Games for girls online: modern princesses. Disney princess games

Paparazzi: Hunting for the diva Princess Ariel. Game for girls and girls! Girls, such famous divas as your beloved princess Ariel, are always under the close attention of the paparazzi. The hunt for the diva Princess Ariel continues all day long. In this regard, the princess has no days off or vacations. On any day and in any place she can become a desirable object for hunters for her photo. And although Ariel is well versed in fashion and has excellent taste and sense of style, when choosing outfits, hairstyles, jewelry and accessories, she often resorts to the help of stylists. Today, you girls will be her stylists. The diva will certainly become a victim of the hunt of the ubiquitous paparazzi, and from them her photo will end up on the covers of magazines. So, girls, try to make Ariel look decent on them. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Paparazzi: The Hunt for the Diva Princess Ariel

Attention: There is a beauty pageant at Disney. Game for girls and girls! In the process of organizing a beauty contest at Disney, princesses Anna, Merida, Rapunzel, Ariel, Jasmine and Elsa successfully passed its selection round and, already in the first stages of the contest, found themselves at the finish line far ahead of its other participants. At the same time, Anna, Merida, Rapunzel, Ariel, Jasmine and Elsa had equal chances of winning. And now comes the most important, final stage of this grand show, in which you, girls. you will play an important role. And all because at this stage you have to be the stylists of our charming princesses. Before you begin your duties, we would like to reveal to you the terrible secret of the jury. All members of the jury, without exception, are so fascinated by the natural beauty of the princesses, their grace, elegance and sophistication of their manners that they still have not even guessed which of them they could give preference to. Time will tell how this situation will end. In the meantime, girls, it’s time for you to take care of the outfits, hairstyles, jewelry and accessories of your charges. To control the game "Attention: There is a beauty contest in Disney" you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Princess bloggers teaching fashionistas how to create braided hairstyles. Game for girls and girls! The beautiful princesses - Ariel and Merida - have recently become avid bloggers. On this moment they were interested in the topic of fashionable hairstyles and decided to post several posts teaching fashionistas how to create hairstyles with braids. To do this, princesses need experienced stylists who will first select hairstyle samples for them, and then select outfits, jewelry and accessories to match their hairstyles. The role of such stylists will be played by you, girls. And finally, in order for everything to look perfect in the created images of the princesses, you girls will also have to work on a specific design for their manicure. Good luck

Princess bloggers teaching fashionistas created

Princess roller skates. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Tiana, Elsa and Moana - are real fidgets. Gatherings with girlfriends are not popular. Princesses will always be preferred to them leisure. For example, such as roller skating. After all, this is the only way to get a powerful adrenaline rush. So today, instead of lying on the couch after a hard, stressful week, the princesses and roller skaters decided to do what they love. Girls, now it's up to you! Look into the girls' wardrobes and find outfits suitable for skating for each of them. The choice of videos is also yours. Do not deny the princesses the pleasure of bringing along cute accessories and wearing their favorite jewelry. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Princess roller skates

Disney princesses choose Adidas sportswear. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Elsa and Rapunzel - are fond of sports. Today the girlfriends are planning to go to one of the brand stores of the German industrial concern Adidas to buy clothes and shoes for sports. But here's the problem. There are several brands of Adidas products. The princesses have no idea what makes them different. For this reason, dear young stylists, fashion designers, you will choose Adidas sportswear along with the princesses. Good luck! To control the game you will need a mouse.

Disney princesses choose sportswear

Disney princesses go to a gala party. Game for girls and girls! Today your favorite princesses - Elsa and Ariel - are invited to a grand gala party. And now, girls, you, as the most advanced stylists, will have to take care of their chic looks. On such a special day, Disney princesses, of course, want to look amazing. Girls, give it to them! First of all, take care of their faces. At an event of this level, eye-catching, spectacular makeup will be very useful. Such magnificent makeup, of course, goes well with equally bright outfits and stylish hairstyles. To make your princess looks complete, add appropriate accessories and jewelry to this ensemble. A computer mouse will help you cope with the task. Good luck!

Disney princesses go to the gala party

Queens of punk street style. Game for girls and girls! Disney fashionistas - Anna, Jasmine and Cinderella - are impressed! Today they got a real buzz from seeing the outfits of street punks, and actually from their cool images. The punks' clothes looked so impressive that the princesses certainly wanted to become queens of punk street style (punk street style). Well, young stylists, go for it! However, when choosing outfits for princesses, do not forget about the daring hairstyles, accessories, piercings and tattoos necessary in such cases. Good luck! To control the game you will need a mouse.

Queens of punk street style

Princesses love National holidays of your country. Game for girls and girls! Princesses Elsa, Rapunzel, Moana, Audrey love the national holidays of their countries. As a rule, on these days, in the country of each princess, folk festivals. On such days, people wear national symbols and try to dress in the colors of the flag of their homeland. Of course, Elsa, Rapunzel, Moana and Audrey are no exception. They are happy to join their people and ask you, girls, to help them choose the right national, festive outfits and accessories.

Princesses love national holidays with

Clean up the princess's messy room. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to help the princess clean her dirty room. The fact is that the girl is in a hurry to go on a date, but with such terrible chaos, it is simply impossible to find the necessary things in the room. Pay attention to the items shown at the bottom of the game screen. Find them. And you will immediately have access to the princess’s favorite wardrobe and her hairstyles. And then you can immediately help the princess get dressed for a date. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Clean up the princess's messy room

Disney Princesses: Land of Unicorns. Game for girls and girls! Disney beauties Elzea and Ariel are delighted with unicorns and their craze for the color pink and purple and its various shades. Today the princesses are going to the fairyland of unicorns and it was this factor that inspired the girlfriends to want to choose for outfits and makeup color scheme your favorite heroes. Girls, start creating beauty for Elsa and Ariel by decorating their faces with delicate makeup. Then choose charming, delicate outfits for them. Do not be shy in either case of presence in the most reasonable volumes pink-violet color. Good luck!

Disney Princesses: Land of Unicorns

My cozy, amazing house slippers. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in the game “My Cozy, Awesome Slippers” you will have to design slippers for the Disney princesses - Merida, Elsa and Anna. To do this, first of all, you need to move to the creative workshop. There you will find blanks for the necessary shoes. Having chosen the style of slippers you like, you can start transforming this nondescript pair into a stunning, cozy masterpiece of house shoes. And when the work on the design of the slippers is completed, you can help the princesses choose the same cozy, cute outfits for home relaxation. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

My cozy, amazing house slippers

Villain Harley Quinn: Secret Mission. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to collaborate with the super villain Harley Quinn. Imagine, she has a secret mission. And she is going to accomplish it with your help. Harley is determined to prove to the world that her style is the coolest. And with the outfits, jewelry, accessories and hairstyles she wears, even Disney princesses don't look as cool as she does. That's how it is, girls! Start helping the villain by choosing hairstyles, outfits and jewelry for Harley herself. And then late in the evening she will lure the princesses surprised by her visit out of the house. And under the guise of a friendly party, he will try to complete his mission with you. And so, princesses Ariel, Rapunzel, Moana and Elsa are in front of you. Decorate their heads with colorful Harley-style hairstyles. Then, at Harley’s insistence, select outfits, jewelry and accessories for the princesses from her wardrobe. Now evaluate the results of your work and draw conclusions about the categorical statements of the villain. To control the game "Villain Harley Quinn: Secret Mission" you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Villain Harley Quinn: Secret Mission

Disney princesses want to wear knitted vests. Game for girls and girls! Knitted vests are back in fashion. And the Disney princesses - Anna, Moana and Elsa - want to wear them. But they don’t like the ones that are on sale. Princesses find them boring. Anna, Moana and Elsa are sure that a knitted vest would perfectly complete their spring look and encourage you, girls, to develop your own, original, spring version of its design for them.

