Exactly for your child. Therapeutic fairy tales: how to understand your child and help him Psychologist gdppnd l.a

Therapeutic tales from Semignomochek

Once upon a time there lived a little mouse named Pim.

He spent the whole day playing hide and seek and tag with his brothers. But when night fell on the ground, Pym began to be afraid.

He was very afraid of the dark. It enveloped the familiar closet and turned it into the big black cat that Pym feared more than anything in the world. And when steps were heard outside the window, the mouse imagined a hedgehog that went out hunting at night.

And if on dark sky a bright light flashed, Pym thought it was an owl looking for him. After all, both the hedgehog and the owl hunt mice. And then the mouse Pim would crawl with his head under the blanket and tremble with fear.

One day, when night fell again, Pym crawled under the blanket, closed his eyes very, very tightly and wanted it to become as light as day. And so, when the mouse opened his eyes, it became light around him, like a sunny day, and he himself found himself in a beautiful forest.

Pym ran happily along the path! But then he heard someone crying. In the middle of the path sat a small black creature and wept bitterly. Pim felt sorry for the stranger, he came up and asked:

Who are you and why are you crying?

“I am Darkness,” the creature answered, “And I cry because I am sad and lonely.” Everyone is afraid of me, and no one wants to be friends with me! Every evening I come to visit every house, and I cannot find friends anywhere. And I’m so sad alone, I really want to find a friend!

And the Darkness cried even harder. Pym felt sorry for the Darkness.

- Let me be your friend! - he said.

And from then on, the mouse Pym and the Darkness became friends. Every night when the Darkness came to visit, Pym no longer trembled with fear. He imagined that the cabinet was a big piece of cheese, and it was funny to be afraid of cheese!

Footsteps outside the window - it’s the dog Poufik wandering around, watching at night. And the light in the dark sky is a shooting star... Pym closed his eyes and calmly fell asleep. And the Darkness covered him with a warm blanket, lulled him to sleep and made sure that no one prevented the mouse from getting a good night's sleep...

Pim the mouse and porridge. Author Valentina Ushaeva (

Pim the mouse did not like to eat porridge. Not because it tastes bad. Mom cooked very tasty porridge.

But Pim still wanted to eat something more interesting for breakfast. For example, a piece of cheese or a chocolate bar. And it’s a pity to waste time on porridge when you can do so much!

But my mother always repeated that porridge is very healthy.

One morning, when Mom put the bowl of porridge in front of Pim again, he said:

I won't eat porridge anymore! Don't want!

What will you eat? - Mom was surprised.

Nothing! I’ll wait until lunch, maybe there’ll be something delicious for lunch! Or maybe I won’t eat at all, I’m fine as is!

But porridge is so healthy, it has everything for you to grow healthy and strong. And you need strength to play, run and jump! - Mom answered. – Ask anyone, everyone eats healthy food.

But the mouse Pim no longer listened to her, he ran to play in the yard.

There was a big tree growing in the yard! Pim decided to find out how it grows, because it doesn’t eat anything. The tree doesn't even have a mouth!

Of course I eat. - The tree laughed. - Just not like you. My roots feed me. They are deep in the ground and take many useful substances from it. That's why I'm growing so well.

The mouse was very surprised and a little upset. After all, he wanted to show his mother someone who doesn’t eat and yet lives wonderfully! He ran behind the fence, where a small river flowed. “She certainly doesn’t eat anything,” thought Pym. “She has neither a mouth nor roots.”

Well, little mouse, - the river began to gurgle - I am fed by underground springs. Without them, I would have remained a thin stream. Now look how wide and fast I am! I drink springs and also rain water.

No, I don't eat anything. – The stone answered angrily. He was very reluctant to talk.

The joyful little mouse ran home and told his mother about the stone.

“You see,” said the mouse, “he doesn’t eat or drink anything, and yet he feels good.”

Well,” Mom smiled, “if you want to be like a stone, then, of course, you don’t have to eat anything.” You will lie there all day and do nothing. After all, the stone always lies motionless. You won’t grow, because a stone doesn’t grow. And everyone will trip over you.

No no! - The mouse screamed. – I don’t want to lie still, because I love to play, run and jump so much! And I want to grow up like dad, big and strong. And I really don’t want everyone to trip over me! – The mouse was almost crying. He suddenly became so afraid that he would turn into stone.

