Art history story based on the painting flowers and fruits. Essay - description based on the painting by I.T.

Ivan Khrutsky (01/27/1810 - 01/13/1885) - 19th century painter, ethnic Pole, born in Belarus, was trained as an artist by the Russian school. He worked in an academic direction, in the style of classicism and baroque. In Russian art, Khrutsky is listed as a master of still lifes and portrait painters.

Such paintings as “Flowers and Fruits”, “Still Life with a Candle”, “Fruits, Fruits, Killed Game”, etc. aroused the admiration of the public and experts. In addition, Ivan Trofimovich loved to paint landscapes. His works “View on Elagin Island in St. Petersburg”, “View on the Estate” and others are well known. Examples portrait painting- “Family Portrait”, “Portrait of an Unknown Woman”.

The still life “Flowers and Fruits” (1836) shows an abundance of fruits and flowers on an ordinary green table. The center of the canvas is occupied by a beautiful green vase with a bas-relief image of animals under the canopy of trees. The vase contains a bouquet of flowers, in which the red, lush buds of peonies are especially eye-catching. Three such buds drooped, reminiscent of the end of the generous summer. Two purple irises go very well with purple peonies. Other flowers of more delicate yellow and pink tones seem to restrain the ardor of peonies. The bouquet is complemented by green leaves and ears.

The table around a vase with a bouquet is filled with fruits. Obviously, the harvest time has come - late summer or early autumn. But next to the vase, on the right, there is also a glass half filled with water, on the surface of which is a thin slice of lemon. The cut lemon itself is located much to the right. The unfinished glass emphasizes the presence of a person here, which is typical of many of Khrutsky’s still lifes.

Among the fruits, orange pumpkin stands out. Half of it is hidden behind the bouquet, but the visible part of the pumpkin is enough to give weight to the entire still life. On top of the pumpkin lies a bunch of grapes. The berries of the bunch shine and seem transparent in their ripeness. A small tassel of five berries seems to have fallen away; it hangs from the edge of the table, ready to fall. This is how movement creeps into the static nature of the picture.

In front of the pumpkin, five ripe pears turn yellow. Behind the mentioned lemon is the red side of the apple. In the background of the right side of the still life you can see a large glass decanter. It is practically lost against the brown background of the picture and reveals itself only by the reflections of the glass forms.

To the left of the vase with the bouquet, ripe peaches in a wicker box that looks like a basket are invitingly red. They lie on a bed of leaves. One peach is cut in half, probably to show off its juicy flesh, and placed outside the box, on the edge of the table. Behind the box, in the background, darkens a large basket full of grapes.

It's very bright, full rich colors still life. The picture shows the wealth of nature's gifts to man. It should only please and evoke a feeling of gratitude for the beauty of flowers and the taste of ripe fruits.

If you see in the picture
Cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,

Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear or a cake,
Or all items at once -
Know that this is a still life


Before us is a still life by I.T. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits”.
Still life is one of the most famous painting subjects, to which almost all artists paid tribute. The Dutch, English, and French enthusiastically painted flowers and fruits.
Lush peonies and purple irises stand in a chased vase, pleasing the eye. A little further away there was a decanter with a transparent liquid, which can barely be seen in the depths of the picture.
On the table, grapes and pumpkins lie in picturesque disorder, and there is a basket of peaches. Everything that autumn, with its bountiful harvest, has to offer is presented here. The artist perfectly balanced the composition of the drawing and even introduced a small sprig of field oats into the drawing. The oats have already dried and with their golden sprig draws attention to the left edge of the picture.
All flowers and fruits are carefully painted by the artist. You can see the transparent grapes filled with juice, the velvety skin of peaches, and how beautifully the glass of water is written, you just want to take it and drink the water, acidified with a slice of lemon. The lemon itself with a cut slice lies right there.
The picture mixes autumn, spring and summer, because the flowers and fruits depicted here grow in different time, but in the picture this does not cause the viewer’s rejection and overall it is a very beautiful work.

In the picture I.T. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits” we see perfect combination colors and shapes. The picture charges us with a summer mood, and the picture depicts the gifts of nature from late spring until early autumn.

