Individual support programs at school. Principles of support, their characteristics

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HPE "Chelyabinsk State University"

Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy

Department of Special and Clinical Psychology


Psychological support in the psychological service system

Student of the PSS-201 group

___________WITH. N. Shcherbakova.

Teacher Goltfarb O.S.

Chelyabinsk 2014

Principles of support, their characteristics

The basic principles of accompanying a child in life conditions in an educational institution are:

Priority of the interests of the person being accompanied (“On the side of the child”);

Continuity of support;

Multidisciplinary (integrated approach) support;

The desire for autonomy.

Let's look at these principles in more detail.

Recommendation(non-binding) nature. The leading idea of ​​support is the provision of the necessary independence of the child in solving problems relevant to his development, which is why the logic of support dictates the need to abandon “legislative” decisions; all decisions of the support center can only be advisory in nature. Responsibility for solving the problem remains with the child, his parents or their substitutes, teachers, and close circle. Obviously, if one of the sides of the “subjective quadrangle” cannot take part in decision-making (for example, due to the child’s lack of parents or incompetence in the ministry), then the functions of this side are taken over by other carriers of the problem. The more competent a child is in solving his problems, the more rights he should have to the final decision.

"On the child's side." The principle repeats the title of the famous monograph by Françoise Dolto (1985); it reflects the basic contradiction of the tracking method. It is obvious that the “culprit” of any problematic situation in a child’s development is not only the social environment or the natural genotype of the child, but also the characteristics of his personality. Simply put, in problematic situations the child is often wrong. It would seem that justice requires an objective analysis of the problem, but we should not forget that “on the side of adults” are their life experience, numerous opportunities for independent self-realization, and many social structures and organizations. Very often, the child has only himself and a support system specialist on his side, who is called upon to strive to solve every problematic situation with maximum benefit for the child.

Continuity of support. The child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem. The support specialist will stop supporting the child only when the problem is solved or the approach to the solution is obvious. This principle also means that children who are constantly exposed to risk factors (for example: a chronically ill child, a child in the special education system, an orphan) will be provided with continuous support throughout the entire period of their formation.

Multidisciplinarity(integrated approach) support. The principle requires the coordinated work of a “team” of specialists who preach common values, are included in a single organizational model and own a single system of methods.

The quest for autonomy. One of the most difficult principles to implement. On the one hand, the autonomy of the center acts as a guarantor of protection from administrative pressure from the management or teachers of the school on certain recommendations of the center. It's no secret that teachers often seek advice from the center in an effort to “get rid of an unwanted child” and are seriously annoyed if their demands are not confirmed by specialists.

On the other hand, employees of an independent, autonomous center find themselves little informed about the real life of the school; it is more difficult for them to establish contact with service employees who are members of the teaching staff.

Therefore, in practice, the model that most often develops is that, along with large independent support centers, it is typical to create services or support groups in institutions. The latter may include a variety of teaching staff at the school or orphanage: educators, class teachers, social educators, pedagogical organizers, teachers united in a group on the principle of carrying out activities of general or thematic support for students or a psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation.

The activities of modern centers and support services are aimed at ensuring two coordinated processes:

Individual support for children in educational institutions;

Systemic support aimed at preventing or correcting a problem that is characteristic not of one child, but of the system as a whole.

Individual support for children in an educational institution involves creating conditions for identifying potential and real “risk groups” (that is, children under the influence of one or more risk factors) and guaranteed assistance to those children who need it. This method of work is the opposite of the so-called “application” support, according to which centers (or corresponding services) work only with those children about whom parents (or teachers) contacted the center. At the same time, it is often those who most need support who fall out of the circle of care and attention of adults.

System support and socio-pedagogical accompanying design are carried out by centers and services in several directions:

participation in the development and implementation of programs for the development of educational systems, taking into account the creation of favorable conditions for the development of children;

designing new types of educational institutions (shelter, social hotel, individual education school, etc.) that children need;

creation of preventive and correctional programs aimed at overcoming problems typical for many children.

Psychological support in the psychological service system (Bardner, Romazan, Cherednyakova; Bityanova, etc.).

