Why do you dream about a lot of small potatoes? Meaning of dreams Potato

Potatoes are the most familiar and even native product for us. It is on the tables of the most modest and poor families, and on the menus of expensive restaurants. It is associated with satiety, home and family, but what does a potato mean in a dream and does it mean anything at all? Dream books say yes.

Moreover, potatoes in a dream are a wonderful sign that almost always means something good! To find out more precisely what potatoes mean in dreams, you need to remember various little things and nuances. For example, what you dreamed about, where, what you did. The interpreter describes many different options:

  • I dreamed about large or, on the contrary, very small potatoes.
  • Fresh or rotten.
  • Fried, boiled or raw.
  • Planting potatoes in a dream, digging them yourself, or collecting tubers from the ground.
  • Eat it, peel it or cook it.
  • Buy or sell.

This is a general, incomplete list, which already shows us that the usual tubers in a dream are not such a simple symbol. There are a lot of meanings, and let's find out why you dream about potatoes.

Appearance of tubers

The first thing you need to remember and interpret is what she was like. Its properties and appearance will say a lot.

1. Potatoes themselves, as the dream book describes, are a very favorable sign. He hints that in reality many happy accidents await you and luck will begin to smile. Even where it seems nothing good can happen, something pleasant will definitely happen. And luck will begin to surprise you unexpectedly!

2. If you dream about rotten or old potatoes, it means that you will have to give up something familiar, since it has already outlived itself. Something - either an activity, or a person, or some kind of habit - must leave your life, and for future happiness you need to take this step, get rid of the old one.

3. Let's see why you dream of big, large potatoes? This is a symbol of great success, and major benefits await you from some project. You will be much richer and happier!

4. Small tubers are a symbol of small, but still money. New sources of profit or some additional income will appear. And it depends on you whether they will increase!

5. To see potatoes in a dream, of which there were a lot, entire scatterings, is a symbol of a large harvest, literally or figuratively. Well-being and a full cup in the house - this is what is to come soon!

What do potato dishes mean? It is most common to see potato dishes on the table, in the kitchen, and not in dreams. Fried potatoes, mashed potatoes or other dishes are not only loved by many, but can also indicate a future from the world of dreams.

As the dream book says, boiled or jacket potatoes are for guests. Maybe they will come unexpectedly, or maybe it will be a long-awaited meeting. You have to set a magnificent table to please your dear guests!

I wonder why you dream about fried potatoes, which many people love so much? It brings you a pleasant omen and portends wealth. The house will be full, and your family will not be in need. You will be able to achieve great prosperity.

As the dream book describes, the potatoes that you happened to eat in your dreams are to great benefit and profit. It doesn’t matter whether the potato was boiled, fried or mashed - it is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

If the potatoes you had to eat were tasteless, raw or even rotten, there is a lot of work ahead. It may not be the easiest or most enjoyable, but if you show hard work and diligence, try and don’t give up, you will eventually achieve very good results.


If you had to dig hard in your dreams, collect tubers from the garden or peel potatoes, this also matters. Let's see what the interpreters say.

So, why dream of digging potatoes - a simple, prosaic action that many have encountered? This is a good sign; digging potatoes in a dream means in reality you will become the owner of great luck and achieve success in some business.

Planting potatoes is also a great symbol. Your wishes will come true in reality, you can safely count on it! The period will soon come when dreams will come true.

Collecting tubers is a symbol of good fruits from labor and effort. It’s not for nothing that you work so hard and spend time on work; soon the time will come to enjoy the result. And, believe me, he will surprise you very pleasantly. So don't give up!

And peeling potatoes in a dream is a symbol that you are full of strength. You have great potential, and now is the ideal time to realize it. And vice versa - now it is simply contraindicated to do nothing, rest and be lazy! If you start putting effort into something, it will bring great results and rich rewards.

A potato dish is a wonderful symbol; it portends great success in the work field. Fruitful and interesting work awaits you, and maybe a promotion or some special achievements.

Let's see what dreams mean about the potatoes you sold in your dreams. The dream book promises that you will soon get rid of any troubles, troubles and sorrows. A very bright, favorable period awaits you.

On the contrary, buying it is a symbol that you will receive something valuable. Maybe a gift or some necessary thing, or maybe something intangible.

You dreamed of such a simple, but pleasant and valuable symbol. Believe in the kindest interpretations, and everything will come true.

People have always wanted to know what awaits them in the future. To do this, they used fortune telling, omens and deciphered dreams. In order for the interpretation to be as accurate and truthful as possible, you need to try to remember the main details, for example, if it concerns a dream about large potatoes, then consider what you did with it, what it looked like, etc. It is also important to try to remember what you experienced.

