Why lose the cross? When I lost it and then found it

The situation with the loss of a pectoral cross is common, but each person perceives it differently. It all depends on the worldview and spiritual state of a particular individual. Some people consider this bad, foreshadowing trouble. And someone, on the contrary, thinking like a true Christian believer, understands: this is nothing more than just a situation with the loss of an object.

The second position is certainly correct. However, a minority of people adhere to it. This is due to the fact that modern people tend to trust signs and mysticism rather than the real thing Orthodox faith. That is why it is worth understanding what it means to lose a cross.

What do folk signs say?

There are several signs that interpret this circumstance. Let's look at what the loss of a cross means:

  1. Loss of your “shield” from incorporeal and visible enemies- this is a bad prediction, believe those who believe in omens.
  2. The lost cross is an indication to someone who has lost a spiritual object of his sinfulness and the need to change quickly.
  3. Some people are inclined to believe that a person who finds himself in such a situation with loss is now became even more subject to demons.
  4. There are people who explain the situation like this: the previous cross did not have sufficient power to protect from the spirits of evil. That is, losses should be considered, they assess, as an opportunity to acquire more reliable protection.
  5. There is also such an interpretation. A person has too much negativity and negative energy accumulated in his soul. The cross “took it away” and absorbed it all. And therefore its loss means getting rid of the “minus sign”.
  6. A certain number of believers in omens think so. The man was strongly “jinxed”, he was “damaged”. The cross protected its owner, “took” it all upon itself and “disappeared.” That is, its loss can be regarded as the removal of negative damage.

If in a dream you dreaming that you have lost your pectoral cross is an alarming sign, such a loss does not bode well for you, be prepared for trouble.

Church position

That is, in general, if we proceed from what the signs say, the following is obtained: the loss of your cross, its loss, is not good. This, as “the people” assume, promises misfortune and trouble. Although there are also judgments suggesting that the cross “takes away” everything negative that was in a person and on him, and therefore its loss can be assessed from a positive point of view as getting rid of negative energy.

However, in order for the consideration of the situation not to look one-sided, let us turn to the opinion of the official Orthodox Church on this occasion. What do the clergy say about the situation with the loss of the pectoral cross?

The opinions are:

  • If a person is a true believer, he steps aside from all sorts of signs, including those associated with the loss of spiritual objects.
  • A true Christian will never attach any importance to the loss of his cross, saying to himself: “Lost means lost. I’ll go and buy a new consecrated cross.”
  • In general, the believer’s position will be as follows: “Is it worth spending your time and energy “unraveling the mystery” of losing your cross, especially since there is no mystery here. A simple oversight. The main thing is to quickly, without delay, acquire a new “defender” from the machinations of the enemy in the church. After all, the cross is a reliable shield of any Orthodox person from all evil, visible and invisible, existing in the world.”

Lost along with the chain

If a person finds himself in a situation where he loses a cross along with a gold chain, folk signs explain this in different ways. There are in general two main positions:

  • Losing a cross on a gold chain is bad sign .
  • Loss of a cross with a gold chain - true a sign of getting rid of negative energy .

If we consider these opposite positions in more detail, we get the following:

    Those who regard this loss as a bad sign explain that the chain and cross are it is almost one with the person who wears them. This person has already “fused” with them. Moreover, when he purchased an expensive chain made of precious material, he hoped that it would always be with him, at least for a long time.

    And suddenly a loss occurred - which means, most likely, this indicates that the person something bad awaits ahead, since his plans were disrupted.

    The rest, which evaluates the loss of a cross on a gold chain as a positive sign, explains it this way. People believe that a chain, like with warlike, wraps around a person’s neck and serves as his protection from bad people who want to bring evil. If the chain is gold, it has even more power.

    And when these objects are lost, this may mean that the evil accumulated in them has exceeded the possible level, and the moment has come when the things that have taken on the negative had to leave the person in order to rid him of the negative spiritual burden.

There are, of course, regarding this and opinion of clergy. Official representatives of the Orthodox Church believe that:

  • Losing a cross, no matter what chain it was on, doesn't foreshadow anything. The usual situation - nothing more.
  • The main thing is immediately buy a new cross for yourself to regain your spiritual protection.

If found, is it worth raising?