Mom, quickly give me delicious millet porridge! - he asked. Mom put his favorite plate of porridge in front of him with a smile. Pim ate everything and even asked for more!

Since then, Pym the mouse always ate porridge for breakfast, because he so wanted to remain a cheerful and nimble little mouse, and did not at all want to be a boring gray stone.

Pym the mouse and spring. Author Valentina Ushaeva (

Pym the mouse was looking forward to spring. After all, in winter you need to wear so many clothes! And in the spring you can run around in just pants and a jacket.

And finally, Pym put on his new pants and new jacket. The pants were brightly striped: blue like the sky, yellow like the sun, and green like grass. These were the mouse's favorite colors.

The sun was shining outside, and Pim ran to the far end of the yard to play football with his friends.
When the mouse ran up to his friends, they suddenly started pointing at him and laughing loudly.

Look, Stripe has come running, ha ha ha! - they shouted. - Stripe, Stripe!

Pym realized that his friends were laughing at his pants. But Pim liked these pants so much. The rest of the mice had pants without stripes: red, black or purple. Pim felt very upset and ran behind the old barn.

He couldn’t understand why his friends didn’t like his bright pants so much. “I need to ask mom to sew me purple pants,” the mouse thought. - “But I don’t like it that way.” purple, and black too."

Behind the old barn a meadow began. There were so many flowers in this meadow: delicate daisies with white petals, blue cornflowers, sunny yellow dandelions, and even tall bright red poppies.

And colorful butterflies fluttered over the flowers. The mouse was so enchanted by the flowers and butterflies that he even forgot about his offense.

Then a large beautiful butterfly landed on a flower in front of him.

Good afternoon - Said the butterfly. - Why are you sitting here alone, where are your friends? - she asked the mouse.

Then Pym remembered what happened to him.

“They’re playing football in the yard,” he answered. “And I ran away because they didn’t like my pants and started calling me names.”

But you have very beautiful pants,” the butterfly was surprised, “don’t you like them yourself?”

I really like it! - Said the mouse.

Then why didn't you tell your friends about it and stay? Look around, how many of the most different butterflies you see? Here is a yellow lemongrass, and here is a blue-winged moth. And here is the cabbage, it has white wings with stripes. In my opinion, they are not very beautiful, but she likes them! And the shape of everyone's wings is different. But it never occurs to any of us to call each other names. – The butterfly’s antennae trembled with indignation.

Everyone is proud of their appearance, everyone has their own beauty. – she continued. - Look at the flowers. Would it be better if they all became the same? It would be very boring! Birch leaves are different from rowan leaves, and even each nettle bush looks different. So you can be proud of your pants and wear them, even if someone doesn’t like them.

Then the butterfly easily fluttered from the flower and, nodding goodbye to the mouse, flew away. And Pim rushed into the yard to play football with his friends. He realized that his pants were no worse than others, and no longer began to be offended by his friends. Friends were very happy about Pim, because he was the best goal scorer.

Over time, they stopped calling him Stripes, and some even began to wear checkered and polka-dot pants. After all, everyone is so different, everyone has their favorite clothes, a favorite fairy tale, a favorite toy, completely different from the other. And that's great!

Baba Yaga. Author Ratushnaya Svetlana (

This fairy tale helped us stop being afraid of Baba Yaga

Once upon a time there was a bear, his mother was a bear and his father was a bear. The little bear was very afraid of Baba Yaga. One day he went into the forest to eat raspberries, it was his favorite berry. The bear went deeper and deeper into the forest, picking berries.

He was very carried away by this process and did not even notice how he found himself deep in the forest. He wanted to go home to his mom and dad, but he got even more lost. Mishka was very frightened and did not know how to get out of the forest and where to go. He walked and walked and suddenly saw a hut on chicken legs, the kind in which Baba Yaga usually lived. The bear was very frightened, he was trembling all over. Suddenly Baba Yaga came out of the hut and said:

Hello, bear!
“Hello, Baba Yaga,” the bear answered in a trembling voice.
- What are you doing here?
- I got lost.
- Don't be sad, bear. I will help you.

Baba Yaga took the cub by the paw and led him to the house where Mama Bear and Papa Bear lived.

Well, here we are, here is your home, bear.
“Thank you, Baba Yaga,” answered the bear.

Since then, the bear was no longer afraid of Baba Yaga, because she is not always evil. Sometimes she helps animals and children.

