Why do you dream of a river with a strong current? Dream interpretation of a river, why a river is dreamed of, a river in a dream

Life on Earth is impossible without water; it is the mother of all life on the planet. The dreams in which she appeared do not come to a person just like that. Rivers rapidly carrying their waters are always an important prediction, and their flow is a symbol of advancement, development and life. Such dreams should not be ignored; on the contrary, when you wake up in the morning, it would be a good idea to find out why you dream about a river and how to correctly interpret such a dream.

Interpretation of a dream about a river (river)

The interpretation of dreams about a river must be approached very consciously, since such visions often depend on a person’s subconscious and his psychological barriers.

Miller's dream book offers several versions of interpretation, which depend not only on the state of the river, but also on the dreamer's interaction with it.

  • If the flow of water in the reservoir was small and calm, then the dream promises joyful events in the near future. It is worth preparing for an unexpected budget replenishment and the emergence of new opportunities for self-realization.
  • But if you dreamed of a raging river along which a person is forced to swim, then the dream may foreshadow disagreements and conflicts with other people.
  • When the dreamer finds the bodies of dead people in a pond, he should be careful - the dream does not prophesy anything good.
  • If the river is completely dry, the vision indicates problems and grief in the family.

Freud believed that dreams of a river represent the dreamer's unbridled sexual fantasy. Moreover, such visions often visit those people who are afraid to admit it to themselves. You also dream of swimming along a river as a sign of future love.

The famous soothsayer Vanga believed that dreams of a river are a harbinger of good news. Such water promises the dreamer turning points in his career, which will bring additional income. Swimming in the river with your clothes on is a sign of prosperity and wealth in the family.

The dream book of Nostradamus indicates that a river in a dream is considered a bad sign.

  • Often he associates it with problems and financial losses.
  • If the dreamer managed to get to land, then the dream promises good news.
  • If the sleeper was just preparing to sail or was building a dam, the vision foreshadows minor difficulties on the way to achieving the goal.

Medium Hasse believed that clean, shallow, light water in a river is a sign of happiness and joy, and swimming in a dream portends incredible wealth.

The Esoteric Dream Book says that a smooth and calm river promises the sleeper a very calm life, while a stormy one always foreshadows important events in life that will make the dreamer nervous. The river is also a symbol of something new and vast. Sometimes she represents wisdom.

Swimming in the river in a dream

When the dreamer had to swim in a river in a dream, it means that something is going wrong in his life. It is important to reconsider your positions in and try to correct your own shortcomings.

In addition, the sleeper should pay attention to problems in different areas of life, because they will interfere with the implementation of plans.

  • If in a dream a person bathed with pleasure in a pond, it means that in the future he will be in control of everything, because large sums will settle in his wallet.
  • If the sleeper swam not alone, but with a relative or friend, his relationship with him will be filled with love and harmony.
  • A dream in which the dreamer was forced to swim suggests that fate has prepared a lot of trials and changes for him. However, they will only bring benefits in the future.

The gender of the sleeper also plays a huge role:

  1. For a woman, a dream in which she swam with an old friend foreshadows respect in the team, as well as a worthy assessment of her professional and personal qualities. If you swam in the river with her man, you might expect a marriage proposal.
  2. Bathing in a man's dreams is a sign of impending fatherhood. If a lonely person sees a dream, then the dream indicates the possibility of career growth.

I dreamed of a dirty, muddy pond

A dream in which there was dirty water in the river is a bad sign. Often she dreams of the onset of a period in life that will be filled with losses of valuable resources and quarrels.

Sometimes a dream indicates a misunderstanding between employees and management, which will lead to a difficult working period. Muddy water in a river usually promises the sleeping person troubles that cannot be avoided. The possibility of a serious illness cannot be ruled out. It is advisable to take precautions and also improve your health.

See frozen water

Clean but frozen water in the river portends minor difficulties that hinder business development. Most often, their cause lies in the depressed state of the sleeper, who himself does not understand its cause. During this period, a person feels a loss of strength and laziness.

However, not frozen, but very cold water can be an omen of a small but pleasant surprise from a loved one. In addition, the vision predicts an increase in the budget.

What does a dream with a stormy river mean?

