The Internet is frightened by the footage of the bald Dima Bilan, which has given rise to rumors about a terrible disease. Dima Bilan shaved his head (photo) Why is Beeline bald

Residents of the Northern capital have finally lost the chance to recognize the star in the crowd of passers-by. The thing is that Dima decided to radically change his image.

Photo: DR

Dima Bilan continues to shock fans. Recently, the singer announced that he has to experience. This information was confirmed by doctors. The examination results showed that Dima has three hernias on his spine. According to experts, the artist will need surgical intervention in the near future.

However, Dima himself is trying in every possible way to delay the operation. According to the singer’s representatives, he is afraid of letting down the producers of the show “The Voice” and his team, so he continues to work.

Now Bilan is in St. Petersburg. And, apparently, residents of the Northern capital have finally lost the chance to recognize the star in the crowd of passers-by. The thing is that Dima decided to radically change his image and... shaved his head. The artist published a photo in his new look on his Instagram without any explanation.

Fans appreciated the changes in Dima's appearance. Some admitted that he now looked like Fyodor Bondarchuk.

Famous singer Dima Bilan shocked his fans by publishing new photos in social network Instagram. In recent photographs, Bilan appeared completely bald before fans.

In total, Dima Bilan posted two photographs in which the singer stands with his head completely shaved. As Bilan himself said, he is preparing to shoot a new video for his song “Labyrinths”. Filming of the video should take place in Norway, writes Life. However, due to the fact that previously there were rumors about the singer’s health problems, the star’s fans were horrified by the new footage, believing that 35-year-old Dima Bilan had been diagnosed with a serious cancer disease, and the singer was now undergoing chemotherapy.

In just a few hours, photographs with bald Bilan received almost 30 thousand likes and 3,500 comments. Many fans were horrified and wished the singer a “speedy recovery” and “good health.” Many also noted that in Lately the singer has noticeably lost weight. Some felt “sorry about Dima’s hair,” and they believed that the singer “was better off with hair.” However, there were also those who appreciated the change in Bilan’s image and his courage. The singer was called “handsome” and thought that “it suits him.” Some fans even wrote that "he looks like Timberlake now."

As the site learned, Dima Bilan’s health problems relate only to several intervertebral hernias in his back, because of which the singer uses painkillers. In March, the singer went to the hospital to take care of his sore back. Dima Bilan said that he decided to do without surgery, choosing a different treatment method.

Bald Dima Bilan shocked Internet fans by finding himself at the center of a lively debate regarding his health. The image, where the singer is completely deprived of hair, was published by the artist himself in Instagram networks.

Previously, fans of Dima Bilan’s talents assumed that the pop star had health problems during his participation in the television project “The Voice”. He stood out noticeably among the participants with his thinness and tortured appearance. Now that he decided to shave his hair completely, many suspected a very bad state of affairs, even cancer, which forced the Eurovision winner to undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Despite the explosion of speculation, it has long been known that the artist has many back problems (hernias), which forces him to often be under the influence of painkillers. And they, as you know, greatly upset the digestive function and can slow down the speed of mental reactions (which has repeatedly become the subject of ridicule from Dmitry Nagiyev).

It is worth noting the courage of Dima Bilan, who said that he is not going to stop participating in “The Voice.” Children,” until his students reach the finals, taking a worthy place in the competition. To do this, he had to postpone for some time the planned course of surgical treatment of vertebral hernias. It is worth wishing the singer excellent health and a speedy recovery, because his work charges so many citizens of the Russian Federation with positivity and the desire to live and create.

Tonight on the air of the show " Evening Urgant» popular singer Dima Bilan finally answered the question of why he shaved his head. “Who said I can’t? I’ve been thinking about this for all 33 years,” the 35-year-old artist tried to laugh it off.

A few months ago, when fans first saw a photo of a bald Dima, they were seriously scared. Against the backdrop of rapid weight loss and health complaints (shortly before this, doctors discovered five vertebral hernias in the artist at once), they thought about the worst. Rumors immediately appeared on the Internet that the singer was fighting cancer. The musician did not comment on his decision, he only wrote deep philosophical posts on his blog.

Posted by bilanofficial (@bilanofficial) Mar 15, 2017 at 6:22 PDT

Its producer, Yana Rudkovskaya, tried to reassure everyone that this was a new project, but they didn’t really believe her.

According to Dima, this decision was rather spontaneous. “I came to my Manana to get a haircut, she and I joked every time that we should cut our hair bald, and then I said, come on. She says to me: “What, is it true?” - Her hands are itching. Well, I shaved, fearing absolutely nothing, without fear. IN last time I had this hairstyle when I was 3 years old. I have a photo of me fat, on a bike and bald. After that I never, ever cut my hair like that again. So I thought, why not, while on vacation,” the artist shared his memories.

“I had such a long vacation, 3 months. Well, there was a commercial shoot, various inclusions, a couple of corporate concerts, and the rest of the time I was just thinking, writing music. For 15 years I haven’t had a vacation for 2 or 3 months in a row. I thought it was starting new stage in my life, something changed in my head,” Bilan shared.

That's what happened this time too. Having gotten rid of his hair, the restless Dima went to Iceland to find himself in “zero latitude” and shoot a video there. “Seriously speaking, I actually timed it all to coincide with the video, 50/50 updates - 50 percent is the video that I filmed there. And I rushed there all over Iceland, I traveled a lot of kilometers there, in total I traveled a thousand kilometers, this is an amazing place,” he commented.

After this broadcast, fans of Dima Bilan can sleep peacefully. Fortunately, the artist’s health is not in danger. And the hair has already grown back.

March 14, 2017

The producer and wife of Evgeni Plushenko dispelled rumors about the artist’s illness.

This weekend, the mentor of the show “The Voice” surprised many fans radical change image: Dima Bilan. The artist posted a photo in his new look on Instagram, which scared his loyal fans. Many fans instantly decided that such external changes were associated with the deterioration of the artist’s health, because Bilan was recently diagnosed with several intervertebral hernias, which... One of the users even suggested the worst thing - oncology. Today, Bilan’s producer Yana Rudkovskaya dispelled rumors about her colleague’s illness, explaining why Dima shaved his head.

“External changes are part of the idea, which is still kept secret: “ New project! You'll find out everything soon." Well, we are waiting for the details!” — Evgeni Plushenko’s wife reassured fans.

Note that Dima Bilan is not the only one who decided to change his image for the sake of his profession. Some time ago, actress and TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya abandoned her blonde locks for a role in the new film of her husband and director Andrei Konchalovsky. The TV presenter’s sacrifices were not in vain: the black-and-white film “Paradise,” which tells the story of the fate of a woman who ended up in a concentration camp, received not only high praise from critics, but also

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