Why do you dream of a long beard?

A dream in which you suddenly see yourself with a beard predicts a successful course of business and profit from them.

For a woman to see herself with a beard, a dream predicts that she will have a hard time in life. She will either break up with her lover, or become a widow, or she will have to make responsible decisions on her own and carry them out.

The dream predicts that she will successfully cope with her problems and fate will generously reward her for her courage and perseverance.

For a widow, such a dream predicts an early marriage.

For a girl, such a dream promises a quick marriage.

For a pregnant woman, a dream predicts the birth of a son.

Trimming a beard in a dream is a sign of an imminent marriage or love affair for a young girl. For the rest, such a dream predicts death or loss of fortune.

Combing your beard in a dream is a sign that any complicated matter will be cleared up, and those who are in a quarrel will make peace.

Cutting someone's beard in a dream is a sign of making a profit through dishonest means or injustice towards others.

If in a dream you pluck out someone’s beard, then through your fault the people who trusted you will suffer.

Seeing a black beard in a dream is a sign of health. If the beard is still luxurious and long, then your friends and relatives will not leave you in difficult times.

If the beard is in curls, then quarrels with relatives await you.

A red beard in a dream is an unpleasant omen. A dream about her predicts to you that your friends and relatives will deceive you as soon as they have the opportunity. The dream warns you about the treachery of your friends.

If you dream that your beard is falling out or growing, then a lot of losses and suffering await you; if the beard is pulled out, then beware of an accident with relatives, the loss of an expensive and beloved thing, or big troubles.

If you see a beard growing in a dream, then success in business and an increase in wealth await you.

Seeing yourself in a dream with a long beard is a sign of honors and awards, success in the affairs that await you.

For women, such a dream is less favorable, since these honors and awards will be very difficult for them to achieve. Sometimes such a dream foretells them the imminent fulfillment of their desire.

A small beard in a dream is an unfavorable omen, meaning that you will soon find yourself embroiled in legal proceedings. If at the same time your beard begins to grow in a dream, then shame, humiliation and loss of the trial await you.

If in a dream a man sees that he is shaving off his beard, then a lot of troubles await him, which will fall on him out of the blue.

If in a dream you see an ancient old man with a gray beard, then you will find yourself in a position where you need smart advice from an experienced person.

If an old man speaks to you in a dream, then you should remember his words, because perhaps later you will find in them the answer to your question or a hint.

Washing a beard in a dream is a harbinger of sadness, and a dry beard is a sign of fun.

If a small child sees himself with a beard in a dream, then he will die soon.

For a young man, the dream predicts success.

If in a dream you set your beard on fire, then separation from your beloved awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation Beard on a woman's face

If you dream of a beard that has grown on the dreamer’s face, this may mean that his accumulated experience is much greater than his biological age.

Every ancient dream book says that a beard on the face symbolizes glory, honor and wisdom. The modern meaning may indicate the psychological characteristics of the dreamer, who is trying to cover up physical imperfection with erudition.

Like any type of hair, a beard, both on the face of a man and a woman, can portend stunning success, financial stability and great honor.

It is difficult to say for sure why such an ancient symbol is dreamed of, because the difference in interpretations can be striking. Therefore, it is best to focus on a dream book that reflects the traditions of the dreamer’s native area.

What does the symbol mean: different interpretations

The most ancient interpretations that are found among speakers of the Indo-European language family. They predicted special glory and prosperity for those who dream of a beard on their face, regardless of whether they are a man or a woman.

A separate interpretation for unmarried girls - if in a dream a girl has thick facial hair, it means that she will very soon marry a rich man and her first-born son will be a son.

Almost every modern dream book gives a completely different interpretation of what has led to the devaluation of the beard as a manifestation of true masculinity and wisdom.

Since it has been customary for many centuries to shave facial hair, exclusively male symbols have shifted not only in everyday realities, but also in the interpretation of dreams.

Ancient Slavic Veles dream book - honor

If a woman or man dreams of a beard

The ancients believed that a young man could only perform among adults when the first hair appeared on his face. By this time, he must have already reached a certain age, which means he must have accumulated minimal experience. The longer the beard, the more honorable the old man.

The sacred attitude in ancient times was transferred to the interpretation of dreams. One of the oldest is the small Veles dream book, which believes that the appearance of any facial hair is a favorable sign. And her loss promises trouble and poverty.

