in the clouds, but you should not get hung up on pipe dreams.

Why do you dream about marrying him? The dreamer wants to achieve real success, not wanting to waste time on trifles. But sometimes small victories add up to the big picture of success.

Seeing and hearing a famous singer or a man in a dream portends a throat disease. This meaning is especially enhanced if he was false. Preventative measures would be useful.

Good luck in your personal life

A girl dreams of hearing her favorite singer sing, a man - a certain young man is very partial to her. Perhaps he'll talk about it soon.

A man who sings on stage foreshadows a declaration of love and a romantic relationship for a young woman.

Why does a man dream of a singer performing beautiful songs? The dream book promises the onset of a happy period. Your personal life will be very good.

For a girl in a dream, a sexy famous singer promises the appearance of a dangerous rival who may turn out to be more successful.

Success awaits you

It is important to remember your impressions of the dreamed performance of a famous singer, singer, and the harmony of singing. If the performance amazes with beauty and brings joy, the dream book says: this is a harbinger of happiness. When you felt sadness, tears would also come in reality.

Seeing or even communicating with a famous singer means: the dreamer will experience an improvement in his financial situation. Perhaps your salary at work will be increased or some enterprise will bring good profits.

Prepare for difficulties

False performance or ugly behavior of a pop star in a dream warns of some troubles, obstacles in business and relationships.

For a representative of the stronger sex, such a vision means: someone will make an attempt to deceive him. Therefore, you need to be on your guard and avoid dubious offers that may turn out to be fiction.

Did you dream that you became one yourself? The dream book indicates: you overestimate your own capabilities. You need to look at things realistically: achieving what you dream of is impossible.

How did you dream about him?

The interpretation of the dream depends on the plot:

  • seeing a performance is a crisis of personal life;
  • taking an autograph in a dream - the efforts made will give excellent results and profit;
  • to provide a service to a celebrity - it seems to the dreamer that he is not benefiting anyone;
  • friendly relations with him - the sleeper seeks the approval of people who do not notice him;
  • true heartfelt friendship - among your acquaintances there is a person who can become a friend.

Dreams tend to repeat themselves. But if a person sees the same dream many times, then he should pay attention to it - such a dream is a hint from the subconscious or a warning that problems may arise very soon.

Signs and beliefs associated with dreams

Do you want to always get enough sleep and have good dreams? Get acquainted with folk wisdom regarding dreams and passed on from generation to generation.

Modern dream book - the key to solving mysteries

Why do we have orange dreams? Which is a good dream and which is negative? How to unravel the secrets of dreams? A modern dream book opens the door to the wonderful world of dreams and allows you to decipher any dream you have as accurately as possible.

Why do you dream about a Celebrity?

Celebrity in a modern dream book

If you saw a celebrity in a dream, this means that the upcoming troubles, unfortunately, will not give a positive result, although you will really count on it. If you dreamed of meeting a famous actor or singer from whom you took an autograph, such a dream predicts rapid career growth or the patronage of a wealthy and influential person. His interest in you is fraught with scandals in the family, which can lead to divorce. In the dream you yourself acted as a world celebrity - in reality you will be bitterly disappointed due to the fact that you incorrectly assess your capabilities. If you dreamed about providing some important service to a famous person, it means that in reality you will begin to grumble about fate, which does not allow your potential opportunities to be realized. A famous person has assigned you a date - apparently, in real life you love yourself too much and have no doubt that great achievements await you ahead. It is difficult for you to concentrate on the little things of everyday life; you are a boring and extremely inconvenient person in everyday life. It is easier for you to give a fiery speech from a balcony or podium than to wash the dishes after dinner. Had a nice conversation with a celebrity - most likely you are a suspicious and distrustful person who doesn’t get along well with people, so don’t be surprised at your loneliness.

