Historical types of worldview. Worldview is the most important thing in life

Novosibirsk College of Electronics

For the course “Social Studies”

Human worldview


student 122 groups

Prudnikov S.G.

I checked

Cherepanova E.V.

Novosibirsk 2003

Introduction........................................................ .............3

1.What is a worldview? .......................................4

2.What is the worldview? ................................4

3. Three main types of worldview...................................5

3.1 Everyday worldview……………………….5

3.2 Religious worldview……………………...6

3.3 Scientific worldview...................................................7

4. Consciously formed worldview......8

5.Society and the formation of a worldview......8

5.2 Totalitarian society...................................................8

5.1 Democratic society...................................9

6. Worldview of our era...................................................9


8. List of references used...................................13


There are no two people in the world with the same patterns on their skin.

fingers, no two people have the same fate. Each person is individual and unique. Not even two people

with the same spiritual world. But does this mean that

does nothing unite him with the other?

Of course no. People have a lot in common: their homeland,

place of residence, position in society, language, age.

But what unites also separates: people can

be a different place of residence, a different place in life

society, another language, age. In the spiritual world there is also

uniting and separating people: spiritual inte –

resources, life positions, value orientations, level

knowledge. Analysis of monuments of spiritual culture of all stages

development of humanity, as well as the analysis of the spiritual world

of our contemporaries, shows that one of the most important -

The most important element is worldview.

1.What is a worldview?

In the simplest, most common understanding

worldview is the totality of a person’s views on

the world that surrounds him. There are other words that are close to the worldview: worldview, worldview. All of them

suggest, on the one hand, the world that surrounds

person, and on the other hand, what is associated with the activity

man: his sensations, contemplation, understanding, his cart -

vision, view of the world.

Worldview differs from other elements of spirituality

of the human world in that it, firstly, represents co-

a person's views are not on any particular side

the world, namely the world as a whole. Secondly, worldview

represents a person’s attitude towards the world around him: is he afraid, is the person afraid of this world, or is he

lives in harmony, in harmony with him?

Thus, the worldview is a complex phenomenon of spirits -

new world of man.

2.What is the worldview?

First of all, we note that a person’s worldview is not

historical character: every era of human history -

torii has his own level of knowledge, his own problems,

facing people, their approaches to solving them,

their spiritual values.

We can say: how many people, so many worldviews.

However, this will be incorrect. After all, we have already noted that lu -

action not only separates something, but also unites a community

homeland, language, culture, history of its people, property -

military status. People are united by school, character

education, general level of knowledge, common values. Poe –

it is not surprising that people can have similar, about -

leading positions in considering the world, in its awareness and evaluation -

The classification of worldview types can be once -

personal. Thus, in the history of philosophy, several approaches to the development of worldviews can be traced. Some of them give priority to God (theocentrism) or nature (nature-centrism), others - to man (anthropocentrism), or to society (sociocentrism), or to knowledge, science (knowledge-centrism, science-centrism). Sometimes worldviews are divided into progressive and reactionary.

3. Three types of worldview

The following types of world carriers are widely distinguished:

point of view: everyday, religious, scientific.

3.1 Ordinary worldview

The everyday worldview arises in a person’s life in

the process of his personal practical activity, which is why it is sometimes called the everyday worldview. Views

in this case, are not justified by religious arguments or scientific data. It is formed spontaneously,

especially if the person was not interested in worldview -

what questions in an educational institution, I did not study on my own -

specifically philosophy, was not familiar with the content of religion -

oznyh teachings. Of course, it cannot be completely ruled out that

knowledge of religions or achievements of science, for man is constant -

but communicates with different people; impact is noticeable

public media. But the preob -

The everyday, everyday basis works. The everyday world carrier –

vision is based on direct life experience

human - and this is its strength, but it makes little use of experience

other people, the experience of science and culture, the experience of religious

consciousness as an element of world culture - this is its strength -

The everyday worldview is very widespread,

since the efforts of educational institutions and church pastors

often they only touch the very surface of the spirit sphere –

a person’s life and do not always leave a noticeable

3.2 Religious worldview

Religious worldview is a worldview, the main one of which is the religious teachings contained in

such monuments of world spiritual culture as the Bible,

The Koran, the holy books of Buddhists, the Talmud and a number of others.

