Why dream of buying a live chicken? Why do you dream about chickens?

A dream about a chicken foretells guests from among the friends of your home.

An alarmed chicken running around the yard means confusion and mental decline, boredom and despair.

A loudly clucking chicken is a sign of the upcoming road, which you will have to go on against your will.

A hen laying eggs portends rich winnings and happiness in love.

Seeing a hen being trampled by a rooster means that you will enter into a secret love affair.

A hen with a brood of chicks means that you will regret the lost chance, and for unmarried people this dream foreshadows their own large family.

If in a dream you buy a live chicken, this is fortunate; if you buy chicken legs, you will be left without money.

Cooking chicken for soup is an unpleasant but necessary job.

Frying, stewing or baking chicken - you will be overwhelmed by household chores and troubles.

Eating chicken meat in a dream foreshadows a visit to the doctor, perhaps a trip to a sanatorium.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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It symbolizes well-being and family wealth. However, you should pay attention to what this poultry looks like and how it behaves.

  • Seeing a chicken in a dream is a good sign. We can say with confidence that such a dream means a blessing that should visit your family, prosperity, comfort and peace of mind, both in relationships and in the soul.
  • Just think about it, because the associations with the word “mother hen” are very warm and homely. So it is with a dream in which a chicken dreamed - this is a clear hint of family well-being and love.
  • Of particular importance is the dream about a chicken that a woman dreams about. If a woman who has not yet had children in her life suddenly dreams of smoking, this is a sure sign indicating that a long-awaited pregnancy will soon occur.
Why see a chicken in a dream?

If a woman saw a chicken in a dream, she must pay attention not only to the color of the bird’s plumage (black, red, white), but also to how the chicken behaves: whether it is aggressive or calm. Such details are very important for the interpretation of sleep.

Many dream books interpret dreams about a chicken as good news that should soon visit a person. If a man dreams of a chicken, this does not mean that he will soon have a child, because this interpretation applies only to women. This may be interpreted as:

  • A quick pleasant meeting with a long-awaited person
  • Having a good time with family members or relatives
  • Communication with a person from your close circle whom you have not seen for a long time

I dreamed about a chicken, what does it mean?

On the other hand, a dream about a chicken may have a completely turbulent interpretation. In this case, we are talking about a dream where the chicken behaved extremely restlessly or was influenced by some other factors, such as a fox or a person. Such a dream means:

  • Possible troubles and problems in family relationships
  • Possible quarrel with friends due to the fault of a stranger
  • Possible unexpected guests or unkind visitors to your home

Why do you dream about a chicken laying eggs?

The dream in which you dreamed of a chicken laying eggs has a very favorable meaning. Such a bird is quite calm, which indicates good relationships in the family, with children and a loved one. The fact that a chicken lays eggs indicates a kind of wealth that you can get in various ways.

If you saw in a dream eggs that a chicken has just laid, this can be interpreted as:

  • Unexpected receipt of significant material (financial) income (bonus, vacation pay, donated amount).
  • Perhaps this indicates that luck will soon favor you and you will win a large sum of money.
  • Perhaps what you have in mind will come true and bring you a win.

On the other hand, if a young girl or woman has such a dream, it may have a special connotation and mean an approaching pregnancy.

Why do you dream about a chicken laying eggs?

If in a dream you saw a chicken that lays eggs and also collected them, this means that in the future you will be pursued by prosperity and well-being. This indicates that you will not experience any shortage in the future and will live with sufficient finances and a completely comfortable life.

Why do you dream about hens and chickens?

Seeing a chicken in a dream is a good sign and this poultry does not always foreshadow troubles in the family. By remembering exactly how you dreamed about a chicken, you will be able to adequately assess and predict upcoming events. Everything has meaning: color, her behavior, the presence of other elements in a dream.

Dreaming of a chicken can mean “guests” and “visitors.” And if this bird was able to dream along with chickens, then this can be a fairly accurate prediction that many guests will come to you and they will be from afar. Depending on the behavior of the chicken (and the chicken is the embodiment of you), the reception of guests will be so hospitable.

If the bird does not sit still, constantly cackles and is restless towards the chickens, then the arrival of guests will be:

  • Troublesome
  • Restless
  • Financially expensive

If a young woman dreams of a hen surrounded by chickens before her wedding, this indicates that in the future she will have a happy family life, where she will be able to give her husband many heirs.

It is also worth paying attention to how chickens behave in their sleep. If the chickens are quite calm, clean and well-behaved, this is a good sign that indicates that your family will be healthy and happy. If they regularly peck at grain and rest, this indicates material and financial wealth in the family.

The attitude of the hen to the chickens is important in such a dream:

  • If a hen clucks and does not pay attention to the chickens, this is anxiety in the family. It is quite possible that someone will soon fall ill. Pay attention to how all family members feel: especially children and older people. Such a dream is warning in nature.
  • If you suddenly dreamed of a commotion in the chicken coop and the hen was anxiously protecting the chickens, this may indicate upcoming merry festivities and fun in noisy companies among friends or relatives. Such a dream does not bode well for anything bad.
  • If a person running a business dreams about a hen and chickens, this indicates his successful business and the advancement of his personal business. And if you are a family person, then you should think about whether you are paying enough attention to your children and loved ones?
  • If a person, on the eve of an important event, has a dream with a hen and chicks, this can have the same meaning for him as many small difficulties and problems that he will have to face and overcome. Carefully approach each issue, pay attention to the smallest nuances. If you are not too careful, your business may end in failure and disappointment.

It may also happen that a chicken in a dream will be too aggressive, for example, it will peck chickens. In this case, the dream is warning in nature and tries to warn you about problems at home with your parents, loved ones or children. In the worst case scenario, this could mean divorce soon. If you have had such a dream and are afraid of losing a warm relationship with your soulmate, then you should take care of your personal life and feelings.

It is worth paying attention to the color of the hen with the chicks, because no matter how positive the dream with the hen is, a black hen always indicates the onset of problems, and if we are talking about chickens (children, loved ones, loved ones, relatives), then this foreshadows a quarrel, illness or grievances in the family. Since it is most likely you who embody the chicken, you should first of all pay attention to your behavior and attitude towards your family.

Why dream of a hen with chicks?

Why do you dream about a black chicken?

Chicken is a good sign that can be present in every person’s dreams. But nevertheless, there are nuances that you should definitely pay attention to if you dreamed about this bird. The most important point is its color.

A black chicken in a dream is also completely neutral in nature and may indicate upcoming weather in the future. So, a black chicken portends heavy rains, downpours and thunderstorms.

If a black chicken is running along the street in the yard or in the house, it is not calm and is constantly cackling - this indicates that completely unexpected guests may soon come to you, whom you are not so happy to see in your home. But nevertheless, you have to organize a meeting and spend some time in the hustle and bustle.

It turns out that you should also pay attention to what day of the week you dream about a black chicken. If you had a dream on the night from Thursday to Friday, it has the most powerful and truthful meaning. He literally “screams” to you to be as careful as possible, because soon life circumstances will drag you into unpleasant adventures.

If you dreamed of a black chicken on Sunday, this means that you should expect a trick from your loved ones. And if you dreamed about it on Monday, expect failures in personal affairs and endeavors. In this case, you shouldn’t try to fix anything on your own - you won’t succeed. Ask friends and family for help.

In another case, the black chicken becomes the embodiment of the “black” person. That is, we are talking about a person with black hair: a woman or a man. Such a person will soon appear in your life and change something in it: he will give you a sum of money, improve or ruin your personal life, bring confusion or please you with good news.

A black chicken can portend a lover or mistress. But just like when talking about betrayal, she makes you understand that love pleasures will bring you a lot of pleasure in the future.

The dream in which the chicken was dreamed, what is it for?

If you dreamed of several black chickens at the same time, then all the troubles and problems that may take you by surprise should be multiplied several times. Such a dream is trying to warn you about upcoming failures and therefore you need to prepare yourself for future difficulties and hard work.

A black chicken can also be a good sign in a dream. This will happen when you feed her bread or grain in a dream. In this case, the chicken will foreshadow for you a serious and long-awaited gift received from a loved one or loved one.

A few more meanings of a black chicken in a dream:

  • If such a bird lays an egg, it is a good sign indicating that financial wealth will soon come to you.
  • A lonely and detached black chicken that walks in the yard by itself is a sign of loneliness and doom, resentment and a feeling of abandonment by everyone.
  • A black chicken on the table means good luck in casinos or money bets.
  • If a person buys a black chicken at the market, this means that wealth and prosperity will soon come to him, as well as, possibly, good health.
  • If the dream shows you catching a black chicken for a very long time, this indicates that you will have to do painstaking and difficult work.
  • If in a dream you killed a black chicken, this is a sign that you will skillfully cope with all the difficulties and problems that you will encounter in your life.

