Interview with Batrutdinov. Timur Batrutdinov: “It’s better to be small, but your own

Timur was a little late for the interview, but showed up at the office Comedy Club, where the meeting was scheduled, with a large Tula gingerbread in his hands. “I brought it from a recent tour in Tula,” he explained. The conversation over tea and gingerbread turned out to be warm and a little nostalgic. Timur talked about how his life is shaping up after the “Bachelor” project, how the Comedy residents have changed over 10 years, and about the fear of becoming unfunny.

Now Timur, together with other residents, is completely immersed in preparations for the upcoming “Week of High Humor” in Sochi. “Every time our goal is to surprise the viewer. This applies not only to outdoor projects such as this festival. Each program is a certain test for us; on stage we need to show something for which we will not be ashamed. Many topics have already been discussed and we do not want to repeat ourselves. Our main goal is to do better. A lot of people will come to concerts in Sochi and this is a big responsibility. I won’t throw out spoilers and say what exactly we have prepared, but I hope that once again we will be able to show something new.”

- Timur, for sure, in order to surprise, you need to get out of your comfort zone yourself, from time to time give yourself a shake-up. Where do you look for inspiration?

Lately I've been involved in projects that are far from my comfort zone. (Smiles.) Behind Last year I realized that in order to enjoy work, everything free time needs to be dedicated to rebooting. What recharges me best is spending time with my nieces. With children you understand that many of your problems are far-fetched. For example, I see my niece having trouble drawing a circle and crying because of it. Most adult problems are the same, only more adult, circle. Communication with children helps to have a philosophical attitude towards everything and shed the excess. And, of course, nothing reboots like travel! It is advisable to have the ocean and surf nearby...

- You were recently in Sri Lanka...

Yes, and she made a strong impression on me! I am often in a state of stress, and I managed to relieve it there. I think I’ll go somewhere else just between Sochi and the next festival, which will be held in Kazan.

Photo: courtesy of TNT channel

- Each Comedy Club festival “Week of High Humor” is a holiday that is awaited! What are you waiting for? Will you have any new duets or unusual numbers?

- We set ourselves a task - do good large-scale show. And everything at the festival will be very enchanting. We prepare very carefully for each act, we carry it through and literally bring it into the world, like a child. Therefore, the entire festival program will be exclusive. As for unusual performances with my participation, any of my appearances on stage with Garik Kharlamov This is an unusual number and a new duet. Because we are always different. I can say for sure that the audience will see and hear Eduard Surovoy with his new album. I've already listened to it and it's very funny. So Eduard’s fans can safely buy tickets and go to the “Week of High Humor” with the Comedy Club in Sochi.

“I’m still the same boy at heart”

Photo: Maxim Aryukov

Garik Martirosyan once said: “We conducted a survey, and it turned out that the female part of the audience considers TIMUR BATRUTDINOV the most beautiful resident of the Comedy Club!” Beauty is a subjective concept, but what cannot be taken away from Timur is his talent and charisma.

Ten years ago, Timur Batrutdinov didn’t even think that he “would be shown on TV.” He was preparing to become a human resources manager and was going to save money for an apartment. However, natural wit, hard work and, of course, luck did their job: today we know him as one of the funniest residents of the Comedy Club. The sudden fame that fell on him did not at all spoil Timur’s relationships with those around him: he is still open and friendly. He is also full of energy and interesting ideas. Starting in September, on Fridays, the TNT channel will show new episodes of the sketch comedy “KhB”, which Timur makes together with Garik Kharlamov and several other associates.

Timur, tell us how you and Garik came up with the idea to create your own project?
We started preparing for “HB” a long time ago. We can say that this idea arose when Garik and I just started performing in a duet. We thought about the name for a very long time, and in the end we took the first letters of our surnames. I once approached producer Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov and said that it was time to do something: there is me, there is Garik, we already want to go beyond the usual boundaries, we are getting old! He said: yes, let's do it. And so, together with producers Slava Dusmukhametov, Semyon Slepakov, Javid Kurbanov and a group of authors, we made the “HB” project.

And when you went to the producer, did you already know what you would propose, or was there some kind of abstract idea?
When we perform on the stage of the Comedy Club, we mean something: for example, I am a woman, and Kharlamov is a dwarf, here it happens on a flying ship, and now on a submarine... Garik and I wanted to shoot our own miniatures with visual design and make an unusual sketch. One of the first we had was a miniature about Mega Man and Doctor Fu. It seemed like a stupid idea because on paper it looks pretty crazy, but that's what we liked the most. In general, I always want to do something new and unusual.

During the photo shoot, I said that you were too serious in the frame, to which you replied: “Well, of course, I’m thirty-five, how long can you fool around?” How does feeling mature relate to what you do?
Many times I deliberately took pictures with my phone to look at myself from the outside. I absolutely cannot put on a serious face! So my words were most likely connected with the fact that I was late for the rehearsal. ( Laughs.) I don’t think that 35 years is a threshold, after crossing which one must become a boring guy. Of course, with age comes more responsibility, but at heart I’m still the same boy. By the way, this helps me in communicating with children. When I get into their company, they immediately surround me, they are interested in playing with me.

Are you thinking about starring in some non-humorous project?
TO Russian cinema I'm a little skeptical. It's better to come up with your own movie. But these are separate costs - both mental and physical. Why am I happy with “HB”? Because this is exactly the brainchild of Garik and me. Viewers may react to it differently, but we did what we intended. In the future I would like to film some A film for children. Now this direction is very lame in our country, “Jumble” is only left and Walt Disney...