Disney princesses want to wear knitted vests

Double date between Snow White and Cinderella. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses Snow White and Cinderella are having a hot day today. In the evening, the girls plan to go on a double date. Of course, on this day princesses want to look especially beautiful. Girls, you are appointed responsible for their beauty today. Start by caring for their faces. Several SPA treatments will help you return your princess skin to its ideal condition. Now correct their eyebrows and apply beautiful makeup to their faces. Wonderful! It's time to decorate your girlfriends' heads with cute hairstyles and choose awesome outfits for them. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Snow White and Cinderella Double Date

Disney Princesses: Morning Cup of Coffee. Game for girls and girls! Girlfriends - Elsa, Anna and Cinderella - finally got a day off. Today, the Disney princesses will meet in the city, where they can enjoy each other's company over a morning cup of coffee. Of course, princesses want to look amazing on this happy day. And you girls will help them with this. First of all, help the princesses refresh themselves after sleep. Hygiene procedures, masks, hair care and makeup will quickly bring girls to their senses. And then all you have to do is choose stylish outfits and accessories for them. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Disney Princess: Morning Cup of Coffee

Spring transformation of Princess Anne's room design and outfits. Game for girls and girls! Spring. Spring came! The time has come to transform the design of Princess Anne's room and outfits. Girls, join in! First, remove everything from the princess’s room that in any way reminds her of winter. Instead, place a picture of a spring still life on the wall and put fresh flowers in a vase. Pillows, bedspreads, curtains and a rug on the floor - let it all be in a delicate spring color. Now, out with the winter sweater and ripped jeans. Offer your favorite princess to welcome spring in elegant, light outfits. Game control: using the mouse.

Spring transformation of room design and on

Disney Princesses: First Day of College. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Elsa, Anna and Snow White - became students. Now they will study at King's College and live in the same dormitory. Today an important moment has come in the lives of princesses Elsa, Anna and Snow White. This will be their first day that they will spend within the walls of their educational institution. Of course, on such a day, princesses want to look especially attractive. Girls, you will have to take care of their stylish outfits, accessories and jewelry on this day. Good luck!

Disney Princesses: First Day of College

Elsa: Weekend with girlfriends. Game for girls and girls! The princesses - Anna, Moana, Ariel and Elsa - have a long weekend ahead. Taking advantage of this situation, Elsa decided to invite her girlfriends for the weekend. Invitations were immediately sent to the Disney princesses. Elsa named three wonderful addresses as weekend destinations. This is Cancun - the largest resort city in Mexico, located on the Yucatan Peninsula. Or New York - The largest city USA, located on the Atlantic Ocean. A city of skyscrapers, entertainment venues and tons of attractions. As a third vacation spot, Elsa suggested a prestigious ski resort located in the USA called Aspen. The girls trust you to decide for the princesses where to go for the weekend. girls. Choose an address and, in accordance with the chosen place, dress up your girlfriends in beautiful, fashionable outfits. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Elsa: Weekend with girlfriends

Vogue: Fashion for outfits in black. Game for girls and girls! There were times when people associated black color exclusively with mourning events. But fashion, like time, does not stand still. And now this noble color has taken its rightful place in fashion, as evidenced by the world-famous Vogue magazine, which reports on global fashion news, current trends all seasons, as well as posting photos and videos from fashion shows. Vogue magazine dedicates its next issue to the fashion of black outfits. Princesses from the frozen kingdom of Arendelle - sisters Elsa and Anna - were invited to decorate the cover of the magazine with their photographs. And you girls, according to the script of this game, got the role of their stylists. In connection with the stated theme of the issue, you will have to dress the princesses in the most spectacular outfits in black. Good luck!

Vogue: Fashion for outfits in black

Disney princesses are upgrading their home designs. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Moana, Rapunzel and Anna - live in a huge house where each girl has her own room. Today the girls decided to improve the design of their home. Of course, princesses need helpers. So, girls, don't hesitate to offer them your help. To get started, help the princesses repaint the doors and windows in the house, and also hang a sign on the house welcoming everyone entering the house. U front door place a small rug. Set up a mailbox for correspondence. And when the work on improving the design of the house is finished, help the princesses get themselves in order. Choose beautiful hairstyles and outfits for them. Give them cool makeup. And, of course, don’t forget about accessories and jewelry. After this, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to photograph the happy princesses and post their photos on social media. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Disney Princesses Upgrade Their Designs

Princesses on ice skates. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Tiana, Merida and Ariel - want to devote today to ice skating. And now each of them faces an important task. We're sure you girls have already guessed what we're talking about! Of course, when going to the skating rink, our lovely fashionistas want to dress up in cozy, cute, warm clothes. Help your friends choose it. Also, give them beautiful makeup and help them choose skates. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Princesses on ice skates

Disney princesses on the catwalk of a fashion show. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have the chance to play the role of a popular stylist at a grand fashion show featuring your favorite Disney princesses - Moana, Tiana, Merida, Aurora, Elsa and Ariel. And so, while waiting to appear on the catwalk, the princesses should receive help from you in choosing stylish hairstyles, fashionable outfits, accessories and jewelry. Don't relax! When the princesses appear on the podium, the results of your work will be immediately recorded in the photo. Later, noteworthy photos will appear in fashion magazines and fashion portals.

Disney princesses on the fashion show catwalk

Disney princess rock band. Game for girls and girls! The news that among the Disney princesses there are many true connoisseurs of rock music is not new. But princesses Ariel, Tiana and Merida went much further. The girls created their own rock band and now they successfully perform rock music. Wonderful! But there is another important factor that can influence the success of artists. This is their image. Girls, you are the ones who are responsible for the stage image of our lovely princesses. So it’s up to you to give the princesses a stylish manicure for an evening concert and choose cool outfits and accessories for them. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Disney Princess Rock Band

Princesses Moana and Ariel are on duty at school. Game for girls and girls! If you think that the Disney princesses studying at the Royal School are white-handed, then you are deeply mistaken. They, like students of any other school, perform duty duties according to a set schedule. Today princesses Moana and Ariel are on duty at school, and you girls are appointed as their assistants. At the beginning of the game you have to choose school outfits, hairstyles and accessories for girls. Then you will have to take care of the school bus, tidying up the outside and cleaning the interior. Cleaning the classroom is also part of their princess duties, but this is not the last thing you will have to do with them today. There is also a job waiting for you in gym. Good luck! Use a computer mouse in your game.