In the center of the still life is a bouquet of flowers. This bouquet contains very beautiful June flowers: white and pink luxurious peonies and blue Siberian irises. The composition is complemented by smaller white and blue flowers and wild grass. I would like to note the vase in which the bouquet stands. It is made in green color and decorated with amazing patterns and patterns of wolves. It fits perfectly into the composition.

Also in the foreground we see a transparent glass of water. It is half filled with water. A little to the left and further from the edge of the table lies a box of peaches. Peaches are already the fruit of July. They have a nice pink tint. In front of the box is one fruit cut in half to show its ripeness.

By right side we see the fruits of August - pears. They are oblong and yellow. There are also the fruits of September - pumpkin and grapes. Several green berries lie on the edge of the table - they are about to fall. The rest of the bunch of grapes lies on the pumpkin. It seems that she is not quite ripe - through Orange color green stripes appear on the peel. But the pumpkin is good, big. Next to her lies an orange, which someone has already cut, and behind the orange lies an apple.

In the background, behind the peaches, is a basket of berries: green and red. And behind the pumpkin there is a glass decanter, as well as a glass half filled with water.

The still life uses different colors: dark and muted in the background, bright and rich in the foreground. Looking at this picture, you involuntarily remember the warm summer sun, the sweetness of fruits and the smell of flowers.

Still life is very popular, but nevertheless quite complex look painting. It is not so easy to convey the proportions and colors of original objects, or to build the right composition.

Essay on the painting Flowers and Fruits by Khrutsky 3rd, 5th grade

Ivan Fomich Khrutsky is a famous Russian artist and painter. He painted many paintings: “Still Life with a Vase”, “Still Life with a Bird”, “Old Woman Knitting a Stocking” and others, which are still very popular. One of his famous creations is the still life “Flowers and Fruits”, painted by the artist in 1839.

The painting is executed in warm brown tones with small bright spots in the middle of the canvas. These bright spots indicate a variety of fragrant, graceful flowers. Red large-headed peonies, blue young cornflowers, purple withered irises - and all this coupled with green branches of stems and leaves, which give the bouquet even more splendor. Next to a huge painted vase containing flowers, a glass of clear lemon water sat lonely. A yellow slice of thinly sliced ​​lemon floated to the surface and for a person on a hot June day, such a drink would serve as a life-saving breath.

On the left, in the background, there is a basket filled with huge branches of ripe grapes. Bunches of grapes hang over the edges of the basket, showing the viewer the abundance of the harvest. On both sides the basket is framed with stalks of wheat, apparently accidentally falling into the vase. On the right is a huge crystal jug, half filled with water. Its thin neck is tightly sealed, preventing small insects from spoiling the crystal purity of drinking water.

In the foreground, the jug is blocked by a huge ripe pumpkin. Around the pumpkin, pears, apples and half are carelessly scattered juicy lemon, which makes you want to wince. Apparently a piece of this same lemon was carefreely nestled in a glass nearby. In the lower right corner of the canvas there is another piece of lemon. Perhaps due to the uneven cutting, the owner of the kitchen where the still life is shown put it aside, preferring a more even slice. In the foreground on the right, the author placed a box with sweet peaches. Some of the fruits that fell out of the basket broke in half due to their ripeness; this detail cannot be hidden from the viewer. It’s already hard to get rid of the desire to eat one of the fruits.

After a detailed viewing of the picture, the viewer has a terrible desire to find himself near this table and taste every juicy fruit, empty the huge baskets and boxes. The main thing that this still life reminds people of is the wonderful summer time, when flowers are not hidden under the snow, but can calmly stand on the table, spreading an unforgettable floral aroma throughout the house.

5th grade, 3rd grade

Description of the picture

I. T. Khrutsky is a man of art in Belarus. Some of Khrutsky's works relate to still life. Of all the creations, the painting “Flowers and Fruits” is of particular importance. The author's creation is considered a complex work. The picture shows a large number of large and small components that are closely interconnected.

A vase with a large bouquet of beautiful flowers is drawn right in the middle. The vase is made of clay and has an emerald hue with beautiful drawings. The vase is the main element of the whole picture and fits onto the entire surface. A table is drawn under the vase. And on the table the author drew a lot of fruits. There is a box of peaches on the edge of the table. The peaches are depicted with a handful of grapes.

