Famous dreams foreshadowing a girl's pregnancy. Dream Interpretation

Dreams are under the jurisdiction of the Moon. The moon also governs the body's defenses. It is not surprising that dreams reflect a person’s state of health and often warn of any problems in the body.

Dreams foreshadowing illness and dreams foretelling recovery

Dreams foreshadowing illness

There are certain plots and images of dreams that foreshadow illness. If you pay attention to such dreams in time and take action, you can prevent the disease or weaken it. It must be borne in mind that illness is foreshadowed only by repeatedly recurring dreams. If you only had a dream once, most likely the reason for it is an unsuccessful position during sleep, an uncomfortable bed, or a lack of fresh air where you sleep.
Dreams in which you see broken dishes or mirrors or broken tools indicate a weakening of the body as a whole. The disease is heralded by a white or black butterfly, bedbugs and flies. Faded lights, dirty water, wilted plants indicate the weakness of your energy. It’s bad to be naked in a dream, to lose teeth, hair and nails, to feel old. There is something sour or bitter, unripe fruit. It is bad to get caught in a stormy current, a muddy swamp, or wander among the snow or in the dark. It is unfavorable to hear the cuckoo and drums and feel fear, anxiety, and powerlessness.
Dreams in black and pale gray tones occur with loss of strength and weak tone. A lot of red color in a dream indicates inflammatory processes and an increase in temperature.

Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

From your dreams you can determine what exactly in your body may be sick. An incipient inflammatory process or poor circulation in any area of ​​the body will certainly draw your attention to this part of your body in a dream. For example, getting hit in the stomach in a dream means problems with the digestive organs, in the head - with the blood vessels of the brain, in the neck - osteochondrosis. The cause of diseases of internal organs is often psychosomatics, neuroses, the presence of which is indicated by dreams of insurmountable obstacles and delays and where familiar people appear in a different form and do not recognize you.
For neuroses dreams are vivid and aggressive, in which a person finds himself in an unfamiliar environment and gets lost, doesn’t know what to do. The inferiority complex manifests itself in the common dream of passing exams.
For depression dreams are dull, dull. In them, a person wanders through corridors, rooms, stairs, labyrinths or through the forest, often in the dark, and does not find a way out. Or hiding from someone. Familiar places suddenly change and take on a strange appearance. Often a person sees nightmares that he had in childhood. With illness of the nervous system, apathy and melancholy, people often dream of red bunches of rowan berries.
Respiratory system diseases(bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma) manifest themselves through dreams in which breathing is difficult, a person lacks air, someone is choking him, leaning on him or jumping on his chest. Or tight clothing makes it difficult to breathe. A person runs or climbs a mountain, drowns or is covered with earth, he finds himself in a closed, cramped space where there is little air and there is no strength or opportunity to get out. Such dreams are usually vivid, with fantastic images. Frequent flying in a dream can also indicate weakness of the respiratory system.
Infectious diseases(flu, acute respiratory infections) manifest themselves through a feeling of heat or cold in a dream. A person bathes in ice-cold or very hot water, takes a steam bath, and feels an unquenchable thirst. He is naked or wearing tight, uncomfortable clothes. He, out of breath, climbs a mountain or a ladder.
Cardiovascular diseases systems provoke mainly terrible dreams about being chased, chased, or falling from a height. Or when a person’s heart skips a beat from looking from a great height or into the depths of an abyss. Dreams in which you laugh uncontrollably for a long time also often indicate heart problems.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion and poisoning cause dreams that are more unpleasant than scary. They often contain disgusting taste sensations, nausea and a feeling of disgust. Usually one dreams of spoiled food, raw meat, poisonous or rotten fruits, and sometimes a person in a dream eats something completely inedible. Or he doesn’t eat anything because all his teeth have fallen out. If you have a disease of the gallbladder or pancreas, you often eat carrots in your sleep, and if you have gastritis, you often eat raw or stale fish. When you have a stomach ulcer, you most often feel sick during your sleep. Liver diseases give a bitterness or taste of blood in the mouth in a dream; the plot of the dream can also be bloody, with fights and wounds. Inflammation of the cecum causes traffic accidents and accidents on the street in a dream. With gallbladder disease, a person often dreams about quarrels or travel. Stomach disease is caused by dreams about fires, as well as dreams in which a person eats too hot food. If a person just overate at night, he usually dreams that he is singing.
People suffering from pressure drops, it is easy to determine from dreams in which direction the jump occurred, because dreams about high blood pressure are very different from dreams about low blood pressure.
At high blood pressure(hypertension) dreams are vivid, with a predominance of red color. In these dreams, natural disasters or military operations, terrorist attacks occur, when everything collapses, and a person runs somewhere, flies or falls, hears a strong whistling sound and experiences a feeling of anxiety.
At low blood pressure(hypotonia) dreams are faded, viscous, interrupted and renewed, there is no dynamics in them, and some action is tediously repeated. As a rule, these are unsuccessful attempts by a person to overcome some obstacle, lift a burden, or simply move. His arms and legs seem to be paralyzed, he is bleeding or has become a victim of a vampire, but is unable to resist.
At disorders of the musculoskeletal system There are also frequent dreams with immobilization, petrification or damage to the legs, walking through mud, snow, water, in torn and uncomfortable shoes. With varicose veins, a dog may bite your leg.