Let us recall that religion also contains a certain picture

world, the doctrine of human destiny, commandments, for example -

involved in the formation of his certain way of life,

to save the soul. Religious worldview also has

advantages and disadvantages. Its strengths can be

include a close connection with world cultural heritage,

orientation towards solving problems related to spiritual

human needs, the desire to give a person faith in

opportunity to achieve set goals.

The weaknesses of the religious worldview are -

there is intransigence towards other positions in life, not -

sufficient attention to the achievements of science, and sometimes their

ignoring. True, recently many gods

words express the idea that theology faces

the task of developing a new way of thinking,

“about proportionality

God to the changes brought about by science and technology.” But on -

while theologians cannot definitely say “which

it is precisely the type of consent that can be established between laboratories -

a stool and a church bench.”

3.3 Scientific worldview

Is the rightful heir to that direction of the world

Philosophical thought, which in its development is constantly

It was based on the achievements of science. It includes a scientific picture of the world, generalized results of the achievement of human knowledge, principles of relationships

people with natural and artificial habitats.

The scientific worldview also has advantages and disadvantages -

statistics. The advantages include its solid foundation -

the achievements of science, the reality contained in it

goals and ideals, organic connection with production and

social practical activities of people. But you can't

turn a blind eye to the fact that a person has not yet taken over in him -

having a place. Man, humanity, humanity -

this is truly a global problem of the present and future.

The development of this triad is an inexhaustible task, but it is impossible to

the ability of the task to be taken does not require detachment from it, but us -

steadfastness in its decision. This is the dominant feature of owls -

belt science, designed to enrich the worldview.

Turn to man, humanity, humanity, if he

will become comprehensive and may become decisive

an ennobling factor for all types of worldviews -

nia; then their main common feature will be humanistic


This worldview is most promising for activists -

of people striving to achieve the development of society along the path of scientific, technical, social and environmental

who has made progress, but humanity is still at its very best -

began the path to broad mastery of its fundamentals.

Consciously formed worldview

In society, there has long been a conscious desire -

the ability to develop a holistic and well-founded worldview,

within the framework of which the entire history of man would be comprehended

quality, its cognitive and transformative activity -

ity, culture and value orientations. Mi development –

views usually follow a certain tradition,

based on one direction or another in philosophy. Conscious -

strong desire to develop a holistic worldview

manifested by different social groups of people, politics -

political parties that see in it the basis not only of their

spiritual unity, but also programs of specific actions

to transform society.

A worldview of this type can be built on the most

different philosophical foundations.

It can be both religious and non-religious, with -

than in the first case its development is carried out with software -

swarm on theology. For example, they are radically different

existentialist and positivist philosophy from each other

sophia, religious and atheistic philosophical concepts –

Society and the formation of worldview

Today all sensible people admit that everyone

a person should be free to choose his own transport -

vision. However, he cannot be free from society -

relations, and therefore his choice depends not only on

himself, but also from the society in which he lives.

Totalitarian society

In totalitarian social structures, a single world -

view lays the foundation for the entire educational system -

themes, culture, media. And to the person

under these conditions it is very difficult to really

free choice.

Democratic society

In a democratic society, the choice of worldview is -

is a personal matter of every citizen without any


The same applies to worldview

based on program documents of public bodies -

The state only makes sure that they do not contain -

there were calls for violence, for the violent overthrow

existing system. At the same time, the state itself takes

assumes the responsibility to provide everyone with conditions for

mastering fundamental knowledge about nature, social

you, man, necessary for free and conscious

choosing a system of values ​​and ideological positions.

Worldview of our era (XX century)

The scale of scientific and technological progress and development

education in our time is simply incommensurate with what

happened in the XVIII – XIX. We can say that the social world in which we live is created on the basis of science. Industry, agriculture, transport,

communications, information support, healthcare –

knowledge, culture, education, our way of life are simply unthinkable

without the use of scientific knowledge. Today science is in everything

over 5 million people are engaged in the world, whereas by the beginning of the 19th century. there were only about a thousand scientists.

The scale of development of education in our time is unprecedented.

Even in the last century, the vast majority of people did not know how to read and write. And by the end of the 20th century it was already over

80 percent of the world's population has become literate. Today at

developed countries have legislated universal

secondary education and about half of graduates –

from these schools continue their studies at higher educational institutions.

