Name Fatima. The meaning of the independent name Fatima is love, fate and character

A gentle, captivating woman, with her behavior and appearance, fully justifies the meaning of the name Fatima. An intelligent, strikingly feminine and kind personality easily wins the sympathy of others.

As a child, cheerful and sociable, the girl is the pride of her parents. Completely non-conflict and good-natured, she captivates others with her openness.

When meeting a girl, you may get the impression that she is flighty and a little frivolous, but this is far from the case. The owner of a gentle feminine name is smart and practical beyond her years. This expresses the basic meaning of the name Fatima for a child.

During her school years, the girl is practically no different from her peers. She studies at will, she's a good girl. My favorite subjects are astronomy, biology, chemistry, and sometimes exact sciences. She does needlework sluggishly; she is more attracted to the mystical side of life.

The young lady has a highly developed intuition, which helps her predict upcoming events. In this sense, the meaning of the name Fatima for a girl reveals a special gift of clairvoyance, which can become both an assistant in life and a heavy burden.

Despite her loyalty, the girl has a special approach to those people who have hurt her honor and dignity. Her revenge will be cruel and without concessions to the offending party.

Despite her openness, the young lady does not allow anyone into her personal inner world. Even close friends have no idea about the depth of her experiences, thoughts and emotions. But no one knows about the details of her personal life.

The girl is cunning like a woman, which allows her to get and implement her plans without much effort. When communicating with men, she is flexible and submissive, which contributes to the rapid implementation of her goals.

The young lady's flexible mind easily grasps the essence of the matter, allowing her to quickly make a decision. She tends to believe her own experience more than to listen to the practical advice of others.

The girl hates routine and tries in different ways to diversify her life. It will not be difficult for her to turn an ordinary tea ceremony with her friends into a grandiose event. He likes to “wash bones” and give advice to others, but besides this, he is a pleasant conversationalist and knows how to listen.

Troubles and disappointments plunge the girl into depression, but she quickly copes with her emotions.

Fatima, born in winter, is persistent and capricious, and can stand up for herself. She loves to be the center of attention and is most often an informal leader.

Spring Fatima is a little demonstrative and has a degree of irresponsibility in her decisions and actions. Summer is easy-going, charming and sociable. Autumn is distinguished by its responsiveness and reliability, always ready to help even a stranger.

The interpretation of the name indicates the girl’s incredible ability to attract attention. Her manner of presenting herself advantageously often sets the young lady apart from her friends. To maintain a spectacular image, she pays great attention to her appearance, dressing with taste.


A woman carefully selects a spouse, trying to find the most profitable match, attracting the future chosen one with her humility and pliability. The cunning female mind, like a chess game, calculates words and actions.

However, this does not mean that a woman does not feel love for men. The girl’s love is intertwined with practicality, so she quite consciously takes risky actions.


Family ties help a young person to know himself even more. Having become a legal wife, she tries with all her might to charm her husband, surrounding him with care and comfort. He is always on guard for his family.

A woman carefully builds and decorates a cozy nest, paying great attention to the comfort and style of her home. She cooks excellently, treating her guests and household members to culinary delights.

The birth of a child marks a new stage in life for a girl. She becomes a caring and tender mother who will protect her children from all adversity all her life.

Business and career

A career does not mean much to a woman; it is important for her to feel comfort and a desire to work. Thanks to her diligence, the young lady quickly achieves heights in her chosen path, trying to do her job as perfectly as possible.

The woman has good physical data to play sports and dance professionally. If from an early age she pays attention to her intuition and develops it, she can become clairvoyant. Very often, this gift helps her win card games, roulette and lottery.

Can realize himself in such professions as lawyer, lawyer, social activist, hairdresser, teacher, scientist, model, athlete.

Origin of the name Fatima

The origin of the name Fatima has several theories. According to the first, the place where the naming originated is the Arab countries. The etymological meaning translated from Arabic is “adult, weaned.” In history, Fatima, whose name was the fourth daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, was the wife of Ali, the mother of Hassan and Hussein.

From Iranian, the mystery of the name is interpreted as “light-faced”, in Persian – “tender, captivating”, in ancient Greek – “sad, weak”.

