The name of the daughter of Denis Matsuev. Denis Matsuev: nationality, biography, personal life and interesting facts

Prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Shipulina told La Personne about the premiere of “Nureyev” and about her creative search.

Let's start with Nureyev. Opinions about the performance were divided: some were delighted, others did not understand at all what the fuss was about. It is interesting to know your opinion, the person who was inside this work.

Many people asked me about my impressions after the premiere, but it’s difficult for me to evaluate. This performance is already like a child for me. All of us, participants in the performance, worked on this ballet from the very first day, sometimes we didn’t even treat it very adequately. Of course, we fell in love with him, by the end we liked everything about him.

I like this performance.

Dress A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova

You danced the monologue “Diva”, where you had to tell the story of two divas: Natalia Makarova and Alla Osipenko. How were these roles constructed?

Everything came from Yuri Posokhov, who set such correct choreography to music and text. When staging, he proceeded from letters written by these ballerinas, in particular, from words and even intonations. Of course, this is exactly what played big role. I think it is the choreography that touches the most subtle feelings in the viewer and evokes strong emotions.

In your opinion, why is there no ballet artist of such stature as Nureyev in our time?

I think he was like that special person, self-willed and freedom-loving. Now artists may be afraid of losing their jobs and stability, although nowadays you can go abroad without problems. I don't know the exact answer. He was one of the first such rebels. Nowadays there are also shocking and scandalous artists, but now all this is no longer relevant. Gone are the days when it was interesting. Nowadays artists try to behave with dignity, this is considered professionalism.

When creative person goes to social life– does this interfere or not, what do you think?

For Nureyev it was organic, he didn’t force himself. For many, this image is part of their image. I think if it's fun, why not?..

Dress A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova; Boots Zara

When I look at your Instagram, it seems that you are very open man. But it is clearly visible that this is the external side of life. Is this a position not to openly reveal your personal life?

Yes. Personal life is personal to remain behind the scenes. When people flaunt their relationships, their family and children, most often it looks unnatural. There is some kind of window dressing in this.

Suit and coat A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova; Prada velvet sandals; Zara bag

You studied at the Perm School, but then moved to the Moscow Academy of Choreography. What prompted you to take this step, your ambitions?

At that time, no. This was a coincidence of circumstances, since the parents, being the premieres of the Perm Theater, were invited by Bryantsev to the Music. theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. Of course, they agreed, and literally a year later my mother took us to Moscow school. It's great that I had the experience of learning with using different methods. I studied in Moscow for 4 years. It was at the Moscow Academy of Choreography that I felt some leadership qualities in myself; of course, I only wanted to go to the Bolshoi. Where else?

Did you imagine that you would someday become the prima of this theater?

Probably not. I started with the second corps de ballet, went to court, sat on a bench. In general, I went through all the stages.

Is it difficult when you have ballet parents?

On the one hand, yes. They tell you what to do and how to do it 24 hours a day. Over time, you realize that your parents say the right things. In fact, I am very grateful to them for not discouraging my desire for this art.

Suit and coat A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova; Zara bag

During the time that you have been dancing in the theater, many managers have changed...

This is true!

Dress A L Russe Anastasia Romantsova; Gucci bag (property of Galina Ulanova); Boots Zara

What actions do you recommend when changing management?

Yes. This is hard. You seem to have already achieved something, and then another person comes and you prove everything again. Each leader has his own view, his own tastes. An artist may be wonderful, but the manager may not like him.

And what to do in such a situation?


What else do you have in your life besides ballet?

IN Lately There are fewer opportunities to go somewhere and meet with friends, although I try to find time to meet and drama theater. Now the priority is the child. I don’t even want to leave him, to be honest.

I would like to return to our photo shoot in the museum-apartment of Galina Ulanova. We invited you to this photo story for a reason. You are now working with Nadezhda Gracheva, who was Galina Ulanova’s last student. Tell me, does she often share Galina Sergeevna’s comments with you at rehearsals?

She speaks very sincerely about Galina Sergeevna. They had a lot in common, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna began her career in the theater with her and, of course, Galina Ulanova gave her a lot creatively. Well, besides, she is a legend!

Suit and coat A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova

As for the comments, I just remembered the remark about “The Swan” by Saint-Saëns. There is no clear system in this performance, there is a outline, and each ballerina has her own hands and poses. And so, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna said that Ulanova appeared in this number without immediately suffering, as most ballerinas do. She had this concept that the swan appears proud, beautiful, and not yet tragic. He doesn't die right away.

