God save us from the lord's mercy. Pass us by more than all sorrows and lordly anger and lordly love...

Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world! Chatsky

When you wander, you return home, and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us! Chatsky

Anyone who is poor is not a match for you. Famusov

Happy hours are not observed. Sofia

I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening. Chatsky

Pass us away more than all sorrows and lordly anger, and lordly love. Lisa

There is no need for another example when the example of your father is in your eyes. Famusov

The legend is fresh, but hard to believe. Chatsky

You can share laughter with everyone. Sofia

Signed, off your shoulders. Famusov

And grief awaits around the corner. Sofia

Are they busy recruiting regiments of teachers, more in number, at a cheaper price? Chatsky

I don’t care what goes into the water. Sofia

Terrible century! Don't know what to start! Everyone was smart beyond their years. Famusov

Who serves the cause, not individuals... Chatsky

ABOUT! If someone penetrated people: what is worse about them? soul or language? Chatsky

Read not like a sexton, but with feeling, sense, and order. Famusov

Like all Moscow people, your father is like this: he would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks. Lisa

Those who need it are arrogant, they lie in the dust, and for those who are higher, they wove flattery like lace. Chatsky

And a golden bag, and aims to become a general. Lisa

You young people have nothing else to do but notice girlish beauty. Famusov

Yes, at least someone will be confused by quick questions and a curious look... Sofia

The fools believed it, they passed it on to others, the old women immediately sounded the alarm - and so public opinion! Chatsky

My father bequeathed to me: firstly, to please all people without exception - the Master, where I happen to live, the Chief, with whom I will serve, his Servant, who cleans the dresses, the doorman, the janitor, to avoid evil, the janitor’s dog, so that he is affectionate. Molchalin

The amusing misdeeds of the heir to the throne sometimes amused only himself.

To many they seemed unthinkable even for a 17-year-old teenager. And what happened at the door of the royal dining room caused a real commotion, and the august aunt was literally torn and torn from overflowing hot emotions...

And we live solemnly and difficultly...

Entering the Grand Duke's quarters, the Empress kissed Katya and asked why the beauty was late for mass, caring more about her outfits than about serving the Lord God. Elizabeth dryly added that during the time of Anna Ioannovna, she, the crown princess, had the opportunity to live not in Winter Palace, and at an impressive distance, in the mother’s stone house on Tsaritsyno Meadow, near Summer Garden, not far from which the Promenade walking park has now been created. However, this building, like the neighboring mansion of the late General Adam Weide, became the property of Count Alexei Grigorievich Razumovsky - for services to the Fatherland.

By the way, the monarch explained, his highness Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein, the husband of my sister Anna Petrovna and the father of your dearest husband, once lodged there, upon his arrival in Russia. Your deceased father-in-law in Bose! “It is from these walls that the frosty winter night almost five years ago, surrounded by reliable people, I moved in a sleigh to the barracks of the Preobrazhensky regiment, in the Peskov region, beyond the Fontanka, in order, with the help of my valiant guards, to regain the sacred ancestral crown stolen by impostors. But much earlier, during that difficult time for me, when Anna Ioannovna ruled, I did not violate my duties, did not miss church services in the palace, although for this I had to sacrifice sleep, get up in the dark, get dressed by candlelight ... "

Fike timidly lowered her head. Elizabeth squinted at her and ordered her to call the court hairdresser. “Timofey,” she affectionately addressed the faithful servant bowing in bow, “if you continue to comb your hair, Grand Duchess in the same at a slow pace, as usual, I will kick you out of office in no time. Go! (Alas, Katya thought, a day of sadness and sorrow awaits everyone.) “Yes,” Elizaveta Petrovna grinned, as if in tune with her sad thoughts, “and where is your beloved?” - “In your chambers, Your Majesty...” - “Call him for me. I missed my nephew. I’m eager to see it!”

Seven swords pierced the heart...

