The name Azat in different languages. “Azat” - the meaning of the name, the origin of the name, name day, zodiac sign, mascot stones

Azat is a male name of Arabic origin and has the following meaning: free, independent, free. It is widely popular among many Turkic peoples (Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs), as well as among Armenians (Azad).

The meaning of the name Azat for a boy indicates increased activity and restlessness. Excessive emotionality in most cases is the cause of quarrels and misunderstandings with parents, peers, and teachers. Mother and father should monitor Aza’s state of mind and make sure that he gets plenty of rest from communicating with friends and studying.

The secret of the name Azat

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

Totem animal- Pelican.

Name color- Blue.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Sapphire.

Forms of the name Azat

Synonyms for the name Azat. Azad, Asat.
Short form of the name Azat. Aza.

Name Azat in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 阿扎特 (Ā zhā tè). Georgian: აზატ (azat). Persian: عزت. Yiddish: אַזאַט (azat). Ukrainian: Azat. English: Azat (Azat).

Origin of the name Azat

Origin of the name Azat. The name Azat is Armenian, Kazakh, Muslim.

The name Azat has several versions of origin. According to the first, Arabic, version, the name Azat is from the Pahlavi Yazata (in Arabic phonetics Azat), meaning “free”, “independent”. In the Iranian state, this was the name given to those residents - small feudal lords, a privileged class of warriors (horsemen) - who were exempt from taxes (taxes). Later in Iran they also began to call small landowners - dehkans.

According to the second version, the name Azat appeared in medieval Armenia, most likely coming from the Iranian state. Azats were the name given to medium-sized and small feudal lords, so in Armenia the name Azat means something like “landowner.”

The name Azat is sometimes pronounced and written as Azad. This name is popular in Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and is also used by Tatars, Bashkirs and Kazakhs.

The diminutive address Aza is also not only an independent name, but also a female name.

Character of the name Azat

The martyr Azat of Persia is known among Catholics and Orthodox Christians. He was a eunuch, but at the same time he occupied a high position in the royal court and enjoyed special love and respect from the Persian king Sapor II. For his profession of Christian faith, he was executed along with 1,000 other martyrs in 344. King Sapor II was greatly upset by the death of Azat, so after his death he issued a decree according to which it was forbidden to put Christians to death, and this decree was carefully carried out for some time. Catholic day of remembrance of Azat of Persia is April 22. The remaining named days are Orthodox.

Azat is a rather active and restless child. Winter representatives of this name are emotional. Their behavior directly depends on their mood and sleep. Azat does not tolerate humiliation. He has good self-esteem and does not let anyone bring it down. A representative of this name should always be given enough attention. Feeling undervalued can lead to a storm of emotions and resentment on his part. With age, Azat gains the ability to rethink his actions. He is stubborn in achieving his goal and will undoubtedly achieve his plans.

Azat often begins his career as a simple worker. His abilities will help him realize himself over time as a director and become a leader.

It takes quite a long time to decide to tie the knot. He does this only after he becomes a self-sufficient and independent man in all matters.

Spring Azat is a humanitarian by nature. He is always purposeful and does not like to conflict. “Summer” is distinguished by kindness and gentleness. Always ready to help others. It’s not easy for him to move from his father’s house. He loves to communicate and meet new people. Azat tends to analyze everything. He is characterized by self-criticism. Sometimes it is unnecessary. The exact sciences are quite easy for him. The owner of such a name approaches everything from a scientific point of view. The profession of an engineer, designer or scientist is ideal for him.

You can always rely on Azat in any matter. He raises his children in strictness. Considered to be a stern father.

This person can be characterized as conscientious, stable and reliable. He is always respected by friends and colleagues. You should not expect improvisations or any unexpected actions from him. Azat is not a creative person. He always tries to follow a pre-planned path.

Numerology of the name Azat

Those with the name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, “fours” are reliable and can be relied on in any life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Azat

A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
3 - all-round defense of the “I” from the outside world, high intuition, rich imagination. A person sometimes takes the position of an ostrich, hiding its head in the sand.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.

Business and career of Azat

Love and marriage of Azat

Characteristics of the name Azat

What does the name Azat mean: free (the name Azat is of Armenian origin). According to the Arabic version of the origin, the meaning of the name Azat is “free”, taking into account the peculiarities of local phonetics. It is also known that earlier in the Iranian state this was the name given to small feudal lords and representatives of the privileged class who were exempt from paying taxes. Much later in Iran, small farmers and landowners began to be called azat.

