Games and exercises on the theme “Cow. Why do you dream about a cow and a calf?

What animal do we become familiar with from early childhood? Who feeds us with their milk so that we grow strong and healthy? That's right, cow. The cow is a sacred animal. Residents of many countries treat her as a deity.

The Egyptians, for example, have long depicted their Goddess Hathor as a cow. Only recently they changed this image to a woman with cow horns. It is a symbol of heaven, love and fertility. According to legend, the sun god Ra used a celestial cow to raise him from the ocean floor.

In India, this animal was and is a symbol of fertility, abundance and fertility. Among us, among the Slavic peoples animals cows- This is the personification of the heavenly goddess and nurse of everything on earth. In fact, it’s really difficult to find something more healthy than real fresh milk from your grandmother’s cow.

Cow lifestyle

For several thousand years, cows have lived next to people. During this time, people managed to study well the lifestyle, habits and preferences of these animals. . Cow pet has his own tastes in food and even music. Yes, scientists have found that cows are true music connoisseurs.

If they like a certain melody, and the owner periodically plays it specifically for the cow, then milk yield may increase. They can recognize a melody by its rhythm. And cow connoisseurs distinguish about 11 melodies in their mooing.

This animal belongs to the ruminant suborder. This is a female domestic. Their children are called calves and heifers. Currently, meat, dairy and meat-and-milk cows are used in agriculture.

The weight and size of cows depends on their breed. Nowadays, dwarf cow breeds are in fashion. They can weigh from 250 kg. The smallest is in England. Her height is only 80 cm. On average, a normal cow weighs from 750 to 1400 kg. The size of this animal depends on the direction of the farm.

If it is a meat breed, then it is accordingly always larger than a dairy breed. The color of cows can be very different, ranging from white and cream to black. It depends on the animal's habitat.

Buy a cow nowadays it’s almost the same as buying a used car. Price of a cow depends on the purpose for which it is purchased. Meat usually costs less than dairy.

Cow nutrition

This is a herbivore from the ruminant breed. For the winter, grain crops, beets, corn, hay and silage are prepared for them. Dairy breeds will produce more milk if you include feed and mineral supplements in their diet. It is imperative that the cow receives a certain amount of salt and water. In the summer they are driven out to pastures, where they happily eat green grass.

Cow care not difficult, but it requires constant attention. Only with good care and careful attention to it can you achieve good milk yield. If you don't keep the animal clean, it can get sick.

It is imperative to stock up on straw for the winter in order to lay it under the animal’s feet. If she is not milked on time, she may be at risk of mastitis or complete loss of milk. Domestic agriculture can be said to mostly rely on this animal.

People can no longer imagine how there can be no milk, sour cream, cottage cheese and all the dishes that can be prepared with their help on the table. From all this it follows that Why is the cow a sacred animal in India?

Cow eats not quite ordinary, not like most animals. To digest food, it has four chambers in its stomach. While the cow is grazing, she swallows grass without chewing it.

Then, when it’s time to rest, she regurgitates a certain amount of food and chews it with her teeth in a calm environment. The already ground grass now only enters the last chambers of the stomach. Bacteria and gastric juice help break down food.

Often newcomers to agriculture who want to own a cow are interested in How much hay does a cow need for the winter? For a long time, people, although they were not very literate, calculated the approximate amount of hay. A cow requires an average of 6 tons of hay. It is important to know one more secret - the warmer the habitat of this animal, the less hay is needed and vice versa.

Reproduction and life expectancy of a cow

Cows live about 30 years. At 2-3 years old they are completely ready for reproductive function. Cows are inseminated using artificial or natural methods during her heat. Owners who know the animal's temperament will definitely notice something wrong in its behavior.

Most often, hunting is manifested by frequent mooing, restlessness of the animal and loss of appetite. If a cow is in a herd, she can jump on her fellow cows. This is a sure sign that she is ready for fertilization. Pregnancy lasts 9 months.

During this period, the cow needs special care and good nutrition. When the cow is about to start, milking should be stopped. All beneficial substances in her body should be used to bear healthy calves. It is necessary to ensure that its contents are sterile.

And at the slightest sign of illness in a cow, you should immediately contact a veterinarian and not risk the life of the animal and its offspring. As a result, one or two calves are born. Cow is a mammal. From the very beginning of their lives, small calves are fed milk and only gradually are the rest of the food introduced into the diet.

Caring for a cow at home

The conditions for keeping a cow at home should be such as to obtain the greatest benefit from it. The more comfortable she feels, the tastier and more nutritious her food is, the more milk she will produce.

There are two ways to keep cows at home - pasture and stall. Basically, most often these two options are combined with each other in the warm season. Driving cattle to pasture in the summer is much more economical than keeping them in a stall.

And there are much more benefits from it. After all, in the fresh air, the cow receives more nutrients that contribute to its excellent development and the quality of its milk.

Cows are grazed in two ways. Grazing can be free and driven. During free grazing, the animal moves freely around the pasture area and finds food for itself. With a driven pasture, its entire territory is divided into pens in which animals graze for weeks at a time, then move to another area.