Continuing education is actively implemented, accompanied by

giving a person his whole life.

Modern ideas about the world have developed entirely on

The basis of the achievements of science in the 20th century.

The theory of relativity radically changed our pony -

mania of space-time relations, and quantum -

vaya mechanics – cause-and-effect relationships.

Modern cosmology has drawn an amazing story -

The evolution of the Metagalaxy, which took place over 20 billion years, revealed the unity and integrity of the cosmos,

manifested primarily in the relationship between fundamental and

tal physical interactions.

Biology has revealed the molecular basis of life processes -

activity, penetrated into the secrets of the transmission of hereditary

information, skillfully combined the ideas of evolution and genetics

into a synthetic theory, on the basis of which it was possible to understand

mechanisms of formation and change in species of living organs -

Synergetics has proven that self-organization processes can occur not only in the living world, but also in the nonliving world.

Mathematics, chemistry, computer science, linguistics, psychology

and other sciences have also made significant contributions to modern

scientific picture of the world.

We have every reason to say that in none of the past -

for centuries, man's understanding of the world has not undergone

such significant changes as a result of the development of science,

just like in our 20th century.

No matter how diverse the worldviews are today

orientation of people, there is still something very important in

modern culture, which all sane people agree with

inhabitants of the planet.

It is precisely our time that is characterized by universal recognition -

understanding the values ​​of democracy and human rights, its economy -

moral and political freedom, freedom of conscience and choice

ideological orientations.

The most important concern of every country today is the creation of

giving an effective economy, sensitive to scientifically -

technical progress, quickly responding to WHO -

low needs.

Now, it seems, many already understand that this task is

Any country can only decide on the path of creating a market,

which should become an organic part of the world race -

night economy.

Now everyone is aware of the enormous importance of science not only for the practical activities of society, but also for its

spiritual life, for the formation of the modern world -


Education is of particular value in our time. The prospects for the development of society are associated with it, it is all in

taken into account to a greater extent when developing

various kinds of strategic social programs.

The most important characteristic of the spiritual culture of our

time is the awareness of the integrity of modern mi -

ra, fundamentally impossible for any country once -

hover in isolation.

An integral part of the picture of the world these days are

global problems expressing deep-seated contradictions

speech of the modern stage of a single historical process.

Today the vast majority of people have

allergy to any manifestations of dogmatism, reduced trust

to politicians.

A high appreciation of science is intricately combined with a broad

the spread of superstitions and modern myths, often

dressed in scientific clothes. eleven

As F. Tyutchev wrote, “no matter what life teaches us, the heart believes in miracles.”

Our contemporaries are concerned about the growth of spiritual

apathy and moral nihilism. No matter how funny it is -

greasy, but in our dynamic, interconnected, us -

In an information-rich world, people often feel


And finally, most people on the planet embrace three -

Vogue for the future. This feeling is evoked primarily by the heads -

new problems of our time:

How to reduce social injustice

in relations between people and nations?

Will their solution be found soon?

How can humanity survive?

Apparently, these problems will persist for a long time


1. I.P.Farman. “Theory of knowledge and philosophy of culture”. M., “Science”, 1986.

2. N.K.Vakhromin. “Immanuel's Theory of Scientific Knowledge

Kant." M., “Science”, 1986

3. S.V.Arutyunov, N.G.Bagdasaryam “Man and Society”

At birth, a person is not yet a person, but is gradually transformed into one, assimilating information about the world around him and forming his own views about it. Skills such as learning ability, assimilation, processing of received data and their critical evaluation help people develop a system of intellectual and emotional assessment of reality.

Put together principles, ideals and views of the world, supported by actions corresponding to them, constitute the essence of a person’s worldview. The summation of all the components of the system is the spiritual and practical activity of the individual.

Vision of the world

A person’s system of views on the surrounding reality and his ability to master it, his ethical values, the generalization of the natural scientific, technical, philosophical and other knowledge at his disposal, this is what a worldview is.

The term was first introduced in the late 18th century to mean “view of the Universe” by the German philosopher Kant. Only from the second half of the 19th century. it began to mean a system based on judgments about the world and the place that a person occupies in it.

