Why do you dream of scattering needles and collecting them? Why do you dream about needles: a detailed interpretation of the dream

A needle in a dream is one of those images that have ambiguous meaning. It can symbolize either a certain type of activity or angry chatter. It all depends on the details that are remembered most.

I dreamed about a needle - Miller's interpretation

Sewing with a needle in a dream means a sad event. You will probably lose the affection of someone you care about. Did you dream about a needle and thread? You have to take care of others more than yourself.

Have you ever looked for a needle in your dreams? You will worry and worry without much reason. Finding it means finding like-minded people who will appreciate you. Breaking an object is bad. This is an omen that a period of complete loneliness, poverty and hopelessness is coming.

Interpretations of the dream book of the witch Medea

Seeing a needle in a night adventure is literally a sign that you can be “pricked” by word or deed. It is also an omen of minor physical injury or injury.

Did you dream about a needle and thread? There will be a quarrel, the hostility will drag on, and the resentment will leave a tangible mark. However, sewing in a dream for a woman means a new lover, while for a man this activity promises loneliness.

What does a needle mean according to Freud's dream book?

Mr. Freud believes that if you were sewing, stitching or embroidering in a dream, then you are clearly inclined to frequently change partners and search for forbidden pleasures. The vision, in which there were many needles, has approximately the same interpretation.

Did you dream that you injected yourself? You are attracted to short-term relationships and fleeting encounters. Sticking a sharp object into something means that you have a tendency towards spiritual or physical sadism.

Sitting on a needle in a dream is a sign that you are at risk of becoming a victim of sexual harassment. Moreover, this is true for dreamers of both sexes. A broken needle is a symbol of problems in sex and diseases related to this.

Interpretation of the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Did you dream about a needle? You will worry and fuss. Have you ever embroidered or seen how other characters do it? There is a complicated problem to be solved. You can judge the outcome by the appearance of the resulting embroidery. If it is beautiful and of high quality, everything will go well. Confused and scary? There will be difficulties.

A needle and thread is a symbol that caring about others will cross out your own plans. Moreover, the longer the thread, the longer this period will last. A broken needle represents the impossibility of solving or fixing something. This is a sign of loss of strength, uncertainty, need.

Pricking yourself with a needle in a dream means conflict. Losing it means vain hopes. Find - to gain wisdom, what you want.

A needle in a dream according to the dream book from A to Z

If you dreamed of a sewing needle, then you will suffer losses or lose a friend. Most likely because of his betrayal. Threading a thread into the eye of a needle means worries and worries about others.

Did you happen to lose a needle? In reality, people will appear who will be able to evaluate you correctly. Searching and not finding an object means that you will be overcome by groundless anxieties and worries. Did you manage to find it? To a useless argument about nothing. If in a dream you were given a set of needles, then separation from a good person is coming.

Watching someone sew with a needle means the loss of a loved one or cooling in a relationship. Sewing yourself literally means finding peace of mind and defeating your enemies. Injecting yourself in a dream means a quarrel with loved ones; breaking a needle means poverty and loneliness.

Did you dream about pine needles? Try to use common sense rather than emotions. Moderate your ambitions and everything will work out.

Interpretation according to the general dream book

Pricking yourself with a needle in a dream means family squabbles. Sewing something with a handmade needle also means a scandal at home. See how a friend sews? A quarrel will happen in his house. Did you dream that the needle tip broke? Find an unexpected way out of a confusing story. Buying needles means quick and fairly large expenses. Selling them is a hassle.

Christmas tree or pine needles in a dream are a symbol of reconciliation with old enemies. Injecting yourself with them means that you will be repaid a debt that you have already forgotten about. Sweeping a lot of needles out of an apartment is a good warning: a period that is favorable in all respects has arrived.

Opinion of the universal dream book

Did you dream about an acupuncture procedure? Either you will succeed without difficulty, or your own gullibility will become an obstacle. It all depends on emotions.

If in a dream you felt fear, then in reality someone is very annoying to you. If you feel a surge of strength, then some event will be beneficial.