A fairy tale about a bunny: why sleep is needed. Author Elena Lemm (

Lived in a forest little bunny. And he was cheerful and perky, no one in the forest ran faster than him, or jumped as far as he did.

From morning to evening the bunny played and had fun with his bunnie friends. But evening came, all the friends ran home and fell asleep in their beds, and our bunny really didn’t like to sleep. He came up with many various reasons so as not to sleep. And one day the bunny never fell asleep. The stars and the moon looked into his window, offering to tell a beautiful fairy tale, but the bunny didn’t listen to them. The sweetest morning dream whispered its story in his ear, but the bunny drove him away too. The sun has already woken up, and the cockerel crowed good morning to him. But the bunny never closed his eyes.

He should be happy, he won the dream. But what is it? The porridge has become tasteless, the birds are singing sadly and the sun is not shining brightly. Nothing makes him happy. The bunny went out with his friends to jump and run, but not to play. The eyes try to close, the paws do not obey... Suddenly, out of nowhere, a wolf jumped out. All the hares scattered, but our little bunny couldn’t even move his paw. If the squirrels had not helped, the wolf had not been thrown pine cones, it would have been a disaster. Then the bunny understood why sleep was needed, and from then on he always went to bed on time.

Seven Dwarves. Author

Once upon a time there were 7 dwarves.

They were very, very friendly. Each gnome had his own favorite pastime. The first one loved to cook tasty and healthy meals. The second one did an excellent job of keeping the house clean. The third liked to read books. He read not only to himself, but also to other gnomes. Everyone will sit next to each other and listen. Good books there was a lot in the house! The fourth gnome had “golden hands”. He repaired everything, sewed it up, glued it, repaired it.

I must say that the gnomes were very neat. But if anything, the Fourth Dwarf was right there. The fifth gnome loved flowers. He bred them and then looked after them. Flowers were not only in the house and on the street. And the Dwarfs' house itself was decorated with fresh flowers. Beauty! The sixth gnome sang excellently, played the musical instruments and danced. He also always came up with the most interesting entertainment, games and competitions for his brothers.

It was always fun in their house! What about the Seventh Dwarf? What did he love? What was he responsible for? This gnome was the smallest. He still knew little, but he had a very important task. The seventh gnome supported everyone good mood. How did he do it? Differently. The main thing is that the brothers smile and begin to do their jobs with pleasure. But one day something very happened sad story! Little gnome woke up in a terrible mood, did not smile at anyone, did not wish good morning, became capricious and gloomily went off somewhere. What started here?!

The first one couldn’t cook anything tasty, and what happened was not healthy. The second one didn’t want to clean the house, he only made even more of a mess. The third didn't even touch the books. And they didn’t finish reading one very an interesting fairy tale. The fourth did not want to lubricate the creaking door (even she was sad). He also accidentally broke the stand for the flower pots and didn’t bother to fix it. When the flowers fell from the stand (fortunately they didn’t break), Fifth didn’t even get upset. He didn’t want to look at his flowers at all and didn’t water them.

But the Sixth Dwarf did not stop singing. But he mumbled such a sad song that everyone just wanted to cry. What will happen now? And then the Seventh returned home.

When he saw what was happening, he immediately realized that it was his fault. Bad mood. After thinking for a minute, he went up to each brother, whispered something in his ear and smiled. And as if by magic, everything returned to its place. Everyone happily went about their favorite activities, singing a cheerful song together. Shall I tell you what the Seventh whispered? “I love you, you are very dear to me!” That's all.


Wisdom is an experience gained by a person, enshrined deep in neurons. We cannot teach wisdom to anyone. Stepping on a rake, burning your fingers - all this is the path that our children must follow. But how to step down this path with minimal trauma to yourself, your psyche, physical health, reputation? Therapeutic tales help us pass on knowledge from generation to generation. Reading them puts important attitudes into the subconscious that will influence life in the future. Night tradition– read before bed good fairy tale is a connection between generations, a way to calm down, develop imagination and help your future self make the right choice.