Did you dream about a stormy river? This is an omen of dramatic changes in life that will proceed with particular ease and carefreeness.

A vision in which the sleeper first drowns in a pond and then gets out onto land suggests that it will be impossible to avoid troubles and encounter obstacles along the way. But there is no need to be afraid of the meaning of this dream, since the dreamer will overcome them.

In addition, a stream of water in a dream can indicate upcoming troubles, which are best dealt with immediately, without putting it off until later.

Cross the river across the bridge

When you dream of a bridge across a river, over which the sleeper crosses a body of water, this is considered a warning of future trials. To overcome them you will need the help and support of loved ones and relatives.

A bridge over a river sometimes symbolizes uncertain and complex relationships with others who do not always understand the dreamer.

If a person sleeping crosses a river in a dream, this means that problems, obstacles and troubles will arise on his life path, which, however, he will quickly cope with.

River flood

A river flooding in a dream can be interpreted in two ways.

  • On the one hand, a river spilling onto the shore speaks of a person’s unfulfilled sexual desires or the receipt of unexpected gifts.
  • On the other hand, such dreams mean trouble at work. To avoid them, the sleeper needs to redo a lot of things, in the course of which new problems will appear.

Despite the fact that the river symbolizes development and change, the interpretation of a dream with it should be considered more from a psychological point of view. The flow of water should be perceived as the feelings and emotions of the dreamer, who is currently going through a difficult period in his life.

This is a very good dream, which means the course of life, various turns, the connection between the past and the future, as well as the dreamer’s state of health. Seeing her in a dream is a sign of various changes in your life, joy and happiness.

This is what the dream book writes about this, especially for those who do not live in an area where there is a river. By the way, a dream about her is one of the most significant, revealing your prospects and health.

Where are you? Familiar and unfamiliar terrain

The river indicates an independent, ordinary and very real life, a common space around the dreamer, and not his dreams, hopes and illusions. Its color, transparency and depth, as well as the location of the dreamer, indicate readiness for change, different perspectives and what will happen in the future.

Seeing the river from the shore means assessing your capabilities. Such a dream shows that you are in no hurry to take an active part in your own life and make an important decision, preferring to evaluate your capabilities and what exactly life offers you. Such stories can often mean that the dreamer is not yet ready for active action.

This same dream, especially if the shore is high and gives a wide view, shows the breadth of thinking and the desire to see and evaluate all one’s possibilities. Such dreams are often experienced by teenagers who are not ready to take a decisive step in their lives. For now, they are just taking a closer look at themselves and assessing the possibilities.

For girls, the element of water means readiness for love and intimate relationships, less often - motherhood. For young men and lovers, such a dream promises favorable circumstances and reciprocity of feelings. The more beautiful the view of the river from the shore, the more favorable the forecast for the future.

If the water in the river was clean and beautiful, sparkling in the sun, this is a favorable sign. For everyone who has had such a dream. Seeing her from the shore and going down to settle down means you won’t spend a lot of time thinking, but will immediately begin to take action both in your activities and in love.

A familiar area in which a beautiful river flows with picturesque banks and clear water predicts favorable news for you from afar. You will learn a lot of new and interesting things about your friends who live there, or friends will invite you to relax on the shore and you can have a great time. An unfamiliar area where a river flows means your life. Pay attention to the speed of movement, the clarity of the water, the presence of turns and fish.

Why do you have a dream in which you are walking along the bank of an unfamiliar river? The dream book writes that you are looking at various positions, but do not rush to actively take advantage of all the benefits. If in a dream a person looks at which side is best for him to enter the river, then such a dream means that you will first think over your position before starting any actions. This position is typical of indecisive individuals who will think about their actions a hundred times.

But if in a dream the river abruptly changes its direction, what is this dream for? You are on the verge of significant change and change. However, being on the bank of a river means that you are outside of changes, as if outside of life, not perceiving it emotionally. The dream book writes that such dreams are often dreamed by teenagers who do not dare to express their feelings or plunge into the pool of pure love, like into water. It is much better to just sail a boat or swim in such a river.

Depth and purity. In the city or in the village

Usually such a dream shows what specific changes await you in the near future. If you have a dream that a river is located in a rural area, expect a calm and measured life. Why do you dream of a river with clean water in the city, shallow but transparent?

