Interesting facts about the egg. Interesting facts about chicken eggs

An amazing product that adults and children love so much. Everyone’s favorite scrambled egg or egg in a “bag” or simply “mogol-mogol”. It is also an indispensable component of many dishes.

We present you interesting facts about eggs.

Protein is a vital organic compound for humans.

Essential for growth and energy production in muscle tissue. Egg white is absorbed by the body more easily and almost completely, compared to protein from products of plant and animal origin.

The most important of them are amino acids, which are divided into essential and non-essential. Essential amino acids (amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body) are very important for us. Children need ten and adults need eight essential amino acids. All essential amino acids in a chicken egg have an optimal ratio, and their composition in the egg is always constant.

Interesting fact. All amino acids can be stored in an egg for no more than 7 days. Starting from the 8th day, the egg begins to “dry out,” that is, to lose essential amino acids. Therefore, eggs are considered dietary or medicinal for only 7 days. From the 8th day they are only culinary and not medicinal.

Another interesting fact. The egg becomes lighter and loses weight. This is also one of the ways to determine the freshness of eggs.

If an egg placed in water floats to the surface, then it is more than 3-4 days old; if less, it sinks.

Dietary or medicinal eggs are used to directly replenish the body with protein and vitamins

It serves to strengthen bones, joints, the immune system and increase mental performance.

The egg can also be used as a healing agent for viral stomatitis (when the white of a fresh egg is beaten with water and rinsed in the mouth).

Egg yolk contains lecithin and cholesterol

Cholesterol is needed for growth, and lecithin for the functioning of nerve cells. According to doctors, the positive effect of lecithin in a dietary egg minimizes the negative effect of cholesterol. An adult should eat at least two eggs a week.

Interesting: eggs from domestic chickens contain more lecithin, so they are healthier. Eggs are large, small and medium.

Another interesting fact. The smaller the egg, the more calcium in its shell and the stronger it is.. Small eggs (from young chickens) have a harder shell. In large eggs, it is thinner and with high probability having microcracks. Through microcracks, the egg can become infected with staphylococci, streptococci and salmonellosis. Before use, such eggs must be thoroughly washed with water.

Large eggs are difficult to cook, as the protein escapes into the water through microcracks and coagulates during cooking.

Such eggs can only be eaten hard-boiled and it is completely undesirable to eat them soft-boiled.

For medicinal purposes, it is preferable to buy and consume fresh small eggs (up to 7 days) from young chickens in small quantities (no more than a dozen for a family of three to four people). In other cases, you can eat eggs of any size, subject to heat treatment conditions during their preparation.

Here's another interesting fact. Quail eggs contain more protein, and their shell is stronger, as in guinea pig eggs.

Other interesting facts about eggs are presented on the Internet.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the site “All about chickens and roosters”. Chicken egg lovers know little about this interesting product. The top 10 interesting things about chicken eggs that you didn’t know are in our material. An egg is not only a healthy food rich in protein, vitamins and microelements.

Since ancient times, people have attached mystical significance to eggs, and some to this day consider them a powerful energy channel. But this is not all the interesting things you can learn about testicles. Let's look at 10 facts about this product.

Chickens aren't the only ones producing eggs.

We all know well that China is considered one of the most advanced countries in terms of the number of new interesting inventions and fakes. In this country they have learned to synthesize almost everything.

The Chinese are not particularly worried about chemicals in food, so they have learned to fake chicken eggs. The name of the inventor, unfortunately, remains unknown.

But scientists managed to uncover the technology of cunning falsifiers. The Chinese produce imitation eggs from calcium carbonate, and the “inside” is made of dyes, gelatin and food additives.

By appearance It is difficult to distinguish a counterfeit egg from a real one, but its taste is completely different.

Chickens in eggs can breathe

If a human embryo receives nutrients and oxygen through blood vessels throughout the entire period of its development, then chicken embryos do not have this opportunity. They feed on the contents of the egg, and receive oxygen from the huge number of micropores on the surface of the shell.