The second option is good because the grass in the pasture is eaten and grows gradually. The effectiveness of the second method is only possible if at least eight such pens can be built.

The barn in which the cow is kept must be illuminated all the time, at least with a weak light bulb. It is better to keep the animal in a stable on a leash. The room should be warm and not damp, otherwise the animal may get sick.

The feeder and drinker should be thoroughly cleaned every day to remove food residues. A cow always needs water. If it is not possible to make an automatic drinking bowl in the barn, it is necessary to water the animal at least 3 times a day. If you listen to all the recommendations and follow them, you can get high profits from the cow.

Why do you dream of a Cow with a calf in a dream according to the dream book?

Dreaming of a cow with a calf is a positive sign. The subconscious mind shows you the correctness of the chosen path.

Your affairs will end happily, new projects will be very successful, will bring fame, and will also be promising in terms of making a profit.

Who had a dream about a cow and a calf?

A woman dreamed of a cow and a calf

A woman dreams of a cow with a calf - for a pregnant woman, the dream indicates possible complications during childbirth. The dream does not foretell a tragedy for the child and mother; it only warns of the need to prepare for unforeseen situations.

A cow in a dream symbolizes the productive power of the earth, prosperity, abundance, fertility. A good, large cow is a universal sign of well-being, promising good luck in business, making good profits, and concluding profitable deals.

Who had a dream about a cow? How many cows have you seen in your dreams? What did you do with the cow in your dream? Who did you see the cow with in your dream? How can you describe the cow you saw in your dream? Did you dream about a healthy cow? What was the cow doing in your dream? What color did you see the cow in your dream? How did you behave in your sleep? What part of the cow did you see in your dream?

Who had a dream about a cow?

A woman dreamed of a cow

A woman dreams of a cow - an influential person will appear in her life, capable of assisting in solving many life problems. A good relationship with this person will mean a lot to you.

A girl dreams of a cow

The dream book defines a cow that a girl dreamed of as an imminent wedding. If the animal has a beautiful, well-fed appearance, the marriage promises to be successful and family life - happy. If she is skinny and dirty, the experience of starting a family will not be the best.

A man dreamed of a cow

A man dreamed of a cow - a dream can have several meanings. It may be an interesting acquaintance with a woman who has been interested in you for a long time. It is also possible that you will have troubles at work because of a lady - a client or colleague.

How many cows have you seen in your dreams?

Herd of cows Many cows

What did you do with the cow in your dream?

Milk a cow Graze a cow

Slaughtering a cow in a dream

If you dreamed that you were slaughtering a cow, a streak of losses and bad luck awaited you ahead. Luck will leave you for some time, so you need to carefully think through every step before making final decisions.

Dream about feeding a cow

Why do you dream of feeding a cow? You will need to do work that is not too pleasant for you, to deal with a matter that you did not want to take on. The experience gained will be useful to you in the future.

Buy a cow in a dream

Buying a cow in a dream means a successful acquisition or a profitable investment awaits you. If the purchased animal in a dream has a sick, skinny appearance, you should refrain from making large purchases or investments.

Who did you see the cow with in your dream?

Cow and calf Cow and bull

How can you describe the cow you saw in your dream?

Cow with horns Mad cow

Dreaming of a pregnant cow

A dream about a pregnant cow foreshadows a delay in the implementation of plans and execution of plans due to force majeure circumstances. If you are about to start a new business, it is better to postpone it for a while, further assessing all possible risks.

Seeing an angry cow in a dream

Dreaming of an angry cow is a warning about possible material losses due to excessive intemperance and hasty decisions.

You should approach doing business more thoughtfully and carefully, not stop there and not become discouraged.

Did you dream about a healthy cow?

Dead cow Dead cow

Dreaming of a sick cow

Why do you dream about a sick cow? Your current affairs are gradually falling into disrepair, something important to you, of sacred value, is being destroyed. You should pay attention to this and take appropriate measures.

Seeing a dying cow in a dream

Seeing a dying cow in a dream means troubles are waiting in the wings to fall upon you in full. To reduce the negative impact, try to take as many preventive measures as possible. It is better to postpone spending money for a while.

I dreamed of a wounded cow

A dream about a wounded cow foreshadows losses, losses in reality. Difficulties will affect a variety of areas of life, but most of all you will feel their impact in material terms. Financial affairs will deteriorate sharply.

What was the cow doing in your dream?

Cow butts Cow attacks Cow gives birth

Dream that a cow is chasing you

Why do you dream of a cow chasing you? There is a possibility that in reality you will have a negative energetic impact. Try to take protective measures, otherwise your health will deteriorate sharply.

I dreamed of a running cow

Seeing a running cow in a dream means a dangerous situation in reality. A betrayal is being prepared against you: someone from your close circle has started to commit a vile act on the sly.

What color did you see the cow in your dream?