The dream book writes that you will very soon fall in love or begin to enjoy your life and it will be measured. Very cold, but clean and transparent water also means coldness, restraint and lack of reciprocity in love in life. Most likely, the environment will be very cold and unfriendly to express yourself.

What does this mean in a dream, to see on a boat and ride along familiar streets filled with a beautiful river? The dream book writes that very soon you will receive a lot of pleasures from life and have a great time. It is better to swim with the flow than against it, especially if the water in the dream is clear and very clean. Cloudy and warm, especially hot liquid means illness and deterioration of health, wherever it is located.

Why do you have a dream in which you swim in a river and go into it? The dream book writes that you will plunge into the whirlpool of life and will receive everything in full. Too cold water means a hostile environment, good health and indifference. Especially if there were fish swimming in it.

Why dream of smoothly entering a river with a good bottom, without stones and surprises? If it is beautiful and not cloudy, then the dream book writes that you will fall in love very soon and plunge into life headlong, especially if there was no strong current. Such a dream predicts excellent health and good life potential for you. Why do you dream about jumping into the water from a bridge? The dream book interprets such a dream as passionate falling in love and an unexpected plunge into the abyss of events. If the water in the river was cloudy, then you will soon find yourself in bad company or get sick due to your carelessness.

Why dream of sailing down a river without a flotation device? This dream shows immersion in life and falling in love. Swim against the tide - circumstances will turn against you. Why dream of crossing a river by swimming or crossing a bridge? The dream book writes that very soon a significant and important change will occur in your life. This could be marriage and a move to another home, a move, a sudden change of job or environment.

Why dream of seeing a shoal in a river and crossing it to the other side? The dream book writes that soon you will have a change or you will achieve your goal. This is a favorable dream, but the changes will not be easy or effortless. Sometimes such a dream symbolizes poor health and difficult circumstances.

There are so many amazing and unique things on our planet! For example, a river is water that can flow down the mountain slopes with noise and splashes, or, conversely, gently and smoothly flow around the plains.

Rivers have always attracted people, on the one hand, as a source of water, and on the other, as something endowed with magical powers. In ancient scriptures, a wide river is associated with the flow of life, and it is the river that can tell a person his future. What if you dreamed of a river?

So, to understand why the river is dreamed of, you need to look into the dream book. The river is a symbol of new beginnings and unexpected changes. There can be many storylines related to the river, so let’s get down to interpretation.

  • Mountain or underground?
  • Clean or dirty?
  • Season.
  • Bathing.
  • If you're drowning.
  • Flood.
  • Bridge over a foggy bay.
  • Other options.

If you dream of an incredibly beautiful noisy, fast, stormy mountain river that descends from snow-capped peaks, then get ready for the fact that the flow of life has prepared many unexpected and pleasant surprises for you. Soon life will become more eventful and will bring a lot of trouble and fuss.

Also, the mountain river that the young girl dreamed of speaks of the appearance of a passionate and romantic partner. Get ready for hot love dates. A wide, calm river with clean water, flowing somewhere in a hilly area - to calm, pleasant events. You will have the opportunity to relax in nature and spend time with your family.

Seeing an underground river means serious changes that are not yet obvious. And if the underground river is stormy, it means that some emotions are accumulating inside you. Try to understand what worries you, and perhaps makes you angry, and then the internal tension will go away.

If a river in a dream is so clean and calm that you can literally see its bottom, then such a vision predicts happiness and good luck in love affairs. The dream book of the medium Hasse also offers his own version of why you dream of a clean and calm river - such a vision promises endless happiness, as well as recovery if you have been sick for a long time.

If the river in a dream is dirty, muddy, and muddy, then such a dream promises quarrels and conflicts within the family. Also, a vision in which dirty water appears means that you do not have a complete understanding of the events taking place. Try to be more attentive to everything that surrounds you.

Seeing a stream in summer or spring, when nature is fully alive, means that your well-being will soon improve. Your relationships with your family will improve, and you will also feel better both physically and emotionally.

If you dream of streams in the fall that carry yellow leaves somewhere into the distance, as well as children launching boats in the river, then you will plunge into pleasant memories. You will meet old friends and have a great time talking about your childhood.