The eggshell only looks dense, but in fact it has a porous, openwork structure, due to which gas exchange occurs inside the egg - carbon dioxide comes out and oxygen enters.

In addition, excess moisture is removed through the pores on the shell. Thanks to gas exchange, the embryo can remain viable for a long time not being in the mother's body.

Eggs can give you a panic attack

Chicken eggs – it would seem that nothing could be more harmless. But many adults, when they see this product, begin to experience an attack of panic and horror. This fear is described in psychiatry textbooks, and its scientific name is ovophobia. Literally translated as fear of oval objects.

The reasons for the development of such a phobia have not yet been established, but according to existing statistics, 1 in 1,000 adults on the planet suffers from such a fear.

Such a phobia developed in the famous director Alfred Hitchcock, who has not made a single horror film.

Dyed eggs aren't just for Easter

In Orthodox culture there is a tradition of main holiday Christianity - Easter, coloring chicken eggs. Initially, they were painted only red, but today eggs of all shades can be seen on the tables of believers. So, in different cultures there are their own customs.

For example, in China, colored eggs appear on the table to celebrate the arrival of a baby in the family.

In Chinese culture, an egg symbolizes life, so it is painted red, which has powerful energy, and they believe that this will help one become born child happy and successful.

There may be more than one yolk

Many people have had the opportunity, at least once, to eat eggs that contained 2 yolks. Although this state of affairs is not considered the norm, double-yolk eggs can still be eaten without fear for your health.

But the presence of 2 yolks in one egg is not uncommon. Often older or too young chickens produce such a curiosity -. Farmers were greatly surprised when they found as many as 5 yolks in their laying hens’ eggs!

To date, this is the only officially registered record for the number of yolks in one testicle.

Eggs are good for your cholesterol!

There is a widespread belief that you can’t eat a lot of eggs because they contain cholesterol, which supposedly fills the walls of blood vessels and even leads to their blockage. But science refutes this myth.

Indeed, eggs contain a substance called cholesterol, but it is not at all an enemy to our body. On the contrary, eggs are healthy thanks to this component.

The fact is that cholesterol from eggs is used in our body as construction material for the formation of new cell membranes.

Therefore, it is especially important to eat testicles for children during the period intensive growth, as well as for those who want to preserve their youth longer.

Brown and white eggs are no different!

Exists popular myth, which states that eggs in a brown shell supposedly contain more nutrients, they are healthier and safer. It is not known why the creators of the myth argued this, but science quickly refutes it.

The color of the shell does not in any way affect the composition of its contents. eggs contain the same nutrients as brown eggs.

But there is still a difference. Due to the pigment content of the shell Brown more dense, and this allows you to keep the eggs fresh a little longer.

There are mini and maxi eggs

Many people who are far from poultry farming know little about eggs, and mostly see and buy them from store shelves. As a rule, medium-sized eggs from 55 to 70 grams maximum are supplied to retail chains.

But it should be noted that the size and weight of the egg can vary greatly, depending on the breed, age of the blackfish and the characteristics of the body.

There are several records set by laying hens. Some chickens occasionally produce truly gigantic eggs, weighing more than 150 grams.

But there are also those who produce jewelry work - the testicles are smaller in size than quails, or the same.

The egg has long been considered a mystical product

Especially chicken eggs were considered one of the important attributes of many ancient shamans and sorcerers. The chicken egg was considered a powerful source vital energy, and therefore the myth has spread that it is beneficial to take it raw to maintain vitality.

IN modern world eggs are consumed everywhere. In first place is Mexico, where each resident eats 1.5 eggs a day, in second place is Japan, where 127 million eggs are consumed every morning, this figure corresponds to the population of the country.

By eating a chicken egg, you imbue yourself with cosmic energy. This is what they said in ancient times.

And the ancient people were not mistaken; the egg is a unique product.

