History of the issue. Fixed matches in Russia

According to some very narrow-minded and hot-tempered bettors, almost all matches in football are “100% negotiated”. Especially often, fixed matches “happen” when the player’s bet does not go through. But jokes aside, the factor of corruption in football cannot be denied.

Another thing is that there are not many proven examples of match-fixing or simply unfair fighting. But there is, has been and will be corruption in football. This happens in any field. human life, in which a lot of money is spinning.

Which matches are most often fixed?

Usually, those fights in which one team really needs something, and the other, on the contrary, does not need anything, have a dubious status. Even in European countries There are times when a third party incentivizes a third party team for their own benefit.

You must remember how the England team ended up being left out of Euro 2008? Then the Croatian team beat the English at Wembley with a score of 2-3. At the same time, there was information in the press that Croatian football players were incentivized by Russian oligarchs.

After all, it was Russia that, as a result of this victory of the Croats, was the main winner - it was able to qualify for the European Championship.

Stimulation is considered an unethical move, although not prohibited everywhere. It is much worse when teams directly agree with each other.

This happened in 1982, when the teams of Austria and Germany played the match with the required score and left the Algerians out of the tournament. This is what the Swedes and Danes did when they eliminated the Italians at Euro 2004. That is, there are agreements even at this level.

There are even more of them at the end of championships. Sometimes it is cheaper for teams to “pay” their opponents than to lose money from relegation/not getting into an international club tournament and so on. And this happens in many leagues, even very reputable ones (Primera, Serie A). The cache is not always used as a payment. Sometimes this may be a player loan, and sometimes the debt in the form of points is already in next season.

Leagues and countries where there are the most agreements

There is one very interesting way Determine the league where there are the most agreements - look at the number of draws. Why?

  • Firstly, a draw often satisfies both sides of the “agreement” at once.
  • Secondly, a draw usually has the highest odds in matches between roughly equal teams.

So, on the European continent, and throughout the world, Serie B is leading in the number of draws in the 2016-2017 season. That same Serie B, in which teams and players regularly receive fines and disqualifications for organizing or attempting to organize match-fixing.

Former player of Milan, Parma, Sampdoria, Bari and the Belarusian national team Vitaly Kutuzov was disqualified for 3.5 years in 2013. Along with him, 20 other football players also received punishments. They were accused of fixing matches in Serie B.

Italy is the most corrupt football country in Western Europe. You must also remember the scandal of 2006, when almost half of the Serie A teams, including Juventus, Milan, Lazio, Fiorentina, and Regina, were involved in organizing match-fixing. As a result of this, Juventus was sent to Serie B altogether.

In the top twenty leagues with the largest number of draws, there are 12 lower divisions. This list included:

  • Russian FNL;
  • Series B;
  • two top divisions in Israel;
  • three lower Spanish leagues at once;
  • championships of Balkan countries (Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia);
  • minor leagues in South America(Chile, Argentina);
  • India's second league;
  • two African championships (Tunisian elite division, South African second league).

What we have? Spain and Italy, where last years there are proven cases of match fixing, dubious Balkan leagues, minor leagues in SA, African leagues, FNL, and Israel. All countries except Israel have huge problems with corruption.

There are no strong European or South American leagues in the top 50. 52nd place went to the Chilean team, and 54th place to the Russian Premier League.

Quite a strange spread, don’t you think? This once again proves that match-fixing is a very common occurrence in the lower leagues. The example of two matches of the 4th division of the Nigerian championship is still fresh. The teams that fought for promotion scored 152 goals between their opponents, since the outcome of the trip had to be decided on the difference between goals scored and goals conceded.

Don't trust match-fixing sellers

There are match-fixings in football, but they are not organized by poor people who are connected to the criminal world. Naturally, they are trying to narrow the circle of individuals aware of the conspiracy. And then match-fixing sellers enter the arena, who are ready to give you such information for a couple of thousand wooden ones. Do you realize how illogical and stupid this sounds? And it would be okay if these people were selling, say, “negotiables” in the PFL or even the FNL.

There is a lot of money in football, so it is logical that there are people who want to make money through fraudulent means. Ordinary players, and especially beginners, are attracted by the opportunity to make easy money by fixing matches, but they are not even aware of the possible risks.

In the nineties, people had doubts about the reality of match-fixing at the highest level of competition. But today no one has any doubts. For the championships of Albania, Macedonia, Serbia and sometimes Greece, the bookmakers simply refuse to accept bets. If in these tournaments the agreements are still justified by the low salaries of the athletes, then the situation in Serie A in the mid-2000s is inexplicable.