Are you already moving in this direction? Or is it the same as with a book that you often talk about in interviews: it seems to be written, but it doesn’t seem to be...
I “cook” the thought of cinema within myself. I want to film it, but in the end I constantly run into some pitfalls or put it on the back burner. And I wrote a book. It's called "The Year in Boots". But I'm not sure that she should be the first, so let her lie there for a while. I started writing it while still in the army, not suspecting that my life would turn out this way and that I would be shown on TV. ( Smiles.) I thought that I would serve in the army, go to work as an economist, earn money, and become a serious guy. And I would realize my creative libido through books. I even came up with a pseudonym for myself. If I started writing science fiction, I would become Tim Butler. If prose - then Timofey Batrukho. ( Smiles.)

Interesting options. Why “The Year in Boots”? It seems that back then you served in the army for two years.
After university, I had a choice: serve for two years as an officer or just a year as a soldier. I chose the second one. As an officer, I would not have experienced real service - barracks, parade ground, trenches... I remember that time with pleasure. I even played in KVN there. There was some kind of championship of the Moscow Military District, and a team was delegated from our unit, and I became its captain. When I compiled the program for the performance, I partially took jokes invented by the FINEK team ( St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. - Approx. OK!), which I played when I was a student. There were intellectual jokes, while other parts featured humor revolving around foot wraps, boot shining and lack of female attention. We won, and we were sent to Podolsk for a concert by the “Burnt by the Sun” team. Then for the first time in my life I saw Misha Galustyan and Sasha Revva. ( Smiling.)

Did your sense of humor help you build relationships with your co-workers or vice versa?
Contrary to the prevailing stereotype about military personnel, the people there were understanding. Although we somehow had to plant birch trees in December... We hammered the ground with crowbars and stuck trees. Unfortunately, I recently discovered that the unit in which I served was abandoned. Even the asphalt was stolen, and paintball competitions are being held in the ruins.

Yes, but I served not the unit, but the Motherland. Which is also falling apart... But this is no longer for OK!. (Smiles sadly.) My address is not a house or a street, my address is Soviet Union. I was born in the village of Voronovo, Podolsk district, Moscow region. We lived in Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region. I periodically traveled to visit my grandmothers - either in Voronovo or in Shchuchinsk, in Kazakhstan. I consider all these places to be my homeland.

Such a spread! Dad is probably a military man?
No, my dad was a shipbuilding engineer and worked at a ship repair plant. He studied in St. Petersburg, like his mother. They met there and fell in love. I have a special relationship with Peter, I lived there for about nine years.

What was your first job?
Electrician apprentice. I was fourteen years old, and my salary was, as I remember now, 28 rubles.

What did you spend it on?
On false vampire teeth, posters with Stallone and Schwarzenegger...

What about movie flowers for girls?
I wasn't particularly interested in it at the time. Then the first video stores appeared, and my interest was directed to cinema: action films, science fiction, horror films - all those genres that I did not even suspect existed. That's how I became a film buff.

As a student, you probably also had to work part-time.

I worked as a waiter, a loader, a bartender, a sales representative, a sales manager, a toastmaster... I still don’t put chewing gum in ashtrays in cafes, because I know how hard it is to tear it off - I remember my experience as a waiter. ( Smiles.)

How did you get to Moscow?
I went to work in my specialty - an economist. I surfed the Internet and sent out my resume. By the way, invitations are still coming. My main specialization was “human resources manager”. The position of a specialist in wages, I thought: well, it will be career, I’ll slowly start earning money for an apartment... The day before the interview, I received a call from Dmitry “Lyusek” Sorokin, with whom we worked as presenters at weddings in St. Petersburg. He was accepted into the KVN team “Ungolden Youth”, and he invited me to become an author, write jokes for this team.

Tell me, why did you decide to become an economist? I will never believe that this was your dream.
Yes, I dreamed of playing Major League KVN. ( Smiles.) I followed in the footsteps of my mother, who at one time also graduated from FINEK. In general, I wanted to leave my mark on history, but I didn’t know what. I was jealous of the guy who played Kolya Gerasimov in the film “Guest from the Future.” Oh, how I wish I could say his phrase: “Alice, they tortured me, but I didn’t tell them anything!” I also wanted to play a soldier wounded in the head. So that I would have a bloody bandage and pull my comrade out from under the bullets. In general, I wanted to accomplish some kind of feat. I still dream of saving a person. World. Russia. I was named after Timur, who had his own team. According to family legend, my parents couldn’t choose a name for me for a long time. I couldn't stop crying. And then one day my mother turned on the TV in the room and left me there, while she went into the kitchen. And suddenly there was silence... I stopped crying. Mom came in and saw that “Timur and his team” was on TV. Bingo!

In this case, this name must be consistent.
I had a team at school, we helped veterans - we brought them mail and all that. There were only girls on my team. (Smiles.) The boys didn't come to us. Most of them were hooligans, and I was not imprisoned for this. I am kind.

Timur, when did you discover your artistic inclinations?
My dad is a comedian, he constantly told jokes. I remember he called the barbershop a “hair salon”... I’ve loved puns ever since. I went to school at the age of six and automatically became an object of ridicule from my older classmates. And at some point I thought: why are they laughing at me? And he started laughing at himself. ( Smiles.) They realized that it was useless to egg me on and fell behind. And then I completely switched to them. Then everyone realized that it was better to be friends with me. In second grade, I played the role of Primer in a school play. There were many different roles: Period, Comma, Desk, Pencil Case, Eraser, Pencil... I got the main one. The plot was like this: throughout the performance, everyone was looking for the Primer with songs, jokes and dances. And at the end I come out from behind the scenes! It was then, when I stood in this “sandwich” suit and felt hot and cold, that I developed a dislike for waiting. I was generally a shy child, I was afraid to even ask the time on the street. And when I realized that I had to somehow fight this, I went to the lambada.

Here's to you! Why did you choose such an unusual activity?
A girl I liked went there.

Were you able to win her attention?
No, they paired me with another girl, and I could only look at the one I liked. But then I stopped being embarrassed to rhythmically twirl my butt when surrounded by other people. ( Laughs.)