Severe pain in a dream is a sign of failure, moderate pain is a sign of gaining valuable experience. Its absence indicates that you are not noticing something important. If you yourself were an acupuncture specialist, then you are ready to do anything to attract someone’s attention.

Why do you dream about a sewing needle?

The appearance of this image actually promises spiritual or material damage, losses and losses. Did you dream about needles? Get ready for hassle and numerous minor problems.

Don’t forget, an ordinary sewing needle is often used in magical rituals, so in a dream it can hint at negative outside interference through witchcraft (love spell, curse, evil eye, etc.).

Why do you dream about a needle and thread?

Did you dream that you personally thread a needle? The problems of others will make you forget about your own affairs. Moreover, the duration and nature of this period can be judged by the color of the thread. A black thread symbolizes troubles, losses, difficulties, a white thread symbolizes something good, a colored thread symbolizes something joyful, pleasant, etc.

Seeing a needle and thread in a fabric signifies the completion of a current undertaking or event. If the thread was very long, then a certain person will influence your destiny and dictate his own conditions.

Why do you dream of sewing with a needle?

Embroidering in a dream is good. This is a sign that you will defeat the enemy and gain peace of mind. Watching others is worse. You should expect sad news or a breakup with a loved one.

Did you dream that you were sewing, sewing or patching something? Get ready for scandals, conflicts and disagreements. It is best to sew some product yourself literally from scratch. This is a symbol that you will create something beautiful with your own efforts. Moreover, the interpretation is not necessarily literal. It could be anything - renovation, a successful project, raising a child or yourself.

Looking for a needle in a dream

The image is symbolic; it reflects any search that does not bring success at the moment. Perhaps this is a spiritual quest, solving certain problems, searching for a decent income, etc.

If you accidentally drop a needle, an unexpected obstacle will arise. Looking for a needle means empty troubles and minor losses. Find - you will find something that will make you stronger.

Why do you dream about a syringe needle?

A medical needle is a symbol of danger, difficulty, anxiety. If you dreamed of a syringe needle, then at the right moment you will receive what will be most useful. This can be either information or spiritual support, or completely material assistance.

The needle and the syringe itself are a sign that you are trying to attract someone else's attention in the most extraordinary way. Sometimes they indicate that you made a mistake and are now getting what you deserve.

Why do you dream of a needle in your body, arm, leg? The subject reflects problems that will arise in one or another area of ​​life, or will be associated with diseases of a certain part of the body.

Why do you dream about being pricked with a needle?

Feeling injections in a dream means that in reality health problems will appear in the very part of the body where you felt pain. Did you dream that you were injected? Someone is trying to harm you by word or deed. A slight prick is a sign of harmless friendly banter.

If you are deliberately injected very strongly, then a period of trouble begins. Try to control yourself - you have clearly annoyed someone. To inject yourself literally means to fall in love. This same dream indicates the possibility of an accident, an accident. Did you happen to prick someone else? Bring this person joy in reality.

If a needle is stuck in your leg, then someone is trying to “survive” you, in your arm - there will be an obstacle on the way, in your body - expect meanness. If you were stabbed in a dream, but you did not feel anything, then the danger will pass by, and the mines of enemies will not cause damage.

Needle in a dream - specific transcripts

When deciphering an image, it is necessary to take into account both direct and symbolic meaning. Correct interpretation of the details will help establish the true picture of the future.

  • buying one needle means a gift, reconciliation
  • a lot (packaging) – to expenses
  • choosing in a store - to gossip, untrue rumors
  • to receive as a gift - to parting
  • lose - to worthy friends
  • searching is a waste of time and effort
  • find (by chance) – troubles, quarrels
  • scattered - to gossip
  • collecting them - to a mental wound
  • scatter it yourself - you offended someone and didn’t notice
  • found in clothes - a symbol of the evil eye, damage
  • inject yourself - to danger, injury
  • swallow - to an attack, heart disease
  • threading a thread - to enmity
  • sewing for a sick person - to recovery
  • healthy - to difficulties
  • stick needles into yourself - to the victim
  • take out - to open
  • break - there is a way out
  • "Gypsy" needle - danger
  • common - a nuisance
  • very thin – increased sensitivity
  • stupid - to a stupid act
  • broken - to search for a new friend/lover
  • rusty - to loneliness
  • Christmas tree needles - will return the debt
  • sweep them away - put things and home in order

