The name Alina means a name for a child. Great and talented women named Alina

Name Alina translated from Latin it means “alienated”, “other”, from ancient German it means “noble”, from Arabic it means “faithful”, “prosperous”. The borrowed name began to spread in the USSR in the 30s of the twentieth century. At the beginning of the 21st century, it was on the list of the most popular female names.

Alina - character traits

As a child, she was quite impudent, stubborn and willful. Does not tolerate objections, strives for leadership, trying to subjugate his parents. On this basis, many conflicts occur in the family. Easily gets along with peers, but due to its complex nature often quarrels with friends. He studies well at school and grasps any information on the fly. Alina has an excellent memory and an innate sense of words.

With age he becomes a little calmer and more reserved. She prefers to be friends with men, as she does not trust her friends. Alina is always impeccable, takes good care of herself, and loves compliments. She knows her own worth, knows how to present herself with the best side, can be very insidious and cunning. He achieves what he wants in every possible way, often offending people.

Energetic Alina will make a great public figure. She always defends her opinion, and it is almost impossible to convince the girl. She is careful at work and quickly tries to conquer all peaks, which she often succeeds in. Alina makes a pretty good and practical, but very strict, boss.

In relationships with the stronger sex, he behaves relaxed and at ease. One can only envy her sexual energy. But a girl is usually in no hurry to get married, preferring to first realize herself in life. Loves with the mind, not the heart. For marriage, Alina intuitively chooses a strong partner, friend and ally, whom she completely trusts. He is indifferent to children, but will idolize and pamper his child.

Alina – name compatibility

The owner of this name has a high probability of a successful marriage with Evgeny, Boris, Victor, Alexander, Vladimir, Peter, Mikhail, Yakov, Oleg and Andrey.

You should avoid alliances with Igor, Dmitry, Anatoly, Nikolai and Alexey.

Famous people named Alina

— Alina Pogostkina – famous violinist;
— Alina Kabaeva – Russian athlete;
— Alina Vitukhnovskaya – poetess;
— Alina Yanovskaya – actress;
— Alina Gut is a political figure in Poland.

Alina - interesting facts about the name

- patron planet - the sun;
— color – orange, yellow, golden;
- symbolic plant - verbena, maple;
- totem animal - praying mantis;
— talisman stone – topaz and hyacinth.

The name Alina is a shortened form German name Adelina, and this in turn is a diminutive form of the ancient German name Adela. Translated from German, Alina means “noble”.

There is another version of the origin of the name Alina - Arabic, and in translation it means “alien” or “other”.
The name Alina came into the Russian language quite late - at the beginning of the 20th century, but since then it has not lost any of its popularity.

There is no name Alina in the Christian calendar, so girls at baptism are given the name Angelina, Alevtina, or less often Elena or Alla. The patroness of all Alin is the Great Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea, also known as Valentina. Alina celebrates her birthday on March 23, April 26, May 29, June 14 and 16, July 2, August 4, and September 29.

Characteristics of the name Alina

Alina is very feminine and tender name, but the character of its owner is not at all angelic. Alina is a daring, stubborn, irritable and capricious nature. She always acts as she needs, and cannot stand comments addressed to her. She is a person of extremes, and she always lacks the skill and tact to turn the situation to her advantage. Sometimes Alina can even be aggressive.

Excessive excitability is Alina’s main drawback; she absolutely does not know how to hide her feelings and experiences, be it love or hostility. She loves everything around her to happen exactly as she wishes, and she can only be convinced with affection and patience, but in no case with violence.

Despite being slightly excitable, Alina rarely becomes nervous. By nature, Alya is an extrovert - she knows how to adapt perfectly if necessary. Miraculously, she knows how to curb her character if she herself needs it. She loves to brag, but at the same time she is very dependent on the opinions of others. He easily makes any promises and also easily forgets about them.

The owners of this beautiful name have a tendency to conflict, so they find it difficult to get along with people. Alina prefers to be friends with men, as she cannot stand women. In addition, she uses great success with the opposite sex thanks to his impeccable appearance and relaxed behavior.

Growing up, Alina becomes somewhat softer, but still she will not be able to completely change her unbridled temperament.

Determination is another one characteristic Alina. She knows how to achieve her goal, no matter what. For her, there are no obstacles that she cannot overcome - even if it means going over her head.

Alina is a great fashionista and knows how to make a beautiful and stylish outfit out of literally nothing. She has impeccable taste, she is always well-groomed and looks good. He treats money lightly, spends it without thinking or stinging.

The time of her birth is of great importance for Alina’s character. Winter Alina is distinguished by her intelligence and quick reaction, as well as determination. She knows how to carefully think through her every step and consistently move towards her goal.

Vesennaya Alina is a romantic and sublime person, an incorrigible dreamer. Characterized by imbalance and nervousness.

If Alina was born in the summer, then although she is hot-tempered, she is completely unforgiving and kind. Autumn Alina is an enterprising and practical woman, a born businesswoman.

The name Alina is given to many creative and sports people: violinist Alina Pogostkina, poetess Alina Vitukhnovskaya, gymnast Alina Kabaeva, actress Alina Yanovskaya, singer Alina Grosu.

Alina in childhood

Little Alina is a very difficult child, difficult to raise. There is no parental authority for her. He likes to command and does not react at all to comments from adults. Alya is often brought up in a single-parent family, and this also leaves its mark on the child’s character. The girl never complains, rarely cries or is capricious.

Alina is touchy - she may even demonstratively not talk to her mother for a long time if she does not do as she demands.

The child has an excellent memory, she can grasp any information on the fly, so studying comes easy to her, but only if she wants it. Naturally capable and well-trained, she rarely becomes a good student, which greatly upsets her parents and teachers. In addition, the girl often gets sick and misses classes, which also does not contribute to good studies.

