The last interview with Tina Kandelaki. Interview with Tina Kandelaki

“We are not a trivial couple. We were business partners and developed together. There are some areas in which the spouse is interested in making decisions. And there are those in which he gladly delegates this right to me,” Kandelaki admits.

Tina made an appointment at her workplace at the Ostankino television center. The general producer of Match TV just finished a meeting.

- You have been on the channel for more than a year and a half. Do you remember your first planning meeting on Match TV?

Of course I remember. When they first brought me to the channel, I immediately got into a meeting with the employees. That's how it started.

- And how did the male team greet you?

Expected. We watch and love sports in our country in our own way. Basically, in sports, women are loved if they are athletes. And in other qualities they are quite difficult to perceive, although one of the founders of sports television in our country was Anna Dmitrieva (legendary tennis player and TV commentator - Note “Antennas”), and this is an unshakable value. But then we got used to the fact that there was her, and the rest of the leaders were men. Also, don’t forget: I’ve been away from television for a while. Yes, I have vivid biography. But few people understood what I was like now. Those who came into contact with me at Apostol (Tina was a co-owner of this PR company - Antenna note) knew about my workaholism. As one employee told me, after I worked for a month at the channel, he was asked: “Does she really go to work at Ostankino every day?” So he sits straight in his office? And what is she like?” “Not the biggest, but the most common,” he replied. How many meters do we have here in total - 30, including the meeting room? We share one office with a creative producer. And I'm not complaining. I have a creative atmosphere here. And that's cool. Television does not tolerate large offices or managers isolated from their colleagues. We have it in a good way" open doors" Everyone comes with their suggestions and ideas, guests come after the broadcast on Match TV. We have the opportunity to quickly and on the spot discuss all questions and problems - there are studios, a news service, and producers nearby.

- So, just like that, any employee can enter Tina Kandelaki’s office?

Certainly. Everyone knows: ASK-3 (a complex of studios in Ostankino, where Match TV is located - Antennas note) invites. And when the employee told his friend about how we were sitting here from early morning until late, he was very surprised. For many famous people Stereotypes work – I’m already used to it. I believe that the result must be proven by deeds. Less empty talk - more action.

- Do you really sit until late?

Differently. When the big ones come sport competitions, I am here from morning to night. During the Rio Olympics and Euro 2016, I spent days in ASK-3. On ordinary days, sometimes I finish early, sometimes later. Yesterday I went home at nine in the evening. Television is not just a job, but a way of life. And when news broadcasts are broadcast on the channel, you are in touch from early morning. The first text messages come to me at 7:00. We are early risers. My early morning usually starts with responding to urgent morning SMS and emails.

- And yet you had to change your opinion about yourself?

I had the leading role. And who is the leader? Egoist. That's why it doesn't always become good producer. History knows only one example - Konstantin Ernst, the unique host of the Matador program in his time, who became one of the main producers in our country. Why is change difficult? Everyone on camera should work for you and your ego: from the make-up artist to the director. And when you become a producer, you manage the entire process. I persuade many athletes and federation leaders to personally come as a guest to the Match TV studio. You would never have seen on the channel so many documentaries, exclusives, such football stars as Valery Karpin (ex-coach of Moscow Spartak), Roman Shirokov and Dmitry Bulykin ( former players Russian national football team), if our team had not had a dialogue with everyone. There are close people with whom I can agree in the morning so that they come to our channel in the evening. After all, we have a lot of live broadcasts: someone refused or got sick. The producer must convince a huge number of people. After all, he is responsible for the final result. There is no need to be king.

The Forbes list is a naive desire

- Did you have any doubts for a long time when you were invited to the sports channel?

When Dmitry Chernyshenko ( CEO holding "Gazprom-Media". - Approx. “Antennas”) invited me to “Match TV”, then I made several calls: to my mother, husband and Natalya Bilan. Mom was happy because she knew that I had long wanted to try myself in a new capacity. That’s why I left television at one time. My husband also knew about my desire and supported me. During my time working at a major PR agency, I gained business experience and an understanding of the mechanism of interaction between various business processes aimed at obtaining a high-quality positive result. These mechanisms are difficult for the presenter to understand. He is soft like clay, capable of realizing any idea of ​​another person. How many times has it happened: bad scriptwriters, poorly filmed, and the story fails. This has happened in my career too. Four programs were released, and everything ended. And what? I was Tina Kandelaki and still am. It didn't get better or worse. After all, it wasn't my fault. And here you, as a producer, bear responsibility. In sports, this is even more exaggerated. So in penalties, in extra time or in shootouts - I’m also to blame for all this. Recently, a coach came out with an angry tirade: why are we not showing the World Handball Championship, the Russia-Slovenia match. Just read the TV program, everything is written there: the match was on the program. But emotions sometimes prevail in sports: first you need to check, and only then say. They apologized. And this happens, unfortunately, often. But I grew within myself, and I guess it became interesting to bear this responsibility. I was in business for seven years, that is, in a completely different capacity.

With her husband Vasily Brovko

- Don’t you feel sorry for these seven years?

It was very interesting period. We have done interesting projects, starting with the brand of the Rostec state corporation, ending with the promotion of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. I'm proud of it. What success has Kalashnikov achieved: access to American market, a powerful marketing campaign. All this would probably have been implemented in a different capacity and with a different result, if it weren’t for the brand that our team created. Many people don’t even remember that it was we who led these projects.

- What about the dream of getting into the top ten rich people of Forbes? Goodbye?

I was in it as a highly paid presenter. This is a very naive desire. It is important not to get on the Forbes list, but to have the tools to realize your ideas. People who haven't even earned a million dollars in their lives think how cool it would be to get them. When I said this, I did not have much experience. I had the first few million that I earned from my creative activities.

- Are you talking about a lucrative contract with a cosmetic brand?

Yes, I was and remain the only Russian star with whom such a contract was concluded. I thought then that I needed to fix the amount of money. Yes, of course it needs to be fixed. But we need to develop ourselves and our ideas. Look at Mark Zuckerberg... No one bet on him at one time, but he achieved his goal. Therefore, today I would like to manage enough money to implement the ideas that I have. Whether I’m on the Forbes list or not doesn’t matter at all.

- Is it important for you to constantly develop? This is what drives you...

Yes, that’s already my nature. Forever young. Recently, when Valeria Karpina wished him a happy birthday, she told him: “You and I should have been born on Youth Day.” I once took the Hogan test - a fashionable study that is carried out when applying for a job: whether or not you are suitable for the position you are looking for. So, my test showed amazing learning ability. The graphs were off the charts. And it is true. I really love to study. This is my motto, I can write it on my forehead and move on.

Eat different types leaders, I saw a lot of them in my line of work in the same “Apostle”. There are those who like to surround themselves with weaker people, retinues. From the moment when I had more than a hundred people under my command, I learned one important thing: you can develop a business or company only when the people who are on your team, your deputies, are stronger than you in a certain direction. That's all. If you are stronger, you will double-check them all the time. And why do you need them then, if you explain to them what to do? Don't be afraid to work with strong people. Yes, they won't agree with you on everything. They will argue. And I have to prove to them that my decision is fair, or admit that they are right. This is a very interesting process of mutual learning.

- How do you react to criticism? I liked that you usually protect not yourself, but the company...