If you dreamed that you were caught in a real rain of needles, then in real life the forces of evil and magic are used against you. Sometimes this is a sign of a friendly prank that will not bring joyful emotions.

according to Miller's dream book

Using a needle in a dream is a warning of approaching grief; you will suffer from the loss of sympathy of the one who rightfully belongs to you. Seeing a needle with a thread stuck into it means that you will be burdened with caring for others more than with your own affairs. Looking for a needle is a harbinger of useless worries. Finding a needle means that you will have friends who will value you highly. Breaking a needle is a sign of loneliness and poverty.

I dreamed of a pine tree

according to the dream book of plants

Directness, vitality, fertility, strength of character, silence, solitude, phallic symbol. Being evergreen, it symbolizes immortality. It was believed that it protected the body from rotting, hence the making of coffins from it and its presence in cemeteries; turns away evil. Due to its shape, the pine cone is both a fiery and phallic symbol, representing male creative power, fertility and good luck. Bastille identifies the spiraling top of the pine cone with the vortex or spiral - the great creative forces. China: longevity, courage, loyalty, perseverance in difficult circumstances; emblem of Confucius. Often depicted together with a stork and a white deer. When the cult of Serapis developed in Egypt, the pine tree became its emblem. Zeus emblem. The pine cone, as a phallic symbol and a symbol of fertility, was an attribute of Dionysus and crowned his thyrsus. It is also the emblem of Artemis. As a means of protection it was associated with Aesculapius. Japan: longevity; in this capacity it is found together with the stork and white deer. Rome: emblem of Jupiter and Venus, as a pure tree symbolizes virginity and is associated with Diana. Also associated with Mithra. Semitic tradition: the cone is a symbol of life and fertility. The tree itself is dedicated to Attis of Phrygia and Cybele, whose companion he was.

Why do you dream about pine trees?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

slowing things down; stop.

I dreamed of a pine tree

according to Miller's dream book

A pine tree seen in a dream means constant success in any business. If a woman sees a dried-out pine tree in a dream, worries and bereavements await her.

Why do you dream about bumps?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

(spruce) - unexpected happiness. SORREL-trouble.

The meaning of a dream about spruce

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a spruce tree, this indicates that in real life you are trying to convince everyone, including yourself, that you absolutely do not accept sexual relations without heartfelt affection. You are a romantic, and this prevents you from mindlessly giving yourself over to sex to get pleasure.

The meaning of a dream about pine needles

according to Freud's dream book

Walking on pine needles in a dream means you never make secrets of your life and do not try to show off others in order to embellish yourself in their eyes. You are naive, honest, trusting and believe that other people are like you. When you see an example to the contrary, you will be bitterly disappointed. Well, your worldview is to blame for this, or rather, you yourself. And the dream you saw suggests that another disappointment will soon befall you.

I dreamed of a hawthorn

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes hope. In European tradition it is considered a fairy flower. A wreath of May hawthorn flowers is a sign of virginity, purity or a miraculous virgin conception. In Greco-Roman culture, the hawthorn served as a wedding flower, dedicated to Hymen, Chloe, Hecate, Flora and the Roman Maia. Protects against witchcraft. Spirits and fairies were usually found in the hawthorn thickets.

I dreamed about a cedar

according to the dream book of plants

Means strength, nobility and incorruptibility. In Christianity, it symbolizes greatness, dignity, beauty and Christ, Ezekiel 17:22. Among the Jews, cedar is the sacred tree of Solomon's temple. For the Sumerians, cedar is the Cosmic Tree, the Tree of Life, which has magical properties. Dedicated to Tammuz. Emblem of Lebanon.

