Interesting facts about the Titanic. A new version of the death of the Titanic and the most impressive facts

1. 3 million rivets were used to build the Titanic, most of which were made by hand.

2. To launch the ship, it took 23 tons of fat, locomotive oil and liquid soap- for lubrication of gangway guides.

3. The designers considered the liner unsinkable. The double bottom and 16 watertight bulkheads were know-how for that time. However, the designers did not know how penetrating an iceberg could be.

4. On the Titanic there was not such a simple thing as binoculars. The captain fired his second mate Blair, and in retaliation he stole the keys to the safe, where the binoculars for the lookouts were kept.

5. The shipwreck happened on April 14, 1912. The events have been recreated down to the smallest detail. Since the morning, ten times, the crews of other liners transmitted reports that icebergs were already nearby, but the Titanic ignored these warnings. The last report arrived on the Titanic 40 minutes before the collision. But the Titanic's radio operator did not even listen to the message and interrupted the connection.

6. There were many celebrities of that time on the liner. Among them, for example, was millionaire and feminist Margaret Brown. She was famous for knowing five languages ​​and swearing in them like a shoemaker. After the collision with the iceberg, Margaret helped put people on the boats, but she was in no hurry to leave the ship. Finally, someone forcefully pushed her into a boat and sent her out to sea. Having reached another ship, the Carpathia, Margaret immediately began looking for blankets and food for the victims, compiling lists of survivors, and collecting money. By the time the Carpathia arrived in port, she had raised $10,000 for the survivors.

7. Another famous passenger of the Titanic, businessman Benjamin Guggenheim, put his companion in a lifeboat. He convinced her that they would see each other soon, although he understood that the situation was hopeless. Together with the valet, he returned to the cabin and changed into a tailcoat, and then sat down at a table in the central hall and began to drink whiskey. When someone suggested that they still try to escape, Guggenheim replied: “We are dressed in accordance with our position and are ready to die like gentlemen.”

8. An outstanding ticket to the Titanic's launching ceremony went under the hammer at a London auction for $56,300. A menu from the ship with a list of 40 dishes was sold in New York for $31,300. Another similar menu in London cost £76,000. The keys to the ship's room, which contained lanterns for the lifeboats, were also preserved and were sold for £59,000.

9. The liner sank to the music. The orchestra stood on the deck until the last minute and played the church hymn “Closer, Lord, to Thee.”

10. Russian deep-sea submersibles "Mir" in 1991 and 1995 dived to the ship, which is now at a depth of 3.8 kilometers. Then the devices shot a video that was included in the notorious James Cameron film. This year, in honor of the centenary of the sinking of the liner, our submariners again promised to dive to the Titanic.

11. UNESCO waited a hundred years to declare the wreck of the Titanic a site. cultural heritage. For such cases they have a special convention. Now UNESCO will ensure that items from the Titanic do not go to uncultured divers.

12. Released in honor of the centenary, the film Titanic 3D has already grossed an impressive $17.4 million in the United States. James Cameron's 1997 Titanic was a phenomenal success and the box office was huge at that time: $1.8 billion. This record was broken only 12 years later by the film Avatar.

13. The ill-fated black iceberg, or rather its photograph, was found 90 years after the sinking of the Titanic. A few days after the tragedy, a certain Stefan Regorek from Bohemia sailed past the disaster site on another liner and photographed the iceberg. After a thorough examination, it was proven that the dents on the iceberg could well have been made by a ship. So the ice block was also damaged.

14. Jack Dawson, the hero of the very film that brought Cameron fame and fortune, - real character. True, Cameron later assured that he took the name out of thin air and that it was a coincidence. However, the real Jack Dawson was a coal miner on the Titanic. True, he was in love not with green-eyed Kate Winslet (she had not yet been born), but with the sister of his friend, who persuaded him to become a sailor. In the end, everyone died, of course.

15. Legends are still told about the Titanic. For example, lovers of mysticism point out that in 1898 the writer Morgan Robertson wrote the novel “Vanity” - about a huge transatlantic liner and its smug passengers. A lot of things coincide in the story: the name of the ship is “Titan” and even the collision with an iceberg on a cold April night.

16. Another legend says that once every six years radio operators catch a ghost SOS signal from the Titanic on the air. This was first stated by the crew of the battleship Theodore Roosevelt in 1972. The radio operator delved into the archives and found notes from his colleagues that they too had received strange radio messages allegedly from the Titanic: in 1924, 1930, 1936 and 1942. In April 1996, the Canadian ship Quebec received an SOS signal from the Titanic.