The heir-crown did not have to wait long. In a dressing gown and with a nightcap, he cheerfully, slightly frivolously ran up to the royal hand and froze with such an expression as if he was preparing to accept a well-deserved reward. The Empress kissed him on the cheek and asked where and when he found the courage to commit such an unsightly act. Entering the Hermitage room, where the lifting machine for the kitchen is located, the monarch said, she saw a door drilled like a sieve. All the holes were directed towards the place that the autocrat usually prefers at the table. How will Peter Feodorovich order us to understand all this?

“Have you probably forgotten what you owe to me? Ungrateful youth! My father had, as you know, an adult son who was the heir to the throne. Ambitious, independent - no match for you. Even when drunk, he did not fall to his knees in front of busts and portraits of foreign kings. By the way, your half-uncle—you were born ten years after his death. This man had every legal right to the crown. All! But he behaved impudently, recklessly, contradicted, contradicted, intrigued, hid with Caesar in Italy, and his father excommunicated him from the sovereign inheritance. Excommunicated him completely! Keep in mind: I, too, can change my plans!

The Grand Duke perked up and objected something, but the queen angrily interrupted him and, getting seriously angry, as often happened to her in moments of discontent and rage, began shouting reproaches and insults in a thunderous voice. “And how did you dare? The Empress... with guests... privately... And you? Peep? Spy on? Headphones? Brat, boy! What are you allowing yourself? Are you in your right mind? The scout has emerged! I will teach you good manners. I'll teach you once and for all! They would try to do this at the court of Anna Ioannovna, my eldest cousin... She is not me: she instantly locked up disobedient people and troublemakers in the fortress, drove them to Tmutarakan. AND death penalty with it, be healthy as you used it. That's what they were afraid of, and that's what they were wary of. And I, being a generous nature, canceled it. Then, in the dead of night, at the hour of my triumph, I swore on the Bible in front of witnesses that I would not shed anyone’s blood. And she faithfully fulfilled this vow. I feel sorry for everyone. So I find… gratitude.”

Elizabeth took a breath and then noticed tears on Fike’s face. “Calm down, baby,” she waved her fan, “none of this concerns you. You didn't peek or try to peek. Why should you worry? The Empress fell silent, as if taking a break from the noisy, heavy scene. Then she covered her eyelashes and, nodding to the frowning couple, went out into the corridor...

We wandered and bitterly repent...

Pyotr Feodorovich hurried to his rooms, and Katya to the bedroom, to finally change into his formal dress, which had not been taken off after the service. A minute later, the Tsarevich returned to his wife. He stood and said, almost in his ear, in some indistinct, embarrassed, mocking tone: “The Empress was like a fury, she was not aware of the screams and cries.” “Well, not exactly,” Catherine retorted, “she was just very upset. You shouldn't have done what you did. I warned about inevitable troubles.” - “You warned too late!” - “Oh, I’m also responsible! Your Highness, you are an adult, a family man and are called upon to be aware of all the consequences of wrong steps and rash actions...”

The young couple had lunch in Katya’s apartment, talking in low voices and not taking their eyes off the doors and windows. When Peter went to his chambers, Frau Maria Kruse came to see Fike. Her tirade was prepared “on the spot” - and, obviously, on instructions from above. “We must admit,” the “scout” breathed out, “that the empress acted like a true mother!” Catherine listened carefully to the uninvited guest. Where is the conversation going? “The mother gets angry and scolds the children,” the experienced lady said with inspiration, “but then the insult passes and the intercessor absolves them of their sins. You both should have said: we are guilty, mother, forgive us! And they would disarm her with meekness and humility...”