Black cow White cow

Dreaming of a red cow

I dreamed of a red cow - good luck in business is expected, the dream promises a favorable resolution of the situation. Relatives or friends will please you with good news; a happy event is just around the corner.

Seeing a red cow in a dream

Why do you dream about a red cow? There may be a fire in the house, be careful at home, and do not neglect to follow safety rules. You should check household appliances for malfunctions; it is possible that the cause of the fire will be its breakdown.

How did you behave in your sleep?

Run away from a cow

What part of the cow did you see in your dream?

Dreaming about a cow's head

A dream about a cow's head foreshadows an unpleasant conversation with a loved one. Collect your thoughts, don't get excited over little things. Understatement will only harm you, so it’s better to be sincere.

I dreamed about the carcass of a cow

Dreaming of a cow carcass - the dream indicates hidden aggression, anger that you show towards others. Try to change your own views on the world, otherwise you will face a lonely life.

Dream Interpretation Cow and Bull

Why do you dream of a Cow and a Bull in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book interprets cows and bulls as a favorable sign. Your problems will find a quick, unexpectedly effective solution.

Your well-being will improve, difficulties will no longer appear in your way. A period of luck and positive emotions begins.

Who dreamed of cows and bulls?

A woman dreamed of bulls and cows

A woman dreamed of bulls and cows - expect a favorable event to occur. It is possible that you will receive a marriage proposal from a loved one or a happy incident.

In your personal life, you will be incredibly happy, surrounded by round-the-clock attention, showered with gifts and flowers.

Why do you dream about a Cow, dream book What does it mean to see a Cow in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Cow in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see a Cow - For many peoples, this animal symbolizes fertility, prosperity, as well as patience and passive endurance. The cow is an ancient symbol of mother's milk and, like the bull, of the cosmic forces that created the world. In many cults, from Ancient Egypt to China, the cow personifies Mother Earth. She also symbolizes the moon and the sky, as her horns resemble a crescent moon and her milk is associated with the Milky Way. The heads of moon goddesses in various religions are decorated with cow horns. The symbolism of the cow as the first nurse of all life on earth is also common in the mythology of Northern Europe: Adumla, the nurse of the primitive giants, licked the ice and thus freed the first man from it. If you dreamed of a cow, then this is a sign of goodness that you will encounter in life. Milking a cow in a dream promises financial gain or winnings. It is also considered a good sign to see a cow from a distance grazing in a field. And an emaciated cow portends loss and poverty. For a man to see a cow in a dream means meeting an intelligent and kind woman.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream of a Cow in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Cow - laziness; indulgence; natural nutrients (milk), this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Modern dream book

Seeing a Cow in a dream - If you saw a cow in a dream, calmly standing waiting for milking, the fulfillment of many of your desires and the fulfillment of your hopes lies ahead.

Calf - Young people who dreamed of a calf grazing peacefully in a meadow will have happy holidays full of pleasure. For those who strive for wealth, such a dream will bring the fulfillment of their goal.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of a Cow in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Cows - Cows dream of roaring, for some reason you will cry bitterly

Why do you dream about the White Cow? To the roar.

Dreamed / dreamed of Butting - Seeing in a dream a goring cow or bull that gored a person before your eyes - means a serious illness, but it will pass quickly.

Autumn dream book

Why see a Cow in a dream?

Why do you dream about Butting (cow). - Seeing a lively cow in a dream means a rival who is preparing dirty tricks for you.

Why do you dream about Butting? - if you are butted in a dream, then someone will harm and dirty you.

Dreamed/dreamed about the Udder - Eating goulash from the udder in a dream means being on a party where you will be fed disgustingly.

Udder - To dream about how you milk a cow - to get good money.

Fat cow - Seeing a fat cow in a dream means poor milk yield.

Polled cow - Your cow will not calve this year.

Calving cow - If you dream that your cow will not produce a calf this year, expect damage to your farm.

Heifer - Seeing a young heifer in a dream means the cattle in your yard will be healthy.

Water - To water a cow in a dream, adding water to the trough - to buy a dairy cow with a high fat content of milk.

Spring dream book

Why see a Cow in a dream?

According to the dream book, what does Cow mean in a dream - Udder - milking a cow in a dream - means money. Eating a boiled udder means losing the support of the person who helped you or looked after you.

Fat cow - seeing a fat cow in a dream means unexpected wealth).

A polled cow - seeing a polled cow in a dream means losing your job.

Heifer (heifer). Seeing a young chick means problems with your daughter.

Swill - giving swill to cows in a dream means tears.

Summer dream book

Why see a Cow in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Fat cow - Seeing a fat cow in a dream means for villagers to sell meat at the market.

Polled cow (hornless). - A polled cow seen in a dream means a child’s illness.

Heifer - Seeing a well-fed heifer in a dream means there will be a lot of meat on the farm; sometimes - to a crop failure for hay.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a cow in a dream:

According to the dream book, Cow to see what it means - Calf - Symbolizes youthful love, as well as sacrifice. Several calves reflect an overflow of feelings, affection. A well-fed calf - someone is taking advantage of you. For a woman: a lover next to a calf - for a wedding. A slaughtered calf means trouble. Buying a calf - lack of self-confidence

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Cow, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Calf in a Dream - Young people who dreamed of a calf grazing peacefully in a meadow will have happy holidays full of pleasure. For those who strive for wealth, such a dream will bring the fulfillment of their goal.