Celebrity in Miller's dream book

If you see a very famous or famous person in your dream, get ready for positive changes in the business sphere. You may be offered a higher salary or promoted. If you dreamed of an outstanding scientist, this is a warning: when making a responsible decision that can radically change your life, be careful, do not forget that appearances can sometimes be deceiving. If you communicated with a celebrity in a dream, it means that in reality you will experience an improvement in your financial situation; if you took an autograph, you will receive a significant profit in a commercial enterprise. If you saw yourself at a social reception among famous personalities, in the foreseeable future you will receive a coveted position or quickly soar to the very top rung of the career ladder.

Hugs and kisses with stars, such as Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt, are the most common dream subjects

“I dreamed that I was hanging out at some party together with a famous model. We're kind of like friends. There were a bunch of other celebrities there too... Why do you dream about stars?” Galina, Bryansk.

Dream actors

People in dreams are like actors in a theater: they play certain roles that should be deciphered. First of all, you need to understand how you personally feel about the character in your dream?

If you dream idol or some kind of grandee for whom you have sympathy and respect, the dream may hint at the opportunity to get closer to movie or pop stars.
That is, famous people in a dream reflect our need for elevation, in the desire to raise the bar for our own achievements, develop talents and strengthen self-esteem.
What happens in the dream and how you interact with the celebrity is of great importance. Gift received from a famous person- a sign of a certain blessing and new opportunities. This means that in reality you can apply certain qualities that this bright personality possesses in order to achieve greater success in life.
The value of a gift is determined very simply: bread and other products- the best gift, symbolizes something nutritious that can be used for growth and development. Bread- universal human food, and if suddenly in a dream Alla Pugacheva sharing a piece of bun with you is better than giving you diamonds. This means you have enough creative energy to improve the material side of life or find a new “grain” place.
Flowers pleasing to the eye, but not satiating; they can only reflect the need for attention. But if bouquet presented by a famous actor, for example, Johnny Depp or singer Philip Kirkorov- this means that in reality you long to be at the epicenter of events. Limp or ugly artificial flowers They will talk about dissatisfaction and a feeling of falsehood: you are on stage, that is, socially successful, there is recognition and certain moments of glory, but all this does not make you happy.

Tatyana Kurnosova

Sex with celebrities, pop stars, actors and even president- a very common plot. All intimate scenes: hugs, kisses, sexual intercourse only emphasize the desire to become closer to the lifestyle of the star, to borrow a number of qualities from him. A girl dreams of her idol Dima Bilan, with whom she dances and kisses in her sleep. It is possible that the singer is the embodiment of her sexual fantasies, and this is the kind of macho man she wants to see next to her. But this is only a superficial interpretation. Young man in a woman's dream- this is the image of her animus (Carl Jung’s terminology) - the male part of nature, which is responsible for activity and determination. It is after such a vision that she can express herself in an extraordinary and creative way. This is expressed in strong and expressive actions. A girl can do what her soul yearns for: start studying music, enroll in theater school, or just meet a great guy. By the way, the appearance of movie stars or pop singers in a dream often reflects an inner desire to meet new people.

But for a more detailed analysis, it is worth asking questions: what is the dreamed celebrity like, what are its best features, what do you like about this character and what don’t?

It makes sense to analyze everything that you have heard about this person - the events that happened in his life may, to some extent, be related to you, that is, something similar may happen in your life. Strictly speaking, any dreamed acquaintance should be considered from these positions: if he is successful and doing well, then meeting and having a pleasant time in a dream with this lucky person foreshadows your personal success.
If dreamed of a loser, a long-time friend or a celebrity who is “caressed” in the press, it is worth “trying on” the events of his life and thinking about the possible consequences.

Important listen to words, which famous people say in a dream - they can tell you how to become socially successful, or warn against the possibility of being in the spotlight. Moreover, dreams of celebrities whom you have a negative attitude towards may foreshadow unpleasant “noisy” stories: quarrels, litigation or conflicts.

What does a dream consist of?