  • If you dream that it has grown on the face of an unmarried girl, it means pre-wedding troubles, imminent marriage and the birth of a son.
  • Thick hair for a married woman means good family relationships with her husband, all possible help in his every endeavor, the birth of sons, parental honor.
  • To dream that you need to shave a thick mustache - for both men and women - losses, family troubles, troubles.
  • A pregnant woman dreams of the birth of her son.

Freud's Dream Book - power and dominance

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book says that thick hair on a woman's face in a dream can symbolize her desire for dominance. If the dreamer has any relationship with such a lady, then they will not be able to exist for long.

  • A mustache with a goatee symbolizes secrecy, a mask, alienation. Long is a phallic symbol.
  • A thick beard on a woman’s face is dreamed of by people with a penchant for dominance. Unusual sexual desires may appear.
  • A bearded woman, seeking her attention is a competitive struggle for a leadership position with a woman. It will end not in favor of the dreamer, which is to blame for his haste and lack of endurance.

Miller's Dream Book - Imperfection

Who dreams

Psychotherapist Miller’s well-tested dream book speaks of the psychological instability of the dreamer if he has such a dream. It may symbolize the desire to hide one’s true essence, which resulted from the presence of elements of an inferiority complex in the dreamer.

  • A beard on a woman’s face means discord, strained relationships with others.
  • For a girl, seeing it on her face means secrecy, reluctance to communicate, a desire to hide imaginary physical unattractiveness.
  • Stroking and cherishing means the loss of friends is possible, which is what your greed and arrogance led to.
  • For a married woman, she dreams of quarrels with her husband because of her inability to give in.
  • A husband dreams of his wife with a beard - she is being promoted. New responsibilities will tire her, ailments and illnesses are possible.

General symbolic meaning

Sometimes it is difficult to understand what certain symbols mean in a dream. The beard is one such example. On the one hand, it can symbolize wealth, honor and financial well-being, and on the other, a mask, the desire to hide one’s imperfections behind stability.

Such hair on a woman’s face can take the dreamer by surprise. Why does such a courageous symbol appear on a gentle woman’s face? Dealing with this is not easy, because the layering of traditions on modernity in our culture occurs in layers, torn out pieces of history and mythology.

You need to start from the fact that facial hair meant the boy’s entry into adulthood. From that time on, he could express his opinion among his family, which could make his father happy (or sad). Therefore, the appearance of such hair on a woman’s face indicates that she is ready to take responsibility for her life exclusively on herself.

Since in modern realities this situation does not surprise anyone, and in our time a beard is grown either in order to change one’s appearance, or as a tribute to fashion, the meaning of the symbol has changed.

There has been a layering of psychoanalytic interpretations on more ancient, sacred ones, which is due to the too rapid development of civilization and man-made capabilities.

In any case, for interpretation, it is advisable to focus on your own feelings and traditions associated with hair, which are common in the dreamer’s environment.

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to see it growing is a sign of wealth (the same for hair on the legs); in curls - a quarrel with relatives; to cut your hair - monetary and personal losses; cutting another's hair means a quarrel; trim - to improve things; for a girl - a hasty marriage or relationship; for a married woman - to widowhood or loss of her husband; for a widow - to another marriage; for a pregnant woman - to the birth of a son; for a child - death; loss of a beard - a break in relationships, loss of property and honor; shaving yourself is a solution to worries in love; redhead - treacherous friends (yellow color - envy).

I dreamed about a beard

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a beard in a dream means that you will be opposed by some person alien to you in spirit, you will have a fierce struggle for power, and you will probably have losses in this struggle. A gray beard means failure and quarrels. Seeing a bearded woman means unpleasant encounters and a long illness. If someone pulls your beard in a dream, expect that you will be at great risk if you do not give up your property. Combing and grooming your beard means that your vanity will grow along with your wealth, making you extremely unpleasant to your former friends. If a young woman grooms her beard in a dream, the dream indicates her desire to break her vow of celibacy and fear of an unsuccessful marriage.

Why do you dream about stubble?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


The meaning of a dream about stubble

according to Freud's dream book

For women: if in a dream you touched a man’s stubble, it means that you really missed reliable men’s hands and the feeling of strength. What to do - life has decided to give you some lessons in independence.