Oneirology is the science that studies dreams. Entire treatises have been written about prophetic visions. There are real cases where dreams helped in life. Dreams have been mentioned in all known religions since antiquity. There is a description of how Maha Maya, the woman who gave birth to Buddha, saw a white elephant in a dream before he was conceived. The Quran states that Amina bint Wahb saw a vision of a growing green tree. Such a dream predicted an imminent conception.

In the Christian religion, conception and birth have always been foretold through vision. And not necessarily such mothers. The birth of the Virgin Mary is prophesied to her father Joachim. And the next day to his wife Anna. Although these were elderly people and no longer hoped for the miracle of the birth of a child.

Humanity is accustomed to looking for explanations for its visions. The first mention of dream interpreters appeared on the papyri of ancient Egypt. There are entire treatises devoted to the symbolism of night visions, foreshadowing important events: marriage, conception, birth.

Young girls and women, by the nature of their subconscious, are focused on motherhood. The debate over whether dreams can foretell pregnancy has not been going on for a long time. After such a vision, the woman wakes up with a persistent feeling of imminent conception.

What dreams portend pregnancy? Let's figure it out now.


First of all, great importance is attached to dreams with live fish. Pictures in which she is present in a pond can be regarded as a sign to a young girl that she will soon conceive. The surest sign is considered to be when conversations are being conducted with the fish, the tongue is shown, accompanied by a smile or laughter.

Catching this river inhabitant with bare hands in clean, clear water is another undeniable sign. Usually these kinds of dreams foreshadow a twin pregnancy. And if the catch is successful and more than one fish is caught, then the number of individuals predicts the number of children the woman will have in her life.

Buying a living river inhabitant from a male or female seller is a hint about the gender of the child. What else determines whether a girl or a boy will be born? The gender is also indicated by the type of fish. Perch, carp or carp symbolize a boy, burbot, catfish and pike are a hint of the appearance of a girl.

Sometimes a close relative (mother or sister), who is not expecting a new baby, may have a prophetic dream. A fish swimming towards the raging mother makes it clear who the message is intended for. What does it mean to talk with a friend on the shore of a pond with splashing carp or trout? Such a dream symbolizes for a girl not her pregnancy, but the one with whom the conversation was held.

Fried fish can also mean a hint of pregnancy. But in this case it must be tasty and juicy. The fried fish should be eaten directly by the girl or her chosen one. A clearer sign will be if you dream of sharing a meal with a dish.

A man may dream about a pregnancy of a friend or wife. Usually these are dreams about a pond with clear water, in which there are a lot of fish. It’s especially good if she splashes happily and jumps out of the water. Another prophetic vision is fishing with a rich catch, where fish are removed from the hook with bare hands.

It happens that in a dream there is a body of water and its inhabitants, but it is interpreted as a negative dream. The fish was caught by the girl, but missed (slipped out of her hands), such a message foreshadows a miscarriage. But still, even if you saw this, you shouldn’t get upset and set yourself up for negativity.


What else can dreams that foreshadow pregnancy depict, besides fish? Visions related to water. For example, being on the shore of a clear body of water and seeing the bottom, wading a river or stream with a calm current. Wash with cold clear water. And also see a pool, bath, pond, aquarium with clean, unclouded water.