Therapeutic fairy tales for children

Mother reading a fairy tale to her daughter and sitting on a rainbow Fairy tales are a situation in which the main characters experience difficulties, but find a way out of them. Reading seems to lay down an important mechanism of action and show ways to resolve the situation. History teaches us to fight, not give up, always get what we deserve, and share. Eric Berne, in his legendary book “People Who Play Games,” added to fairy tales great importance. He believed that with their help, scenarios are imposed by society; by analyzing fairy tales, one can learn a lot about a person and reach deep levels of understanding.
Danger can hide even the good old " ugly duck" His scenario is that a duckling turned into a swan without difficulty or attempts to improve himself. Many mothers wait until their teenage children also blossom, without making efforts for their development and disclosure. Fairy tales about princesses teach that a man can become good after marriage; women turn a blind eye to shortcomings, expecting them to change in the future.

A fairy tale can also become a kind of psychotherapy for a person. She not only programs the scenario, but can also help you get out of it. You can read therapeutic fairy tales before bed to relieve your child’s stress and fears, to explain the paradigms and programs of this world, and to explain the principles.
The child does not sleep well. A story made up by parents about how fairy tale hero I couldn’t sleep, but then I overcame myself. Brief scenario fairy tales could be like this: fairy fairy at night she flew to all the children to give them dreams. She worked very hard, but forgot to rest during the day, and at night she was forced to fly back to her children. After some time, the fairy was so tired that she fell asleep, and her kids could not sleep and see magical dreams. The whole city The children did not sleep, tossed and turned in their beds, and distracted their parents from sleep. When the fairy woke up, she realized what she had done. I was very scared and the next night I flew to give the kids the most magical and sweet dreams. After this, the child’s wishes should be voiced. For example, if your son loves Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, say that the fairy brought cartoon characters to the children’s dreams.

The child does not want to study. Using the fairy tale about the Bunny who didn’t want to study, you can explain to your child the benefits of studying. You should not condemn and intimidate a child if he does not want to gnaw on the granite of science. You should just tell him a bedtime story about an animal who has made his choice in favor of cartoons, festivities, and sweets. The bunny had a lot of fun while his friends read books and studied. As a result, the friends were able to build themselves a house, buy a swimming pool, and fly on a plane to the sea. Here it is important to list what the child dreams of. You can read psychotherapeutic fairy tales in Ukrainian on the dobranich website. net.

A therapeutic fairy tale can also be told by a child. Ask him to come up with a good night wish or story for you. This way you will understand what the baby is thinking about, how much he understands you, other people and their needs, and what he is afraid of. Imagine together, come up with challenges for the hero, ask how the baby wants to get out of these difficulties, with the help of strength, cunning, kindness, intelligence or dexterity.

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In a certain kingdom, in a children's state, there lived a Fairy Tale. She loved children very much and took them with them strong friendship, taught them and helped them. She told the children about the world around them, about strange countries and their inhabitants; shared deep knowledge about a person, his life and customs - and the children better understood themselves and other people, inner world children became richer, they became smarter and more confident. Together with the heroes of the fairy tale, the children overcame obstacles and grew up strong, fair and resilient. And when the fairy tale was funny and weird, the children also had fun, and their souls were filled with peace, joy and goodness. From encounters with fairy tales, the children’s childhood was also a little fairy-tale-like. Therefore, the children loved the Fairy Tale very much as the kindest and best friend. And parents loved fairy tales because it made it easier to raise and raise children.

But “different times” came. The children have grown up, they have become adults and smart people, and complex and “smart” mechanisms appeared in their lives - televisions, Cell phones, computers, slot machines... And when the former children had children of their own, the adults decided that the Fairy Tale was outdated and not suitable for modern world...And the adults decided to find new friends for their children...

This is how kids got “cool” toys, fashionable games, exciting cartoons, and then the almighty computer. The fairy tale was not listed among friends, it was forgotten and I felt abandoned and useless to anyone. Children played for long hours with ready-made toys, spent time in front of a screen or monitor, while adults went about their business.

So the days passed. Suddenly, parents began to notice that their children’s faces were becoming gray, their bodies were becoming haggard, and their eyes were dull. Over time, more and more often, interactions with children ended in outbursts of anger or crying, and some of the children even began to get sick. Parents were perplexed, because they do so much for a happy childhood! The children continued to feel sad and wasted away and could not explain to the adults why. And kindergarten teachers and school teachers wondered why children had become so aggressive, why they couldn’t make friends... Doctors also shrugged...

One day, one boy played on the computer for a long, long time and defeated all the monsters and bandits. But he couldn’t understand why he felt so bad at heart after that. He hit his beloved dog, was rude to his dad and, while talking on the phone, quarreled with his friend... Neither he himself nor the adults could understand what was happening... He sat with his head on the table, and no one knew how to help him...