The yolk is an egg with an embryo. And protein is a buffer zone that prevents damage to the egg. The egg has unique chemical and physical properties. Scientific name protein - albumin, most of the protein consists of water. The egg white contains a large amount of minerals. The white liquid is the most alkaline of all liquids in nature, its pH is 9.5, this environment creates a barrier to harmful microorganisms that protects the yolk.

Eggs contain almost all the fat-soluble vitamins necessary for our body.

Did you know that a chicken can lay eggs without a rooster? Indeed, on a farm, chickens placed in cages lay eggs. Only such eggs are not suitable for hatching chickens, since they are not fertilized. All eggs sold in the store are unfertilized. At poultry farms, eggs must be marked.

The letters on the egg indicate its shelf life from when the egg was laid. The letter D means that the egg is dietary and is no more than 7 days old; if the egg has been stored for more than 7 days, then such eggs are already classified as table eggs. But the numbers indicate the size of the egg. The number 0 indicates that these are selected eggs, their weight is from 65 to 74.5 grams. The number 1 indicates eggs weighing from 55 to 64.9 grams, 2 - from 45 to 54.9 grams, 3 - from 35 to 44.9 grams. Eggs weighing 75 grams or more are marked with the letter B. For example, when you see the marking on a DV egg, you will know that this is a dietary egg of the highest category, it was stored for no more than 7 days and its weight is 75 grams or more.

It is very easy to check the freshness of eggs at home. Immerse the eggs in cold water. Eggs that lie at the bottom are the freshest, and those that float on the surface are stored long time. When storing eggs, liquid from the white evaporates, the egg becomes lighter and it floats due to the air bubble inside the egg.

For those who like to drink raw eggs, there is interesting information. The fact is that raw egg white is absorbed by our body only 50%, but hard-boiled egg white is almost 100%. Also learn how to properly open an egg if you drink it raw. I noticed that many people break the egg from the sharp end, and some of the white spills onto the shell. It is correct to break an egg from the blunt end; the white will never spill due to the fact that there is an air chamber there.

To soft-boil an egg, it must be boiled for 3 minutes from the moment the water boils, such an egg must be eaten with a spoon, and for this it is placed in a special stand, which is called a poached egg, hence the name poached egg.

To poach an egg, boil it for 4-5 minutes. It will take 10 minutes to boil a hard-boiled egg. In this case, hard-boiled eggs must be placed in cold water, otherwise the yolk will have an unsightly dark color. The yolk darkens during cooking because it contains a lot of iron; long cooking promotes the decomposition of the yolk and the release of hydrogen sulfide, which gives the yolk a brown color.

Many people have noticed that the yolk has different colors, from light yellow to red. IN Lately In stores, eggs with a bright red yolk are increasingly being sold, because buyers give their preference to eggs with this yolk color. What determines the color of the yolk of eggs, the amount of carotene. This substance gives the yolk its color. In order for the yolk to have a bright red color, chicken farms feed chickens with special additives, which include the substance canthaxatin, it is this substance that colors the yolk red. By the way, it also gives the skin of a bird a beautiful yellow tint. This drug is harmless to the body, as it is natural.

For those who want to lose weight, you need to eat a couple of hard-boiled eggs for breakfast. The fact is that a hard-boiled egg takes a very long time to digest in our stomach, so you will be full for a long time. And they recover mainly with normal metabolism and good health- from overeating.

We can talk about eggs for a very long time. I tried to tell interesting and important points. If you have any questions, ask them in your comments, I will definitely answer.

Sergey Kolesnikov

Despite lengthy debates, experts finally agreed: you shouldn’t overuse eggs, but imposing strict restrictions is unnecessary. Anyone can afford 3-4 pieces a week.

The fact is, saturated fats (“bad”) are in chicken egg there are few, but there are more unsaturated (that is, useful) ones. Namely, 2 grams versus 3.