17. Although official version says that the Titanic sank an iceberg, but not everyone believes it. For example, some claimed that the Titanic was sunk by a German torpedo fired by employees of the company that built the liner to collect insurance. However, this sounds unconvincing, considering how many company employees died on April 14, 1912.

18. The Titanic was not the only large liner of the White Star Line. The Olympic ship began construction at the same time as the Titanic. In 1911, while embarking on its 11th voyage, the Olympic collided with the English cruiser Hawk. The latter miraculously remained afloat, while the Olympic escaped with minor damage.

19. The younger brother of the Titanic, the ship Britannic, was supposed to be named Gigantic, but after the crash of the first liner, the builders decided to moderate their ambitions. Britannic was the most comfortable of the three ships: it had two hair salons, a children's game room, gymnasium for second class passengers. Unfortunately, passengers did not have time to appreciate the advantages of the new liner. After the outbreak of war, she was converted into a hospital ship and soon hit a mine near Greece. True, most of the people on board were saved.

20. The last of the Titanic passengers died in 2009 at the age of 97. At the time of the shipwreck she was 2.5 months old.

Many of us know about the Titanic only from the film by the famous American director. The disaster itself occurred at 23:40, April 14, 1912. We invite you to find out a little more about the ship itself and that situation:

1. In theory, the Titanic was completely safe for passengers, because of this, the owners of the ship decided to equip the ship with fewer boats so that there would be more free space on the Titanic. With 1,178 passengers, there were only twenty lifeboats, which meant that in case of failure, only half of the passengers could escape.

2. A first class ticket in those days cost $4,350, a fortune that very wealthy people could spend on the trip.

3. On that ill-fated day, there were 2224 people on board the Titanic, of which 711 people managed to escape, the rest died. The main cause of death was hypothermia in ocean water.

4. Due to panic on board during the crash, some lifeboats were almost empty. People left the ship in a hurry and could not adequately assess the situation.

5. The construction of the Titanic cost seven and a half million dollars, as well as three years spent.

6. To strengthen the structure of the ship, the builders used almost three million rivets.

7. The Titanic was 268 meters long, and its weight at the time of departure from the port was approximately 46 thousand tons.

8. Twenty-nine steam-generating boilers were installed on the Titanic, consuming over 800 tons of coal per day. The smoke from the boilers came out not from four, but from three pipes. The last pipe was erected for aesthetic appearance and air ventilation.

9. The owners of the Titanic were not superstitious people, so they did not break a bottle of champagne on the stern for a happy voyage.

10. The collision with the iceberg occurred two hours and forty minutes after the ship left the port on its first and, alas, final voyage.

11. The Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean and sank to a depth of four kilometers.

12. Escorting ship, musical orchestra, even during the general panic and chaos, continued the game and eventually went into the depths with the ship.

13. The movie masterpiece “Titanic,” which was directed by James Cameron, was nominated for fourteen Academy Awards and won eleven of them. Worldwide box office receipts brought the creators more than a billion dollars.

14. The beauty of the Palace of Versailles served as the basis for the creation of interiors for first class cabins.

15. People traveling third class were blocked by crew members to prevent them from getting on deck.

16. When immersed in water, the Titanic was actually split into two parts.

17. In May 2009, Millvina Dean, the last passenger of the Titanic, died. At the time of death, her age was 97 years. And at the time of the crash of the liner - only 2 months and 13 days.

On April 10, 1912, the legendary ship set off on its first and last voyage. The British transatlantic steamer was captained by Edward John Smith, one of the most experienced captains with 25 years of experience. On the Titanic there was everything your heart desired, even a newspaper of the same name, which published reports from the lives of passengers. However, this giant ship had no future: on the night of April 14-15, it was wrecked.

The sinking of the Titanic occurred 57 hours before the solar eclipse

According to astronomical observations, cataclysms often occur during such eclipses. Moreover, scientists say that full moon could cause unusually strong tides, making it difficult to see the iceberg.

The rescue operation could have been interfered with optical illusion

Another version of why the iceberg went unnoticed and why the ships did not immediately come to the rescue is an optical illusion. Scientists believe that an unusual bend of light could be observed that night - a mirage. A similar phenomenon was described by the commanders of several ships that were in the disaster area.

Several ships like the Titanic can be built with money from the box office receipts of the film of the same name.

If you build a liner of this class today, it will require about $400 million, while James Cameron's film Titanic earned almost $2 billion in 1997.