Answering this question: is it possible to raise a cross, signs say differently. The most common positions are two:

  1. Some people's councils are inclined to never pick up a cross that someone has lost. Allegedly, along with this, the person takes on the “baggage” of the previous owner of the item. The best thing to do is to ignore the situation and move on.
  2. Some people's councils suggest otherwise: they say that It’s better to raise the cross you see, but not just like that. You need to take it to the temple, don’t keep it for yourself.. Otherwise, for appropriating someone else’s property, a person may be punished by forces from above.

As for the clergy, they say the following on this matter:

  • If you find someone's cross, be sure to pick it up - It is not right for a consecrated object to lie on the ground and be trampled under foot.
  • Be sure to take what you find to the temple. The priest will decide for himself what the future of the consecrated object should be.
  • And most importantly - you shouldn’t attach importance to the fact that you found a cross and build various assumptions around it regarding what it means to you. This is simply a discovery of an item. It is important that you picked it up - did not leave the sacred object in oblivion.

So, folk signs regarding the loss and finding of a cross vary. You can trust them, or vice versa. But, I think, it is more logical for any Orthodox to turn to the advice of the church, which says unequivocally: it is wrong to attribute any meaning to the loss or discovery of consecrated objects. - this is a vain faith, and it has no place in the life of an Orthodox person.

A pectoral cross is not a decoration, it is a very important and powerful Christian amulet and a talisman for life, with which there are quite a few signs associated.

The cross is given to the baby during baptism in the temple, and it remains with the person for life. It doesn’t matter whether it is made of silver or gold, it becomes the main security talisman and will always perform its function properly.

Of course, there are a lot of superstitions associated with this subject - and these are not simple superstitions, but something more serious. It is worth knowing all the signs and strictly following these rules.

Something happened to the cross. Why is this and what should I do?

A person wears a cross on his body all the time, and sometimes accidents happen - the cross can be lost, sometimes it suddenly breaks, the chain breaks, or even the cross turns black.

You can find it right on the street, or receive it as a gift - what to do in such cases, what is it all for, and what will happen after such accidents? What do the signs say?

1. First, someone else’s pectoral cross should never be worn on your body. Therefore, it is not customary to give it - it is a completely inappropriate gift, because a cross is given to a person only once, at baptism.

Passing on a “family” pectoral cross from father to son is also not a good idea. After all, the person will then bear someone else’s cross and atone for the sins of the previous owner of the item.

2. If a woman finds a cross on the street, this is a good omen. Finding a cross promises good luck, and this is also not bad for a man.

However, it is very important that you cannot pick up what you find! Find it - found it, but don’t take it or even touch it. Even if it looks very beautiful, made of silver or even gold.

Otherwise, trouble is possible, and you will have to pay for the sins of the one from whom this cross fell. In addition, it could easily be damaged.

3. If you find it well, then Bad sign- losing a cross, and this is not surprising. You need to take great care of such a thing, and there is no sign more unpleasant than losing your cross.

It doesn’t matter whether it was expensive or simple, made of silver or other metal, the important thing is that if you managed to lose it, troubles and a dark streak in life are possible.

To prevent this from happening, to prevent the bad effect of the omen from coming true, after you happen to rub your cross, you must immediately go to church, pray, and ask for forgiveness for your sins. And believe that higher powers will protect you.

4. If he just fell, for no reason, this is a hint that you are behaving incorrectly. Otherwise, why would higher powers give such a hint? It is very important to pray immediately after the cross falls; it is better to go to church.

And think very carefully about your life - to whom are you unfair and cruel, are you not behaving dishonestly? Maybe you should change something in your life?

5. Why does it turn black is a more serious question. Seeing a cross made of silver or gold suddenly turn black by itself is strange and can even be shocking.

But this is not just a decoration, and anything is possible with it. So why does he turn black? This is a serious sign.

Maybe he's taking you away negative energy or illness. And also a cross that suddenly turns black can show what you don’t feel - and will help you cope with any difficulties.

It is also important to know that any silver products tend to turn black! And this is due to the properties of the metal: constant contact with the body can lead to blackening of the cross.

6. Why did the chain on which the cross hung, made of silver, gold or other material, suddenly break? Sign says this is a warning. You may have anxiety or stress ahead.

If this chain is broken, you definitely need to go to church and pray. You need to reconsider your actions and life, ask for sincere forgiveness from everyone you may have offended.

7. It’s more difficult if the cross suddenly breaks. It’s not the most fragile thing, but it happens – and it’s not a very good omen, to be honest. But in order for nothing to happen, if the cross is broken, you need to go to the temple and take the broken one there.

Of course, a broken cross cannot be thrown away or stored! Having taken it to the temple, you need to go to the priest and tell him everything. In the temple, such things are burned in a special oven.