Psychological services for children with developmental disorders should not be limited only to counseling and psychocorrectional activities. The effectiveness of psychological support largely depends on the influence of the socio-psychological environment surrounding a child or adolescent with developmental problems.

This impact is successfully achieved with the help of psychological support, which has been intensively introduced into the psychological service system in the last decade (Bardner, Romazan, Cherednyakova, 1993; Bityanova, 1997; Galiyakhmetov; Likhtarnikov, 1998, etc.).

In the Russian language dictionary, “accompany” means “to go, to travel with someone as a companion or guide.” Literally translated, accompaniment means assistance. M.R. Bityanova, analyzing the specifics of support in the work of a school psychologist, considers support as a system of professional activity of a psychologist that creates socio-psychological conditions for the success of a child’s education in a situation of school interaction. The author considers accompaniment as a method and ideology of the work of a school psychologist.

Purpose of support, according to the author, is the creation “within the framework of an objectively given environment for the child of conditions for maximum personal development and learning in a given situation” (1997, p. 21), i.e. the active directed influence of the psychologist on the social conditions in which the child lives . The tasks of accompanying healthy schoolchildren considered by the author undoubtedly have important practical significance, however, the substantive focus and tasks of psychological support of children with developmental disorders differ significantly from the tasks of psychological support of a healthy child.

We believe that psychological support for children with developmental disorders is the activity of a psychologist aimed at creating a comprehensive system of clinical-psychological, psychological-pedagogical and psychotherapeutic conditions that contribute to the successful adaptation, rehabilitation and personal growth of children in society (school, family, medical institution, etc.). P.).

Support means a dynamic process, the holistic activity of a psychologist, which includes five interrelated components:

    systematic monitoring of the clinical-psychological and psychological-pedagogical status of the child in the dynamics of his mental development;

    creating socio-psychological conditions for effective mental development children in society;

    systematic psychological assistance to children with developmental disorders in the form of counseling, psychocorrection, psychological support;

    systematic psychological assistance to parents and relatives of children and adolescents with developmental problems;

    organization of a child’s life in society, taking into account their mental and physical capabilities.

Monitoring the psychological status of a child is a rather labor-intensive process that requires close interaction of all specialists involved in the child’s life (psychologist, speech pathologist, psychiatrist or neurologist).

The main stages of the psychological support process include:

Preparatory stage and solves the following problems:

1) Establishing contact with all participants accompanying the child.

2) Determining the scope of work and the sequence of the maintenance process.

3) Preparation of the necessary documentation.

4) Drawing up a work schedule.

When establishing contact with specialists, a psychologist must explain the goals of psychological support for the child.

During the orientation phase:

1) contact is established with the child’s parents and relatives;

2) contact is established with the group that the child attends, and if it is a school or kindergarten, then with the class teacher or teachers;

3) specialists become familiar with the results of the psychological examination;

4) the peculiarities of the child’s mental development are jointly discussed with teachers and other specialists.

At the planning stage, creation occurs individual program accompanying the child and approval of this program with specialists.

The individual program implementation stage includes the following tasks.

1. Providing the necessary assistance to the child’s parents and teachers in creating the conditions necessary for a child with developmental disabilities to live a full healthy lifestyle and successfully master educational programs, taking into account his mental and physical capabilities.

2. Providing the necessary psychological assistance to the child’s parents, relatives, and friends in order to harmonize interpersonal relationships and optimize the educational process.

3. Education and consultation of teachers, special education teachers and other specialists working with the child.

At the final stage, it is analyzed how effectively the work has been carried out, and recommendations are given for the child’s future activities (vocational training, continued education at school with a vocational orientation, etc.).

To regulate the activities of specialists in the process of psychological support, we recommend maintaining appropriate documentation. Some authors propose concluding an agreement between specialists, which, in our opinion, is a positive start. The experience of our work shows the advisability of keeping a diary like a medical history, in which each specialist reflects the dynamics of the mental state and development of the cognitive processes and personality of the child. In this diary, the psychologist presents a detailed psychological report about the child and a plan for psychocorrectional work. The diary must be kept by a psychologist. Psychological support should be provided by a permanent (family) psychologist. If a child is studying in a special school, then this is carried out by a school psychologist; if the child is not studying and is being raised at home, then the child must be accompanied by a psychologist from the dispensary or clinic to which the child is assigned.