Talk about an interesting situation

You may have a dream about visiting a gynecologist, where good news is announced. Or an ultrasound procedure showing the presence of a fetus. In such visions, the gender of the child is sometimes pronounced and the date of birth is indicated. Some mothers even recognize the baby's name. It’s good if in such dreams there is bright light, a pleasant atmosphere, smiles on the faces of the interlocutors, or the presence of joyful notes in the voice.


Dreams in which eggs are taken from under a chicken or come out of a chicken coop with them in their hands, as well as shopping or browsing in a store are symbols of imminent pregnancy.

Their number in such visions does not in any way indicate the number of children. If you break an egg in a dream, this warns of the possibility of a miscarriage.


In popular belief, this bird most likely migrated from the prophetic stork - a dream foreshadowing pregnancy. The Finns, the Irish, the Greeks and the inhabitants of modern Egypt believe this.

Round objects

Playing volleyball or basketball in a dream are signs of a future pregnancy. Football is not included in this category; in a dream, the ball must be handled with your hands. This also includes playing bowling in a dream, where you can find out the gender of the child by the number of pins (even indicates a boy, and odd indicates a girl).


Visions in which children are present do not mean that this is a dream foreshadowing pregnancy. These are often experienced by pregnant women who are worried about the outcome of childbirth. In these dreams, the mother can see the color of the hair, hear the voice and understand what gender the child is. The age of the child can be very different. Sometimes such a dream is not immediately remembered. After birth, at a certain stage, at some point the vision emerges in memory and the mother vaguely remembers that she has already seen and experienced this somewhere.


Dolphin is a symbol of joy, happiness and good news. For women who have problems conceiving, this sea creature means long-awaited good news. It's good if you swim in the sea, pet and hug a dolphin. If you see this animal performing tricks in the pool, this should be taken as a sign that you should change your environment, agree to move or change jobs.


Apples are a symbol of joyful excitement and abundance. Red fruits in green foliage mean that well-being is not in danger. A beautiful dream about blossoming apple trees, symbolizing a big harvest, is a dream for a successful birth. Collecting ripe apples in the hem of a dress means early conception.


The pomegranate tree and fruits in Greece are still considered a symbol of fertility to this day. In dream books they are described as a symbol of the birth of a new life. But only if you pick a pomegranate. If there are grains of such a fruit in a dream, then this foreshadows temptations and enticements.


Watermelons symbolize the mother's womb. But not all interpreters come to a consensus on this matter. In biblical interpretations, this berry is a harbinger of imminent conception. There is a modern interpretation of if you saw a watermelon in a dream. Why do you dream about such a berry? There are two explanations for this. For young girls, such a dream speaks of imminent marriage. For patients, such a vision promises a quick recovery and recovery. For men who are busy with business and affairs, dreams with this berry promise a quick receipt of goods or money. What does it mean to choose a watermelon at the market in a dream? Why do you dream like this? For women - to gossip and gossip, for men - to clashes and conflicts at work.


The female gender is not very fond of mice. And they don’t like to see them in their dreams; to them it seems like an omen of trouble. Although everything is quite the opposite. Seeing a small mouse in a dream, like chickens, hares, puppies, means children. Another interpretation of such a vision is their early appearance. Children's toys of any kind, as well as seeing a toy mouse in a dream for a woman with children, means another addition.


Dreams in which mushrooms are picked are equally a good sign for men and women. Couples who are already desperate to have children dream of mushrooms as a symbol of reward for patience. For young people, such a dream is a hint of an active sex life, which can lead to pregnancy of the partner. Therefore, if you are not planning to have children yet, do not forget to protect yourself.


Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream does not mean at all that it is a prophetic dream. Our subconscious rarely sends clear and clear images that take place in real life.

But seeing a pregnant friend in a dream is a sign that, most likely, the dream will come true. This girl will soon find out about her situation or share the good news with you. For unmarried ladies, dreams in which they are pregnant signify deception and warn of danger. For a married woman, this vision is interpreted differently: it means an imminent major purchase.

Seeing an unfamiliar pregnant woman in a dream means profit and prosperity in the family.

Giving birth in a dream is a good sign for women making plans for the future. The dream means that everything will come true, but you will have to suffer. Taking birth from another woman is a hint of imminent difficulties and problems. Sometimes pregnancy dreams of a salary increase or an inheritance.


What other dream can you see that foreshadows pregnancy? A vision in which there are spiders. Also, a dream in which a cobweb fell on your head is a harbinger of pregnancy. Butterflies are also considered to be harbingers of conception.