I don't care what they say about me. They usually ask: how do I feel about Vasily Utkin, Alexey Andronov, and other people who left our channel. When I was a TV presenter, it was important to be loved. Love me, watch my program - that means the rating is growing, and I’m winning. Now my task is to make sure that people who come to the channel benefit it.

I will never comment

- 6 years ago, Dmitry Guberniev in his interview with Antenna said that the only woman with whom he could commentate on football is Tina Kandelaki...

I will never comment. Not interested. Everyone should do what they are best at. The mass audience in our country is not always ready to listen to a female commentator during a football broadcast. We are not Italy, where this is a common practice. Moreover, they conducted a study: when a man looks sports programs, he doesn’t need a woman, even his beloved one, at all. She might be ready to keep him company. But men want to sit by themselves, relaxing in front of the TV, with nuts and chips.

By type of activity - everything. And so – football, boxing, fighting without rules. Everything I loved as a child. Dad watched football and boxing. Plus my husband is a football fan. Nothing new has been added.

- Do you often go to the stadium?

If there is such an opportunity, I will use it. It's a pleasure to go out on a holiday with your family.

- If you type your last name into an Internet search, the combination of Tina Kandelaki and fitness will definitely come up in the first lines. Do you still have time to go to the gym?

IN recent months I was seriously ill, the doctors did not allow it. And yes, I work out regularly in the morning, I’ll be back at the gym in a week.

- I was asked to clarify: do you want to become a fitness girl? Lost 6 kilos...

I'm no longer at that age to be a "babe". Thank you for believing in my eternal youth, I try to stay in shape. But with my attitude to life and with the rest of the baggage that has accumulated over 41 years, I definitely won’t turn out to be a “cute”.

- Have you also become addicted to fitness?

Vasily was a former candidate for master of sports (football), he did not need to be taught anything. We laugh: when we first met, I was always angry that my husband was like a tornado on sports sites before going to bed. Look at the score, scoring goals. Now, when he comes home, I watch it all together with him. My husband tells me: “Of course, I could imagine everything when I met you, but I couldn’t imagine that you would hang out on sports sites and we would watch them together. We didn’t argue well.” Life is a much more talented screenwriter than you and me.

- Do children play sports?

A little. My son Leonty was involved in boxing, so he watches more fights on TV: Fedor Emelianenko, Khabib Nurmagomedov. Daughter Melania, like many, goes to the gym.

- Do you have time to turn off the big boss mode when you get home?

Those who do not have time to switch become unbearable tyrants for their household. I have a penchant for structuring and bringing everything into a system - I won’t lie. I would like this desire to transfer from work to home, but I’m out of my mind. I don’t go to extremes: a jump from a fit-neck to a tyrant, to Freken Bok is a madman’s leap into the abyss. I try not to do it. I am at that age when it is possible to analyze my behavior, maintaining a healthy assessment of myself and understanding that I need to work on myself.

-Who is the boss in the family?

According to the classic Georgian cliché, of course I have to answer that my husband. But let's be aware that we are not a trivial couple. We were business partners and developed together. There are some areas in which the spouse is interested in making decisions. And there are those in which he is happy to delegate this right to me. We are still partners, although in marriage this word is dangerous because such relationships can end badly. A woman should be a woman, and a man should be a man. And I don't confuse the roles. But my husband must understand that I am not an ordinary wife. Due to the fact that we know a lot about each other, I am ready to support him and lend him a shoulder.

Nowadays, many men build relationships with their wives in such a way that at home they do not want to talk to them about work. A lot of unequal marriages. He is 45 and she is 20, so he is unlikely to discuss strategic plans to take over the world with her. Vasily and I were in business together, a biographical fact that you can’t throw away. Therefore, we are accustomed to consulting with each other. Also, keep in mind that you met him at a time when I was changing my role and he was growing in the direction that he later began to pursue. We complemented each other and supported each other. The acquaintance began with the fact that I came and told him that I did not want to be the leader in the projects that were offered. To which Vasily said: “Then let’s do the project you want.” "It will never be shown on TV." “That’s what the Internet is for.” Nine years ago this was a strange proposition for me. And now the Internet is everywhere.

Melania, daughter of Tina Kandelaki

-Are you pushing Vasily to do something?

He works a lot on himself and develops. And he is interested in it. That's how we found each other, and that's how we live.

- And the children?

It is better not to touch children under a certain age. We had Melania and I here interesting conversation. She is now studying Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” at school. I told her that I consider it a crime to go through this work at your age, because you still will not agree with its philosophy. But when you re-read it as an adult, you realize that this problem is as old as time. Understand correctly, to a certain extent adolescence the world is still clearly divided into black and white colors: “I will never do that,” “My relationship with this person is over.” The words “never”, “with no one”, denials are the maximalism characteristic of this age. And arguing with him is simply stupid. Just point at by example. You do what you think is necessary and give the children the opportunity to choose. Being next to you, they take in not only the good, but also the bad. A question of balance.

- Are they proud of their mother?

You need to ask them this. I would like to believe that, of course, yes. But I think if I were not who I am, I would spend more time with them. But the question is the quality of the relationship. You can sit at home and cook borscht for 24 hours. But the quality of the relationship can be debatable. We need to try to give children what matters most to them - love, support and understanding. Most main conflict For fathers and children, it happens when they see that adults do not understand them. I talk to my children. We are friends.

If the book then... modern detectives, a very strong school in Norway, Jo Nesbe, for example. I love Russian literature. I buy all the new items, sometimes I don’t have time to finish reading everything. I read letters from the Chekhov brothers: Sasha to Anton. Amazing correspondence.

If the film, then... "The Matrix". Now everyone is discussing “Paradise,” but I like Andron Konchalovsky’s film “Mary’s Lovers” with Nastassja Kinski. In the Tbilisi period - “Scarface”, “ Godfather" Now American TV series are “Taboo”.

If the music... I’m a former DJ, I have an established taste in music. Dire Straits is coming to Russia, I’ll go to the concert, I bought tickets for Aerosmith. I go to big shows. I grew up on the underground of the 90s, then switched to rock music, although I also like Eminem.

If rest... I don't have much of it in my life. Now I would probably choose the beach.

Favorite season…. spring. Because everything is born and begins again. In Georgia it suddenly gets hot, the almond trees bloom, and life slows down.

Dignity… learning ability

Flaw… intolerance. But I'm struggling with this.