Characteristics of the name Fatima

The characteristics of the name Fatima, indicating the main pros and cons of the owner’s character, highlight the most striking features. This is a woman’s cunning, which allows her to achieve her goal, and intuition, relying on which, a young lady avoids difficult situations. When raising a child named Fatima, parents should pay attention to the manifestation of mercantile interests.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – emerald, obsidian, aquamarine, beryl.
  • There are no name days in the Orthodox calendar.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Taurus, Libra.
  • Patron planet - Venus.
  • Favorable colors – pink, green, white, yellow.
  • Totem animal – deer, cat.
  • A favorable plant is an orchid.

Famous people named Fatima

  • Fatima Siad (1986) is the most successful participant in the 10th season of the American project America's Next Top Model.
  • Fatima Magomedovna Khadueva (1972) – clairvoyant, finalist of the 13th season of the “Battle of Psychics”.
  • Fatima Moreira de Melo (1978) – former player in the Dutch field hockey team, professional poker player.

Name Fatima in different languages

The translation of the name Fatima into German, English, French and Italian is Fatima. In Chinese the name is translated as 法蒂玛 (Fǎ dì mǎ), in Japanese it sounds like ファティマ (Fatima).

Name forms

  • Full name: Fatima.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Fatma, Fatisha, Fati, Fatme, Tima, Timushka.
  • Declension of the name - Fatima - Fatima.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is not indicated. When performing the sacrament of baptism in the Orthodox Church, it is customary to choose a name that is similar in sound or meaning. The most suitable one is Tatyana.
The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the unity of style, soft lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Compatibility of the name Fatima, manifestation in love

Fatima, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to express your feelings in forms that can’t help but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to go through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to sacrifice even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it is precisely this that will tell you the only right decision at the right moment. Try to “hear” him.

The name Fatima means "weaned, adult" in Arabic. This was the name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. She was separated from her mother when she was still a child. According to some sources, the name has Iranian roots, due to which it can also be translated as “light-faced.” Women wearing it are patronized by the number 5. They constantly strive for changes in life and adventure, and set serious and important goals for themselves.

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      In childhood

      A girl at a young age loves to be in the spotlight and wants to be the leader among her peers. She has well-developed prudence and common sense, so she often achieves leadership.

      The girl shows interest and perseverance in learning, loves different languages. As a child, Fatima does not sit in one place for long and leads an active lifestyle. Thanks to this, the girl achieves success in dancing and sports.

      • When you first meet the child, it seems that she is flighty and frivolous, but upon closer communication, your opinion changes.


        It is worth noting such character traits as kindness, fairness, analytical mind, exactingness, perseverance. Fatima learns foreign languages ​​very quickly and grasps new information on the fly. Easily adapts to other countries and understands different religions.

        Fatima is a very vindictive person, although it is quite difficult to offend her. If this does happen, then the offenders can only sympathize. The girl surprises and amazes with her sophistication in choosing the method of revenge, but she is in no hurry to take revenge, doing it with a long pause.

        A girl named Fatima very quickly achieves her goals. Is a person:

        • open;
        • cheerful;
        • optimistic;
        • able to find a common language with other people.

        This person does not like to be in someone's power, be it her parents or her husband. She defends her interests with ease and tenacity.

        In adolescence, intuition is very developed, which helps Fatima predict further developments of events. Despite her openness, she doesn’t let everyone into her inner world. Her thoughts and desires remain hidden from outsiders.

        Name meaning in Islam

        In Islam, the daughter of the prophet, like 30 of his companions, bore the name Fatima. The meaning of this name emphasizes the importance of a woman as a mother. There was such a thing as “fatamat”. It was translated as “a woman who weaned her child.” In relation to a representative of the fairer sex, the indicated expression was used if she became an adult, got married, successfully gave birth and breastfed a child. Due to the high infant mortality rate in ancient times, women who managed to raise children healthy and strong were revered.

        Gemini man - characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility


        He enjoys fairly good health thanks to his active lifestyle and love of sports. Problems only come with age.