There is a second version, according to which the name Azat arose in the Middle Ages and was invented by the Armenians. In this case, it was interpreted as “landowner”. In Iran, Azerbaijan, and Armenia, the name Azad is popular - one of the versions of Azat. The name is popular among Bashkirs, Kazakhs, and Tatars.

Short meaning of the name Azat: Az, Aza, Azik, Azatik, Azatushek.

Angel Azat Day: The martyr Azat of Persia is widely known in the Catholic and Orthodox churches. This was a eunuch, who, nevertheless, occupied a fairly high position at court and enjoyed special respect from the Persian king. However, for professing the Christian faith, Azat was executed in 344 along with 1000 martyrs. The death of Azat upset the king, and he subsequently issued a decree according to which it was forbidden to put Christians to death. The decree was carried out for some time. Azat's name day is celebrated on April 22 (Catholic), April 27, 30, December 3 (Orthodox).

Character of the name Azat: Azat is growing up as a fairly restless, active and active child. If he is born in winter, then, among other things, he is distinguished by his emotionality. In general, Azat's behavior depends on his mood. Since childhood, he has normal self-esteem and self-esteem, and requires constant attention to himself. If the name Azat seems to be underestimated, he begins to get angry, irritated, and engages in introspection. A man named Azat will go long and hard to achieve his goals. There is no doubt that he can achieve what he wants.

Business and career of Azat: As for career issues, the name Azat often begins it from the position of a simple worker, but perseverance allows him to subsequently become a director or occupy another leadership position.

Love and marriage of Azat: He gets married quite late, because initially he wants to gain independence. He brings up his children in strictness, and they consider him an overly stern father.

Health and talents named after Azat: The name Azat, who was born in the spring, has a humanitarian mindset and is distinguished by a kind, gentle disposition. The meaning of the name has difficulty adapting to changes in life, tends to constantly delve into oneself and strive for perfection. You can rely on him in the most difficult situation, and therefore Azat has many friends. In general, the name Azat means a stable, conscientious and very reliable person. He always tries to follow the intended path and will undoubtedly achieve his goals.

One of the main character traits of Azat can be called his perseverance. In his case, perseverance is rather a positive trait, because Azat shows perseverance in achieving his goals. One of his main goals is to achieve success, and he pursues this with particular tenacity. You should know that anyone who even slightly doubts the achievability of this goal will be immediately and forever blacklisted by Azat. He hates ridicule and jokes on himself, although he likes to joke about others.

Azat is in no hurry to start a family. He loves women, but young Azat simply does not have time for his family. But as he matures, Azat becomes a truly wonderful husband. He has been looking for a long time for someone who will surprise him with her inner beauty. A soulless beauty can suit him, but only for a couple of months. He definitely doesn’t need someone like that as a wife. He is quite strict with children, but he does not give himself any concessions. He will show by example what discipline and self-improvement are.

The fate of the name Azat in history

  1. Azat Nurgaliev is a football player of the Kazakhstan national team and FC Ordabasy. Azad (Cherukuri Rajkumar) is an Indian revolutionary.
  2. Azat Abbasov is an opera singer of Tatar origin with a lyric-dramatic tenor.
  3. Azat Sherents is an Armenian film and theater actor, who became one of the founders of the Armenian cinematic comedy. He has worked at the Armenfilm film studio since 1968.
  4. Azat Abdullin is a Bashkir publicist, playwright, and writer. Azat Arshakyan is a former member of the Armenian parliament.
  5. Azat Bayryev is a defender and midfielder of the Alania football club.
  6. Azat Mashurov is a public figure in the Uyghur community in Kazakhstan.
  7. Azat Martirosyan is a diplomat from Armenia. Azat Gasparyan is a theater and film actor.
  8. Azat Mukhadov is a Turkmen midfielder of the Balkan football club.
  9. Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzadeh is an Azerbaijani scientist, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, professor, doctor of technical sciences.

There are several versions of the origin of the name. The fundamental one is Iranian. In ancient Persia (Iran), the name “azat” was a common noun. This is what independent citizens were called. Later, when the name became a proper one, the meaning “free”, “independent” appeared.

There are also Armenian and Arabic versions of the name Azat: “nobleman”, “patronage”.

Often used by Tatars, Bashkirs, Azerbaijanis, and Kazakhs. Distributed in the Middle East.

Diminutive - affectionate forms of the name: Aza, Az, Azatik, Azatushka, Azik.

In his childhood, Azik was distinguished by his militant character, he was always on the move, inspired by an idea. An unrestrained, passionate, restless boy.