27 February 2013, 12:04

Judging by the photos from the gym, of which there have been quite a few on her feed lately, Tina intends to take gold at the women's fitness championship. The barbell overhead press in a seated position is only a small part of her set of measures to combat complexes. She said so herself. And we noticed: a month and a half before the first broadcast new talk show on the NTV channel, Tina lost 12 kg. - Tina, is it your idea to host the “Iron Ladies” talk show with Margarita Simonyan? - Vladimir Mikhailovich Kulistikov (General Director of NTV - Ed.) and I have been talking for a long time about possible joint projects. At some point, he saw Margarita and me on NTVshniki and thought: “These two women together are like a hurricane, why not unite them?” This was solely his suggestion. - Are female duets a new trend in our TV? - Temperamental, bright, strong, successful women occupy more and more space on the airwaves of central American and European television channels. We don’t have such a school, but there is a trend in this direction. The appearance of the same Irada Zeynalova in the “Time” program is nothing more than proof of this thesis. This is no longer a neutral person speaking to people on behalf of the authorities in general terms. The trend has moved towards the presenter having his own position. Until a certain point, a distant presenter who pitted guests against each other, but remained above the fray himself, was considered good form on our television. In this sense, I absolutely agree with Margarita: this is not about us. All presenters have their own position, and why not voice it? There are a lot of things that irritate me as a person. This is both corruption and the hypocrisy of some officials. The other day I listened to Sergei Dorenko’s morning show, he explained it very clearly and in pictures. Some officials treat the country the way the African Maasai people treat their cattle. If the heifer is still fresh, will grow and give a lot of milk, you can cut a vein into it and express a little blood, but if it is no longer a heifer, but an old cow, then there is no point in waiting, you need to tear off a piece of meat and run, anyway, she is not today - will fall tomorrow. Part of the elite treats the country this way: snatch a piece - and run or sit and wait for a new moment to snatch. But, in my opinion, today a trend has emerged to change this situation; it will no longer be the same as before.
- Tina, who will go to such a broadcast? Do you have a guest list for the near future? - I have already said more than once that there are no problems with guests from the opposition and everyone will be invited. The main thing is not to be afraid, not to give a million reasons why they can’t, and to come. Well, on the part of the authorities, of course, I would like to see those who occupy the highest positions in the country. This is a great honor for any interviewer. If the talk show turns out to be interesting, if our duet with Margarita takes place, everyone will want to come to this program. - Do you and Margarita agree on the roles in advance: who is the attacker today, who is the defender? - No, of course, we don’t have such a genre division. - Is Margarita nervous on the eve of the broadcast? - What are you talking about? I would wish everyone the confidence of Margarita Simonyan. - Live broadcasting in prime time is a nerve-wracking business. But is it just about the air? You look like a woman in love. - IN in social networks I quite often post photographs of the attentions that men show me, but I never name names or talk about the relationships that exist in my life. I have been divorced for a long time, I am a young woman. I fall in love and they fall in love with me. - This is a breakthrough. Just six months ago you said that you were only passionate about work. - I am a very amorous person, but at the same time I know how to control myself. And this does not interfere with business. Apparently, he’s getting old (laughs), because his priorities, of course, are work. Sometimes, you know how it happens: someone invites you to dinner, but I have contracts, clients, meetings. The most I can afford is to set aside an evening a couple of times a week to go to the movies. I am like a man: I can at certain times certain place a certain number of times (laughs). - And if so: you fell in love and started living with this person? Do you rule out such a turn of events? - I don’t rule it out. But so far there is no such thing. I live a fairly measured life. I get up at seven in the morning, take the children to school, go to sports, check my email on the way in the car, train for an hour and a half, and spend the rest of the time at work. I am free at best at 8 pm. This is a conscious choice. In order to do business, you need to be stable in every sense - both physically and psychologically.- big risk. I often tell my employees: your personal hobbies are personal until the moment they begin to have a psychological impact on you, in which case I am already forced to share these risks with you. - But is it possible to insure against everything? - Of course not. On the one hand, I would like an amazing relationship - one that will be second in importance to me after my marriage. On the other hand, having experience, I am, of course, careful - after all, this relationship can end painfully. When I get to know someone better, it is usually a big test for a man. Not everyone can stand it. Many people are fascinated, I won’t hide it. Everyone likes that I am so independent and businesslike. But then... Men don’t understand: why do you work so hard if you’re a woman, you have good looks, and after all, you’re a TV presenter? This is quite enough to live a normal life and have time to communicate with men. But I have long been not just a TV presenter, I am involved in business, and this is my priority area of ​​activity. The profession of a TV presenter is much more feminine, and in order to do business, you need masculine qualities.
-Have you congratulated Ksenia Sobchak on her wedding? - As all users of social media and others know, Ksenia and I stopped being friends a long time ago, so I think it’s hypocritical to congratulate a person who, at every opportunity, tries to insult you. - Nobody expected that Maxim Vitorgan... - Sorry to interrupt. I will allow myself not to comment on Ksenia’s choice. She made the decision herself, which means it is the only correct one. - The passions have subsided a long time ago, but you don’t tell us what the reason for your conflict is. Why? - There are very precise words from Shakespeare: “You are so eager to judge the sins of others, start with your own and you won’t get to others!” I always told Ksenia that our conflict with her would become a meaningless attraction for most. What the point is will not be clear to anyone, but the attraction will attract a lot of attention. But for Ksenia it is important to be a public figure: in the spotlight, in the spotlight - in any case and at any cost. This is her way and I respect it. Nothing like that happened between us. Views on what is happening in the country have changed, and, in fact, each has its own position. But unlike Ksenia, I never allow myself to give public assessments to people whom I consider friends. It’s not for me to judge my friends, my task is to help them if they have difficulties. Ksenia has a different approach: she regularly accuses me of close ties with the presidential administration and God knows what else, in general, she demonizes so much that I won’t be surprised if one fine day she says that I also eat children. But I think by that time the whole country will be laughing at this. Unlike me, Ksenia grew up surrounded by people from today's government. No matter how she behaves, she has a special relationship with the authorities, so it’s not for me to discuss them. If she wants, she will tell herself. I wish everyone happiness, including Ksenia. At this point I would close the topic.
- Tina, there is another one difficult question- about the dismissal of Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats from the STS TV channel. Do you think the reason is the low rating? - Do you want me to once again kick my colleagues with my knee and talk about the wrong numbers and the wrong ratings? I will absolutely not do this. If colleagues are talented, if colleagues are capable, if colleagues know what to do, they will definitely find a job. And if they don’t get a job, that will also be the answer. - Many people thought that you, Tatyana and Mikhail were friends. However, believe me, there are those who are sure that in childhood you and Sobchak played in the same sandbox... - I don’t think so! It's no secret that I'm from Tbilisi. She grew up in a classic Tbilisi family, where her mother was a strict and domineering woman. She never spoiled me, she raised me in trust, but in severity. I wanted blue synthetic padding boots, but I bought good Moscow ones made of leatherette, like everyone else, they say, there’s no need to show off. You must first grow within yourself, and then decorate yourself on the outside. I didn’t grow up in a golden sandbox; I certainly didn’t have a driver, security guards, or trips abroad. My parents sold the apartment, moved to a smaller one, and gave me the difference of $3,770, thus giving me the opportunity to go to Moscow and enroll in advanced training courses for radio and television employees. I am not telling this to gain sympathy or to highlight my current situation. Just stating: I had a long way to go.
-Are you and Melania a strict mother? - Melania says yes. By the way, she categorically does not like it when I talk about her. And I understand her. There are children around her who do not pay any attention to the fact that I am her mother, and they talk about me as little as possible. - Leonty doesn’t like it when you talk about him either? - Yes, he doesn’t even allow me to post his photos on social networks, and if I do this, he scolds me very much. - How old are your children now? - Melania is 13, and Leonty will be 12. - How do they surprise you at this stage? - Two things are surprising. The fact that Melania turned out to be very responsible and wise. Despite her upbringing, this is still her character. And, of course, Leonty’s artistry. I made a lot of efforts so that my son would not be artistic, to be a less emotional man, but he is growing up to be a real artist. He's good-looking. And I, as a mother, want to hope that this will not be the main advantage for which women will love him. - You are together with ex-husband are you raising children? - I don’t communicate with Andrey. But in no way do I interfere with his communication with children. He participates to the best of his ability in their lives. I welcome this.
- I have a lot of complexes! - Tina says at some point, and at this time, behind her back, they are trying to bring a bouquet of a thousand, no less, into the office, burgundy roses(hello from a fan), flowers don’t come through the door the first time. - I'm not lying. I have a lot of doubts, a lot of weaknesses, a lot of phobias... But I have shouldered responsibility for so many people that I don’t have time to dwell on my complexes. - Can you give an example? - I have complexes about my appearance. By nature, I do not have the data that will allow me to maintain a good figure for many years without extra effort. What am I doing for this? I struggle with my shortcomings and I struggle quite successfully. I train a lot, don’t eat sweets, only boiled vegetables and fish - and so on every day. I also haven't traveled much. But I’m trying to fix this too. Lately I've been traveling around Europe. I've only been to America twice. I haven’t seen Australia, Japan yet, I haven’t seen what Vietnam looks like, and I also really want to go to the kingdom of Bhutan. - Not so many complexes. And they're not that scary. - Understand, I don’t fall asleep saying: “Oh, how wonderful I am!” No, I lie down and think about what I’m doing wrong, where I’m making mistakes, why I make these mistakes and how sometimes I wish there was someone nearby who would solve all these problems for me. But intellectually I understand that this is impossible. And even if it were possible, it would not be forever... Only for a short period of time, because only you yourself, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, from beginning to end you have to make decisions in your life. No one will build or live your life for you.