        If at a younger age Fatima had good health, then over the years it may deteriorate. After 30 years, you should monitor your limbs, respiratory system and digestion.

        Career success

        The girl cares about her career, but it doesn’t come first. She very quickly finds her place and just as quickly achieves success in it. Fatima is a very good employee. She is appreciated for her determination, perseverance and fairness. The girl easily finds a common language with her colleagues.

        Most often, even marriage is a kind of career ladder for Fatima, since the girl gets married for convenience, trying to get the maximum benefit for herself from the relationship.

What does the name Fatima mean? This beautiful word has a deep meaning. It owes its roots to the verb cut off. The Arabic meaning of the name Fatima is adult, weaned. This is the name in Islam for women who have finished feeding their children. Parents, giving a girl such a name, initially lay out a whole program for her future: childhood, adolescence, marriage, birth and raising a child.

Origin of the name Fatima

Therefore, another meaning of the name Fatima in the Islamic world is: an accomplished woman. The origin of the name Fatima is associated with the Prophet Muhammad, this was the name of his fourth daughter. She was an outstanding woman who left her mark on history. The name is very popular in Islam. In Iranian it is light-faced, in Persian it is tender, captivating, in ancient Greek it is sad and weak.

Character, destiny

The girl's character is cheerful and cheerful. She is distinguished by her sociability, non-conflict and good-naturedness. There may be a misconception that the owner of the name is a frivolous and flighty person. But she is witty and cunning, so she achieves her goal with incredible ease and speed. A girl with this name has a pronounced sense of justice. She radiates kindness, is distinguished by marital devotion and has a remarkable memory.

Her character will not allow her to be under anyone’s thumb. She knows how to defend her views without giving offense. The owner of the name is capricious, especially for those born in winter. The woman amazes with her meticulousness and responsible approach to any task; for her, no trifles are too small.

She always relies on her own strength, and will not whine and complain. In her affairs, she purposefully moves forward. Therefore, often, this is either a leader in his circle, or an eminence grise. The owner of the name does not look for easy ways and prefers to learn from her mistakes without listening to outside advice.

Often fate rewards her with gifts in the form of bumps and abrasions. A sound mind and self-criticism allow you to delve into matters with lightning speed and make the only right decisions. But in routine matters she is weak, they cause melancholy, and in case of failure, even depression. We must pay tribute, this does not last long, intuition comes to the rescue and puts everything in its place.

The woman is distinguished by her hospitality; guests love to visit her at home, but she does not refuse their invitations. The owner of the name has a secretive character, her frankness with her friends ends before it begins, she does not let anyone into her family and does not discuss personal matters. Loves to observe traditions and rituals, such as the tea ceremony.

Childhood, youth, adulthood

Since childhood, Fatima has shown the desire and desire to be the object of everyone's attention, a leader among her peers. She always succeeds in this thanks to her precocious prudence and common sense. The owner of the name is distinguished by accuracy, punctuality and insight. She shows diligence and perseverance in her studies. She is motivated by a sense of justice and a reluctance to get good grades for having beautiful eyes.

The girl is not obsessed with studying, but this overcomes her laziness. She is a supporter of an active lifestyle and this affects her success in sports and dancing. Thanks to her attachment to physical education and sports, Fatima has good health and high vitality. These qualities will accompany her throughout her life. Over the years, a woman's character does not change. On the contrary, her kindness, sound mind, sense of justice and intuition are increasingly manifested and affirmed.

Work, career

Work plays an important, but far from the main role in her destiny. A woman is not prone to self-criticism and searching for her self. She quickly finds something she likes and also quickly reaches Olympus in it. Thanks to his hard work, diligence and sense of teamwork, he is a good employee. Career growth is not an end in itself, but she is unlikely to give up a calm and warm place; she would rather keep it for herself. She marries for convenience, deriving the greatest benefit from married life.

A woman named Fatima in relationships with men is flexible, flexible, submissive, and sometimes cunning and resourceful. Her influence on her partner is great, she almost always achieves her goals.