Some flowers seen in dreams are attributed to the meaning of an early pregnancy.

For example, a lotus flower on the surface of the water or when they go into the water and pick flowers. Cornflower is a sign of an upcoming interesting situation. Therefore, if you have had a beautiful dream where they present you with a whole bouquet of cornflowers or forget-me-nots, you can prepare for an addition.

Objects seen briefly

There are a number of indirect hints about an imminent joyful event. This includes objects seen briefly, on which attention was not focused.

This could be a baby rattle, crib, toy doll, baby vest, booties, pacifier, baby bottle. Pregnancy also dreams of choosing a new dress, especially if it is blue, as well as peace, tranquility in the house and a pleasant feeling of someone's presence.

Emotions at the moment of awakening

The emotional situation at the moment of awakening is very important. A feeling of joy and good mood is the best indicator that the dream is positive. But the feeling of anxiety at the moment of awakening is not always an indicator of bad events in the near future. Perhaps your fears and concerns that you try to suppress find expression in your dreams. Maybe you should drink a soothing decoction before bed, take a warm bath, and help your body relax as much as possible. Peace in your soul will bring peace to your dreams.

The famous astrologer and soothsayer Nostradamus saw a large number of prophetic dreams. He explained this by a heightened sense of his intuition. He attributed these abilities to one degree or another to all humanity. We see hints of many events in our dreams, but we discard them in the morning, considering them unnecessary information.


Now you know what kind of dream you can have that foreshadows pregnancy. But such visions cannot be called a standard. Each consciousness is individual. Some people can't wait to hear good news, while others are afraid of possible conception. All these emotions migrate to our subconscious. And we begin to see what we desire or what we are afraid of.

Everyone has heard about dreams that foreshadow certain events in life. Many of us have even seen them and can confidently say that harbinger dreams really exist. Let's find out what dreams a girl or her relatives might see that portend pregnancy.


If you asked any girl, even if she didn’t consider herself superstitious, what dream image foreshadows pregnancy, she would answer without hesitation: “Fish!” This sign has become a textbook and is familiar to all women on the planet.

However, not every dream in which a fish appears can be interpreted as a sign of impending motherhood.

In addition to pregnancy, a dream about fish can portend quick profit, acquaintance, or new love. In addition, appearing in a dream, an aquatic inhabitant warns of intrigues in which you may find yourself involved, or exposes your enemies.

A clear harbinger of pregnancy is considered to be a dream in which a girl is fishing or watching it. If you manage to catch several fish at once, you should expect twins to appear. A dream in which a woman caught a fish and released it back symbolizes a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion.

Expectant mothers often dream about fish

A clear sign of pregnancy is holding a fish you caught in your hands. The most common dream that predicts an imminent pregnancy is fishing with your bare hands. However, they promise quick motherhood and scenes in which you caught a fish with a fishing rod or net.

By the way, in a dream you can not only catch fish, but also talk to it, buy it in a store and even eat it. Here, the sign of pregnancy works individually: it all depends on the details of the dream. For example, fried fish foreshadows a girl’s conception of a child if in a dream she eats it herself or sees her chosen one eating fish. At the same time, the fish should be very appetizing and fresh!

If you dreamed that you were buying live fish in a store, remember what gender the seller was: this is a hint about the gender of the unborn child. Also, who will be born to you is also foreshadowed by the type of fish purchased: if you bought crucian carp, carp or tench, a boy will be born, and if a catfish or pike, a girl will definitely be born.

The water in which you fish is also important for the interpretation of sleep. A future or ongoing pregnancy is symbolized by clear and clean water. By the way, there may be no fish at all in such a dream. Crystal water, calm ponds and the romantic atmosphere surrounding them, seen in a dream, also act as a symbol of future motherhood.

Transparent water symbolizes the cradle of life

If in a dream you ford a calm river and see the bottom and all its inhabitants, or sit by a clear lake and wash yourself with water from it - these are images indicating the origin of life. Clear water can fill a pool, an aquarium, or even a bathtub in which you bathe, all of which represent the cradle of life and motherhood.

“Pregnant” dreams often come not only to girls, but also to their chosen ones, as well as to close female relatives or friends. It is quite difficult to interpret such a dream correctly, and often those who saw the omen remember it after they learn about the pregnancy.