But if the river froze in a dream and there was a fall in the yard, it means that you can easily solve all your problems. There is another option for why you dream of a river frozen and covered with ice - it is a symbol of frozen feelings; perhaps you do not allow yourself to experience emotions, and their accumulation can lead to emotional instability.

What did you do in your dream?

  • Swimming in a seething stream means gaining new knowledge.
  • Swimming in ice water means becoming a mentor or even a teacher for someone. Perhaps someone you know needs advice.
  • Swimming in a river with muddy and dirty water means you will have ill-wishers who will want to tarnish your name. Be careful, try to behave with dignity.
  • Swimming in calm and clean water means income.

Many people are also interested in what they dream about in the river. Usually floating in a vision with the flow of a river is a very good sign, which means you are keeping up with the times, and luck is on your side.

But swimming against the current means that you are trying to fight “windmills”. Your resistance to the current course of events will not change anything, and you will only waste your strength, make sure that you are not carried away by the current back to where you started your journey.

Sailing along the shore means that you have reliable support and support. Your friends and family will help you in difficult times. Swimming across the river means serious changes in your inner world. You are ready for transformation and to change your life completely.

But getting out of a noisy, fast-moving river onto the shore means liberation from hardships. Everything that bothered you, bothered you and made you nervous will soon leave your life.

  • Drowning in the stream means that pleasant events await you that will help you regain your strength. A dirty river in which you are drowning portends gossip and intrigue.
  • Drowning in a dream means that you will begin to develop spiritually. Usually such a dream is a symbol of dedication; higher powers are turning their attention to you.
  • If you are carried towards a waterfall by a fast current, it means that the changes you will encounter will be stunning.
  • Seeing drowned people in the river is a sign of minor troubles at work that may take you by surprise. So try to be more focused. Drowned people also appear in dreams on the eve of serious negotiations.

Other options

You dream of a river flood as a warning - you may lose your temper at the most inopportune moment. Also, a river flood indicates an influx of many tasks; be prepared for an emergency at work.

A river flood that blocks your path so that you can’t even see the shore means that your boss is dissatisfied with you at work. It's time to come to your senses and stop just going with the flow, otherwise it could lead to dismissal.

If you are worried about the question of why you dream of a river with a bridge, then this dream has many meanings. It must be said that a bridge is almost always a symbol of the transition from one state to another.

  • So, seeing a large and strong bridge over a wide river means that you are on the right path. You chose exactly the business that was destined for you by fate.
  • A flimsy and shaky bridge indicates your lack of self-confidence. Also, such a dream suggests that your business is not yet ready for implementation; you need additional time and resources.
  • If you dream of a rope bridge over a mountain river, then this is a harbinger of serious, in some ways even dizzying events. If in a dream you reached the end of the bridge, it means that you will cope with all the hardships and difficulties.

If you dreamed of a dry riverbed with no water at all, such a dream means that you lack vital energy and your strength is running out. You urgently need rest and peace, take care of yourself. There is another option for why you dream of a river that has dried up - such a dream foreshadows a separation from a loved one.

If in a vision the water is poisonous, foamy and stormy, and you see it washed up on the shore, then the offer that you receive is not worth your attention. Most likely, you will lose more than you gain in this project.

Dreaming of fishing in a river means that you will soon find your soulmate. And if you dream about someone you caught, then such a dream promises enrichment.

Coming to the river bank and watching the sunrise is a sign of a new beginning. You will have a great opportunity to open your own business. For women, such a dream promises a quick marriage.

So, there are many options for what the river means in dreams. This symbol is full of strength and brings a lot of emotions and experiences to the sleeping person. If you dreamed of a river, expect changes in life that stormy water will bring to you.

In a dream, the river symbolizes the dreamer's life itself. Based on the characteristics of the reservoir and the nuances of the dream plot, one can judge what is happening at the current moment and what may happen in the future. Dream books will describe the most common cases.

Why do you dream about a river according to Miller’s dream book?

A river whose waters are calm predicts prosperity in business and a time of joy. This image also foreshadows the receipt of new opportunities that will improve your overall financial situation. If you manage to use them, then luck and prosperity will not leave you, but, on the contrary, will increase.

Are the river waters cloudy and restless? This predicts a series of disagreements, misunderstandings and quarrels with others.