And then his mother quietly approached him, stroked his head and said: “I want to introduce you to the most best friend my childhood..."

And who is it? - the boy asked incredulously

This is my childhood fairy tale.

Read it,” the boy asked. Mom opened the book and quietly began “once upon a time...”, and then “in a certain kingdom, in the thirtieth state...”, and then “once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman...”.

And - lo and behold! Mom saw how with every page her boy seemed to be filled with joy, light, strength, goodness and health. She took a short break to call other parents and tell them that a cure for the child's soul had been found! And then she returned to her child, and together they continued the magical healing that evening and many, many more evenings in a row...

IN what is the power of a fairy tale?

A fairy tale develops a child’s cognitive world, broadens his horizons, helps improve speech and thinking, national identity.

Fairy tales educate careful attitude To the world of living beings, nature and environmentally educate the child.

Magical adventures in fairy tales reduce anxiety and aggression of the child, help take a break from stress, gain strength.

Through a fairy tale, a child gains knowledge about people's lives, their problems and their ways overcoming. IN the child's subconscious is laid "bank life situations And solutions” that a person uses throughout his life.

True fairy tales fill a child’s world with life-affirming power: good conquers evil, and together with Through heroes, the child gains confidence in their And to its strength.

In story time nervous system children are in special condition, in during which unconscious processing of them occurs own psychological problems, the child’s inner world is restored and harmonized.

How to communicate with a children's fairy tale?

· Read and analyze fairy tales with small years. Select fairy tales from According to age of the child, help him understand them meaning and actions of heroes.

· Re-read With children's favorite fairy tales many times.

· Tell me folk« grandma's» fairy tales.

· Compose fairy tales with as a child, developing him Creative skills And speech.

· Draw illustrations for read.

· Make (sculpt, design, cut from paper) heroes and characters, sew together and knit dolls.

· Feel the baby’s problem (fear, anxiety, loneliness) and come up with a fairy tale where the hero finds ways to overcome this trouble.

· Play it out fairy tales, assigning the child the role of a character with similar problematic or missing character traits for the child: fearful - the role of a brave knight, and greedy - a generous wizard.

Let the mighty energy of the fairy tale accumulate in your child's soul!

Have a fabulous growing up!

Most parents are faced with whims: the child does not want to go to bed, put away toys, brush teeth, bathe, eat, or leave the playground on time. Such problems are familiar to every mother. Persuasion, lectures and requests do not bring results, the mother feels powerless, gives up and breaks into a scream. What provokes new round whims and hysterics.

What to do?

There is a very effective and at the same time simple way to help a child cope with disobedience. Try not to scold your child, but to tell him a fairy tale! The right fairy tale will help you gently and effectively change your child’s behavior for the better.

Sounds too easy, right? But that's the secret. Read to the end, and I will tell you how a fairy tale helps in education.

Fairy tales for those who don't want to

Listening to a story or fairy tale, a child identifies himself with the hero. A fairy tale helps a child feel that he is not alone, that other children can also experience the same emotions when they find themselves in similar situations. This calms the child down: it turns out that he is not the only one who is stubborn and disobedient; other children also sometimes do not get along with their parents.

Childish “I don’t want to!” - this is an attempt to defend your borders. A slight resistance to mother's words can over time develop into hysterics for any reason. And if the mother indulges and agrees to everything, the child is lost from permissiveness. But an overly strict, authoritarian approach also does not bring the desired result: hysterics and whims intensify, the child becomes uncontrollable. In the “Obedient Child in 4 Weeks” course, we learn to maintain this balance between sensitivity and firmness.

The task of fairy tale therapy is to give the child a model correct behavior without pressure and moralizing. When we tell a child: “you can’t run away from mom,” for him it’s just a bunch of words. Children from about two years of age actively develop creative thinking, so at this age you can slowly connect metaphors and stories.

The fairy tale helps to gently convey the necessary information to the child, and using the example of the main character, it shows what happens if you don’t listen to your mother and do it your own way.

How to tell fairy tales to a child?

For a therapeutic fairy tale to have an effect, it is important not only to tell it, but also to discuss it with the child. Some psychologists believe that only the child should initiate the discussion, and this makes sense. In order for the fairy tale to work and for the child to draw conclusions, he needs to assimilate and think about the story, live it again with the characters. And the child’s psyche itself will tell you what elements are missing to create a complete picture.

