Game tasks in Russian language lessons. Intellectual game in the Russian language "Fun Grammar"

Guzanova Tatyana Ivanovna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Municipal budget educational institution"Average comprehensive school in the village of Ust-Omchug"

Slide 2

Solve the charades.

  • 1. Take the preposition K, standing before the pronoun ME.
  • 2. Add the noun SON to dative case singular.
  • 3. Complete the word so that it answers the question WHAT TO DO?


  • 1. The prefix of this word means approach.
  • 2. To it they added the stem from the adjective KOSNY.
  • 3. Then the suffix, which is written on adjectives after hissing and c under stress (reed, arctic fox).
  • 4. And a suffix with an ending like the noun LOSS.


Slide 3

An illiterate grandmother from the village sent a telegram to her relatives:

Healthy. I arrive in complete well-being.

Everyone went to the station to meet their grandmother, but she did not arrive. What's happened?

To arrive – to arrive, to arrive somewhere;

To abide - to be somewhere or in some state.

Slide 4

Find the indeclinable nouns in all sentences:

1. The blacksmith left, the fire raged for some time.

2. Finally it calmed down, and piles of coals without flames burned brightly in the darkness of the night, and the burnt residents of Kistenevka wandered around them.

3. Provincial officials trembled at his name.

time, flame, name

Slide 5

There is a proverb: “Seven do not wait for one.” What if there were not seven people, but nine? How would you say?


Slide 6

Which numeral has the ending –a in all cases?

one and a half, one and a half hundred

How many endings does the word seven hundred have?

Two endings, both zero

Slide 7

We say: increase by one and a half times. GENDER is half, but what is TORAH?

The word “one and a half” was formed from “one and a half” (half of the second unit)

Slide 8

The number 100 is represented by three digits. The name of this number - one hundred - also consists of three letters.

Find another number whose number of digits is equal to the number of letters that make up the name of this number.

1,000,000 - million (the word has seven letters and seven numbers0

Slide 9

Which categories of pronouns differ only in meaning? Give examples.

Interrogatives and relatives.

What time is it now?

The clock I looked at showed midnight.

Slide 10

Guess the indeclinable noun.

Linear measure unit

In conjunction with a vowel letter

He will tell you right away that in the capital

Can anyone see it right away?

Slide 11

Form common nouns from words:

  • jump out
  • get cocky
  • break
  • don't sit
  • smear
  • work
  • upstart
  • bully
  • scrap
  • fidget
  • weakling
  • hard worker
  • Slide 12

    Why is the particle NOT with the adjective SIMPLE written separately?

    The squirrel sings songs

    And he keeps nibbling on nuts.

    And nuts are not simple,

    All shells are gold.

    There is a hidden opposition.

    Slide 13

    Determine which moods the verbs in these examples have.

    1) And if it weren’t for me, you would be poring over in Tver.

    2) Hey, let's go, coachman!

    3) You should eat something, Pulcheria Ivanovna!

    1) Imperative in the meaning of conditional.

    2) Indicative in the sense of imperative.

    3) Conditional in the sense of imperative.

    Slide 14

    What parts of speech does the numeral ONE serve as in the sentences below?

    1) One fisherman said that he caught a fish weighing three pounds.

    2) Everyone left, I was the only one left.

    3) All as one.

    4) One for all, all for one.

    5) It went into one ear and out of the other.

    1) One fisherman is an indefinite pronoun.

    2) I was the only one left - a particle (only).

    3) All as one - adverb (together)

    4) One for all, all for one – noun.

    5) It went into one ear and out of the other - adjective.

    Slide 15

    In which of the following sentences are the highlighted words numerals?

    1) About a quarter of an hour passed.

    2) The second academic quarter has passed.

    3)At exactly a quarter past eight I was woken up.

    4) It’s half past four now.

    5) Cut half of the watermelon and give it to me.

    6) The owner and his family occupied the second half of the hut.

    quarter past eight, half past four

    Slide 16


    1.O.Repina. Tests for the school textbook: Russian language. 6th grade: Reference manual.- M.: AST-PRESS, 1999.-480 p.

    View all slides

    for students in grades 5-7

    "Lucky case"

    Goals : 1. Develop cognitive interest in learning the Russian language.

    2. Summarize the knowledge gained while studying the Russian language.

    3. Contribute to the development of creativity and enrichment of vocabulary among students.

    Equipment: materials, tools: Lotto barrels with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, task cards.

    Board design:

    I. Introductory part

    1. Teacher:

    The Russian language is the wealth of our people. Language is the most important means of communication between people, it is an instrument of thought and culture, it is a support for each of us in life. The language of each people reflects its history, character, peculiarities of thinking and artistic creativity.

    The Russian language is one of the richest and most expressive languages ​​in the world. Many people spoke about its advantages and capabilities.

    Statements from our writers about the Russian language are written on the board.

    (Children read, explain the meaning)

    But the following situations often occur:


    - How are you?
    - Fine.
    - How about your studies?
    - Fine.
    - They say you were sick... Is everything okay now?
    - Fine.
    - Okay, then?
    - Well, I’m saying it’s normal.
    - It's strange you say...
    - Why? Fine.
    – Do you think it’s normal?
    - Fine.
    - Yes, it’s strange... But once upon a time there was a completely normal person!