Why do you dream about large potatoes?

Many dream books agree that such night vision warns of the coming of difficult times. For the fair sex, eating large boiled potatoes means you can soon expect advancement up the career ladder. If the dreamer plants large potatoes in the garden, this is a favorable sign indicating good luck in the near future. Such a dream also means that you can count on the fulfillment of your cherished dream and the opening of tempting prospects. In one of the dream books, such a plot promises serious material profit, but for this you will have to work hard. A dream where you had to dig large potatoes promises success in all your endeavors. Soon you can count on receiving profits and other benefits for previously done business or investments. Another dream book contains more negative information, according to which if you were digging tubers with a shovel, it means that you will soon take part in a risky business.

If large potatoes were covered with minor damage, this is a symbol of the presence of envious people in the immediate environment. A night vision where the dreamer prepares various dishes from large root vegetables prophesies peace of mind and tranquility. If you are trying to wash root vegetables from numerous dirt, this is an indication that you will soon have to deal with gossip and various omissions with the people around you. Seeing rotten large potatoes means you should prepare for difficulties; in general, a “black” streak is coming. Seeing large raw potatoes in a dream is a good sign, promising good news. In another dream book, such a plot indicates that in reality you will have to work in vain or expect financial problems. If the tubers were peeled, it means that a situation will soon happen that will force you to change your opinion about a loved one. I had to clean it - this is a good sign, indicating that in the end it will be possible to get rid of negative influence from the outside.

Night vision where the potatoes were in bags foreshadows the onset of a critical situation, which may cause the development of some kind of disease. If there are sprouts on large tubers, this is a good symbol, indicating that the business you are currently doing will give good results. Moreover, the significance of success depends on the length of the sprouts. Some dream books indicate that large potatoes in a dream is a harbinger of positive changes in the material sphere. A dream that featured large tubers boiled in their uniforms can be taken as a recommendation that you should not make hasty decisions regarding new proposals. The thing is that even unpromising activities can ultimately yield good results.

Night vision, where you saw a huge pile of large potatoes, predicts a big profit or someone will offer a profitable business. If you had to collect large potatoes in a dream, this is a good symbol, indicating that you will soon be able to enjoy the success of your labors. A dream where you bought big potatoes promises a profitable business. The dream in which the dreamer was selling a vegetable has the same interpretation.

Eating potatoes in a dream is a more positive symbol than a negative one, dream interpreters say. The explanation of why such a plot is dreamed of is largely influenced by the degree of its readiness and the form in which you ate it. Remember all the details of the dream, and compare the interpretations of several dream books.

Gustav Miller and his dream book

Explaining why one dreams of eating potatoes, Miller’s dream book foreshadows significant profits and benefits that await the dreamer if he makes even a little effort on his part. And yet some differences in the interpretation of this plot exist. Compare:

  • I dreamed that you were frying potatoes - you will be offered a promising job;
  • eating potatoes with mushrooms - organizing a party will require more money than you thought;
  • ate mashed potatoes for breakfast - a sign of making a decision about the “fate” of other people’s finances;
  • to see that you are having baked potatoes for lunch is a sign of success in the professional field;
  • caught a burnt baked potato - a competitor will get ahead of you;
  • chew potato peelings - get rid of other people's influence.

French fries as a symbol of change

If you dreamed that you were eating fried potatoes, then be prepared for the fact that in reality major changes await you. For men, eating fried potatoes in a dream is a signal that he has a chance to get a high position, the main thing is not to miss this opportunity.

But in a dream, a girl eats country-style fried potatoes - a sign of imminent marriage. Moreover, her husband will be from a wealthy family, says Pastor Loff’s dream book.

Puree: From hospitality to prospects

The Eastern Dream Book will tell you why you dream of boiled potatoes. If you dreamed about yourself eating delicious mashed potatoes, this means that welcome guests will come to you. And if you feasted on boiled potatoes in their jackets, then they will make you an interesting offer, which at first glance will seem unpromising to you.

Seeing in a dream how you eat boiled potatoes with butter means that you are not in a hurry to make a decision. The more thoughtful and balanced it is, the greater the chances of success.

Pies with potato filling are a sign of profitable work

Baking pies with potatoes in a dream is a symbol of painstaking but interesting work, Longo’s dream book suggests. If you added fish to the pie, then you should not tell anyone about your plans until you implement them. Especially if you caught the fish yourself.

Did you fry pies with potatoes in your dream? Remember if you added dill to the filling. If the filling for your pies contained greens, then you will be able to earn good money doing what you love.