Definition of the concept of “accompaniment” according to E.I. Kazakova

The concept of support as a new educational technology in our country was developed by E.I. Kazakova fl995-2001).

Under accompaniment is understood as a method that ensures the creation of conditions for the subject of development to make optimal decisions in various situations life choice. (A simplified interpretation: support is helping a subject make decisions in difficult situations of life choice.) In this case, the subject of development is understood as both a developing person and a developing system. Life choice situations – multiple problematic situations, upon resolution of which the subject determines for himself the path of progressive or regressive development.

The introduction of the term support is not the result of a scientific and linguistic experiment; replacing it with classical help, support or provision does not fully reflect the essence of the phenomenon. This does not mean any form of assistance (let alone provision), but support, which is based on maintaining maximum freedom and responsibility of the development subject for choosing a solution to an urgent problem. This refers to the complex process of interaction between the accompanying person and the accompanied person, the result of which is a decision and action leading to progress in the development of the accompanied person. When analyzing the term, it is no less important that the subject or carrier of the child’s development problem is not only himself, but also his parents and teachers. Consequently, in the theory of support, an important position is the statement that the bearer of the child’s development problem: in each specific case, the child himself, his parents, teachers, and the child’s immediate environment act.


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What is psychological and pedagogical support? What are its features?

This question is relevant and therefore deserves detailed study. Essence and specificity Under the influence of various unfavorable conditions, children currently have developmental problems, there are various deviations in physical and mental development, and there are serious behavioral disorders. The social situation has a negative impact on educational institutions. Schools are faced with innovative forms education.

In the process of implementing such principles in practice, a serious disproportion in the emotional and cognitive development of the child arises. The controversy has caused serious problems With the education of children, school maladaptation appeared.


To eliminate it, you need Team work many specialists, the use of a complex of social, medical, and psychological techniques. Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support allows us to eliminate identified problems and provide children with the necessary support in a timely manner.

History of the creation of domestic complex methods

In our country, social support for children appeared only at the end of the last century. The term “escort” was first introduced in 1993 by T. Cherednikova. Psychological support in a comprehensive aspect was considered by many domestic scientists and teachers, including L.M. Shipitsyn, I.S. Yakimanskaya.

Signs of anxiety and ways to eliminate them were studied by A.I. Zakharov, Z. Freud. Over a long period of time, psychologists have identified real reasons this phenomenon, tried to find effective ways fix the problem. Comprehensive support is a set of development diagnostics and correctional and developmental programs aimed at eliminating identified problems.

Early support

In order to fully introduce humanistic education into practice, Russian pedagogy began to pay attention to Special attention such an issue as previously individual support for children. It is aimed at the timely identification of children at risk, gifted children, and the selection of a development trajectory for each student.

At the end of the last century, the first Russian conference of school psychologists took place, within the framework of which effective methods of helping special children were analyzed. The complex psychological support under consideration was inextricably linked with modernization educational system, transition to the principles of self-development of children.

Thanks to psychological and medical pedagogical centers and special support services, children and parents received comprehensive assistance. A problem child became an object for the work of doctors, teachers, and psychologists.

Modern realities

Currently, comprehensive support is the systematic work of several specialists aimed at eliminating problems in the behavior of an individual student. Excellent comprehensive support has been formed in many regions of the country, databases have been created, thanks to which special children are tracked when they move from one place of residence to another region of the Russian Federation.

Work efficiency

Considering that social support is a system, the results of the work are analyzed in the education system, in medical institutions, and in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. results statistical research indicate that after a system of measures was created, the number of repeaters significantly decreased, the number of offenses decreased, and much fewer children began to exhibit deviant behavior.

Purpose of support

Pedagogical support for children is aimed at creating such social and pedagogical conditions in which any schoolchild would have the opportunity to become an active participant in all events taking place at school. The child gets the opportunity to have his own inner world, develop it, build relationships with other children.