In fact, this concept means the complex interaction of various blocks of knowledge, beliefs, emotions, thoughts and moods, combined into a kind of understanding by people of the surrounding reality and themselves in it.

Each individual, having his own set of opinions and views on reality, can unite in groups, communities, families or other organizations with people with similar judgments. Depending on what values, points of view or life programs determine their consciousness, nations, various layers of society, an intellectual or social elite, or classes are formed.

Development of the worldview of civilizations

Observing the phenomena occurring in nature, people since ancient times have tried to give them at least some explanation. The easiest way to do this was to declare your existence and everything around you as a manifestation of the will of the gods. Thus, a supernatural and mythical vision of what was happening was formed, which was the main one for several millennia.

The main thing that such a worldview explained was the illusory nature of life, since everything is predetermined by the gods, which most people confirmed, resigning themselves to such a view of reality. Thanks to those individuals who went against accepted wisdom (did not obey the will of the gods), history and, accordingly, the worldview changed in the minds of people and entire civilizations.

By reasoning about existing orders in natural phenomena and comparing them, people created such a science as philosophy. Thanks to the ability to cognize the surrounding reality in all its diversity, man has constantly improved the model of the Universe, the Earth and studied his place in it.

As experience in knowledge of reality accumulated and was tested in practice, sciences appeared in civilizations and their worldview changed. For example, observations of changes in the starry sky formed the basis of astrology and then astronomy.

Structure of worldview

As you know, the formation of a worldview begins at the age of two or three. By the age of seven, children have already developed a personal worldview based on the experience and practical application that they have managed to obtain and process.

The main questions characterizing human activity at any age are:

  • know what he wants;
  • have an idea how to achieve this;
  • want exactly this;
  • achieve what you want.

To understand what a worldview is, you should know what structural elements it consists of:

  • cognitive - includes all scientific, social, technical, everyday and other knowledge that is known to man and together creates his universal understanding of the world;
  • value-normative – includes the ideals and beliefs that underlie the actions of each individual and constitute his value system;
  • moral-volitional – combines the existing system of knowledge with the emotional perception of reality and a person’s determination of his place in society, the team, the world and his attitude towards it;
  • practical - the worldview is considered complete and is perceived as a guide to action, by which one can determine what values ​​underlie it.

People may change their beliefs throughout their lives, but their core values ​​remain constant.

The essence of worldview

The main condition for the development of the human personality is the constant study of the surrounding reality, the changes occurring in it and adaptation to them.

To understand what the essence of a worldview is, one should consider the levels of which it consists:

  • Attitude is the ability of people to adapt to the environment and navigate it. At this level, knowledge of the world is carried out through the 5 senses and the work of the unconscious. This is also where the emotional assessment of reality is located. For example, an unexpected feeling of joy and happiness arises at the unconscious level before the brain begins to look for the reason that led to such a change in mood.
  • Understanding the world is work at the level of consciousness, during which information about the surrounding reality is received and processed. During this process, 2 types of perception appear:
  1. Ordinary, during which a person forms his opinion about the desired standard of life, people around him, work, country, politicians, family relationships and much more.
  2. The theoretical type is a general knowledge of existence, one’s place in the world, based on the available data of various sciences or philosophy.

The essence of a worldview is to bring all levels of perception of reality into a single system of values, knowledge and their emotional assessment into a certain life position, confirmed by human actions.

Main types

The theoretical basis of the worldview is philosophy, and the practical basis is the spiritual integrity of man, confirmed by his activities. Conventionally, it can be divided into several types:

  • Archaic is a period when humanity perceived the world as alive and interacted with it based on this knowledge. This type is characterized by totemism, one of the properties of which was people’s identification with animals, birds or natural phenomena.
  • The next level of development is the mythological type of worldview, according to which everything visible and invisible tends not only to have an image, but also to interact with a person and with each other. People communicate with the gods, make sacrifices to them, pray, build temples, observe rituals, and may even compete or oppose them.
  • The religious type separates man from the world of spirits. There are no gods on Olympus, but people have not lost faith in them. Other rituals, dogmas, commandments appeared, but the authority of the gods was undeniable.
  • The philosophical type is based on critical consciousness, which does not accept old postulates on faith, but requires their logical confirmation.

Each type of worldview had its own principles. Depending on changing views on the surrounding reality, all eras have their own values.