Childbirth and babies

If a girl dreamed that she was giving birth, this could also be a sign of an existing or impending pregnancy. Moreover, the subconscious often presents expectant mothers with strange stories in which they give birth to a teddy bear or a cute kitten.

Also, a clue about an imminent pregnancy can be a baby that you hold in your arms in your dream. If you know that the baby from the dream is yours, and the whole dream is filled with joy and warmth, this is a clear sign of an imminent addition to the family. In all other cases, children seen in a dream represent other events.

Sometimes in dreams you can “peep” the gender and facial features of the unborn child

Most often, pregnant women, regardless of whether they already know about their interesting situation or not, have vivid, beautiful dreams that leave a feeling of joy and bliss.

Those women who want a child, and have been trying unsuccessfully to conceive one for a long time, may have dreams that the baby was given to them, or brought to their house and left forever. Such dreams, like dreams in which you find an abandoned child and take it to you, also promise imminent motherhood.

Family idyll

If in a dream a girl sees herself and her life partner with an already born child, the dream is interpreted as a favorable sign of a future addition to the family. However, the main significance in a dreamed family scene is not the presence of a baby in it (instead there could be anyone else - a puppy, a fish, a bunny, a pink elephant), but the general atmosphere of comfort and harmony. Nothing should confuse or disturb the dreamer.

Family idyll is often a dream in hand

Where such a dream takes place is absolutely unimportant - you can be in your own home, climbing mountains or walking in the park, the main thing is that everyone in the dream is happy.

The onset of pregnancy can also be foreshadowed by idyllic pastoral pictures in dreams: sea or mountain landscapes, beautiful trees and flowers.

Other characters

Very often, children's toys, clothes, drawings seen in a dream become a hint of the dreamer's future or current interesting situation. Among the prosaic things that foreshadow pregnancy, you may dream of a lady test with two lines or even menstruation, which suddenly began or was eagerly awaited.

Common birth symbols seen in dreams also predict pregnancy. A cabbage seen in a dream represents for a girl an already established pregnancy, just like a stork and an egg. It is a bad sign if an egg breaks in a dream - the pregnancy may end in miscarriage or abortion.

Eggs, storks, cabbage - common images in “pregnant” dreams

Pearls are another good sign of future motherhood. It doesn’t matter in what context you see it, the main thing is that it is present in the dream. The dreamed lotus flower carries the same symbolism.

Seeing large round objects in a dream - balls or watermelons, for example - is a sign of an upcoming pregnancy. They symbolize a big belly.

By the way, picking berries, fruits, vegetables, nuts and any fruits in a dream, as well as eating, buying and even stealing them also means pregnancy. Mushrooms in a dream are another symbol of imminent motherhood, primarily for those women who could not get pregnant for a long time. Mushroom spores represent the male seed, and their overall image is interpreted as a reward for long patience.

As a symbol of pregnancy, small animals, birds and insects can be dreamed of, especially if they do not show aggression towards the dreamer and the general atmosphere of the dream is peaceful.

A mammal such as a dolphin personifies happiness and fun in the family, and therefore often portends pregnancy.

If a woman dreams of a snake that is wrapped around her body, or she sees a spider in her dream that falls on top of her? – the born child will have a brilliant mind.

Rats, mice, chickens, ducks, pigeons, spiders seen in a dream? those who weave webs are also harbingers of additions to the family. As well as scenes of observing other small animals or scenes of playing with them.

Playing mice can dream of pregnancy

As has already become clear, pregnancy for a girl can foreshadow many different dreams, including those not mentioned by us, because dreams are a hint from the subconscious of a mature personality, with her own thinking and her own view of things. The main thing in interpreting dreams about pregnancy is the woman’s feelings after waking up. If the dreamer wakes up with a feeling of euphoria and bliss, it is quite possible that “pregnant” hormones have already reached her subconscious and are diligently preparing the ground for the news of the baby’s arrival.

Dream Interpretation: what dreams do you have about death? Sleep is a physiological process necessary for the human body to recuperate.

But simply considering sleep as one of the necessary life processes, such as drinking water or breathing air, is not interesting to humanity. It has long been noticed that certain symbols from dreams lead to certain consequences. When people noted this fact, they created dream interpreters.

And now everyone can predict what will happen to them in the near future.

Why do you have dreams?

