Why dream of a lot of big little hedgehogs. The Hedgehog is dreaming, what does it symbolize? Eastern female dream book

This funny forest animal is familiar to everyone since childhood. Why is the hedgehog dreaming? According to the dream book, hedgehogs in a dream have a very meaningful interpretation. The dream you see can reflect both your life and interactions with the outside world, as well as your personal qualities and inner world. So there are many interpretations of what hedgehogs dream of. Let's try to understand their diversity.

I had a dream about a hedgehog, what does it mean? Why does a woman dream of a hedgehog and how do dream books interpret this?

In order to understand what the hedgehog is dreaming of, you need to remember the dream you had, down to the smallest detail. Have you seen one hedgehog or many? Was he an adult or still a hedgehog? What did the animal do in your dream, and what did you do? Your age and gender also matter for interpretation. Use our tips so as not to miss a single important nuance and draw up a general picture of a dream.

Why does a woman dream of a hedgehog

This prickly animal is simply the personification of contradictions. So why does a woman dream of a hedgehog, how do dream books interpret this dream? Looking at the needle-like back of a hedgehog, it is hard to imagine his soft belly and tiny cute paws. The hedgehog looks at us with its beady eyes, and we immediately begin to be touched, forgetting that it is a small nocturnal predator. In a dream, his needles are a symbol of your attitude to reality and the influence of your environment on you.

  • Small hedgehogs mean the presence of minor troubles at work or discord in the family, as well as anger at yourself, your soul mate, or guilt.
  • If a girl has a hedgehog in her arms, but she does not feel that he is prickly, then in real life she thinks incorrectly about who she recently met.
  • When we feed a little hedgehog in a dream, in reality it will be possible to establish relations with the most vicious enemy.
  • If a guy in a dream feels pricks of hedgehog needles, he should be on the side. There is someone in his environment who can ruin his relationship with his beloved.
  • If the hedgehog curled up in your hands, expect bad news or quarrels with colleagues. But if he just sleeps like that, then a person who previously lost your trust will soon appear.
  • If the hedgehog is held in your hands not by you, but by someone else, then you will soon be subordinate to him.

Why does a married woman dream of a hedgehog? Such a dream means that a woman needs male attention and support, but she is not entirely trusting towards people and is not ready to let them get closer. Forget past failures. If something went wrong before, this does not mean that everything will definitely happen again. If the beast runs away from you, you are trying to isolate yourself from new phenomena and experiences, despite the fact that you are guaranteed safety in any case. Open up to the unknown and life will sparkle with new colors!

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a hedgehog? Taking a small hedgehog in a dream is a warning that an unfamiliar person can commit a mean act. It also portends a quarrel in the family.

If a hedgehog dreamed of a girl, a man, a child

A hedgehog in a dream often symbolizes your desire to curl up into a ball and isolate yourself from the outside world.

If a young girl dreamed of a hedgehog, such a dream portends success in business. True, be careful, as a hedgehog in a dream can warn of a possible acquaintance with unpleasant and dangerous people. The dream interpretation suggests a possible collision with some problems and a desire to curl up into a ball. Feel free to overcome fears and be afraid of nothing, then you can make the right decision. Stroking a hedgehog in a dream portends a new acquaintance, stay open and sincere.

Why do hedgehogs dream of a woman - such a dream shows that it is not easy for her to live without male attention and faithful friends. And it suggests that close people are absent in your life, as your needles scare away. And you prick because of the fear of letting someone close and trusting another person. Stop holding on to the past and focus on the present.

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream is a wonderful sign for a man. In ancient times, the hedgehog was considered a very wise animal, as it skillfully strings prey on needles. That is why for a man a hedgehog in a dream is a symbol of well-being, which promises success and good luck in work and business.

If a child dreamed of a hedgehog - what does sleep mean in this case? This is a sign of isolation, or maybe a new period of personality formation. A hedgehog in a dream reflects the behavior of a child in his environment. Remind your son or daughter that the world around is very friendly, you should not constantly stick out needles and defend yourself. Such actions will only aggravate relations in the team.

If you dreamed a lot of hedgehogs

Why dream a lot of hedgehogs? For a businessman, such a dream will be a harbinger of the imminent visit of employees of the inspection bodies or the start of litigation. If a woman has such a dream, this is an indicator of minor problems with the genitourinary system, it is best to consult a doctor.

There is another interpretation of what hedgehogs dream of - a lot of animals means that a lot of trouble awaits you, which you won’t be able to get out of quickly. If you are in business, then expect a check from the authorities soon. If you have just outlined a plan of action for yourself, then for now it will be better to leave this venture. The dream interpretation portends that in reality you can be deceived or set up.

Were the needles of the animal soft or hard?

Why does a woman dream of a hedgehog with soft needles? Softened hedgehog spines are a sign that those around you are insincere with you. But your business is lucky. When a curled up hedgehog sticks out soft quills, you are trying to avoid unpleasant questions. When you stroke a soft hedgehog, a new stage awaits you in your relationship, and if you are lonely, such a dream portends a meeting with your soulmate.

If you noticeably pricked yourself on the back of a hedgehog, you will be surrounded by gossip, but your image will not suffer from this. If there were no thorns at all, then in real life you will have to prove your ability to defend your interests.

Have you seen hedgehogs or adults?

Why is a small hedgehog dreaming - such a dream tried to warn you. Be careful and be prepared that there are ill-wishers near you. And they do not want to let you carry out your plan. You may have told yourself about your plans, but this is not a reason to give up. Be more secretive and patient.