Katya, diligently searching for phrases, squeezed out that, being unusually embarrassed by Her Majesty’s anger, she considered it best to listen and remain silent. Kruse threw up her hands and quietly left the room - rushing to the high offices with an urgent report. But the wisdom of the wise chamberlain was not in vain. The sacramental combination “guilty, mother” sank firmly into the head of the sensible Fika. It sunk like a magic sesame, “opening” any whim of the omnipotent autocrat. Fike picked up the quote and used it successfully for for long years. Of course, Elizaveta Petrovna, due to her character, loved to see people blaming and repenting in front of her.

...Before Easter, Marshal Karl Sievers (the same one who once met Sofia and Johanna near Moscow, in the village of Vsesvyatsky, and later collapsed with Katya at a masquerade, where he had to dance a polonaise in huge women's hosiery) told the princess the cherished royal will. She, who limited herself in food during the first week of Lent, must fast for the same amount of time. Fike told her good friend (who had recently married Maria Cruz's daughter, Benedikta Feodorovna) that she would like to abstain from eating food for the entire month and a half. Soon the nobleman informed Catherine: the empress received extreme pleasure and allowed this spiritual feat. The storm has passed...

“Woe from Wit” by Alexander Griboedov is the most unique work in terms of quantity catch phrases. Many began to live separately. People who use them in speech often have no idea that they are quoting classic lines of literature.

Catchphrases from the comedy “Woe from Wit” can often be heard in speech, in what meaning they were pronounced by the hero of the text. What has changed over the eras?

Most quoted expressions

"Happy hours don't watch". The phrase is uttered by Sofya Pavlovna, explaining to the maid how quickly the nights pass next to her beloved. The expression has not changed its interpretation. It characterizes the state of people who are passionate about each other. For them, time fades into the background, leaving room only for feelings. Lovers are overwhelmed with delight from communication, meetings and positive emotions. They cannot and do not want to keep track of time.

“The mind and heart are not in harmony”. Chatsky pronounces the phrase. He explains his condition with her. The heart of a lover does not hear the mind. A person is not able to analyze what is happening around him, does not notice deception and deceitful actions. Blinded by feelings, he does not hear the truth in speech. Misleads himself, which subsequently becomes a fatal mistake. IN modern life expression finds a place not only in the emotional sphere, describing feelings of mutual affection. The mind does not help those blinded by their luck in business or gambling.

"The hero is not my novel". Sofya Pavlovna used the phrase to explain that one of the suitors for her hand could not be her lover. Today, the expression makes it possible to remove from the gentlemen those who cannot become a groom by individual choice and preferences of either gender.

“I’d be glad to serve, but it’s sickening to be served”. In Chatsky’s speech, the word serve has a direct meaning. IN modern world the expression is much more widely used. Serving becomes synonymous with working. Many people want to find a profession in which they do not have to follow the instructions of the upper levels of government in order to advance through the ranks. career ladder. Most people want their knowledge, skills and experience to be appreciated.

“Day after day, today is like yesterday”. This is how Alexey Molchalin describes his life. This is how contemporaries characterize life if they leave it interesting events, there remains one routine that is repeated every day. A state of hopelessness is heard behind the words, melancholy and despondency. I want to get out of this state as quickly as possible.

“Pass us beyond all sorrows. And lordly anger, and lordly love". The phrase is put into the mouth of the maid Lisa. The girl understands the danger of both love and disfavor. I want to avoid unnecessary care, anger and hostility. Any feeling on the part of those in power, superiors and managers often ends negatively for the employee. That is why I want bright manifestations on their part to be bypassed.

“Whoever is destined, sir, cannot escape fate”. Wise words says Lisa. Faith in destiny and fate did not disappear among contemporaries. An event that happens in life, often negative, impossible to explain, is reduced to the manifestation of forces from above. Fate is responsible for everything.

“Whoever is poor is not a match for you”. Sofia's father's speech clearly delineated his daughter's ability to choose her future husband. It would seem that the age of division between rich and poor has passed. But in fact, the status situation not only remains, but is considered one of the main reasons for divorces and failed marriages. The expression continues to live, expanding its meaning. Any social status, separating lovers, can be explained by a popular expression.