But to better reinforce the fairy tale, you can talk to your child about it immediately after reading it. You can talk through the main events of the fairy tale or ask the child to retell them. It will also be useful to talk through the connections: who went where, what they did, what result they got and how they solved the problem. Such pronunciation will help the child structure information and remember it for further reflection.

It doesn’t matter if your child doesn’t return to discussing the fairy tale after a while. In the right situation, you can casually remind him of the story: “The fidgety little cloud also ran away from mom, remember?” This way the child will learn to apply theoretical experience from fairy tales to practical life situations.

To solve the problem of disobedience you can use different fairy tales with one theme. I have selected for you several fairy tales for little reluctant ones, and I hope they will help your children become more obedient and flexible.

A fairy tale about the naughty Sun.

In this fairy tale, we meet a boy named Sunny, who loved to play, but did not want to go to bed on time. One day Sunny got stubborn and decided not to go to bed at all. He played as much as he wanted. And the next day I saw what sad consequences this led to.

The tale about the naughty Sun is useful for all children who do not want to go to bed and argue with their parents. It touches on the theme of friendship, disobedience and responsibility for one's actions. A story about feeling unwell Sunshine after a sleep disorder will also help the child draw the right conclusions.

The Tale of Naughty

This is a story about a little girl who did not listen to her parents at all and did everything the opposite. And Naughty was so mischievous, she offended her mother and father so much that they left her to live in the forest. To celebrate, the girl played so much that she did not notice how the ants took all her lunch into their anthill. The naughty girl was not at a loss and dined on sweets, after which her stomach hurt badly. Luckily, mom and dad loved their daughter very much and came home to fix her tummy. But Naughty understood everything, and from then on she always obeyed her parents.

The story about Naughty contains several messages. First of all, the fairy tale teaches you to be obedient and not upset adults, but this is not about the manipulation “be good, otherwise mom will feel bad.” The idea is that adults get upset when a child is deliberately rude, called names and fights. And here the logic is perfectly shown, what result can be obtained by doing one way or another.

The second educational point of the tale is the diet and quality of nutrition. The author emphasizes that you need to eat on time, and if you dine only on sweets, your stomach will hurt.

And the third aspect gives the child a sense of security: no matter how mischievous he is, no matter how bad he behaves, his parents accept him, he is still a desired and beloved child. The baby knows that mom and dad are always there and will come to the rescue no matter what happens.

The Tale of a Naughty Elephant

The story is about a little elephant who did not listen to his mother and ran so far that he got lost. In search of his mother, he wandered through the jungle and met the same naughty kids who were in trouble. The baby elephant helped them cope with difficulties, and although he was very tired and pretty scared, he was still able to find his mother and help his new friends.

Besides the obvious conclusion that disobeying your mother is bad, this wonderful fairy tale teaches a child empathy. Is it possible to help others when you yourself are not in a better position? The fairy tale gives a clear answer: if you are able, help someone who needs your help. And even if you don’t solve your problem yourself, a grateful friend can help you find a way out of a difficult situation.

Fidget, or the Tale of How Clouds Turn into Storm Clouds

This fairy tale tells about a small cloud, the Fidget Cloud, who was generally obedient, but sometimes still flew further than her mother allowed. One day, the cloud liked the garden of her new friend Mishutka so much that she forgot and did not notice how she had worried her mother and accidentally caused a storm. The fidget cloud was very surprised and frightened, because she did not know why her mother reacted so violently.

The fairy tale demonstrates the adequate reaction of the Cloud Mother to the disobedience of the restless Cloud Mother. Oblakusha knows that her mother usually supports her and approves of her actions, so her mother’s sudden discontent surprises her and makes her think about what caused it. Mom becomes more and more upset, and the storm that breaks out helps the baby understand that her mother’s patience is not unlimited, makes her feel how much she really loves her mother and is afraid of losing her.
The child understands that no matter how angry his mother is and scolds him in an emotional outburst, she continues to love him at this moment. And she is not angry with him, but with his negative actions.

Unfortunately, fairy tales are not always enough. Very childish behavior requires an immediate response. You will learn how to correct tantrums without screaming in the “Obedient Child in 4 Weeks” course. As a result, you will not only be able to avoid disobedience and hysterics, but you will also understand why your child behaves this way and get working algorithms for working with everyone difficult situations in education.