Let me remind you that during the proceedings in Italy, the federation removed points from Fiorentina, Lazio, Regina and Milan, and Juventus of Turin went to Serie B. Then in 2006, many of these players became victorious at the World Cup. This has already happened in Italian football in 1980. Then 7 teams were sanctioned, and Milan and Lazio dropped one division lower.

Sometimes in some meetings of the Russian Premier League there is information about the unsportsmanlike nature of the fight, but, as a rule, this ends in meaningless threats from officials against suspected athletes.

Reasons for match fixing

Painting glasses

During the season, clubs exchange winnings, which absolutely brings them 3 points. This is better than drawing twice and getting 2 points, or even losing in two matches and being left with nothing.

Bribing the team

If a team does not have tournament goals, then it can “sell” points to other championship participants. Agreements take place both between clubs and with individual players. Payment for points occurs not only in money, but also in transfers. Also, next season the glasses may be returned when the need for them arises from the “seller”.

Earnings from betting

Teams agree, for example, to break the total over 1.5. At the start of the match, they exchange effective attacks and then play for the result. In this case, everyone involved in organizing the agreement earns money on bets.

Initiative of individual players

A participant in the game asks his friends to bet that there will be a penalty or penalty, and to play in such a way that this happens.

Is it possible to buy a contract?

There are many pseudo sellers of fixed-score matches on the Internet who allegedly have insider information. They themselves say that they do not bet because their accounts were blocked or cut by the bookmaker. The reason seems logical, but do you believe that the person involved in organizing the agreement will tell you about it?

If a fixed match becomes known, the participants will be fined and disqualified. There are known cases when the organizers were sent to jail. No one will sell data about the agreement. Everything that is offered on the Internet is fiction.

Even if you purchased the information for a large amount, the office can simply mark the bet.

Earnings from match fixing

The bookmaker's line often shows where a deal is expected. If the quotes for an outcome have dropped sharply, then perhaps they bet on it a large sum. Although sometimes such manipulations are intended to distract from the real match-fixing.

There are criminal syndicates whose purpose is to organize sporting events of a contractual nature. The bookmakers don’t really care whether the fight is fixed or not. If the bookmaker suffers a loss, he will settle the trades with a refund. It is better for simple bettors to ignore this direction. Bet on competitions where the risk of agreement is minimal. Never look for easy money. Good luck!

Former Zenit striker Nikolai Usachev shared his memories of match-fixing in his career. We decided to remember everything loud confessions footballers past and present about strange matches.

Nikolay Usachev

“I was also amazed by the fixed matches. Once I went out, I remember, to play Kirov. I don’t remember with whom. And I, therefore, eager to show what I was capable of, ran, tore, threw! Then one of the players called: “Nikolai, we have Everything was agreed with them - no need to tear it up, throw it around" (laughs). They agreed, it turns out, to a draw. But it turned out that they scored a goal for us, we lost 0:1. Then they called me again: "Nikolai, get into the penalty area, you will be knocked down, and Yuri Zheludkov will score a penalty." I go, get into the penalty area, they knock me down, and Yuri Zheludkov will score a penalty! We played 1:1. But it was very unpleasant that this happened"

Anatoly Byshovets

“Unfortunately, I must admit that negative phenomena also took place in our team - Khimki. We even had to expel from the team several leading players involved in dishonest deals. This is not only my position, but also our common club position: the atmosphere in the team should be as clean as possible. However, corruption and bribery have always been, are and will be: I would say that they move from one quality to another. But nevertheless I will say: the predictability of matches in the first division is even higher than that! in the Premier League. We knew the ways in which some teams became national champions, and they played along with potentially top scorers in a very typical way.”

(excerpt from the biography of Anatoly Byshovets)

Alexander Mostovoy

“If we talk about the ill-fated match between Terek and Krylya Sovetov, I didn’t watch it. But they told me a lot about it. I believe that match-fixing still exists in Russia. It’s not clear when they will end. Maybe will never end. It is necessary to fight against this, as, for example, Juventus fought and are fighting for such things, they were exiled to Serie B. We need to act with the same methods. special people, detectives who will track such dark cases"

(excerpt from an interview with the federal sports television channel)

Valery Karpin

“Although everyone says that everything is fine in our championship and there are no fixed matches, let’s not deceive: the teams that solved their problems in advance engaged in submissions and fixed matches in the second round. All this is there. Does Sergei Fursenko think that this does not exist? Sergei Fursenko thinks a lot. What I’m saying is that this formula insures us against such matches.”

Oleg Salenko

“I myself participated in match-fixing and I know how it’s done. The team that needs the points more asks them not to overdo it on the field. The players get the money, the opponent gets the result.”