In general, you often say that you are shy. Does this feature of yours interfere with your relationships with girls?
No. I have great respect for the girls I met, I remember that they were in my life, but I would like a teammate to appear who would cross out all my acquaintances and meetings. The question of when I will finally get married is at the top along with the question of why I am Timur “Kashtan” Batrutdinov. Both have already set their teeth on edge. They also ask what my girlfriend should be like.

Let me describe it myself. I collected your demands from your other interviews, and you can tell me whether this is true or not. Your bride must have creative potential, to be an excellent housewife, to please your relatives...
(Interrupts.) The main thing is for my mother and sister. ( Smiling.) Out of despair and hopelessness, I began to add everything that came to mind to my answers. This is just a flight of fancy. If I had a clear idea of ​​what my girlfriend should be like, I would have been married a long time ago. On the other hand, you won’t constantly check the list. ( Pretends to look at the list.) So... relatives: brought, introduced. Like? OK. There is a tick, let's move on... Some kind of spark should run through. After thirty, it seems to me that it is even more difficult to decide.

But you avoided the mistakes of youth and divorce.
(Smiles.) Yes, perhaps this is the main advantage that I am still not married.

On a warm summer morning, we arranged a shoot with Timur Batrutdinov for the website. The action took place at Red October and inevitably attracted the attention of everyone who was lucky enough to be there at the same time as us. Teenagers and adults, couples in love and “real boys” - no one could pass by the charismatic hero of the Comedy Club (TNT). And so Timur worked on two fronts, torn between our photographer’s camera and the smartphones of passing fans. But the distractions did not spoil the shooting: it took place in a light and positive atmosphere and ended right before the start of a severe downpour. Having managed to find shelter in time in a cozy and uncrowded restaurant overlooking the Cathedral of Christ the Savior,
Timur and I started our conversation, which was supposed to last 15 minutes, but ended up lasting an hour and a half...

“Tell me how tired you are of having a conversation, and we’ll end it right away,” I warn my interlocutor. He smiles embarrassedly and notes:
“I just often get tense during interviews, then I read what I said there and I’m horrified. I am sure that I will also supplement and rewrite this interview later. I take my interviews seriously." I cross my fingers under the table, wishing that this clampdown does not happen in our dialogue. And - it works!

Eleventy T-shirt, Tommy Hilfiger shirt and jeans, Strellson jacket, Barracuda sneakers

Let's first talk about our shooting. How was it? And how often do you take part in such photo shoots?

When the Comedy Club was just gaining its popularity, such filming took place very often. Because it was really interesting for us, we climbed everywhere, even where we weren’t invited. We wanted to be in the frame both here and there... Well, in general, such photo shoots are a great opportunity work with professional stylists, see what he chooses for you.

Yes, I noticed that today you wanted to keep some of the things that our stylist Alena picked out for you! How often does it happen that you pick up sets selected by a stylist?

Constantly. To be honest, I only dress up on set. But at the same time, I am by no means the most accommodating “dummy”. It also happens that I don’t like what stylists choose for me at all. For example, Comedy stylists constantly struggle with me: one thing won’t work, then another.

Doesn't fit in size or for other reasons?

Mainly for other reasons. For me, clothes are a kind of “skin”; I should feel organically in them. In these clothes you should greet your guests beautifully and roll around on the floor in miniature. But lately I’ve become simpler and still trust the professionalism of stylists without arguing.

Clothes and style are just one element of shooting. Another important component is posing. As a man, this is probably not too easy for you?

I try to turn off posing during filming. If earlier on the set you wanted to make faces and show the capabilities of your facial expressions, now everything is different. As I got older, I realized that all these antics and grimaces are just a cover, a mask. And a person is beautiful when he is natural. So I try to eradicate the craving for “posturing” in myself. But it’s not so simple: after all, the work leaves its mark, I’m a comedic person - not an actor, of course, but with a humorous bent. I grew up watching Jim Carrey, loving Jim, and our tandem with Garik Kharlamov was born. But work is work, and in life I am of the opinion that there is no need to impersonate anyone, you need to let go of all masks as much as possible. If you imagine that life is a photo shoot, and the people in it are fashion models who are simply offered “looks,” then all that is required of them is to remain themselves in any image.

This is very true. I would like to continue the topic of your work with Garik Kharlamov. You have been friends off stage for so many years. Is there a factor of fatigue from each other?

We overcame everything, went through different stages. One day Garik left Comedy for his project “Bulldog Show”, and I was left, so to speak, “alone”. But it was a very useful experience: I had a reason to open up as a solo artist. It was then that my character Yegor Batrudov appeared, who, however, existed on air only in Garik’s absence. But on the KhBDS (Kharlamov-Batrutdinov - Demis-Skorokhod) tour, Egor Batrudov goes with us and is a powerful interactive part of our concert program.
In general, Garik is more than a friend to me. He is like a brother to me who is not chosen. He just is. Like I said, we've been through a lot together and we accept each other for who we are. We don't try to change each other. Moreover, he and I are similar in many ways. At the same time, we are exactly as different. I think this is the secret of the HB duet. Now I Godfather his daughter, the wonderful girl Nastya, and we are already considered relatives. So, we won’t be able to get away from each other.

Eleventy T-shirt, Tommy Hilfiger shirt and jeans, Strellson jacket

You and Garik have been at Comedy for so many years that a logical question arises: haven’t you really lost the desire to create, to come up with new jokes?

No, absolutely not. There is no feeling of “exhaustion” of humor. There is always a reason for a joke. The main thing is not to lose touch with the constantly changing reality and do not forget to get out of your jeep and go down to the subway. On the plus side, you get an objective picture of reality.

Do you ever go to the subway yourself?

Certainly. But mostly this happens if I really don’t want to be late somewhere.