There are 4 “egg” empires in the world

The largest supplier of eggs is China. About 390 billion pieces are produced there per year - almost half of world production. Next come the USA, India and Japan. 60% goes to store shelves, 40% goes to the food industry.

The average person eats 173 eggs per year.

Eggs are healthy and nutritious

Boiled eggs are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements (vitamin A, B12, D, riboflavin, choline, phosphorus, zinc). Moreover, many are kept in the required daily amount.

Important! The longer the egg is cooked, the harder it will be to digest. So, a hard-boiled egg will take about three hours to digest.

The product cannot be called low-calorie, but for proper nutrition Chicken eggs are ideal: one egg contains about 80 calories. A figure comparable to an apple or half a banana.

“Century eggs” - a popular delicacy

“Century eggs” are especially popular in Chinese cuisine.

Duck or chicken, they are coated with a mixture of tea, lime, salt, clay and ash, rolled in rice husks and straw, and then buried in the ground for several months. The strong alkaline reaction and the absence of air give the delicacy a truly unique aroma and dark color.
They are served as a snack or used in preparing other dishes.

Only tongzidan can compete with “hundred-year-old eggs” (we ask especially impressionable people to refrain from reading the further description).

A traditional dish common in Zhejiang province consists of chicken eggs boiled... in the urine of pre-pubescent boys.

To collect liquid, special basins are installed in schools, and teachers make sure that only healthy students relieve themselves.

The cooking process takes a whole day. The cracked shell and salty taste of tongzidan indicate the readiness of the product.

In 2008, the delicacy received the status of an intangible item cultural heritage Zhejiang Province.

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But why be surprised? Humanity has always been distinguished by unusual (and sometimes life-threatening) taste preferences.

How do white eggs differ from brown ones, and why diet eggs are healthier. How to properly prepare, store and determine the freshness of eggs.

  • Eggs are healthy and nutritious. On average, a chicken egg contains 80 kcal. In terms of calorie content, it is comparable to an apple, half a banana, 100 grams of beef tongue or chicken legs. Eggs contain valuable vitamins, microelements and protein. Eating eggs provides energy and has a positive effect on the condition of hair, vision and the whole body.
  • The cholesterol in eggs is not that dangerous. It is contained only in the yolk and is balanced by lecithin. A substance that is also found in eggs and helps process cholesterol and fats.
  • Eating raw eggs is dangerous. Eggnog made from raw eggs can cause salmonella to enter the body. A dangerous bacterium that is often found in raw eggs and is killed by heat treatment. In addition, it is important to wash the eggs thoroughly and prevent germs from the surface of the shell from entering the egg mass.
  • A laying hen produces approximately 250 - 300 eggs per year. It takes her about a day to lay one egg.
  • White and brown eggs are equally healthy. There is no difference in health and taste between white and brown eggs. The color of the shell depends on the breed of chicken. Speckled hens lay brown and beige eggs, while white hens lay white eggs. The color of the yolk depends on the chicken's diet.
  • Japan is the leader in the consumption of chicken eggs. On average, each resident of this country eats 1 egg per day.
  • Diet eggs are healthier than table eggs. The difference between dietary and table eggs depends on their freshness. Eggs stored at positive temperatures for no more than 7 days after laying are considered dietary. Canteens can be stored for up to 25 days. Dietary eggs also come in selected varieties (weighing from 65 grams), eggs of the first category (weighing at least 55 grams) and eggs of the second category (weighing at least 45 grams).
  • Do not store eggs with strong-smelling foods. Thanks to their porous shells, they easily absorb odors.
  • Eggs after long heat treatment are less digestible. And the longer the egg is heated, the longer it will take to digest it. A hard-boiled egg is digested by the body in about three hours. Therefore, it is better not to eat hard-boiled eggs before bed.
  • You can determine the freshness of an egg using cold water. Simply place a raw egg in a bowl with cold water. The fresher the egg, the smaller the size of its air chamber, therefore, fresher the egg will do to the bottom. A stale egg will float to the surface and should not be eaten.
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