Princesses Moana and Ariel are on duty at school

Hairstyles that fashionistas love. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses Mulan, Rapunzel and Merida are getting ready for a college party. Of course, for this occasion they would like to look something special. You know, girls, you can help them. Princesses can surprise their classmates with exclusive hairstyles. Offer them braided hairstyles, which fashionistas are currently loving. Princesses will look amazing with them. Especially if at the same time you decorate their nails with a magnificent manicure and choose stylish outfits for them. Good luck!

Hairstyles that fashionistas love

Disney Princess: Animal Themed Party. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses are full of imagination! They will always find an exciting theme for their parties. The motto of today's party for Rapunzel, Anna, Elsa, Ariel, Moana and Merida was dress up on the theme of their favorite animals. Girls, join the princesses and help them dress so that their looks - in anything: be it in clothes, accessories, jewelry - would definitely include elements reminiscent of their favorite animals. Do this using a computer mouse. Good luck!

Disney Princess: Animal Themed Party

Elsa the Fire Queen. Game for girls and girls! Princess Elsa from Frozen has been born with the magical ability to create ice and snow and control these elements. She is the Ice Queen. But Ice Queen Elsa also has another magical ability, which she has kept secret until now. It turns out that under certain circumstances, Elsa can become the Fire Queen. Today conditions are favorable for this. Since the magical Fire Bird, which flew into Elsa’s chambers with its magical breath, gave impetus to the awakening of Elsa’s hidden abilities and even dyed her hair a fiery color. Girls, if you want the process of turning Elsa into the Fire Queen to be activated, then give her a magic potion from a red flask. And then free the dragon from the egg and he will help you change Elsa’s ordinary dress to a fiery red one. A magic elixir from a bottle will change the princess's eye color. Summon the fairy of fire and she will give Elsa wings of fire. And then it's up to you. If you don’t like Elsa’s makeup, the color of her eyes, the style of her dress, jewelry and hairstyle, you can correct it. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa the Fire Queen

Princess Anne's Holiday Party. Game for girls and girls! Princess Anne is having a holiday. She waited for her vacation. In honor of this event, Anna is throwing a grand holiday party for her friends today. While the guests were arriving, the princess invited those present to have fun playing puzzles. Moreover, the guests and Anna will come up with puzzles, and you girls will figure out how to solve them. It will look like this. A square will appear on the left side of the game screen. In its lower left corner, in a quadrangle, an object will be depicted, which you will have to depict using individual details borrowed from the objects depicted in rectangles located on the game screen on the right. Time to complete the task is limited. You can control the time using the decreasing yellow-pink stripe. When all the guests have gathered, you will need to decide on the location of the party and, finally, start choosing outfits, hairstyles, jewelry and accessories for Princess Anna. Good luck!

Princess Anne's Holiday Party

Chocolate gift from Disney princesses. Game for girls and girls! It's Valentine's Day at Disney. Princesses Rapunzel and Ariel are getting ready for a date with their boyfriends Flynn and Eric. The princesses are sure that on such a day their loved ones will give them gifts and they would also like to please their boyfriends with something original. It didn't take long to find an idea. The girlfriends decided: they would delight their loved ones with a chocolate gift made with their own hands. Girls, join the Disney princesses and help them realize their idea. But first, take care of their festive mood. Choose beautiful hairstyles, outfits, accessories and jewelry for them. Now it's time to start making a gift and a beautiful packaging box. And then, correcting appearance princesses, you can send them on a date. Good luck to you and Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Chocolate gift from Disney princesses

Princess outfits for the winter festival. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses Rapunzel and Mulan are going to the annual winter festival. Of course, at the festival the princesses intend to captivate everyone present with their glamorous outfits. To do this, girls need to create the most stylish and fashionable winter looks for themselves, which they can demonstrate at a winter photo session. In order not to accidentally lose, the princesses decided to invite you, girls, to play the role of their stylists. Don't worry! In their wardrobes you will find a lot of chic outfits, accessories, jewelry and shoes. The choice is yours. Maybe it will be pants and wonderful tops. Or maybe chic dresses. In any case, to keep the princesses warm, you can find fashionable winter clothes there for them. Such, for example, as blazers, jackets, jackets. To complete the look, choose flirty hairstyles and cute clutches for the princesses. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Princess Winter Festival Dresses

Collection of winter ball gowns for Disney princesses. Game for girls and girls! In the fairyland of Disney, a magnificent winter ball is held every winter. The Disney princesses are looking forward to this grand event and, long before the announcement of the desired date, prepare a lot of chic, fashionable outfits for themselves. Of course, princesses Elsa and Rapunzel are doing the same thing. If you think that girls limited themselves to a couple of outfits, then you are deeply mistaken. Elsa and Rapunzel are prepared for the winter ball huge collection winter ball gowns. presented in three styles. Among them are extra-class dresses from leading fashion salons, classified as haute couture. And also dresses for princesses in classic style. In the same collection you will find dresses of the hottest trends at the moment. And now, our young stylists, you have no choice but to understand this beautiful collection fashionable, stylish dresses and select from them those that will allow the princesses to become the center of the entire universe at the ball. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Collection of winter ball gowns for princes

Princess Dress Up: Kids, it's cold outside. Game for girls and girls! “Kids, it’s cold outside” - this is how the author of the game addresses the Disney princesses - Elsa, Anna and Merida - advising them to stay by the fireplace in a hut located high in the mountains. The princesses came here on a day off to relax here and really relax. Despite the bright sun, it is really very cold in the mountains. But the princesses are not at all disappointed by this. A hot fireplace makes you feel warm and cozy. And if you, girls, now pick out comfortable pajamas or tracksuits for the princesses, and give them a cup of hot chocolate with cream, your girlfriends will be even more comfortable and cheerful. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Dress up with princesses: Kids, it's outside

Ariel misses Eric. Game for girls and girls! Princess Ariel accompanied her beloved Prince Eric to study in London. Quite a lot of time has passed, but Ariel, in love, still misses Eric very much. The princess cannot recover from parting with her beloved. During Eric's absence, Ariel didn't even bother to meet with her friends. Princesses Rapunzel and Cinderella no longer intend to put up with Ariel's disgusting mood. The girls decided to cheer up their friend no matter what. Beauty and friendship are great strength! Rapunzel and Cinderella are confident that with the help of this power they will be able to restore Ariel's peace of mind. And you girls will help them with this. To begin with, choose beautiful hairstyles for Ariel and her friends and give them gorgeous makeup. Then choose fashionable outfits, jewelry and stylish accessories for all of them. And finally send them all to dance floor. There, sweet beauty Ariel will definitely forget about her troubles. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Disney Princesses: The main rule of today's party. Game for girls and girls! Princess Moana is a great entertainer, and her humor is all right. The princess always has ideas for her Disney friends on how and how to diversify their parties. So today Moana invited her friends Cinderella and Aurora to an unusual party. The party is unusual in that it is organized according to a special rule. The main rule of today's party is that at this party all attention is primarily focused on accessories - more precisely on the purses (clutches) of the princesses. But their outfits, jewelry and other accessories should somehow miraculously fit perfectly with them. And our young stylists, you will take care of this. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Pre-wedding bachelorette party for Princess Moana