Often spoils toys and various household items.

Needs attention and encouragement. Loves to have time devoted to him, selfish. He will not tolerate humiliation or ridicule - the offender will be rewarded a hundredfold. Azatik knows how to stand up for himself.

Works hard to achieve what he wants, to master skills.

If you like to play team games, you will develop an addiction to sports. Over time, sports will become a real hobby and outlet for the guy.

Gradually, the temper and ardor pass, the boy gains perseverance, becomes prudent and intelligent. It is necessary to follow a daily routine, rest and not overwork.

Studying is easy, although Az does not show much zeal. Having discovered an interest in studying a subject, deep learning can begin. One can envy one’s desire and drive; it will be the same in adult life.

Makes friends and is very picky in their choice. He does not forgive betrayal, and he himself is faithful to friendship. By nature the boy is a leader. Having not won the right place in the team, he may be left alone. So in his mature years - honest, not without arrogance.

Does not accept patronage, is always independent, self-sufficient. Can go against the grain, following its own logic and understanding. Achieving his goal, Azat becomes an irreconcilable rival, incapable of compromise.

Free financially and physically. This is a reliable comrade, spouse. In communication he can be harsh, irreconcilable, and easily angry. Truly close people know and put up with this character trait of Azat. At heart he is a kind and faithful, experienced person: a contradictory nature in everything.

He loves to go out into nature with company; hunting and fishing are among his priorities.

Positive qualities: a man is helpful, attentive, respectful of his surroundings. Fearless and responsible.

Among the negative traits: meticulousness and meticulousness, stubbornness, ostentatious stiffness. He is reputed to be a conservative.

In general, the man is respected and thorough, he has a plan for life and perseverance in achieving his goals.

Where talents will appear: profession and career

Azat knows how to make money. Financially strong and solid. He will methodically achieve career heights, without fear of difficulties. For him, the main thing is decent wages.

You can demonstrate your talents in the humanitarian field - editing, literature.

Reasonable and meticulous, Aza delves into the very essence of the assigned task - a competent professional. There is every chance of becoming a leader - he knows the whole “wrong side” of the process, often becomes a boss, rising through the career ranks from the very bottom.

Having “golden hands”, he is ready to take on any task. He is an avid craftsman - he draws well, performs metalwork, and can repair equipment. Has artistic taste, patience in details and subtleties of the matter. He will make a wonderful jeweler.

But it is not advisable for a man to engage in business. He is unenterprising and easily becomes discouraged by failure. The best way to earn money is your own labor.

Perseverance, diligence and the ability to analyze are conducive to doing science and research: laboratory assistant, engineer, scientist, designer.

Many men work in the oil and gas sector and electrical engineering.

Love and family relationships

Aza is definitely charismatic, which attracts women. From adolescence, girls try to attract the attention of a mysterious and interesting man. He skillfully uses this, dating more than one girl at the same time. Love adventures will not immediately lead to the registry office; you are serious in choosing a partner.

Having started to lead an independent life, having found a good job, Azat gets married. His companion will not need anything. A man is able to financially provide for both his family and relatives. It is important for him to be independent in financial matters.

A good family man, with a favorable union, he is frank and trusting. He loves his wife, children, and organizes leisure time. A strict and at the same time soft father.

Azat will choose as his companion an intelligent, meaningful woman who knows how to present herself in society and is a good housewife.

Good compatibility for marriage: , , Ruzanna, .

Not the best compatibility of names: , Viola, Rushana, Gulia, Venus, .

Health, habits

Not all men of this name have good health. Some are strong, hardy, love to hunt and fish. Others have a shaky nervous system, which results in many troubles. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, depression. They get worse with age.

Bad habits - alcohol and gluttony. In companies, the “soul” was the leader – up to a certain amount of alcohol consumed. May show unfriendliness and aggressiveness.

Various characteristics, angel day

  • Celestial body – planet Jupiter
  • Zodiac constellation – Sagittarius and Pisces
  • Rock – feldspar, yakhont
  • Shades and coloring of the name – purple, turquoise
  • Flowers – pansies
  • Totem – pelican family

Azat is a common name among Muslims.

However, the church celebrates the day of the angel martyr Azat of Persia. He was executed for professing Christianity. (22, 30 April and 3 December).

The Secret of Azat

Anyone who communicates closely with Azat knows about secrecy and caution. This concerns plans or intentions. The man realized long ago that his plan would come true if he didn’t talk about it.