Why do you dream about a white chicken?

A dream with a chicken is always not afraid of fraught and negative predictions. He says that in the future you will experience small changes or troubles. Often a dream is deciphered depending on the color of the dreamed bird, and this is absolutely true - the color of the plumage decides everything and can radically change the meaning.

A white chicken in a dream, like any other white bird, is a favorable and good sign. She always says that something pleasant and positive awaits you, freed from dangers and enemies. One has only to pay attention to the behavior of the white chicken in a dream in order to interpret it fairly correctly.

If you dreamed of a white chicken:

  • Be careful, a dream in which you really want to catch a white chicken, but you just can’t do it, will serve as an omen of financial difficulties for you. Perhaps he is talking about wasting money or throwing it down the drain. The same meaning has a dream where you want to buy a white chicken at the markets, but either they don’t sell it to you or it simply isn’t there.
  • If in a dream you watch a white chicken and clearly see how it gets dirty with dirt (or you do it yourself), then this tells you that a similar situation may happen to you in the future - you will tarnish your honor and make people doubt your you.
  • If in a dream you try to thoroughly clean a white chicken of dirt, this means that you will urgently prove something to someone, explain the current situation, and try to “cleanse” your honor and dignity.
  • If you see a dream in which a white chicken jumps onto your lap, onto the table, or simply into your hands, this is a sure sign that prosperity will soon come to you, and that everything will go up, delighting you with well-being. In addition, your health and the health of your loved ones will not be threatened at all.
  • If in your dream a white chicken lays eggs and you see it or even collect them, this is a sign that in the future you will be able to receive profit or financial assistance.
  • If in a dream you tried or fed a white bird, then such a dream has a good meaning. Soon you will provide the necessary help to your loved one, which will solve most of his problems.
  • If in a dream you caught a white chicken and plucked it in order to cook it, then most likely in real life a situation will happen to you in which you will not be able to control the outcome of events.
  • If you observe how a white chicken “grazes” separately in the yard, eats separately from its relatives and just sits silently on the side - this embodies you and hints to you that you either need to rest a little, or spend time alone and think about actions.

Why do you dream about a white chicken?

If you saw a dream in which there were many chickens and clearly noticed one - white. This only means that in the future you are not in any danger and you can calmly continue to live a joyful and measured life.

Why do you dream about a red hen?

As in other cases, the chicken is a good sign that represents your affairs and loved ones. Therefore, a dream in which this bird is present should be interpreted based on its behavior and the color of its plumage, as well as other nuances. If you dreamed of a red chicken, relax, this is a favorable sign that does not bode well.

A dream in which a red hen had a dream:

  • A red, golden, copper, yellow and orange chicken always embodies a loved one, so be sure to pay attention to the state of the bird - this can hint to you about future events.
  • If you caught and killed a red hen in a dream, you should sort out your relationship with a loved one or make peace, so as not to hold grudges against him and not completely ruin your relationship with him.
  • If you observe a crowd of red hens with chickens grazing in the yard, this indicates a possible upcoming big family holiday: anniversary, birthday, wedding.
  • If a red hen walks on the table or furniture in the house, this indicates imminent prosperity and family well-being, where everyone will have what they need.
  • A red hen dreamed by a man represents his beloved, and depending on how the hen behaved (ran away, followed you, cackled or snapped), a definite conclusion should be drawn about the meaning of the dream. If the chicken’s behavior is negative, you need to think about whether you are behaving correctly towards your woman.

Why do you dream about a red hen?

Why do you dream about boiled chickens?

Chicken is a popular poultry that is often kept on farms and is often eaten. However, chicken in the form of food, or rather chicken meat, does not always have a beneficial meaning for humans. Be sure that if you clearly remember chicken meat from a dream, it will not have the best meaning for you.

The meat that you dream about, especially if it is chicken, symbolizes female intervention. Moreover, this interference has unfavorable soil - envy, intrigue, fear and deceit. If you see chicken meat in a dream, be attentive and careful so that no one can harm you in real life.

If you accurately understand your dream about boiled chicken, this can warn you against future problems. Therefore, in any case, you need to skillfully use your advantage - remember the dream and be able to interpret it correctly in order to avoid any consequences.

Why dream about boiled chicken:

  • A piece of boiled chicken on a plate in front of you means that you will have to make a sufficient amount of effort to fight for your rights, your well-being and pleasure.
  • In addition, boiled chicken meat can represent in a dream the boss that every person has at work. Therefore, you should take this dream seriously enough to be able to avoid problems at work.
  • Boiled chicken may hint that in the future you will have to face many difficulties and even assignments that will not be entirely easy to complete. This may apply to both your professional activities and personal life.

If you don’t just look at boiled meat, but also eat it, biting off pieces, this means that all the problems that arise along your way will be solvable and you can easily cope with them on your own.

What can boiled chicken mean in a dream?

There is one nuance that can turn a dream with boiled meat into a favorable sign. In such a dream, someone else must eat boiled meat. In this case, this will only mean that all the problems in your path will be solved by another person and they will not be able to affect you in any way. It’s good if in a dream no one treated you to boiled chicken and you were left hungry.

Why do you dream about a lot of chickens?

A chicken that looks healthy and well-groomed in a dream is always a favorable sign. It embodies material wealth and physical health for a person and his family. It also happens that in a dream many chickens dream at the same time and this dream has several meanings:

  • The chickens that graze in the yard represent your relatives and family members. If they calmly cackle and peck at grain, then this only means that there will be peace and prosperity in your home, you will not have to worry about anything.
  • Chickens that fight among themselves and cause a commotion signify a noisy celebration or holiday that may happen in your home. Distant relatives may also come to this holiday and give you a fuss about their arrangement.
  • Hens with chicks, of which there are many around you or in the yard, also signify the arrival of long-awaited or uninvited guests in the house.

Why do you dream about a lot of chickens?

Why do you dream of dead chickens?

You should not be afraid of a dream in which you saw one or more dead chickens, because it has a completely favorable meaning and is not capable of foreshadowing any negative events for you.

  • A dead chicken, or rather its carcass, only means that in the future you will be lucky to get rid of the simmering problems and anxieties that are present in your life. Such a chicken may indicate your continued peace of life, in which there will be no difficulties and health problems.
  • If in a dream you caught a large chicken, killed it and plucked it, and then cooked it for food, this means that you will achieve the goals you set for yourself and get the profit you expected.
  • Pay attention to the chicken that you dreamed about. If this is not a corpse, but a dying bird making sounds, then such a dream promises anxiety and possible tears for any reason.
  • If you dreamed of a dead white chicken, then most likely this indicates that all your difficulties will soon be successfully resolved.
  • If you dreamed of a dead black chicken, this dream has an alarming meaning and if there is a seriously ill person in your family, perhaps the dream foreshadows his death.

Why do you dream of a dead chicken?

Be careful if you had a dream in which you wanted to buy a live chicken, but they slipped you a dead one - this indicates possible intrigues and conversations behind your back. In this case, beware of all unfriendly people and think about your well-being.

A chicken that was dreamed of by a person in a very aggressive mood has a number of meanings:

  • If a chicken pecks at grain or bread in a dream, this is a favorable sign that speaks of prosperity in the family and a calm family life.
  • If a chicken pecks another chicken in a dream, this means that there are some conflicts in the family that require immediate resolution, so as not to derail the relationship and attract discord.
  • If a chicken pecked a person, this dream suggests that you will persistently and successfully resist all life’s adversities.
  • If a chicken pecked you in a dream, this means that you spend little time with your family, which can have a detrimental effect on your life and relationships with your loved ones.
  • If a hen pecks at chickens, this indicates that conflicts will soon arise in the family, which must either be avoided or resolved immediately.

Why do you dream of a pecking chicken?

Why do you dream about a hen and a rooster?

A chicken and a rooster in a dream at the same time can have several meanings. It all depends on exactly what mood and disposition these two poultry were in, what kind of plumage they had and what they were doing.

The dream in which there was a rooster and a hen, what is it for?