The meaning of a dream about a hedgehog

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a hedgehog, know that it symbolizes your essence. You perceive any manifestation of attention to your person with distrust and apprehension, always suspecting the worst, and therefore you always expose thorns, defensively. And the reason for it all is that you once had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety. In intimate terms, you are timid and unsure, afraid to take the initiative once again and always withdraw if a person claims something immeasurably greater or unusual. In general, sex with you is unlikely to bring pleasure to your partner, or even to you.

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

In Christianity it means elodea, who does evil. The hedgehog steals grapes just as the devil steals people's souls. Among the Sumerians it is the emblem of Ishtar as the Mother Goddess.

Why do you dream about a hedgehog?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

trouble, envy.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

In general, needles in a dream mean troubles or things that you don’t feel like doing. A dull needle, both in life and in a dream, cannot do much harm, but it does not do any good. This dream suggests that a loved one will soon become indifferent to you. Pulling a needle out of some part of the body in a dream means that obstacles in business are causing you a lot of trouble and problems, but after such a dream everything should change - you will feel relief. Buying needles in a dream means reconciliation with a friend. A needle and thread in a dream means that your relationship with a loved one or partner will be like a thread and a needle. Where the needle goes, so does the thread. The thread always follows the needle. Try to figure out who is meant by the thread and who is meant by the needle. Such a dream can also predict that you will try to achieve the same success as another person. The length of the thread in this case indicates how close your relationship with the other person will be. See threads.

If you dream that you pricked yourself with a needle, then expect a quarrel with your loved ones. See prick.

A dream in which you saw that you had lost a needle means the loss of a friend or loved one. Looking for a needle means wasted effort. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “looking for a needle in a haystack.” Finding a needle in a dream is an indication of the danger that threatens you, which will come from where you do not expect it. Searching and finding a needle is a good dream. It means that you will soon find new friends. A broken needle in a dream means a break in a relationship with a loved one. After such a dream, expect great experiences and loneliness. A dream in which you saw yourself working with a needle means: expect a quarrel with a loved one. For spouses, such a dream predicts that their family life will soon crack.

Why do you dream of needles according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

Threading a needle in a dream:
In a dream, threading a needle - in reality you will interfere in someone else’s business, for which you will pay. Blame only yourself.

Losing a needle in a dream:
Losing a needle means that you will lose the support of an influential person, but do not despair - this is not the worst period in your life, as long as you do not lose friends.

Pricking yourself with a needle in a dream:
If you prick yourself with a needle, it means that you expect a dirty trick on the part of the person who envies you, do not try to take revenge on him or punish him for meanness - this is the will of God, and you pray for his sinful soul.

Breaking a needle in a dream:
Breaking a needle while sewing - in reality, your anger and irritation will only bring misfortune and quarrels, cool down your ardor, restrain yourself in a moment of anger, otherwise you will bring trouble upon yourself.

Why do you dream of needles according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a needle, this is a warning that someone may “prick” you (hurt you physically or mentally). Using a needle: for women - to find a friend, for men - loneliness. Finding an igloo means starting an argument and losing it. Receiving a needle as a gift means separation from a loved one. Lose a needle - you will have more accurate friends. Threading a needle means you will have to take care of others more than yourself. Sewing with a needle means finding peace of mind. Pricking yourself with a needle means a quarrel with a loved one. Breaking a needle means old age is lonely and full of hardships.

Why do you dream of needles according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a needle - to minor troubles; buy a needle in a dream - be disappointed in a friend; pricking yourself with a needle in a dream means discovering an enemy and a traitor in a close friend.

Needles are often perceived by us as an attribute that is used in various magical rituals. Therefore, if you see a needle in a dream, then a person certainly wants to know why such an object is dreamed of. You should know that a needle seen in a dream has nothing to do with magic. And to find out what this sewing attribute means in a dream, it is advisable to remember the smallest details of night dreams.

Why do you dream about a lot of needles?