Some dreams are considered positive, and they carry a powerful charge of positive energy, promising a person changes for the better. But you shouldn’t discount those dreams that lead to negative consequences.

A person may be interested in what dreams about death? Are there certain symbols that predict the imminent death of the dreamer himself or his loved one?

Basic symbols

Many people know that if you dream of teeth falling out, it means death. If the tooth was bleeding, the dream means that a blood relative will die.

A dream in which a deceased relative calls you to follow him is perceived quite negatively. It is not the dream itself that is negative, but your action if you dream that you followed it.

Dreams that lead to death

What other symbols might you dream about before the death of the dreamer himself or his relative:

  • a celestial body that falls from the sky;
  • cross the river by boat;
  • cloudy, musty water;
  • digging holes;
  • otherworldly forces;
  • croaking crow;
  • falling into a well or other depression.

Actions of a sleeping person

It is worth remembering that these symbols do not mean that the dreamer will definitely die. In many dream interpreters they are perceived quite well. Thought is material, just don’t focus on the negative.

Even if you had a prophetic dream that promises imminent death, then you have a real chance to correct the situation. Analyze what you are dreaming about, think about what higher powers warned you about, what they wanted to protect you from.

Perhaps you should cancel your planned trip, not take up the proposed business, or change your lifestyle?

I dreamed of building a new house

Start analyzing the message of higher powers, improve the quality of your life, get rid of bad habits, friends that drag you to the bottom, work that no longer brings either joy or material benefits, but only nervous exhaustion. Remember, everything is in your hands, even a dream about death is not an indisputable accomplished fact. You will be able to change your destiny, the main thing is positive thinking and actions.

Dreamer's mood

Let's look at an example. In some dream books, it is believed that the construction of a new home or even a new house appears to the dreamer in night vision as a sign: a person will soon say goodbye to life.

At the same time, other interpreters write in black and white that changes for the better are coming. The dreamer will be able to improve his financial condition, expand his living space, and change his job to a more prestigious one.

The sleeping person only has to choose how he will react to this symbol? What will the dreamer direct his energy to? Will he begin to prepare for his imminent death and will go to great lengths, or will he finally take actions that will really change his life for the better?

Dream about dying

Crossing a river in a boat in a dream

In ancient times, people believed that sleep was a little death. A person ceases to exist for those around him, he goes into a parallel reality, although his body remains with us. That is why many people endow dreams with such possibilities as prophetic dreams. It is believed that at this time we can “peep” what is happening there next.

Others say that dreams are simply a physiological state of the body. We need it to recharge. When everything is fine in real life, the nervous system shows us pleasant, calm dreams. When something doesn’t suit the dreamer, frightens or torments him, he is unable to completely get rid of negative emotions, so he sees terrible dreams, including dreams of death.

You can often hear that a person had a posthumous dream about angels or demons, and soon he died. A person can believe such information at will. It can be assumed that when the dreamer is sick and preparing to die, he naturally thinks about what awaits us after death.

Perhaps such prophetic dreams about death are just a reflection of his real thoughts?

Visions that foretell the death of a relative

I dream about a bird knocking on the window

As already mentioned, when you dream that your teeth are falling out, especially if blood was visible, then the dream foreshadows the loss of a loved one. Sometimes similar predictions can be found when your hair falls out, you lose body parts.

What other dreams does the dream book consider as a sign of the death of a loved one? When a bird knocks on your window, interpreters perceive it extremely negatively.

Especially if she managed to break the glass, fly into the room, and then fly out.

It’s bad if you call your relative, but he leaves you without turning around, or sails away on a boat or ship.

A vision in which you are having difficulty moving because the sand is swallowing you up can also promise the imminent demise of the one you love.

An empty bed may indicate death, especially if you were hoping to see a certain person there.

Let’s say the dreamer is often haunted by visions of death, at night he walks through the cemetery, digs graves, communicates with deceased relatives - this should not frighten or lead to a state of hopelessness. Interpreters advise not to concentrate on the fact that this vision is dreamed of death. Perhaps higher powers are indicating to you that you are having health problems. Don’t be lazy to go to the doctor, get tested, ask your loved ones about it.

The main thing is not to attract negativity into your life. Let's give an example: if a black cat crosses your path, but you don't pay attention to it, then everything will be fine. If you start focusing on the fact that now the whole day will be painted in dark colors, bad luck will begin to await you at every step, then you shouldn’t wait for good events. Good things will happen, but due to your mood you simply won’t notice them.