The meaning of a dream about a mustache

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a mustache on your face is a sign of change. Moreover, the larger the mustache was in your dream, the steeper the changes will be. Shaving the mustache off your face or seeing someone else doing it means you don’t understand how lucky you are to have your partner. You are constantly looking for someone else, looking at those who you think are happier than you. Be careful, otherwise your unappreciated happiness will pass you by.

I dreamed about a mustache

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you wear a mustache means that your narcissism and arrogance will prevent you from receiving a decent inheritance, and will push you to treachery towards women. If a woman sees in a dream that she adores a mustache, then in reality her virtue is in danger; she should be careful in her behavior. If a man dreams that he has shaved his mustache, he will do everything to break with the company of revelers and return to his former position as a respected and worthy person.

I dreamed of shaving

according to Miller's dream book

If you just watch shaving in your dream, it means that in reality you intend to carry out some promising business, but you do not have the necessary drive to succeed. If you dream that you are going to shave, it means that you will allow crooks to deceive you. If you shave yourself during a dream, it means that you will independently manage your own business and command the household in your home, although the presence of a grumpy housewife will cause constant scandals. If, as a result of shaving, your face appears clean-shaven in a dream, it means that in real life you will enjoy peace, and your behavior towards business partners will be impeccable. If your face is stubbled and stale in a dream, you will experience a lot of anxiety in your marital relationship. If your razor is dull and scrapes your cheeks, you'll give your friends reasons to criticize your love life. If in a dream your beard turns out to be gray, it means that in reality you will lack the basic sense of justice that circumstances will require of you. If a woman dreams of a man shaving, it means that it will be difficult for her nature to resist carnal pleasures. If she dreams that she shaves herself, it means that her behavior will be so lacking in femininity that men will turn away from her in disgust.

Sometimes dreams surprise and even amaze us, the dreamers - and in them we happen to see shocking, although harmless, if you look at it, things.

If women or pretty girls see in their dreams an absolutely masculine attribute of appearance - a beard - on their own faces, then this is really shocking. But a beard seen from the side on a man’s face, or dreamed of by a man, is unlikely to surprise anyone.

However, both girls and men should understand that this is a symbol, and it comes into dreams for a reason. This is not just a vision, a beard means and promises something. The dream book will help you interpret why you dream of a beard and will lift the veil of the future and the present.

What do you associate with such an ambiguous attribute of appearance? Of course, with masculinity, an adult man, with strength and strong-willed qualities. So it is - and often she talks about this through a dream, pointing to the character of the dreamer or dreamer.

In addition, a beard often symbolizes prosperity, being associated with wealth and nobility. In order not to get confused and to understand reliably what a beard means in a dream, you should remember all the nuances that took place in the dream and take them into account when interpreting. There are not so many options for “bearded” dreams, and they are as follows:

  • Just seeing a beard in a dream.
  • She is long, beautiful, well-groomed.
  • It grows right before our eyes.
  • Black beard in a dream.
  • Red beard.
  • A gray-bearded man in a daydream.
  • Thick, wide beard.
  • A beardless man sees himself as bearded in a dream.
  • A woman sees herself as bearded in a dream.
  • A woman or girl wears a black beard on her face in a dream.
  • Shaving it off yourself in a dream.
  • Stroke it, smooth it out.
  • Cut with scissors or a knife.
  • Comb your beard.

Some dreams of this nature can be frightening, but rest assured, this is just a metaphor, and it simply points to something, hints, foreshadows something. And more often than not, it’s nothing terrible or bad, but on the contrary.

Sometimes “bearded” dreams advise something, indicate the need to change something in behavior or character. But they do not foretell trouble - rest assured.

Find out why you dream of a beard - perhaps something amazing awaits you. Or you have to change something in your life after such a vision.

Just see

If you simply remembered this symbol from your own dream, where it was only a vision, and was on someone else’s face - in other words, if you did not have to see yourself with thick facial hair, then this sign can speak volumes.

What exactly, why do you dream of a beard seen from the outside, will be revealed by the interpreter. You just have to concentrate and remember what she was like.

1. As the dream book will tell us, a beard, simply seen from the outside, is a symbol of great courage and strength. And success will come to the dreamer precisely thanks to these rare qualities. Nevertheless, one should not confuse strength with aggressiveness, and courage with steadfastness and impenetrability.