The needle can appear in a wide variety of plot lines in night dreams. The question often arises: why do you dream about a lot of needles? If you see a lot of scattered needles around you in a dream or scatter them yourself, then this indicates your strong resentment towards another person in real life.

I dreamed of a needle in my hand

And if you dreamed that you were holding a needle in your hands, then this indicates that you can deal with any problem that arises with cunning. A knitting needle in a dream is always a symbol of happiness in reality. Thus, the plots of night dreams in which needles were seen can carry both negative and positive loads.

Broken needle - interpretation of sleep

Quite often the need arises to decipher the question of what a broken needle means in a dream. Most often, a sewing attribute in this form is dreamed of when a person is worried about something or is worried that in reality there are unresolved issues. But if you dream that you broke a needle with your own hands, then this indicates that you are worried about your own health, and there are good reasons for this. And when a friend breaks a needle in your dream, then you worry about your friends or relatives. Other actions with a broken needle can be interpreted as follows:
    Collecting broken needles means constantly thinking about work problems; Finding a broken needle in bed means it’s time to plan a vacation; Trying to restore a broken needle means dreaming of restoring ties with a former partner; Finding a broken needle in food means regretting the cancellation of a holiday event.
If in a dream you see a lot of broken needles, then this predicts that thanks to your efforts, you will definitely become a successful person in life. If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to step on broken parts of needles on the floor or on the ground, then in the near future you will get a promotion or you will successfully pass an interview for a new job. If in a dream you hold small parts of broken needles in the palm of your hand, then one should expect in reality the rapid development of romantic relationships. And when you took broken needles in a dream in order to throw them away in the trash bin, this portends that you will soon begin a more interesting life, full of various pleasant events.

When a blunt needle appears in a dream, with which it is impossible not only to prick, but even to pierce the thinnest tissue, then this is, in general, a very good sign. If you dream of a dull needle from a sewing machine, then this portends new experiences in life. You need to try to remember where the dull needle was found and what you tried to do with it in the dream:
    A needle found in a pocket foreshadows making a profit in reality; When a needle is found in a wallet, you should expect news from old friends; If you see a needle in your mouth, then this portends an intimate conversation with a friend; When you still try to prick someone with a dull needle, it means that in life you will be able to make the right, thoughtful decision; If you are presented with a needle as a gift, then soon your debtor will return your old debt; If you have to collect blunt needles from the floor, then you should wait for an influential person to visit.
When you dreamed of a blunt needle with a thread tucked into it, this indicates that in the near future you will have to participate in a grand feast. And if you see in a dream that the eye of a needle has been broken off, then get ready for a romantic date in reality.

Prick with a needle

Night dreams in which you accidentally prick yourself with a needle are a good sign. This means that the dreamer will have to successfully resolve all financial issues in reality. And if after being pricked with a needle a drop of blood appears on the finger, this indicates that relatives will help in this situation.

Prick your finger with a needle

If you dream that you not only pierced your own finger with a needle, but that the needle got stuck in it, then this foreshadows discord and conflicts with loved ones. In addition, dream books present other interpretations of different dream plots:
    Injecting yourself with a needle in your own bed means quarreling with your loved one in reality, but the conflict will be short-lived; To sit on a needle and feel pain - the person you are in love with is thinking about you; If there is no pain when pricked with a needle, an office romance is possible; Crying from a needle prick - traveling with your best friend.

If according to the plot of your dream you have to sew something, then such a dream is a harbinger of life’s difficulties. And if you see that you succeed in the sewing process, and it does not cause discomfort, and the seam turns out smooth and beautiful, then this means that in real life you will easily overcome the obstacles that arise in front of you. For sick people, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery.

Find a needle in a dream

Very often in dreams a person sees a plot in which he finds a needle. Most often, such night dreams symbolize unreasonable experiences in real life. But if you find a sewing item on the street, you should be wary of being deceived by your colleagues. When a dreamer accidentally finds a needle in a garden in a dream, he can count on the help of strangers in a difficult situation. There are other interpretations of dream plots in which a sleeping person finds a needle:
    Finding a needle in your own bed means making peace with your loved one; Finding a needle under a sofa or under an armchair means receiving a present from your boss; Finding a needle on the carpet means finding out the secret of a distant relative.