Disney's first college party. Game for girls and girls! These two cute girls are princesses. For some time now they have been students at King's College. For a whole month of the girls' stay at the educational institution, they still have not found new friends here. Today the first party is planned at Disney College and if you girls help our heroines with something, then this sad situation can change dramatically. Firstly, help the princesses express themselves in at least some way when organizing a party. Let it be a poster announcing the upcoming event. And when you have completed this job, use your fashion skills and help the princesses look stylish at the party. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Disney's first college party

Disney princesses in Ibiza. Game for girls and girls! The Disney princesses - Moana, Ariel and Elsa - were tired of the long winter and everyday boring life, so they decided to go together to the most famous resort in Europe, located on the island of Ibiza in the Mediterranean Sea, which belongs to Spain. Girls dream of taking a break from winter there and having fun in youth clubs. They were also attracted to Ibiza by the bright sun, warm sea, gorgeous beaches and the opportunity to get a beautiful tan there. Of course, for such a vacation, you girls will have to help them choose the necessary set of clothes. This primarily applies to bikinis and evening dresses. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Disney princesses want to get lost in the crowd of passersby. Game for girls and girls! From time to time, the Disney princesses - Elsa, Anna and Snow White - want to forget about their special status. Having dressed up in something cozy, the princesses dream of going for a walk where they can easily get lost in the crowd of ordinary passers-by in order to relax among them and feel at one with their people. Girls, you will help the princesses relax today. First, take care of their faces and do makeup for them. And then choose outfits for Elsa, Anna and Snow White for a walk. Let them be modern, cute and cozy, but in no case flashy. After all, today princesses do not want to draw attention to themselves. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Disney princesses want to get lost in the crowd

Free Online Princess Games for Girls

Princess Elsa: An accident. Game for girls and girls! Princess Elsa slipped on the asphalt and injured her knees. That's it! Now the princess injured in the accident requires emergency medical care. Princess Elsa's feet will be treated by her best friend, Dr. Ariel. You girls will be Ariel's assistants. And when everything is in order with the princess’s legs, you will change her into beautiful, stylish outfits. Good luck! To control the game you will need a computer mouse.

Princess Elsa: Accident

Princesses love their country's national holidays. Game for girls and girls! Princesses Elsa, Rapunzel, Moana, Audrey love the national holidays of their countries. As a rule, on these days, folk festivities are organized in the country of each princess. On such days, people wear national symbols and try to dress in the colors of the flag of their homeland. Of course, Elsa, Rapunzel, Moana and Audrey are no exception. They are happy to join their people and ask you, girls, to help them choose the right national, festive outfits and accessories.

Princesses love national holidays with

Princess Belle: Recovery from injury. Game for girls and girls! A misfortune happened to Princess Belle. She slipped on the steps of a supermarket and suffered multiple injuries. Princess Belle will be recovering from her injury in the hospital, where you, girls, will play the role of traumatologist. First of all, start by dressing the princess in comfortable clothes. Then give her pain pills and remove any foreign objects (glass) from her body. Treat all wounds with antiseptic and be sure to x-ray her limbs. If fractures are detected, apply plaster to the required areas. To perform all procedures you will need a mouse.

Princess Belle: Herbal Recovery

Clean up the princess's messy room. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to help the princess clean her dirty room. The fact is that the girl is in a hurry to go on a date, but with such terrible chaos, it is simply impossible to find the necessary things in the room. Pay attention to the items shown at the bottom of the game screen. Find them. And you will immediately have access to the princess’s favorite wardrobe and her hairstyles. And then you can immediately help the princess get dressed for a date. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Clean up the princess's messy room

Disney Princesses: Land of Unicorns. Game for girls and girls! Disney beauties Elzea and Ariel are delighted with unicorns and their craze for the color pink and purple and its various shades. Today, princesses are heading to the fairyland of unicorns, and it was this factor that inspired their girlfriends to choose the colors of their favorite characters for their outfits and makeup. Girls, start creating beauty for Elsa and Ariel by decorating their faces with delicate makeup. Then choose charming, delicate outfits for them. Do not be shy in either case of the presence of pink-violet color in the most reasonable volumes. Good luck!

Disney Princesses: Land of Unicorns

My cozy, amazing house slippers. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in the game “My Cozy, Awesome Slippers” you will have to design slippers for the Disney princesses - Merida, Elsa and Anna. To do this, first of all, you need to move to the creative workshop. There you will find blanks for the necessary shoes. Having chosen the style of slippers you like, you can start transforming this nondescript pair into a stunning, cozy masterpiece of house shoes. And when the work on the design of the slippers is completed, you can help the princesses choose the same cozy, cute outfits for home relaxation. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

My cozy, amazing house slippers

Ariel lip contouring: Gel injections. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you will play the role of a cosmetologist for Princess Ariel, who wanted to correct her lips. Lip contouring using injections of a special gel will allow you to cope with this task without surgery. This way you will be able to emphasize Ariel’s contour of her lips, increase their size to the desired result and give them freshness. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Lip contouring Ariel: Ge injections

Princess kitchen for making soup. Game for girls and girls! Princess Kitchen for Soup Cooking is a cool, frivolous game for girls from a very serious genre of cooking. Girls, arm yourself with a mouse and hurry to the princess’s kitchen. There you will have to help the princess prepare soup. Or rather, she will cook herself, and you will help her in compiling recipes for various soups. So, take a look around the kitchen. There you will see a lot of ingredients that can be used to make soup. Among them you will notice some unusual products. For example, such as frogs, the bats. You must choose the ingredients for the soup. The princess will chop them up with a knife, load them into the pan, and stir them. And when the soup is ready, she will take a sample. You can judge your success by the princess’s reaction and the invoice given to you. After this, you can start preparing the next dish. You will need to come up with 12 of them. Good luck!

Princess kitchen for making soup

Disney princesses want to wear knitted vests. Game for girls and girls! Knitted vests are back in fashion. And the Disney princesses - Anna, Moana and Elsa - want to wear them. But they don’t like the ones that are on sale. Princesses find them boring. Anna, Moana and Elsa are sure that a knitted vest would perfectly complete their spring look and encourage you, girls, to develop your own, original, spring version of its design for them.