The dream is formed on the basis of worries about the next one or two days. Therefore, if the day before you saw a film, news with a dreamed star on TV, or his name flashed in the headlines of newspapers or magazines, it is not surprising that you dreamed about him. It is important that the information discussed is somehow linked to what is meaningful to you. The most interesting thing is that you may not remember such an episode, but it turned out to be relevant and settled in the subconscious. News about a stormy personal life pop stars may make you want to start a new romance. In a dream, none other than the same hero-lover who was mentioned in the program that you saw out of the corner of your eye the day before will appear.

Authoritative people holding high positions(presidents, rulers, kings and queens, military leaders), in dreams embody our relationships with power: parents, bosses and other people on whom we depend. If, say, a man dreamed of sex with Angelina Jolie, this does not mean that he dreams of repeating his love deeds Billy Bob Thornton And Brad Pitt. His boss may be hiding under the image of a luxurious actress.

All life is a game

When a person dreams that he on the stage, which means that in life he is puzzled by how he looks in the eyes of others. The part of the personality that is always visible is called A person. By the way, in a dream, artists also portray our Person: those qualities that we would like to borrow from them - popularity, wealth, fame, albeit not on such a global scale, but at least a little... At the same time, the clue of the dream is that celebrities are not born: there is a lot of work behind it and often you need to make efforts to change your image and style of behavior, to become more open...
Theater in a dream expresses an unconscious desire for changes in one’s own “I”.

Drama, which unfolds in a dream - in the theater, cinema or television show - always depicts the dreamer’s life situation with those unpleasant aspects that one would like to consider from the outside, but not participate in them.

Comedians and clowns in a dream they ridicule recognized authorities, stupid and absurd traditions and morality, and perhaps make fun of the ambitions and vanity of the dreamer himself. If you dreamed not of a theater, but circus- It’s worth thinking about what aspects of life you take too seriously.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Celebrities in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Celebrities?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what do Celebrities mean?

According to the dream book, seeing Celebrities - As the media creates idealized images of famous people, the latter become frequent guests in our dreams: we imagine that we “know” some celebrities, which is why they come to us in our dreams.

The appearance of a celebrity in a dream is usually caused by the desire to make friends or have an affair. And in this way our desire to show that we are not born with bast can be manifested. Sometimes we get used to the image of a celebrity, and then we feel involved in her success and popularity.

Another option is to become a celebrity yourself. How wonderful it is to perform on stage with other celebrities, and even become famous at the same time! Such popularity indicates your talent in a certain area or pushes you to achieve higher goals in life. But of course, it’s worth making allowances for the abundance of information about the lives of celebrities, as the dream book says about this dream; for details, if you dream about Celebrities, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do Celebrities dream?

Celebrity - A dream in which you meet or communicate with a celebrity means: you have a serious conversation with your boss, the result of the conversation can be either a promotion or dismissal. Did you dream that you were providing any assistance to a celebrity? This means you find yourself in a situation that does not allow you to realize your potential.

Modern dream book

Why do Celebrities dream according to the dream book?

Of course, you need to make allowances for the abundance of information messages about the lives of celebrities. This often reduces their appearance in our dreams to a simple confirmation of the fact of their existence."

Summer Dream Interpreter

Celebrity - Dreaming of having a celebrity next to you means demonstrating your abilities in some matter.

Celebrity - A celebrity on the stage dreams of a brawl.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Celebrity - Dreaming of having a Celebrity next to you means snobbery.

Celebrity - For going out and having a fun time.

Spring Dream Interpreter

According to the dream book Celebrity - seeing a world-famous person next to you means misunderstandings.

Celebrity - for a joyful, grandiose event.

Celebrity on tour - If you dreamed that you were going on tour, it means that you are not satisfied with the place you occupy in life. You feel like you can't reach your potential. If you read a poster from which you learn about a celebrity’s tour, fate will give you a chance to realize long-cherished projects

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