Looking for a needle - the meaning of sleep

If you had to look for needles in your night dreams, then this foreshadows empty household chores. But if other people do this in your dream, then this indicates that it is not you who will have to do the meaningless work.

A needle in a dream is a rather non-trivial sign that extremely rarely comes to us in a dream. Everything is explained by the peculiarity of human perception of details and images.

Usually in a dream we see something blurry, large-scale, something that takes up the entire dream. And if it is not controlled by you, then you are unlikely to see such small details as any needle. It doesn’t matter what kind of needle you dreamed about - be it an injection needle, two needles, insulin needles (even smaller ones), embroidery needles, a needle for a record player (gramophone, say), needles for a tattoo. The important thing is that you dreamed of exactly this small object and you clearly remembered its size and appearance. Use our combined dream book and find out everything you want to know about this ambiguous sign.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

A needle in a dream, and even with a thread, promises a meeting with a bright and interesting personality. For this to happen in reality, you should thread white and red threads into one needle and fasten it to your clothes for 3 days. But there is also a bad interpretation... Seeing a broken, rusty, blunt needle in a dream means illness. To avoid it, you should light a candle near the bed, sprinkle the sheet with salt (!) and then leave 3 needles in the mattress. And repeat this ritual for 3 nights in a row.

Russian dream book

A needle and thread in a dream means labor, usual work, or that dreary routine that seems to you to be your main activity. However, this also means the presence of unkind people who will spice up your work with a portion of gossip. In general, nothing pleasant, but you will easily survive all these obstacles - they are fleeting.

Noble dream book of Grishina

  • Dream: a sewing needle - a quarrel and separation, or maybe even a meager reason that will provoke great enmity. So watch your words, actions, and before you do anything in your hearts, just think again.
  • In a dream you were pricked with a needle - alas and ah, a quarrel with loved ones. Just don’t aggravate it with showdowns and don’t try to leave the last word for yourself.
  • Machine needles, or a needle and thread in a dream (that is, you are working, embroidering, darning) - the enmity will only become greater.

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Why do you dream about a needle and thread? To the successful completion of the work started. According to the Chinese emperor, a dream about a needle is an extremely positive event, because at that time injections were not practiced, and the needle was only the lot of women who spent days sewing the first silks. Since then, it has become a custom to consider the needle as a kind of symbol of painstaking work, which always brings pleasure, both in the process and in the end result.

Aesop's Dream Book

Seeing sewing needles in a dream according to the legendary Greek poet is the subject of careful investigation. You need to understand what kind of needle it is, its material, its purpose, what you do with it, how it ended up in your hands, who gave it to you and why - in a word, you need to remember absolutely all the details of the dream.
In general, a needle is an economic tool with which we create. And if we remember that the needles were cast from bronze, copper, and the first alloys, which were extremely expensive, then its value was great. But on the other hand, all sorts of needles, spindles and other sharp weaving objects were and are part of various sinister cults and processions. So the interpretation of a needle in a dream is twofold. The diameter of the needle is not important, it is still small, and losing it will not be difficult. And just like, “look for a needle in a haystack,” even if there is no hay nearby. So this could mean you are looking for something. Collecting needles in a dream promises unexpected circumstances that will complicate an already difficult, thoroughly confusing task. Finding a needle in a dream means solving some troubles. But if a stranger is looking for a needle and you calmly watch him, this is a signal that among your imposing associates there may be a person who is extremely scrupulous, painstaking and exemplarily responsible, who will amaze you with his qualities (as opposed to ignorant friends). Medical needles were unknown at that time (around the 6th century BC), so there is no description of them. Seeing sewing needles in a dream that a tailor threads into a suit is, oddly enough... a sign of updating your wardrobe. But if your plans did not include a desire to buy little things, then your business will probably decline.