Disney princesses want to wear knitted vests

Double date between Snow White and Cinderella. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses Snow White and Cinderella are having a hot day today. In the evening, the girls plan to go on a double date. Of course, on this day princesses want to look especially beautiful. Girls, you are appointed responsible for their beauty today. Start by caring for their faces. Several SPA treatments will help you return your princess skin to its ideal condition. Now correct their eyebrows and apply beautiful makeup to their faces. Wonderful! It's time to decorate your girlfriends' heads with cute hairstyles and choose awesome outfits for them. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Snow White and Cinderella Double Date

Surgery: Doctor for the Ice Queen. Game for girls and girls! The queen of the ice kingdom of Arendelle had an unexpected situation. Elsa suddenly lost the ability to control the snow and ice elements. And now, if you don’t do urgent brain surgery on the ice queen, you’ll be in trouble. The situation must be corrected here and now. The surgeon who will operate on Elsa will be you, girls. And so, carry out an additional preoperative examination of the queen and proceed with the operation. To control the game "Surgery: Doctor for the Ice Queen" you will need a mouse.

Surgery: Doctor for the Ice Queen

Disney Princess: Makeup Mania. Game for girls and girls! Nature modern woman, girls are such that no matter how beautiful she is, she wants to be even more beautiful. Makeup mania affects all segments of society. Including super beautiful Disney princesses. Thus, princesses Ariel, Rapunzel, Elsa and Merida are confident that properly done makeup allows them to highlight the attractive features of their faces, thereby making them more expressive and beautiful. And most importantly, in this way girls can show their individuality. That's why today Ariel, Rapunzel, Elsa and Merida are here in your SPA salon. And you, girls, now have to turn them from cute princesses into real beauty queens. To control the game "Disney Princess: Makeup Mania" you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Disney Princess: Makeup Mania

Room design for a little fairy tale lover. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you will be faced with an unusual task related to your design abilities. Here's the thing. Every day, Princess Belle reads her favorite bedtime stories to her tiny daughter. Having reached certain events in the fairy tale, the baby usually calmly falls asleep. So, this time, while mommy is reading another fairy tale to her daughter, you girls will have to manage to improve the decor of the room. This must be done until the baby closes its eyes. Good luck!

Room design for a little lover

Disney Princesses: Morning Cup of Coffee. Game for girls and girls! Girlfriends - Elsa, Anna and Cinderella - finally got a day off. Today, the Disney princesses will meet in the city, where they can enjoy each other's company over a morning cup of coffee. Of course, princesses want to look amazing on this happy day. And you girls will help them with this. First of all, help the princesses refresh themselves after sleep. Hygiene procedures, masks, hair care and makeup will quickly bring girls to their senses. And then all you have to do is choose stylish outfits and accessories for them. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Disney Princess: Morning Cup of Coffee

Spring transformation of Princess Anne's room design and outfits. Game for girls and girls! Spring. Spring came! The time has come to transform the design of Princess Anne's room and outfits. Girls, join in! First, remove everything from the princess’s room that in any way reminds her of winter. Instead, place a picture of a spring still life on the wall and put fresh flowers in a vase. Pillows, bedspreads, curtains and a rug on the floor - let it all be in a delicate spring color. Now, out with the winter sweater and ripped jeans. Offer your favorite princess to welcome spring in elegant, light outfits. Game control: using the mouse.

Spring transformation of room design and on

Surgery: Princess Elsa's hip surgery. Game for girls and girls! Princess Elsa had an accident. As a rule, such incidents end in damage to health. Elsa has a serious hip injury. And now the sweet princess will have to undergo a difficult operation. Girls, you will operate on the princess. In surgery, during operations of such complexity and volume, for the purpose of pain relief, it is customary to immerse the patient in a deep, artificial sleep, during which his consciousness turns off, his muscles relax, and inhibition is observed. nervous system. This is achieved with the help of general anesthesia, which, girls, is what you will do now. Having turned off Elsa's consciousness, you will begin the operation. To control the game "Surgery: Princess Elsa's Thigh Surgery" you will need a computer mouse. Good luck!

Surgery: Princess Elsa hip surgery

Disney Princesses: First Day of College. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Elsa, Anna and Snow White - became students. Now they will study at King's College and live in the same dormitory. Today an important moment has come in the lives of princesses Elsa, Anna and Snow White. This will be their first day that they will spend within the walls of their educational institution. Of course, on such a day, princesses want to look especially attractive. Girls, you will have to take care of their stylish outfits, accessories and jewelry on this day. Good luck!

Disney Princesses: First Day of College

Disney princesses: 5 reasons to visit a beauty salon. Game for girls and girls! Each of the 5 heroines of this exciting game has good reasons to visit a beauty salon today. For example, a joke war has just ended between princesses Elsa and Anna. As a result, Princess Anne’s face “suffered.” Princess Ariel is in a beauty salon for the reason that in her underwater kingdom it is extremely difficult to get high-quality makeup. Beautiful Rapunzel through the fault of the witch for a long time spent in a non-criminal tower. Having escaped from captivity, she immediately wanted to visit a cosmetologist. The brave Princess Merida also has a reason. Whatever the reasons for the princesses, you, our young cosmetologists, will restore their beauty. Take care of their hair. With the help of certain procedures, return the skin of their faces to their ideal condition. And finally, give them some gorgeous makeup looks. Good luck! Play with your mouse

Disney Princesses: 5 Reasons to Visit with

Elsa: Weekend with girlfriends. Game for girls and girls! The princesses - Anna, Moana, Ariel and Elsa - have a long weekend ahead. Taking advantage of this situation, Elsa decided to invite her girlfriends for the weekend. Invitations were immediately sent to the Disney princesses. Elsa named three wonderful addresses as weekend destinations. This is Cancun - the largest resort city in Mexico, located on the Yucatan Peninsula. Or New York - the largest city in the United States, located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. A city of skyscrapers, entertainment venues and tons of attractions. As a third vacation spot, Elsa suggested a prestigious ski resort located in the USA called Aspen. The girls trust you to decide for the princesses where to go for the weekend. girls. Choose an address and, in accordance with the chosen place, dress up your girlfriends in beautiful, fashionable outfits. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Elsa: Weekend with girlfriends

Vogue: Fashion for outfits in black. Game for girls and girls! There were times when people associated black color exclusively with mourning events. But fashion, like time, does not stand still. And now this noble color has taken its rightful place in fashion, as evidenced by the world-famous Vogue magazine, which reports on global fashion news, current trends of all seasons, and also publishes photographs and videos from fashion shows. Vogue magazine dedicates its next issue to the fashion of black outfits. Princesses from the frozen kingdom of Arendelle - sisters Elsa and Anna - were invited to decorate the cover of the magazine with their photographs. And you girls, according to the script of this game, got the role of their stylists. In connection with the stated theme of the issue, you will have to dress the princesses in the most spectacular outfits in black. Good luck!