Why dream about a chicken and a rooster:

  • If one of the spouses dreamed of a chicken that behaved very aggressively with a rooster, the dream embodies the relationship of the couple. In this case, you urgently need to pay attention to family relationships and avoid possible quarrels and conflicts.
  • A dream in which there is a rooster and several hens, whom he cares for equally, suggests that your spouse (or lover) may have intrigues on the side, so it is extremely important to treat this interpretation.
  • If in a dream a rooster tramples a hen, this dream foretells love and a romantic relationship for two lovers.
  • If a rooster is chasing a chicken at all times, you should pay close attention to such a dream, because it foreshadows intrigues and conspiracies behind your back.

In any case, the rooster and hen always embody the relationship between two beloved people. Therefore, a special interpretation of the dream should be made, which will have the meaning of personal relationships.

Video: “Why shoot chickens? Dream Interpretation: chickens in a dream"

If you dreamed of a chicken, you can expect family well-being, a cozy home and spiritual comfort. It’s not for nothing that an overly caring mother is jokingly called a “mother hen.” This bird, which comes to a married woman in a dream, can mean an imminent pregnancy.

The general symbolic meaning is family comfort, care for children and comfort in one’s own home. Seeing a chicken in a dream is a good sign for those who value family traditions and like to spend time with their loved ones. It brings with it the strength and additional energy of the sun to fuel parental strength and health.

In almost all respects, a live chicken from dreams bodes well, this is confirmed by time-tested dream books, which are also available online. The exception is dreams in which she is aggressive against the dreamer: she pecks, attacks, or does not allow passage.

If you dreamed of a chicken

Also, in order to understand exactly why the chicken is dreaming, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • plumage color (what kind of chicken from the dreams was it - red, white or motley);
  • interaction with the dreamer (just contemplation or in a dream you fed and looked after her);
  • preparing the chicken for the table (did it have to be cut or was it already headless and plucked).

It's about the color

When you need an interpretation of what chickens are dreaming of, it is important to pay attention to their color. If there are a lot of birds and they are all colorful, this is a great sign. This means that almost all areas of the dreamer’s life will undergo positive changes.

White - success

If the chicken was white

It’s easy to understand why a chicken dreams. This is luck in making a profit . And if it is a white bird, it means that the dreamer is guaranteed success in all matters. Any financial undertakings, new projects, even the most difficult ones, will be doomed to success. You can take on any job - it will be well paid and will bring moral satisfaction.

The white chicken's head is too large - this means that the dreamer is ready to take up a respectable position. And it will be given to him by right, because the work he did was of high quality and completed on time. If the bird walks proudly and has a beautiful crown-like crest and the sleeping person notices this, success in the new business is guaranteed. People will truly respect their leader.

Red - love

A red hen, especially a laying hen, symbolizes family and love relationships. For a young girl, a red chicken means falling in love. And the big proud rooster among the red hens is a gentleman who sorts out the ladies. This dream warns the young lady - she is not the only one, but only one of them. The young man has not yet given preference to any of them.

One red laying hen for an unmarried girl can mean imminent marriage. And if in a dream the bird already has chickens, then the young people will create a family in their own house, in which common children will be born.

For a married woman, such a symbol in a dream means pregnancy and the successful birth of a daughter.

Black – secret signs

If you dreamed of a black chicken

The black chicken symbolizes connection with the other world. She is a guide to the world of the dead. Such a bird can bring a lot of useful information if the dreamer is ready to see and understand it.

If the memory of “she tried to peck me” definitely appears in the sleeper’s head, this is an alarming sign. When trying to understand magical or esoteric practices, such a dream warns that such an activity should be stopped.

For a woman, such a dream can predict the adventures of her husband. But you should not be convinced of suspicions, nor should you try to track down your faithful one. This hobby will soon end, and the man will again devote himself completely to his family.

How did the interaction take place?

An ordinary dream in which a bird was simply contemplated is a statement of an important direction in the dreamer’s life. Those circumstances that have nothing to do with him. But if there was interaction, it means that in order to receive the benefits that the bird from the dream predicts, you need to actively act.

  • Raising a lot of chickens in the yard is a profitable business.
  • Feed grain or crumbs - if they bite, you can confidently make an additional investment in the business.
  • A hen on eggs means additional unexpected profits. For those who are fond of gambling - extraordinary luck.
  • Pecking grain along with chickens - a family idyll.
  • Aggressive, tries to peck - failure.
  • To catch is to try to catch luck by the tail. If she is red and you manage to catch her, your cherished dream will come true thanks to hard work.
  • To strangle a caught bird means to stop financing an important business.
  • Doesn’t let you through, doesn’t let you pass - an obstacle on the part of a person who doesn’t understand the matter at all.
  • They raise their heads and cackle loudly - rumors that will not do much harm, but will spoil the mood.

Before eating

For those involved in poultry farming, dreams about slaughtering and cutting up poultry do not require interpretation. These are the realities of life that are reflected by the subconscious.

If you plucked a chicken

But if you have nothing to do with their breeding, then seeing such a process in a dream is not a very good sign.

  • Killing chickens is wasted money. If you had such a dream before starting a new project, it is better to refuse to participate in it.
  • Cutting off your head means taking the place of your boss.
  • Catching to kill is trouble, difficult work that no one will appreciate.
  • Stifling - financial difficulties.
  • Cutting a carcass from start to finish is a difficult work process that will bring very important experience, but not pleasure.
  • Seeing severed heads means lack of adequate leadership in a serious project.
  • Plucking yourself so that the feathers fly in all directions is one of the most auspicious dreams, which foreshadows the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  • A fresh carcass ready for cooking means it’s time to think about healthy eating.
  • Frozen - hidden inflammatory process.
  • Rotten - trouble, serious treatment will soon be required.
  • Cooked, for example, grilled - successful negotiations, an important agreement, a significant deal. Boiled - efforts will be in vain.
  • Cutting before serving - analysis of the work done.

Opinion of dream books

Almost all popular dream books say that such a bird from dreams brings home comfort and family well-being. It is quite possible to meet relatives who live very far away, Miller’s dream book promises. Or a large family celebration where all family members will gather.

Ancient interpretations

The ancients considered the appearance of a chicken in a dream to be a very auspicious sign. She, like the rooster, is a symbol of the sun and prosperity. Just not the main, masculine one, but the feminine, calmer one. This is the keeper of the hearth, who does not allow it to fade away. After such dreams, purchases related to home improvement are possible.

To profit or replenishment

Velesov's dream book, explaining why chickens are dreamed of, draws attention to the age of the dreamer. This is one of the dreams that promises marriage for young people and a prosperous life with the birth of more than one child for married people.

  • To see in the yard is good luck, family well-being. For a young girl - marriage.
  • A hen on eggs means profit. Possible addition to the family.
  • Feeding the birds is a hassle.
  • Fighting the chicken away from the hawk that is attacking will help you get out of a difficult situation.
  • Catching a lost chicken is a rivalry. If the financial sector is important to the dreamer at the moment, it means that a serious competitor will appear at work. And in case of problems in family life - betrayal.
  • Cutting off their heads is an impossible task.
  • Buying is a profitable investment.
  • Selling is a hopeless deal.
  • Cutting fried food is a great success.

Family comfort - Miller's interpretation

The interpretation of the American psychoanalyst Miller is related to family life. What his dream book draws attention to: a chicken seen in a dream symbolizes the behavior of an overly responsible mother.

But if you don’t have children, then the appearance of such a symbol in a dream indicates that in the dreamer’s life the time has come to settle down and accept eternal values, and not illusory ones, such as money.

  • For a woman, a dream in which she sees chickens promises pleasant communication in the family circle.
  • Feeding and caring for - family well-being, work on arranging a new home.
  • To catch the one who dug up the garden - ignorant people will disrupt the delivery of an important project.
  • Cutting off her head means difficulties, stagnation in business. It is necessary to take decisive action, otherwise you will have to completely change your field of activity.
  • Choking means trouble, stopping important things.
  • The hen cackles - a new addition to the family. This news will cause a stir among relatives.
  • Cutting fried chicken is a successful completion of the task and calculation of profits.

News – Freud's psychoanalysis

The German psychotherapist Freud, explaining why a chicken dreams, started from the constantly emitted sounds of this bird. That's why he said that a chicken comes to the news in a dream. Not necessarily from distant relatives, perhaps a neighbor will visit you and tell you about an ordinary event.

  • Symbolizes news.
  • Feed – care for the person you like.
  • A hen on eggs is a moral readiness to be a parent.
  • To kill is a lack of self-confidence. Hidden fear of embarrassing yourself in bed.
  • Choking is a tendency to unusual methods of self-satisfaction.
  • With chickens - minor worries.

General impression

Despite the fact that this bird, useful in the household, carries, for the most part, only a positive interpretation, we still should not exclude a personal and individual explanation for the dream.