And finally, what would you wish your viewers for the New Year?

Of course, good health! Live and enjoy every second! Inspiration and fulfillment of all dreams! And be sure to go to the theater, enjoy, empathize and have fun!

Interview Alisa Aslanova

Photo Daria Ratushina

Designer A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova

Producer Ekaterina Bornovitskaya

Stylist Ksenia Vorobyova

MUAH Alena Soboleva

We thank the Galina Ulanova Apartment Museum and the Bakhrushinsky Museum for their assistance in organizing the shooting.

Outstanding pianist Denis Matsuev spoke about his daughter Anna, whom ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina gave birth to in October 2016.

Dmitry Matsuev rarely advertises his personal life. A little more than a year ago the pianist became a father for the first time. The musician’s wife, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater and Honored Artist of Russia Ekaterina Shipulina, gave birth to his daughter Anna. Denis said that his heiress, at the age of one and a half years, already adores classical piece and conducts with ease.

« Having your own child is a miracle. I regret that I have so much work to do and I can’t spend more time with her. I have never canceled a single concert in my life, however, I communicate with Anna Denisovna via modern devices. Every meeting with her is a volcano of emotions", Denis said.

According to the musician, his daughter fell in love with him from birth classical music. « She was only a month old when she was transfixed by Stravinsky. She is now one and five years old. Watching a child develop is very interesting", Denis said.

Matsuev noted that their parents help him and Ekaterina in raising their daughter. " We have wonderful grandparents. It is impossible to explain in words how much they love Anna Denisovna. From my own example, I can say for sure that being parents is one feeling. But when grandchildren appear, there is another love. Grandparents buy all the children's things; when we arrive in another country, the first thing they do is run to the store“Matsuev emphasized.

Denis admitted that he became a father at the age of forty. The birth of his long-awaited daughter completely changed his life and worldview. According to the musician, he does not feel his age at all. The only thing the pianist regrets is that he did not know the joy of fatherhood earlier.

« I’m playing the piano, and she’s already starting to conduct to the beat! And what? It's fashionable now to be a female conductor", Denis shared.

Matsuev noted that the emotions of the birth of his first child at the age of forty are difficult to convey in words. However, he has no intention of leaving the stage. For a pianist, performing in front of an audience is an integral part of his life.

« I have a flight every day and a concert every day! The stage for me is the most magical place on earth. I give myself to people and in return I receive a fantastic flow. He heals me, a real charge of electricity that"- said Matsuev.

The famous pianist and prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater have been together for many years

Photo: Denis and Ekaterina

The famous pianist Denis Matsuev and prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Shipulina are preparing to become parents. This was reported by an insider website during one of the events within the competition “ New wave" in Sochi. Denis himself did not confirm the information, but did not deny it either.

“You know, I don’t comment on personal life. Hello Vadim Vernik!” - the pianist said with a laugh telephone conversation with a correspondent site

In 2012, in the magazine OK! Vadim’s interview with Denis came out, where the pianist, who was 37 years old at that time, spoke about his attitude towards family and children: “This cannot be planned. Someday this will happen, I know that I will have children. And this will happen, maybe even in the very near future. It’s like improvisation, like inspiration, like flight, the chemistry is like that, you know, either it’s there or it’s not. All mine for now romance novels always ended great friendship. I’m a terribly amorous person and now I’m in such a romantic state and I don’t want to change it yet.”

Denis and Ekaterina also hardly talk about their relationship. It is known that they met at the opening of a restaurant with mutual friends and that they have been together for many years. In photographs of Catherine

Such a stir around the name of this wonderful ballerina did not arise by chance, because quite recently she gave birth to a daughter (October 31, 2016), whose father was the world-famous Russian pianist Denis Matsuev. Meanwhile, Ekaterina Shipulina is a ballerina, personal life which for a long time was not advertised, so it is not at all difficult to imagine how this news surprised her fans.

And no wonder, because only recently the public was happy that Ekaterina Shipulina and Denis Matsuev got married after a ten-year relationship, when it turned out that they had become parents. But the real shock of the fans of the creative couple lay ahead, because in the end it turned out that Denis and Katya did not get married at all, but simply celebrated a magnificent engagement and it never came to an official marriage, even after the birth of their long-awaited first child. A little later, in one of the interviews, the pianist reacted rather harshly to another question about the wedding, emphasizing that he was not going to the registry office, since he was very happy in his personal life and without a stamp in his passport. Meanwhile, Matsuev turns 42 this year, while his chosen one Ekaterina will be 38, although, probably, in modern world There are no restrictions for tying oneself with the knot of Hymen and this wonderful couple still has everything ahead.