Tina Kandelaki: “Not a single unhappy woman looks beautiful”

On the birthday of a producer, top manager, public figure, and just beautiful woman ELLE recalls her 2014 interview about her favorite books, music and objects of admiration

In my makeup bag You can always find mascara, lipstick and lip gloss. I don't like it when I have a lot of powder or foundation on me. On days free from filming, I practically don’t use makeup. I believe that makeup should not be the first priority. There is no need to be afraid of your face and try to completely change it. Often behind experiments there is a desire to change or hide something that does not suit you. I always advocate naturalness in everything and self-love.

Reading is my main hobby. As a child, I was forbidden to read in the dark. I adapted to reading under the blanket with a flashlight. I've read so many books that it's hard to pick just one favorite. There were milestone authors: in his youth it was Richard Bach, Chekhov at the age of 20, then Hemingway. and preferences. When I was little, I loved Ursula Le Guin and Tolkien. In his youth - the nonconformist prose of Charles Bukowski. Now these are “1984” by George Orwell, “Kalki” by Gore Vidal, “The Bonfire of Ambition” by Thomas Wolfe, “Kys” by Tatyana Tolstoy, “The Glass Bead Game” and “Siddhartha” by Herman Hesse. I also really love Alexei Tolstoy for his view of Russian history and an adequate attitude towards it.

I have an almost professional attitude towards music, since I started my career as a radio DJ. I love everything - from Wagner and Maria Callas to Sting and Tom Jones. I am very inspired by the singer Sade, the Velvet Underground and Nina Hagen, whom I can listen to endlessly.

I travel a lot. I feel best in France. To understand France, you need to go to Montpellier, the birthplace of François Rabelais, and stay in a hotel designed by Philippe Starck.

I admire strong women, starting from Cleopatra and ending with Margaret Thatcher. I also raise myself and position myself as a strong woman.

I have been sparing no time and money on skin care since I was 17 years old. If I was faced with a choice between buying new shoes or going to a cosmetologist, I chose the latter. This lesson was taught to me by my mother and grandmother as a child, and thanks to it, I was able to maintain good skin, despite my profession, which requires applying makeup every day.

I do facial massages all the time, procedures aimed at moisturizing the skin, mesotherapy. I treat injections with caution, first I try everything on my hands, and only then on my face. The only thing I'm afraid of and avoid is Botox. But this does not mean that I will not come to this in the future. If some innovative rejuvenation method helps me maintain my natural beauty, I will try it. But I will never abuse it and try to change my appearance.

I have naturally very curly hair. which constantly have to be straightened. That’s why I don’t wash my hair at home, but go to a salon where they do my hair. To keep my hair thick, I do mesotherapy for the scalp. This is a very painful procedure, but nothing better has been invented for hair loss.

There are more jars of creams in my bathroom than in a beauty salon, and I obediently follow all the specialists’ instructions: cleansing in the morning and evening, applying serums and creams according to special schemes. Every day I make masks - moisturizing, cleansing, collagen. I also have my own Darsonval device, with which I take care of my facial skin and hair.

My training program is very intense: 10 minutes of strength training on the machines, 5 minutes on the treadmill, then spinning an exercise bike, then jumping rope or doing aerobics, returning to strength training - and all in a circle. in which the load on the muscles occurs due to the weight of your own body - I also do them.

I strictly follow my schedule. I get up at seven in the morning, take the children to school, go to sports, check my email on the way in the car, train for an hour and a half, then work.

My main rule of beauty is start and end the day with thorough cleansing and moisturizing of the skin. Even if I came after work late after midnight, I never go to bed without carrying out a number of certain procedures - without washing off makeup, without applying cream.

The main secret of my youth very simple: I really have never smoked or drank alcohol in my life. Quite a long time ago I completely gave up coffee and began to carefully take care of myself.

External beauty, no matter what anyone says, is just a façade. The most important thing is how you feel inside. No unhappy woman, no matter how beautiful she may be, will carry this charge of beauty. And any happy woman, even if from the point of view of generally accepted canons of beauty she is ugly, she will always win in this competition. Therefore, my inner state is very important to me: what I feel inside is reflected on my face.

My favorite scents - with cinnamon, lemon, reminiscent of something natural and edible. I am always very careful when choosing perfumes, because the only thing a person remembers all his life is smells. With the right perfume, a woman's appearance in society becomes unforgettable. The main thing in beauty is the skin and the smell. Not the length of the legs and the size of the breasts, but the skin and smell - this is what men always remember when thinking about us. Her elusive scent, her silkiness and then her eyes, hands, lips. Every body tastes different. But if you take proper care of yourself, then your men, even when loving others, will remember how you smell.

Tina Kandelaki gave the following interview Italian newspaper La Repubblica. She posted a translation into Russian of the Italian publication in her LiveJournal
The interview is filled with very, to put it mildly, controversial theses, for example:
"There is no war between Russia and Georgia. There are only global changes resulting from the confrontation between Russia and the United States." How do we understand this, the killing of civilians, the introduction of troops, fighting- these are not signs of war. And information manipulation Western media, who interpret the events under consideration sometimes topsy-turvy, this is also not a sign of war, albeit an informational one.
These are the fabrications Tina told the Italian journalist.

Tina Kandelaki: “I am a Georgian star on Putin’s TV”
Leonardo Cohen

"I think that the European community will help us. Nobody knows when relations between Georgia, which is my homeland, and Russia, which is also my homeland, will be restored. Today, a dangerous situation has developed for my friends, for my relatives and for many others situation. I know I have to be careful. But that doesn't mean I have to be silent." More than a million Georgians live in Russia. One of them is Tina Kandelaki, 33 years old, famous and beautiful star Russian television, presenter of many popular programs on the STS channel. She came to Moscow 10 years ago and immediately achieved success. Every day, with Prussian regularity, in her television programs, the charming brunette Tina declares her “one hundred percent Georgian origin, I'm talking about my nation, about our culture," because she is convinced that Russians do not hate Georgians, even after the war broke out. On the contrary.