Alina is endowed with many talents - she draws well, is very artistic, loves to read, and has a wonderful literary style. She also loves to patronize and care for someone, but she does it harshly, with her characteristic maximalism.

Parents should raise their daughter with love and severity; under no circumstances should she be spoiled - otherwise, in adulthood, her character will become unbearable. There must be pets in the house so that a girl can early childhood I learned kindness and responsibility.

Alina married, compatibility

Despite the large number of friends and fans, Alina gets married in mature age. A marriage can only be successful if the family lives in a separate area - the woman will definitely not get along with her husband’s parents, nor will she get along with her own parents.

Alina chooses her husband very carefully; she pays attention to literally everything - appearance, manner of dressing, neatness and ability to earn money. Family life will not be boring - Alina’s explosive character and frantic temperament will not let Alina’s husband get bored. In addition, Alina is very jealous and is capable of throwing demonstrative tantrums over any trifle.

However, despite a careful approach to choosing a husband, divorce is quite possible, as is remarriage.

Alina will not make an exemplary housewife, but she is very hospitable and an excellent cook; there is always a place for guests in her house. She will love and pamper her children.

Family life can be successful with men named Victor, Mikhail, Vladimir, Evgeniy, Yakov, Alexander. Marriages with Igor, Dmitry, Alexey, Anatoly, Nikolay should be avoided.

Alina's sexuality

Alina perceives sex more with her mind than with her heart. During sex, more attention will be paid to the beauty of the partner’s body and the aesthetics of the environment, and feelings and pleasure will fade into the background.

Outwardly, the woman is very sexy, and men like her. But it won’t be possible to quickly persuade her to have sex, since Alina great importance gives courtship, compliments and romantic relationships. However, her moral principles fully allow her to use sex as a weapon to achieve her goal.

If she loves her partner and trusts him completely, then all prohibitions are lifted, she is ready to move mountains for him.

Alina's health

Little Alya often gets sick, catches colds, and has a weak immune system. The girl is too excitable and can lead herself to a nervous breakdown. There are often cases when a child requires the help of a neurologist. A girl may also develop scoliosis, and at an older age her vision may begin to decline.

The girl usually has a poor appetite, but parents should not worry about this and try to force feed the child - she should be fed when the girl gets hungry and asks for food herself.

Parents need to pay attention to their daughter’s general physical fitness and consult with a pediatrician about strengthening the child’s immunity. From early childhood, a girl is required to follow a daily routine. She also needs long sleep and fresh air.

In adulthood, Alina will also get sick often. Due to frequent use of pills, the stomach and intestinal microflora will suffer - a woman needs to pay attention to this.

Business and career

The only profession that Alina should not engage in is pedagogical activity. Her character traits do not allow her to become a good teacher or educator. In addition, the woman is completely indifferent to all children except her own. In all other areas of activity, Alina can achieve great success.

Ali has an excellent ability for the humanities, she can easily become a philologist, journalist, translator, secretary. Also, she may not have strong artistic and literary talent.

Vitality and talent as a speaker will help Alina become a good politician. She knows how to stand her ground and has the gift of persuasion. She will always strive for career growth, and no moral principles can stop her on this path. Having taken a leadership position, she will become a bitchy and tyrannical boss. Alina does not know how and does not consider it necessary to find an approach to people or adapt to circumstances. At her core, Alina is a born careerist.

Talismans for Alina

  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • The colors that bring good luck are blue and blue.
  • The most successful day of the week is Thursday, the most successful time of year is spring.
  • Talisman stone - topaz and jasper. Topaz attracts good luck in business, helps in concluding profitable deals, and protects against betrayal and betrayal. Jasper removes everything Negative influence, exerted on a person, warns against trouble and protects from danger.
  • The totem animal is the praying mantis, it symbolizes strength, adaptability and ease of communication. The animal learns to remain motionless for a long time in order to think everything over, and then deliver a sharp blow.
  • The totem plant is verbena and maple, considered a symbol of fertility, life and protection.

Horoscope for Alina

Aries- impulsive and independent nature, with a touch of adventurism. She is almost devoid of sensuality, so she is not very successful with men, but she can do successful career in business. Attracts weak-willed and unsettled men.

Taurus- gentle and good-natured Alina, with a strong character. Integrity, skepticism and pragmatism are the main qualities of her character. Material wealth is very important to her, so she will choose only a wealthy man as her husband. At the same time, she is a sensual and kind nature, to whom no earthly pleasures are alien.

Twins- a creative and curious person, always open to new acquaintances and knowledge. She loves male attention and really needs it. Happy marriage possible with a like-minded person who will share her thirst for knowledge and new sensations.

Cancer- a young lady whose character is characterized by frequent mood swings. She is very vulnerable and suspicious, her capriciousness borders on hysteria. Alina-Cancer is a very insecure person who really needs praise and encouragement. The main place in her life will always be occupied by her family, not her career.

a lion- a narcissistic and domineering nature, ready to endlessly spend time and money on creating her own unique image. Natural modesty and uncertainty are carefully disguised under the mask of pride and arrogance. She gets married solely for convenience, and most often this marriage turns out to be successful.

Virgo- a secretive and silent person who constantly engages in introspection. She is very unsure of herself, lives in constant anticipation of betrayal and deception. But at the same time she has a sharp mind, is hardworking and conscientious. Despite her external coldness, serious love passions can boil in her soul.

Scales- a charming, kind and sociable person who lives in harmony with himself and the world around him. She is respected by her colleagues and relatives, and her children and husband love her very much. But Alina-Libra does not know how to handle money at all, so her husband needs to keep finances in his hands, otherwise the family will never get out of debt.