Horoscopic character traits

  • Winter (Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius) – Azat has difficulty adapting to changing circumstances, loves constancy and certainty. Having lost support under his feet, he falls into apathy.
  • Spring (Pisces, Aries, Taurus) - strives to reach heights in the profession, he is valued and respected by colleagues and superiors. You can become wealthy by creating a business.
  • Leto (Gemini, Cancer, Leo) – researcher, mentor, social activist. Clearly separates periods of leisure and work time. May gain fame as a scientist.
  • Autumn (Virgo, Libra, Scorpio) – Aza is always surrounded by buddies and friends. He is sympathetic and compassionate, and will come to the aid of his comrades.

Well-known personalities

  • Azat Mukhadov, football player (Turkmenistan)
  • Azat Abdullin, writer (Bashkiria)
  • Azat Abbasov, opera soloist, People's Artist of the USSR
  • Azat Gasparyan, theater and film actor
  • Azat Nurgaliev, football player (Kazakhstan)
  • Azat Sherents, actor (Armenia)
  • Azat Bayryev, football player
  • Azat Mashurov, politician (Kazakhstan)
  • Azat Martirosyan, diplomat (Armenia)
  • Azad Mirzajanzadeh, scientist, professor (Azerbaijan)
  • Azad Amirov, doctor, teacher (Azerbaijan)
  • Azad Abyshev, scientist, professor
  • Azad Vezirov, military, colonel

Azat Malikovich Nurgaliev (Kazakh Azat Malikuly Nurgaliev; born June 30, 1986, Chimkent) - Kazakh football player, midfielder and captain of the Tobol club and the national
  • Bayryev, Azat Khodzhageldyevich
    Azat Hojageldyevich Bayryev (Turkmen Azat Hojageldyýewiç Baýryýew; February 17, 1989, Nebit-Dag, Turkmen SSR, USSR) - Russian football player, defender
  • Mirzajanzadeh, Azad Khalil oglu
    Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzade MIRZAJANZADE Azat Khalilovich Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzade MIRZAJANZADE Azat Khalilovich (undefined). Retrieved January 18, 2013
  • Abbasov, Azat Zinnatovich
    Azat Zinnatovich Abbasov (Tat. Azat Zinnat uly Abbasov; 1925-2006) - Tatar singer (lyric-dramatic tenor). People's Artist of the USSR (1977). Was born
  • Abdullin, Azat Khammatovich
    Azat Khammatovich Abdullin (born June 26, 1931, the village of Urgin, Zianchurinsky district of the BASSR) is a Bashkir playwright, writer and publicist. From 1949 to 1953
  • Gasparyan, Azat Nikolaevich
    Azat Nikolaevich Gasparyan (Armenian: Ազատ Նիկոլի Գասպարյան; August 13, 1943 - August 2, 2013) - Soviet and Armenian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the Republic
  • Vshtuni, Azat
    Azat Vshtuni (real name is Azat Setovich Mamikonyan); (Armenian: Ազատ Վշտունի; July 17, 1894, Van, Ottoman Empire, - March 26, 1958, Yerevan, USSR) - Soviet
  • Sherents, Azat Armenakovich
    Azat Armenakovich Sherents (Armenian: Արմենակի Շերենց; April 5, 1913, Tiflis, Russian Empire - December 25, 1993, Yerevan, Armenia) - Armenian theater actor
  • Peruashev, Azat Turlybekuly
    Peruashev Azat Turlybekovich (Kazakh Azat Turlybekuly Peruashev; September 8, 1967, Kordai district, Zhambyl region (Kazakhstan) - Kazakh state
  • Karachurin, Azat Dinarovich
    Azat Dinarovich Karachurin (November 8, 1995, Kalmashevo village, Chishminsky district, Bashkortostan, Russia) - Russian skier and biathlete. Paralympic Champion
  • Magazov, Azat Shaikhzyanovich
    Magazov Azat Shaikhzyanovich (Tat. Azat Shәekhkhan uly Magazev, December 17, 1926 - December 13, 2015) - Soviet Bashkir and Tatar writer, honored
  • Aitkulov, Azat Minnigaleyevich
    Azat Minnigaleyevich Aitkulov (Bashk. Azat Minleғәle uly Ayytҡolov; born January 27, 1956) - soloist of the Bashkir State Philharmonic named after Khusain
  • Mukhadov, Azat Rovshanovich
    Azat Rovshanovich Mukhadov (Turkmen Azat Röwsenowiç Muhadow; June 21, 1981, Chardzhou, Turkmen SSR, USSR) - Turkmen football player, midfielder of the Balkan club
  • Martirosyan, Azat Kyaramovich
    Azat Kyaramovich Martirosyan (Armenian: Ազատ Մարտիրոսյան; August 10, 1955, Yerevan) - Armenian diplomat. 1973-1978 - Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Yerevan University
  • Mashurov, Azat Mashurovich
    Azat Mashurovich Mashurov (March 27, 1940 - April 15, 2000) - Soviet party and statesman of Kazakhstan; Chairman of the Panfilov District Executive Committee
  • Arshakyan, Azat Levonovich
    Azat Levonovich Arshakyan (Armenian: Ազատ Արշակյան, August 13, 1950, Yerevan) is a former member of the Armenian Parliament. 1967-1972 - Yerevan architectural and construction
  • Anchor points:

    Freedom - the meaning of the name Azat

    It certainly leaves an imprint on the character of the owner of this name. From a very young age, Azat does not perceive any restrictions. He omnipresent, disobedient, cocky and stubborn. He empirically tries to check the composition of various objects - Azat breaks, smashes, cuts, and constantly causes material damage to property. His parents must be patient with his hobbies, and he switches quickly. Azat's learning abilities are quite good, but he does not always strive to use them. Azat experiences his failures emotionally, he has a painful pride, Azat will not tolerate criticism or ridicule, and can rush into a fight. Azat does not tolerate physical punishment or moral pressure; in these cases, he becomes embittered, closes down, and it becomes almost impossible to reach him. Can prove himself in sports.

    Finding your real self

    Gradually, Azat becomes more and more balanced, he is able to control his emotions, his actions are no longer so eccentric. His stubbornness takes on a positive connotation - Azat definitely achieves his goal. He is able to be content with little, but rarely stops there. Azat develops intellectually, he is erudite and can be eloquent. He seeks to avoid conflicts, convincing his opponent that a quarrel is inappropriate. Azat self-critical, sometimes engages in self-flagellation, the task of friends is to distract Azat from this unproductive activity. He is open with them, but making new acquaintances is difficult for Azat. When communicating with the opposite sex, Azat is reserved, even somewhat constrained. He does not know how to show off, he is honest and straightforward. He likes girls who are calm, balanced, flexible, and have a good figure.

    The formation of Azat

    Azat is capable of becoming a leader, he achieves everything himself, comes from the very beginning, so he knows a lot about his profession. He is a demanding and tough boss and does not tolerate idleness in the workplace. Without regret, dismisses employees who do not perform their duties. He is in no hurry to get married. He strives to dominate the family, suppressing all attempts by household members to show any initiative. Azat requires perfect order in the house, a full meal, and indispensable obedience. He is harsh with children, insisting on independence and responsibility from them. He loves to invite friends to visit him and receives them warmly and hospitably.

    The name Azat, what does it mean? Does the name Azat influence the fate of the bearer or does everything depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in our lives has met a person whose name does not suit him: “Well, she’s pure azate!”

    Have you ever called people you barely know by the “wrong” name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant features of a particular name.

    And in order to understand who is who, on the website aZnaeteLiVy.Ru we tried to collect the most complete information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

    About the name Azat: Meaning, origin

    • The meaning of the name Azat: free
    • Origin of the name Azat: Turkic Arab Tatar Persian Kazakh Armenian Muslim

    The name Azat has several versions of origin. According to the first, Arabic, version, the name Azat is from the Pahlavi Yazata (in Arabic phonetics Azat), meaning “free”, “independent”. In the Iranian state, this was the name given to those residents - small feudal lords, a privileged class of warriors (horsemen) - who were exempt from taxes (taxes). Later in Iran they also began to call small landowners - dehkans.

    According to the second version, the name Azat appeared in medieval Armenia, most likely coming from the Iranian state. Azats were the name given to medium-sized and small feudal lords, so in Armenia the name Azat means something like “landowner.”

    The name Azat is sometimes pronounced and written as Azad. This name is popular in Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and is also used by Tatars, Bashkirs and Kazakhs.

    The diminutive address Aza is also not only an independent male name, but also a female name.

    The martyr Azat of Persia is known among Catholics and Orthodox Christians. He was a eunuch, but at the same time he occupied a high position in the royal court and enjoyed special love and respect from the Persian king Sapor II. For his profession of Christian faith, he was executed along with 1,000 other martyrs in 344. King Sapor II was greatly upset by the death of Azat, so after his death he issued a decree according to which it was forbidden to put Christians to death, and this decree was carefully carried out for some time. Catholic day of remembrance of Azat of Persia is April 22. The remaining named days are Orthodox.