If you suddenly threw away the cross that broke, you need to repent in confession. The priest in the temple will tell you what prayers to read.

8. Some temples do not have ovens. Some signs say that it is better in this case, the broken thing can be taken to the river and thrown there, having first read a prayer. if you are a believer, then still take it to the temple and consult with the priest.

9. What to do if the cross is broken or lost? After all, there’s nowhere without him. If this happens, you should definitely go to church and consult with the priest - he will definitely give the right advice. A new cross can be given by a godfather or godmother to replace one that is broken or lost.

10. What to do if the godfather and godmother are no longer alive, or they are, say, abroad. They will not go to buy and give you a cross, or your child.

You can buy a cross yourself and then consecrate it in church. However, how and where to do this correctly, it is better to individually, again, ask the priest in the temple.

A pectoral cross is an important thing; it must be protected very carefully. Don’t give or donate to anyone, no matter what happens, that’s what the signs say. And then everything will be very good for you, you will be under reliable protection, and you won’t have to worry about anything! Author: Vasilina Serova

For a believer, a pectoral cross is a symbol of faith in God. It is worn as protection from everything negative and negative. Find out what losing a cross can bring and what needs to be done.

What to do if you lose your cross

If your cross disappears, do not immediately panic. Perhaps you're just not paying attention. Turn to your guardian angel for help by reading Our Father.

If after this the cross is not found, you need to go to church soon, ask for forgiveness for all your sins and light a candle in front of the image of the Savior. Then purchase a new consecrated cross from the church shop. It is advisable to do it in the place where you were baptized.

Remember, the church does not view this loss as a sin. It also does not indicate a lack of faith or a disdainful attitude towards God.

Folk omens: if a cross is lost

For a long time, people have taken the consecrated cross seriously and attentively, and its loss was considered as a sign from the Almighty. People said that a person who has lost an Orthodox amulet is no longer able to bear his cross. This means that a crossroads awaits you, and you must make a choice regarding your destiny. The Lord is giving you a chance to start over with a clean slate.

Losing your pectoral cross makes you unprotected and vulnerable. Until you go to church and purchase a new one, you should be wary of damage and the evil eye. These days, do not enter into conflicts and be attentive to your surroundings.

The pectoral cross is a metal that absorbs everything bad that is near you, thereby protecting you. With it, your thoughts become purer, and sinful thoughts go away. If the symbol of faith is cracked, this is a bad sign. Perhaps you commit many sins and often think about bad things. When the amulet cannot contain everything unfavorable, it is lost. Thus, the loss of a cross indicates the need for protection.

What to do if you find a cross

IN folk signs It is said that when you see someone else’s cross, you should not touch it, much less pick it up and put it on yourself. By taking it in your hands, you are placing someone else's burden on your own shoulders.
Dark conspiracies and love spells are often performed on church relics. Touching black magic puts you in imminent danger.

However, some church ministers claim that the unexpected find is God's mercy and a good sign.

Pay more attention to pectoral cross, because to neglect the symbol of faith means to neglect God. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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There is a belief that if a cross is lost, then trouble awaits the person - the person who has lost it will become very ill or will lose a loved one and loved one. The fact is that the cross is our amulet against evil spirits and influence evil eye, so if it is lost, then this is a bad sign. Whether you believe in it or not is up to you, but most often the sign: losing a cross means expecting bad things is far-fetched. Although, on the other hand, if you believe in something, it will definitely come true, which means you need to take some measures to prevent troubles.

Cross for every day

Many people do not wear a cross worn on the day of baptism, because they know that it has great energy, which should be used only in emergency cases - illness, big troubles, or during serious events - pregnancy, childbirth, wedding, etc. Instead of a baptismal cross, they buy another one from the church, which is also a talisman against the evil eye, damage and the evil eye. But if you lose it, then nothing bad will happen. This is a sign that it has already exhausted its capabilities and you need to purchase another one from the temple. Just before replacing the cross, be sure to fast for three days, give three coins to three people in need before coming to church, and stand for the morning service. After purchasing the cross, do not give anything to anyone for three days.

Baptismal cross

When the baptismal cross is lost, it is an unkind sign. It is believed that he took on a serious illness or big trouble and left his master because it was impossible to help him anymore, and if a replacement is not found, then grief and suffering await the person. You can replace it if you strictly fast for seven days before the big day. church holiday, on the day of which you need to attend services in the morning and evening, after which you can purchase new cross, which can be put on immediately and removed only after 40 days, then put on only when absolutely necessary.