A dream in which the hedgehog was adult and large is not a good sign. Seeing a big hedgehog in a dream is a black streak in life. You will have to struggle hard with the difficulties that will fill your life. An unpleasant forecast, but do not despair, the black bar tends to change to light.

Have you ever seen a hedgehog with offspring in a dream? The dream interpretation portends the appearance of a patron very soon. He will become your protector and support. If there was only one hedgehog with a hedgehog, then for sure you are surrounded by ill-wishers and envious people. The dream interpretation promises trouble for you due to the fact that someone from your environment wants to slander you and ruin your reputation. Be careful.

If in a dream you happened to breed hedgehogs, then in reality you want independence. You are tired of command. The dream book warns to be more careful if you had to see the birth of a hedgehog in a dream. This dream promises you a strong conflict with enemies. But if you fed the offspring of a hedgehog, then victory over difficulties awaits you, you can be proud of yourself.

What did these animals do in a dream?

  • We continue to study the dream book: a hedgehog running towards you symbolizes relaxation in the company of friends and loved ones. Another such dream can portend a very important and serious conversation.
  • Did you have a dream in which the animal was frightened of you, began to run away and hide or curl up into a ball? Then you need to become extremely careful about all your affairs. You have to beware of gossip. And before making any decision, you should think carefully so as not to reproach yourself later for stupidity.
  • Did you dream about how a hedgehog absorbs a mouse? Your great cause will turn out to be empty, and all the efforts spent on it will be useless. Another possible interpretation is that you have to deal with your weaknesses.
  • Food on the hedgehog's needles in a dream portends food for discussion. The dream interpretation promises that you can become this food. Try not to speak out violently at someone else's address, and this will help protect yourself from discussions by others.
  • If you took a hedgehog home in a dream, then your decision on independence and independence is too swift. And if you have disputes in your house, then it would be better to lull your vigilance for now and reckon with the opinions of the people around you.

dead hedgehog

There are two interpretations here. In terms of self-development, you grow as a person through purposeful practice and learning. And in terms of interaction with people, you will get rid of ill-wishers and rivals in your career. If in a dream you killed a hedgehog - this is a successful resolution of some kind of trouble.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Often in dreams, the unconscious tries to show us something or convey some important message. To understand and interpret what you see, it is advisable to carefully analyze all the details of sleep. And these are not only dream objects, but also actions performed in a dream. The famous dream books will help you understand the world of dreams and their interpretation.

Miller's dream book - small chores ahead

If you dreamed of a hedgehog, then this is a sign of minor troubles that will come into your life. You held a hedgehog, and he pricked you with his needles - one of your new acquaintances is dishonest with you. Conversely, if the hedgehog does not prick you, then you have wrongly judged someone, and your bad opinion of the person is not justified. The hedgehog curls up into a ball - this can be a symbol of dangerous activity, thanks to which enrichment awaits you.

The hedgehog is a very prickly creature, but in a dream its spines can be soft.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

According to Vanga, the hedgehog is a neutral animal. Of the positive qualities, thrift and diligence are observed. The thorns are his defense against attackers. Along with all these good qualities, one should not forget that he is a predator and preys on other animals. Based on this, the dream in which the hedgehog was seen has both a positive and a negative character.

  • If in a dream a person stepped on a hedgehog and pricked himself, this is a conversation in the family. Events can develop very unexpectedly and even unpleasantly.
  • If you saw a hedgehog fighting a snake, then in reality a conflict awaits you. And in order to resolve it, you will have to sacrifice friendships with someone you know.
  • Feed a hedgehog in a dream - you will receive news of envious people;
  • And if you dreamed of a hedgehog with hedgehogs, then rejoice, an addition to your family is planned. Such a dream - to the news of pregnancy.

For a woman, according to Vanga's dream book, a dream about a hedgehog promises an acquaintance with an outstanding person. Or you will have a quarrel with relatives and significant material damage. Holding a hedgehog in your arms is a clue to someone's malicious intent. If you entered a house inhabited by a lot of hedgehogs, then you run the risk of getting into a mess, which will be quite difficult to get out of.

If the hedgehog goes straight to you, you will have a pleasant pastime with close relatives, or an important conversation will take place. In the case when the hedgehog wants to hide from you, be especially careful and patient.

Freud's dream book - it's time to let go of the past

The German psychotherapist Sigmund Freud interprets dreams in which animals appear as self-awareness, an understanding of who you really are. He is sure that animals in a dream reveal our animal essence. Freud offered a very neutral interpretation, if in a dream you just saw a running hedgehog, then most likely it will be useful for you to reconsider your needs.

If in a dream you happened to see a dead hedgehog, then Freud advised you to let go of the past and all the events that happened there. To help you with this, consider changing jobs or where you live. And the past cannot be returned, and this is now just your life experience. If in a dream you saw a hedgehog curled up into a ball, then be careful, your enemies are up to something bad and are looking for your weak spot and a good time to attack.

Modern dream book - it's time to change

The hedgehog wants to warn the dreamer about the appearance of a dishonest person in the circle of your new acquaintances. Or to show your personal unwillingness to open up to the world, as if he is saying: “Enough hiding behind prickly needles!” If this is about you, then give the Universe a chance to help you change. And friends and relatives can help with this, do not push them away.