If social support is built taking into account age characteristics child, an educational environment is being formed that will contribute to successful studies and the harmonious development of a “difficult” student.

Maintenance principles

The main value is attached to the child’s personal choice, the possibility of his self-determination in different life situations.

Thanks to the use of innovative pedagogical technologies, support for schoolchildren’s activities is carried out in direct communication with parents, teachers, and medical workers.

The essence of the work is to transfer to the child himself the key to his communication, activity, and psychological secrets. The child develops the skills of setting a specific goal, planning a way to achieve it, a value system, and the ability to analyze his work.

An adult helps a child choose a subjective, responsible position in relation to the events that surround him.


Considering that support is an important and responsible process, it is impossible without choosing certain areas of activity. First of all, reorientation, psychological retraining of the child, changing existing skills in a positive way is required.

For example, for this purpose, training programs and special educational games are carried out, during which the child has the opportunity to practice theoretical knowledge.

Methods of this kind are necessary for schoolchildren to understand their own “I”, their individual characteristics, as well as to acquire the skills of self-analysis and self-improvement.

Gaming technologies in which children experience difficult situations, learn to get out of them, help to plunge into real life. Students begin to see all the consequences of their actions, realize the wrongness of their behavior, and rethink their value system. Understanding how serious the results of wrong actions can be, realizing the reality of losses of family and friends helps to rethink behavioral aspects.


Comprehensive support for schoolchildren is important aspect modern educational system. Considering modern realities, there are more children with serious behavioral and mental development disorders; they need individual approach, professional help specialists.

Currently, new approaches to building an integrated system are being developed. methodological work psychologists and teachers. The essence of such activities is to transfer to schoolchildren techniques that will give them a real opportunity to study successfully, systematize the acquired knowledge, and rationally store it in their memory.

Personality-oriented approach I.S. Yakimanskaya considers the development of a psychological and pedagogical system for the formation of a student’s personality and the mandatory consideration of his personal and individual characteristics as priority needs.

This support position is based on the interests and needs of the individual child and takes into account the logic of his development.

The concept of psychological and mental health of children, proposed by I.V. Dubrovin, considers in the form separate subject the work of a psychologist - all problems related to the formation of personality in a separate educational space.

It is the school that influences psychological health and makes adjustments to the normal development of the child. Priority is given to the prevention of identified problems, including monitoring and correction of the educational space.

Developmental education D.B. Elkonin is based on the need to design an environment in which a child could not only learn knowledge and skills, but also develop deep personal qualities and human abilities.

It is the school that primarily influences psychological condition children, therefore Lately Such serious attention is paid specifically to the monitoring of educational institutions. The cooperation of child psychologists with school teachers, parents, and children makes it possible to promptly identify various problems, find rational ways to eliminate them and fully prevent them.




individual psychological support

child with disabilities (intellectual development delay)




Implementation period: 2016-2017 academic year

Responsible for program implementation: teacher

primary classes Belonenko Tatyana Burgandievna

Zimnyaya Stavka village

Explanatory note

This program of psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities (intellectual development delay) was created to solve the problem of inclusive education for this child. The program allows you to organize a child’s education taking into account his special educational needs, determined by the nature of his developmental disorder, and evaluate the results obtained. Support is understood as a comprehensive activity of specialists aimed at solving problems of correction, development, training, education, and socialization of children with disabilities. The technology of pedagogical support is based on the coordinated interaction of all subjects of the educational process. Training, upbringing and education are the main ways of its development, rehabilitation, socialization and integration into society and determine the specifics of the formation and implementation of an individual program of psychological and pedagogical support for the education of a child with disabilities. The individual support program is aimed at developing the child’s individual capabilities to receive a full education, achieve maximum adaptation, and social rehabilitation. Training in connection with disabilities child health takes place at home, through the integration of full-time and distance learning.

Purpose of the program: creation of a system of comprehensive assistance to a child with disabilities (retarded intellectual development) in development, training, education, social adaptation.