Did you run up the escalator in a tuxedo?

No ( Laughs). Casual style always helps me out.

Do other passengers recognize you?

In fact, all you have to do is put on a hood and bury your face in the “Do not lean” sign – and anonymity is guaranteed. In the subway, people look no further than their own nose. Perhaps things are different for my female colleagues, but I’m a man and it’s not very interesting to consider me.

Judging by the experience of our shooting, this is not entirely true. During today's photo shoot, you were the center of everyone's attention! Do you feel uncomfortable when everyone is looking at you, are you nervous?

No, I'm not nervous. I'm just terribly embarrassed. But everything depends, of course, on the situation. There are times when extra attention is not at the right time. For example, if they ask me to take a photo at the airport when I’m late for a flight. This is a paradox: I don’t like to wait, so I arrive right next to each other and in the end it turns out that they are already waiting for me. When you run to the end of boarding, lathered up, you definitely have no time for photos. When refusing, I always apologize and explain the reason for the refusal. In other cases, I take photographs if the person is sober and well-mannered. I will never forget with what internal squeal of happiness I walked away from Matt Damon, whom I accidentally met on the streets of London, with a joint photo on my iPhone. Since then, I have been trying not to deprive people of this small, but still joy. It’s not difficult for me, but it’s nice for the person.

And speaking of energy release, are there times when you feel drained after performing? When you come home and don’t want to see or talk to anyone at all?

It's not always the same. The ideal option is when during a performance you give your energy, the audience gives theirs, and you recharge. And it’s like a drug, this is what we work for, what we create. And if I had some kind of spare or parallel life, I would also choose work related to the stage. I would like to be a rock star... It’s amazing: you go out into a huge stadium, more than tens of thousands of people are looking at you, they all sing along with you, light lighters when you perform something lyrical... And slam into the crowd? This is incomparable with anything. I slammed at Comedy Club concerts, that was the case.

By the way, about music: what do you prefer to listen to? What is constantly playing in your headphones, in the car?

There is nothing that plays “all the time.” Everything is very random. Electronics, jazz, grunge, classical, speed power thrash metal, lounge, Tsoi. Lately I've been listening to rap a lot. There was a day when I only listened to Face in the car. I learned about him by watching his interview with Yuri Dud. I liked that he respected " Civil Defense", which I listened to as a child. He's not a stupid guy, in his work he's rap-punk, really! I met Eljay not so long ago, during my vacation in Phuket. It also shakes, the image is remembered. I'm friends with Kravets. We are generally working on joint creativity with him. Of course, Guf: he is real, his songs come from the soul. “Caspian Cargo” is a clear, harsh masculine lyric. It's a shame they broke up. In general, Russian rap began for me with “Casta” - hip-hop veterans I respect - I’m happy that I know them personally.

What do you think about Oksimiron?

As a battle MC, he is certainly talented. I enjoy watching battles with his participation. There are no questions here. And here it is solo work I'm not too impressed. He was putting together the Olimpiyskiy, but it seems to me that music like his won’t be able to rock a venue like the Olimpiyskiy.

By the way, I was at the Olimpiyskiy.

It was a very powerful concert in terms of energy and atmosphere! And it was surprising that the public could so unanimously support such an unconventional artist.

Wow. Well, then respect to him too. I'll have to listen again ( Laughs).

, Fratelli Rossetti sneakers

From foreign music What are you listening to?

Metallica, Chemical brothers, Justice, Air, Skrillex, Daft Punk, Two Feet, Ratatat and so on. I can list them for a long time - I am an absolute music lover. If we talk about rap again, then I, for example, like Kendrick Lamar.

Yes, he is very talented! Not long ago he received Pulitzer Prize for your album Damn, have you heard? The first rapper whose work was awarded such a high professional rating.

Did not know! Cool! He is a very complete artist. I saw one of his live performances - Kendrick does a great job. It’s a pity I can’t discuss this with my colleagues: they don’t really know what it is new school rap, and they ask: “What about the old school? Has it been demolished? ( Laughs)
I generally like the trend that new names are now being born on the Internet. Bypassing television and radio rotations. Feduk, for example. I met him at Kravets’, even before the explosion of the song “Rose Wine”. Together we dispersed them with Kravets joint track. By the way, it will soon be released on YouTube. It will also contain lines I came up with, don’t miss it. So, there sat this Fedor - a modest boy with in an unusual voice. And a couple of weeks later I watch YouTube - he is already a star and his name is Feduk. The Internet rules!
But when I was driving to the shoot, what was playing in my car at full volume was not rap at all, but “The King and the Clown,” the album “A Stone to the Head.” I know all the songs from it by heart, I drove and sang. I have loved this group since my student days. And now, when I listen, I remember the times when I was young and ambitious. Not as much as now, of course, but still ( Laughs). So music is also a kind of soundtrack to different periods life.

Then in student years, everything was just ahead of you. Now you have already achieved so much that perhaps sometimes thoughts arise: “what next?” Or is such reflection not typical for you?

It happens, it happens. That's where I'm at right now life stage. I still have everything ahead of me.

Have you had any ideas of giving up everything, changing your field of activity, or even leaving for a desert island?

No, this was not the case, because I chose the field in which I work myself. Unless there is a desire to change the form of self-expression. For example, our joint humorous show “KhB” with Garik Kharlamov is just such a new form of self-expression for us. The continuation of the show, “HB2,” will be released soon. I recommend watching it - thanks to our brilliant producer Semyon Slepakov, the result is very sharp and bold humor. By the way, Semyon is the most ironic and self-ironic person I know.
Now Garik and I are taking our first steps on the Internet: there is so much freedom there that it makes our heads spin. The level of boldness on the network is reminiscent of the degree of boldness on television when we launched Comedy. We recently uploaded the pilot episode of our “Awesome How” on YouTube. It turned out good for a start. Plus, this year Comedy and I will go on a tour of Russia, with plans for more than 10 cities. And in September we will organize a festival in Armenia. So let's relax in the summer and continue bombing!