Did you dream that you found a hedgehog in the forest? The dream interpretation promises the appearance of an influential person and patron, but how comfortable will you be under the leadership of an imperious and tough person? Think about it.

If you held a hedgehog in your hands, then your enemies will fail and will not be able to harm you. A modern dream book warns that if you dreamed that you entered a room with hedgehogs, then an unpleasant situation awaits you, the consequences of which can ruin your reputation.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - you will have a competitor

The author of this interpreter believes that to see a hedgehog in a dream means that an ill-wisher will appear who is cunning and cunning. A hedgehog that eats a mouse is a symbol of your state of mind. In real life, your struggle is going on, in which you are trying to overcome your weaknesses and shortcomings.

If in a dream you are tangibly painfully stepping on a hedgehog, then it's time to look at your life from a different point of view and be open to changes. A dead hedgehog in a dream becomes a harbinger of the fact that in real life you will have to ask for help. If in a dream a hedgehog attacked you, then a negative situation awaits you, in which you will not wait for help, and you will have to get out on your own.

Small Velesov dream book - you will receive news

A hedgehog in a dream can symbolize your thrift and diligence.

The hedgehog portends news, as well as a clash with a cunning enemy, a dispute, if you took the animal in your hands - expect irrelevant troubles.

Russian folk dream book - you can get sick

According to the popular interpreter, the dream of a hedgehog is a symbol of cautious, impregnable, unexpected pain.

Gypsy dream book - do not trust your friends

According to the gypsies, a hedgehog in a dream is an acquaintance who loves intrigue and a sophisticated enemy in reality.

Aesop's dream book - you will find a patron

In fairy tales of different peoples, the hedgehog has become a symbol of thrift and freedom. He has the qualities of a real warrior, he always knows how to defend what is dear to him. There is a saying: "I was looking for a knife, but I ran into a hedgehog." To find this animal in the middle of the forest - you have a patron who is endowed with great influence. If the hedgehog was small in a dream, you should be more careful, your enemies will do anything to thwart your plans. When you bred hedgehogs in a dream, in reality you want to be independent and not be subordinate to anyone.

Idiomatic dream book - trouble awaits you

In the idiomatic dream book, a parallel is drawn with the expressions “prickly like a hedgehog”, “bristles like a hedgehog”, “a no-brainer”, “keep tight.”

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse - you are a brave man

In this dream book, a hedgehog is a sign of constant envy. Feeding a hedgehog from your hands is a sign of your courage and endurance, and it is these qualities that will help you overcome difficulties. If you saw the battle of a hedgehog and a snake, then in difficult times expect help from a loved one.

English dream book - you are afraid of something

A prickly hedgehog running away or curled up in a ball is a quick fear, a very strong fright, possibly with bad health consequences. To shelter and feed a hedgehog in a dream is a meeting with an eccentric, communication with a creative person.

Icelandic dream book - to a new meeting

A hedgehog in a dream means meeting a very interesting person who can become your true friend in the future. If you take a hedgehog in your hands and feel its needles, it means that you will form the right opinion about a new acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers - Conflict at Work

Hear the stomp of a hedgehog - wait for bad news from afar, break business contacts. To see a curled up hedgehog is to defend your interests before the invaders and superiors. Seeing a baby hedgehog - your health will soon get stronger.

Can't get an answer from your dream? Write a dream in the comments and get an individual interpretation.

Why dream of a hedgehog with hedgehogs, in a cage that gives birth to hedgehogs

In most dream books, dreams about hedgehogs are interpreted as a symbol of the danger that threatens the dreamer. It is believed that a dreaming hedgehog, in real life, symbolizes a caustic and always snorting person.

There are dream books in which the same dream predicts financial well-being.

In this case, when the hedgehog is caged and gives birth to hedgehogs, a dream means that your enemies will attempt to cause you a number of troubles, but they themselves will fall into their own trap. Their machinations will be exposed and they will be punished as they deserve.

To you, newborn hedgehogs seen in a dream predict success and prosperity.

Why dream of a hedgehog with small hedgehogs, with a hedgehog (hedgehogs)

A hedgehog with hedgehogs is a dream that predicts material wealth. Everything would be fine, but in reality you will be too worried about your finances and, like a hedgehog, shrink and turn into a solid bundle of nerves.

What is the dream of a pregnant hedgehog

The dream in which you saw a hedgehog, which should give birth to hedgehogs, symbolizes an improvement in material condition. However, at the same time it serves as a warning so that you do not relax too much, otherwise you can also easily lose everything you have acquired.

Hedgehog Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, a dreaming hedgehog is a symbol of the successful completion of what was planned. However, if you pricked yourself on her needles, then in reality not everything will go as smoothly as we would like. You will have to endure barbs and criticisms in your address.

Hedgehog dream book of Juno

According to Juno's dream book, watching a hedgehog in your dream is a favorable sign. In real life, all adversity will pass you by.

However, if the hedgehog curled up in a ball, you better stay alert for a while. Your enemies are not at all as helpless as it might seem at first glance.

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Together with a pricked finger for the first time, a person learns for life a cautious attitude towards any thorns.

But the hedgehog, resembling a living pillow for needles, still evokes warm feelings.

Usually a dreaming hedgehog puzzles the dreamer - this nocturnal animal is not often found by people even in rural areas, and for a city dweller to see a hedgehog is generally very rare. That is why a dream about this animal requires interpretation with the help of a dream book.