“Who are the judges?”. Chatsky’s words still ring today. Condemning people who do not have the right to do so occurs so often that the expression is considered one of the most popular. The word judge is not used in its literal meaning; it characterizes any person trying to present his opinion, often erroneous, as a standard.

All expressions by character

Quotes from Chatsky:

I'm strange, but who isn't? The one who is like all fools.

It's barely light on my feet! and I am at your feet.

Tell me to go into the fire: I’ll go as if for dinner.

More in number, cheaper in price.

Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges!

All the same sense, and the same poems in the albums.

Singer winter weather summer.

On the forehead is written: Theater and Masquerade.

But if so: the mind and heart are not in harmony.

And here is the reward for your exploits!

The meanest features of the past life.

I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.

Blessed is he who believes - he has warmth in the world!

And Guillaume, the Frenchman, blown by the wind?

The fate of love is to play blind man's buff.

Quotes from Sophia:

And grief awaits around the corner.

Happy hours are not observed.

You can share laughter with everyone.

I don’t care what goes into the water.

Just think how capricious happiness is!

Will such a mind make a family happy?

The hero is not my novel.

Quick questions and a curious look...

What do I need rumors? Whoever wants to, judges it that way.

I walked into the room and ended up in another.

Quotes from Molchanin:

Oh! gossips scarier than a pistol.

There is a mirror on the outside and a mirror on the inside.

Everyone has their own talent.

There are contradictions, and many things are inappropriate.

We find protection where we do not seek it.

Day after day, today is like yesterday.

Reptilian Quotes:

Let's make noise, brother, make noise!

About Beiron, well, about important mothers.

Now is not the place to explain and there is no time.

He rejected everything: laws! conscience! faith!

And I have an attraction to you, a kind of illness.

Quotes from Lizanka:

Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.

Your conversation went on overnight.

And a golden bag, and aims to become a general.

And they hear, they don’t want to understand.

Those who are destined, sir, cannot escape fate.

Pass us away beyond all sorrows. And lordly anger, and lordly love.

Do these faces suit you?

And whoever is in love is ready for anything.

She is for him, and he is for me, And I... I am the only one who is crushing love to death, And how can one not fall in love with the bartender Petrusha!

For girls, morning sleep is so thin.

Quotes from Anfisa Khlestova:

Calendars all lie.

I drank tea beyond my years.

There are wonderful adventures in the world! In his summer he jumped off crazy!

No! three hundred! I don’t know other people’s estates!

Quotes from Platon Mikhailovich:

They scold us. Everywhere, and everywhere they accept.

I will tell you the truth about you, which is worse than any lie.

Catchphrases and aphorisms from the comedy “Woe from Wit,” describing the life of landowners and their servants during serfdom, find their place in the modern world. Moreover, in most cases, the meaning of catchphrases has become broader.

From the comedy “Woe from Wit” (1824) A. S. Griboedova(1795-1829). Words of the maid Lisa (act. 1, appearance 2):

Ah, far away from the masters;

They prepare troubles for themselves at every hour,

Pass us away more than all sorrows

And lordly anger, and lordly love.

The world belongs to the strong

see By the right of the strong

Peaceful coexistence

From the Commissioner's report foreign affairs Soviet government Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin(1872-1936) at a meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (1920): “Our slogan is peaceful coexistence with other governments, whatever they may be.”

In the form of “peaceful cohabitation” the expression was used by V.I. Lenin in his “Response to questions from the Berlin correspondent of Amer. news agency"Universal Service" by Karl Wigand (1920).

Usually serves to define a loyal, equal relationship with someone, without friendship, but also without enmity (jokingly ironic).

World sorrow

From German: Weltschmerz.

From the unfinished work “Selina, or about immortality” (published 1827) by the German satirist Jean Paul(pseudonym of I.-P. Richter, 1763-1825), who used this expression when speaking about “countless torments of people.”