How the Fairy Tale helped parents and children

(the importance of fairy tales for child development)

In a certain kingdom, in a children's state, there lived a Fairy Tale. She loved children very much, had strong friendships with them, taught them and helped them. She told the children about the world around them, about strange countries and their inhabitants; shared deep knowledge about a person, his life and customs - and the children understood themselves and other people better, the children’s inner world became richer, they became smarter and more confident. Together with the heroes of the fairy tale, the children overcame obstacles and grew up strong, fair and resilient. And when the fairy tale was funny and weird, the children also had fun, and their souls were filled with peace, joy and goodness. From encounters with fairy tales, the children’s childhood was also a little fairy-tale-like. Therefore, the children loved the Fairy Tale very much as the kindest and best friend. And parents loved fairy tales because it made it easier to raise and raise children.

But “different times” came. The children grew up, they became adults and smart people, and complex and “smart” mechanisms appeared in their lives - televisions, mobile phones, computers, slot machines... And when the former children had children of their own, the adults decided that the Fairy Tale was outdated and not suitable for the modern world... And the adults decided to find new friends for their children...

This is how kids got “cool” toys, fashionable games, exciting cartoons, and then the almighty computer. The fairy tale was not listed among friends, it was forgotten and I felt abandoned and useless to anyone. Children played for long hours with ready-made toys, spent time in front of a screen or monitor, while adults went about their business.

So the days passed. Suddenly, parents began to notice that their children’s faces were becoming gray, their bodies were becoming haggard, and their eyes were dull. Over time, more and more often, interactions with children ended in outbursts of anger or crying, and some of the children even began to get sick. Parents were perplexed, because they do so much for a happy childhood! The children continued to feel sad and wasted away and could not explain to the adults why. And kindergarten teachers and school teachers wondered why children had become so aggressive, why they couldn’t make friends... Doctors also shrugged...

One day, one boy played on the computer for a long, long time and defeated all the monsters and bandits. But he couldn’t understand why he felt so bad at heart after that. He hit his beloved dog, was rude to his dad and, while talking on the phone, quarreled with his friend... Neither he himself nor the adults could understand what was happening... He sat with his head on the table, and no one knew how to help him...

And then his mother quietly approached him, stroked his head and said: “I want to introduce you to the best friend of my childhood...”

And who is it? – the boy asked incredulously

This is my childhood fairy tale.

Read it,” the boy asked. Mom opened the book and quietly began “once upon a time...”, and then “in a certain kingdom, in the thirtieth state...”, and then “once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman...”.

And - lo and behold! Mom saw how with every page her boy seemed to be filled with joy, light, strength, goodness and health. She took a short break to call other parents and tell them that a cure for the child's soul had been found! And then she returned to her child, and together they continued the magical healing that evening and many, many more evenings in a row...

What is the power of a fairy tale?

A fairy tale develops a child’s cognitive world, broadens his horizons, helps improve speech and thinking, and national self-awareness.

Fairy tales foster a caring attitude towards the world of living beings, nature and educate the child environmentally.

Magical adventures in a fairy tale reduce a child’s anxiety and aggression, help to take a break from stress, and gain strength.

Through a fairy tale, a child gains knowledge about people's lives, their problems and ways to overcome them. A “bank of life situations and decisions” is laid in the child’s subconscious, which the person uses throughout his life.

True fairy tales fill a child’s world with life-affirming power: good defeats evil, and together with the heroes, the child gains confidence in their and his own strength.

While reading a fairy tale, the nervous system of children is in a special state, during which their own psychological problems are unconsciously processed, and the child’s inner world is restored and harmonized.

How to communicate with a children's fairy tale?

  • Read and Analyzefairy tales from an early age. Select fairy tales in accordance with the child’s age, help him understand their meaning and the actions of the characters.
  • Re-read favorite fairy tales with your child many times.
  • Tell me folk "grandmother's" tales.
  • Compose fairy tales with your child, developing his creativity and speech.
  • Draw illustrations for what you read.
  • Make (sculpt, design, cut out of paper) heroes and characters, sew and knit dolls together.
  • Feel the baby’s problem (fear, anxiety, loneliness) and come up with a fairy tale where the hero finds ways to overcome this trouble.
  • Play it out fairy-tale plots, assigning the child the role of a character with similar problematic or character traits that the child lacks: the fearful one - the role of a brave knight, and the greedy one - the generous wizard.
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