In general, is it difficult to create and joke nowadays?

Yes, it’s not easy given the global political situation. There is a lot of negativity that is impossible to joke about. But there are still themes and angles for humor.

Iceberg sweatshirt and jeans, Aeronautica militare bomber jacket

Speaking of the times when Comedy began. You haven’t changed much in appearance since then - you look great, as if you haven’t changed at all! How do you keep fit?

I have a certain discipline in nutrition, but with sports it’s more difficult. There is a fitness club where they have been waiting for me for a very long time. They don’t even want to take money from me for a subscription, they just say: “Come! We are everything for you top level Let's do it!" But I’m still putting off the moment, even though I even have a fully assembled sports bag that’s been in the car for two months now. This happens, firstly, because I don’t have much time, and secondly, because I have a certain form of social phobia.

Come on! Do you also have social phobia?

Well, imagine: let’s say you’re quietly doing a abdominal exercise, not touching anyone, your eyes are on your forehead from tension. And then someone comes up to you, “You’re a joker, listen to jokes.” I have nothing against jokes, but it is very difficult to laugh and do abs at the same time. I prefer to be one on one with sports. To avoid such awkward moments, I thought about training at home. I have already found an ellipse and a sports wall for my apartment.

And today, during the shooting, you showed real class on a skateboard!

It's true. When summer comes, boarding becomes my favorite pastime. Last summer when we were with Le Havre ( Gabriel Gordeev, CEO TNT4 - approx. website), when with Gudok his comrades ( Alexander Gudkov - actor, participant Comedy show Woman - approx. website) met and rode boards together in Gorky Park. Gudkov, however, periodically flew out of our company, and in the literal sense: he always found some curbs or bushes and injured himself in every possible way. But overall, riding with such a group is, of course, a lot of fun. In general, I love playing sports in the fresh air, I adore surfing, I have been doing it since the time when Pasha Volya was not married ( resident Comedy Club Pavel Volya got married in 2012 - approx. website). We started learning to surf together, it was in Bali during our big travel party. In the near future I plan to go for a ride to Sri Lanka again.

Iceberg sweatshirt and jeans, Aeronautica militare bomber jacket

With the vigor of the body everything is clear, but what about the vigor of the spirit?

I have come to the conclusion that depression is extremely destructive. There is only one life and there is no point in wasting it on sadness and melancholy. I pull myself out of creeping depression with optimism. There is no point in feeling sorry for yourself, there is no point in summing up any life results ahead of time. The world is full happy people with more serious problems than yours. For example, after filming “The Bachelor,” so much negativity fell upon me... Especially due to the fact that in the end I never got married. And I, to be honest, had no intention of marrying the project. After the project - maybe. In general, I did not rule out this possibility: in life there is always a place for the “what if?” factor. I thought: if I refuse to participate, I will never know what this show can give me. And so I imagined: if something suddenly works out, I will tell my children and grandchildren how I met my wife in front of the whole country: “I kissed first one aunt, then another...” (Laughs). By the way, the producers of the show tried to persuade me to kiss in front of the cameras for a very long time. I was terribly embarrassed. But it was useful: I was able to get rid of some of my clamps and now, if necessary, I can do it again. I had an amazing experience on The Bachelor. At least because there were a lot of extreme moments while dating girls, and I couldn’t show even a hint of cowardice in front of the camera, and I had to agree to everything. So I jumped off a cliff, decided to jump with a parachute... Sometimes it’s useful to pull yourself out of your comfort zone. You immediately grow as a person.

Since we touched on the topic of romance, how are things going with you now? personal life?

I'm a happy bachelor. This is the period I’m going through, and I’m living it comfortably. In life it’s like: it’s good where you are not. A bachelor wants family happiness, a married man longingly remembers the bright times when he was a bachelor. I realized this and decided that I would just enjoy the way I live now. Mine will not leave me.

Fans are wondering: how can this be? A charismatic, wonderful, free man with an excellent sense of humor - and alone.

Well, first of all, I’m almost never alone. And secondly, imagine, I’ll get married - and I’ll be so beautiful and wonderful and belong to only one. What about the other girls? Not fair ( Laughs)!

But you don’t have to advertise it! Marry secretly and keep yours family life in secret. Some of your colleagues do this.

You know, I really have such thoughts. So if I do get married, it’s not a fact that I will talk about it. In general, I think that everything has its time. And I’m sure that the appearance of my wife and mother of my children in my life – let’s call her that – will be very organic. This will happen when I can raise my children to be truly mature individuals. Give them everything to grow up worthy people, carrying the flag of love and justice, knowing what family values ​​are.

Well, don’t lie - you could definitely do it now.

I agree, I have already matured. All we have to do is meet. In addition, due to the fact that I was late in getting married, I do not rule out that my wife will be 15 years younger than me.

Is this age difference important to you?

No, it’s not important. I’m telling you, I don’t rule it out. Maybe younger, maybe older. All ages are submissive to love. You love a person, not his age.

It's right. By the way, about future wife: Where do you think there is a chance of meeting her? When you are an ordinary person, you can calmly meet a girl in a restaurant, for example. When you are a public figure, you can no longer do this.

Yes, in matters of personal life, publicity is more likely to hinder than help. You can’t even go on a date in peace - someone will take it off and post it. That’s why I avoid romances with media girls: I don’t like the fuss about my personal life. My publicity is enough. But I can meet a girl under different circumstances. For example, at a traffic light in a traffic jam.
And another time I communicated with girls through a well-known Internet application. It was interesting, however, I was constantly bombarded with questions like: “Is this really you? Why are you sitting here? You can go out into the street, and any girl will be ready to become yours! Why do you need online dating? But these are mere stereotypes and misconceptions.