Especially if this is a dream of a woman or girl, you should understand for yourself that humanity and kindness are qualities that cannot be sacrificed in order to achieve even the most desired and lofty goals, in other words, you should not “go over your head.” Otherwise, you may achieve a lot, but you will remain alone and with an unenviable reputation.

2. Such a dream, in which the beard was long, beautiful, neat and well-groomed, portends love. For a woman, such a vision promises a meeting with a courageous and noble man, and for a man, a faithful companion. This is a very favorable dream, and we are not talking about flirting or an affair, but about great, true love - don’t miss it!

3. It’s curious why you dream of a beard, which in a dream grows literally before your eyes - as if by magic. This is a sure sign - the dream book promises that your income will begin to grow in the same way, and your well-being will begin to increase before your eyes, as if by magic. And don’t doubt it - you will soon notice unprecedented luck and be surprised at how your income grows!

4. According to the dream book, a black beard promises you surprise, surprise and a big surprise. Whether from fate or from another person - you will soon find out for yourself.

Be prepared for anything - something will happen that you definitely don’t expect right now. Do you like surprises?

5. A red beard in a dream hints at the imminent appearance of a fan in your waking life who will literally bend over backwards to woo you. What to do is up to you to decide, but don’t rush into decisions and conclusions.

What kind of person this is - worthy or not - the interpreter does not answer, and you should be more careful to discern this. In any case, do not judge by your very first impression - this often leads to a mistake.

6. As the dream book says, a gray and white beard is an important sign for you. The interpreter advises listening to the opinions of older, smart people, listening and heeding the experience of others. This will give you a lot of valuable knowledge and will be very useful.

You probably don’t listen too much to those around you, and you only believe in yourself - it’s worth changing this quality, paying attention not only and not always to yourself, but trying and listening to other people. Especially to those from your environment who have already achieved something.

7. Thick facial hair - on someone else - indicates your clear desire to hide, to hide from problems and from others. Put on a mask, play someone else, but not be yourself, not show your emotions.

This is an important dream. You have something to think about - obviously, you should learn to be yourself, value yourself, no matter how difficult it may seem, but this is important for the individual.

To be bearded in a dream

This is a completely different matter! And for a woman, for example, such a dream can come as a shock - to see thick, not at all feminine hair on her face! But do not rush to get scared, this does not portend trouble, and nothing bad will happen to you.

However, it will be useful to find out what the interpreter says. Perhaps you will learn something very important that is worth applying in your waking life.

1. If a beardless guy or man dreams of his bearded face, this is a hint that in reality the dreamer is a bright, bold individual. You don't think much about the opinions of others and express yourself to the fullest. This is wonderful!

The interpreter invites you not to get hung up on your person, but to remain the same bright personality. You will achieve success because you are confident in your undoubted originality and great inner strength.

2. For a lady to see herself bearded in her dreams is an ambiguous sign. This is a symbol of great power that you can soon achieve, a lot of success, but at the same time - the absence of real, loving friends, as well as love.

It’s worth being gentler, apparently, in the pursuit of success, you don’t pay attention to people’s feelings at all, you go over their heads - and believe me, you will regret it later. In addition to career and success, it is worth paying attention to relationships with people, because this is the most important part of every person’s life.

If you don’t need it now, just believe that soon you will feel emptiness and loneliness. And it’s worth doing now to try to avoid this.

3. If a girl sees a black thick beard on herself in her dreams, this also indicates her anger. You should be kinder, gentler with others, because you yourself push good people away from yourself. Do you desire loneliness? Hardly.

Anger, embitterment and aggression are the enemies of a girl; they kill femininity and female nature. And this means that there will be no happiness. Be kinder! Your life, you will see, will become much happier.

4. Shaving in your dreams is a symbol of the fact that in reality you will have to change your behavior very soon. What will cause this is unknown, perhaps you yourself decide that this needs to be done, or maybe certain circumstances or people will push you to take such a difficult step.

The main thing is that these changes in your character occur in a positive direction, and you become happier. Everything depends on you!

5. If you stroked, stroked, smoothed your beard in a dream, expect wealth, big income will come soon. The interpreter advises not to be stingy, but also not to waste money - then you will always be in abundance.

6. If you cut off your beard in your dream, the dream book warns that in the near future you risk abandoning your own goal. Perhaps at some point you will suddenly feel weak and apathetic - but this always happens.