If the head of a bird is most emphasized in a dream, it means that the dreamer should focus more on a logical analysis of the situation rather than on feelings. Then he will be able to achieve the desired leadership position.

The hen from the dream speaks of the prevalence of family values; most online sources gravitate towards this interpretation.

If the little chicks have already hatched and she won't let anyone near them, then you actually need to spend less time caring for the children. They grow and demand more freedom.

Too bright plumage of a bird indicates that you are fixated on paying attention to your own special needs. And the background cackling symbolizes empty gossip.

Holding a chicken in your hands is a very good sign. Your bird of happiness has already been caught. And she will lay golden eggs.

Why do you dream about a live chicken?

Over the years, a huge number of interpretations of various dreams have accumulated. The meaning of a dream about a live chicken can be different, since everything depends on numerous factors, for example, it is important to take into account who exactly saw it, what exactly the bird did, what it looked like, etc.

Why do you dream about a live chicken?

A well-fed and well-groomed bird in a dream is a favorable sign, which symbolizes well-being in the family. For lonely people, such a dream promises a pleasant and promising acquaintance. A night vision of a live white chicken promises success in all areas of life. A dream in which a live chicken and a rooster appeared promises unexpected profit, but it is not recommended to tell anyone about the source of income. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of happiness in your personal life.

A night vision of a black chicken warns that you will soon have to go through a lot of worries. Such a symbol in a dream suggests that in order to change the existing situation it is necessary to make a difficult decision. Seeing a live hen with chicks in a dream is a reminder that you should spend more time with your parents, because they miss you very much. A dream in which a bird pecks grains indicates stability in life.

If a chicken wants to peck at you, then you should watch your own words, since others may misinterpret them. Seeing a lot of live chickens in a dream is a good sign, indicating the emergence of an additional source of income. It may also be a harbinger of the arrival of guests, and such a visit will give you a good mood. A dream where you had to catch a chicken for a long time means that in the near future you will have to ask for help from other people.

Why do you dream of a live chicken in your hands?

If in a dream you had to hold a chicken in your hands that wanted to escape, it means that soon the dreamer will get a chance, but it can be very easily lost.

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Chicken according to the dream book

If you dreamed of chicken eggs, the dream promises a new addition to the family or the arrival of a long-awaited guest. Eggs in a dream can symbolize plans that have to be implemented in reality.

When you dream of chickens, the dream book believes that you are too worried about children. The dream is trying to let you know that your worries are often unfounded.

To find out what a chicken is dreaming about, pay attention to the day of the week. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday advises you to beware of swindlers, and from Sunday to Monday warns of possible difficulties in business.

If you dreamed of fried chicken, the dream suggests that household chores will require more time and effort than usual. Grandmother’s dream book advises to refrain from selling livestock, as the deal will turn out to be unprofitable.

A dream in which there is a live chicken, which, most likely, you remember for its attractiveness or fatness, is a dream of well-being in the family. For lonely people, such a dream foreshadows a pleasant acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex.

If in a dream you happened to try chicken meat that was not prepared by you, it is likely that you will soon fall under someone else's influence. The dream book allows for the possibility that the authority of another person will force you to reconsider, or even change, your beliefs.

Everything that a rooster and a hen dream about is an omen of happiness in your personal life. The dream symbolizes idyll and complete harmony in romantic, family and intimate relationships.

A dream in which raw chicken appears directly indicates your state of anxiety or dissatisfaction with yourself. The dream encourages you not to attach too much importance to negative thoughts and moods, since at the moment it is much more urgent to fear illnesses and injuries.

According to Miller's dream book, the chickens that the dream is about can tell a lot about how your relationships with people manifest themselves in real life. If the speech of one of your loved ones in a dream resembles the cackling of a chicken, and in reality do not attach importance to his words, they may mislead you.

According to Medea's dream book, the white chicken from your dream is a harbinger of success. The dream suggests that you will soon be lucky in the area of ​​life that is most significant to you. The dream can symbolize professional achievements, creative success, or happiness in your personal life.

Why do you dream about a hen with chicks? The dream book considers it as a reminder. The dream indicates that your parents are worried about you. It is possible that some of your actions and decisions cause them anxiety. The dream encourages them to dispel their doubts and try to improve family relationships.

If in a dream you are unable to see a chicken, but you clearly hear its clucking, the dream warns that behind your back someone is spreading bad rumors about you. The dream book advises not to “feed” gossips: try not to give rise to rumors.

A dream about a black chicken promises that the coming days will be full of anxiety and excitement. The dream indicates a tense situation, which is provoked by the need to make a difficult decision. The dream book suggests weighing the pros and cons, since something will have to be sacrificed in any case.

Dead chickens from your dream symbolize a serious danger: one of your ill-wishers has every chance of inflicting a fairly significant blow without giving themselves away and continuing to remain above suspicion until the next opportunity.

A chicken carcass seen in a dream represents your ability to rejoice in even the most insignificant victories and the results of your own labor. The dream book reminds you that such an attitude has attracted good luck from time immemorial, and promises that it will continue to accompany you.

A dream in which you are going to kill a chicken to cook dinner means that you will soon learn important news. The dream book does not specify the nature of the news; most likely, it all depends on how you use the information received.

The dream book explains why you dream of boiled chicken by worrying about your own health. The dream is reassuring that your poor health lately can easily be explained by fatigue or minor illness. However, the dream book recommends paying more attention to yourself.

If you dreamed of a lot of chickens, you can count on an additional source of income, which will greatly contribute to your well-being. The dream also speaks of an upcoming visit from guests, which will please you, despite the fact that it will cause a lot of trouble.

Seeing a dead chicken in a dream means that you are looking for help in the wrong place where you could get it. You overestimate the capabilities of the person you mistakenly chose as your patron. Most likely, he himself now needs support.

Why else do you dream about a chicken in a dream?

When you dream of fried chickens, the dream book believes that you are making serious progress in your work. You will receive universal recognition, appointment to a new position, and, accordingly, an increase in income.

A dream in which you had to fry chicken yourself promises a visit from long-awaited guests, you will spend the evening in pleasant company. True, the dream book warns, you will again have to cook and set the table.

Interpreting why one dreams of a chicken laying an egg, the dream book refers to the well-known saying “laying a golden egg.” The dream suggests that you will soon have a brilliant idea related to making money.

If in your dream a chicken is pecking at grains and crumbs, the dream is reassuring that everything is fine with you. But if a chicken tries to peck you, the dream book advises you to be more careful in your communication; your words may be misinterpreted.

When you dream about a chicken laying eggs, the dream promises prosperity and prosperity. If a woman saw such a dream, it means that a successful marriage awaits her in the near future.

The modern dream book offers the following interpretation of the dream: a chicken dreams of a change in the weather. Don’t be surprised by thunder from a clear sky or sudden rain. A dream can also be a harbinger of a big wash.

Dreaming of a frozen chicken indicates that you are already tired of overcoming some kind of continuous “obstacle course”. People and events constantly interfere with your plans, disrupting them and forcing you to act spontaneously. The dream book promises that the obstacle course is coming to the finish line.

A dream in which you are going to cook chicken for the whole family or a large company indicates a state of search. To implement your plans, you will need like-minded people; sleep helps you select suitable candidates.

If you dreamed about how you had to feed chickens, the dream promises that everyone around you will be unusually attentive and courteous towards you. In the coming period, there is a very high probability of receiving a wonderful gift.

The details of your dream will help you find out why you dream of a plucked chicken. If you plucked the feathers and down yourself, you can get ready for the party: an evening awaits you in the pleasant company of unexpected guests. And if the feathers also flew during the plucking process, your cherished wish will certainly come true. The dream book reports that now is a favorable period for gambling.

If you dreamed of a chicken and eggs, just laid, fresh and beautiful, the dream book considers such a dream as a harbinger of unexpected gifts of fate: an inheritance, a big win, great news.

A dream in which you had to catch a chicken and did not manage to catch it for a long time means that you will soon need the help of other people. The dream book promises that those around you will meet you halfway.

If you are planning to buy chicken in a dream, such a dream can be considered as a reminder that in real life it will not hurt to replenish your food supplies. The dream suggests that now is a favorable period for purchasing and storing food for future use.

What you dream of about a chicken without a head is that through your own fault you risk getting into an unpleasant situation. The dream book warns that getting out of it will not be easy, but nevertheless, it is possible.

If in a dream you intend to cut a chicken, this dream suggests that in reality you have many envious people and rivals. The dream warns that some of them are just waiting for the right opportunity to annoy you.