Dream book of the healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of a Cow in a dream?

Seeing a Cow in a dream means Calves. Grazing in a green meadow - to luck, pleasure, profit; the grass in the meadow is dry - to troubles, possibly losses. One calf is a failure in business.

Dream Interpretation Calf, why do you dream about seeing a Calf in a dream?

Star dream book Dream Calf Why do you dream?

Dream interpretation of dreams: Calf - you are too naive and childish - failure awaits you. Calf.

Home dream book Why do you dream about a Calf in a dream?

Interprets the dream book: Calf - failures in business; child .

An ancient dream book Why do you dream of a Calf according to the dream book?

Seeing a Calf in a dream - Seeing a Calf in a dream means a breakdown in affairs. A lot of glitches is happiness. Seeing a running calf means a friend will abandon you. The calf licks affectionately - to experience sadness from memories of old sorrows.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Calf mean in a dream:

Calf - Wealth and family well-being. Imagine well-fed calves grazing on a lush green meadow.

Eastern dream book on Feng Shui What does it mean if you dream of a Calf in a dream according to Eastern traditions?

Seeing a Calf (bull) in a dream - Seeing a well-fed bull - means prosperity, wealth or the birth of a boy. Seeing a thin and weak bull is in danger.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Calf in a dream

Seeing a calf - Lack of self-confidence; stabbed to death - a nuisance.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Calf in a dream:

Calf - Illness, loss, bad; heifer - they are laughing behind your back, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family Why do you dream about the Calf?

Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream. To see a Calf in a dream - If he is sleeping, you will finally receive the long-awaited news. If the dream was from Wednesday to Thursday, your independent actions will not change anything. Only together with your husband can you fix everything, but one person is not capable of this.

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream of a Calf according to the dream book:

Seeing a Calf in a dream - “Calf” is a young, inexperienced, clumsy, stupid young man; “chick” - girl; "Golden calf".

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Calf according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Calf in a dream - Symbolizes youthful love or sacrifice in something. Many calves reflect an overflow of feelings, affection for someone. A well-fed calf - someone will take advantage of you for their own purposes. In women's dreams: a lover next to a calf - for a wedding.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Calf in a Dream

In a dream, what does the Calf dream about - A blunder in business - stabbed to death - a nuisance

Cow with calf

Dream Interpretation Cow with a calf dreamed of why you dream of a Cow with a calf? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Cow with a calf in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cow

Cow - cow - captivity, enemies. If you dream of a cow, then it is a witch. Cows in a dream are a disease. Cows - someone will cry a lot for you. If you dream of a cow or a calf, this disaster is already waiting for you. Milking a cow in a dream means profit, surprise. Milking a cow is a conversation on a beautiful topic. You dream of cows - to death, for consonance - banners, banners. The cow calved - misfortune. Drinking cow's milk - changes in health.

Dream Interpretation - Cow

Seeing a cow standing in her stall in a dream means profit and prosperity. Cows grazing in a meadow are a harbinger of a happy life in which your dreams and hopes will come true. Well-fed, fat cows mean wealth, thin cows with protruding bones mean poverty.

Dark cows foretell prosperity through hard work, light cows - a free life without worries and hassle. Seeing cows being milked means an unexpected event or news; milking a cow means receiving a significant inheritance. A mooing cow indicates that the undertaking will not be completed soon, but will be successful. A cow lying down and chewing cud means that you will receive a completely empty and thoughtless proposal.

A slaughtered cow portends losses and failure in business. Cooking beef in a dream means that in reality you will receive significant financial assistance. Drinking cow's milk means you will have a successful trip and be enriched with impressions.

Herding a herd of cows in a dream means leading a small but close-knit team. Taking care of cows on a livestock farm means you will soon experience unusual circumstances from which you will benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Cow

Seeing a fat, well-fed cow means good news.

Just seeing a skinny cow means you have to eat and drink deliciously.

A cow is butting - expect a guest with bad intentions.

Cows butt each other - good luck awaits you.

Milking a cow in a dream means joy, prosperity, a pleasant surprise, joy from children, and receiving honors.

Hearing a cow moo means trouble or new responsibilities and worries.

A black cow dreams of illness or danger, of losses.

Milking a black cow means tears.

Seeing a milking cow means trouble.

You saw a milked cow - a date with friends.

If you saw a milkmaid, you will encounter the hostility of a woman you sympathize with.

Dream Interpretation - Calf

Seeing a well-groomed, well-behaved calf portends success in some endeavor and increased prosperity.

If the calf in your dream looks helpless: the dream suggests that some things will cause a lot of trouble and will require increased attention from you.

Dream Interpretation - Calf

Seeing a calf is a disappointment.