When a river suddenly appears on the road in front of you, you should be wary of troubles in your professional activities. In addition, this is a warning that, through negligence, you may commit some rash action bordering on insolence, and it can completely destroy your reputation in the eyes of your superiors and colleagues.

Sailing through the waters of a clear river stream and finding yourself at the bottom in the company of drowned people warns you that joy and fortune will not come to you soon. To see a dry river bed in a dream - expect sorrows.

River in a dream - Freud's dream book

The image of a deep and vast expanse of river symbolizes the fact that you often tend to fantasize about sexual topics, but are afraid to admit your desires to your partner. You dream about having sex in unusual situations and scenery, but you are afraid of their actual embodiment in reality.

Swimming in the waters of a calm river means that you have selflessly surrendered to the feeling of falling in love. You have forgotten all the tasks and concerns that still need to be given at least a little time. The dream reminds you that you need to look at life more sensibly.

What does it mean to dream about a river - Vanga’s dream book

Falling into a river and drinking its water is not a bad sign at all. This suggests that your career will soon take off and your overall financial situation will improve.

Dipping into river water without taking off your clothes means your household and you yourself will not need anything. Fighting the river flow and swimming to the shore, getting onto land means that, despite some obstacles, you will soon get rich.

I dreamed about a river - what does it mean according to Nostradamus’ dream book

Wash your face with river water - expect heavy losses. Swimming across a wide river means that you should prepare for problems in the real world. Coming out of the river onto land is good news.

To see how a dam is built, you need to prepare for some tests. Tried to catch a turtle from river water - to sadness, to catch a snake in the water column - to financial prosperity, to catch a fish - to know the taste of victory in love affairs.

Why do you dream about a river - according to Longo’s dream book

Seeing a clear river surface in a dream means that your life and its organization completely satisfies you, and you don’t want anything more.

Seeing muddy water in the river means misunderstandings and quarrels and clashes with others. Falling into the waters of a river means new opportunities will open up in the business sphere.

Interpretation of the dream “river” according to Loff’s dream book

A dream where you wash your face with water from a river contains a message that you will soon have to decide to unravel a tangle of many problems that will not tolerate delay. Solving them will take a lot of effort.

Remember what the water was like: if it is transparent, then you will be able to resolve all your worries without loss, and fate will smile on you again; when the river has muddy waters, be prepared to endure harsh times. Washing in the waters of a seething mountain river foreshadows an imminent cold.

Why do you dream of a river - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Did you see yourself watching the flow of a river flow from the shore? Expect a long and urgent journey.

Sail along it - to profit in business, increased wages, the opportunity to win, any favorable event in the material sphere.

Ford a river or walk along the waters of a river - fate is preparing a number of obstacles for you; it will not be possible to achieve your goals soon.

River in a dream - according to Miss Hasse’s dream book

In the dream there is a river in which clear and clean water flows - expect a lot of joys in the near future.

Swimming in crystal clear river water means gaining prosperity and wealth. Falling into such a river means that you will receive some important news.

Why do you dream about a river - according to Meneghetti’s dream book

The river is a symbolic image. She is the road of human life.

If in a dream a river with clear waters flows to the sea, then the dreamer successfully realizes his life goals, especially when a person perceives himself in a dream as a river or is in it at the moment when it merges with the sea current.

If in a dream you are floating downstream of a river stream, then this is a signal that in real life it begins to lose energy and vitality, health and luck. Swimming upstream - everything you want to get from fate will require a lot of effort from you. In a dream, wanting to cross a river to find out what is on the other side means that you are seeking knowledge.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a river in a dream - according to Grishina’s dream book

Looking at a river in a dream means that you are about to start something new in your life. To bathe someone in river waters means you will have to direct someone’s actions, be responsible for someone, and become their mentor.

Washing clothes or rinsing them in a river indicates that you are in control of your life and time. Drinking from a river or drawing water from it means a new step awaits you on the path to wisdom and mastery.

Why do you dream of a river - according to the Persian dream book of Taflisi

Seeing a river in a dream means that in the near future you will have a meeting with an important person who has considerable power and can influence your life. Drinking water directly from the river means prosperity, which you will receive from influential people in the city or country.