Interpretations in the most popular dream books

The hedgehog, as a symbol of impregnability, caution, security and the ability to inflict unexpected pain, is interpreted differently in well-known dream books.

Miller's dream book indicates that:

1. To see a hedgehog in a dream - to dangerous relationships and at the same time to great success in later life.

2. To hold a hedgehog in your arms in a dream - to communicate with a bad person or to family quarrels.

If you dream that you do not feel the sharpness of the thorns, your opinion about the new acquaintance is superficial and false, and to feel injections - to the presence of an insidious acquaintance in your life, purposefully harming you.

3. A hedgehog curled up in a ball dreams of your future attempts to escape from unexpected problems that are preferable to solve.

There is a dream book in which a hedgehog is a harbinger of trouble (Tsvetkov's dream book). And in Hasse's dream book, hedgehogs dream of the envy that others feel towards you.

The esoteric dream book claims that this prickly animal dreams of “injections” that your loved ones will inflict on you. To learn more about what dreams about hedgehogs dream about, a modern dream book will help. If you dream:

  • A hedgehog without any accompanying circumstances and features - serious success awaits you in any endeavors.
  • A killed hedgehog, the troubles that have appeared in reality will not harm you.
  • A hedgehog heading your way promises a serious conversation or an opportunity to have a good time in a friendly atmosphere.
  • A hedgehog hiding from you portends a situation that requires maximum caution and patience.

What else does this dream mean?

A prickly hedgehog dreams of gossip with which you will be surrounded without prejudice to your image, and a milk-drinking hedgehog - to the impossibility of avoiding contact with a person unpleasant for you.

A small hedgehog lying in a dream in the palm of your hand, which does not prick your hand, indicates that you are mistaken for the better in assessing a new acquaintance.

According to this dream book, it is also important on what day of the week you had this dream. A dream that occurred from Tuesday to Wednesday indicates that in order to successfully fight gossip, you need to show patience and diligence. In addition, you can make a very tempting offer.

The Mayan Dream Interpretation notes that a hedgehog can dream of both positive and negative phenomena in your life. A running hedgehog symbolizes the absence of a threat, peace, health and well-being, and a curled up hedgehog symbolizes a possible attack by bandits.

The noble dream book of Grishina indicates that in a dream:

  • Seeing a hedgehog - to serious damage or a quarrel, doubts about the loyalty of a partner, or a slight injury.
  • Hold in your hands - to someone's intrigues.
  • To prick on his thorns - to quarrels with others or to the opportunity to make sure that your decisions and plans are correct.

The Russian dream book interprets a dream about a hedgehog as an opportunity to meet an extraordinary person. And Shereminskaya's dream book is like a nuisance or a meeting with an enemy.

It is also interesting to note why hedgehogs dream of Freud's dream book. Freud believed that the hedgehog is the personification of your essence: due to your suspicion and incredulity, you meet any manifestation of attention with “thorns”, going on the defensive.

This reaction is caused by once violated trust. You tend to withdraw into yourself even in a sexual relationship with a loved one, so sex may not bring much pleasure.

Interpretation of sleep in Aesop's dream book

If you don’t know why unusual dreams about hedgehogs are dreaming, it is in Aesop’s dream book that you can find the answer. This dream book pays attention to the circumstances under which you saw a hedgehog in a dream:

  • The animal that you met in the forest promises the patronage of an influential person.
  • The little hedgehog urges you to be careful in reality, as ill-wishers will try to interfere with your plans.
  • To prick with the needles of an animal - to an unsuccessful attempt to make friends with a new acquaintance.
  • Feeding a hedgehog is an opportunity to avoid trouble with the help of stamina and courage.
  • Breeding them is a desire in reality to gain independence and get out of subordination.
  • A hedgehog without thorns indicates the need to prove in reality that you can stand up for yourself.
  • The fight between a hedgehog and a snake is a dream of help that close people will provide you in difficult times.
  • A hedgehog with soft spines indicates the insincerity of the people around you.
  • Hedgehogs with their mother dream when your children need help.

It happens that dreams about a hedgehog are very unpleasant and painful, but their meaning is quite positive.

So, dead hedgehogs dream when you need help, and a hedgehog eating mice means that in reality you are trying to cope with your shortcomings. A hedgehog killed by you means that you have fewer enemies.

Hedgehog thorns covering your body mean your ability to stand up for yourself. And even the severe pain that arose after you stepped on a hedgehog in a dream means only the need to change some life principles.

What is important to pay close attention to when analyzing sleep is the number of hedgehogs. A house filled with hedgehogs portends an extremely unpleasant story for you, from which it will be difficult for you to get out.

A hedgehog attack is considered a bad sign - in reality a difficult and unpleasant situation awaits you in which you cannot count on anyone.


A hedgehog in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's naivety, at the same time warning against the danger of being used. Trust people less so as not to be deceived.

Who dreamed of a hedgehog? What size was the hedgehog in a dream? How many hedgehogs were there in a dream? Who was the hedgehog in a dream with? Where was the hedgehog in a dream? Was the hedgehog with needles in a dream? Was the hedgehog alive in a dream? What kind of hedgehog was in a dream? What color was the hedgehog in a dream? What did the hedgehog do in a dream? What did you do with the hedgehog in your dream?

Who dreamed of a hedgehog?

Why does a woman dream of a hedgehog

If a woman dreamed that she saw a hedgehog, she would meet an unusual person. An unpleasant thing may happen soon: contention with a loved one or loss of property. A hedgehog in your arms - your exposure of an evil plan.