As the Russian poet and translator wrote Petr Isaevich Weinberg(1830-1908) in his article “The Poetry of World Sorrow” (1895) world sorrow is “grief for the imperfections of the world, for the disorder in it and for the suffering of mankind.”

The expression became especially popular after the publication of the article “From an exhibition of paintings in 1831.” German poet Heinrich Heine, who, speaking about the painting by the artist Delaroche “Oliver Cromwell at the Body of Charles I,” wrote: “What a huge world sorrow the master expressed in a few features!”

Playfully ironic: about someone’s gloomy appearance, bad mood, despondency, etc.

Mister X

The stage name of the main character in Imre Kalman's operetta “The Circus Princess” (1926). Libretto Julius Brummer And Arnold Grunwald.

Playfully and ironically: about someone unknown or about someone who wishes to maintain his anonymity.


Main character comedy "The Minor" (1783) Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin(1745-1792) - a spoiled son of a landowner, lazy and ignorant. A common noun for young people of this type.

Bear, Bear, where is your smile?

From the song “Mishka” (1947), words and music (arranged by V. Nechaev) for which the poet wrote Georgy Alexandrovich Titov (1919-1989):

Bear, Bear, where is your smile,

Full of enthusiasm and fire?

The most ridiculous mistake -

That you are leaving me.

Playful and ironic: a call to cheer up, shake off sadness, smile.

I'm sad... because you're having fun

From the poem “Why” (1840) M. Yu. Lermontova (1814-1841):

I'm sad because I love you

And I know: your blooming youth

The insidious persecution will not spare rumors.

For every bright day or sweet moment

You will pay fate with tears and melancholy.

I'm sad... because you're having fun.

It is used allegorically as a response to an interlocutor who does not understand the seriousness of the situation around him (the severity of his own offense, guilt, etc.) and still maintains a rosy mood.

Your gift is not dear to me, / Your love is dear to me

From Russian folk song"On the pavement street":

Your gift is not dear to me, -

Dear your love,

I don't want to wear a ring

I want to love my friend like that.

The meaning of the expression: what is important is not the cost and sophistication of the gift, but the feelings that it is intended to express.

I don’t find it funny when the painter is worthless / It gets dirty for me Raphael's Madonna

From the tragedy “Mozart and Salieri” (1830) A. S. Pushkina (1799- 1837):

I don't find it funny when the painter is worthless

Raphael's Madonna gets dirty for me,

I don't find it funny when the buffoon is despicable

Alighieri is dishonored by parody

Allegorically: about unprofessionalism, carelessly performed work.

I didn't have time to write more briefly

From the book “Letters to a provincial, or Letters of Louis Montalt to a friend in the province and to the Jesuit fathers on the morality and politics of the Jesuits” (1657) by a French scientist, philosopher and writer Blaise Pascal(1623-1662). At the end of the 16th letter of this book, he wrote: “This letter turned out to be longer only because I had no time to write it shorter.”

Another famous translation: “I didn’t have time to write a shorter letter.”

The meaning of the expression: to compose a short, logical and meaningful text (and, accordingly, think about it) you need much more time than to simply record on paper all the thoughts that come to mind on one occasion or another. In the latter case, verbosity is inevitable.

Vengeance is mine, and I will repay

From Bible(Church Slavonic text). Translation: Vengeance is upon me, and it will come from me (meaning: vengeance is not for human judgment).

Found in the Old Testament (Fifth Book of Moses) and the New Testament (Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Chapter 12, Art. 19): “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but give way to the wrath of God. For it is written: “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.”

L.N. Tolstoy used this text as an epigraph to the novel Anna Karenina.

Imaginary patient

From French: Le malade imaginaire.

Russian translation of the title of the comedy (1673) French playwright Jean Baptiste Moliere(pseudonym of Jean Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673).