In front of the box is a peach, split down the middle. On the second side of the vase there are pears, grapes, and half a lemon. Also, don’t forget about the large watermelon. Behind the watermelon you can see a beautiful wine glass filled with water. Also near the vase is a glass half filled with water. The bouquet contains a peony, which is bent over a glass.

To create the painting, various colors were used, from dull to dark tones. All flowers and fruits harmonize perfectly with each other. The canvas was painted with all the love of the author. Based on the picture, one can assume that the author grows the fruit himself. Everything in the picture small parts drawn in detail. In the picture sunlight falls straight onto the bouquet. This picture calls for love and care for the nature of all people in the world.

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Belarusian and Russian painter Ivan Fomich Khrutsky was born on January twenty-seventh, one thousand eight hundred and ten. The future artist received secondary education at the Polotsk School and came to St. Petersburg in 1827.

Three years later, Ivan Fomich begins his studies at the famous Academy of Arts. This man went down in art history with his magnificent still lifes. And one of the most famous creations is Khrutsky’s painting “Flowers and Fruits”.

Magnificent still life, or Strict canons of the Academy

It would seem that what could be more innocent than the depiction of the generous gifts of the earth and, moreover, with such attention and love for the smallest details, decorativeness and at the same time naturalism. Even the ubiquitous fly that landed on a pear is written in such a way that only after unsuccessful attempt brush it off the canvas, you understand that this is just a painting technique by the author of the work.

But in those days when Khrutsky’s painting “Flowers and Fruits” was created, turning to still life was all the more strange because, according to the strict hierarchy of the genre established at the Academy, the description of flowers and fruits was considered worthy only of students. Those who have just begun to master painting. Or generally for amateur girls. Since flowers are the most pleasant decoration for the ladies.

Painting by Ivan Trofimovich Khrutsky "Flowers and Fruits". Description of the artist's work

This is precisely what the academy teacher and author of the rules on drawing flowers and fruits, artist Yakov Ivanovich Basin, saw as the meaning of still life. But the strangest thing is that they brought fame to the artist Khrutsky.

Neither his portraits, where pretty women are presented in the idea of ​​modern floras and pomonas, nor paintings telling about the quiet joys of life, but precisely these still lifes, somewhat archaic in their manner and devoid of logic in the selection of objects. How can we explain the unexpected popularity of a recently despised genre?

Deep meaning in creating great works

Still life appears as a kind of game or curiosity. Its main value lay in creating the illusion of reality, in deceiving the viewer. Hence its name. But it is worth remembering that in the era of Peter the Great, in addition to the decoy still life, the allegory still life also came into fashion. He revealed his hidden meaning through the language of symbols.

Every object and plant, absolutely everything that was present on the canvas, corresponded to some concept. Roses and peonies spoke to the dedicated viewer about the transience of life. The grapes reminded of the atoning blood of Christ. The extinguished candle made me think about death. As for the image of a realistically painted fly, Khrutsky’s painting “Flowers and Fruits” represents it, probably, only for purely practical purposes. Apparently, it was believed that it would scare away other insects from the work.

Viewer's attitude to the works of Ivan Fomich

The eighteenth century implied mandatory knowledge of the language of allegory. Remnants of this knowledge probably reached the beginning of the nineteenth century. And Ivan Fomich’s still lifes attracted some with their decorativeness, while others were attracted by their thought about the vanity of existence, a call for moderation and concern for their immortal soul.

Likewise, Khrutsky’s painting “Flowers and Fruits,” the creation of which dates back to the early thirties, cannot leave any viewer indifferent. A luxurious still life with objects that the artist especially loved. An earthenware jug filled with a rich combination of various colors. Nearby is a simple bast tuesok. There is a huge variety of fruits on the table. Peaches and pears, pumpkin and lemon, grapes and apples. The abundance that Mother Nature herself gives.

The delight of people of different generations caused by the masterpiece

Many people, whose eyes see the painting “Flowers and Fruits” by Ivan Trofimovich Khrutsky, cannot for a long time forget the impression received from this work. Moreover, this delight is completely present among the public of different ages. Someone seriously considers this still life, trying to comprehend all its secrets, while others are simply touched by the combination of unusual colors.