What size was the hedgehog in a dream?

Little hedgehog

Why dream of a big hedgehog

If you dreamed that you saw a big hedgehog - be prepared for the onset of trouble. A black streak will come, and in this period of time you will have to deal with difficulties.

How many hedgehogs were there in a dream?

If you dream of a lot of hedgehogs

If the dream is about a house with a lot of hedgehogs, you will be in an unpleasant situation from which it will not be easy to get out. A similar dream came to a businessman - you need to prepare for a possible inspection of the enterprise by authorized bodies.

Who was the hedgehog in a dream with?

If you dreamed that a hedgehog with hedgehogs

According to Felomena's dream book, a hedgehog with hedgehogs is a warning about a possible major quarrel with the parents of neighboring children or about unpleasant words addressed to you. For a woman, such a dream can also portend pregnancy.

Where was the hedgehog in a dream?

Why dream of a hedgehog in the house

If in a dream there was a hedgehog in the house, this warns you of a too swift decision to become an independent person. Now no one's opinion matters to you, except your own, so frequent quarrels are possible.

When a hedgehog dreams on the street

The interpretation of the dream in which the hedgehog was found on the street is based on the possibility of meeting in reality with a person of great influence, he will help with promotion. For a girl - a rich boyfriend, who, however, will still have to pay for generosity later.

Was the hedgehog with needles in a dream?

Dream interpretation about a hedgehog with needles

I dreamed that a hedgehog was pricked with needles - do not waste your time maintaining friendship or building relationships with a person who is not at all interested in this.

Why dream of a hedgehog without needles

A hedgehog without needles in a dream can mean for the dreamer his low position in the eyes of others, they believe that his adaptability to life is low, so you need to try to correct public opinion.

Was the hedgehog alive in a dream?

If a dream about a dead hedgehog

When a dead hedgehog is dreaming, support will be needed in reality. The symbol of such a dream is the elimination of the superfluous: a successful fight against the disease or people disqualified from life. If you personally killed an animal, you will be able to defeat your enemy.

What kind of hedgehog was in a dream?

sea ​​urchin

What color was the hedgehog in a dream?

White hedgehog in a dream

I dreamed that you see a white hedgehog - there is an unkind person in your life who pretends to be a good friend in order to manipulate you.

What did the hedgehog do in a dream?

Dreaming that a hedgehog has bitten

The meaning of sleep, where the hedgehog bites you, is the approach of not the best times, unpleasant phenomena. To get rid of problems, rely only on your own strength.

What did you do with the hedgehog in your dream?

According to the dream book, stroking a hedgehog

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream and stroking it means the dreamer's isolation. There may be people around you who do not trust you, who are wary in communicating with you.


Dream Interpretation Little Hedgehog

Why does the little Hedgehog dream in a dream from a dream book?

A dream about a small hedgehog warns you: beware of your envious people who are ready for various tricks to create obstacles for you.

It is necessary to carefully think over your every step to avoid the implementation of the plans of "well-wishers" so that they do not interfere with reaching the goal.

Who dreamed of a hedgehog?

A small hedgehog in a woman's dream

Small hedgehogs for a woman, according to the dream book, are a symbol of the threat of an upcoming illness. It does not hurt to go to the gynecologist to check women's health.


Dream Interpretation: hedgehog why dream

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Hedgehog

A dream about a hedgehog is a clue for all people, regardless of gender and age.

Seeing a hedgehog crossing the dreamer's path means in real life someone is trying to "run across" his path in the service. The dream suggests that a person urgently needs to take measures so that he is not removed from his post - firstly, to identify the intriguer, and secondly, to show more diligence and initiative at work.

A dream in which a person sees a hedgehog with mushrooms, leaves or berries pricked on needles suggests that material problems may soon begin and it is time to start saving money for a rainy day.

If a person dreams of a hedgehog, then he should: if there are children, come to grips with their upbringing; if not, it's time to think about increasing the family. If it is too early for a person to think about having offspring, the dream suggests that the time has come when you need to make every effort to acquire professional skills in order to earn good money in the future and adequately support your family.

Seeing a dead hedgehog in a dream is a dream warning to a person that in reality you need to moderate your ambitions and be content with what you have. A dream in which a person kills a hedgehog tells him that in real life he should take good care of his parents.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about a hedgehog mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a hedgehog in a dream in Miller's online dream book.


dreamed of a hedgehog what is it for?


men's dependence

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream portends that despite dangerous connections. you will have great success in life. Taking a hedgehog in your arms in a dream means that you have to communicate with a bad person. Possible family quarrel. If you dream that you are holding a hedgehog in your hands and feel that it does not prick, then you have a wrong opinion about your new acquaintance. If the hedgehog is pricked, then in your close circle there is a person who is plotting against you. If you dreamed of a hedgehog curled up, then you will try to get away from the problems that have piled up. The dream suggests that it is best to finish the work that has been started.