Perhaps the most original interpretation of the dream in which you had to cut up a chicken is offered by the Italian dream book. According to his interpretation, sleep brings to the surface all your hidden primitive instincts.

According to Vanga’s dream book, a chicken walking around in splendid isolation means for a pregnant dreamer the birth of a daughter. The dream also promises that a distant relative will soon come to stay with you, and her company will be pleasant for you.

If you happen to cook chicken in a dream, in reality you will have to fuss a lot in order to carry out your plans. The dream promises that your efforts will not be wasted and you will be satisfied with the results of your work.

The dream book suggests interpreting a dream in which you happened to eat chicken literally: if the chicken tastes good, the dream book promises a calm and well-fed life. Spoiled meat portends trouble. If you get only bones, the dream foretells a loss.

If you cut off a chicken’s head in a dream, but it continues to run around the yard, the dream warns that unexpected interference of third parties in your plans may delay their implementation for a long time.

Why you dream about raw chicken meat, its appearance and taste will tell you. Fresh meat means well-being and good mood. A dream about spoiled chicken makes you think about your state of health.

When you have a dream in which a chicken pecked you, be doubly careful, especially when it comes to conversations on slippery topics. The dream book calls for weighing every word and, if possible, avoiding disputes and squabbles.

If you dreamed of smoked chicken, the dream book sees a somewhat sinister meaning in this dream. Smoked meat in a dream means that you are under the influence of a magical influence. Perhaps someone hopelessly in love is trying to bewitch you.

A dreamed red hen symbolizes the feminine principle in all its manifestations: a mischievous girl, a caring grandmother, a passionate lover, a hospitable hostess. The dream may mean that one of the women is occupying your thoughts or needs your help.

My dreams have never let me down.

I dreamed of two chickens on my chest.

I dreamed of a chicken that had already been plucked, I began to cook it, and when I tore off the wings I realized that it was alive. Not knowing how to kill her, I asked my friends and thought in my heart with a knife, I felt sorry for her, and I was going to kill her. As a result, a friend walked around with a chicken half alive with the head of a child. Horror, and I dreamed about this in the morning, usually everything that I dream in the morning comes true that day.

If in a dream you quickly cut up a chicken and throw the meat across the yard.

In my dream I saw several white chickens that were found under a blanket in Poland.

I saw a black chicken having its head cut off.

I dreamed that my youngest daughter was eating fried chicken wings. Why is it interesting?

I was carrying a plucked chicken by the legs and it had a large beak.

I dreamed of a very large number of white chickens. I cut off their heads. I saw living and no longer breathing chickens. But there were more and more living birds.

I dreamed of a brown hen in a barn with chickens that a black dog wanted to attack. I picked her up, and the dog grabbed her leg, kicked him and drove him away. She ran and ran, saw more chickens, gathered them all into a box, and some turned into feathers, went further and saw how that dog tore someone else’s brown chicken into rags (that woman with whom our family is not on good terms), what did that mean? ?

A chicken with peacock feathers, very beautiful and not alone, and they were talking. So smart and magically beautiful.

I dreamed that a chicken with 5 eggs was taken out of the house, and a chicken had already hatched from under it. At the same time, near the house, between the concrete slabs that were lying on the ground, I noticed another one. But we decided not to take it or touch it, because... it is empty and a chicken will not hatch from it. After that, I had another dream, there was a meadow near the church, I sat down with my husband and began to eat the seeds, I saw that an eagle seemed to flash not far away, then a stork, and then a small cockerel or a white hen came up to us, like a Greek breed, very similar was. And I threw him a couple of seeds, after which he didn’t want to leave my side. Everyone came and sat next to me. He sat on my shoulders. And the more I resisted and tried to drive him away, the more persistent he became. This is such a strange dream.

I dreamed about how my mother wanted to cook chicken food, but I refused.

I dreamed about how someone came out of a large baked chicken: one black rooster, and behind him a red hen. And then I dream that I am sitting with little twins. The dream is very strange!

When understanding why chickens dream, be sure to take into account all the details of the dream. They are the ones who determine the correct interpretation.

Dream Interpretation: seeing chickens in a dream

Miller's Dream Book interprets chickens as friendly parties, a gathering of relatives. For women of childbearing age - pregnancy.

According to Vanga dreaming of chickens means joyful chores associated with the visit of guests. If the bird pecks, quarrels will arise in the family.

According to the 21st century dream book If you dream of a chicken, this is the personification of routine everyday chores.

According to modern dream book a chicken without a head means that you will find yourself in an absurd and even embarrassing situation. However, you only have yourself to blame for this.

Dream Interpretation Kananita believes that the chicken carcass reflects the optimistic nature of the dreamer. This is a sign of the most valuable ability to find the positive side in all events.

Why do you dream about live chickens?

If you dreamed a lot of live chickens in the yard, this is a reflection of relationships with relatives. The interpretation of what you see depends on the behavior of the birds. Peacefully walking foreshadows a period of prosperity among loved ones. If they peck at grain, their financial situation will improve.

If they are alive roosters and the chickens created a terrible commotion, pecking and fighting among themselves, you can forget about calm.

Dreamed of live chickens and chickens may also portend replenishment among dreamers, or in a close circle of acquaintances and relatives. For parents, a chick with a brood symbolizes strong concern for their children and the desire to take care of them in every possible way.

Live chickens in the house with almost 100% certainty they foretell an unexpected visit from guests in reality. So we have to adjust plans and set the table.

Chicken coop with chickens means an upcoming family celebration or holiday with a large number of guests. The event will lead to hectic troubles.

The patient nature of the dreamer is signified by the chickens in the dream in the nest. This is also a hint - “there is a time for everything.” Your hopes will come true, but you will have to wait a little longer to fulfill your desires.

If you dream chickens and eggs, the financial situation in reality will please you.

Why do you dream about a hen with chicks?

If you dreamed of a hen with chicks woman, who has long dreamed of a child, the fulfillment of her dream is just around the corner. For married dreamers, an idyllic scene foreshadows family happiness; for single ones, the plot promises a quick meeting with love.

Hens and little chicks man symbolize a joyful pastime. It is possible to meet a good friend whom you have not seen for a long time, and he will bring a lot of pleasant emotions.

Interpretation of sleep by the appearance of a chicken

When deciphering a dream, you need to take into account the color of the birds’ plumage and their behavior.

Restless black chicken can mean worries and turmoil due to guests whom you don’t really want to receive in your own home. It is also possible that secret love will appear; it is possible that family dreamers will decide to commit adultery, so passionate will they be.

Excellent sign - dreamed white chicken. The period of difficulties is left behind, and now life will be measured, devoid of problems and shocks.

Interpreted in two ways redhead chicken. First of all, this is a hint about what kind of relationships exist with loved ones: a well-fed bird foreshadows harmony and mutual understanding, a thin or disheveled bird portends minor difficulties. Another meaning is warning. It is important to take measures to prevent a fire in a house or apartment.

When you dream about a chicken egg laying, the atmosphere in the family is simply magnificent. For young women and girls, the dream hints at an increased likelihood of conception during the next cycle. Men dream of the plot for profit.

An aggressive bird warns of possible conflicts.

Ambiguous symbol - dead chicken. On the one hand, the interpretation is positive: it will be possible to get rid of some difficulties.

But also dead chicken portends financial difficulties. It is bad if the bird is touched by decomposition - an unexpected attack from enemies will follow.

Plucked the chicken symbolizes the dreamer's stinginess. This can be not only excessive saving of money, but also the inability to give loved ones warmth.

The period of life difficulties has dragged on - that’s what it means frozen chicken in a dream.

Interpretation of sleep based on the method of cooking chicken

When poultry in a dream is a food product, the interpretation is carried out taking into account the method of preparation.

Raw the chicken symbolizes the intervention of a certain woman in the affairs of the sleeping person. This could be unsolicited advice, gossip, or intrigues due to envy.

Boiled chicken means management’s nitpicking, and quite fair one at that. Efforts must be made to restore your reputation and fight for better salaries and positions.

But fried chicken is a wonderful sign. Cases and problems that could not be resolved for a long time will finally come to a happy ending.

When you dream chicken grill, you can count on career growth in reality. Businessmen can expect a major contract and the signing of a lucrative agreement.

However smoked chicken is considered a sign of magical influence. Perhaps someone cast a love spell on the dreamer.

Actions with chicken in a dream

When you dream about chickens, it is important to consider what the interaction was like.

Feed chickens in a dream - to the attention of the opposite sex. You will probably meet a person who will support you throughout life and become a good friend.