One should not be surprised at the peculiar restraint of Ekaterina Shipulina, whose personal life throughout long period took a long time to develop in the best possible way, and all because the ballerina constantly improved her skills, spending 24 hours a day in training. Of course, all these efforts yielded colossal results, because today Katya is a prima ballerina Bolshoi Theater, what every dancer dreams of, and in 2009, in addition to everything else, she was awarded the title people's artist Russian Federation. However, in fairness it should be noted that so high bar This wonderful dancer was originally choreographed by her mother, Lyudmila Shipulina, who danced in ballet troupe on the stage of the Perm Theater.

So, in one of candid interviews the girl admitted that her mother had always been her harshest critic, forcing her to set the most incredible goals and go towards them at all costs, overcoming unbearable pain, fatigue and laziness, even with the help of painkillers.

But Ekaterina Shipulina did not become a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater right away, because for several years she had to study ballet skills in choreographic school in her native Perm, while performing on the stage of her theater, and for another four years - at the Moscow School classical dance(class of Lyudmila Sergeevna Litavkina). And only in 1998 she was enrolled in the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater, on the stage of which in the first season she was lucky enough to dance in “Bayadère” and “The Nutcracker”. Next year turned out to be even more generous for Catherine, because she was offered to dance in such magnificent productions as “Giselle”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Don Quixote”, “Chopiniana”, even if not in the first parts. A real triumph awaited the ballerina in 2002, because it was this year that she had the opportunity to perform the roles of Odile and Odette in the world-famous “Swan Lake” - the dream of every dancer.

With this part and the part in Giselle, Ekaterina begins to tour around the most famous cities world, and in 2003 she had the opportunity to conquer and American viewer during a speech at the Kennedy Center. After that there was Paris, Tokyo, Rome and many other wonderful places, so it’s no wonder that Shipulina simply had neither the energy nor the time left for any personal stories. And only in 2006, at one of the social events, she had the opportunity to meet Denis Matsuev, who accidentally ended up with Katya in the same company of mutual friends. It is noteworthy that the spark between the guys flew immediately, because both were young, beautiful, and most importantly, each talented in their field. In addition, Denis also had a huge experience behind him, having been born in musical family in distant Irkutsk, he, like Katya, was able to conquer the capital.

In 2009, Matsuev was awarded the title of laureate State Prize Russian Federation, and in 2011 they gave people's artist, which is a huge achievement for every figure. As for his relationship with the ballerina, it should be noted that this couple is united not only by a love of art, but also by some interesting hobbies.

For example, few people know that Katya Shipulina is seriously interested in ice skating and water skiing, and also madly loves traveling with her lover. In addition, this wonderful couple was spotted more than once at various ski resorts on skis and snowmobiles.

The famous pianist Denis Matsuev says almost nothing about his personal life. He rarely makes exceptions and only for his friends. Yesterday Denis became a guest of the new episode of the show " Evening Urgant", where he first told Ivan Urgant about his newborn daughter from ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina. According to Matsuev, the daughter was named Anna and the baby already has her favorite pieces of music.

To Ivan’s question about how Denis’s life changed with the birth of a child, the pianist replied that not yet, and if he changes anything, it will be only after 2021.

Before that, unfortunately, I already had everything planned out. A simple example today: I flew from Tel Aviv, yesterday I had a concert there with Zubin Mehta, the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra, tomorrow I have a concert in St. Petersburg, at Oktyabrsky, we are playing a jazz program. Now I have time to come to you, to my favorite studio, and I have an hour to see Anna Denisovna.

Denis Matsuev and Ivan Urgant

Denis, as Ivan guessed, had already checked the availability musical ear with Anna Denisovna and, as it turned out, managed to introduce his daughter to many outstanding classical works.

He played concerts by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, and even Prokofiev. Her favorite piece is Stravinsky's "Petrushka". Let's say, not a children's work. But she really doesn’t like Liszt’s 2nd concerto. I do not know why...

It is known that the daughter of Denis and Catherine was born in October last year. The prima ballerina also did not tell her subscribers about this on social networks and the press; only once, on Mother’s Day, she posted a photo of herself with a rounded belly.

Pregnant Ekaterina Shipulina

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