Did you dream about potato pancakes, but with sour cream? You will be able to profitably “sell” your skills and experience. And if in your night dreams you feasted on “zrazy” with meat, then you are worrying about your abilities in vain - you are a master of your craft.

Potatoes from a dream are a very polysemantic symbol, which can be difficult to interpret. It is advisable to try to remember all the details and circumstances of the plot immediately after waking up. The following are examples of interpretations of what potatoes mean in dreams in different situations.

Why do you dream about potatoes - interpretation from dream books

In Miller's dream book, potatoes turn out to be a warning about accidents in the dreamer's real life that will lead him to positive changes. If the sleeper himself happily tried delicious potato dishes, then you can prepare to receive large financial benefits. Such a plot may also foreshadow a worthy offer regarding a new job.

In the work of the fortuneteller Vanga, flowering potato bushes promise the dreamer good, joyful news in reality. There is a possibility that he will finally be able to reconcile with an old friend, whom the man or woman really misses. If a person prepares potatoes in any form on his own, this promises him the return of old debts. Such a cash receipt will be completely unexpected and no less pleasant.

According to Hasa's dream book, rotting, foul-smelling potatoes are a sign that an easy, successful period in the life of a sleeping person will soon end. You need to enjoy happy moments while you have the opportunity. Otherwise, you will then have to use all your strength to deal with the difficulties that arise. But the huge harvest in bags in the work of the same interpreter promises a cloudless future financially.

Plant, dig, collect potatoes

Did you have to plant potatoes in a dream? In the very near future, the dreamer's cherished dream will come true. If in a dream one of his acquaintances helped him in planting a vegetable, the situation will be similar in reality - he will be able to achieve his goal with the support of others.

Digging potatoes in night dreams is a sign of successful endeavors in any area of ​​life. The plot suggests that you can safely take on unfamiliar things and try yourself in new areas. All experiments will be successful.

Harvesting potatoes in a dream is a clear sign that soon the sleeper will finally receive a reward for his labors and efforts. The more he tried in reality, the more worthy the reward would be.

I dreamed of black, rotten potatoes

Black potatoes from a dream most often become a harbinger of a difficult life period. A sleeping person will experience a “black streak.” Such a plot will allow you to prepare for it in advance and complete all things before it starts.

Rotten potatoes are not a very good sign either. She promises a man or woman large expenses, which will ultimately cause disappointment. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to “turn on” the austerity regime in the near future.

Peel, boil, fry root vegetables

If the sleeper had to prepare a root vegetable, then when interpreting, one must take into account which method of processing the vegetable he chose:

  • Peeling potatoes in a dream means a change of opinion about someone you know. It is difficult to predict in advance which way this will happen, but most often it will be positive.
  • Boiling potatoes in their jackets foreshadows unexpected guests for a man or woman. If the dish looks appetizing or the sleeping person even likes the taste, it means that visiting friends or relatives will give him extremely positive emotions.
  • Potatoes boiled in large pieces promise the dreamer an impressive profit in a business for which he no longer hoped for success.
  • Did you see fried potatoes with onions in your dream? This means that you cannot trust people you barely know in reality. Excessive openness will bring many problems.

See large or small potatoes in the garden

A harvest of very large potatoes in a garden bed in a dream is an excellent sign. He suggests that the dreamer’s efforts will soon allow him to achieve the desired success. If you had to dig up small potatoes with great difficulty, it means that, despite all the efforts made, the sleeper will still not be able to become successful.

In general, the size of the root has a great influence on interpretation. Small potatoes in a bag foreshadow unpleasant, sad events in a person’s life that will make him cry. And a vegetable of the same size in your pockets symbolizes the pettiness of friends and family.

Large, beautiful vegetables promise a man or woman material well-being or even real wealth. The larger the size of the root crops, the greater the profit the sleeper will receive. If in a dream a whole field appears covered with large potatoes, this is a clear sign that in the near future a person will definitely not need to think about money.

The meaning of sleep depending on the gender of the dreamer

It happens that the meaning of a dream even depends on the gender of the person who saw it. So, if a man dreams of carefully washed potato tubers, it means that he will form an erroneous opinion about someone. At first the sleeper will not like the personality, but in the future it will become a close, loyal friend for him. Such a dream tells a woman that she is in vain accusing her other half of cheating. A similar plot may indicate that the young lady does not notice signs of attention from a very worthy, interesting representative of the stronger sex. Perhaps he is currently in the status of her friend.

Potatoes with sprouts for a man symbolize useless labor. Its results will not bring the dreamer either profit or moral satisfaction. If a young lady digs up tubers with sprouts, most likely, subconsciously she is already completely ready to start a family and even continue the family line.