Many calves are happiness.

The calf licks affectionately - to experience sadness from memories of old sorrows.

Dream Interpretation - Calf

Symbolizes youthful love or sacrifice in something.

Many calves reflect an overflow of feelings, affection for someone.

A well-fed calf means someone will take advantage of you for their own purposes.

In women's dreams: a lover next to a calf - for a wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Cow


I open the door and see the sea, waves, a shore with pebbles, the wind and a calf is wandering along the shore, and at some distance from it a cow is walking, I also thought that she wants to catch up with him, then the calf turns, sees me with the door open and starts walking in my direction, I close the doors out of fear, That's it,




Black fat cow feeding a dog, a purebred calf, a cat with small horns


For several months in a row, I have been dreaming about a cow and a kitten, either they are near my house, or lying somewhere on the lawn, and today I dreamed about the whole calf. the back is covered in blood and he looks at me, I started to approach and the cow began to move after me, and then I actually ran away from her. And in all my dreams the cow and the calf are running after me

Most often, a dream of a cow with a calf carries a positive interpretation of the dream. However, dream books assure that sometimes even the most innocent and “pastoral” vision can warn of trouble. That is why interpreters recommend that, before starting to decipher what this or that picture is about in a dream, remember all the details of the plot seen in the dream.

As Miller explains

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing a cow with a calf in your own backyard in a dream is a sign of increasing prosperity. It is especially good if the dreamed calf was sucking milk from the udder, the interpreter suggests.

Did a woman dream that her “burenka” was giving birth? Here's how a psychologist explains what such a plot predicts: be prepared for your wishes to begin to come true - pay close attention to your dreams.

Be prepared for problems

Have you ever seen in a dream how a cow gave birth to a dead calf? Such an unpleasant dream may mean that your hopes are unrealistic, suggests the Eastern Dream Book. You should reconsider your plans, rethink your goals and set your priorities differently.

Also talking about troubles is a plot in which you dreamed that a cow, which gave birth not so long ago, attacks you. According to Pastor Loff, this dream means that you have an enemy or envious person about whom you knew nothing until recently. Be on your guard, as your lack of knowledge can play into his hands.

Soon you will achieve your goal

A good sign is a dreamed picture in which you see several “cows” giving birth at once - fulfillment of desires and achievement of your goals awaits you, the Gypsy interpreter assures.

When deciphering why a woman dreams of a cow with a calf that she has just given birth to, Medea’s dream book recommends remembering how the calf behaved in your dream. If he slept next to his mother, then this is a signal of the successful completion of the work begun, which had been in a “dormant state” for a long time. But a calf mooing in a dream means that the time has come to act and win.

Don't miss out on new perspectives

Dream books pay a lot of attention to the dream of cattle calving. So, for example, the Slavic dream book, interpreting why a woman dreams of a cow with a calf, which the dreamer herself took from a calving cow, recommends being patient and listening carefully to everything that is advised to her - so she will not miss the chance to start a new, more successful life and joyful.

For a man, a cow with a calf born before his eyes predicts the emergence of new prospects at work. There is a possibility that he will either be promoted, or the dreamer will open his own business, which will develop very successfully, Tsvetkov’s dream book pleases with its interpretation.

Since ancient times, the cow has occupied an important place in the household. She was called “darling” and “nurse”. She supplied the family with milk and was an indispensable helper in the fields - there used to be special working breeds.

Animal history

The cow is one of the first domesticated animals. Man domesticated it almost 9,000 years ago, after goats, sheep and pigs. The oldest traces of cattle breeding were discovered in the Middle East - the modern territory of Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Iraq. The ancestor of the cow is considered to be the now extinct wild bull, the aurochs. And the relatives of the cow are bison, buffalo, yaks and zebu.

The cow belongs to the ruminant suborder. People enjoy all the benefits it provides. Man began to receive meat, milk, cheese, butter and much more from cows.

From one to five cows, keeping them will not be difficult. It is necessary to have a pasture with grass; for walking and feeding livestock, a small barn is quite suitable for sleeping and shelter from the cold. In the summer, immediately after the appearance of grass, the cow feeds well on her own on the pasture, but it is advisable to add silage to the feeding in order to increase milk yield, and straw and silage must be prepared for the winter.

Read about how to raise a calf .


Cleanliness is necessary in the barn, otherwise the cow may get sick. So straw should be stored not only for feeding, but also to lay under the cow’s feet. It is necessary to remember about vaccinations against various diseases and contact a veterinarian. Also milk on time, since a cow that has not been milked can get mastitis and lose milk.


Properly preparing a cow for calving means getting better milk yield and a healthy calf. And so, in the last two months of pregnancy, we rid the cow of juicy chews, such as grass or silage, and give her clean hay. You should also stop milking the animal in the last two months. This will increase milk yield. Under no circumstances should there be ice on the road of a pregnant cow, as she becomes clumsy and may lose her calf if she slips. By the way, these are frequent cases due to which the calf is lost.