The child lost the cross

After the christening, the baby is put on another cross, and the one in which the baptism ceremony took place is hidden in a secluded place until the child comes of age. A child’s cross has no less power than that of an adult, but its loss does not cause much trouble for the child. Just visit the service with it and purchase another one.

If you lost your golden cross

It is believed that a gold cross, even if dedicated in a church, does not have the same power as a silver or ordinary one, so its loss is negative only from the financial side.

If you find a cross

There are two opinions in this case: some believe that it should never be picked up, arguing that it is a talisman for another person, so if you take it, you can take away all the misfortunes and sorrows of the owner. Others say that the found cross is God’s grace, that is, higher powers are sending a sign that you are under their protection, so it needs to be raised so that others do not discredit it. Just don’t put the cross on right away. It needs to be taken to church and blessed, maybe a second time. If you still don’t want to wear it, then just put it in a secluded place or give it to someone as a gift.

Has your lost cross been returned?

It happens that someone will find your cross and give it away. Should I put it on right away? No way. First of all, you need to thank the person who returned it, treat him with something, and not let him go empty-handed, even if he refuses. Then the cross needs to be lowered for a while Epiphany water, remove and let dry on a white towel. Can be worn. But if you don’t trust the person who gave you the cross, you can go to church after immersing yourself in Epiphany water and take it with you, where you can put it near the icon of your guardian angel or the Mother of God, let it lie there while you pray for your health.

It is believed that the sign of “finding a cross” has two opposite meanings. The cross symbolizes human destiny and all the trials that a person experiences throughout his life. To lose means to go astray. On the one hand, if a person is in need, deprived, sick and suffering, this will be a good sign for him. Fate is favorable to him, and soon everything will change. On the other hand, the loss of the cross of a happy and satisfied person with his life is a sign of change for the worse.

What does the loss of the cross mean?

Losing a cross along with a gold or silver chain is a bad omen. It is believed that this symbol is a kind of protection from the evil eye and damage, evil spirits and demons. To lose all this is to be prepared for trials and tribulations.

From the point of view of occult sciences, the loss of the cross is depriving oneself of the burden of negative energy and mental and physical pain. It happens that the cross itself comes off the chain or the chain breaks without mechanical damage. This means that a person has accumulated too much energetic “dirt” and “garbage” that needs to be thrown off.

Popular superstitions considered the cross, first of all, a talisman against evil forces. To lose it is to become defenseless and weak before the machinations of the evil one.

Where is a cross usually found, and what does it mean?

Superstitions have different interpretations of the meaning of the place where the cross was discovered. Here are some of them:

  • On the road - for trips or long business trips.
  • In the grass - to changes in life.
  • In a puddle - to tears, envy and gossip.
  • At the crossroads - with the help of this cross, damage or the evil eye was caused.

Finding a cross made of noble and precious metals is considered great luck. But this is also a test: the golden cross cannot be kept, given to a pawnshop, or sold. This is a kind of test for excessive love of money. According to legend, money will destroy the soul of such a person.

It is better to donate gold or silver crosses to a temple or a specific icon. Finding a broken cross means trouble.

There are two points of view on what to do with a pectoral cross lying on the road or ground:

  • Opinion and sorcerers. Under no circumstances should you lift a sacred object. You can transfer all the sins, damage and negative flows of the owner of the cross into your energy field. This can affect a person’s life, destiny and health.
  • The opinion of the official church. The cross is a consecrated object that should not be desecrated or desecrated. If it lies on the ground or road, then you should definitely pick it up. Leaving the cross lying around in dirt and dust is a sin.

People believe that if a person picks up someone’s cross and brings it into his home, then throughout the rest of his life he will have to atone for his sins and the sins of the owner of this cross. Therefore, if you find this sacred object, take it to the church. There the priest himself will decide what to do with him. In this they agree folk wisdom, and the opinion of the clergy.

For true Christian both the loss of a cross and the discovery of someone else’s mean nothing. It's just an accident. You cannot leave it on the road, but it is better to give it to the nearest temple. If you have lost your cross, then it is enough to buy yourself a new, consecrated cross, since without it Orthodox Christian can't get by.

The sign of “finding a cross” can be interpreted differently by everyone. We must remember that a person’s thoughts also have a certain power, and you cannot set yourself up for bad things. Everyone decides for themselves what to do when they find a cross: as an Orthodox person or as a simple layman.

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