Ice Play sweater, Iceberg pants, Strellson sweatshirt and bomber jacket, Ray Ban glasses

Let's talk about travel. This winter you were in Phuket, did you like it?

Yes very! This was my first trip to Thailand. I planned to visit several islands, but plans changed and I got stuck in Phuket. What I don’t regret is that Phuket was enough for my first trip. Now my goal is to someday return to Thailand and fly to Phi Phi, Phangan, Samui.
I also like to fly somewhere for concerts and festivals. I was at Sensation White and Black in Amsterdam - awesome! I went to Milan for a U2 concert. It would be interesting to fly to Nevada for the Burning Man festival. I heard there are some benefits for those who arrive at the festival by parachute! A great excuse to skydive from an airplane.
I would also like to visit somewhere in New Zealand... It's crazy there beautiful nature. After watching the film " Incredible life Walter Mitty" also made me want to visit Iceland, because this film was filmed there. So far, of all the places I’ve been, Hawaii has sunk into my soul the most: I’ve visited almost all the islands there. Imagine, on one island there can be several completely different beaches: somewhere the sand is green, somewhere red, somewhere black... An amazing place, I really want to go back there.
Late last year I saw Niagara Falls for the first time. I experienced indescribable feelings, I didn’t want to leave there! The scale is amazing. I was in Seattle, on a bench opposite the house where Kurt Cobain “flew to heaven”... It doesn’t sound very positive, but this is a cult place of pilgrimage for fans of Kurt’s work, of which I am one.

Are there places you would like to visit?

I really want to go to Easter Island! Bury yourself shoulder-deep next to the idols and try to feel what they feel, standing on this earth for an eternity. I am interested in mysterious, sacred places. I dream of flying to Peru, looking at the pyramids of the Indians and cave drawings Nazca Plateau, find yourself in Japan during the cherry blossom season. We inhabit amazing planet, and the more places you see with your own eyes, the more you realize the uniqueness of our life.

Memoriess New Life: Do you think shows like “The Bachelor” are necessary? Or now everyone wants to marry Buzov too. So there won’t be any interesting bachelors left in our country, maybe it will even be sad without them.

Timur Batrutdinov: I think that such shows are definitely needed. The viewer is always interested in simulating a situation that could happen to him, and using the example of other people to observe the consequences of alleged mistakes. Bachelor is a very common status. In the meantime, I’m a bachelor, rest assured that interesting bachelors are not over yet.

Memoriess New Life: What is your opinion about the reality show “Married to Buzova”? Do you think Olya will be able to meet her soulmate on this project?

Timur Batrutdinov: This is the same “Bachelor”, only with Olga. Honestly, I only watched the first two episodes of my season of The Bachelor. Firstly, I knew all the spoilers, and secondly, it was very strange to watch my real self in artificially created conditions. Many events and activities were not broadcast due to timing. For example, my and one of the participants’ parachute jump from a cliff was cool then and it’s a pity that it didn’t go in. I decided not to get upset and not watch. It’s the same with Olga’s project. I've only seen announcements on Instagram and I roughly understand what the show is about. I can say that Olga and I have another one common topic for discussion. I worry about her and wish to treat even negative experiences as useful learning material on the path to real happiness. It’s not a fact that Olya will find her happiness on this project. Her heart is still broken from her previous relationship and it will be difficult for her to trust anyone and enter this river again. I know from myself that I am still not in this river.

Memoriess New Life: You have been working on the Comedy Club stage for so many years. What is the secret of your success in this project? What must be done to ensure that the viewer always responds to humor in order to be a sought-after artist?

Timur Batrutdinov: Comedy made me the same way I made him. Before that, there were various attempts to break through, but the Comedy Club turned my life around. By the way, I want to say that Comedy appeared in my life after a long black streak, when I had already begun to give up my attempts to get on TV. Conclusion! Never give up, and yours will never leave you! The humor of today's Comedy is very different from the Comedy of the first issues. We try to constantly keep our finger on the humorous pulse of society in order to fall into the rhythm of its roaring laughter. And our humor is different. In Comedy on TNT - canonical, which we have been growing for 15 years, in HB - hard, trashy and very expensive, thanks to TNT for financing our sick fantasies, in "Awesome Hou" - hard, trashy and inexpensive, based on our improvisation and honest opinion . You need to constantly surprise. As long as you surprise, you are in demand.

Memoriess New Life: In one of your interviews you said that you love solitude. This quality of character somehow does not compare with your stage image of a hooligan and a merry fellow. What other qualities of your character can you surprise?

Timur Batrutdinov: Thank you, I am very pleased that you worked on this interview and read my previous ones. Yes, I am an introvert, and my appearance on stage is an attempt to establish a connection with outside world. As a result, a split personality happened - on stage I am an extrovert, but in life I remained an introvert. But my natural thirst for discovery and something new periodically pulls me out of my shell. I am a person of fine spiritual organization. I experience negativity a lot, so I try to protect myself from it. With whom I immediately find mutual language, so it is with children and animals. I think I will good father and livestock breeder.

Memoriess New Life: They say that comedians have a gloomy and difficult disposition in life, that they give all their gaiety to the stage. What kind of person are you to your loved ones and relatives, to your superiors?

Timur Batrutdinov: I'm kind. My main principle is not to treat people as I would not want them to treat me. I was raised to respect each individual. I think not bad people: there are those who are offended, mentally crippled or simply ill-mannered. I forgive and understand them. Not to be confused with accept. My character is difficult, but definitely not gloomy. I love my family and my surroundings, and if I’m not in a good mood, I’d rather avoid communication until I get back to normal than spread toxicity bad mood on loved ones.

Memoriess New Life: You often joke boldly. Sometimes it seems that you have to be not just brave to joke like that, but even desperate. Does it often happen that you feel that your humor oversteps all boundaries? What do you do then?