(excerpt from an interview with Ukrainian TV)

Alexander Bubnov

“There is complete chaos going on in Russia, no one is afraid of anything. When Gadzhi Gadzhiev was removed from the post of head coach of Saturn, Yuri Sevidov and I invited him to a program on Russian Radio. I ask him: are there fixed games in our football? then all the experts unanimously deny this fact. He says bluntly: “Yes!” the specialist is indignant. “In the 90s, the Russian Football Union (RFU), I remember, conducted a survey among coaches regarding whether they were playing in our championship. fixed games. Each of the coaches wrote: there are fixed games, but we don’t play them. Isn't it absurd? How do you like the case when coach Ovchinnikov from Nizhny Novgorod said that he gave, gives and will give to the judges?

Kazbek Tuaev

"In Russia, a lot of matches are sold. That's why I don't like Russian football, it gives off an unpleasant smell."

Yuri Belous

“I knew from circles close to the teams who would win the game between Terek and Krylya Sovetov. Everything else is another lesson for our football authorities. There were all the possibilities for preventive work. Fixed games kill the love of football. If only there was political will, everything could be solved. On the other hand, the players take the field. They also cannot be relieved of responsibility. Last year, when I no longer worked at FC Moscow, very good football players of the club were offered to play for a fixed result. They refused."

(excerpt from an interview with Radio Mayak)

Anatoly Baidachny

“This topic was not raised at Dynamo Moscow. Never! Although Beskov grumbled that all Ukrainian clubs were going to Kyiv on orders from above. At the end of the 70s, I also took part in such games. The first time was in 1976 -m. Minsk "Dynamo" lost its chance to stay in major league. The second loser could be several clubs, including Spartak and Chernomorets. We have last match just in Odessa. A plan has matured: to lose in order to unhook Spartak. We thought maybe the national team wouldn’t be allowed to fly out? At the same time, they will leave Minsk."

Prepared by Valery KARAPETYAN.

In the new season, the RFPL will continue to cooperate with bookmakers, who will be called upon to inform the league about all suspicious trends and quotes. ABOUT working together and the “early warning system” “SE” was told by one of the project curators from the bookmakers side, Dmitry Pavlovsky.

We have been cooperating with the most authoritative sports organization our country, this is a great honor for us,” Pavlovsky noted. - From this season, as part of the official partnership with the Russian Premier League, our joint program will be broadcast on the “Our Football” TV channel almost before every round. The fan will be able to look at the tournament from a new angle.

- How else is such a partnership useful?

We hope to soon continue the practice of accepting bets directly at stadiums during matches in best traditions English bookmakers. This project has been developing for three years, but is now suspended due to some licensing reasons.

Our goal is to popularize domestic football. Think about it: the No. 1 sport accounts for 80 percent of all bets, but only a small part is for Russian competitions.

In 2013, the Russian President signed a law to eliminate illegal influence on the results of sports matches. In this regard, our cooperation with the Premier League is reaching a new level and is very timely.

- What exactly is the advantage of the “strange match early warning system”?

We started developing this direction several years ago. This was made possible by technologies obtained from FIFA and UEFA. There, by the way, great attention is paid to the system, because in the 21st century, sports and bookmaking have become even closer.

Actually early stage federations receive information from bookmakers and identify suspicious matches, can conduct internal investigations, and take action. The system has been tested on major tournaments, we worked closely with the Sochi 2014 Olympic Committee, gained even more experience during the Brazilian World Cup, and continue regular consultations with FIFA and UEFA. And now we are ready to provide the RFPL with all our technical developments created over five years, with all the knowledge of our analysts.

- How do bookmakers understand that a particular match may be “unclean”?

The early warning system is not targeted. We don't sit around and wait for something to happen. Daily painstaking work. Our company employees provide information to the Premier League for analysis on a daily basis. Experts jointly assess whether any trends are suspicious, or whether there is no manipulation, and this is just a coincidence. A dossier is maintained for each player, in which the nature of his game and other parameters are recorded, and the league studies each club, each coach, each referee. All this allows us to make our football cleaner, because dubious elements know that they are being watched. Every year there are fewer and fewer suspicions; this is an objective statistic.

- Can you give specific cases when the system worked?

A specific case is when the court makes a decision and calls the match fixed. This has happened a few times all over the world. We are talking about suspicions on the basis of which the work of the security services of the Russian Premier League and clubs is based. In Europe, a similar system is called the Betting Fraud Detection System (BFDS), and it cooperates with Interpol. FIFA operates the Early Warning System (EWS). But the essence is the same everywhere - the more attention is drawn to the problem from the sports community and law enforcement, the purer the sport becomes.