She very often quotes fragments from a book written in four hands by Andrei Bitov and Rezo Gabriadze, which contains their dialogue about “who the Georgians are.” Russian Bitov, Tina clarifies, “says a brilliant thing: “We always looked at Georgians and understood that they were a little more beautiful, a little more noble and a little more cheerful than us. In other words, if you look at them, they are almost Russian, only a little better. They look like us, but they are the Russians that we will never become." Bitov shows what kind of relationship binds us. Only Russians can talk like that about Georgians."

Repeatedly, during talk shows attended by politicians, artists and intellectuals, Kandelaki explained that the conflict between Russia and Georgia – “or between Russia and the United States” – began “much earlier” on August 8th. “My country turned out to be a bargaining chip,” Kandelaki repeats this in the small room in the STS studio where we met: “There is no war between Russia and Georgia. There are only global changes resulting from the confrontation between Russia and the United States. The Georgians have lost There’s more to it than that, they suffered great losses, both human and economic.”

She feels like a spokesman for the sentiments of all Georgians who do not have the opportunity to speak out. If they could express their opinions freely, "relations with the Russians would be different." They could say, for example, that Georgia is not at all the country that wants to have Saakashvili as president. “There is a good Russian proverb that fits perfectly to describe Saakashvili: money and power spoil. The test of power is one of the most severe. I think that for him power became an excessive burden, he failed to show himself as strong. For us, Georgians "As a president he is weak." This opinion of Tina was received negatively in Tbilisi. She was accused of opportunism. They called her a woman who flirts with the Kremlin. Tina was outraged by this. A year ago, the Georgians offered her to head the Tv Rustavi 2 channel, which is close to the regime. She refused because "it's too difficult for me to be so close to power." Isn't it like that in Moscow?

"Let's just say: my fate does not depend directly on the president Russian Federation, while in Georgia my fate would directly depend on Saakashvili." Opposition to protect my career? Tina is indignant: "I say this because I worry about the Georgians who live here. They ask me to do this. Xenophobia is a real danger. Someone wrote on my blog: “Get out, what are you doing here if you’re Georgian?” Today in Georgia there is only one doctrine, and it is voiced by all television channels. But, fortunately, the Internet has not yet been canceled, and you can find a variety of opinions on the Internet." Those opinions that she can calmly express, "because all my relatives already live in Russia. Those who have relatives in Georgia are afraid to speak."

The hero of the traditional "SE" column was the general producer of "Match TV".


G general producer of Match TV meets us in the studio, where an hour later live news broadcast starts. He glances briefly at the note held out by the assistant. He takes out his phone.

She slides her finger across the screen - and we remember Tina’s last interview: “The world has changed. Now I’m sure that long conversations do not lead to anything good. A high-quality, professional meeting lasts at most 30 minutes. Then communication turns into imitation and is absolutely ineffective. An overdose begins information, people lose concentration..."

We talked for an hour. Minute to minute. I wanted more - you can’t scare us with lengthy interviews. But the live broadcast left no chance. There was no overdose.

Valery KARPIN. Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"


- Soon after your appearance on Match TV, a rumor spread that initially you were supposed to head not a sports, but an entertainment channel from the Gazprom-Media holding - “Friday”. This is true?

I?! "Friday"?! Of course not. Don't demonize me. Over the past three years, "Friday" has been engaged in Kolya Kartozia. It turns out brilliantly.

- What was your hardest day at Match TV?

First. Launching a channel when the country is in mourning for those killed in a plane crash over Sinai - you can’t even imagine what a test it is! We were preparing to start in a completely different capacity. And here, to the technical fears - how everything will go on air and work at the same time - a human tragedy was added. By nervous tension Nothing compares to this day.

- What especially unusual things have you learned over the past year?

Be silent.

- You couldn’t do it before?

I know how to be silent. But it’s not easy to restrain emotions at work; you’re often expected to react instantly. There is such a manner - an employee did not do something, and the boss immediately, backhandedly: “How?! Didn’t you do it?! Well, come on!” You threw out the energy, but the result did not change. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to give more air. Or, as they say, on soft paws. Once all the puzzles fit together, voice your conclusions and express your opinion.

- Reasonable.

On the one hand, I never tire of repeating that you can’t feel sorry for anyone in your work. On the other hand, I don’t forget about fragility human soul. You need to be careful with your ratings. Television is a special world, money is not the key factor here.

- Do you think so?

One hundred percent! It is impossible to say to a person: “Come to us. The salary is such and such, the bonus is such and such. But you will sit in Ostankino all the time, not sleeping day or night...” In our team, everyone is already accustomed to the fact that there are no holidays, weekends, or vacations. For the second year we have been working outside of time and Labor Code. It is incredibly difficult to persuade people to live on such a schedule. Fortunately, my team and I succeeded.

- Who was the last person you raised your voice at?

I educate myself. More and more often, people who come into contact with me at work are surprised that I am not as loud as they thought. For example, Roman Abramovich speaks very quietly, and everyone listens to him. One of the microskills of any manager is the understanding that there is no need to yell at all. This only demonstrates your own weakness.

- Do you follow the same principle at home?

Certainly. There is no point in yelling at children. For what? Frighten? A 17-year-old daughter and an almost 16-year-old son? If you speak quietly, slowly, with pauses, it means you are confident in yourself and in what you are doing. And screaming is always powerlessness.

- What is the most painful breakup with a person recently?

The real loss was the death of my dad in 2009. Everything else is a working moment, nothing more. If someone wants to leave, thinks that he will be better off somewhere else than with me, I won’t let him. And I never regret it.

- What were you guided by when you appointed him editor-in-chief of football broadcasts?

I'm sure it's good story. I am closely watching how the commentary school is developing in our country. Valera is one of the few who can professionally give an expert assessment, and it will be accepted. Because he has enormous experience behind him - as a football player, as a coach, and as a person who managed to work on Spanish television. I watched him closely on Match TV. I realized that Valera had enough passion and obsession to bring constructive additions to the work that had been building for years. I have no doubt that this will benefit both experienced commentators and newbies.

- Main pain points channel according to Karpin?

And you ask him. He is an excellent speaker and will be happy to tell you. Why speak for Valera?

- Are there any fears that in a month Karpin will be called to coach - and your idea will collapse?

Come on! We discussed everything in advance. He was invited to the Belarusian national team, for example. But Valera has a contract with Match TV.

- For a year?


- So, he’s definitely with you until at least the end of 2017?

Absolutely right.

- We can’t imagine Karpin, who comes to the television center every morning and holds planning meetings...

Oh, what are you talking about! I can imagine this very well. Now I’ll leave you and go discuss key topics with him. Valera will have a lot of work on the channel. In addition to the position of editor-in-chief, she is also an analyst and program manager.

Of course not. He is a very hardworking person. Perhaps the most hardworking of all my friends in the world of sports. It was no coincidence that we decided to move on with him. We looked closely for a long time. I was pleasantly surprised that Valera always prepares thoroughly and is already on site three to four hours before the broadcast. Yes, and in the frame it catches the eye. It happens that a guest is sitting, and you understand that he saw some match in fits and starts. And Valera studied it inside and out. Great professional.