Olga Kuznetsova

Aesop's dream book

Hedgehog - This forest dweller symbolizes caution, impregnability, unexpected pain, protection. In folk tales, the hedgehog personifies independence, thriftiness. He is smart and quick, with the help of his needles, the fairy-tale heroine sewed a magic flying carpet. The hedgehog is ready to fight back any enemy. He is brave, hardy, cunning. They say about an evil and cruel person who received a worthy rebuff: “I was looking for a knife, but I ran into a hedgehog.” The dream in which you find a hedgehog in the forest means that you can count on the protection of a strong and influential person. Seeing a little hedgehog in a dream is a sign that you must be careful, your ill-wishers will try to do everything possible to prevent the implementation of your plans. If in a dream you breed hedgehogs, it means that in reality you strive for independence and do not want to obey anyone. A dream in which a hedgehog pricked you with its needles means that the person with whom you want to establish a relationship is unlikely to want to maintain friendship with you. Seeing a house in a dream with a lot of hedgehogs is a sign that you will fall into a very unpleasant story and it will be quite difficult for you to get out of it. To dream about how you feed a hedgehog from your hands is a symbol that your courage and endurance will help you avoid many troubles. If you saw in a dream a hedgehog without thorns - in reality you will have to prove that you are not as helpless as it seems. A dream in which you see a hedgehog fighting a snake means that someone close to you will come to your aid in difficult times. A hedgehog eating a mouse symbolizes your state of mind. In reality, you are trying to deal with your weaknesses and shortcomings. If in a dream you stepped on a hedgehog and felt severe pain, this means that in reality you need to reconsider your life views and try to change something. Seeing a dead hedgehog in a dream is a sign that you need help. The dream in which you saw hedgehog thorns grow on your body indicates that you know how to stand up for yourself and can always repulse the offender. They say about such people: "He is overgrown with hedgehog bristles." To dream of a hedgehog with soft thorns means that you are surrounded by insincere people who are using you. Seeing in a dream how a hedgehog attacks you is a bad sign. This dream means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation for you and there will not be a person next to you who would lend you a helping hand.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Hedgehog - If a hedgehog is killed in a dream, the impending unpleasant story will end happily. If the hedgehog is walking towards you, the dream portends a rest in the company of close relatives or an important conversation. If the hedgehog is hiding from you, - - you will need patience and special care in business. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday - diligence and patience are simply necessary for you in this situation, beware of gossip. At the same time, you may receive a lucrative offer that it would be foolish to refuse. By the way, in Madagascar, soldiers were not allowed to eat hedgehogs, since it was believed that the habit of this animal, defending itself, curling up into a ball, hiding, could be transmitted to those who eat the hedgehog.

Freud's dream book

Hedgehog - If you dreamed of a hedgehog, know that it symbolizes your essence. You perceive any manifestation of attention to your person with distrust and apprehension, always suspecting the worst, and therefore you always expose thorns, defending yourself. And the fault is that once you had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety. Intimately, you are timid and insecure, afraid to once again take the initiative and always close up if a person claims something immeasurably greater or unusual. In general, sex with you is unlikely to please your partner, and you yourself.

Why do hedgehogs dream?



Be careful! enemies can plot against you! sometimes hedgehogs come off as a warning that you shouldn't be jealous of others

Mary London

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream portends that despite dangerous relationships, you will find great success in life. Taking a hedgehog in your arms in a dream means that you have to communicate with a bad person. Possible family quarrel. If you dream that you are holding a hedgehog in your hands and feel that it does not prick, then you have a wrong opinion about your new acquaintance. If the hedgehog is pricked, then in your close circle there is a person who is plotting against you. If you dreamed of a hedgehog curled up, then you will try to get away from the problems that have piled up. The dream suggests that it is best to finish the work that has been started.

Yuri Polyakov

Hedgehog - you dream that on your birthday your friends in a box of cake gave you a hedgehog. This dream means that you should think about who your friends are. If you dream that there are a lot of hedgehogs in your garden, the dream means that you will spend the next holidays or weekends alone. You go on a picnic and accidentally sit on a hedgehog, which means that soon you will remember some trifle in life that you once forgot and tried to remember for a long time. You keep a hedgehog in one of the rooms and put a saucer of milk on it. This dream means that soon you will help the poor or one of your relatives. For an atheist, this dream means the return of faith in God. Hurrying to work, you drive a car and crush a hedgehog along the way. Sleep means that your appliances or household electrical appliances may fail or burn out: to avoid a fire, turn them off at night. You go to bed in the evening and find a hedgehog there. For married people, this dream means sexual disorder and lack of harmony in relationships, and for single people, nightly fears and a feeling of loneliness.

Alexander Tolstikov

love you! !
and everything..

~Bad girl~

it means you protect yourself from enemies


Hedgehog dreams - a conversation with a liar.


to the mist...

Why is the Hedgehog dreaming?

You can find out for free in the dream book, what is the hedgehog dreaming of by reading below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not a Hedgehog, but something else, use the search form for online interpretations of dreams.

Why is the Hedgehog dreaming

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream

To catch a hedgehog in a dream and prick on its needles is to deal with a dangerous person.

What does sleep hedgehog mean

Seeing a snorting hedgehog in a dream means that someone is very angry with you.

See a hedgehog in a dream

You will safely pass the dangers and achieve success.

Imagine a hedgehog drinking milk. It will be good if you manage to imagine that you are treating the hedgehog, for example, pouring milk into it in a saucer.

Dream interpretation hedgehog

Seeing this animal in a dream is a new acquaintance. But since the symbolism of dreams in which animals appear is ambiguous, in order to figure out what the hedgehog is dreaming of, you need to remember the dream in detail and get acquainted with the interpretation of more than one dream book.