Scorpion- a woman with an independent and very contradictory nature. For her, there is only one correct opinion - her own. Because of such categoricalness, she had very few friends, and in personal life she is also often lonely. But at the same time, she is not alien to kindness and cordiality, which are especially clearly manifested in relation to her loved ones.

Sagittarius- an easy and pleasant young lady who does not walk, but flies through life. She is very lucky in life, luck is always turned towards her. She absolutely does not accept injustice, lies, vanity and self-interest. Thanks to her natural optimism, people are drawn to her; she easily finds mutual language with both men and women. Only a man who has an easy-going approach to life is suitable for her as a husband.

Capricorn- very smart, reserved and ambitious Alina. Under the mask of coldness lies a sensitive, kind and shy woman who is in great need of love and approval. She is very hardworking and diligent, all her decisions are balanced and thoughtful. Her love and friendship are always sincere and selfless.

Aquarius- a purposeful and assertive person, but at the same time kind and sympathetic. She can be irritable and overly emotional. Alina-Aquarius sincerely despises all life cliches, is always ready to embark on any adventure, loves everything new and non-standard.

Fish- a very cautious woman who does not like surprises. But at the same time she is selfless, knows how to empathize and sympathize. Negative qualities- melancholy, irritability and secrecy. She tends to idealize her man, which is why she is often disappointed and depressed.

Today the name Alina has gained particular popularity. This is not surprising, because every generation has fashionable names that parents rush to reward their children with. Alina sounds quite sweet, beautiful and interesting. Even if you are not the owner of such a name, you can bet that you have at least one friend who is so named. Surely you will be interested to know the fate and meaning of the name Alina in order to find the right approach to it.

Popular domestic personalities with the name Alina became known relatively recently, because this name came to us already in the twentieth century and for a long time was considered too strange and foreign. Anyone who has had close encounters with this person probably knows that the name Alina is not given at baptism, because... it is not Slavic and has not the slightest relation to our church denomination. That is why the lucky owners were honored to have two names - one named (Alina), and the other, which is given at baptism.

Our Russian ancestors did exactly this and considered it correct. The fact is that the name that the priest gives at baptism is true before God and no one should know it. Sometimes parents did not dare to tell it to the child himself. This is due to the superstitiousness of our ancestors, who were cautious about the evil eye, envy and damage. It was believed that without knowing the real name, enemies would not be able to realize their evil intentions, and even when cursing a person, they would not cause harm.

But, if the name Alina is not Slavic, then what nationality is it? This is very interest Ask, for which there are several options various hypotheses origin. Let's start with the most reliable source - the Oxford Encyclopedia of Names, which will tell you what secret the name Alina keeps:

  • Oxford research has shown that the name Alina came to English language from Arabic, and then came to Europe and to us.
  • Its meaning is translated as “noble”, but this word also has another meaning – “different”, “different”, that is, not like everyone else. Perhaps at that time in Arab culture it was customary to give such a name to a girl who was different from others in external parameters. For example, she was fair-haired or was particularly different bright color eye.
  • The Latin translation has the same meaning.
  • But the most common and popular version of the origin speaks of ancient Germanic roots. In that era, as now, you can find the name Adelaide. Many historians agree that it was this name that served as the ancestor of Alina, because had a similar abbreviated form.
  • In Old German, this name sounds like Adelheid, where Adel comes from Adal, that is, “noble”, and heid – clan. Thus, in a sense, the Old Germanic version confirms the Arabic and means a noble family.
  • There is also another version that says that the name Alina has Arab origin, namely from the male name Ali, which means "exalted". Perhaps this was the name given to boys who had a privileged position in society from birth.
  • The Scots also did not miss the chance to attribute the origin of the name to themselves. Linguists claim that it was their country that gave the world the name Alina, which they characterized as “honest.”
  • When the name Alina had already come to Europe, the Greeks gave it the meaning “ sunlight", that is, this is what they called mostly blondes.
  • Another theory confirms the previous one. The name Alina has many Slavic “analogues”, which to one degree or another characterize it as “white”, “light”, “blond” or “fair-haired”. These names include: Alevtina, Albina, Angelina and Alla.

Alina Day is usually celebrated on July 29th. On this day, the Holy Great Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea (Orthodox patroness of Alina) was burned for her faith in Jesus Christ.

Character of girls named Alina

Researchers have noticed some similarities and systematicities between a person’s name and character. Today, many people listen to this information, because most of the supposed information really agrees with its carrier. If you take the name Alina, then you have already seen that it has a lot interesting theories origin and designation, but do these interpretations agree with the characteristics of the researchers? It's time to find out the behavior and character traits of the owner of the name Alina:

  • The meaning of the name Alina for little girls can be fatal for her parents. These are very restless and capricious children who demand constant attention. IN kindergarten their behavior can be described as "child of hell". They often come into conflict with other children and constantly contradict their elders. These are very impudent children who are used to getting their way through any manipulation.

