What materials are modern tools made of? Tools of labor of primitive people

The beginning of the history of the formation of human society is marked by that distant time when the first tools of labor of primitive man began to appear. Our ancestors (Australopithecines), being engaged in gathering, did not use any objects whatsoever - neither raw nor processed.

Tools of labor Prerequisites for the emergence

According to a number of scientists, (human ancestors), who moved to the earth from trees, in the process of survival used sticks and stones, “processed” by nature, to protect themselves from predatory animals. Subsequently, the found objects began to be used for food production. At the same time, at first they were used only as needed, and after use they were thrown away. But in the course of biological development and a long accumulation of experience, anthropoid apes became more and more convinced that tools that are not always necessary can be easily found. This, in turn, led to the idea that the items needed by the ancestors should somehow be preserved. In addition, there was a need to use more convenient items. As a result, the tools of labor of primitive people became permanent instead of temporary ones. Along with this, gradually the ancestors began to accumulate and preserve the objects found.

Processed tools of labor of primitive man

In this or that situation, it was not always possible to find objects with which it would be convenient to break a nut, for example, or deliver an effective blow to the enemy, or dig up a root or tuber in the ground. Gradually, humanoid apes begin to understand the need to give tools the necessary shape. So the processed objects began to appear. It should be said that the processed tools of labor of primitive people had little difference from the unprocessed ones found in nature.

Over time, experience began to accumulate, the ancient ancestors began to make hand-held small axes. This item was a universal tool of labor for primitive people for a long time and was used in a wide variety of activities. Among wooden objects, the digging stick, which had a pointed end, was widely used. With its help, larvae, roots, tubers were dug out of the ground. A little later, a club and club appeared. For a long time, the first was used as a shock, and the second - as a throwing weapon.

These items were used both for gathering, and during hunting, and for protection against attacks by predators. A little later, a primitive man makes a spear. Gradually, it replaced the club and club. Together with the ax, various tools made of stone appear and become quite common. So, there are scrapers, chippers, knives, discs, pointed points, spearheads, cutters, and so on.

How were the tools of labor of primitive people made?

Simple things were whole. They were made from a single piece of stone or wood. Subsequently, composite products began to appear. So, a flint and then a bone tip were attached to the end of the spear, using a leather belt as a fixative. Wooden handles were attached to the axes. Such tools became the prototype of the hoe, hammer, axe.

Tools of labor in the animal kingdom

Museums - a guide to the study of the evolution of tools

The most ancient history and consistent development can be judged by comparing the products found in prehistoric deposits of the Stone Age with the tools of modern primitive tribes. Tools of various times and peoples are collected in the collections of ethnographic, historical and archaeological museums. These museums serve as an important tool for studying the genesis and its consistent development (as well as the so-called worldly technology and material culture in general).

One of the first collections for this purpose was compiled by the archaeologist Lan Fox (later Pitt Rivers), who then transferred it to the Oxford University Museum. Currently, this Oxford ethnographic museum is called "Pitt Rivers Museum". Items from different peoples and eras were selected in the collection, if possible, all transitions from the simplest to the most complex tools and weapons. Here one could clearly see how, for example, from a simple stick, various types and types of clubs, spears, oars, throwing weapons (boomerang, etc.) developed little by little; how a knife, the tip of a spear or arrow developed from a fragment of stone on one side, on the other - a scraper, scraper, chisel, ax, etc. Also known are the Ethnological Museum (Berlin), the Museum of Arts and Crafts (Paris), Leipzig, the Museum of Crafts (Museum des Kunsthandwerks), Ethnological Museum (Vienna), British Museum, State Archaeological Museum of France in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Toulouse Museum of Natural History, National Museum of Denmark, Drenthe Museum in the Netherlands, Moravian Museum in the Czech Republic.

The first Russian ethnographic museum in Russia was founded by Peter the Great. Currently, the Russian Ethnographic Museum in St. Petersburg operates. The exposition of the State Historical Museum in Moscow includes a collection of primitive man's tools. The principle of operation of technical devices is explained by the exposition of the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow. The Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology contains valuable and rare items of military equipment in its collection.