The general symbolic meaning of this small animal that appeared in a dream is a person who recently appeared in the dreamer's life. She does not yet reveal herself, and is very afraid that someone will find out about her thoughts, because they are unseemly

Almost all small animals that a young woman dreams of may indicate the possibility of pregnancy. Especially if you have to not only see them, but also catch them, chase them or pick them up.

If you dreamed of a hedgehog

Little hedgehogs are no exception, especially if you see in a dream not an adult animal, but also a baby, and it looks very cute and not at all dangerous. This about animals is very common.

But hedgehogs are predatory animals, albeit small ones. This means that you should not rely on such an unspoken rule for interpreting dreams with animals. Moreover, the main feature of the hedgehog is the presence of a large number of needles, which can symbolize a certain barrier, mystery, unwillingness to reveal oneself, or the secrecy and insincerity of the people around.

If you dreamed that a young woman was holding a hedgehog in her hands, it is quite possible that she would make a new acquaintance, and the dreamer would be somehow involved in this.

Hold a hedgehog in your hands - uncover a conspiracy

For a man, to hold a hedgehog in his hands in a dream - to reveal a conspiracy that has been prepared against him for a long time - such an interpretation of dreams is given by almost every common dream book.

Often, if hedgehogs dream, it means that you need to carefully observe new acquaintances. This animal can symbolize an ill-wisher, an enemy who, from the outside, is trying to harm, and is waiting for the right moment for this - you should not ignore the warnings of such dreams.

Interpretation of the hedgehog symbol in a dream from the point of view of different dream books

As a rule, the dream book interprets the appearance of a hedgehog in a dream as warning dreams. You need to carefully look around with your surroundings, it is quite possible that there are people in it who are trying to harm the dreamer.

Old Slavic dream book (Velesov)

According to this ancient source of interpretation, hedgehogs dream to warn a person that there are dishonest people among new acquaintances. Or it is a reflection of one's own unwillingness to be open to the outside world.

Hedgehog - a sign of warning

In any case, seeing a hedgehog in a dream is a call from the Universe to notice your shortcomings in time, through communication with loved ones. Having received such a sign, relatives cannot be repelled - they can significantly help.

  • To find a hedgehog in the forest, to see him is the patronage of an imperious tough person.
  • Hold in your hands - enemies will not be able to harm you.
  • To enter a room with a lot of hedgehogs - the dreamer will find himself in an absurd situation, the consequences of which will greatly affect his reputation.
  • The hedgehog that killed the mouse - the grandiose business begun will be empty.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Eastern Slavs perceive the hedgehog as a neutral creature. He is thrifty, hardworking, and more often defends than attacks. But the abundance of thorns with which it is covered makes it dangerous for those who show idle curiosity. In addition, this predatory animal hunts at night, therefore, along with the positive aspects, the symbolism of the hedgehog, which had to be seen in a dream, also has negative aspects.

hedgehog wrestling with a snake - a symbol of internal contradictions

  • Stepping on a hedgehog and hurting yourself is an unexpected turn of events, an unpleasant conversation with your family.
  • A duel between a hedgehog and a snake - you will be drawn into an unnecessary conflict, it will be impossible to get out of it without losing friends.
  • Feeding a hedgehog from your hands is a dependence on a certain high-ranking person.
  • A hedgehog with hedgehogs - to pregnancy, an addition to the family.

Freud's dream book

Dreams with animals, the German psychotherapist interprets as a manifestation of the inner "I", awareness of one's own essence, the possibility of personal growth, or vice versa, oppression.

Dead hedgehog - the past will no longer be able to influence the development of subsequent events. Much of the experience is crossed out, some uncertainty about the future - doubts about the correctness of the chosen path, the desire to change jobs or place of residence.

A hedgehog curled up in a ball - you need to be wary of enemies who are not asleep, but are looking for a weak spot.

If in a dream a hedgehog just runs past without making contact with the dreamer - an opportunity to reconsider your life needs.

Miller's dream book

Hedgehog is a positive sign

Late European traditions interpret the hedgehog symbol that appeared in a dream more positively. Sometimes it is neutral, and only in cases where the hedgehog inflicts frank wounds on the dreamer is negative.

  • I dreamed of a hedgehog - to minor chores.
  • Hold in your arms and prick - a new acquaintance is dishonest with you, if the hedgehog does not prick, then you were in vain to have a bad opinion about him.
  • Symbolizes - possible enrichment, despite not dangerous activities.

The image of a hedgehog in a dream - emotions and additional details

This is a person who recently appeared surrounded by a dreamer and very carefully hides his thoughts and plans. Often they are directed to harm you.

This animal can also mean the dreamer's personality, especially if he has heart or business problems at that time. If you dreamed of a hedgehog that curls up into a ball, it may mean that the dreamer wants to get away from reality, not wanting to solve problems by improving his own qualities.

But at the moment, going “into yourself” is not the best option. Imaginary friends will definitely take advantage of a situation that will later be impossible to change.

Dead hedgehogs can mean unjustified ambition. Too much desire to gain status and financial well-being will lead to nothing but a damaged relationship.

On the other hand, it is an opportunity to look at loved ones from a different angle. It is imperative to take advantage of this opportunity.

Since childhood, in fairy tales, cartoons, and books, hedgehogs have been kind, cautious, thrifty animals that, defending themselves, could inflict unexpected pain with their needles. This mammal will always give a worthy rebuff to its offender at any moment. No wonder there is a proverb: "I was looking for a knife, but suddenly I met a hedgehog." However, there is a saying: "Prickly like a hedgehog" and it is applied to an unfriendly person. In most cases, everything that we see in a dream is interpreted radically opposite, for example, to get wealth in a dream - in reality, to lose property, to see a fight with her husband in a dream - in reality, fall in love with him again, etc. Let's interpret the dream about the hedgehog.