  • After going to school, Alina manages to ruin her relationship with all the teachers. They have a hard time studying, despite the fact that they are quite smart girls with an almost phenomenal memory. This is due to their rebellious nature, which constantly rebels against routine and established norms of society.
  • Alinas are sickly girls. IN childhood very vulnerable to colds and other viral diseases. They become much stronger with age, but it is still worth paying attention Special attention on the gastrointestinal tract, because this is the “weak” point of all representatives of this name.
  • With age, Alina becomes noticeably softer and a little more responsible, but they will defend their boundaries of individuality all their lives.
  • You can't argue with Alina, because... She absolutely does not know how to accept someone else's point of view. They are very stubborn and when a representative of this name runs out of all reasonable arguments, she will simply begin to quarrel with you until you are eliminated.
  • Alinas are rather hot-tempered people. This often prevents them from building new relationships and is the reason frequent quarrels. They have a lot of energy that should be directed towards self-realization, because they are purposeful enough to achieve considerable heights.
  • Alinas are always very beautiful and stylish girls. They select jewelry and accessories with taste. Always very concerned about their own appearance. All Alinas have a well-chosen style, which lies in the details and subtleties of expressing their individuality, which can hardly be seen with the naked eye.
  • Almost all Alinas draw beautifully. This feature of their personality can instill in people a love of creativity. They love it when their drawings/paintings are praised and hate it when they are left without due attention.
  • Alinas do not know how to adequately respond to criticism, even calm and reasoned ones. This feature of their character often prevents them from building relationships with people whose social role above, which is why Alinas often change jobs due to conflicts with their superiors.
  • Alina is very purposeful. Often, representatives of this sign achieve success in the field of creativity and the humanities. They love well-deserved compliments and attention to their merits.

The fate of girls named Alina

Oddly enough, a person’s name can largely determine his fate. Considering the obstinate and proud nature of the name Alina, one can already assume that they are single-minded and straightforward, which will largely prevent them from building friendly and romantic relationships with many people. But this is not the end of our excursion into the details of the fate of the representative of this name, because it still hides a lot of interesting things:

  • Often girls named Alina grow up without a father, which can largely explain their categorical nature and cool, straightforward disposition. Since childhood, these are very independent children who are accustomed to solving all problems with their peers and teachers themselves.

  • Alina decides to start a family late. This is far from their main fate in life. They have a lot to offer this world and strive to achieve it.
  • Concerning romantic relationships, then Alina is also quite categorical here. These are often very selective and capricious girls who are ready to look for their ideal partner for the rest of their lives if necessary, but they will not settle for anything less.
  • Having found her soul mate, Alina becomes noticeably softer and more flexible. She knows how to love and quite possibly will be able to give in to her partner if he does not put pressure on her and demand something. Alina immediately nips this model of relationship in the bud.
  • Alinas are able to establish strong friendships in their family, because it is very important for them to have a like-minded person who is always at hand. They are also excellent listeners.
  • It is very interesting that most often Alina will inherit her character from her father. And what they take from there is not the best: sluggishness, laziness and lack of self-organization. This seems surprising, but often this fact unites Aline. It is worth noting that in appearance they are very similar to their fathers.

  • It cannot be said that only creativity is given to the Alins in perfection, but it is in this path that they can reveal all their many talents. They have good potential to realize themselves in music. Possessing an almost phenomenal memory, they are able to remember and reproduce compositions after hearing them once.
  • They remember phone numbers, complex routes, invitation addresses, etc. with approximately the same ease. Thanks to their good memory, they can realize themselves as linguists, translators or philologists. Languages ​​and the subtleties of their dialects are easy for them.
  • Alina is a very sociable person, but she always keeps people at a certain distance. For all their sociability, they have a very small circle of friends. Thanks to this manner of building relationships, Alina is always surrounded true friends and a devoted life partner.
  • They are quite perceptive, which allows them to read people well. They can definitely be called friends, about whom it is customary to say: “through thick and thin.” Alina is used to treating her close circle of friends condescendingly, so they were lucky enough not to feel the displeased grin of the representative of this name, which cannot be said about her work colleagues, because they have an incredibly developed sense of competition and excitement.

Compatibility of Alina with other names

If a person’s name determines his destiny and character, then why not apply this knowledge in the relationship between two partners? Alina has a high probability of building strong family with representatives of the following names:

  1. Eugene
  2. Victor
  3. Alexander
  4. Andrey
  5. Vladimir
  6. Michael
  7. Boris

But you should beware of the following names, because there is a high probability that the marriage will be absolutely unhappy:

  1. Dmitriy
  2. Igor
  3. Anatoly
  4. Alexei
  5. Nikolay

You already know that a person’s name can determine the prevailing character traits, compatibility and even fate, but there are still many facts worthy of your attention that you will probably be interested in knowing:

  • It is interesting to know that the stone corresponding to the name Alina is sapphire. This mysterious one incredible beauty the mineral can serve representatives of this name as a faithful talisman and amulet.
  • Surely, it was precisely thanks to their determination that Alina earned the honor of having such an ancient and wise stone as sapphire as an assistant. Few people know, but this mineral can improve your professional level, find inspiration and maintain self-control.
  • Also among magical abilities sapphire: prolonging the feeling of falling in love, softening anger, increasing performance and eliminating stress. But the most important thing is that this stone has an incredibly beautiful appearance, which is very suitable for the name Alina.
  • Considering Alin’s restless and stubborn character, the researchers agreed that the most suitable and representative zodiac sign that corresponds to this personality type is Capricorn. If a girl was born in the corresponding constellation, then this is a pure and representative Capricorn in all its glory. Many predominant character traits can be doubled, because the constellation only fuels the possibilities of the name.
  • Alin also has her own talisman color - which is recommended to be worn for important meetings and events - they are blue and crimson.
  • It is believed that the totem animal named Alina is a praying mantis. It would be nice to have an image of this insect in your apartment.
  • The most successful day of the week named after Alina is Thursday.

Alina is not only interesting and beautiful name, but also evidence of a versatile and very interesting personality, which is hidden underneath. Thanks to the characteristics of the name, Alina can learn a lot about themselves and open their eyes to more significant moments their personalities. With the mutual efforts of their talent and determination, they are able to achieve incredible success.

Video: “Meaning and interpretation of the name Alina”

It has been known since ancient times that a name has a huge impact on everything that happens to a person. In this article we will study the name Alina: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of which can affect the entire life of your child.