Timur Batrutdinov: This is about what needs to be done to stay afloat. Do not be afraid. And be prepared for the consequences of your courage. Now the sensitivity of society has become more acute. Everyone began to take offense at the humor. It has become a trend to apologize for making jokes. But every joke is based on real event and carries with it the only goal - to make you laugh. Don't offend. Meanwhile, we have strict self-censorship, which does not allow us to go beyond the shores. But we love walking along the edge.

Memoriess New Life: What do you do when you're not telling jokes, acting in films, or performing on stage?

Timur Batrutdinov: I'm sleeping. The rest of the time I really want to sleep.

Memoriess New Life: Is there anything in your life that makes you particularly proud?

Timur Batrutdinov: Fresh brain and young soul. I'm interested in what's new and what's coming next. While this state is with me, it is my main engine in life. Although, after all, the main engine is my family and responsibility towards it.

Memoriess New Life: I would like to hear wishes from myself a confirmed bachelor our country for the same bachelors and bachelorettes who are reading this interview.

Timur Batrutdinov: Being single is not a death sentence. Don't panic if the ring doesn't appear on yours ring finger within the generally accepted time frame. It means you are special or special! Enjoy freedom, gain experience for the sake of your future one and only person. Before you know it, you are already living “happily ever after.”

06 April 2016

Popular comedian, and at the same time the eligible bachelor spoke about his future wife, midlife crisis and experiments with Garik Kharlamov

The popular comedian, and at the same time an eligible bachelor, spoke about his future wife, midlife crisis and experiments with Garik Kharlamov.

photo: Mikhail FROLOV

April is hot for TNT Comedy Club resident Timur Batrutdinov. On the 29th he will fly to special Comedy Club concerts as part of Formula 1 in Sochi, but for now - rehearsals, filming, work on the script for the second season of "HB". But in the spring, Timur’s main thoughts, like all singles, are about his personal life. He shared them with the TV program. Of course, there are always women in the life of a famous, successful and handsome bachelor. But he has not yet met the only one who could become the wife and mother of his children.

“Forced to maintain presentation”

— You recently turned 38. Psychologists believe that you modern men The peak of the midlife crisis is from 38 to 42 years. Did you feel it?

- Yes. I am undergoing an internal reboot: I am thinking about who I want to see myself in the future. Should we change or stay the way we are now? I delve into myself, analyze my actions, my character. I hate inertia, it is important for me to constantly discover something new in myself. I began to think about what I would leave to my children, besides a material inheritance? I want them to watch recordings of programs or films with the participation of their dad and be proud. In April, the on-air version of Comedy Club is 11 years old, I can already hear the phrases: “We grew up on your jokes.” And I’m glad that many young guys have appeared, new blood, our replacement. Kharlamov and I continue experiments on TNT and at the Comedy Club and at KhB. But the soul of a revolutionary lives in me. That's why I'm in active search self-expression. Life goes on, and perhaps over time I’ll do something else: new, different. For example, one of my favorite directors, Gilliam Terry (“12 Monkeys,” “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus”) began filming at the age of 37, and before that he was a member of the British comedy group Monty Python.

— What thoughts bother you most often?

- What worries me most is that... What makes the situation worse is the fact that all my friends around me are married. And they constantly tell me that time is running out, we are not getting any younger, and so on...

- Listen, but you are not a woman who needs to have time to give birth before a certain age. In America, for example, it is customary for men to start a family closer to 40. So there is time...

- Yes, I will approach marriage as a mature person. By the way, despite my age, outwardly I give a little head start to married peers. I came to this conclusion after the last alumni meeting. Some of my married classmates are “round guys.” For now I have to save marketable condition, which is also good. (Laughs.)

— Your job is like this: you’re always in the public eye, you have to keep in shape.

— Some overweight after marriage they don’t interfere, but on the contrary, they help - they give new reasons for jokes. Now I'm talking about. Even at the dawn of our acquaintance, when he was like a match, I unsuccessfully tried to drag him to the gym. Failed. I don’t lose hope: I believe that someday I will see a “cube” on Kharlashka. (Smiles.)

Timur "Kashtan" Batrutdinov with his creative soulmate Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov. Photo: Comedy Club Production

- Do you feel like happy man? Or is something missing?

- Lacks… peace of mind, Maybe.

- Because you are in constant search? Is the woman who could become a wife not yet with Batrutdinov?

— I wouldn’t say that I have an open casting. If it happens fateful meeting, then I'll be happy. If not, then it’s not destiny. I don't want a child just to have one. I want my child to grow up in love. In the meantime, I won’t say that I’m lonely, but I live alone.

— According to the results of 2015, it is in the top three of Yandex for requests among TV programs. Beauties fought for your heart, but it remained free. Why?

- Lawless Heart. Afterwards I realized what my chosen one should be like. She may fully meet the criteria that I present, but she will still not be my person. Energy and kinship of souls are important. IN social network There are many VKontakte statuses on this topic. (Smiles.) In “The Bachelor” I went through fire, water and copper pipes. Every time I made a decision about which of the girls was leaving the project, the audience’s anger from her support group fell upon me. A huge piece of my karma was torn off at these moments.

— Surely the girls treat you like Batrutdinov, whom they know from the Comedy Club. Is it more difficult for them or for you?

— I move around calmly abroad, local girls don’t pay attention to me. Either they don’t like the faces of our compatriots, or mine specifically. In Russia I am not deprived of female attention. When communicating with me for the first time, some behave as if they know me, focusing on the television image. And they are wrong. It’s difficult for them too, because in a movie or restaurant they examine my companion under a microscope and evaluate Batrutdinov’s choice.

— Does popularity allow you to get any girl?

“The image of a womanizer has strengthened behind me. But in fact, I’m not a womanizer, I just love women, and popularity has nothing to do with it.