  • Why do hedgehogs dream - soon a reliable influential person will appear nearby who will take over your patronage.
  • Why dream of a hedgehog who pricked - the troubles associated with a deceitful hypocritical person. Be careful otherwise you can lose a lot, do not trust someone who was considered a friend.
  • Holding a hedgehog in your hands in a dream is a warning - at the moment a friend is near you, who in fact may turn out to be a bad person, you will experience great pain when you learn about it.
  • To dream of a hedgehog without needles - you are completely helpless in the face of the circumstances.
  • Why dream of a dead hedgehog - trusting a deceitful person, you put yourself in danger, failure of business and possibly loss of money. Sleep reassures that in the end everything will turn out well, and you will not suffer.
  • In a dream, hedgehogs and hedgehogs - to profit, monetary reward, bonuses, in any case, to money.
  • Why dream of a sea urchin - the one you now dislike because of his stubbornness and stubbornness will actually turn out to be a good decent person.

Women's dream book

  • Dream "hedgehogs" - a dream warns of the appearance of a false enemy in your life.

Small Velesov dream book

This dream book considers a hedgehog in a dream as a dangerous cunning enemy who will argue and bring trouble with him. If you took a hedgehog in your arms, then this is useless chores.

Gypsy dream book

Hedgehogs in a dream are a symbol of deceit, cunning, cunning, betrayal.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

  • Dream Interpretation: why is the hedgehog dreaming? To the fact that your carelessness will turn against you, they will use you for their own selfish purposes. Don't trust everyone and be realistic.
  • In a dream, holding a hedgehog in the palm of your hand is an early meeting with a two-faced man.
  • Feeding a hedgehog in a dream - deal with the things that you constantly put off.
  • Dream Interpretation: dead hedgehogs in a dream - you need outside support, you can’t do it alone.
  • I dreamed of killing a hedgehog - in reality, one ill-wisher will become less.
  • Why a hedgehog - a lot of gossip around, and you will suffer greatly from them.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sea urchin in a dream is a meeting with a stubborn person who will be honest with you.

Freud's dream book

The hedgehog dream is your essence. You are a very distrustful and cautious person. If people begin to reach out to you, then you begin to suspect them, “put out thorns”, they will defend themselves. In the past, you trusted one person, opened your soul to him and got badly burned. Taking advantage of your naivety, he used you. This has carried over to the sex life as well. Uncertainty in bed makes you hide true feelings, withdraw into yourself, which ultimately leads to quick sex on duty. Neither you nor your partner likes it.

Aesop's dream book

Dream interpretation for the whole family

A dream about hedgehogs - if they run away, then the troubles will end soon. If they run to you, then an important conversation is coming. If a hedgehog is hiding, then you need to be patient and wait, it’s not time to act.

Ukrainian dream book

Why is the hedgehog dreaming? To sharp, prickly conversations that develop into disputes and quarrels.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • A larger brood of hedgehogs in a dream - insurmountable obstacles will stand in your way, take your time, do not act too assertively, now is not the time. Wait and wait for the right moment, you yourself will understand when it comes.
  • In a dream, the hedgehog curled up into a ball - pay attention to the state of your health, perhaps the threat comes from there. Lately, you have been nervous, which has a negative effect on the heart.
  • I dreamed of "taming a hedgehog and feeding it" - you will start to bother and take care of yourself against your will, out of a sense of duty, you will get very tired, but you will finish the job, but then moral satisfaction from the work done will come.
  • I dreamed of a dead hedgehog - regret about a meaningless life, loss of orientation, confidence in the future will be reduced to zero. Prolonged depression sets in. To get out of it, and it is better not to plunge into such a state, surround yourself with people close to you.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

To see a hedgehog in a dream, Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets as follows: an unpleasant situation will soon arise.

Lunar dream book

Dream Interpretation: seeing a hedgehog in a dream is a nuisance.

Miller's dream book

  • If you dreamed of a hedgehog, Miller's dream book says that your future is beautiful and cloudless, if you are not so naive and gullible.
  • Why dream of a big hedgehog - a period full of difficulties begins.
  • To take a hedgehog in your arms in a dream - a quarrel will occur in the family, or a conversation with a bad person.
  • Keeping a hedgehog in a dream, but not pricking yourself - your opinion about a new acquaintance you have developed is wrong.
  • In a dream, a hedgehog pricks - an insidious person purposefully harms you.
  • A hedgehog curled up in a dream - you will hide from problems, but this is not an option, sooner or later you will have to solve them.

Esoteric dream book

Why do a lot of hedgehogs dream - to constant injections from relatives and friends.

Dream interpretation combined

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed of a hedgehog - slander, gossip, trouble.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Interpretation of dreams "hedgehog" - craftiness, envy, cunning and deceit.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream - dream book prophesies thatthe danger that will come soon you will successfully pass.


Summing up the above, it turns out that a hedgehog in a dream is a dream warning about real enemies that successfully hide behind the masks of your friends. Do not be naive and do not open your plans to everyone. But still, the hedgehog is a symbol of courage and endurance, and therefore, by pulling yourself together, you will overcome everything.

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