Alina: the meaning of the name, character and fate of a girl with this name

Name Alina: origin of the name and its meaning

When did this name appear? In this section we will study the name Alina, origin and meaning. There are several versions of the origin and meaning of this name:

  • The most common of them says that this name appeared in the ancient Germanic language, and it means “noble”. According to another, no less rare, it is believed that the name has ancient Greek roots and is translated as “solar”.
  • In addition, in many languages ​​the name Alina exists as short form other names (Adeline, Angelina). The following version is indicated in the Petrovsky dictionary of names: previously the name Alina was used as a diminutive form of the names Akulin and Albin, and later it became independent. And according to the Oxford Dictionary of Names, the name Alina is supposed to have Arabic roots, and it means “noble” or “famous.”
  • In Latin, the name Alina means “stranger”, in Scotland it means “honest”.

Interesting fact: The name Alina gained popularity in the 90s of the 20th century; previously it was quite exotic.

What kind of character might the girl Alina have?

It has long been noted that a name has an impact on a person’s entire life. But what is the character of a child named Alina?

She loves to be the center of attention and believes that the whole world should be focused on her. Hence A.’s desire to always be first and her dislike of losing; they intrigue and delight.

Alina has an iron will. She always has a plan and knows where her life is heading. She is ready to decisively overcome any obstacles and obstacles. She believes in herself and does not accept defeat.

Alina is quite secretive, and it is difficult to understand what her real feelings are. She knows how to keep them under control, although sometimes A.’s emotions still break out, and her aggression spreads to those around her. At first glance, Alina is calm, but passions are boiling inside her. She manages to hide them, and sometimes her nervousness, under a mask of coldness.

On the other hand, not everyone can find a common language with Alina. She tends to show the complexity of her character, go to extremes and become the cause of conflicts. At the same time, Alina has good intuition, and if desired, she can achieve the favor of those she needs. In addition, she knows how to adapt to situations happening around her and find an individual approach to the people around her.

Alina's complex character causes a lot of concern both to her parents when she is still small, and to her management, when she becomes an adult she is difficult to control.

Alina is no stranger to caring for others. Since childhood, she has felt the need to love and care for someone. If parents surround little Alina with care and love, she responds to them in the same way, and at the same time behaves well and tries to help in everything. She can be both strict and compliant, depending on who she has to deal with. She is too harsh towards some, while others get away with her shortcomings. Alina can be difficult, but she can give a lot to those who take a place in her heart. Alinas harbor grudges for a long time and do not accept betrayal.

What fate awaits a girl named Alina?

Characteristics of the name Alina: the influence of the meaning of the name on the fate and character of the girl

Character is the determining factor in how a person’s life turns out. In this section we will take a closer look at the name Alina, the meaning of the name and fate.

Alina is bright, beautiful and sociable. Alina knows how to behave with men and attract their attention. They skillfully present their beauty, dress well, take care of themselves, love to flirt and make advances. Alinas love it when their efforts do not go unnoticed, and are happy to catch admiring glances and accept compliments. Alinas have good taste. During the start Serious relationships They are shy a lot, but gradually open up and show their true character. Not everyone can win Alina’s favor; in this regard, men need to try, because she is very demanding. Sexually, she focuses on the outside of the relationship and thinks little about emotions and sensations. Aesthetics are very important to Alina.

The best option for Alina would be a handsome, well-groomed, confident man with a strong character and charisma.

After all, the Alinas take care of themselves, and they want their chosen one to correspond to them. Although Alinas love to be in the center of everything, they prefer that a man can put them in their place, rather than stand on the sidelines indecisive.

Here are a few key points:

  • A man who liked Alina will spend a lot of time, effort and patience to win her heart.
  • She gets married late.
  • If her family lives together with her parents, then the bearer of the name becomes the cause of many conflicts and quarrels. This is all due to the fact that A. is quite impulsive, despotic, and can make a scandal out of anything, from everyday issues and ending with raising children.
  • If A. and her husband live separately, then their home turns into a kingdom of peace and serenity.
  • They are excellent housewives, as long as no one bothers them.
  • They enjoy household chores, love to receive guests and delight them with exquisite culinary dishes.

If A. got married early, it is very likely that she will eventually get divorced. Over time, Alina begins to understand what she needs to be happy, and therefore Alina’s later marriages are quite strong. Alina loves their children and indulges all their whims.

Thanks to their energy and stubbornness, Alina achieves a lot in her career. They are successful in areas that require hard work. A. often become leaders, and prefer to carry out important tasks themselves. Alinas often find their calling in areas such as creative professions, sports, medicine, journalism. They don't like monotony.

If you name a girl Alina, what kind of character will the child have?

What will the child named Alina be like?

If you decide to name your child Alina, you want to know what awaits her. We will tell you about the name Alina, the meaning of the name for a girl.

Alinas are restless and full of energy, they do not lose it even when they are sick. A. are impatient and restless, often disobedient and argue with parents. Their mischief and impudence cause many problems. At the same time, Alinas are inquisitive, have a good memory and the ability to remember quickly, so they study well.

It is useless to punish and reprimand Alin. In the event of a conflict, it will be more effective to switch the girl’s attention to something new, to new book or a game. There is also no need to use persuasion to force Alina to do some housework. It's better to offer her a small reward in return.

Advice: Some psychologists believe that using the diminutive version of the name Alina, “Alya,” makes the girl’s character softer.


Comments from site visitors

    What is true is true), in general everything is like here - as a child I was terribly active, daring, a little bandit! And if they say that our name leaves an imprint, or influences our destiny, character and life, although this is true, then... .. Naturally, I love my name and wouldn’t change it for another, I think after reading my mother, what awaits her, if she called her daughter that name, she would think about it. And now, when choosing my name, I will carefully climb here and read everything.