Vogue: Fashion for outfits in black

Disney princesses are upgrading their home designs. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Moana, Rapunzel and Anna - live in a huge house where each girl has her own room. Today the girls decided to improve the design of their home. Of course, princesses need helpers. So, girls, don't hesitate to offer them your help. To get started, help the princesses repaint the doors and windows in the house, and also hang a sign on the house welcoming everyone entering the house. Place a small rug at the front door. Set up a mailbox for correspondence. And when the work on improving the design of the house is finished, help the princesses get themselves in order. Choose beautiful hairstyles and outfits for them. Give them cool makeup. And, of course, don’t forget about accessories and jewelry. After this, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to photograph the happy princesses and post their photos on social networks. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Disney Princesses Upgrade Their Designs

Disney princess photo puzzles. Game for girls and girls! Oh no, this is a disaster! Disney princesses - Elsa, Rapunzel, Merida and Ariel - are in despair. Due to a malfunction of the phone, all the photographs that they had saved there for the album design fell into separate small puzzles. The situation is truly terrible, but completely fixable. And it’s up to you, girls, to correct it. To combine tiny puzzles into entire photographs of Disney princesses, you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Disney princess photo puzzles

Baby Elsa dreams of a guitar. Game for girls and girls! Little princess Elsa dreams of a guitar. But her father responded to her request for a guitar that she must first clean her room. Then she asked her mother for a guitar. But her mother also refused her at first. She told her to take care of the birds first. After the little princess completed her tasks, daddy the king and mommy queen finally gave her a guitar. And now, girls, you need to help the little princess master the game on this musical instrument. To do this you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Baby Elsa dreams of a guitar

Princesses on ice skates. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Tiana, Merida and Ariel - want to devote today to ice skating. And now each of them faces an important task. We're sure you girls have already guessed what we're talking about! Of course, when going to the skating rink, our lovely fashionistas want to dress up in cozy, cute, warm clothes. Help your friends choose it. Also, give them beautiful makeup and help them choose skates. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Princesses on ice skates

Disney princesses on the catwalk of a fashion show. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have the chance to play the role of a popular stylist at a grand fashion show featuring your favorite Disney princesses - Moana, Tiana, Merida, Aurora, Elsa and Ariel. And so, while waiting to appear on the catwalk, the princesses should receive help from you in choosing stylish hairstyles, fashionable outfits, accessories and jewelry. Don't relax! When the princesses appear on the podium, the results of your work will be immediately recorded in the photo. Later, noteworthy photos will appear in fashion magazines and fashion portals.

Disney princesses on the fashion show catwalk

Disney princess rock band. Game for girls and girls! The news that among the Disney princesses there are many true connoisseurs of rock music is not new. But princesses Ariel, Tiana and Merida went much further. The girls created their own rock band and now they successfully perform rock music. Wonderful! But there is another important factor that can influence the success of artists. This is their image. Girls, you are the ones who are responsible for the stage image of our lovely princesses. So it’s up to you to give the princesses a stylish manicure for an evening concert and choose cool outfits and accessories for them. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Disney Princess Rock Band

Princesses Moana and Ariel are on duty at school. Game for girls and girls! If you think that the Disney princesses studying at the Royal School are white-handed, then you are deeply mistaken. They, like students of any other school, perform duty duties according to a set schedule. Today princesses Moana and Ariel are on duty at school, and you girls are appointed as their assistants. At the beginning of the game you have to choose school outfits, hairstyles and accessories for girls. Then you will have to take care of the school bus, tidying up the outside and cleaning the interior. Cleaning the classroom is also part of their princess duties, but this is not the last thing you will have to do with them today. You also have a job waiting for you in the gym. Good luck! Use a computer mouse in your game.

Princesses Moana and Ariel are on duty at school

Hairstyles that fashionistas love. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses Mulan, Rapunzel and Merida are getting ready for a college party. Of course, for this occasion they would like to look something special. You know, girls, you can help them. Princesses can surprise their classmates with exclusive hairstyles. Offer them braided hairstyles, which fashionistas are currently loving. Princesses will look amazing with them. Especially if at the same time you decorate their nails with a magnificent manicure and choose stylish outfits for them. Good luck!

Hairstyles that fashionistas love

Disney Princess: Animal Themed Party. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses are full of imagination! They will always find an exciting theme for their parties. The motto of today's party for Rapunzel, Anna, Elsa, Ariel, Moana and Merida was dress up on the theme of their favorite animals. Girls, join the princesses and help them dress so that their looks - in anything: be it in clothes, accessories, jewelry - would definitely include elements reminiscent of their favorite animals. Do this using a computer mouse. Good luck!

Disney Princess: Animal Themed Party

Sofia the Beautiful visits the hairdresser. Game for girls and girls! Today at the Royal School a Magnificent Ball is being held for the lovely princesses. For this reason, young Princess Sofia decided to visit the hairdresser. The beautiful baby this time intends to radically change her hairstyle. She trusts you, girls, to choose a hairstyle and do the job. Start working on your hair with a real haircut. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Sofia the Beautiful visits the hairdresser

Elsa the Fire Queen. Game for girls and girls! Princess Elsa from Frozen has been born with the magical ability to create ice and snow and control these elements. She is the Ice Queen. But Ice Queen Elsa also has another magical ability, which she has kept secret until now. It turns out that under certain circumstances, Elsa can become the Fire Queen. Today conditions are favorable for this. Since the magical Fire Bird, which flew into Elsa’s chambers with its magical breath, gave impetus to the awakening of Elsa’s hidden abilities and even dyed her hair a fiery color. Girls, if you want the process of turning Elsa into the Fire Queen to be activated, then give her a magic potion from a red flask. And then free the dragon from the egg and he will help you change Elsa’s ordinary dress to a fiery red one. A magic elixir from a bottle will change the princess's eye color. Summon the fairy of fire and she will give Elsa wings of fire. And then it's up to you. If you don’t like Elsa’s makeup, the color of her eyes, the style of her dress, jewelry and hairstyle, you can correct it. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa the Fire Queen

Princess Anne's Holiday Party. Game for girls and girls! Princess Anne is having a holiday. She waited for her vacation. In honor of this event, Anna is throwing a grand holiday party for her friends today. While the guests were arriving, the princess invited those present to have fun playing puzzles. Moreover, the guests and Anna will come up with puzzles, and you girls will figure out how to solve them. It will look like this. A square will appear on the left side of the game screen. In its lower left corner, in a quadrangle, an object will be depicted, which you will have to depict using individual details borrowed from the objects depicted in rectangles located on the game screen on the right. Time to complete the task is limited. You can control the time using the decreasing yellow-pink stripe. When all the guests have gathered, you will need to decide on the location of the party and, finally, start choosing outfits, hairstyles, jewelry and accessories for Princess Anna. Good luck!