If the water seems salty, then you may be drawn into illegal, criminal actions. Catching a lot of fish means well-being and prosperity in the family.

River according to the Muslim dream book

Seeing yourself floating on a river in a boat means that you are completely immersed in some important matter. Being in a boat that floats along the river also means that fate is merciful to you and will save you from adversity and shock.

Why did you dream about the river - according to the 21st century dream book

The image of a river and something dropped into it that has reached the bottom means that the day is already approaching when you will be able to invest money profitably or purchase something at a favorable price.

If you see a river along which a lot of garbage, chips and even logs are floating, then you will have to rebuild everything in your destiny - from personal relationships to career and reputation.

Why do you dream of a clean, transparent, beautiful river?

A river stream with clean and clear water is one of the best dreams; it is very favorable for the sleeper. The image of such a river is a symbol of good news, communication with pleasant people, the opportunity to receive practical advice, and receive consolation.

Why do you dream of a dirty, muddy river?

If the water of a river in a dream is dirty and muddy, then expect a period of difficulties in life. Such waters foretell the dreamer that he will face misunderstandings among his colleagues and close circle.

Even if the water in the river is calm, this does not change anything: troubles cannot be avoided.

Why do you dream about swimming or swimming in a river? Dream Interpretation - sail along the river, swim across the river.

Swimming in the river means that the time has come to change something in your life - something that you have closed your eyes to for so long, and it is you yourself who should strive for change.

But swimming in the river means that many benefits await you, which means there is no need to be afraid of changes in fate.

Why do you dream about the flow of a river?

Is the river flowing rapidly? Then expect quick disagreements and clashes with others, which will be possible, but difficult to avoid. In order to do this, you will need a lot of strength and patience.

A slow flow indicates that you are living an organized but monotonous life, and boredom is beginning to overcome you. Change at least something in yourself or around you.

Why do you dream about a bridge over a river? Dream Interpretation - crossing the river.

Seeing a bridge in a dream warns the sleeper about changes in fate, but there is no need to be afraid of them, because the support of loved ones awaits you.

A bridge over a river is a symbol of an uncertain relationship with the environment, since it is unfamiliar with your inner world. Crossing a river in a dream means that you are ready to start a new stage in your life, and changes in it will soon happen.

If you cross a river on a bridge, then in your inner world there is a struggle with disappointments and failures in order to start a new life. In any case, the image of a bridge is a very vivid image of transformation and changes in fate, sometimes even unexpected, but favorable for you.

A fast, stormy river - why do you dream?

Seeing a fast and stormy river flowing in the mountains means that many fundamental changes in life await you, which will not be without troubles, but you will certainly cope with them.

If in a dream you see yourself drowning in a river with a stormy current, but swim to the shore - know that you are not afraid of any obstacles on the way to your goal, you will overcome all obstacles on the way to it.

Why else do you dream about a river?