In Russia, legislation prohibits slaughter without qualification, and animals have to be taken to special places for slaughter. But before this, the animal must be examined by a veterinarian. This slaughter procedure is even more profitable for the owners, since the meat can be sold immediately and the required amount can be taken for yourself. But of course, there are those who slaughter an animal simply in the yard, without even contacting a veterinarian. This threatens unhealthy meat, and it is prohibited by law.

Features of the animal

  • The character of the cow is calm and balanced. Life expectancy is about 20 years. Pregnancy lasts about 300 days, and calves are born with a large weight - 20-40 kg.
  • Animals do not distinguish colors, but have a keen sense of smell.
  • The cow's stomach consists of four sections: rumen, mesh, book and abomasum. This structure allows the animal to digest large amounts of plant fiber;
  • Cattle have a number of special diseases, sometimes incurable;
  • Domestic cows are subject to mandatory .

Cow breeds

Now all cow breeds are divided into 3 groups:

  • - dairy;
  • - meat;
  • - combined (or meat and dairy).

There used to be working breeds, but now they are no longer found in their pure form.

The oldest breed of cows is the Dutch. In Russia, 36 dairy and meat and dairy breeds and 12 meat breeds are bred.


Dairy breeds have narrow and light bones and thin skin. The udder of the breeds is voluminous, with well-defined lobes. They are well adapted to both pasture and stall keeping. The oldest representatives of dairy breeds are Kholmogory cows. The breeds of this group include Holstein, Yaroslavl, Kholmogory, Tagil, Brown Latvian and Red Steppe.


Beef cows have wide, heavy bones, well-developed muscle tissue, a wide neck and an underdeveloped but voluminous udder. They are precocious and characterized by accelerated development. These breeds have been bred for over 300 years. There are two main breeds in this group: Hereford and Aberdeen Angus. Other breeds are Charolais, Limousin, Santa Gertrude, Kian, Galloway and Kazakh Whitehead

Combined (meat-dairy or milk-meat)

Cows have good health, endurance and differ from breeds of other groups in their versatility. The Simmental breed was previously used as draft power. This is the largest group. It includes the red Tambov, red Gorbatov, Shorthorn, Kostroma, Bestuzhev, Simmental, Swiss and Kurgan breeds.

  • Dwarf cows are widespread in India - there are about 30 breeds. The height of these cows does not exceed 1 meter.
  • In Scotland, mini-cows are bred - the Highland beef breed. In addition to their small stature, they have thick, long hair and long horns.
  • In Belgium, a Belgian blue cow was bred for meat - it can weigh up to 1 ton, and it looks like it never left the gym.

There are still indigenous breeds of cows. These are breeds in which humans did not participate. These include the Yakut, Buryat, Ukrainian gray steppe and Siberian breeds.

Cow vaccination

The issue of cow vaccination should be taken very seriously, because are one of the main producers of the products that we eat. The main aspect in this area is not protecting the health of animals, but protecting and caring for the health of people who eat animal products.

Mandatory vaccination of animals

It is possible to prevent meat and milk from sick animals from entering the distribution network and prevent diseases dangerous to health by timely vaccination and animal testing. Research is being conducted for leukemia and brucellosis.

Vaccination against rabies, anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, and infectious diseases is mandatory. There is an opinion that it is better to purchase products from private sellers who do not vaccinate, since they are environmentally friendly. However, it is not. Private farmers, as well as owners of livestock farms, are required to carry out preventive measures, such as vaccination and pathology tests.

Types and purposes of vaccines and doses

  • The Taurus vaccine has a fairly large range against various infectious diseases, such as rhinotracheitis (RTI), viral diarrhea (VD), parainfluenza-3 (PG-3) and leptospirosis.
  • Combovac, Bovilis BVD are vaccines against infectious rhinotracheitis, parainfluenza-3, viral diarrhea, respiratory incytial, rota and coronavirus infections.
  • The associated vaccine is a polyvalent vaccine containing strains of anthrax and foot-and-mouth disease.
  • Trichostav is a polyvalent vaccine for the prevention of trichophytosis and fungal diseases of the skin.
  • Nobivac is a polyvalent rabies vaccine. There are also polyvalent vaccines and serums for a specific type of disease.

Age of cows when testing for infectious diseases is carried out

  • 2 months – tests for tuberculosis (tuberculization) are carried out;
  • 4 months – brucellosis is examined;
  • 6 months – leukemia.

After the cow has begun lactation, it is necessary to conduct tests twice a year for brucellosis and tuberculosis.

At what age is routine vaccination carried out?

Vaccination begins in calves from an early age, since clustral immunity (this is the mother’s immunity), which is transmitted through milk, works for a fairly short period.

Complex monovalent vaccines:

  • calves should be vaccinated from 1.5 months of age with a revaccination interval of 3 weeks.
  • 6 months – one-time vaccination, at this age revaccination is not required.
  • Annual vaccination is required, and these activities are done 2 weeks before insemination.