Tasks determined taking into account the stages of correctional and developmental work with the child and the involvement of participants in psychological and pedagogical support:

1) preventing the occurrence of developmental problems in a child with disabilities;

2) assistance (assistance) to a child with disabilities in solving current problems of development, training, socialization (learning difficulties, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents);

3) development of the psychological and pedagogical competence of a child with disabilities in accordance with his individual psychophysical capabilities;

4) psychological support for educational programs;

5) ensuring adaptation to school;

6) development of educational and cognitive motivation;

7) development of independence and self-organization.

    Respect for the interests of the child. The principle defines the position of a specialist who is called upon to solve a child’s problem with maximum benefit and in the interests of the child.

    Systematicity. The principle ensures the unity of diagnosis, correction and development, i.e. systems approach to the analysis of the features of development and correction of disorders of a child with disabilities, as well as a comprehensive multi-level approach of specialists, interaction and coordination of their actions in solving the child’s problems; participation in this process of all participants in the educational process.

    Continuity. The principle guarantees the child and his parents (legal representatives) continuity of assistance until the problem is completely resolved or an approach to solving it is determined.

    Variability. The principle involves the creation of variable conditions for obtaining an education for a child with disabilities in physical and mental development.

    Advisory nature of assistance. The principle ensures compliance with the legally guaranteed rights of parents (legal representatives) of a child with disabilities to choose forms of education for the child, educational institutions, to protect the legal rights and interests of the child, including mandatory agreement with parents (legal representatives).

Directions of work within the framework of the program implementation.

This Program includes interrelated areas that reflect its main content:

    diagnostic work ensures timely identification of children with disabilities, carrying out a comprehensive examination of them and preparing recommendations for providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance in conditions educational institution;

    correctional and developmental work provides timely specialized assistance in mastering the content of education and correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children with disabilities in a general education institution; contributes to the formation of universal educational activities in students (personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative);

    advisory work ensures continuity of special support for children with disabilities and their families on the implementation of differentiated psychological and pedagogical conditions for training, education, correction, development and socialization of students;

    outreach work is aimed at explanatory activities on issues related to the characteristics of the educational process for this category of children, with all participants in the educational process - students (both with and without developmental disabilities), their parents (legal representatives), and teaching staff.

Addressee of this program: Grinko Alexander

Date of birth - 08/16/2006

Extract from the PMPK conclusion : It is recommended to teach in 1st grade according to an adapted educational program for children from the 2015-2016 school year. Observation by a psychiatrist, neurologist. Classes with a speech therapist and psychologist.

Development cognitive processes (individual sessions 2 times per week); use games to develop attention, memory, thinking;

Development of communication skills through work in small group; games with rules to develop self-control.

Characteristics of this child (current level of intellectual development): Formed neatness skills, self-service skills and orientation in the surrounding space are partially formed.

Characterized by underdevelopment of all neuropsychic processes, in to a greater extent The intellectual sphere suffers, and to a lesser extent the sensorimotor sphere.

Features of mental development: insufficient cognitive activity, weakness of orientation activity are manifestations arising from the characteristics of neuropsychological processes occurring in the brain.

Features of VND:

Significantly slower than normal, new conditioned connections are formed, which underlie learning and upbringing. Poor orientation in the environment, inability to apply certain rules in practice. Weakness, inertia of nervous processes (weakness of the excitation process causes poor closure of new conditioned connections, weakness of inhibition leads to poor quality differentiation), imbalance in the processes of excitation and inhibition, a tendency to frequent protective inhibition, decreased plasticity of the central nervous system. Features of GND are manifested in defects in cognitive processes - attention, memory, perception, thinking, speech.

a brief description of family and family living conditions of the child. The child is brought up in complete family. In addition to this child, the family has 4 minor children who are sisters and a brother this child. All created the necessary conditions for living and raising a child, the living conditions of the family are satisfactory

Table 1.