The last lunch menu on the Titanic sold for $88,000

The disaster was predicted in Morgan Andrew Robertson's book: "Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan"

A book by an American science fiction writer, published in 1898, described the disaster of 1912: “The most big ship ever built, hits an iceberg in April and sinks." According to the story, due to a lack of lifeboats, more than half of the ship's passengers die in the North Atlantic.

100 years after the crash, the Balmoral superliner repeated the route of the Titanic.

1,309 passengers went on the memorial cruise - the same number as there were on the Titanic (excluding crew members). The atmosphere of the early twentieth century was recreated on the ship. Relatives of the deceased Titanic passengers also went to the scene of the tragedy.

Two of the nine dogs that were on board the sunken liner survived

These are Pomeranian and Pekingese dogs.

Within 15-20 years, the Titanic will be eaten by bacteria

Back in 1991, scientists discovered that the ship was inhabited by 24 species of invertebrate animals, 12 of which fed on metal and wooden structures. But it is not they that cause particular harm to the liner, but a bacterium that was first discovered on the Titanic and named in its honor: Halomonas titanicae. This is a particularly aggressive species of bacteria that obtains energy from the process of iron oxidation. According to scientists, it literally “bites” into the metal. Experts have come to the conclusion that within 15-20 years there will be no trace left of the sunken liner.

The last surviving Titanic passenger died in 2009 at the age of 97.

At the time of the shipwreck she was only 2.5 months old.

The date April 15, 1912 is marked in history by the largest maritime disaster of the 20th century - in the Atlantic, on the way from Southampton (Great Britain) to New York (USA), the largest passenger liner Titanic sank upon encountering an iceberg.

The history of the Titanic, the legendary ship, is surrounded by numerous secrets and myths, widely known and not so well known. Here are some amazing facts about this legendary ship.

25. The first film about the Titanic was shot less than a month after the disaster, and the main role was played by an actress who survived the shipwreck.

24. Kim Il Sung, leader North Korea, was born on the day the liner sank.

23. There were 12 dogs on board the ship, three of them survived. The photo shows one of them.

22. The remains of the Titanic were discovered only 73 years after the disaster.

21. Kate Winslet, performer leading role in the film Titanic (1997), said that she really did not like the song My Heart Will Go On. The actress even admitted that she cringes when she hears this music.

20. In fact, modern ships are more likely to encounter an iceberg than the Titanic was.

19. The iceberg that the ship collided with (pictured) began its journey about two thousand years ago.

18. None of the ship's 30 mechanics survived. They remained in the engine room and kept the steam engines running as long as possible so that the remaining passengers could escape. The photo shows the engine room of the Titanic.

17. More than half of the passengers could fit into the liner’s boats, but hardly a third of them actually managed to do so.

16. 13 newlywed couples went on the Titanic for their honeymoon.

15. Most expensive rooms on a ship today would cost more than $100,000.

14. The only Japanese survivor of the disaster was ostracized and called a coward for not dying with the other passengers.

13. Although the ship was able to stay afloat when four compartments were flooded in a row, six of them were damaged on the fateful night.

12. Apart from the Titanic, no liner in history has ever been sunk by an iceberg.

11. Hershey’s Chocolate founder Milton Hershey canceled his reservation at last moment due to urgent business meetings.

10. The Titanic was so huge that it took 2 hours and 40 minutes to sink.

8. There is a version that the main cause of the death of the Titanic was the effect of an ice mirage, which hid the real outlines of the iceberg from observers, thereby preventing the disaster from being prevented in time. This is indirectly evidenced by the testimony of survivors who spoke about incredible bright stars that night.

7. The chef of the A la Carte restaurant drank so much alcohol that he was able to withstand the terrible Atlantic cold for two hours.

About the terrible death of a luxury liner Titanic in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean everyone knows. Hundreds of people distraught with fear, heart-rending women's screams and children's crying. 3rd class passengers buried alive at the bottom of the ocean are on the lower deck and millionaires choosing best places in half-empty lifeboats - on the upper, prestigious deck of the ship. But only a select few knew that the sinking of the Titanic was planned, and the death of hundreds of women and children became another fact in a cynical political game.

April 10, 1912 Southampton port, England. Thousands of people gathered at the port of Southampton to see off the liner Titanic, with 2,000 lucky people on board, set off on a romantic trip across the Atlantic. The cream of society gathered on the passenger deck - mining magnate Benjamin Guggenheim, millionaire John Astor, actress Dorothy Gibson. Not everyone could afford to buy a first class ticket, $3,300 at the prices of that time, or $60,000 at the prices of today. 3rd class passengers paid only $35 ($650 in our money), so they lived on the third deck, not having the right to go upstairs, where the millionaires were located.