Basic principles

The main principles of the worldview concern the relationship of God with the world and are divided into:

  • Atheism is the denial of the existence of the supernatural and gods, and the fundamental principle of everything is matter, the study of which is possible only in a sensual way.
  • Skepticism - the principle is based on doubts about the immutability of truth and the denial of the divine destiny of man and the meaning of his life. People who share these views believe that the individual is obliged to determine his own destiny, the main values ​​of whose worldview should be to achieve the maximum amount of pleasure.
  • Pantheism is the belief in a certain basis of the world that gave birth to all things. The form of studying reality in pantheism is observation of reality and deduction on the physical level, and mystical intuition on the spiritual.
  • Creationism is a principle that affirms God as the first cause of everything, but separates the components that underlie the world from the nature of the Creator himself.

Summarizing what a worldview is, we can define that it is the totality of all knowledge, feelings, views and assessments of a person’s reality in his understanding of the world.

Existing problems

The main problem of worldview is the contradictions in people's views on existing reality. Each individual sees it through his own lens of perception, which focuses on beliefs and basic life attitudes, confirmed in practice. It's the difference in what people focus on that makes them so different.

For example, those who focus on money accumulate capital, those who focus on their absence create poverty.

The influence of worldview on the level and quality of life of people has been proven experimentally. As soon as a person changes his beliefs and focuses on new goals (wealth, health, love, career and much more), the picture of the world begins to gradually change.

It is important to remember that the problem with change is the time lag. If a person has long believed that he cannot become rich, then it will take some time for new views of the worldview to “take root” in the subconscious.

Spiritual aspect

It used to be that people were individuals who had spiritual experiences throughout their lives. Modern sciences come to the conclusion that man is a spirit gaining experience in a physical body. Today, more and more attention is being paid to studying the relationship between the Creator and his creation.

The spiritual worldview of people is built on the acceptance or denial of God. Harmony is based on:

  • love for the world in general;
  • acceptance of current events as a manifestation of divine will;
  • connecting to the energy of love through prayer;
  • realization of one’s own life through its harmonious living;
  • a balanced state in all areas of life.

In the absence of spiritual development, people are filled with resentment, adversity, illness and misunderstanding of the meaning of life.

Worldview today

The global community that exists today is integrated across the entire planet. The modern worldview of man includes the sum of knowledge of all available sciences at the level of a non-specialist. It is based on the knowledge of reality through the 5 senses with further processing of information by the mind.

From the data received, a person builds his own picture of the world, which he can consciously influence and modify. The only thing that has remained unchanged is man's purpose. She is still in the knowledge of the world and place in it.

Main function

The role of worldview is to manage and direct human activity. It can be expressed in two functions:

  • activity through a value system with a direction towards a goal (the fundamental question is - in the name of what am I doing this);
  • defining a strategy for achieving it (how I will get there).

The main function of a worldview is to determine a person’s place in the surrounding reality.

World consciousness

The totality of all the actions of each individual is a realized worldview. The nature of world consciousness is revealed in the diversity of human views on reality.

As psychologists and sociologists have found out, it is the worldview, its types and forms, that plays a key role in our lives. Our attitude towards the environment, towards the people with whom we have to communicate, and towards our own “I” depends on these factors. Worldview determines our principles, thoughts, adjusts the system of feelings and impressions, influences associations and sympathies.

worldview. Its types and forms

As a wise saying goes, destiny is not given to a person, he builds it himself. This can be done if you have a certain amount of knowledge, meaningful experience. All this shapes our tastes, our thoughts and motivations, which, in fact, is what a worldview is. Its types and forms directly depend on the state in which a person lives, on the religion he professes, as well as on his upbringing and which his guardians or parents instilled in him from childhood. Every personality in our world begins to form from childhood. Consequently, what is instilled in the early years serves as the basis for all judgments and actions later, at least until a turning point occurs.

Theoretical aspect

The essence of a worldview is that it defines a person, makes him someone in society, in a word, it plays the most important role in his life. Therefore, it is important that the life views of one individual coincide with those moral norms that are acceptable in his society, both in the broad and narrow sense of the word. In the first case, we are talking about the state as one whole. Each country has a certain religion, constitution, traditions, which are manifested in the behavior of people towards each other. The “family” worldview, its types and forms depend on a specific group of people. Some people gravitate towards knowledge of science, others want to become monks.