Evgeny GINER. Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"


- In a recent interview, you praised the “Cult Tour”: “Another of our football victories. Television rock and roll, a fun program for men. The numbers show that the fans like it...” A couple of weeks later it is closed.

I don’t go back on my words. I really love this program. And it's not closed. It’s just very expensive for our channel. Can only exist if there is a sponsor. Alas, he stopped collaborating. If it resumes or a new one appears, we will make another 10-12 issues.

- How much do they cost?

I would be happy to answer, but I can't. Trade secret.

- Are you unable to carry out the project alone?

Excluded. We have a lot of expensive broadcast rights, which is why we have a hyper-efficient approach to any program. Until we understand that we can amortize it several times, make money on sponsorship or advertising, it won’t go on air. However, television is an endless conveyor belt show must go on . Some programs replace others. It is no longer a secret that we are launching a football reality show. Sports journalism is not used to such a kaleidoscope of genres. Well, get used to it. Our channel will not let you get bored.

- Why did they show the match of the 1/16 finals of the FA Cup in January, when at the same time the women’s free program was going on at the European Figure Skating Championships?

I get asked questions like this regularly. Although the answer is on the surface.

- Is it really possible that an ordinary match involving the middle peasants of the second English league interests people more than victory?!

Unfortunately it is so. I would have already earned a lot of money if I argued with everyone in such a situation. Here are the numbers: the average share of Leicester broadcasts in the M “18+” audience segment is 2.5 points, and figure skating in the same age group - 1,9.

- God be with them, with the numbers. We remember how a year ago, instead of a match, you broadcast water polo. Our team fought for the right to get to the Olympics.

Listen, the program schedule is formed two weeks before the broadcast. The analytical department makes a forecast of shares, then businessmen study what the interest will be. Based on this, we make a choice in favor of one event or another. If we are talking about the Russian national team, we certainly give it priority. But from the point of view of business and the economics of the channel, we are at great risk. Football, boxing, ultimate fighting, biathlon, hockey and Formula 1 are rated higher than other sports in this time period. Including figure skating.

- What dream of yours has not yet come true, but will definitely come true - in relation to Match TV?

Your words are in God's ears... I made a bet with my husband that I would live on the channel until the day when the Russian club won the Champions League.

- Feel free. You once said: “I’m friends and consult with, we’ve known each other for years.” The most memorable thing you heard from him?

When I came to Match TV, there were plenty of skeptics. And Giner said: “Don’t be afraid, I’ll support you...” Zhenya is like that: full speed ahead! No step back! Everything will be fine! At first, I often discussed football issues with him. It was necessary to figure out who is who. He gave many correct leads.

- For example?

Why reveal all the secrets?

- At one time, your company held a presentation in Makhachkala. Have you encountered any whims?

I wasn't on that trip. But I know that he, like any Western star, prepares meticulously for such events. Everything, everything, everything must be agreed upon in advance. These are ours, and I’m not just talking about athletes, usually everything is done in last minute. We rushed over, quickly changed clothes, and drove off. And Samuel, three days before the presentation, asked in detail about what the program would be and what needed to be said. Then I came specifically to try on a suit and took the text...

- Professional.

I didn't expect anything else. After in the "Details" program we Natasha Bilan"survived" Daniel Craig, nothing surprises me anymore. Back then, only the lights in the studio were set for four hours!

- Why?

He has a very tight contract. The actor playing James Bond must be visualized from certain angles. That is, you cannot see Craig as the producers of films about a superspy do not want to show him.

- At what point did you lose interest in football?

When I talked with Suleiman Abusaidovich, I felt that he treated him obsessively - like all projects in his life. But he couldn’t devote himself entirely to football, because he didn’t intend to leave the business. This is probably why, over time, Anji faded into the background. It's a pity. Kerimov in the RFPL was great. And it clearly revived the Russian championship.

- A person from the world of sports whom you are not familiar with, but will definitely meet?

Surely, ! This meeting is inevitable, I'm sure!

Suleiman KERIMOV. Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"


- Once we talked with Vakhtang Kikabidze. He dropped: “A real Georgian is reckless, decent and kind...”

Uncle Vakhtang described the image absolutely accurately!

- Do you know each other?

My dad was just reckless, decent and kind. He talked with Kikabidze.

- What is she like - a real Georgian?

A Georgian wife is education. Follow my husband through thick and thin. In Georgia, women's fidelity is considered significant. If you remember, after the death of Griboyedov Nina Chavchavadze never got married. There were many contenders for her hand and heart, but she was left alone. IN Soviet times everyone was told about this story Georgian girls: real woman loves once. It was Nina who wrote the words: “Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory, but why did my love survive you?”

- She was buried next to Griboyedov in Tbilisi.

Yes, in the pantheon on the slope of Mount Mtatsminda. This is the first quality. Second... What kind of Georgian wife is she... She must cook delicious food! Necessarily! And Georgian women, to be honest, love to have fun. A Georgian wife is a cheerful wife. Not boring, that's for sure.

- Are you like that?

There are many holidays in our family! We recently organized a party - we called it “dolma party”. I prepared dolma for friends myself.

- How many people were crammed into the apartment?

We live outside the city. There were about fifteen people.

- Is there at least one person in Moscow who can call you Tika?

Even my mother doesn’t call her Tika anymore. For “Tika” to sound, you need to speak Georgian. That's why I became Tina. Although some names stick - Maka, for example. This is Maria. Or Eka - Ekaterina. And Tika - not especially. Only Tbilisi friends call me that when they call or come.

- Is your restaurant “Tinatin” alive?

Alive and well. I was there the other day. And yesterday my girls, friends, stopped by. I ask: “How was khinkali?” - “Nothing, delicious...”

- As before, is everything prepared according to your mother’s recipes?

She once gave a whole list of recipes. There has been no update recently. Just this evening I will be meeting on the topic of expanding the menu.

- What is the first thing you should try in your restaurant?

This is a very serious conversation!

- We are ready for this.

Let's take it in order - what do you prefer? Meat or fish?

- Fish.

Probably, like many men, you don’t really like pkhali? Grass... It seems to me that this is not a man's dish! Well, the guy came and ordered some food? It's strange! But if you love it, please. Cheeses. Right?

- Of course.

I recommend smoked cheese. If you eat, as in Moscow, with three servings, then we’ll start with salad. Our classic - cucumbers, tomatoes. With tarragon. I don't suggest soup. In a Georgian restaurant you have to take satsivi and khachapuri. If you took it, you can consider it to be lunch... Ahh, try the fish in dough! Very tasty. Kalmahi with pomegranate sauce!

- Impressive.

I’m not talking about quail yet. I wonder what “quail” means in Georgian? Let's check now (pulls out phone). It translates into Ukrainian - “re-sawing”... Oh, wow - “amtskheli”! Funny!

- Don’t you remember everything in Georgian?

I remember how it will be called “drozd” - “shashvi”. There is a monstrous tongue twister, they put the letter “sh” through it for me: “Shavma shashvma shav shashvs...” - and so on. Translated: "The blackbird built a black nest for the blackbird."

- Catering business- a troublesome thing.

No hassle at all - it works there good team. Today the main problem in Moscow restaurants - menu correction. Correspondence between the quality of food and the cost. This is a city of expensive restaurants. Until recently, it was necessary to manage to find a place in Europe where you can dine as expensively as in Moscow. But everything is changing.