Tragedy Titanic still remains the largest peacetime maritime disaster. The circumstances surrounding the deaths of 1,500 people are still shrouded in mystery.

The archives of the British Navy confirm that for some reason there were half as many boats on the Titanic as needed, and the captain knew even before the collision that there were not enough seats for all the passengers.

The ship's crew ordered to rescue the 1st class passengers first. Bruce Ismay was one of the first to board the lifeboat - CEO company " White Star Line", which belonged to Titanic. The boat in which Ismay was sitting was designed for 40 people, but it set sail with only twelve.

The lower deck, where 1,500 people were located, was ordered to be locked so that third-class passengers would not rush upstairs to the boats. Panic began below. People saw how water began to flow into the cabins, but the captain had an order - to save the rich passengers. The order - only women and children - came much later, and according to experts, the sailors were primarily interested in this, since in this case they became rowers on the boats and they had a chance of salvation.

Many second and third class passengers, without waiting for the boats, threw themselves overboard in life jackets. In a panic, few people understood that it was almost impossible to survive in icy water.

sinking of the Titanic

The list of third class passengers, which only recently became public, includes the name Winni Goutts (Winnie Coutts), a modest Englishwoman with two sons. In New York, the woman was waiting for her husband, who had gotten a job in America a few months earlier. It may seem incredible, but 88 years later, on February 3, 1990, Icelandic fishermen picked up a woman with that name on the shore. Wet, frozen in tattered clothes, she cried and screamed that she was a passenger Titanic and her name is Winnie Couts. The woman was taken to a psychiatric hospital and for a long time was mistaken for a madwoman until one of the journalists found her name in the handwritten passenger lists of the Titanic. She described the chronology of events in detail and was never confused. Mystics immediately put forward their version - they fell into the so-called space-time trap.

After the declassification of the archives " Investigation into the death of 1,500 passengers on the Titanic“On July 20, 2008, the Senate investigative commission learned that on the night of the disaster, almost 200 passengers managed to board lifeboats and sail away from the sinking ship. Some of them describe a strange phenomenon. At about one o'clock in the morning, passengers saw a large luminous object near the liner. The men thought that these were the lights of another ship." RMS Carpathia", which can save them. About 10 boats sailed towards this light, but after half an hour the lights went out. It turned out that there was no ship nearby, and the liner “ RMS Carpathia" Came up only after 1 hour. Many eyewitnesses described strange lights observed near the site Titanic wreck. These testimonies were kept secret.

Abnormal events around sinking of the Titanic were carefully hidden for a long time. It is known that no one was able to officially confirm the identity of Winnie Couts.

In the ranking of the largest maritime disasters of the 20th century published by a popular Internet publication Titanic does not take at all last place. However, in the column “Cause of death - collision with an iceberg”, it appears in this list only once. The first and last time in the history of navigation when a ship sank due to a collision with an iceberg. Moreover, the consequences of the collision are comparable to the results of a major military operation. What is this?

The official version of the disaster is that Titanic collided with a black iceberg that had recently capsized in the water and was therefore invisible against the night sky. No one ever wondered why the iceberg was black. The lookout on duty, Frederick Fleet, saw some huge dark mass a few seconds before the collision and heard a strange, very loud grinding sound coming from under the water, not like the sound of contact with an iceberg.

80 years later, Russian researchers went down to the Titanic for the first time and confirmed that the hull of the steamship was indeed cut. Why didn't the lookouts notice anything in advance? It’s surprising, but they didn’t have binoculars, that is, technically they were in the safe, but the key to it mysteriously disappeared. And one more strange detail - Titanic the most advanced of the early 20th century was not equipped with spotlights. Such carelessness looks, at least, strange, because Titanic Telegrams arrived all day warning about icebergs cruising in the area.

Having weighed all the events and facts, it seems that the Titanic disaster was prepared on purpose, but who benefited from the death Titanic and why hundreds of innocent people were drowned. It was clear to the people behind the biggest disaster of the century that not everyone would believe in a collision with an iceberg. Until now, we are offered many versions to choose from, who will like what.

For example, in order to receive an insurance payment, they did not flood Titanic, and the same type of passenger ship Olympic, which had been in operation for a long time and by 1912 had become quite dilapidated. But in 1995, Russian scientists refuted this assumption with the help of remote-controlled modules inserted inside the sunken ship. It has been proven that it is not Olympic that lies at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Then a version was put into print that Titanic sank while chasing the prestigious Atlantic Blue Riband award. Allegedly, the captain wanted to arrive at the port of New York a day ahead of schedule in order to receive the prize. Because of this, the ship was sailing in a dangerous area at maximum speed. The authors of this version completely lost sight of the fact that Titanic I simply technically could not reach the speed of 26 knots, at which the previous record was set.