The attention of schoolchildren, which is aroused by Khrutsky’s painting “Flowers and Fruits,” is especially dear. The essay of a child who comes to the museum to admire this work incredibly vividly describes this masterpiece with all its earthly gifts from unknown countries and collected even from their own garden beds. And sometimes it is precisely this opinion that is much more valuable to any author than criticism of famous cultural figures.

The significance of Ivan Fomich’s still lifes for Russia

Khrutsky's painting "Flowers and Fruits" has acquired enormous significance for art. In one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, the author was even awarded a gold medal for his creations. With the help of such masterpieces, the artist introduced still life into the circle of recognized genres, which opened for Russia the language of things and allegories. Ivan Trofimovich expressed the idea of ​​the need for moral guidelines. About the refinement of the soul and care in personal world high ideals.

But in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, the work of the amazing artist Ivan Khrutsky came to an abrupt end. The man who left a huge creative heritage in all famous genres, being at the very zenith of glory, suddenly disappears. Dissolves into complete obscurity.

Having settled on the estate, he turns into a real landowner who is actively involved in farming and mainly draws portraits of his loved ones. And, perhaps, he did not even know that Tretyakov himself acquired his famous still life for his gallery. But this meant recognition of the indisputable artistic merit of the creation.

Speech development. Teaching an essay based on the painting by I. T. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits” (5th grade).

Development of a lesson for a Russian language teacher and literature MBOU Secondary school No. 16, Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory, Lyudmila Vasilievna Nazarova.

Lesson objectives: 1. prepare for writing an essay - a description of a painting in artistic style;

2. learn to collect working materials for an essay and draw up a simple plan;

3. teach children to observe, to give verbal expression to what they see in the picture.

Equipment: reproduction of a painting by I.T. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits” (“Russian language”, 5th grade, edited by M.M. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekant, “Drofa”, Moscow, 1999, color insert on page 8); posters with a plan for working on an essay, art history terms.

Intersubject connections: Fine arts.

Lesson plan.

    introduction teachers 1 min.

    Identifying students' initial impressions 3 min.

    Reading and writing poster No. 1 3 min.

    Collective planning 10 min.

    Work with theoretical concepts 2.9 min.

    Collective collection of working materials 15 min.

    Group vocabulary and stylistic work 20 min.

    Teamwork above the intro 4 min.

    Group work on the conclusion 5 min.

    Work on preventing speech errors 2 min.

    Oral essay according to the picture 10 min.

    Sample essay demonstration.

During the classes:

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Look at the reproduction of the painting “Flowers and Fruits”. Its author is I.T. Khrutskoy (1810-1855) is a recognized master in depicting still life and interior design. He strove to recreate the environment and household items with extreme precision and detail.

2. Identifying students' initial impressions.

What is shown in the picture? (Vase with flowers and fruits)

What is attractive about what is depicted in the picture? (The flowers are very beautiful, varied, bright;

the fruits are ripe, juicy, the artist depicted them in such a way that you want to eat them; the scent of flowers is felt)

Look closely at the flowers, list them (this work causes difficulty for children, because some flowers are unknown to them, the teacher prompts). – These are roses, peonies, irises, phlox, forget-me-nots.

List fruits (peaches, pears; also grapes and pumpkin).

The artist paints a picture with paints, creating an image. Can you describe what you saw in words? Try (Attempts are unsuccessful because children do not know where to start).

Teacher: A hint-plan will help you, which shows the sequence of your actions.

3. Reading and writing the contents of the poster:

Description essay plan.

    Give general idea about the picture.

    Description of the details, parts depicted in the picture.

4. Collective drawing up of a plan:

1. Luxurious bouquet and ripe fruits.

2. The artist's skill in depiction

a) flowers;

b) fruits;

c) other details of the still life.

3. The splendor of the generous gifts of nature, captured by I. T. Khrutsky.

Teacher : Since you are describing a painting, you need to use terms and understand their meaning.

5. Reading the poster:

Still life - paintings that depict various items: fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc.

Composition – building a picture (use words: background and foreground, right, left, near, near, beside, below, in the center, etc.)

Color spectrum - a consistent series of paints that are similar in color and shades.