Bad dreams are not always harbingers of negative events in life; perhaps you are simply uncomfortable sleeping, or is the room too stuffy?

Your mark:

Despite centuries of experience in studying the nature of sleep, the interpretation of dreams remains very vague. After all, the same images, seen by different sleeping people in different scenes, can have not only different, but sometimes completely opposite meanings. At the same time, long-term observations and analysis of images arising in dreams made it possible to identify some patterns.

Dreams that signify pregnancy are a special group of nighttime images that combine an infinite number of variations of what is seen, but have a special difference from other dreams: a woman almost always wakes up after such a dream with a clear feeling that she will soon become pregnant.

What can you dream about pregnancy?

For one person, a dream about a gypsy promises trouble and deception, while for another it promises sudden monetary gain. Therefore, if you dreamed of a fish, this does not mean at all that there will be a new addition to the family. But this probability is very high, because this is perhaps the most often fulfilled sign. However, the details of the dream are of great importance.

You almost certainly dream of a fish as a sign of pregnancy if you catch it with your own hands, especially if with your bare hands. With the imminent news of conception, dreams end in which a woman acquires fish in any way: buys it at the market or in a store, or receives it as a gift. Moreover, in this case, the gender of the person from whom you receive the fish often indicates the gender of the unborn child.

Eating fish in a dream can also have exactly this meaning, especially if you eat it with your spouse, and it is fresh and tasty.

Seeing fish in an aquarium, pond, pool, river - most likely foreshadows an imminent addition to the family. Dolphins appearing in dreams have the same meaning. Other variations - frog, leech (from messages on forums).

A bad dream is to lose your catch, drop the fish from your hands, see it rotten, stale, dead. All these images are symbolic and can mean termination or fading of pregnancy.

What do you dream about pregnancy, besides fish?

It should be understood that the dream of a fish in each individual case may have a different interpretation, which has nothing to do with the conception and birth of children. Thus, in various dream books the following interpretations of this image are given: profit (in business, money, love, relationships), intrigue, postponement of affairs or a long process of something (frozen), obstacles from ill-wishers (smoked), fun time in a circle friends (dried), love affairs (fish head), etc., etc.

But other symbols that appear in night visions can also portend pregnancy. Of course, each of them also has many meanings and interpretations. But centuries-old experience shows that these images very often visit the dreams of girls who soon after learn the good news about pregnancy:

  • Water. This image competes with the fish and perhaps even wins. After all, fish are most often dreamed of in water. From time immemorial, water symbolizes the birth of a new life, and therefore women who swim or bathe in clean water in dreams are almost always either already pregnant or will become so soon. A continuous body of water, an ocean, sea, lake, river, stream, swimming pool, bathtub, or even just a handful of water with which you wash your face in a dream very likely indicates the birth of a new life within you. The main thing is that the water must be clean, fresh, and transparent. Variations of the plots are very diverse: watching the surf, walking along the sea coast, wading or swimming across the river, plunging into the waves or simply getting your feet wet.
  • Stork. There is no need to say much about this image. In everyday life, in folk art, in beliefs, and in night visions, this bird is associated with the appearance of children in a family.
  • Children. It’s so banal - without intrigues and puzzles, without hints and codes, children first come into the lives of their parents first in a dream: either they are given birth, or given as a gift, or thrown in, but the woman in the dream gets a baby. Moreover, she can see not only a newborn or a baby, but also an already grown child, knowing in a dream that this is her child. They can play together, take a walk, spend their leisure time reading or drawing, ride a carousel, etc. Try to remember this image: the child’s gender, facial features, hair color or other differences. It may seem incredible, but such dreams often come true. Moreover, sometimes mothers feel like they are experiencing déjà vu: as if they had already experienced a certain moment in their lives associated with their own child. Scientists do not rule out that it was his mother who saw him in a dream before or during pregnancy. Meanwhile, if a woman who has already become pregnant sees her own childbirth in a dream (and this happens very, very often), then such visions cannot be perceived as a projection for the future: this is nothing more than excitement about the future, even if you are not at all, as you think, don't worry. But all kinds of children's accessories - soft toys, dolls, cars, cribs, strollers, swings, etc., “flickering” in a dream, can also transparently hint at your situation.
  • News about pregnancy. In real life, we usually find out about our interesting situation first through tests, then in the gynecologist's office or ultrasound. But in a dream, anyone can bring good news, and even no one knows who. A woman simply hears an address to herself that she is pregnant, or that she will soon have a daughter, and sometimes even instructions are given about the name of the unborn child or the exact date of birth is announced. You may not remember anything else, just a phrase heard from a person known or unknown to you. But this is often enough to wake up with a completely new feeling and premonition.
  • Eggs. They are embryos, bird embryos. We, of course, do not think about this when we see them in a dream, but in life the fact is confirmed quite often: buying, carrying, receiving from someone, seeing or simply having an egg or several with you means that you will soon find out about the presence of yourself a belly-dweller. Accordingly, breaking an egg in a dream may not be a good sign.
  • Mushrooms. Mushroom spores symbolize male fertility, and the mushrooms themselves are a reward for patience and waiting. Therefore, it is believed that a woman who has long dreamed of a child and is diligently trying to conceive one dreams of a mushroom during pregnancy.
  • Fruits, including fruit trees. These can be any fruits, berries and even vegetables that the dreaming woman plucks from a tree, collects from bushes or from the ground, buys at the market, serves on the table, carries in a basket or bag, holds in her hands, takes as a treat or eats, steals or grows. But most often, for some reason, apples, apricots, pomegranates, tomatoes, and nuts are symbols of female fertility in dreams.
  • Animals, insects. As a rule, these are small birds and animals - chickens, kittens, puppies, mice, hares. Very often - spiders weaving webs or falling on the head. They can be not only real, but also toys. Large animals are also possible. Bears, chickens and ducks - almost any living creature. In such dreams, you often have to give birth to an animal or hunt it. In general, a wide variety of stories.
  • Round objects. They symbolize the mother's womb. It could be a watermelon, cabbage, or a ball. Often a woman sees an “embryo” (in the form of a bean, a bead) placed in a “womb” (jar, pot).
  • Unity with my husband. You may dream or just feel yourself spending time with your loved one. You simply understand that you are nearby, together, and you very clearly feel that you feel good and pleasant. Complete calm, harmony, mutual understanding and feeling of each other - almost a heavenly idyll. Yes, the surrounding landscapes also accompany this feeling. It could be a walk in the park or the seashore, or a pleasant trip to colorful places. And often a couple in love is accompanied by some other living creature (bird, animal).

It is noteworthy that dreams symbolizing a woman’s pregnancy are not always seen by her personally. Often this honor falls to the future father. But also prophetic dreams are visited by a woman’s close people: sister, mother, friend. And there is never any confusion: the actions taking place in a dream clearly indicate who the egg or fish seen is intended for.

What dreams do you have about pregnancy?

It is necessary to evaluate any dream mainly emotionally. If it didn’t touch you at all, then there’s no point in remembering the details of such a dream. But if you woke up with an exciting feeling, it definitely means something. And here we should analyze the content of what we saw.

Of all the most common variations, it is necessary to note one more category of dreams foreshadowing pregnancy, in which a woman makes a decision or is faced with a choice about a purchase: for example, she buys a dress in a store. Remember what color new thing you chose - blue or red?..

All the images described are very symbolic. Along with them, other symbols may appear. But here's what's interesting. It was noticed that dreams foreshadowing pregnancy, despite the huge variety of pictures and plots, have one very striking common feature - emotional coloring. Such dreams are always accompanied by positive emotions, pleasant feelings, feelings of joy, happiness, and bliss. These may be very abstract pictures (for example, a clear night sky, densely dotted with bright stars), but contemplating them is a great pleasure.

In addition, a woman almost always wakes up with a clear understanding that it was a “dream in hand.” Even if there were no reasons to suspect pregnancy before, after such a dream there is almost no doubt about what happened.

But here we cannot help but talk about the situation when a woman desperately and unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant begins to perceive what she wants as reality: she notices signs of a non-existent pregnancy, and, among other things, incorrectly interprets dreams that (very likely) she imposes on herself.

If you are not obsessed with the thought of conceiving a child, but suddenly woke up with a very clear feeling that this has happened or will happen soon, then such a dream can most likely be considered prophetic. But, of course, it is impossible to say about this for sure.

Not all of us believe in dreams. And in each individual case, you need to be able to correctly decipher what you see. But women's intuition can be difficult to deceive...

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

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