- Are restaurants getting cheaper?

Everyone knows that among the restaurants of the first league there is nothing more expensive than La Mare. But now they started going to Erwin. It's the same thing, but three times cheaper. We have passed the era of primary capitalism. It was then that your presence in the most expensive restaurant in Moscow indicated that you were successful in life. Nowadays, even those who can dine at the most expensive ones are looking for an establishment with reasonable prices.

- You too?

I've always done this! I have no habit of wasting money. Since I was 16, I have been earning money myself and supporting my family.

- $3,770 is probably the most memorable money in your life. Your parents sold their apartment to pay for your studies in Moscow.

This is true.

- Money number two for you?

Those that she earned in Moscow - and paid the first payment for the apartment. For parents. She was so tiny that she couldn’t imagine how mom and dad would live there. Then in the same area I bought them another, larger apartment.

- You once told me that my mother in Tbilisi had to sell things in order to protect her father from big trouble. What stuck in your memory - the chest of drawers leaving the apartment?

Mom sold everything that was in the house! In Soviet times, dad dissented too actively - the flow of things being sold in our family did not stop. Mom comes from a very wealthy family, she had a lot of things. Art objects, paintings, vases...

- Would you like to return something?

I never thought about this! I grew up wealthy, we always had everything. When you have such an environment around you since childhood, you take luxury very calmly. Years later, the pictures before your eyes change, but you already understand that people don’t take anything with them. I've been through a lot. I know what it’s like to move from an expensive apartment to a cheap one. What is dividing property? Yes, everyone has gone through this...


- You came to Moscow in 1995. We made a lot of programs. Which three would you watch with particular pleasure?

I led a lot of things, but “The Smartest” and “Details” are beyond competition. These are the main ones in my life. The "Details" program made me a presenter. Without her, no Tina Kandelaki would exist. The moment of the steepest professional growth. The interview genre, I don’t have to tell you, endlessly develops a person...

- This is true.

Gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with a huge number of most interesting people. I talked to Andron Konchalovsky, Daniel Craig, Bruce Willis, Timur Bekmambetov, Konstantin Khabensky, Zemfira... Yes, these people even now, 10-15 years later, remain the intellectual and creative elite of the world! I interviewed them back then! Today people often ask me: “Why did you move away from this?”

- By the way, why?

Because I talked to everyone. Thank God I stopped in time. I really regret the closure of the “The Smartest” project on the STS TV channel. There was and is nothing comparable on domestic television. This is not just an entertaining intellectual show that tests children's knowledge. A program that showed children: being educated is fashionable!

- We remember the incident - Urmas Ott came to great artist Evstigneev. All questions were answered “yes” and “no”. At the end he stood up and said the longest phrase: “I really liked it.” Did you have any heavy heroes?

A lot of! The program with Mikhail Weller, for example, did not even get on the air. The man was in an excited state. He is on one wavelength, I am on another. Creative people come in different states. Although this is strange - if you sat opposite me, came to my program, it means you are in the mood to talk.

- Not always, Tina.

Then the question for them is: why give an interview on the verge of a nervous breakdown? You can also go to work sick. Possibly with a fracture. In a cast or earplugs. The question is - why? An interview is a job for both parties. Through the eyes of a correspondent we will see this man. He behaves inappropriately - well, they will show him like that! I always understood that I am a service. My task is to please the audience and the guest of the program. I can turn around like this. I can do that.

- How do you assess the situation with Weller now? Was there a move to bring the person to his senses?

No. Sometimes it doesn’t work out! I have never put my interlocutor into strict boundaries, I don’t like it. Nice interview- if you sat down to talk with one opinion about you, and in the process it changed. This is cool! I learn something new about you, the viewer learns. There is no need to mold an image from the clichés of a great mind. Most often, the image created from publications corresponds to reality by forty-five percent. My task was to get the rest.

- There was a crazy story about how the producer of the Tatu group, Ivan Shapovalov, came to you. In a slightly different state - comparing with Weller.

Vanya is such a... How can I tell you... He was far ahead of his time. There were no hashtags yet, but Vanya was already thinking in trends and memes. This is just an American script about a man who achieved overnight success! Morally, if God gave talent, then he can take it away. Because in the future Shapovalov had nothing. The breakthrough with Tatu was, yes, phenomenal. Never before has Russian pop music interested anyone in the West. Afterwards too.

- At what second did you realize that something was wrong and it was better to stop talking?

It was clear from the very beginning!

- So obvious?

Unlike my mother, I am not a drug addict. But it would be clear to anyone there. When talking to a person, you will immediately feel whether he drank a glass or five? At the same time, Ivan had a perfectly thought out image - such enfant terrible from the East. A hefty layer of Russian pop culture did not have the slightest chance of export. Suddenly, absolutely world-class content appears! In demand on any American show! I remember a funny fragment - girls driving in a car. It seems Van Damme wants to meet them. Yulia Volkova says: “Van Damme... What about Van Damme? What should we do with him?” - "What, what... Meet me!" They themselves did not expect this phenomenal fame.

- You didn’t drag out an interview with Shapovalov. Is this a defeat?

Come on, what are you talking about, what nonsense. I'm too adult woman to divide the world into black and white. To “love or hate”, “now or never”... I didn’t go to battle then - “either I’m you, or you’re me!” If you go to a meeting with such a thought, the conversation will not turn out to be interesting. You can use six techniques during an interview to make a person look extremely unpleasant - and let everyone see! But it's not mine. Not because I’m afraid, I’ll troll anyone myself...

- Is it that easy?

But why? Collect biographical facts, cross them, ride like a roller and then broadcast a discouraged person? “Pull out” that story, try to bring Ivan to his senses... Yes, watching his agony on the air is much more interesting! You look and understand that this condition kills. To hear the voice of God, the channel must work. If the pipe is not cleaned, in the smoke and dust, the voice becomes muffled... I often see the most talented people- until the age of thirty they do something bright, and that’s where it all ends. Is it difficult for them to continue living? I don't know! At thirty, your name was written in the New York Times, but today your post on Instagram won’t even get a thousand likes. How to accept this?

Alexander KRUZHKOV, Tina KANDELAKI and Yuri GOLYSHAK. Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"


- You once said: “My main trait is curiosity. It both helps and hinders.” When did it help you the most?

It helps you not even look young, but feel young. I'm interested in living, interested in learning! For example, I have a wonderful English teacher. I know the language well, but I don’t travel much, which means I need to constantly maintain my skill. Yesterday I told him: “Today is a day off, and you and I are sitting and studying for two hours!” Isn't it strange?

- What's strange about that?

My career has developed - there are not many stars in our country. I haven’t worked as a celebrity for a long time, but I’m still part of this landscape. I can work less and earn more. You understand perfectly well that you could host any program and be the highest paid presenter in the country!

- Is it easier than producing?

Much! I could host corporate events. These are amazing fees. With zero effort.

- Seriously?

Believe me, I don’t even need to prepare. I went out and talked. I have an excellent memory, I remember names and surnames easily. But I haven’t hosted corporate events for a long time.

- We heard right? This is a goldmine.

I can repeat - I refused altogether. Often in my life I realized that I was doing something automatically, and immediately switched to something else. For example, I remember teletext instantly. Prepare for any program - two hours deep dive. But is this interesting? You can’t do anything automatically on Match TV. Unreal!