    I don’t know about Arabic roots, but my great-grandmother was named that way in Western Ukraine. But I’ve never heard of Alina, this is short from Adeline. Now I like the name even more.)

    They named our daughter Alina, now she is Alina Viktorovna. We chose the name solely for the sonority of the patronymic, but now, having seen that girls with that name have a lot of advantages, we realized that we had made the right decision. Thank you for the information, it seems to me that I will now re-read your entire section, trying to compare my family and friends with what you wrote)

    We have a large family, seven children and a mother and father. Not to say that we have some kind of special upbringing, but as you understand, when there are a lot of children, you can’t normally pay attention to everyone, and to put it mildly, some of my brothers and sister are like the most natural rednecks. But my twin sister's name is Alina. She doesn't look like any of us at all. Outwardly there is, of course, a similarity, but her manner of speaking, behaving, preferences - everything shows that her name really means “noble”.

    Alinas are beautiful, smart, sexy girls with a high sense of humor. Almost everything about me, except laziness. My life is divided into periods when I am lazy and when I work, like a bee! The Alinas are very kind and calm by nature! Moreover, they are beautiful, and God has also awarded them with great ingenuity and intelligence! Which is the most important thing, because beauty without a mind is the same as a bucket with no bottom!!!))))))) ))))

    I really like it - a very feminine and gentle name. My mother wanted to call me that, she even wrote in letters to relatives that she would name the girl that, but she changed her mind and named her Elena... And I will call my daughter (if there is one, of course) that! And the diminutive is Alya, I really like it! Alya is not a separate name? Do I understand correctly?

    The daughter was named Alina, she is already 20 years old, she has grown up to be a beauty and loves to focus attention on herself. And what does it have to do with her since childhood, she was ready to learn poetry, if only everyone would look at her and listen to her. But when she began to outgrow her age, she began to change, she became more secretive. Just as it is written in the article, everything is absolutely correct.

    Alina is a rather rare name. For some reason I used to think that it was short for the name Galina, but it turned out to be a completely separate name. My good friend has a daughter, Alina. The girl really has a strong character, but is a very sociable and creative girl. It’s a pity that she doesn’t have a relationship with the male sex yet. Maybe sometimes he shows his strong character too much.

    Half the description matches. But stubbornness and the desire to be different from everyone else is my whole life. If I’m surrounded by cattle, I’ll be intelligent and modest, but if, on the contrary, I’m in a calm environment, then I might be torn into vulgar jokes and the laughter of a cross between a horse and a hyena. The most appropriate meaning of “alien” is alien to the environment in which one is located, but this is just an appearance, because I adapt to any environment. My parents regretted calling me that: constant arguments on any issue until they agree with me or we part as enemies “forever”))

    *Impulsive, despotic* That’s exactly me) Mom says I’m the devil in a skirt. The description of my character is very similar. It's fun to read to yourself. It’s good that in the future I’ll get married late and I’ll have charismatic person. I don’t want to get married, it’s too early for me. In general, in my case, the description of my character by name is very similar to the truth. I'll go read about my mother)

    I knew one Alina. What's her name full name I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem to be that important in the description. This is truly “alien” Strange creature was my friend. Anything that doesn’t suit her is immediately a scandal. Not tolerant of almost everything. He looks like an angel, but is actually a demon. She was not married, although she was over 30. But she took care of herself, was always well dressed and looked great. The description fits “my” Alina exactly.

    There was Alina in our class. We loved her. Outwardly she is a bright girl, I would even say fragile. She is small in stature and still so sublime and noble. You look at her and think a fragile flower. And this is not a fragile flower at all! Her character is great. What’s not for her is straight forward) The saying definitely works for Alina: the spool is small but expensive. She was a good girl. The childhood description of the name is correct. It would be interesting to see what grew out of her and how her fate turned out.

    My husband and I chose the name for our daughter very carefully. The problem was that his full name was very long and exotic. Whatever adult life People didn’t break their tongues about their daughter’s patronymic name, they easily remembered and pronounced it, they needed a variant of the name starting with “A” and that it was not long. We chose between Albina and Alina. It’s interesting that I only now found out that this is the same name) I always thought that Alya was Alevtina. We eventually named our daughter Alina, and this is our full name.

    I liked the article and the description of the name rings true. As a child, I knew one Alya. She was a cool girl! The dresses she wore were always beautiful, which made other girls jealous. The girl was not confrontational, she always treated everyone with respect. But she kept herself somewhat aloof. Maybe because I played the violin and spent most of my time in music school. Maybe we just weren't worthy of her. I read the interpretation of the name here and felt like I was back in childhood. Our alka stood up right before our eyes, very similar.

    I like my name. And even though my mom and dad called me Alevtina (they should have given me that name), I introduce myself to everyone as Alina, and my parents at home call me Alya. They named me after my grandmother, they say I look like her. I read the meaning of my name and really find many similarities. Before, I didn’t think about many of my character traits, but now I know where my legs grow from)

    My boss is Albina... It's a hurricane. A sort of Carlson with a propeller in his butt. She gives no peace to anyone. Her presence in the department is a disaster for us! True, we must give due credit, she is demanding not only of us, but also of herself. Her credo: if you want something done well, do it yourself. Therefore, she does the most important things herself. The decoding of her name in this article is similar to the truth. Almost everything is true.

    Almost everything in my life is connected with the name Alina. I am surrounded only by Alinas. Mother Albina, grandmother Alevtina, sister Angelina. In our family, it is customary to call women with the letter “A.” Can you imagine what a whirlwind I live in? They are all impulsive natures, soft and flexible on the outside, prickly like hedgehogs on the inside) It was very interesting to read the description of the name and recognize Alina in them, changing with age. Overall I liked it and most of it turned out to be true.