see also



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  • Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie (German)
  • Volume One Published in 1867
  • Volume II Edited and published in 1885 by F. Engels
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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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    TOOL- Unloved tool of labor. Jarg. school Shuttle. Pen. VMN 2003, 96. Instrument of retaliation (murder). Jarg. school Shuttle. Pointer. (Entry 2003). An instrument of vengeance for a student. Jarg. school Shuttle. Button. (Entry 2003). The teacher's revenge tool. Jarg. school Shuttle… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    psychological tool- an element of the structure of mental function, the role of which is similar to the role of a tool in the structure of a person's labor activity. In cultural-historical theory, signs (“incentives of the means”) are considered as OPs. Signs like O. p. fundamentally ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

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    TOOL- TOOL, I, cf. 1. Technical device, with the help of which work is performed or some other. action. O. production. Agricultural about. Tools. Fishing gear (fishing). 2. trans. A means to achieve what n. goals. Language o. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Niramin - Aug 2nd, 2016

Primitive people at first did not differ much from animals, and over the centuries, they gradually began to show the makings of thinking and ingenuity. Scientists have proved that it was labor and the use of improvised objects as the first tools of labor that gave impetus to the emergence of a skilled person.

The first items that facilitated the existence of primitive people were sticks and sharp stones. Stones with a pointed end found on the shore of reservoirs were used as knives when butchering the carcasses of dead animals. Since such finds were infrequent, primitive man began to learn how to make them himself, hitting the stones against each other and gradually breaking off pieces until one side was sharp enough. Scientists called this process the chipping technique, and the resulting tools - choppers.

Later, a spear was invented to help the tribes get fish and animal meat - they learned how to attach a pointed stone to a long stick. The next discovery - a stone ax - greatly facilitated the process of building a dwelling. Each new tool of labor was, as it were, the basis for the creation of the next, more perfect one. Devices for digging the earth were also first made of wood or stone, until primitive people learned to use objects made of bones, horns and animal tusks in everyday life.

It is noteworthy that on different continents, the discovery of new tools fell on approximately the same era.

Ancient man makes stone tools.

Video: Technology of primitive society (Russian)

Video: Archaeologists discover prehistoric factory | Archaeologists have found prehistoric plant

Modern production, household activities are impossible without tools, as they help to carry out work on the processing of materials and the manufacture of products.

The tools of labor include: tools, machines, electrical appliances, engines, etc., with the help of which objects of labor are processed, products are made (Fig. 112).

Primitive man used simple tools of labor - yes - stone, wooden sticks. People gradually came to the conclusion that it was possible to adapt stones and break sticks by working them. Thus, the first tools of labor began to be improved. (Fig. 113).

Rice. 113. The first tools of labor

The main occupation of people was agriculture, animal husbandry, pottery, etc. The development of agriculture, cattle breeding, crafts and exchange led to significant changes in ancient society. Then new ways of making tools were invented and spread. Traditional forms of stone processing - beating, chipping, beating - eventually gave way to grinding, sawing, drilling. There was a production of ceramic dishes, spinning, and eventually weaving. Ceramic products made it possible not only to store water and bulk products for a long time, but also to cook boiled food. Spinning led to the invention of the spinning wheel. In addition, weaving arose on the basis of spinning, which gave another artificial product - fabric. In the Bronze Age there were metal tools. Instead of stone knives, they made copper ones, which made it possible to increase labor productivity. (Fig. 114).

Rice. 114. Metal tools

Back in the 19th and 20th centuries people used simple tools (Fig. 115).

Later, man moved from the manufacture of simple tools to the production of complex tools. This led to the mechanization of productive forces, which freed a person from hard physical work and increased labor productivity. material from the site

Rice. 115. Simple tools of labor 19-20 centuries. (spindle, sickle)

Until today, technology is developing rapidly. Very soon after creation first engine humanity has entered a phase of intensive development automatic production, the development of near-Earth space, the creation of artificial intelligence. The result of this development is the modern equipment that surrounds us. If earlier clothes were sewn exclusively by hand with a needle, now they help us with this. multifunctional sewing machines. If earlier it was necessary to screw in a screw with a screwdriver, now it can be done quickly screwdriver. Replaced hand wash washing machines.

There are many such examples. Thanks to the advent of modern equipment, life is greatly facilitated. If you used to mix the dough with a beater, and twist the minced meat in a manual meat grinder, etc., now they use electrical appliances (Fig. 116).

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Questions about this item:

  • What is the role of tools in the labor process?
  • Name the simplest tools.



part of the means of production, with the help of which or through which a person acts on objects, objects of labor. The term "tools of labor" was widely used in Marxist political economy, but is rarely used in modern economics.

Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. - 2nd ed., corrected. Moscow: INFRA-M. 479 p.. 1999 .

Economic dictionary. 2000 .

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