- The last corporate event you worked on?

Just three days ago I said to Vanya Urgant: “Do you remember when we hosted a corporate party together? It was my last!” Seven years have passed.

- Haven’t you stopped offering?

They offer... I smile and answer: “I’m not driving!” There are persistent people who have to repeat themselves several times. It happens, and it's not enough. They say again: “We have a holiday...” Okay, I answer. I name the amount for which they can bring a Hollywood star. The conversation ends. I always win these disputes.

- And when a very good person calls?

If only you knew how many home events I have for friends and family! That’s where I’m the toastmaster, no need to ask. I can throw a themed party. Whatever you want! I love these family feasts! But I don't like quick money. Snatched it - and then what? You need to be able to refuse something. Want an example?

- Very.

- Konstantin Ernst. Neither before nor after has anyone led Matador like this. You will review old issues, make sure. There are simply no such presenters, he is luxurious! Russian language, intonation... Fifteen years have passed, and he is number one in the “storyteller” genre. Ernst at some point said “no” - and that’s it, we were left with only Leonid Parfenov. Which is also great, but in a different way. I am constantly asked the question: “Why don’t you take interviews?” Because that doesn't happen! Either I produce the channel, or I produce myself.

- So, this is the last person you interviewed?

I wouldn't call it an "interview". In the spring of 2014, Carlsen was invited to Moscow to meet with physics and technology students. The organizer was a good friend of mine, the founder of an international venture fund. I asked him to act as a moderator. I do such things with pleasure, it’s interesting to me. We spoke with Magnus in English and asked questions on various topics.

- What did you understand about him after this conversation?

Grandmasters are not such “nerds” as many people think. Yes, normal guys! They also love beautiful girls, clubs, parties, football. Of course, chess occupies a huge place in Carlsen’s life; he is an introvert, a pragmatist, and knows how to maintain maximum concentration at the board. But nothing human is alien to him.

- Don’t you think he’s a fanatical autist?

In no case. Magnus is a talker. In a good sense of the word. Who would have thought that two and a half years later, in the final match of the world championship, he would meet Sergei Karjakin and there would be a surge of interest in chess in Russia again? Including thanks to Match TV.

- While working at Vremechka, you played another presenter on air - Igor Vasilkov. Have you lost your desire for practical jokes over time?

It happened with Vasilkov... Now I hear about pranksters - I immediately remember what we did on the radio and in the “Vremechko” program. We had a lot of fun. But now I don’t practice this.

- In vain.

Everything has its age. Why did I always change genres within the same profession? It's funny when you're 25 and doing stuff like this. If you haven’t finished at 35, this raises questions. After forty, I feel sorry for you... Although all actions after 38 years, committed on emotions, can be considered mischievous.

-Are you being played?


- Case?

When Match TV was just created, the so-called “Vitaly Leontyevich Mutko” called me. He's a pranker. Many people know that I don’t pick up calls from unknown numbers, I communicate via text messages. But here I took it.

- Did you figure it out?

At first I fell for it. People who play pranks usually catch their heroes running, in a hurry. I sat there and calmly answered. Halfway through the conversation I realized who this “Vitaly Leontievich” was. But it was too late.

Tina Kandelaki. Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"


- Did you have a wedding with Vasily Brovko?

No. What for?

- Is it bad to organize a holiday for yourself and your friends?

Do you think it's necessary?

- It depends on you.

Let's think... There was no time then.

- There are times when you feel that twelve years difference with your husband is too much?

Firstly, eleven (Vasily was born on February 6, 1987, Tina on November 10, 1975. - Note "SE"). And secondly... What is youth? Speed! With age, it slows down - a natural biological process. My speed is still high. This is where my husband and I agree. No one knows whether this will last a lifetime. Yes, and it’s stupid to make plans for something modern world, when Bill Gates seriously declares the need to tax robots. They are rapidly pushing people out of their professions. It will soon reach the point where it will become unprofitable for many companies to pay a person a nominal thousand dollars. It’s better to let him receive five hundred as benefits and sit at home, and instead of him the machine works. So in ten years the world could change a lot. And against this background, my age difference with my husband will seem like the most insignificant problem.

- talked about his bad habits - swears, is unpunctual, eats at night, plays PlayStation...What are yours?

Hm. On PlayStation I do not play. Punctual. Mat? There is sin. Oh, guys, the Georgian mat is so beautiful! What else? I love sweets. Bad habits and vices are normal. Life is no fun without them. The meaning of life is to work on your shortcomings. At one time, an experiment was conducted in America. They created a paradise for mice and fed them for slaughter. The males overfed themselves, stopped doing anything at all, and the birth rate fell. Aggression awoke in the females. At first they attacked each other, then they began to devour the lazy males.

- A wonderful ending.

This is close to the utopias described by science fiction writers. Attempts to come up with an emasculated society, where people are ideal, in white suits with a metallic sheen, always end badly. Vices are better than uncontrolled human aggression.

- Is there a rule that you never break?

I try to follow the regime. For me, it is the key to good psychological and physical condition.

- You said in an interview that you sleep for four hours. What mode is this?!

So what. I get up every morning at 6.30. What is the problem with age? As a child, my mother limits me. Keeps you on steam cutlets, does not allow you to drink, smoke, or stuff your mouth with all sorts of nasty things. Therefore, we have a healthy appearance, we look better, our skin is fresher. When we grow up, the steamed cutlets run out. But this morning on the way to work I caught myself thinking: “But almost nothing has changed for me since school!” I still get up early, eat right, and don’t care about alcohol. On the one hand, it’s a bit boring...

- And on the other?

I'm a workaholic. I have always worked equally with men. If you want to compete with them on equal terms and win, you need to be in shape and take care of yourself. This is the mode.

- You have a tattoo on your left hand. Was the drawing suggested by a loved one?

There are very good master. He is a unique person, lives in Tibet, money does not matter to him. He makes tattoos according to his mood. We were sitting and talking...

- Where? In Tibet?

No, in St. Petersburg. It is his hometown, comes from time to time. It was he who suggested this option. I was surprised: “Why exactly the sign of a warrior? Why scare people?” In response I heard: “So you are a warrior. Let everyone know...”

- Besides the accident in Nice, was there at least one episode about which you can say: “God saved me”?

Haven't you?

- Were. But only our relatives are interested in our stories. And even then not everyone.

All stories were given for edification. Each incident helped me move to the next level. I realized: you don’t need to set a “ceiling” for yourself, being just a presenter is so boring... You can reach a completely different level! Who would have believed then that I would general producer a TV channel that will be created from scratch?

- Few.

See how it turned out. Life, it turns out, is more interesting. I really appreciate what I have today. Relatives are alive and well. We can change everything else! And produce!

- Four years ago, Vladimir Pozner asked you in his program: “When you find yourself before God, what will you tell him?” You answered in Georgian. There was no translation. So?

I do not remember.

- And we have it written down. Georgian friends translated.

How interesting. And what?

- “Thank you, Lord, for what you did for me. I hope that after I’m gone, you will help my children and family...” What answer would you give today?

The same. God has really done so much for me that I no longer ask for anything except happiness and health for my loved ones. And by the way, I met with Pozner before the start of the Match TV channel and persuaded him to do a project.

- We must think that it was unsuccessful?

For now, yes. But I'm sure everything will work out. And we will definitely be lucky.

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