Worldview Examples

A particular person's view of the world also very much depends on the type of his temperament. More “explosive” people, easy-going and fickle, as a rule, have richer life experience. In their youth, they are distinguished by their temper, “getting into trouble”, and often strive to know everything and everyone. Over the years, this turns into a huge experience, the eccentricity goes away, and it is replaced by greatness and pride.

If a person is initially calm, he will most likely accept everything that surrounds him. If the family in which he grew up is a believer, God will be close to him too. Before doing something global that can radically change the course of life, this individual will carefully weigh everything. Often such people are engaged in science, dealing with accurate data and statistics.

A worldview can also be philosophical or mythological in nature. In the first case, a person tries to justify all phenomena in life in various ways. In many ways, he is looking for his own morality, logical (or not so logical) background. Often such people are characterized by SPGS, so they are often advised not to dive too deeply into their reasoning. People with a mythical worldview are distinguished by their dreaminess and isolation from this world. For them, many events are seen as a fairy tale, people are associated with various fictional characters.

Worldview- is a system or set of ideas and knowledge about the world and man, about the relationships between them.

In a worldview, a person realizes himself not through his attitude to individual objects and people, but through a generalized, integrated attitude to the world as a whole, of which he himself is a part. A person’s worldview reflects not just his individual properties, but the main thing in him, which is usually called the essence, which remains the most constant and unchanging, manifesting itself in his thoughts and actions throughout his life.

In reality, a worldview is formed in the minds of specific people. It is used by individuals and social groups as a general outlook on life. Worldview is an integral formation in which the connection of its components is fundamentally important. The worldview includes generalized knowledge, certain value systems, principles, beliefs, and ideas. The measure of a person’s ideological maturity is his actions; Guidelines for choosing methods of behavior are beliefs, i.e., views actively perceived by people, especially stable psychological attitudes of a person.

From the point of view of the historical process, there are three leading historical type of worldview:

§ mythological;

§ religious;

§ philosophical.

Mythological worldview(from the Greek mythos - legend, tradition) is based on an emotional, figurative and fantastic attitude towards the world. In myth, the emotional component of the worldview prevails over reasonable explanations. Mythology grows primarily out of human fear of the unknown and incomprehensible - natural phenomena, illness, death. Since humanity did not yet have enough experience to understand the true causes of many phenomena, they were explained using fantastic assumptions, without taking into account cause-and-effect relationships.

Religious worldview(from Latin religio - piety, holiness) is based on faith in supernatural forces. Religion, in contrast to the more flexible myth, is characterized by rigid dogmatism and a well-developed system of moral precepts. Religion distributes and supports models of correct, moral behavior. Religion is also of great importance in uniting people, but here its role is dual: while uniting people of the same faith, it often separates people of different faiths.

Philosophical worldview defined as system-theoretical. The characteristic features of the philosophical worldview are logic and consistency, systematicity, and a high degree of generalization. The main difference between the philosophical worldview and mythology is the high role of reason: if myth is based on emotions and feelings, then philosophy is primarily based on logic and evidence. Philosophy differs from religion in the permissibility of free-thinking: you can remain a philosopher by criticizing any authoritative ideas, while in religion this is impossible.

If we consider the structure of the worldview at the present stage of its development, we can talk about ordinary, religious, scientific and humanistic types of worldview.

Everyday worldview relies on common sense and everyday experience. Such a worldview takes shape spontaneously, in the process of everyday experience, and is difficult to imagine in its pure form. As a rule, a person forms his views on the world, relying on clear and harmonious systems of mythology, religion, and science.

Scientific worldview based on objective knowledge and represents the modern stage in the development of a philosophical worldview. Over the past few centuries, science has moved further and further away from "foggy" philosophy in an attempt to achieve accurate knowledge. However, in the end, it also moved far away from man and his needs: the result of scientific activity is not only useful products, but also weapons of mass destruction, unpredictable biotechnologies, methods of manipulating the masses, etc.

Humanistic worldview based on the recognition of the value of every human person, his right to happiness, freedom, development. The formula of humanism was expressed by Immanuel Kant, who said that a person can only be an end, and not a simple means for another person. It is immoral to take advantage of people; Every effort should be made to ensure that every person can discover and fully realize himself. Such a worldview, however, should be considered as an ideal, and not as something that actually exists.