Polyvalent vaccines:

  • From 1.5 to 6 months – vaccination against rabies, foot-and-mouth disease, anthrax, salmonellosis (with a revaccination interval of 8–12 days), colibacillosis (booster vaccination after 2 weeks), trichophytosis.
  • Animals older than 12 months – emphysematous carbuncle, foot and mouth disease, rabies, anthrax, theileriosis, pasteurellosis, brucellosis.
  • Annual vaccination of adult heifers is carried out 2-3 weeks before insemination.

It is not possible to use livestock products immediately after vaccination; some types of vaccines have their own deadlines established by Rosselkhoznadzor and Vetsanekspertiza, but if you give an approximate time when you can already consume milk and slaughter livestock, it is approximately 21–28 days.

A thematic selection of games and exercises for young children, theme: “Cow”


Expand children's knowledge about cows.
Teach children to compare objects, find similarities and differences.
Enter the words “bull”, “calf”, “shepherd” into the dictionary.
Form stable ideas about size, color, quantity.
Continue teaching children to draw straight lines with a pencil.
Learn to make crafts using glue and cereal.
Develop attention, fine and gross motor skills, sense of rhythm.
Continue to teach children to listen carefully, understand and respond emotionally to poetic speech.


Toys: cow, bull, calf, trucks.
Cow figurines.
Construction material - bars.
Multi-colored cardboard flowers.
Green pencils. Leaf background with sky, earth and cow. Yellow sun circles, colored silhouette images of a cow and a calf.
Pictures-backgrounds depicting one and two cows with a white window for numbers above the cows. Number cards “1” and “2”.
Pyramids in the form of buckets.
Green threads, scissors.
Clothespins, cardboard silhouettes of cows.
Drums. Dudochka.
A background picture with a picture of a cow and a diagram of a house (a white square and a triangle), and a white circle in the sky. Similar sized blue squares, red triangles and yellow circles.
A picture with a drawn cow, PVA glue with a brush, buckwheat.
A sheet of green cardboard with a winding path, a rectangle, a large blue circle, and five small green circles pasted on. Five silhouette flowers for each child.
Audio recordings: mooing of a cow, “A bull is coming to us” by E. Zheleznova, “The cow has no other worries,” “33 cows.”

Surprise moment “Whose voice?”

Find out who came to visit us by his voice. (Cow mooing sounds). Who's that mooing? Cow. But someone else is in a hurry to visit us.

Listening to the song “A bull is coming to us”

A bull is a bull. If the cow is mom, then the bull is dad. What then is the name of the child of a cow and a bull? Calf.

Reading a poem by M. Druzhinina

Among the fir trees and pine trees
The calf lost its mother.
-Where is m-ma-a-ma?
I don't understand!
-Here I am, my dear!

Didactic exercise “Which cow, which calf?”

The teacher and children examine the cow and the calf and compare them.

Guys, look: the calf is small, and the cow is (big).
A calf has a short tail, and a cow has a long tail.
The calf has thin sides, while the cow has thick sides.
The calf does not have horns, but the cow has horns (cool).
the calf is small, it does not have an udder, but the cow is large: it has an udder with something (with milk).

Application and drawing with pencils “Green grass for a cow and calf”

Here's a picture. It depicts heaven and earth. Show the sky, the earth.

Morning came and the sun shone in the sky. Place a yellow circle on the sky - that's the sun. Now glue the sun-yellow circle.
It became light and warm when the sun shone in the sky. A mother cow and a baby calf went out onto the meadow to graze. Show me the cow, show me the calf. Who is big? Cow. Or is it small? calf. Let them graze - put them on a green meadow. Now glue it on.

If only the grass would grow, the cow would eat it. Let's draw grass for the cow. What color will we paint the grass? Green. We take the pencil correctly and draw short vertical strokes.

Onomatopoeia and articulation exercise “Cow”

Let's moo loudly like a cow: moo. Now let’s moo quietly, like a calf: moo. Let's chew like a cow. (Chewing movements of the lower jaw).

Didactic game “How many cows?”

Show one cow in the picture. Find the number “one” and place it on the window above one cow. The number “one” shows that there is only one cow.

Can you count how many cows are there in the other picture? Two cows. Find the number “two” and place it on the window above the two cows. The number "two" shows. That there are two cows.

Didactic game “House for a cow”

Let's build a house for the cow.
This figure is called a “square”. Take your square and find a place for it in your picture. What color is the square? Blue square.
This figure is called a triangle. Take your triangle and find a place for it in your picture. This is the roof of the house. What color is the triangle? Red triangle.
The cow house is ready. But we have one more figure left. Here she is. What is the name of this figure? This is a circle. What color is the circle? Yellow.

Where should we put the yellow circle? Is there a place for him in our picture? We will make a sun from a yellow circle. Take your circle and make a sun.