It’s worth experiencing and overcoming, but definitely not giving up on your goal. Be stronger, don't forget what you've already done - and don't give up on your dream.

7. Combing a beard is a good sign; it portends great respect, honor in society, and an excellent reputation. If someone talks about you behind your back, it will only be good, rest assured.

A beard is such an ambiguous, interesting and complex sign. The dream book gives a lot of advice and foreshadows many events and changes. How to treat this: take it seriously or forget – it’s up to you to decide in the end.

This is your destiny, and no dream book is responsible for it, remember this. Use it wisely, don’t do thoughtless things - and be kinder, it always makes life better! Author: Vasilina Serova

Did you see a beard in a dream? Be sure to look into the dream book and find out what such a dream could mean. The explanation of what facial hair means in a dream largely depends on its thickness, color, and length. After waking up, were you able to remember all the listed details? Then you will probably be able to accurately interpret your dream.

Girl's beard

A woman who has such a dream can expect that a man who means a lot to her will soon appear in her life. Also, the women's dream book strongly recommends being more attentive to children. They need more parental affection and care. The girl's beard looks extremely unaesthetic. Why dream about such a ridiculous plot? The Dream Book of Wanderers states that one should expect the return of a loved one or a new, no less attractive acquaintance, and also hope for the fulfillment of a fantastic desire.

But meeting a bearded girl in a dream promises loss and illness. If a woman suddenly grows a beard in a dream, she may hope to renew her previous romantic relationship. If a widow dreams of a similar plot, she can count on a quick marriage.

Why does a pregnant representative of the fair sex dream of such a plot, Grishina explains. If a woman is in an interesting position, Grishina’s dream book promises her that a son will be born.

Vegetation on a man

If you are a man, the Eastern Dream Book promises profit and prosperity. If you dreamed of a man with vegetation, Aesop’s interpreter advises taking a close look at it. Curly and red hair, especially one dyed with henna, promises a meeting with a deceiver. A dream in which the appearance of the beard leaves much to be desired threatens loss and disappointment.

If a woman managed to grab someone’s beard in a dream, the images should be interpreted literally: the woman will not miss out on her happiness in her personal life, even at the expense of her reputation. If you dreamed of an old man with a beard, this is a good sign. A bearded old man brings you good news or wise advice regarding the solution to the very problem that has been haunting you for a long time.

Hair color

Why do you dream of a gray beard, Miller describes. If you dreamed of a gray beard, you can count on your merits being appreciated soon. Another option for explaining why you dream about something like this is respect and honor. Grishina's dream book does not share this point of view, believing that gray hair foreshadows a streak of bad luck.

A black beard is a symbol of health. For someone who is ill, such a dream promises a quick and complete recovery, and for someone who is in full health - simply good health, a surge of vitality and enthusiasm. And if it also has a bluish tint, you will have to deal with jealousy.


For those with hair on their chins who often shave their beards in their dreams, the Modern Interpreter advises them to learn to accept their age with dignity. The vision clearly speaks of excessive attachment to the past and the desire to appear young again. Others may consider some of your actions childish.

Hasse also describes why a similar plot occurs in dreams. If in a dream you decide to shave your beard yourself, this means that success awaits you in love affairs. Grandmother's dream book is not so optimistic. According to his forecast, all sorts of troubles and unplanned expenses await in reality in the coming months. Try to be as frugal as possible.

Various interpretations

If you dreamed of a mustache and goatee, this is a doubly good sign. The plot is a projection of human qualities that contribute to the achievement of the plan. A representative of the fair sex who admires a man’s facial hair in a dream should be more careful in real life. Women's dream book warns of possible danger.

Miller describes in detail what growth in the lower part of the face can mean in a dream. You will have to seriously stand up for your interests, and you will only be able to partially win the battle. Your selfishness and arrogance can significantly damage your relationships with others. Why do you dream of a man with a beard? The Dream Book of Seasons promises success and honor. If it is thick and long, or its owner is remarkable in some way, it is very likely that you will get rich.

Medea's dream book considers a beard as an attempt by its wearer to hide his true face, therefore he advises to be on guard. If you see a friend, get ready to experience betrayal. If there was a lover in the place of a friend, then soon she will have an affair on the side. Night vision in which a beard grows literally before your eyes or by leaps and bounds promises profit, successful acquisitions, unexpected gifts. Expect pleasant surprises that will be aimed at improving your well-being.

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