People have always been very actively interested in the processes of arrangement of the world around them. Man sought to determine his place in it, to figure out who was his friend and who was his enemy. Thanks to this worldview, it was possible to determine the most important thing for oneself - a position in life, with a distinct line of behavior, as well as a general desire to take some kind of action.

About a person's worldview

A person is capable of thinking, reasoning and, as a result, forecasting. We certainly know what certain actions will lead to in the process of realizing our main goals. This is done by understanding the world; a number of natural instincts, in particular practical and scientific ones, allow us to form a system of assessments and views and subsequently carry out a figurative understanding of the world around us. The key functions of worldview can be called organization, comprehension and purposefulness of each individual person. This suggests that worldview is determined largely by the life position that a person has taken, beliefs and a number of moral and ethical values. Many people are concerned about the question of how a worldview is formed?

In fact, the overall picture is formed through upbringing, the learning process, as well as socialization in society as a whole. We can safely say that the formation of a worldview is a very slow process that includes many different steps. Young people lack experience and the necessary knowledge, and therefore their worldview is unstable. This is a very easy prey for representatives of various religions, politicians, etc. As a person grows up, he gradually begins to become interested in different things, theories, and ultimately his system of values ​​is fixed, which also determines the behavior of the individual and pushes him to take active action.

Classification of forms and types

There are just a few key components that characterize worldview:

  • knowledge. They are divided into two subcategories: practical and professional. This is the fundamental and first element of any worldview. They say that the wider the circle of knowledge, the stronger a person’s position in life;
  • expression of feelings. The fact is that different types of worldviews manifest themselves in different ways and this depends largely on the so-called subjective reaction of the individual to stimuli. The reaction can be either positive, negative, or neutral. Here the psychological state of a person is of particular importance and we can safely highlight a special moral type called duty and responsibility;
  • a number of values. Worldview is directly linked to other values. They can be both useful and harmful, but the process of perception itself occurs through the prism of a person’s interests;
  • perfect actions. They can also be divided into two large categories, that is, bad and good. Usually, in practice, a person begins to actively express his own ideas and promote his views;
  • character. It is expressed in faith, doubt and will, and on the basis of these three pillars, a person subsequently makes strategically important decisions, self-confidence is formed, and the level of self-criticism either increases or, conversely, decreases;
  • a series of beliefs. They can be strong-willed and firm. Usually this concept includes both social and personal views, which act as the so-called engine of life, as well as its basis.

About the philosophical worldview

It is called system-theoretical and all because it originates from the mythological worldview. Myth is always based on feelings and emotions, and thanks to philosophy it is possible to use a number of evidence, as well as logic. This philosophy originated many centuries ago in Greece. Ancient India and China. At the same time, there is a special type of worldview that allows us to prove that something outside of philosophy can also exist, and this science itself forms a worldview. It is not for nothing that philosophical knowledge is usually considered and called elitist, and it is not accessible to everyone; only smart people who are capable of thinking can get carried away by it and understand it.

Religious worldview

It usually arises on the basis of the so-called mythological and is based on a person’s belief in the existence of supernatural forces. The fact is that as various religious movements developed and emerged, they gradually faded into oblivion and, thanks to their numerous mythological features, only the so-called cruel dogmas remained, as well as a system of moral commandments. This type involves dependence on higher powers and is based on fear of the unknown. Its integrity was formed solely due to the emergence of an indisputable system of commandments, which determines the holiness and sinfulness of various actions and intentions.

Mythological worldview

This type of worldview began to take shape during the primitive communal system, when the perception of the world was the basis. The fact is that mythology itself is very closely intertwined with pagan beliefs and various myths in which phenomena and material objects were spiritualized. Such a worldview is mixed with the profane and the sacred, and is based on nothing more than faith. According to traditions, it is possible for a follower of such an interesting worldview to rise to the level of god. And each of the existing myths was useful from a practical point of action, since it encouraged us to confidently move forward.

Scientific worldview

This type of worldview is the opposite of religious and mythological. Thanks to the scientific picture of the world, the idea was created that everything around has its own pattern and is determined by law. The main types of worldview are the so-called rational ones, and science is actively developing only through solving practical problems.

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