  • dreaming of a river bank, sitting or standing on the bank - to the upcoming road, changes in life;
  • a blue, blue river with clear water dreams of wealth, prosperity, overcoming obstacles;
  • a river with muddy water - to trials, obstacles in achieving the goal;
  • ford a river, fight the current - encounter obstacles in fulfilling life plans, a long recovery after an illness, but everything will end well, obstacles will be overcome;
  • swim across the river - overcome difficulties, achieve fulfillment of desires;
  • to see a mountain river or a stormy stream in a dream - expect troubles, problems that require maximum effort to solve them;
  • fishing on the river - to good luck in matters of the heart;
  • jumping into the river - experience new feelings, especially for women;
  • falling into the river while dressed - wealth in the house, an improvement in well-being is expected, a career advancement is expected;
  • drowning in a river, a fast stream, but getting to the shore - quickly improve your financial situation, achieve success in business;
  • big wide river - you are overcome by sexual fantasies that you are afraid to realize in reality;
  • your path is blocked by a flooded river - expect trouble at work;
  • dry river - associated with feelings, despondency, melancholy, and as a result, expect trouble, sadness, illness;
  • frozen river - stagnation in business, despondency, indulge in sadness;
  • seeing the bottom of a river through clear water in a dream is a solution to problems, a sign of good luck in the near future;
  • drowning in the river - get ready for trouble;
  • washing in river water is an unfavorable sign, indicating future problems and illnesses;
  • crossing the river on a bridge is a very good sign, promising good luck, success in business and in your personal life;
  • a quiet river flows among fields and forests - a quiet life lies ahead;
  • a river flows among stones in a desert area - marks the upcoming meager, poor life;
  • swimming in the middle of a river in a dream - you should exercise caution and prudence in life;
  • not finding the river in its original place - the dream warns that you are being drawn into other people’s feuds;
  • to run along the bank of a river along its course - you are afraid of changes in fate, and you avoid them;
  • running along the bank of a river against its current - the ability to withstand failures in business with dignity;
  • a river flows among mountains and gorges - reality promises you an arrogant attitude, disgust and contempt for you from those around you;
  • lay a river bed for a future river - you will control your own destiny, without relying on public opinion about your person;
  • change the flow of river waters - work under the supervision of a person who cares about your future career, who strives to teach you what he knows and can do;
  • the changeable course of a river stream is a symbol of the fact that there will not yet be something definite and stable in your life;
  • if the current of the river carries you away and you cannot overcome it, then by chance you will find yourself among those who can harm you;
  • if your hat was blown into the river by a gust of wind, get ready for possible bullying from others;
  • seeing obstacles that interfere with the normal flow of the river means that you did not catch the true meaning of a conversation that is important to you;
  • if you managed to remove such barriers, then in real life you are able to get out of any trouble;
  • notice fish that swim against its current - you will have to go through a quarrel with your loved one;
  • catching the flow of the river with your palm - soon a true friend, a faithful colleague or business partner will appear in your life.

1. River- (Dream Interpretation Medium miss Xacce)
Clean, bright - a lot of happiness; swimming in it is wealth; fall into it and be carried away by the current - you will hear the news. Swim across - hopes will be fulfilled; hear the sound of water - hear an oath; flood - your plans will be late
2. River- (Modern dream book)
Seeing the clean and smooth surface of a river in a dream predicts that a sea of ​​pleasures will soon await you, and prosperity will be even greater than you expected. If the water in the river is dirty and turbulent, then fierce disputes and quarrels await you ahead. If you are cut off from land by a river flood, then temporary difficulties in commercial affairs await you. Your reputation may also suffer if your antics become known. If, while swimming along the clear surface of the river, you see corpses at the bottom, then soon the current joys and pleasures will be replaced by troubles and sorrows. Seeing a dry riverbed in a dream foretells illness and failure.
3. River- (Miller's Dream Book)
If you dream about the smooth, calm surface of a river, it means. You will soon enjoy the most delightful joys, and your well-being will delight you with tempting opportunities. If the waters of the river are muddy and turbulent, grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings await you. If in a dream your path is blocked by a flooded river, you will face troubles at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer due to your daring antics. If you dream that you are swimming in clean, transparent water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river, it means that you will have to part with joy and good luck for some time. If you dream of a dry river, it means... Sorrows await you.
4. River- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
Sail - profit, benefit, gain, benefit; to see, to be on the shore - a long journey; wade, walk in water - an obstacle, a delay. Also see Wash.
5. River- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The river, like any water stream, symbolizes ejaculation and pregnancy. Riding on the river, on a boat, kayak, speedboat, water skiing, etc. symbolizes sexual intercourse. Walking along the riverbank symbolizes sexual dreams and fantasies. If a woman bathes in the river, then she may soon become pregnant from her loved one. If a man bathes in the river, then he prefers to engage in self-satisfaction. If you catch fish or crayfish in the river, then you want to have children. If you haven’t caught anything, then your sexual failures arise due to your inherent inferiority complex.
6. River- (Esoteric dream book)
Time. Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events. Swimming in the river, swimming - to be in tune with time, this is to live in accordance with the Law of the Cosmos, of Existence. See "swim", "swim". Entering the river means a new period of life begins. To bathe someone in the river is to be a mentor, a leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, then you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.
7. River- (Intimate dream book)
If you dreamed of a wide river, this indicates that in life you are often overwhelmed by sexual fantasies that you are embarrassed to admit to your other half. What are you afraid of? Swimming in a river in a dream means that at the moment you are experiencing a feeling of falling in love, which captures you completely, and you have forgotten about business and responsibilities. Take a more sober look at life.
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