6. Collective collection of working materials (for the main part of the essay). Design in the form of a table.

Observation plan

Materials (shape, color, characteristic features)


1. Flowers

2. Fruits

3. Other items

Terry scarlet peonies, delicate white peonies, pale pink rose, lilac irises, graceful bouquets of lilac phlox, spikelets of ripe rye, orange poppies with silky petals, blue forget-me-nots.

Pale yellow pears with a ruddy side, a large bunch of amber grapes, ripe peaches with velvet fluff, a huge golden pumpkin.

An elegant bronze jug, a thin glass tumbler filled with crystal clean water, wicker box, lemon slice in a glass.

Note : In the third column, students write down the words and phrases they like.

7. Vocabulary and stylistic work

a) Conversation

Teacher : What verb can be used to describe the position of the flowers in relation to the jug?

Students : Costs; the flowers stood in a jug.

Teacher : What about fruits?

Students : lie; lie on the table, in the basket.

Teacher : Is it possible to constantly repeat these verbs: peonies stand, rose stands, peaches lie, pears lie?

Students : No, this is a speech error.

Teacher : How can you avoid this mistake?

Students : Find synonyms, express thoughts differently

Teacher : Let's play the game "Who is bigger?"

Name as many verbs as possible that describe the position of objects.

b) Game “Who is bigger?”

Results of the game: verbs selected: darkens, hid, rises, flames, hides, looks out, is proud, rises.

c) Group work

Group 1 selects words of emotional-evaluative vocabulary; epithets (verbs: admire, enjoy, admire; epithets and adjectives: lush bouquet, luxurious bouquet, magnificent flowers, marvelous rose, lovely phlox)

Group 2 selects personifications (flowers are showing off, irises modestly hid behind lush peonies, phlox surrounded the rose with graceful umbrellas of inflorescences, scarlet peonies sadly lowered their caps, ears of rye hid behind bright flowers.

8. Collective work on the introduction to the essay

Option : In the picture I.T. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits” we see a magnificent still life with a luxurious bouquet of flowers and ripe fruits. It was not by chance that the artist chose a warm palette: he wanted to convey a joyful perception of the world around him with colors. In addition, these are the colors of autumn - the time of ripening of fruits and lush flowering.

9. Team work on writing the conclusion of an essay

Options: 1) Beautiful flowers, juicy fruits and berries - all this, like a wonderful gift of life, was brought to man by the wonderful Russian artist I.T. Khrutskaya.

2) Khrutsky’s painting “Flowers and Fruits” evokes true pleasure in the luxurious gifts of autumn.

3) The painting reflects the artist’s joyful admiration for the beauty and richness of nature.

10. Work to prevent speech errors.

Teacher : Try to avoid speech errors like: the picture shows..., I really liked this picture..., the impression is good..., it was drawn well, etc.

11. Oral essay on a picture (according to the points of the plan; 2-3 students)

On house : write an essay on a painting using work materials and notes in a notebook

Application: Student essay

I'm looking at a painting by E.T. Khrutsky "Flowers and Fruits". This still life amazes with the richness and generosity of nature, the skill of the artist, who surprisingly accurately and vividly managed to convey the charm of the bouquet and fruit.

In the center of the canvas in the foreground I see a bronze jug containing luxurious flowers. Scarlet peonies seem even brighter on dark background paintings. In contrast to them White Rose and light peonies are gentle and modest. Purple irises hid shyly among other flowers. Orange poppies blaze among green foliage. The composition is perfectly complemented by bouquets of lilac phlox, graceful blue forget-me-nots and spikelets of ripe rye.

To the right of the vase is a thin glass glass filled with crystal clear water, in which a thin circle of lemon floats. Pale yellow pears with a ruddy side lay lazily next to the glass. Behind them rises a large golden pumpkin, on which lies a large cluster of amber grapes. To the left of the jug, ripe peaches with velvety fluff are crowded in a wicker box.

Everything in the picture breathes the joy of life, admiration for the magnificent gifts of sunny summer.

List of used literature:

1. Russian language: textbook for grade 5, ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta, Bustard, Moscow, 1999, p. 3/3

2. L.M. Zelmanova, E.N. Kolokoltsev. Speech development. Russian language and literature. Reproductions of paintings, grades 5-7, M., Bustard, 1998, pp.8,10,12

3. System for teaching essays in grades 4-8, ed. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M., “Enlightenment”, 1973, pp.84-86.

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