Playfully and ironically: about a healthy person who pretends to be sick due to some of his circumstances.

From the slogan “Down with ten capitalist ministers!”, which appeared (June 14, 1917) in the Bolshevik newspaper Pravda, and on June 18, under this slogan, a large demonstration against the Provisional Government took place, led by supporters of V.I. Lenin.

Ironically: about ministers and officials who came to the government from big business, and after finishing their career in the government go to well-paid positions in banks, large companies, to the creation and prosperity of which they once had a hand.

Ministers fall like sandwiches: usually face down in the dirt

From German: Minister fallen wie Butterbrote: gewonlich auf die gute Seite.

Literally: Ministers fall like sandwiches: usually on the good side(that is, butter side down).

Words of a German critic and democratic publicist Carla Ludwig Berne(1786-1837), leader of the writing association “Young Germany”, which ideologically prepared the German revolution of 1848.

Apparently, K. L. Berne paraphrased an old Jewish proverb: “The sandwich always falls butter side down.”

Ironically: about ministers, major officials dismissed for one or another sin against the law or morality.

The golden days of Aranjuez are over

From the tragedy “Don Carlos, Infante of Spain” (1787) Johann Friedrich Schiller(1759-1805). With these words of Domingo, the king's confessor, this play begins. It's about about Don Carlos's stay in the pleasure palace of the Spanish King Philip II in Aranjuez near Madrid. In Russia until the beginning of the 20th century. "Aranjuez" was usually pronounced "Aran-juez." Accordingly, Schiller’s phrase was quoted.

Allegorically: a good, carefree time has passed, a time for fun and entertainment.

The charm of days gone by

The charm of days gone by

Why did you rise again?

Who awakened the memory

And silent dreams?

These lines became widely known due to the fact that they were set to music by A. Pleshcheev (1832), P. Bulakhov (1846) and Y. Capri (1879) and thus became the words of a popular romance.

Allegorically: about a happy, carefree time of life.

Pass us away more than all sorrows / Both lordly anger and lordly love

From the comedy “Woe from Wit” (1824) A. S. Griboedova(1795-1829). Words of the maid Lisa (act. 1, appearance 2):

Ah, far away from the masters;

They prepare troubles for themselves at every hour,

Pass us away more than all sorrows

And lordly anger, and lordly love.

The world belongs to the strong

see By the right of the strong

Peaceful coexistence

From the report of the Commissioner for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Government Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin(1872-1936) at a meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (1920): “Our slogan is peaceful coexistence with other governments, whatever they may be.”

In the form of “peaceful cohabitation” the expression was used by V.I. Lenin in his “Response to questions from the Berlin correspondent of Amer. information agency "Universal Service" by Karl Wigand (1920).

Usually serves to define a loyal, equal relationship with someone, without friendship, but also without enmity (jokingly ironic).

World sorrow

From German: Weltschmerz.

From the unfinished work “Selina, or about immortality” (published 1827) by the German satirist Jean Paul(pseudonym of I.-P. Richter, 1763-1825), who used this expression when speaking about “countless torments of people.”

As the Russian poet and translator wrote Petr Isaevich Weinberg(1830-1908) in his article “The Poetry of World Sorrow” (1895) world sorrow is “grief for the imperfections of the world, for the disorder in it and for the suffering of mankind.”

The expression became especially popular after the publication of the article “From an exhibition of paintings in 1831.” German poet Heinrich Heine, who, speaking about the painting by the artist Delaroche “Oliver Cromwell at the Body of Charles I,” wrote: “What a huge world sorrow the master expressed in a few features!”

Playfully ironic: about someone’s gloomy appearance, bad mood, despondency, etc.

Mister X

The stage name of the main character in Imre Kalman's operetta “The Circus Princess” (1926). Libretto Julius Brummer And Arnold Grunwald.

Playfully and ironically: about someone unknown or about someone who wishes to maintain his anonymity.


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