The main stages of the process of psychological and pedagogical support



Diagnostic support for the child and his family;

Establishing contact with all participants accompanying the child;

Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of child developmental characteristics, prevention of mental development disorders;

Determining the parenting model used by parents and diagnosing them personal characteristics(drawing up a socio-psychological map of the family);

social pedagogue, speech therapist teacher,

Implementation of programs

Implementation of an individual psychological support program;

Providing the necessary assistance to the parents of a child with disabilities (consulting, conversations, discussion);

Education and consultation of teachers working with children;

Correctional and developmental classes, including complexes for the development of attention, memory, thinking, emotional-volitional sphere;

Carrying out joint events with parents and children;

social teacher,

Analysis and correction

Carrying out control diagnostics to assess the effectiveness of the program;

Analysis of process efficiency and support results;

Monitoring satisfaction with the results of work during the school year (child, parents, teachers).

social teacher,

This program is implemented through the following methods and techniques:

Discussion, discussion, conversation;



Questionnaire, survey;


Group and individual work;

Projective methods;

Training sessions using health-saving and innovative technologies;

Educational games, exercises with game forms work.

Features of the program implementation: The child’s education is difficult due to the student’s low performance, increased fatigue and exhaustion, impaired functioning of the large and fine motor skills, disturbance of attention and perception.

Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the Individual Psychological Support Program:

Use of health-saving technologies: dynamic pauses, finger gymnastics, kinesiological exercises;

Use of innovative technologies, methods and means: bibliotherapy, play therapy.

Use of information and communication technologies, multimedia;

Availability of monitoring and recording of the child’s achievements: initial diagnostics (September 2015), final diagnostics (May 2016), PMPK meeting (final).

Material, technical, program and methodological conditions for the implementation of the Program: furniture for classes (table, chair), stationery, psychological techniques, didactic materials, logistics support under the “Accessible Environment” program.


Primary school teacher, social educator

Mechanisms for implementing the Psychological Support Program. The main mechanism for implementing the Program is an optimally structured interaction between specialists of the educational institution and interaction with the parents (legal representative) of the child, providing systematic support for children with disabilities by specialists of various profiles in educational process.

Lesson mode: Psychological support is provided outside of school hours, from September 15, 2016. until May 15, 2017, for 30 academic weeks. The frequency of classes is 2 times a week, lasting 30 minutes, in the morning. Classes are not held during holidays.

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the program:
- increasing the level of theoretical and practical training of the student in accordance with the curriculum;

Increasing learning motivation (the presence of sustainable motivation to learn);

Development of the student's personality;

Increasing the level of voluntary regulation of emotions;

Socialization of a child with disabilities, increasing life competence;

Predicted result:

Restoration (compensation) of communication functions, control of one’s behavior;

Correction of unformed mental functions;

Successful adaptation to school education;

Development of cognitive and educational motivation;

Development of cognitive processes;

Development of independence and self-organization.

table 2





Examples of techniques and exercises used


Input diagnostics

level of formation of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking)

"10 words"

"4th extra"


pictures" etc.

Diagnosis of the level of school motivation

Methodology by A.G. Luskanova “What I like about school”

Correction of educational motivation, satisfaction with educational activities (correctional and developmental classes). Prevention of social maladjustment

Game methods formation of educational motivation (replaying school situations).

Development of cognitive processes. Development of visual-figurative memory, voluntary attention.

Various games for the development of memory and attention (for example, “Find the differences”, Schulte tables, mixed up lines, the game “Who is this? What is this?”, etc.)

Development of cognitive processes: visual-figurative thinking. Development of temporal and spatial representations

“Sequential pictures”, “Make a story from the pictures”, “Cut pictures”, “Stories in pictures”, etc. Working with a clock layout, conversations based on pictures (time of year, time of day), etc.

Formation of adequate self-esteem and correction of the emotional-volitional sphere

“Me and my body”, “Me and others”, “My life path"(stages of human life in drawings). Games with rules to develop self-control.

Development of spatial thinking and fine motor skills

“Tangram”, “Magic Circle”, “Collect a Square”, construction activities: building games various figures and patterns from geometric material, from design elements

Development of cognitive processes.

Koos cubes, “Cut pictures”, “4th extra”, etc.

Development of cognitive processes and emotional-volitional regulation of behavior

Board and role-playing games to broaden your horizons, games with rules to develop self-control.

Final diagnostics of the level of formation of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking)

"10 Words", "Tangled Lines",

"4th extra"

“Sequential pictures”, etc.

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