- Do you not cooperate directly with law enforcement agencies?

No, only with the RFPL. This is the European experience. Bookmakers themselves do not work with the police. They analyze.

- Do matches in Russian football often raise suspicions?

At an early stage, in 2008, there were quite a lot of cases. But with the introduction of an early warning system, which is really effective, their number is falling literally before our eyes.

Currently, the worldwide network is filled with offers for match-fixing. All kinds of resources offer almost every day to buy a fixed match from them. There is also free information, but it is very rare.

Fixed matches are those matches whose outcome is predetermined in advance, as a result of an agreement between the opponents. The agreement may be for a certain score or simply the victory of one of the teams. You can also agree to break the total in a duel. The contract occurs for the purpose of financial or tournament gain. For example, one team really needs a victory, but for the opponent the meeting essentially means nothing. The first team agrees with the second that it would rent the match for money, or a mutual favor in the next season. Bribery of a judge also occurs in modern sports.

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Fixed matches are contrary to the rules of wrestling and are strictly prosecuted by law. However, it is extremely difficult to identify such a match and prove that the fight was not a sports fight. Only occasionally does news appear in the press about the disclosure of such fights. And for the most part, these matches took place a very long time ago. Sometimes on your own former players admit that they have ever participated in this type of match.

How to buy a fixed match without being cheated?

It is almost impossible to find information about a real upcoming fixed match on the Internet. 99.9% of offers are without a doubt a scam. However, we cannot deny the fact that information about an upcoming unfair fight may be leaking out somewhere.

In no case is it recommended to buy match-fixing and “one-day” sites made on quick hand. This is 100% deception. If you decide to purchase such information, you need to turn to large sites. Required condition There should be a full refund in case of an error, as well as some kind of guarantee.

Fixed matches for free or why there are no fixed matches?

IN Lately People often search for information on match-fixing on the Internet. However, do such matches really exist? Of course, the fact of their presence is undeniable, but the possibility of information about them getting into worldwide network extremely doubtful. Match fixing is strictly prosecuted by law, and if it exists, the last thing its organizers want is for it to become public. So almost all offers for match-fixing, and especially free match-fixing, are nothing more than fraud. So don't be naive and hope that someone will offer you real information about such a match, especially for little money.

Who sells fixed matches? Where can I buy information on the agreement?

The Internet is replete with offers to sell information on match-fixing. People call themselves intermediaries and offer to buy information about this type of match for a fairly small amount. For the most part, this is simple deception. As a rule, such offers do not last long. Usually a person makes a good profit and after a month another goes into the shadows. The scheme of such fraud is very old, and there is no point in describing it in detail.

There are no fixed matches, but there are practical strategies for sports, one of them is the strategy of betting on yellow cards.

In fact, absolutely anyone who understands at least a little about the issues can give certainty predictions. mathematical statistics and in this video I will tell you about one of the most common methods of cheating in match-fixing.
A user base is taken, this can be a (list of) e-mail addresses real people those interested in sports betting or just subscriber IDs thematic group at any social network(VK, classmates, Facebook, etc.)

At the zero stage, there is a screening of people who are not interested in agreements; as a rule, 90% of people are greedy for freebies and show interest in supposedly 100% successful forecasts.
At the first stage, one of the matches is selected, for which 3 different forecasts are made, for example: Victory of the first team, draw, victory of the second team. Then the previously selected user base is divided into 3 groups, each of which is sent only one forecast, the so-called agreement.

After the first match is played and everyone knows its result, at the end we get 3 groups, we sent an incorrect forecast to 2 groups and only for one group the forecast worked, we continue to work with it.

The second and subsequent stages are similar to the first.

The number of stages is limited only by the desire of the organizer and the compliance of potential victims, but as a rule, most people are ready to pay for a subscription to the agreements after the 5th “successfully” played match.

As you can see, any person can be scammed using a similar scheme. A logical question arises: How can you avoid falling into the trap of scammers?

The recipe is simple and banal - don’t trust anyone. Remember, or better yet write it down, there are no fixed matches. You will never receive information about match-fixing. The person who has information about the agreements will never sell it to you; there is no point in selling such information, since it is easier to make money on the agreements yourself, without unnecessary risks.

Moreover, in the criminal code Russian Federation there is an article numbered 184: “Exerting unlawful influence on the result of an official sports competition or a spectacular commercial competition,” which threatens the organizers of the agreement with a large fine and even imprisonment for up to 7 years.

I hope I have clearly explained the essence of so-called match-fixing and now you will not become a victim of scammers and scammers, because forewarned is forearmed.

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