Construction of a “Calf Fence”

But listen to what happened today. While the owner was milking her cow, a calf ran away from the yard. The owner spent half a day looking for him, but it turns out that the calf was walking along the road. But this is very dangerous. He could have been hit by a car. We need to help the owner. Let's look at a fence for the cow and calf. Then the calf will not go anywhere without its mother. How to build a fence? Let's prepare the bricks for work. Now let's arrange the bricks so that we get a fence. (Children place bricks vertically on a narrow edge). Just like that, brick by brick, and the fence is ready.
Who did we build the fence for? (Children's answers). Now the calf won’t run away anywhere!

Outdoor game "Cow and Calf"

Sweet at dawn
Children sleep in cribs
But the calf needs
Run after mom into the herd.

Let's run like calves after their mothers. We hold the handle and run. "Mu Mu".

Didactic game with buttons “Cow eats flowers”

Children place buttons in the empty centers of flowers, matching them by size and color.

(This is a picture for very young children).

(And this is for older children).

Dynamic pause “Gather flowers for the calf”

A little white bull walks
With a black spot on the side.
Wants to eat a daisy flower,
I saw a bug on it -
And shouts "moo-moo-moo-moo"
Guys, I should tear up the grass
It's very difficult on your own.

Let's collect flowers for the calf. Each child is given the task of collecting flowers of a certain color.
Eat, eat, little calf, you will grow big and strong.

Finger gymnastics “Bull and Shepherdess”

Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok, chok!
A bull runs towards the shepherdess.
(“We’re running,” tapping the table with our fingertips)

He really wants to butt heads,
Maybe he's very bored.
(On each hand we put out “horns” from the index finger and little finger and turn the hands in different directions)

The shepherd is not afraid -
Give the bull some water to drink.
(Leave one hand in the described position, stroke its back side in a circular motion with the fingers of the other hand)

He'll take him by the horns
And he’ll take you to the grass.
(We grab the “horned” hand with the other hand and move it to the side)

Dramatization of A. Barto's poem "Bull"

The bull walks, sways,
(Children, as shown by the teacher, “make horns”, putting their fists to their foreheads with their index fingers extended forward and walk, swaying from foot to foot)

Sighs as he walks:
(Deep inhalation and noisy exhalation)

“Oh, the board is running out!
(Throw your hands up, shake your head)

Now I’m going to fall!”
(Fall - lie on the floor)

Didactic game “Guide the cow along the path”

Oh how I love my little cow.
I feed Burenushka fresh grass.
You go home, my little cow,
I will give you spring water to drink.

Here is a picture in front of you.

Here is a rectangle - the cow's house. Place the cow in this house. Morning has come. The cockerel crowed: Crow! The cow came out of the house and walked along the path. Guide the cow along the path. A cow came to the lake to drink some water. Touch the lake with your fingers - the blue circle. Let the little cow get drunk. And now the cow wanted to eat. Let's plant flowers for her. Take the flowers and place them on top of the green circles. How many flowers have you planted? Many colors. Eat the cow. I ate and went home. Walk the cow along the path to her home. Rest, little cow.

Didactic exercise “Milk Buckets”

Children collect and fold a pyramid in the form of buckets.

You can make many healthy and tasty products from milk.

What does a cow give us?
And sour cream and kefir
Cream, fermented baked milk and cheese,
Cottage cheese, butter, yogurt,
Milk for delicious porridge,
Our Buryonka gives us!

Finger painting “Milk Bucket”

Children use white paint to paint the milk in the bucket with their fingers, trying not to go beyond the outline.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “The cow has no other worries”

Children beat the drums to the song of the same name.

Finger game "Cow"

Little cow, little cow,
(Shaking our head)

Horned little head.
(We show the horns on our heads with our index fingers)

Don't butt small children
(We shake our fingers)

Better give them milk!
(Place your palms together in a “bowl”)

Game with clothespins "Cow"

Using clothespins we will make legs for the cow - two in front and two in back. Count how many legs a cow has? Only four legs. And don't forget to attach a tail to the cow. How can she drive away flies without a tail?

Handmade “Spots on a cow”

Apply glue to the spots on the cow and sprinkle buckwheat on top. You will get a very beautiful cow.

Didactic game “Let’s prepare hay for the cow”

There is no green grass in winter, but what will a cow eat in winter? In winter, the cow will eat hay. Hay is dried grass. Now we will prepare hay for the cow. These green threads will be grass. Take scissors in your hands and cut the threads into pieces. That's how much hay we got. We need to transport it by car. Place hay in the back of trucks.

Reading nursery rhyme

Early in the morning the shepherd boy: “Tu-ru-ru-ru!”
And the cows sang to him in harmony: “Moo-moo-moo!”
You, little brownie, go and take a walk in the open field,
And when you come back in the evening, you’ll give us some milk.

Every morning the shepherdess plays the pipe, and the cows hear and go to the shepherdess. But one day this is what happened:

Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo!
The shepherd has lost his dudu!

Yes, you need to collect cows and play the pipe, but there is no pipe! The shepherdess is looking for a pipe (The teacher acts out a search scene, invites the children to help the shepherdess find the pipe. The pipe is found).

Dynamic pause “Shepherd and cows”

Children-cows go to graze along the path, avoid obstacles, and “watering holes.”

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