  • Do you stand behind a counter and sell needles? There is no need to expect an easy way out of a difficult situation. You need to think about a new business, try your luck in another business venture.
  • Thread, needle and... It would seem, what could be the point here? It turns out that you are waiting for news from relatives who have serious ill-wishers. And because of you...
  • There is an expression “like a thread and a needle,” that is, water will not spill. If someone follows you like the proverbial “thread behind a needle,” then such a dream inspires you with devotion and confidence in your friends. Use their help and provide it yourself if asked.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream Interpretation: a needle, needles in a dream, needles on the floor are essentially one thing - enemies and quarrels, after which you will acquire them. Pricking yourself with a needle in a dream, or God forbid seeing needles stuck in your legs in a dream, speaks of one thing - everyone around you is trying to annoy you and simply survive. The dream book calls a corner with a needle without blood or painful sensations barbs, all sorts of sarcastic statements addressed to you. Let them not be your guide to action, just don’t listen - there will be little constructive in them.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of needles according to this dream book - only to disputes and minor troubles. There are no specifics, so you don’t have to look for much meaning where there is none a priori.

Esoteric dream book

The dream interpretation of needles is very diverse and sometimes too harsh. But this is just one of many dream books, some of which clearly contradict each other. So just listen to the interpretations and draw your own conclusions...

  • Dream Interpretation: a needle in your hand is a trick in your bosom that will soon come in handy.
  • Why do you dream of needles scattered on the floor? This is a direct blow to the heart, betrayal from a loved one.
  • Acupuncture needles are a sign that it’s time to think a little about your health and undergo procedures (the same acupuncture, massage, exercise).
  • The length of the needle can only promise the degree, so to speak, of the effect that the dream will have on your reality if the vision begins to realize its plan.
  • Scattering needles around you means you have offended someone and now you just have to wait for the consequences.
  • A large needle in a dream that you have pricked yourself with is a danger of getting hurt in reality or even getting into an accident. But if you prick someone else, then on the contrary you will bring him joy. Paradox…
  • Dream interpretation: needles swallowed by a person - to heart disease.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

In this case, the analysis comes from the point of view of astral-celestial mechanics. The primary elements of the needle are metal and earth, since dreams without the participation of fabrics and threads are extremely rare. The element of vision is humidity, causing calm emotions with a bit of sadness. Sleeping with a needle is responsible for the condition of the spleen and lungs. The planets that patronize sleep are Saturn and Venus. And now about the interpretation...

Needles in a dream, which you deftly wield, mean the creation of something new. That is, you are trying to give the shape of some matter at will. Why do you dream about a needle - to your subconscious desire to gain strength, opportunities, to reshape old relationships in a new way, so that everything will be correct and lasting this time. If you saw a golden needle in a dream, then the decision made may become an insurmountable obstacle. After all, you are holding something practical and valuable in your hands, and if so, is there any reason to look for a better life? And what kind of fate could this be?

Dream: threads and needles, you make stitches. This image gives you a picture of clear steps that need to be taken to achieve your intended goal. If you sew clothes, then in a visual image you reflect the desire to create new relationships, and not try to reshape old ones that have long since become obsolete. If at the same time you experience pleasure, then in reality your achievements will bring more luck. If the thread or needle is tangled, lost, or you cannot thread the thread into the eye of the needle, then you are in too much of a hurry where patience and the ability to wait for the right moment are required.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Needle: the meaning of the dream according to the legendary seer is nothing more than vulnerability, secret revenge, deceit, witchcraft - in general, a whole mixture of interpretations. But this is at first glance. Upon detailed analysis of the vision, not the most pleasant, but quite probable and clear interpretations appear. So…

  • The dream “a needle from a syringe with marks” is a dream warning about the evil intentions of a relative.
  • The dream of “sewing with a needle with a very long thread” means that a person will come to power who will dictate the will for a long time and will be able to achieve respect from his subordinates.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a needle carelessly thrown in a visible place? This is news about deceit and intrigue, which can even lead to the death of someone unwanted.
  • Dream Interpretation: a needle in the body or a person completely covered with them. A real sign! In the future, a volunteer will appear who, with his sacrifice, will atone for the sins and everything done on Earth during the lifetime of not only his own, but also that of many other people.
  • Dream Interpretation: a needle and thread that you remove from the heart of another means taking an active part in a scientific breakthrough that will give impetus to the development of all humanity.
  • A broken needle in a dream is a harbinger of difficulties, the resolution of which will be very simple, but you will have to find it among many other options.
  • Rain of needles is a very rare dream. This is a manifestation of black forces that want to subject you to serious tests. Or maybe all of humanity.