    Azat is a rather active and restless child. Winter representatives of this name are emotional. Their behavior directly depends on their mood and sleep. Azat does not tolerate humiliation. He has good self-esteem and does not let anyone bring it down. A representative of this name should always be given enough attention. Feeling undervalued can lead to a storm of emotions and resentment on his part. With age, Azat gains the ability to rethink his actions. He is stubborn in achieving his goal and will undoubtedly achieve his plans.

    Azat often begins his career as a simple worker. His abilities will help him realize himself over time as a director and become a leader.

    It takes quite a long time to decide to tie the knot. He does this only after he becomes a self-sufficient and independent man in all matters.

    Spring Azat is a humanitarian by nature. He is always purposeful and does not like to conflict. “Summer” is distinguished by kindness and gentleness. Always ready to help others. It’s not easy for him to move from his father’s house. He loves to communicate and meet new people. Azat tends to analyze everything. He is characterized by self-criticism. Sometimes it is unnecessary. The exact sciences are quite easy for him. The owner of such a name approaches everything from a scientific point of view. The profession of an engineer, designer or scientist is ideal for him.

    You can always rely on Azat in any matter. He raises his children in strictness. Considered to be a stern father.

    This person can be characterized as conscientious, stable and reliable. He is always respected by friends and colleagues. You should not expect improvisations or any unexpected actions from him. Azat is not a creative person. He always tries to follow a pre-planned path.

    Numerology of the name Azat

    • Name number: 4
    • Heart number: 2
    • Personality number: 2
    • Happiness number: 4
    • Lucky numbers for the name Azat: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76, 85, 94, 103, 112
    • Happy days of the month: 4, 13, 22, 31

    The meaning of the letters of the name Azat

    The letters of a name play an important role in shaping a person’s character. For example, the first letter of a name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

    In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles heel, which must be covered and protected.

    • a – strength and power
    • h – tendency to doubt, material difficulties, dissatisfaction, high intuition
    • a – strength and power
    • t – endless search, pursuit of the ideal, sensitive creative personality

    Talismans named after Azat

    • Happy season: Spring
    • Happy days of the week: Tuesday and Sunday
    • Unlucky days of the week: Friday and Saturday
    • Lucky Color: Green
    • Mascot plant: Dandelion
    • Talisman stones named after Azat: Opal, Ruby, Iron, Metals, Jasper, Diamond, Carnelian, Tourmaline, Topaz, Zircon
    • Spirit animal: Falcon
    • Wood: Alder

    Astrology of the name Azat

    According to astrology, a correspondence has been identified between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

    For the name Azat, the ruling planet is Mars, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

    Advantages that Mars gives: Courage, boldness, love of action, knowledge, speed of reaction, vitality

    Disadvantages that the name imparts to Mars: Instinct of destruction, unbridledness, impatience, self-centeredness, selfishness

    • Astrological color of name: Yellow
    • Side of the world: East
    • Astrological stone: Rock Crystal, Quartz, Aquamarine
    • Representing animal: Mongoose, Polar bear

    In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to one or another planet, which in turn have a direct impact on a person’s destiny. Therefore, if a name has repeating letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter increases significantly. Such planets are called dominant and you should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, what sign of the Zodiac it is in).

    Dominant Planet for Azat: Sun

    And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases influences life expectancy and the nature of death.

    Last planet named: Neptune

    Planetary number and meaning of the name Azat

    For the name Azat the planetary number is - 2 and manages this name Moon.

    Two is a dual number that always confronts a person with the need to make a choice. Therefore, everything in life depends on your choice, by which you predetermine your future. The key planet for such names is the Moon, so you need to pay more attention to home, family, loved ones, and continue the spiritual traditions of your family and people. Only in this case will you be able to develop a name protection system for yourself.

    Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Azat

    For the name Azat, the Zodiac number is 1 Aries.

    The owner of the name - Aries - is involved in struggle and active actions. In the worst case, there may be a field of war around him, into which those around him will be drawn. At best, he will become a pioneer and a fearless knight who protects others. In the collective unconscious, images of warlike and active people are associated with these names.

    Sacred number for the name Azat - 7 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Scales

    Names - Libra create a field of balance and justice. They involve in solving various dual situations that require choice and the ability to objectively evaluate everything. Such names call for calmness and adherence to moderation in everything, for peace and harmony in relationships with others.

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