Princess Anne's Holiday Party

Chocolate gift from Disney princesses. Game for girls and girls! It's Valentine's Day at Disney. Princesses Rapunzel and Ariel are getting ready for a date with their boyfriends Flynn and Eric. The princesses are sure that on such a day their loved ones will give them gifts and they would also like to please their boyfriends with something original. It didn't take long to find an idea. The girlfriends decided: they would delight their loved ones with a chocolate gift made with their own hands. Girls, join the Disney princesses and help them realize their idea. But first, take care of their festive mood. Choose beautiful hairstyles, outfits, accessories and jewelry for them. Now it's time to start making a gift and a beautiful packaging box. And then, having adjusted the appearance of the princesses, you can send them on a date. Good luck to you and Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Chocolate gift from Disney princesses

Adult princesses take care of little princesses. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses Jasmine and Cinderella became mothers. Mothers spend almost all the time of the day caring for their babies. Sisters Elsa and Anna understand that mothers need rest and come to their aid. Girls, while mothers Jasmine and Cinderella are resting, Elsa and Anna, with your help, will play the role of nannies for their tiny daughters. First, help the nannies change into comfortable clothes, home clothes. Then help the princesses feed the hungry children. Most likely, babies will need a diaper change after feeding. Do it. And then dress the little ones in elegant dresses and entertain them with their favorite toys. Good luck!

Adult princesses take care of little p

Princess outfits for the winter festival. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses Rapunzel and Mulan are going to the annual winter festival. Of course, at the festival the princesses intend to captivate everyone present with their glamorous outfits. To do this, girls need to create the most stylish and fashionable winter looks for themselves, which they can demonstrate at a winter photo session. In order not to accidentally lose, the princesses decided to invite you, girls, to play the role of their stylists. Don't worry! In their wardrobes you will find a lot of chic outfits, accessories, jewelry and shoes. The choice is yours. Maybe it will be pants and wonderful tops. Or maybe chic dresses. In any case, to keep the princesses warm, you can find fashionable winter clothes there for them. Such, for example, as blazers, jackets, jackets. To complete the look, choose flirty hairstyles and cute clutches for the princesses. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Princess Winter Festival Dresses

Collection of winter ball gowns for Disney princesses. Game for girls and girls! In the fairyland of Disney, a magnificent winter ball is held every winter. The Disney princesses are looking forward to this grand event and, long before the announcement of the desired date, prepare a lot of chic, fashionable outfits for themselves. Of course, princesses Elsa and Rapunzel are doing the same thing. If you think that girls limited themselves to a couple of outfits, then you are deeply mistaken. For the winter ball, Elsa and Rapunzel prepared a huge collection of winter ball dresses. presented in three styles. Among them are extra-class dresses from leading fashion salons, classified as haute couture. As well as dresses for princesses in a classic style. In the same collection you will find dresses of the hottest trends at the moment. And now, our young stylists, you have no choice but to sort through this beautiful collection of fashionable, stylish dresses and select from them those that will allow the princesses to become the center of the entire universe at the ball. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Collection of winter ball gowns for princes

Princess Dress Up: Kids, it's cold outside. Game for girls and girls! “Kids, it’s cold outside” - this is how the author of the game addresses the Disney princesses - Elsa, Anna and Merida - advising them to stay by the fireplace in a hut located high in the mountains. The princesses came here on a day off to relax here and really relax. Despite the bright sun, it is really very cold in the mountains. But the princesses are not at all disappointed by this. A hot fireplace makes you feel warm and cozy. And if you, girls, now pick out comfortable pajamas or tracksuits for the princesses, and give them a cup of hot chocolate with cream, your girlfriends will be even more comfortable and cheerful. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Dress up with princesses: Kids, it's outside

Ariel misses Eric. Game for girls and girls! Princess Ariel accompanied her beloved Prince Eric to study in London. Quite a lot of time has passed, but Ariel, in love, still misses Eric very much. The princess cannot recover from parting with her beloved. During Eric's absence, Ariel didn't even bother to meet with her friends. Princesses Rapunzel and Cinderella no longer intend to put up with Ariel's disgusting mood. The girls decided to cheer up their friend no matter what. Beauty and friendship are great strength! Rapunzel and Cinderella are confident that with the help of this power they will be able to restore Ariel's peace of mind. And you girls will help them with this. To begin with, choose beautiful hairstyles for Ariel and her friends and give them gorgeous makeup. Then choose fashionable outfits, jewelry and stylish accessories for all of them. And finally, send them all to the dance floor. There, sweet beauty Ariel will definitely forget about her troubles. Good luck! Control the game with your mouse.

Ariel misses Eric

Surgery: Princess Anne has scoliosis. Game for girls and girls! Recently, Princess Anne began to feel discomfort in her spine. During examination at the hospital, she was given a disappointing diagnosis. Anna was diagnosed with scoliosis. Scoliosis is a persistent curvature of the spine. As the disease progresses, the princess faces deformation of her chest and pelvis. as well as dysfunction of the heart, lungs and pelvic organs. For this reason, the sweet princess will have to undergo spinal surgery. You girls will do the operation. And so, treat the surgical field with an antiseptic. Apply local anesthesia and proceed with the operation... Don't worry! You will succeed!

Princess Belle: Surprise date for Jack

The little mermaid Ariel, the charming Snow White, the girl with an oriental temperament Jasmine, the beautiful Belle... All these heroines are familiar to all girls without exception. They are all princesses that Disney created. Modern girls, probably, like their mothers, they once watched with bated breath the incredible adventures of these heroines, empathized and worried about their fate. And, of course, any girl can easily tell amazing story every Disney princess. Bizarrely twisted and unpredictable plots, bright and dynamic cartoons, sparkling humor and memorable characters... Little fans eagerly awaited the release of each new series. And although they knew that the end would be happy in any case, and good would certainly defeat evil, the girls closely followed their beloved heroine, who steadfastly endured all the hardships and sorrows on the path to happiness.

Benefits of Disney Princess games for girls

Princesses created by Walt Disney are beautiful girls not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Each of these heroines faced a huge number of difficulties and troubles, and their path to happiness was difficult and thorny. Despite everything, these girls find the strength not to stop halfway, they are ready to search different exits to solve problems and always follow their principles. It is also worth noting that these cartoon beauties, no matter what situation they find themselves in, always look their best. In addition, Disney princesses are distinguished by their kindness, mercy and humanity. They will never offend the weak. On the contrary, everyone who needs help can count on these sweet but brave heroines. By watching cartoons and playing games whose main characters are Disney princesses, girls definitely want to be like them, which means they develop qualities such as:

  • kindness and mercy
  • love for our smaller brothers
  • sense of beauty
  • responsiveness
  • aesthetic taste
  • neatness
  • memory and attention
  • logical thinking.

Interesting about Disney Princess games for girls

It's hard to find a person who doesn't know who Walt Disney is. And certainly everyone has heard about one of his creations about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. But did you know that the animator had to mortgage his house in order to create and show this picture to the whole world? Its production cost Walt $1,448,422.74 - a huge amount for 1937. By the way, the gentle blush that adorns Snow White’s cheeks was created using real blush, which gave the character even more naturalness. Another interesting fact concerns that everything disney heroes, including princesses, had real prototypes. For example, Snow White was based on a 14-year-old girl, Marge Champion, and Helen Stanley became the model for the famous Cinderella. As for the little mermaid Ariel, it is known that artist Glen Keane worked on her image, and the prototype for the heroine was 11-year-old actress Alyssa Melano. By the way, in addition to her appearance, Ariel also acquired some of Alyssa’s character traits. By the way, the film about the little mermaid was the last full-length cartoon that was drawn by hand.