    But my little Alina is not like what is described in this article. A soft and flexible girl, quiet and modest. She is our little angel. Although, of course, she may grow into a powerful woman, but now she pleases my mother and me with her boundless tenderness. Maybe it’s true that a name softens the influence on fate if you call a girl affectionately. We named it simply because we named it. I like the sound of the name, in my mind they are like a scarlet flower.

    I had a young man. He treated me reverently and tenderly, but he was simple. In my youth and stupidity, I did not understand what happiness it is when they hold your hand and call you “My Scarlet.” I grew up exactly as it is written, impulsive and despotic, and if you add to this my unusual appearance and tough character... Eh... In general, I regret that I rejected that young man. I’m sitting here now at the age of slightly over 30 and waiting for my charismatic “brand new” prince. So girls, advice to everyone, appreciate in boys his feelings for you, do not pass by the present in pursuit of the ghostly.

Alina is a fairly popular female name in Russia, which came into use relatively recently: at the beginning of the 20th century. The history of its origin is not precisely established, but there are several versions. Scientists are inclined to intertwine several roots: Latin, Tatar, Arabic and ancient Germanic. The interpretation of the name is also ambiguous: “noble”, “majestic”, “blond”, “stranger”. The Slavs associate the name Alina with the color scarlet.

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    Meaning, origin, name forms

    Alina is a complex name in terms of origin and meaning. In it you can find the interweaving of traditions and linguistic characteristics of the Greeks, Scandinavians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians, Germans, and Muslims.

    The meaning and meaning of the name also varies:

    1. 1. B Arab countries the decoding of the name is “sublime”. Interpretation of the male name Ali.
    2. 2. The Latin version is “snow-white”. Derived form from Albina.
    3. 3. Translated from Scottish (Gaelic) - “honest”. Pair to male name Alistair.
    4. 4. Greek version - " Sunbeam"(affectionate address to Elena).
    5. 5. In Germany - “noble”. Diminutive form of the ancient Germanic name Adelaide.

    Variants of the name Alina are presented in the table:

    Ecclesiastical variants and famous bearers

    The name Alina is not listed in Orthodox calendar, therefore, at baptism, girls are named Alevtina, Elena, Alla, Angelina.

    Since there is no saint of the same name, Alin’s patron is considered to be the Great Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea. She was burned for her true faith in Jesus Christ. Name day byThe church calendar is celebrated in the summer - July 29.

    The history includes the following famous people with given name:

    • Kabaeva is a gold medalist in rhythmic gymnastics.
    • Sharigo - wife French artist O. Renoir.
    • Moradei is a star of Italian cinema.
    • Vitukhnovskaya is a Russian poetess.
    • Grosu is a pop celebrity in Ukraine.
    • Fernandez is the daughter of the famous politician Fidel Castro.
    • Pogostkina is a German violinist of Russian origin.
    • Janowska is a theater and film actress in Poland.
    • Gut is a Polish politician.
    • Dunaevskaya is a singer and author of her own songs.


    According to numerology, the number 4 is attached to the name Alina, which means reliability, strength, stability. Such people are endowed with the following qualities:

    • decency;
    • loyalty;
    • diligence;
    • prudence;
    • constancy;
    • responsibility;
    • conservatism;
    • practicality.

    Often, “fours” lack imagination and do not like to take risks. They work well with numbers and are prone to organizational activities.

    Such people love comfort, consistency and simple entertainment. They have a hard time with loneliness and constantly need company. They are quite sociable, smart, and successful in their careers. This is due to their perseverance and hard work.

    Disadvantages include pettiness, pedantry, excessive rationality and prudence.

    Darina - the meaning and secret of the name, the character and fate of the girl

    Symbols and talismans

    Name symbolism:

    • talisman stone - aquamarine, pearl;
    • patronizing planet - Venus;
    • element - fire;
    • totem animal - praying mantis, swallow, elephant, dolphin;
    • plant (tree) - willow, mint, maple, verbena, eucalyptus;
    • Lily flower;
    • zodiac sign - Pisces;
    • metal - iron;
    • lucky day - Tuesday;
    • season of the year - autumn;
    • year - Snake.

    Most good colors name - blue and crimson.

    Children's period

    Girls named Alina have a complex character and are difficult to educate. Parents are not an authority for them. They like to command and do not take adults' comments seriously. Alinas often grow up in single-parent families, which leaves a negative imprint on the formation of their personality.

    They rarely cry, but are highly sensitive. They can for a long time demonstrate their suffering by refusing to talk. This continues until the girl’s wishes are fulfilled.

    Alinas are endowed with excellent memory, which allows them to easily study school subjects. But studying comes easily to them only if they are interested. They are naturally capable, but they rarely become diligent students. They often get sick and miss classes, which does not contribute to good academic performance.

    Alinas have many talents: they draw beautifully, love to read, have a competent literary style, and are artistic. They constantly try to take care of someone, but they do it in a rude manner, with their characteristic egocentrism. It is recommended to raise them with love, but with strictness.

    You cannot pamper Alina too much, otherwise her character will become unbearable in adulthood.

    Pets are needed in the house, which will allow the girl to develop kindness and responsibility.

    Character traits and fate of an adult woman

    A description of the character of all Alin can be reduced to a number of key features:

    • devotion, fidelity;
    • nobility;
    • punctuality;
    • activity, determination;
    • emotionality.

    The secret of the name is that, despite the gentle sound, its bearers do not have an angelic character. These women by nature are quite daring and stubborn people. They act based on their own interests, do what is convenient for them, and absolutely cannot tolerate criticism.

    Due to the lack of a sense of tact, Alina always says unpleasant words to the interlocutor’s face, therefore they often provoke conflicts and find it difficult to get along with people.