They also talked about the mistake of the helmsman, who misunderstood the captain’s order, and being in stressful situation I put the steering wheel in the wrong direction.

Maybe Titanic was hit by a torpedo from a German submarine and this disaster actually became the first episode of the First World War. Numerous underwater studies subsequently did not find even indirect signs of a possible torpedo hit, so the most plausible version The sinking of the Titanic resulted in a fire.

On the eve of departure, a fire broke out in the hold of the liner where coal was stored. They tried to put it out, but were unsuccessful. Already gathered at the pier richest people of that time, cinema stars, the press, and an orchestra played. The flight could not be cancelled. The owner of the ship, Bruce Ismay, decided to go to New York and try to put out the fire along the way. That is why the captain drove at full speed, fearing with all his might that the ship was about to explode and ignored the message about icebergs.

Another oddity is the owner of the company “ White Star Line", which belonged to Titanic multimillionaire John Pierpont Morgan Jr. canceled his ticket 24 hours before departure and removed from the flight the famous collection of paintings that he was going to take to New York. In addition to Morgan, 55 more first-class passengers, mostly partners and acquaintances of the millionaire - John Rockefeller, Henry Frick, and the US Ambassador to France Alfred Vandelfeld, refused to travel on the Titanic in just one day. Previously, practically no significance was attached to this fact, but only very recently scientists compared certain facts and came to the conclusion that the Titanic was the first major disaster aimed at establishing world domination.

Billionaires rule the world, whose goal is unlimited power. Accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, collapse Soviet Union, attack on the Twin Towers of the World shopping center- links of one chain. The sinking of the Titanic not the first and not the last planned disaster. But why did the world government decide to flood Titanic. The answer should be sought in the events of the early 20th century. It was during these years that industry began to grow sharply - the gasoline engine, the incredible development of aviation, industrialization, the use of electricity in all industries, the experiments of Nikola Tesla, and so on. The world's financial leaders understood scientific and technical progress, may soon explode the world order on planet Earth. John Rockefeller, John Pierpont Morgan, Carl Mayer Rothschild, Henry Ford, who are the world government, understood that following the rapid growth of industry, countries would begin to develop, which in their world concept were assigned the role of only raw material appendages, and then the redistribution of property on the planet would begin, and control over the processes taking place in the world will be lost.

Every year the socialists made themselves known more and more, trade unions gained strength, crowds of protesters demanded freedom and independence. And then it was decided to remind humanity who is the boss of the world.

In the mid-90s, Russian scientists dived to the Titanic and took metal samples, which were then analyzed by specialists from an American institute. The results were truly stunning - based on the sulfur content, it was established that it was an ordinary metal. And later studies showed that the metal was not just the same as on other ships, it was much more worse quality, and in ice water it generally turned into a very fragile material. In the fall of 1993, an event occurred that put an end to the study of the causes of death Titanic. At the New York conference of American shipbuilding experts, the results of an independent analysis of the causes of the disaster were announced. Experts said they did not understand why such low quality steel was used for the hull of the world's most expensive ship. IN cold water The hull of the Titanic cracked at the first impact on a minor obstacle, while high-quality steel only deforms.

Experts believed that in this way the owners of the shipbuilding company were trying to save money, but no one thought to ask why the billionaire owners of the ship were cutting costs, jeopardizing their own safety. And everything is quite logical; it was a real sabotage. Brittle metal, cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean and a dangerous route. All that remained was to wait for the SOS signal from the shipwrecked Titanic. During the investigation of the circumstances of the disaster, the US judicial commission proved that the northern route that the Titanic took was chosen on the orders of Bruce Ismay. He was on board the ship, but was one of the first to be evacuated and safely awaited the arrival of " RMS Carpathia", which also belonged to the company " White Star Line"and was specially located nearby to save rich passengers. But " RMS Carpathia“The order was given, it is not too close, because the disaster was supposed to be a terrifying event for the whole world.

Now we can say with confidence sinking of the Titanic it was a carefully thought-out propaganda campaign. Millions of people around the world were shocked by the fate of third class passengers buried alive; they remained walled up in their cabins.

In the eyes of the world government, third class passengers are you and me - Russia, China, Ukraine and the Middle East, and in December 2012 they are preparing a new act of intimidation for us, but what exactly? All that remains is to wait, and not for long.

watch National Geographic's reconstruction of the sinking of the Titanic

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