For a pregnant girl catch chickens - a prediction about the birth of a girl. For the rest, overcoming all obstacles, but if the pursuit of the bird was unsuccessful, help will be needed in solving problems.

If a hopelessly in love person succeeds in a dream catch a chicken with your hands- soon the feelings will be reciprocated. This plot also portends success in the business sphere.

Hold chicken is a favorable sign. A lucky coincidence.

To receive important news - kill chicken in a dream. It is worth remembering that if such a plot appeared on the eve of making an important decision or signing important documents, everything must be canceled and all related factors and terms of contracts must be reconsidered more carefully.

Very good story - pluck chicken. Pleasant meetings are ahead. It is especially good if fluff and feathers fly around the dreamer - cherished wishes will come true, and winning in a game of chance is also possible.

If you happen to butcher chicken - in reality there will be difficult work ahead, it will have to be done through force. But the result will be invaluable experience.

A dream in which it was necessary to prepare chicken. Symptoms of malaise may appear, or rather, all this is the result of severe moral and physical fatigue, and a more gentle regimen should be chosen.

There will be a significant breakthrough in official affairs - the plot predicts fry chicken. The main thing is not to miss the chance to distinguish yourself.

To understand what it means eat chicken in a dream, you need to remember the taste. Juicy, aromatic meat promises a prosperous life, complete prosperity and good luck. Spoiled or too dry - minor misunderstandings and troubles. If there are too many bones in a portion of a poultry dish, you need to beware of losses and be more careful with your investment.

Fortunately I dream buy chicken. It’s bad if the purchased bird fell on the way home, this means bad conversations behind the dreamer’s back.

To a profitable business - breed chickens in a dream. True, you will have to work hard, but the result will be magnificent.

When interpreting what chickens mean in dreams, you don’t need to be scared if you encounter unfavorable meanings. Even the problems that birds foretell will be fleeting.

The article on the topic: “dream book the chicken pecked” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

From this article you can find out why you dream of a Chicken from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about Chicken: interpretation of sleep

Dreaming of a Chicken, what does this symbolize?

Chicken – “Plucked Chicken” (about a sloppy, seasoned depraved woman); “Runs around like a chicken with an egg” - worries only about his own, small, insignificant things.

Why do you dream about Chicken according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah:

Why does a child dream of a Chicken, interpretation of sleep:

Chicken - One of your female relatives may appear to you in this image. If the chicken pecks the grains, then everything will be fine. If a chicken clucks anxiously, she expresses her concern about you, maybe you will get a little sick or find yourself in some unpleasant situation, this is the interpretation of what you dream at night.

Why does a woman dream of a Chicken, what is this dream about?

Chicken - Seeing a chicken in a dream means pleasant meetings in the home circle, an increase in the family.

Why do you dream about Chicken according to the dream book?

Chicken - For rain or washing. If a chicken runs around the yard, guests will soon come to you and you will have to fuss. Sleeping from Wednesday to Thursday is a sign that you should be more careful and vigilant, as you may be drawn into a scam; from Saturday to Sunday - remember that you don’t always need to tell your friends everything, even the closest ones; from Sunday to Monday - you will soon encounter an obstacle in business that you will not be able to overcome alone.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why do you dream about Chicken in dreams?

Chicken - Random guest; a lot of chickens are guests, pecking at grain means money, this is the interpretation of Chicken according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about Chicken, according to popular beliefs in Little Russia:

Chicken - Dreaming of chickens means big troubles; attack. Chickens - a new acquaintance. If a woman dreams of a mother hen with chickens, she will remain a widow with children. The chickens are small - something good will happen; chickens - poverty, poverty. If you dream that chickens cluck, this is slander. Lots of hens and chicks - unexpected troubles. A mother hen with her chicks are orphans: the mother dies, the children remain, this is what the interpreter says about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does the Chicken dream in night dreams?

Chicken - To see a large and beautiful chicken in a dream means happiness in love or receiving a share from illegally acquired property. Seeing several chickens means troubles or the arrival of friends, everyday worries; a lot of chickens means hard work. Feeding chickens means a gift, affectionate attitude, meeting a kind person. Eating chicken means gifts. If a chicken lays an egg in a dream, it means a joyful event awaits you. Seeing a hen with chicks means joy in the family; a severed chicken head means news, a letter. Hearing a crowing rooster is a sign that you need to be careful; plucking feathers from his tail means trouble, seeing a rooster chasing a hen means trouble in family life. If you dream of a pugnacious rooster, this is a sign of concern. quarrel with old friends, a lame rooster - to the appearance of true friends, a singing rooster - to receive news, a golden rooster - fortunately, red - to danger from fire. Black - to a clash with evil forces. Catching a rooster means that you will argue with someone. A cockfight is a harbinger of a quarrel between your enemies. If a woman sees a rooster in a dream, it means that she will soon meet an interesting young man.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

The dream book interprets what the Chicken dreams about as follows:

Chicken - Many chickens - to tears, losses. But: a pregnant woman dreams of one chicken for the birth of a girl.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Chicken - Woman, wife, mother. Chickens are household chores and chores. Sitting on eggs - waiting with benefit, patience, hope. She laid an egg - false rumors. With chickens there is joy in the house. Gray, black - scandals in the house; misfortune with relatives. White – marriage, love, bride.

What does it mean when you dream of a Chicken - Like food is a gift; yes - family quarrels; love act.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream of a Chicken - dream symbolism:

A dream about a chicken with clings - a symbol of personal sacrifice (black chicken). A sign of early success (white chicken). The rooster is a symbol of a suitor or a small energetic person. Seeing one beautiful chicken is happiness in love and family life. To see a rooster is to be wary of someone’s longed-for intentions. Chickens - failure in business, cowardice. Chicken clucking - to unpleasant news, gossip.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why does the dreamer dream about Chicken:

Chicken - Seeing a chicken in a dream means pleasant meetings in the home circle, an increase in the family, this is how the dream you are dreaming is interpreted ambiguously.

Why do we dream about and what does Chicken mean in our time?

Chicken - Benefit, profit and happiness in the game

Azar's biblical dream book

According to spiritual sources, what does a chicken mean in dreams?

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of a Chicken, why?

Chicken - Buy - you will be happy; eat - take care of health; with chickens - you will have your own family; laying eggs - happiness in love; hear cackling - you’ll be on the road; pursued by a rooster - don’t trust your friends, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Why do you dream of a Chicken - an astrologer’s interpretation:

Chicken - This is an indication of a woman in your service. If a chicken sits on eggs in a dream, it is possible that your maid has become pregnant secretly from you.

Russian folk dream book

Why do you dream about the Chicken - interpretation of the dream:

Chicken (rooster) - A restless bird that clucks a lot and has a fighting character, often turning into cockiness and pugnacity.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

Why do you dream about Chicken in an everyday sense?

Ancient Russian dream book

Why does the Chicken dream, according to the dream book:

Chicken - Seeing a singing chicken is a sign of grief and boredom; seeing a laying hen means profit and gain; to see a mother hen and chickens together in such a dream foreshadows loss and loss; hearing her clucking is a sign of joy and pleasure.

Chicken - Cooking all kinds of dishes from chicken in a dream is good news.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about the Chicken, interpretation of the dream:

Chickens - Money, winnings, profit, new acquaintances, friends will come, // troubles, complaints, misfortunes, hard work; they peck at grain - money; cluck – joy // slander; with chickens - loss, widowhood, orphaning; a lot - guests, money // not good; black - quarrel; catch - a girl will be born (for a pregnant woman); cutting - unexpected guests, illness; to feed is a good guest.

Why do you dream about a chicken in the spring?

Chickens - To troubles.

Chicken - Eating chicken means dealing with a weak person.

Why do you dream about Chicken in a dream?

Why do you dream about a chicken in the fall?

Chickens (chicken) – Seeing a lot of chickens walking around in the yard is a sign of profit.

Why do people dream about chicken in the summer?

Chickens (chicken) – Chickens seen in a dream, cut up, mean death.

Chicken coop - Average income.

Chicken - Cooking something from chicken in a dream means despondency.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about a Chicken? The dream book interprets it as follows:

Chicken coop - Average income

Chicken - Buy - you will be happy; benefit, profit - eat - take care of health - with chickens - you will have your own family - laying eggs - happiness in love - hear clucking - go on the road - pursued by a rooster - do not trust your friends

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of a Chicken in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about Chicken according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dream about Chicken from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of a Chicken according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about Chicken from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of a Chicken in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about Chicken in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Tue November 28, 2017, 09:27:05

Mon November 06, 2017, 14:21:38

Sat October 14, 2017, 07:00:39

Sun October 01, 2017, 09:27:37

Tue May 30, 2017, 09:11:04

Chicken in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Why do you dream about a chicken?