A flowering vegetable tells a representative of the stronger sex that in the near future he will become the owner of a valuable, expensive gift or even receive an unexpected inheritance from a distant relative. For a woman, a similar plot promises an acquaintance with a wealthy man who will be ready to fulfill all her whims and desires. But there will be no sincere warm feelings in such a couple.

The mysterious and amazing world of dreams does not always allow us to see bizarre pictures - sometimes we can dream about the most familiar and ordinary things. If you remember the details of your dream well, the dream book will help you figure out why you dream of large potatoes. - even she has her own interpretation. The main thing is to compare all possible circumstances of the dream with it.

A night vision in which the dreamer had to dig up large root crops suggests that in reality he will have to do work that requires a lot of effort. You will become very tired and will need a long rest. However, if the potatoes you dig up are even and smooth, your efforts will be generously rewarded.

This dream has a less pleasant interpretation if the dug up tubers were unsightly, dirty or completely rotten - in this case, your energy and time will be wasted.

A good sign is a dream in which a sleeping person observes large boiled potatoes served to the table. Such a dream foretells the dreamer good health and excellent well-being for a long time.

An equally favorable sign is a night vision in which several dishes made from large potatoes are placed on the dining table. This image portends happy days, improved mood and vitality.

It’s great if in a dream you cook large jacket potatoes, and subsequently serve them to the table of a person you know in real life. In reality, after such a dream, this acquaintance will pleasantly surprise and delight you.

Buying and selling

If you dreamed of not just large potatoes in a dream as an independent image, but also had the chance to perform any manipulations with them, such a dream will have an individual interpretation.

If in your night vision you buy large potatoes in a store or market, in real life you can expect the fulfillment of your dreams and excellent opportunities for realizing your plans.

In the case when you yourself act as a seller of this large root crop, in reality you will have to provide someone from your circle of friends or acquaintances with a great service. However, it will not be difficult or burdensome for you, and the person you help will not forget it.

A dream in which you place large potatoes in a supermarket window foreshadows long-term luck or one-time great luck.

Fruits with defects

If in your dream you happened to see a large potato spoiled by some kind of defect, you should pay attention to it, since the correct interpretation of the dream will depend on it.

  • An unfavorable sign is potatoes that have been eaten by worms. In this case, you should be wary of deception on the part of your romantic partner.
  • Rotten potatoes indicate that you will be the source of lies and insincerity towards loved ones.
  • The cut fruit warns the dreamer that he risks being insulted.
  • Frozen potatoes symbolize cooled friendly feelings and the melancholy experienced by the dreamer about this.
  • A dream in which you see dried out large potatoes suggests that in the near future you should not let anyone in on your plans and ideas.

Interpretation based on other details

A dream in which a large potato was located on the ground foreshadows interesting and interesting acquaintances for you. Take this chance to strengthen your social position because it will open new doors for you later.

It is worth paying attention to the state of their own body for those dreamers who had a dream in which they had to get large potatoes from a basement or cellar, since such an image foreshadows possible diseases.

A favorable sign is a dream in which the dreamer observed a large pile of large potatoes. Such a dream foretells receiving a significant profit from previous efforts, a fruitful year, and in general, receiving a well-deserved reward.

A good sign is a night vision in which a sleeping person happened to peel a large tuber. This image suggests that in the near future someone from the dreamer’s circle will change their opinion about him for the better.

Eating raw potatoes in your dream is a dream that promises that in reality you will make a profit from an undertaking for which you did not have serious hopes.

Feel free to do your chosen task if you dreamed of large potatoes in a bucket. Such a dream foretells success in a future endeavor.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the interpretation provided by this dream book, large potatoes are a symbol of serious life changes. You can determine which direction fate will take you by the condition of the tubers you dreamed about. Beautiful, even and neat potatoes portend an improvement in financial situation and a smile of fortune, while unsightly or rotten fruits promise poverty and deterioration in health.

Vanga's Dream Book

A dream in which a sleeping person eats the large fruits of this vegetable suggests that in the near future your bosses will notice the efforts you are putting in and will reward you by giving you a vacation or increasing your salary. Possible career advancement.

The dream in which you planted potatoes has the same meaning. Also, such a picture may foreshadow a new romantic relationship.

Freud's Dream Book

Both the dream in which you happened to simply observe large potatoes, and the night picture in which you ate this vegetable, suggests that material prosperity awaits you. If you had to dig up root crops, you will have to cope with a large sudden load at work.

Rotten root vegetables in a dream encourage you to enjoy the happiness you have, since you may soon lose it.

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