    Alina's main drawback is increased excitability, which sometimes develops into aggression. She absolutely cannot restrain herself and believes that the world should revolve around her person. You can convince her of something only by using affection, cunning and patience.

    This is a clear representative of extroverts. She easily adapts to any situation, while depending on the opinions of others, makes promises frivolously and quickly forgets about them in the future. With age, Alina becomes softer and more affectionate, but her unbridled temperament can create problems for her throughout her life.

    These women always look impeccable and behave relaxed, so they are popular with the opposite sex. Incorrigible fashionistas: they are able to make a chic outfit out of nothing and amaze others with their extraordinary appearance. They treat money irresponsibly and spend it without thinking.

    Connection with the time of year

    Alina's character dependst from the time of year when she was born:

    • Winter. This is a sensible, intelligent, decisive and calculating woman. She thinks through every step and is able to move towards her goal without noticing obstacles.
    • Spring."Spring" Alina is a romantic person with an inexhaustible imagination. She is characterized by increased nervousness and hot temper, and is prone to despotic behavior towards loved ones.
    • Summer. An emotional, but not vindictive girl.
    • Autumn. An enterprising and practical lady, a true businesswoman who loves money.

    Alina is an artistic and creative person who enjoys reading romance and chivalry novels and drawing. Often turns a hobby into the main source of income.

    Love and marriage

    Despite her large circle of fans, Alina gets married in adulthood. It works out well if a young family lives separately from their parents.

    Alina approaches her choice of husband thoroughly and slowly. He notices even the slightest nuances: demeanor and clothing style, cleanliness, desire and ability to earn money. Family life with this woman promises to be stormy and not boring, which is facilitated by Alina’s extraordinary personality and unbridled temperament.

    The owners of this name are zealous owners and are jealous of their man at the slightest reason.

    Despite the careful choice of her husband, Alina may divorce and remarry.

    As a hostess, Alina is excellent: she is always happy to have guests, cooks deliciously, and keeps order and comfort in the house. She loves children and is ready to spoil them all the time. Life with Alina will be fun and pleasant, but if a man betrays her even once, she will break off the relationship forever.

    High compatibility is observed with men named Mikhail, Evgeny, Victor, Yakov, Anatoly, Alexey, Alexander. Marriage with Dmitry, Nikolai, Igor should be avoided.


    Alina perceives sex not as a romantic, but as a practical action. During the process, she does not give in to the flow of feelings and heartfelt impulses, but focuses on the aesthetic side: the beauty of her partner’s body, the environment, and comfort.

    Alina does not take sex without love seriously, but she is ready to do anything for her loved one.

    A man will not be able to lure Alina into bed without a preliminary period of courtship. She loves compliments and expressions of admiration for her person, but can sacrifice her own moral principles to achieve the goal.


    Little Alina usually has poor health and often catches colds. Due to excessive excitability, he often leads himself to a nervous breakdown. In some cases, the child needs the help of a neurologist. The girl may have scoliosis and poor vision. As children, Alina suffers from poor appetite, but this is not a cause for alarm.

    Parents should teach their girls to have a daily routine from an early age. It is advisable to strengthen the immune system through physical training. Long sleep and frequent walks in the fresh air are beneficial for health.

    As adults, Alina gets no less sick, which leads to taking various medications, so the stomach and intestines are at risk.

    Business and career

    The profession of a teacher and educator is not suitable for Alina, which is due to the specificity of her character: she is indifferent to children, with the exception of her own. In other areas, the girl is capable of achieving great success.

    Alinas are inclined towards humanities, they can become philologists, correspondents, secretaries, linguists, and are endowed with artistry and literary talent. Activity, the gift of persuasion, high life potential and unquenchable energy open up wide opportunities for them in the field of politics and social activities.

    Such women strive for career growth, and having taken a leadership position, they become despots and tyrants towards their subordinates. Alinas don’t waste time searching individual approach towards people, do not consider it necessary to adapt to someone and always go ahead, regardless of moral principles. This can either help them in business or hinder them from building relationships with partners.

    Name Astrology

    The name Alina should be given to girls born under the signs:

    • Aries.
    • Scales.
    • Sagittarius.

    It is not suitable for Gemini, Pisces, Scorpios. Girls born in February, April and the first half of May can be called Alina.

    The astrological characteristics of the name are presented in the table:

    Zodiac sign Description of a woman's character
    AriesIndependent, quick-tempered, with a bit of adventurism. She is practically devoid of sexuality, which is why she is not particularly popular with men. Has career prospects
    TaurusGentle, friendly and kind, but with a stubborn character. Key qualities: pragmatism, skepticism, integrity. Dependent on material goods, therefore chooses a wealthy life partner
    TwinsCurious, creative, open to communication and knowledge. She cannot live without male attention. A successful marriage is only possible with a man who has a similar mindset
    CancerVulnerable, suspicious and picky. Prone to frequent mood swings. Not confident in herself, needs constant approval and praise. Priority is given to family and children rather than work
    a lionSelfish, domineering, proud and independent, although insecure and modest at heart. Doesn't know how to spend money rationally. She gets married for convenience, but usually the marriage turns out favorably
    VirgoClosed, distrustful and silent. Constantly engages in internal self-criticism. Not confident in my strengths and capabilities. She is smart, hardworking and responsible, which allows her to successfully move up the career ladder
    ScalesObligatory, kind, sociable. Lives in harmony with himself and the whole world. She is respected by her colleagues at work and loved by her husband and children in her family. Absolutely irrational handling of money
    ScorpionIndependent, willful, contradictory. For her, only her own opinion is correct, which is why the woman has few friends and is often bored alone. Kindness and responsiveness are alien to her
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