How to play Disney Princess games for girls.

This site contains the most with your favorite characters. All the heroines of Disney cartoons are, of course, familiar to you. Therefore, carefully read the descriptions of the games, choose the one you like best and enjoy the company of one of the cartoon princesses who will happily keep you company.

Let's play together online!

This is a game for girls (and more than one! What do girls usually do with their dolls? They dress, undress, dress again, comb their hair, take them on visits - in a word, they do everything that they will have to do independently in the future.

Computer games help girls not only express their imagination, but also develop taste, especially if the girl plays with her mother or one of her elders. For every Disney princess there are dress up games, hair salon games, make-up games, where girls can fully develop their imagination, show their creative imagination and feminine taste.
Each one is like this online game makes it possible to see with your own eyes the result of the choice, and the mother will help the girl determine what the advantages or disadvantages of this choice are: how suitable the chosen toilet, hairstyle or makeup is for each specific occasion - a ball, shopping, for a walk or a date.

Other games for girls allow them to dress up their favorite heroines according to modern fashion, choose stylish sets of clothes, shoes, accessories, appropriate makeup and hairstyles for them. This is a genuine creative workshop that helps to develop good taste in a girl, give her an idea of ​​color combinations, clothing style, the ability to select accessories - in short, equip her with the knowledge that is necessary future woman- the conqueror of hearts.

Our website presents games for both little preschool girls and teenagers, that is, for any age group. Give your little daughter a little attention and play your favorite princesses together, and you yourself will get great pleasure that you never had before during our childhood!

All Disney princesses

Born a princess, she is the daughter of a king and queen. Due to the spell of the evil fairy, Maleficent fell asleep and was awakened by the kiss of Prince Philip, as a result she became his wife.

Princess of the Scandinavian kingdom of Arendelle, she is younger sister Princess Elsa. I went on a dangerous and exciting journey to find my sister Elsa.

The only princess of non-human origin, as Ariel is the mermaid youngest daughter of the sea king Tyrone. The little mermaid has blue eyes and red hair, as well as a green tail.

Born a princess, she is the daughter of a king. She was unlucky with her adoptive mother, evil queen. Snow White is very beautiful and kind, which is why the queen disliked her. She put her to sleep with a poisonous apple, but the kiss of her beloved prince broke the spell.

A simple country girl who was born into the family of the inventor Maurice. Belle became a princess thanks to the fact that she married Prince Adam, thereby freeing him from the spell of the sorceress, who turned him into a monster for being hard-hearted.

Princess of a fictional Arab kingdom. Has thick black hair and brown eyes. Jasmine is Aladdin's lover.

Princess of a fictional French kingdom. She became a princess by marrying a prince. Cinderella was born into an ordinary family, but her mother died and her father married another woman, Lady Tremaine, who disliked Cinderella and oppressed her in every possible way. Has half-sisters - Griselda and Anastasia.

Daughter of the Scottish King Fergus and Queen Elinor. A very brave girl, but also very stubborn and even selfish. She has curly red hair and blue eyes. Merida is very good at archery. The only Disney princess who doesn't have a lover.

A Chinese woman, a very brave girl who went to war in place of her old and sick father.

Daughter of the chief of an Indian tribe. She is brave and strong, but very stubborn, and has dark hair and brown eyes. The first American-born princess.

As a child, Mother Gothel was kidnapped from the king and queen. The princess has a very long hair, which she deftly controls and green eyes.

A simple waitress from New Orleans who became a princess after marrying Prince Naveen. She dreams of opening her own restaurant and calling it "Tiana's Palace", and in the end she succeeds.

Princess and later queen of the kingdom of Arendelle. Has the gift of controlling snow and ice. As a result of an accident, she touched her sister Anna with magic and put her in mortal danger. Since then, she has become withdrawn and hidden from the outside world.

Walt Disney Studios created a tradition of adaptation and adaptation famous fairy tales. Thanks to this, many characters gained new life, have become popular and beloved again, and their history is richer, more romantic, more dangerous.
The Disney Princess games section is being opened for free so that you can choose any direction from numerous toys and get in touch with the fairy tale, become its artist, screenwriter, costume designer, director or companion of the ageless princesses in their adventures.

The best princess games

You will find fun for cute little ones who are just exploring the virtual world, and intricate plots that require diligence to complete. Among the variety you will certainly see the following directions:

  • Cosmetology
  • Pregnant
  • Kisses
  • Medicine
  • brain teaser
  • Makeup
  • Dress up
  • Search: differences, extra elements, objects
  • Action games
  • Design
  • Musical
  • Cooking

Each point has many branches and famous names. Each princess follows fashion and meets repeatedly during the Disney Princess game for girls, where the mystery of transformation takes place. The heroines sunbathe in solariums, visit massage parlors, beauty salons, and makeup artists. They try on clothes for lavish balls and friendly parties, wedding dresses and for picnics, sports and carnivals. Disney Princess dress up games have long become cult, and not a single gamer girl can pass them by.
The princesses became acquainted a long time ago, became friends and meet often. They invite each other to visit, arranging get-togethers in pajamas, masks, and beach outfits. They love to change their looks and look for new solutions for their appearance, and by opening Disney Princess dress up games for girls, you will help them achieve their plans.
Go shopping with them and pick up a new wardrobe. Buying new things is terribly fun, it lifts your spirits perfectly. And at the same time, stop by the salon to fix your hair, refresh your face, get new makeup and a manicure and pedicure.

All about princesses

There is no need to introduce the heroines to you, but it is always nice to say their name again, so here is a list of princesses invited to this section:

Each story is amazing and unique. You will recognize them from the crowd by their costumes and unique appearance. Games for girls for free Disney princesses will take you to a disco club, where you can learn a fashionable dance with the girls, and music class- learn to play instruments. Arrange a culinary competition with the princesses and prepare delicious recipes for dishes that will receive the highest points. The girls are not afraid of work, although they are accustomed to life in the palace. On summer holidays they go to work in a cafe and, wearing a waitress apron, serve vacationers, and the reward for Good work tip generously.
Sometimes princesses fall in love with princes charming, and the wedding is preceded by a period of courtship. Long and passionate kisses await a couple in love, and your task is to make sure that no one interferes with them. If you see prying eyes nearby, interrupt the lovers for a minute, and then allow them to return to the process when the threat has disappeared.
When the long-awaited wedding moment arrives, try to organize the celebration in at its best. Choose outfits for the newlyweds, decorate the area with balls, ribbons and arches, choose a magnificent cake, and don’t forget about the carriage and horses. Inspect everything again and begin the ceremony.

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