Home, marriage, family

In marriage, Fatima is usually happy. There are many men among her admirers, but it takes her a long time to choose someone who meets all her wishes: strong-willed, strong, faithful and caring. She almost always succeeds. The woman is a wonderful housewife and an excellent mother. Love and respect always reign in her home.

The owner of the name has a vengeful nature. She is not touchy, but the offender will not be happy. Fatima will not rush to take revenge, but she will certainly do it, cruelly and subtly.

In the abbreviated version, Fatima is called: Fati, Fatu, Pati, Patu, Fatimka, Fatime. Diminutive form: Fatimonka, Fatimushka, Fatimochka, Fitimchik.

Declension of the name Fatima by case

  • Nominative case - Fatima;
  • Genitive case - Fatima;
  • Dative case - Fatima;
  • Accusative case - Fatima;
  • Instrumental case - Fatima;
  • Prepositional case - Fatima;

Relation to the church calendar

In Orthodoxy, the name Fatima has not been defined; it is not included in Christmastide; during baptism, the consonant is used. The name Fatima is not in the church calendar.

Stability and harmony in relationships for Fatima can be ensured by Avvakum, Avaz, Abraham, Vladislav and Constantine. In alliance with them, she will blossom and fully manifest herself as a wonderful keeper of the hearth. And the husband acquires a devoted companion who will be with him in joy and sorrow for many years. The basis of this marriage will be love and understanding.

It will not bring happiness for the family of Alexey, Victor, Leonid, Evgeniy and Rostislav. In this marriage, mistrust and understatement will reign. They can never become one.

In the culture of the African state of Ghana, great importance is attached to the day of the week on which a child was born, as it is believed that this predetermines his fate. Therefore, almost all children receive a first or second name designating this day.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Meaning of the name Fatima

Non-conflict, soft, open and good-natured, Fatima is smart and practical beyond her years, and has well-developed intuition. She is secretive, but vengeful, as she does not tolerate insults. This cunning woman is independent in making decisions, does not listen to advice, although she herself loves to give it out. Strives for variety in life, otherwise he begins to feel sad.

General description of the name

Gentle, kind, smart and incredibly feminine, Fatima is able to captivate anyone with her sensuality and beauty. In early childhood, she is cheerful and sociable, which makes her parents proud, and besides, she does not tend to get involved in quarrels and conflicts, or bear a grudge against someone. When you first meet her, it may seem that she is a little frivolous, but this impression is wrong.

At school she is not one of the excellent students; she studies well, but only if she has a desire to gain knowledge. Most of all she likes astronomy, biology, chemistry and some exact sciences. She does not like to do handicrafts; she is more inclined to comprehend everything mystical.

The owner of this name has a well-developed intuition, so she is able to predict some events, but often this only hinders her in life. If you offend her, hurt her dignity, she will take cruel revenge. It is not typical for her to share her thoughts and experiences with others, even with her closest friends. She always achieves what she wants using her natural cunning and flexible mind, moreover, these qualities help her quickly make the right decisions. Almost never listens to other people's advice, always relying on his own opinion or previous experience.

She hates routine and tries in every possible way to diversify her daily life, so that even an ordinary tea party in the company of friends can turn into a special event for her. This woman will never miss an opportunity to gossip or give someone what she thinks is valuable advice, but at the same time she is an excellent conversationalist who knows how to listen. She knows how to present herself favorably and pays great attention to her appearance.

“Winter” representatives are extremely persistent and capricious, able to stand up for themselves, strive to constantly be the center of attention, and therefore often become informal leaders in the company.

“Spring” Fatimas are a little irresponsible in their actions and are prone to demonstrative behavior.

“Summer” and “Autumn” are incredibly charming and attractive, easy-going, responsive and trouble-free, always ready to help even strangers.

Fatima and health

The owners of this name are distinguished by good health and physical endurance, so they almost never suffer from serious illnesses. They are also not at risk of nervous breakdowns, because they are restrained and reasonable.

Fatima at work and business

Fatima's career does not come first - it is much more important for her to feel comfortable at work. However, this diligent and responsible employee is moving up the career ladder quite quickly. He often chooses professions such as lawyer, barrister, scientist, teacher, hairdresser, but can also devote himself to professional sports.

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