— When cats scratch your soul, who do you call?

- I can handle it myself. Adapted to being alone. I have friends and girlfriends in my life. I'm not alone, but I'm used to being alone.

“I live next to my mother”

— As a child, how did you stand out from other children?

— I went to school at the age of 6, so I was always younger than my classmates. They poked me: in my briefcase I could find a rag used to wipe the board, and a button on the chair. That's when I started making jokes. Realized my strong point: could verbally respond to the offender in such a way that the nickname stuck to him. Classmates quickly realized that it was better not to touch Batrutdinov.

Timur is convinced that being with a woman is like dancing. As you lead, so she will lead. Photo: Mikhail FROLOV

- Did you study well?

— I most often received A’s in Russian language and literature. I graduated from school with good grades. The picture of academic performance was spoiled by the last two classes. Problems with diligence began: transitional age, searching for myself... In general, I decided that I already knew everything, but in the exams it turned out that I didn’t know everything.

— Are your nieces like you as children?

“They look like their parents: my sister Tatyana and her husband Yuri. But that doesn’t make my feelings for them any less. As soon as I have a day off, I visit 8-year-old Sofia and 4-year-old Olya. At such moments, the girls do not leave me a single step. Sometimes they say “dad,” and I’m flattered and a little embarrassed in front of their dad.

- Are you spoiling me, perhaps?

- Certainly! I try to please with gifts.

— How often do you find time to communicate with your family?

— I recently purchased an apartment on the next street to the house where my mother and sister’s family live. Because of this, it now takes a long time to get to work through traffic jams, but the opportunity to see loved ones more often is worth it. Yes, I moved to a residential area of ​​Moscow, my working day often ends when my nieces are already asleep, but I still have an invaluable opportunity to talk with my mother in the evening, to at least see Sofia and Olya sleeping. As I grew older, my love for my family became stronger.

Best friend There is?

“I won’t name just one, so as not to offend anyone.” I communicate with classmates, guys from the university, with whom I ate Rolton and played KVN. My company consists of those with whom I began to explore the world.

— How do you keep up with the fashion for humor? Who do you study with?

- We're keeping an eye on best practices. Japan, for example, is a purveyor of radical humor. There are many collections on the Internet like “The 20 most stubborn Japanese shows.” I recently watched the brave American show by Eric Andre. This is a blatant trash parody of all the evening comedy shows, similar in format to "". Americans know how to make radical jokes on any topic: be it politics, religion, physiology. And we still have internal restrictions left over from Soviet times. Although even then they knew how to bypass censorship. Let me give you an example. Recently, my partner and I danced to “The Administrator’s Song,” which Andrei Mironov performed in Mark Zakharov’s film “ An ordinary miracle" In the USSR, where there was no sex, from TV screens Mironov sang the most frank song about the intimate relationships of a man and a woman: “And the butterfly’s wings are yap-byak-byak-byak. And behind her the sparrow jump-jump-jump-jump. He smack-smack-smack-smack her little darling.” Everything is possible!

— Have there been fewer jokes “below the belt” at the Comedy Club, or is this a deceptive impression?

- Yes, there is less such humor. This tool of provocation was used to make jokes more understandable more of people. Now they started to dig deeper. The integration of “below the belt” jokes occurs in a more witty and allegorical way. This is the evolution of humor. We find new forms of meetings with the audience. In April he competes again in Formula 1 in Sochi. We are preparing thoroughly. We write jokes taking into account the format of the event, touching on the topics of racing, cars and other things. "Formula 1" - an important event, which attracts a huge number of spectators, foreign guests, and stars. And we try to give everyone who comes to our concerts and parties a portion of fresh, good humor.

— Are our stars ready for radical humor, like in America?

— Garik “Bulldog” Kharlamov and I and a large film crew led by Semyon Slepakov are now in full swing finishing the filming of the second season of our show “HB.” During filming, we were faced with the fact that celebrities are not ready to joke about themselves. They invited stars to act as cameos, that is, themselves. People refused to laugh at themselves, to make themselves look like complete idiots. The stamp of “star with self-irony” can be put on the Zapashny brothers. We will forever be grateful to them! They starred in images that were absolutely far from their real ones. The guys decided to show themselves as fools, because they had already proven to everyone that they were not fools. I believe that in the future gradually the rest famous people and our viewers will get rid of all the pressures.

— It’s not easy for many of your viewers during the crisis. How about you?

— We are the same people, we all live in the same country. Humor is born in modern economic conditions. Of course, the crisis has affected us too. There are no more corporate appearances. It's okay, we'll get through it. During the first crisis of 1998, I lost my job as a sales manager due to default. He was a student, played in KVN and, in search of income, turned to his creative alter ego - he began to host weddings. This is how my “historic” meeting took place with Dmitry “Lyusk” Sorokin, who sang at these weddings. Then he moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow, and when I moved to the capital, he invited me to play in the KVN team “Ungolden Youth”. Well, then off we go... A crisis can give an impetus to do something new and, perhaps, find yourself, as it happened to me. Teaches you to be careful.

— So you didn’t take out loans?

- No! I am a very cautious person with an economic background. So I put the money in a jar, bury it and say: “Cracks, pex, fex!”

Stylist: Anvar Ochilov. Thank you for your help in organizing the shooting of LOTTE HOTEL MOSCOW.

Private bussiness

Born on February 11, 1978 in the Moscow region. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University economics and finance. As a student, he played on the FinEk KVN team and wrote scripts for the St. Petersburg KVN team. After serving in the army, he became a member of the KVN team “Ungolden Youth”. Since 2005 - resident of the Comedy Club, since 2013 - author and hero of the show "HB". Participant in television projects: “Circus with the Stars”, “ glacial period", "Dancing with the Stars".

Friday/21.00, Sunday/19.00, TNT

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