Why do you dream about a chicken according to Miller’s dream book?

According to Miller’s dream book, a chicken dreams of pleasant, cozy meetings in the family circle. She is considered the personification of an ideal family, its values ​​and principles.

This bird may be a harbinger of a new addition to the family.

A chicken can also dream of rain or washing.

Miller believes that if you dreamed of a chicken, then it will bring only positive and joyful events. For example, the long-awaited birth of a child in a family. It can also be a joyful meeting with relatives, friends whom you have not seen for a long time. In general, in his opinion, the chickweed brings only joy.

Miller also believes that a chicken can tell a lot about how you relate to others and what they think of you. For example, if a chicken cackles and with its cackling reminds you of some person from your close circle, then in real life do not take this person’s words into your head, do not take them too seriously. Because they can blind your mind and you will make the wrong choice and then regret it.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a chicken according to Vanga’s dream book

According to Vanga’s dream book, if you dreamed of a chicken, it means that there will be some pleasant chores and worries in your house. A large, healthy chicken with beautiful plumage indicates that a happy, favorable life awaits you.

If you dream of a hen along with chickens, expect pleasant surprises and joy in your family.

When you dream of not one, but several chickens, then expect guests. They may come to visit you unexpectedly, out of the blue. Many chickens indicate that soon you will have to work hard before achieving some result (in work, family). A dream where you feed chickens foreshadows an unexpected, but very pleasant surprise or gift. This dream may also mean that you will meet and talk with the person you have been waiting for and wanting to see for so long. Eating chicken in a dream means an unexpected but long-awaited surprise, a gift.

A dream worth paying attention to: a chicken pecks at you. You should think about your family problems and try to eliminate them as soon as possible. Because such a dream can bring a lot of problems and irreparability to the house.

Vanga believed that if a pregnant woman dreams of a chicken walking down the street alone, then the expectant mother will have a daughter. There is another interpretation of this dream: a distant relative will come to you and you will have a wonderful time with her.

Chickens in a dream - Freud's dream book

According to Freud's dream book, a dream about a chickweed means good news or news both from afar and from close circles. If you kill a bird, it means that you will suffer some kind of loss, loss (financial). The bird you killed may indicate your hidden inferiority complex.

Freud paid special attention to the dream about chicken eggs. If a woman dreams of eggs, it means that she will soon meet a man who in the future may be your destiny.

If you dreamed of a hen with eggs, it means that great happiness is just around the corner.

Why do you dream about chickens according to the 21st century dream book?

If you dreamed of a beautiful big chicken, it means that the same love awaits you in the near future. Such a bird in a dream can also bring you wealth - you can receive property from relatives or win some big prize. A hen that lays an egg brings only good news. If a rooster is chasing a chicken, then this is a bad dream, which speaks of possible problems, disagreements, and unpleasant events in your family. If you often dream of a hen with chickens, then this can only mean that you are too worried and worried about your children. Thus, the dream encourages you to calm down and not worry about your children for no reason. The day of the week when you dreamed about this bird is of no small importance. If the dream is from Wednesday to Thursday, then be vigilant and beware of scammers. If you had this dream from Sunday to Monday, be prepared for the fact that you may face difficulties at work or in your family.

If in a dream you eat chicken cooked by another person, then most likely you will soon fall or have already fallen under the influence of a stranger. Such a dream suggests that you yourself, without anyone’s help, reconsider your views on life and draw your own conclusions. Sometimes these views may be wrong, but they will seem unmistakable to you. Think about it.

If you dreamed of several chickens and one rooster, it means that you will soon hit the jackpot. It is better not to tell anyone about such an unexpected receipt of funds, so as not to invite trouble and evil tongues. But if you want, you can tell about the dream only to your closest people, in whom you have no doubt, and such people will rejoice at your possible future wealth.

A couple - a hen and a rooster in a dream means that happiness will smile on you in your personal life, your intimate life will improve and there will only be harmony in relationships.

Why do you dream about a chicken according to Medea’s dream book?

If you dreamed of a chicken with white plumage, then you will soon experience tremendous success. The area of ​​life that is currently of great importance to you, highlighted from the rest, will bring you long-awaited luck. A dream with a white chicken brings happiness to the home, success at work, and an idyll on the personal front.

According to Medea’s dream book, a dream about a hen with chicks indicates that your parents are very worried about you. Your behavior, actions and mood alarm your parents. You must dispel the doubts of your loved ones, talk to them and improve relationships.

Cackling in a dream is a signal that rumors and various kinds of gossip are being spread about you.

A dead chicken speaks of future misfortune or some kind of danger. If you have enemies, they can harm you or your loved ones. A cleaned chicken carcass will mark a good dream. It represents your ability to enjoy even the smallest things. For example, your favorite movie will be shown on TV or you will be able to cook delicious pizza.

If in a dream a chicken calmly pecks grains, then this dream is favorable, and it is proof that everything will be fine in your family affairs.

In the case when a bird tries to peck you, the dream book warns and says that before saying anything, the person should think twice before saying the sentence out loud. Otherwise, his words may be misinterpreted.

What does it mean to dream about chickens according to the modern dream book?

You may dream about this bird on the eve of a weather change. For example, on a sunny hot morning it will rain.

If you dreamed of a frozen chicken, then such a dream speaks of your fatigue in overcoming obstacles. And also that soon this line of barriers will end and you will breathe deeply.

It happens: you dream about a person chasing this bird and not being able to catch it. This dream can be interpreted as follows: in the near future, a person who is chasing a chicken will need the help of the people around him, because he will not be able to cope on his own. People will definitely help this person and things will soon go well for him.

If in a dream you buy chicken from your own hands, then this is a signal that it is time to go to the market and buy food.

Why do you dream about a chicken according to Fedorovskaya’s dream book

According to Fedorovskaya, if you dream about a lot of chickens, then tears and losses will come to your family. If a pregnant woman dreams of this bird, then she will soon give birth to a girl.

Chicken in a dream - interpretation according to Hasse’s dream book

Hasse says that if you dreamed of a chicken clucking, it means that you will soon go on a long journey. If you dreamed of a bird that lays eggs, then such a dream means happiness, joy and love. For an unmarried woman, a hen with chickens is a harbinger that the girl will soon start a family. If a person buys a chicken in a dream, it means that he will be happy. And if you eat chicken in a dream, then you need to take care of your health and not let illness take its course.

Why do you dream of fried, raw, boiled chicken? Dream Interpretation - a chicken carcass in a dream.

Fried chicken means professional success. A person who dreams of such a bird will expect career growth and an appointment to a new highly paid position. And, as a result, his financial situation will improve. If you fry chicken yourself, then such a dream foreshadows a visit from long-awaited relatives and friends.

But boiled chicken, unlike fried chicken, does not foretell such positive changes. On the contrary, dreaming of boiled poultry may indicate possible health problems. But this is not always the case. Therefore, such a dream is a kind of warning sign that you should stop and think about your health and well-being. But if you have a dream that you are cooking chicken yourself, then it can be interpreted as follows: your plans and ideas will definitely be realized, you just need to put in a little effort and fuss and then you will succeed.

Dreaming of raw chicken carries a double meaning. If the meat is fresh and looks beautiful, then there is no need to worry. On the contrary, fresh raw poultry means well-being and excellent mood of the person who dreamed about it.

But if the chicken is raw, but spoiled and its appearance is not very good, then such a dream makes you think about health. You need to think and pay attention to yourself and your health.

Why do you dream of living, dead, dead chickens?

If you dreamed of a dead chicken, it means that you need support. And you have already chosen a person who, in your opinion, can help. But this is a wrong choice and in fact, that person himself requires help. Therefore, such a dream means that you need to choose another suitable patron for yourself.

Dreaming of a dead chicken foretells a serene and peaceful life. But if there are a lot of dead chickens in a dream, then this may portend possible illnesses. There are dreams when a dead bird suddenly starts making sounds. Such a dream is a signal that tears await the person in reality.

A live chicken in a dream will bring joy, good mood, and the birth of a child to your home.

Why do you dream about a white and black chicken?

To dream of a white chicken (according to Medea’s dream book) means that a person will experience success in an area or industry that is of particular importance to him. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of a promotion at work or happiness on the love front.