Of the interpretations of Nostradamus, it smacks more of fate and fate, which are applicable to the distant future and to people whom you are unlikely to see at all. Therefore, dreams according to Nostradamus relate more to providence, plans that only declare themselves, but you cannot do anything to prevent one or another of their outcomes.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Did you dream about a needle? It's okay - a minor quarrel, an argument and nothing more. But receiving a needle as a gift is not a good sign. You will soon part ways with your friend. Azar’s dream book adheres to the exact same interpretation.

Dream book of health

A needle in a dream means a conflict, a stressful situation, which promises a lot of shocks that will affect your health. Finding a needle in clothing means damage and the evil eye; sewing with a needle - memory problems; a needle stuck in the hand is a danger that can lead to injury; dream book: pulling needles out of the legs, arms, body - to neurological diseases, and by localization in accordance with the part of the body from which you removed the needle.

New family dream book

Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “needle” comes down to the fact that this is an exclusively negative sign. Use a needle - you will lose sympathy; see a needle and thread - your affairs will fade into the background and you will have to devote yourself entirely to caring about others; looking for a needle - anxiety; find a needle - make new friends; breaking a needle means poverty and loneliness.

Gypsy dream book

Any needle in a dream is a disappointment in love.

Eastern women's dream book

Dream interpretation: sewing needles are troubles, but they are even greater if you sew with the same needle. Threading a needle means taking on the care of elderly family members. Searching for a needle is a waste of time and a waste of time, but if you find it, you will probably make new acquaintances. Breaking a needle or not being able to prick yourself with it (dull) means loneliness and financial difficulties. But as soon as you see a needle stuck in your arm/leg, then rejoice - you have a secret admirer/admirer.

Miller's Dream Book

Needle, Miller’s dream book identifies it with grief, but does not name the reasons or its scale.

  • Dream Interpretation: a broken needle, as in most other dream books, means loneliness coupled with poverty.
  • Dream interpretation: a needle with a thread stuck in the eye - you will have more outside worries.
  • Looking for a needle means experiencing unnecessary anxiety. But once you find her, your circle of acquaintances will expand.

Modern dream book

A rather prosaic interpretation, and not the most pleasant one... Sewing in a dream, using a needle - means trouble that is about to come. Moreover, there is a risk of losing the love of a loved one. Threading a needle means caring for the elderly. Looking for a needle means trouble about nothing. But finding it means meeting a new acquaintance. For the most part, the modern dream book has many coincidences with Miller, so there is no point in listing all the meanings further.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

A needle in a dream means triumph over the enemy and successful completion of affairs. Dream Interpretation: collecting needles is akin to aimless labor that will not have any useful effect, but will only take up time. Needles on the body is a test that you also have to methodically overcome, as if you were removing needles from your own body - one at a time.

Dream Interpretation by A. Roberti

A needle, according to psychoanalysis, is a persistent thought that haunts you. You need to find the reason for this thought, think - is it really so significant that its non-resolution causes concern? Probably, after careful consideration, it will immediately disappear and there will be no more intrusive needle in your dreams.


As you can see from the above interpretations, the needle is an obsession, an image that wants you to pay attention to it and then project it onto a specific episode from your life, in which lies the answer you are looking for. But it’s worth remembering that reality is not as scary as you may interpret it for yourself. We hope that this collection of interpretations will put your thoughts in order and that the needle you see in a dream will be just a memory, and not a prophetic accomplishment.

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