But a black chicken in a dream is the opposite of a white chicken. If you dreamed of a black bird, it means that in the near future you will worry and worry even about little things. The situation around you may become tense and exciting, and you must make a difficult decision for yourself. And such a dream will suggest that you should competently and slowly weigh all the pros and cons before making your choice. Either way you will lose something. But if you make the right choice, then in the end the losses will not be so sad.

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Dream interpretation chicken pecked

If you dreamed of a chicken, you can expect family well-being, a cozy home and spiritual comfort. It’s not for nothing that an overly caring mother is jokingly called a “mother hen.” This bird, which comes to a married woman in a dream, can mean an imminent pregnancy.

The general symbolic meaning is family comfort, care for children and comfort in one’s own home. Seeing a chicken in a dream is a good sign for those who value family traditions and like to spend time with their loved ones. It brings with it the strength and additional energy of the sun to fuel parental strength and health.

In almost all respects, a live chicken from dreams bodes well, this is confirmed by time-tested dream books, which are also available online. The exception is dreams in which she is aggressive against the dreamer: she pecks, attacks, or does not allow passage.

If you dreamed of a chicken

Also, in order to understand exactly why the chicken is dreaming, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • plumage color (what kind of chicken from the dreams was it - red, white or motley);
  • interaction with the dreamer (just contemplation or in a dream you fed and looked after her);
  • preparing the chicken for the table (did it have to be cut or was it already headless and plucked).

It's about the color

When you need an interpretation of what chickens are dreaming of, it is important to pay attention to their color. If there are a lot of birds and they are all colorful, this is a great sign. This means that almost all areas of the dreamer’s life will undergo positive changes.

White - success

If the chicken was white

It’s easy to understand why a chicken dreams. This is luck in making a profit . And if it is a white bird, it means that the dreamer is guaranteed success in all matters. Any financial undertakings, new projects, even the most difficult ones, will be doomed to success. You can take on any job - it will be well paid and will bring moral satisfaction.

The white chicken's head is too large - this means that the dreamer is ready to take up a respectable position. And it will be given to him by right, because the work he did was of high quality and completed on time. If the bird walks proudly and has a beautiful crown-like crest and the sleeping person notices this, success in the new business is guaranteed. People will truly respect their leader.

Red - love

A red hen, especially a laying hen, symbolizes family and love relationships. For a young girl, a red chicken means falling in love. And the big proud rooster among the red hens is a gentleman who sorts out the ladies. This dream warns the young lady - she is not the only one, but only one of them. The young man has not yet given preference to any of them.

One red laying hen for an unmarried girl can mean imminent marriage. And if in a dream the bird already has chickens, then the young people will create a family in their own house, in which common children will be born.

For a married woman, such a symbol in a dream means pregnancy and the successful birth of a daughter.

Black – secret signs

If you dreamed of a black chicken

The black chicken symbolizes connection with the other world. She is a guide to the world of the dead. Such a bird can bring a lot of useful information if the dreamer is ready to see and understand it.

If the memory of “she tried to peck me” definitely appears in the sleeper’s head, this is an alarming sign. When trying to understand magical or esoteric practices, such a dream warns that such an activity should be stopped.

For a woman, such a dream can predict the adventures of her husband. But you should not be convinced of suspicions, nor should you try to track down your faithful one. This hobby will soon end, and the man will again devote himself completely to his family.

How did the interaction take place?

An ordinary dream in which a bird was simply contemplated is a statement of an important direction in the dreamer’s life. Those circumstances that have nothing to do with him. But if there was interaction, it means that in order to receive the benefits that the bird from the dream predicts, you need to actively act.

  • Raising a lot of chickens in the yard is a profitable business.
  • Feed grain or crumbs - if they bite, you can confidently make an additional investment in the business.
  • A hen on eggs means additional unexpected profits. For those who are fond of gambling - extraordinary luck.
  • Pecking grain along with chickens - a family idyll.
  • Aggressive, tries to peck - failure.
  • To catch is to try to catch luck by the tail. If she is red and you manage to catch her, your cherished dream will come true thanks to hard work.
  • To strangle a caught bird means to stop financing an important business.
  • Doesn’t let you through, doesn’t let you pass - an obstacle on the part of a person who doesn’t understand the matter at all.
  • They raise their heads and cackle loudly - rumors that will not do much harm, but will spoil the mood.

Before eating

For those involved in poultry farming, dreams about slaughtering and cutting up poultry do not require interpretation. These are the realities of life that are reflected by the subconscious.

If you plucked a chicken

But if you have nothing to do with their breeding, then seeing such a process in a dream is not a very good sign.

  • Killing chickens is wasted money. If you had such a dream before starting a new project, it is better to refuse to participate in it.
  • Cutting off your head means taking the place of your boss.
  • Catching to kill is trouble, difficult work that no one will appreciate.
  • Stifling - financial difficulties.
  • Cutting a carcass from start to finish is a difficult work process that will bring very important experience, but not pleasure.
  • Seeing severed heads means lack of adequate leadership in a serious project.
  • Plucking yourself so that the feathers fly in all directions is one of the most auspicious dreams, which foreshadows the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  • A fresh carcass ready for cooking means it’s time to think about healthy eating.
  • Frozen - hidden inflammatory process.
  • Rotten - trouble, serious treatment will soon be required.
  • Cooked, for example, grilled - successful negotiations, an important agreement, a significant deal. Boiled - efforts will be in vain.
  • Cutting before serving - analysis of the work done.

Opinion of dream books

Almost all popular dream books say that such a bird from dreams brings home comfort and family well-being. It is quite possible to meet relatives who live very far away, Miller’s dream book promises. Or a large family celebration where all family members will gather.

Ancient interpretations

The ancients considered the appearance of a chicken in a dream to be a very auspicious sign. She, like the rooster, is a symbol of the sun and prosperity. Just not the main, masculine one, but the feminine, calmer one. This is the keeper of the hearth, who does not allow it to fade away. After such dreams, purchases related to home improvement are possible.

To profit or replenishment

Velesov's dream book, explaining why chickens are dreamed of, draws attention to the age of the dreamer. This is one of the dreams that promises marriage for young people and a prosperous life with the birth of more than one child for married people.

  • To see in the yard is good luck, family well-being. For a young girl - marriage.
  • A hen on eggs means profit. Possible addition to the family.
  • Feeding the birds is a hassle.
  • Fighting the chicken away from the hawk that is attacking will help you get out of a difficult situation.
  • Catching a lost chicken is a rivalry. If the financial sector is important to the dreamer at the moment, it means that a serious competitor will appear at work. And in case of problems in family life - betrayal.
  • Cutting off their heads is an impossible task.
  • Buying is a profitable investment.
  • Selling is a hopeless deal.
  • Cutting fried food is a great success.

Family comfort - Miller's interpretation

The interpretation of the American psychoanalyst Miller is related to family life. What his dream book draws attention to: a chicken seen in a dream symbolizes the behavior of an overly responsible mother.

But if you don’t have children, then the appearance of such a symbol in a dream indicates that in the dreamer’s life the time has come to settle down and accept eternal values, and not illusory ones, such as money.

  • For a woman, a dream in which she sees chickens promises pleasant communication in the family circle.
  • Feeding and caring for - family well-being, work on arranging a new home.
  • To catch the one who dug up the garden - ignorant people will disrupt the delivery of an important project.
  • Cutting off her head means difficulties, stagnation in business. It is necessary to take decisive action, otherwise you will have to completely change your field of activity.
  • Choking means trouble, stopping important things.
  • The hen cackles - a new addition to the family. This news will cause a stir among relatives.
  • Cutting fried chicken is a successful completion of the task and calculation of profits.

News – Freud's psychoanalysis

The German psychotherapist Freud, explaining why a chicken dreams, started from the constantly emitted sounds of this bird. That's why he said that a chicken comes to the news in a dream. Not necessarily from distant relatives, perhaps a neighbor will visit you and tell you about an ordinary event.

  • Symbolizes news.
  • Feed – care for the person you like.
  • A hen on eggs is a moral readiness to be a parent.
  • To kill is a lack of self-confidence. Hidden fear of embarrassing yourself in bed.
  • Choking is a tendency to unusual methods of self-satisfaction.
  • With chickens - minor worries.

General impression

Despite the fact that this bird, useful in the household, carries, for the most part, only a positive interpretation, we still should not exclude a personal and individual explanation for the dream.

If the head of a bird is most emphasized in a dream, it means that the dreamer should focus more on a logical analysis of the situation rather than on feelings. Then he will be able to achieve the desired leadership position.

The hen from the dream speaks of the prevalence of family values; most online sources gravitate towards this interpretation.

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