    It is important not only to speak Russian, but also to master your language, using as many beautiful, correct words as possible, to be able to accurately express your thoughts, so as not to be like this boy!

    And today we will leaf through the pages of our Russian language textbooks,

    Let's test our knowledge.

    II. Main part. Game "Lucky Chance"

    1. Presentation of commands. (Name.)

    Jury presentation

    Questions for the first team

    1. How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? ( 33 )
      2. The part of the word that comes before the root. (
      Console )
      3. The main members of the sentence. (
      Subject and predicate)
      4. How many vowel sounds are there in our language? (
      6 )
      5. How many soft consonants are there in the Russian language? (
      3 )
      6. This part of speech denotes the subject and answers questions
      Who ? What ? ( Noun)
      7. What are the names of words that are similar in meaning, but different in sound? (
      Synonyms )
      8. What punctuation mark is most often used at the end of a sentence? (
      Dot )
      9. How to call both Tortilla and the slow person in one word? (
      Turtle )
      10. Two or more sentences related in meaning. (
      Text )
      11. Icon – designation of sounds in writing. (
      Letter )
      12. The general part of related, or cognate, words. (
      Root )
      13. Written only after prefixes that end in a consonant, before letters
      e, e, i, yu. ( Dividing solid sign)
      14. This part of speech serves to connect words in a sentence (

    Questions for the second team

    1. The accepted order of letters in the alphabet. ( Alphabet )
    2. Part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form new words (Suffix).

    3. The sentence has the main members of the sentence and... (B minor)

    4. How many vowels are there in our language? ( 10 )
    5. How many pairs of voicing - deafness are there in the Russian language? (
    6 )
    6. This part of speech denotes a feature of an object and answers questions
    Which ? which ? which ? which ? (Adjective )
    7. What word can be used to describe both road markings and animals? (
    Zebra )
    8. How many letters are there in the Russian language that do not represent sounds? (
    2 )
    9. What are words with opposite meanings called? (

    10. Which part of speech indicates action? ( Verb )

    11. Choose a synonym for the word loyal . (Devoted).

    12. We write letters, but sounds... ( pronounce)

    13. Two related words, one of which depends on the other. ( Collocation )
    14. How many consonants are in a word
    day? (3)

    3. Second game: “You - for me, I - for you.”

    Children ask each other three questions prepared in advance.

    4. Third game: “Blitz tournament for captains”

    5. Fourth game: “Troubles” from the barrel.”

    The box contains lotto barrels with numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6. Children take out the question number, the teacher reads the assignment.

    1.What are we talking about?

    “They brew it up, starting some unpleasant, troublesome business, and then they disentangle it, unraveling this matter; you can’t cook it with someone with whom it’s difficult to come to an agreement; Is it in the minds of the confused people? (Porridge.)

    2. What are we talking about?

    It can be a cause of discord, it may have nowhere to fall, it usually falls not far from “relatives”. (Apple)

    3. Guess the charade:

    My first syllable is a simple preposition,

    Animal mouth is my second syllable.

    And if you read the whole thing,

    You will immediately fall into the abyss. (Pro-gap)

    4 . “Phraseological menagerie”

    Add the missing word - the name of the animal.

    5. Make a proverb from the words and explain its meaning:

    A smart person does not waste his words.

    6. From individual parts put together the proverbs and read them.

    6. Fifth game: “Dark horse”.

    (Questions are asked to each team in turn)

    1. Guess each sentence famous proverb. Write it down:

    1 team - The ripe fruit of a fruit tree, under the influence of the Earth’s gravity, falls next to its ancestor. (The apple never falls far from the tree).

    2nd team - Upon completion of the clarification of relations with the use physical strength do not make movements with clenched fingers of the forelimbs. (After a fight they don’t wave their fists.)

    2. For each of these words, come up with a sentence so that the word is used twice: as an animate noun and as an inanimate noun:

    Team 1 – weasel

    Team 2 – caterpillar

    7. Sixth game: “Jumble”

    What kind of mess is this?

    Here they made a mess out of words...

    I will advise you:

    Put everything in its place!

    Rearrange the letters and you will find out what professions each of the bearers of these surnames has.

    Task: find out the words. Who is faster.

    Staruzhlin (journalist)

    Kohujin (artist)

    Terapalpedov (teacher)

    Alerbina (ballerina)

    Tsepradov (seller)

    8. Seventh game: “Race for the leader.”

    Questions for the first team.

    1. What does the expression “There is nowhere for the apple to fall” mean? (Closely.)
    2. Finish: “The word is not a sparrow…..(fly out, you won’t catch it).
    3. Give a synonym for the word actor (Artist)
    4. Replace the phrase with one word: “a huge, shapeless piece of ice” (Iceberg)
    5. In which phrase is the word soft used in a figurative sense: soft character or soft wax? (Soft character).
    6. I am a synonym for the moon and a homonym for the twelfth part of the year. Who am I? (Month)
    7. What does the name Victor mean? (Winner)
    8. Match to Old Church Slavonicism lanita Russian correspondence. (Cheek).
    9. Name it in one word: an institution engaged in the collection and storage of rare monuments of history and art. (Museum)
    10. Replace the following phrase with a phraseological unit: you won’t come to an agreement, you won’t agree, you won’t do anything with anyone. (You can’t cook porridge)

    Questions for the second team.

    1. What does the expression “like a fish out of water” mean? (Feels good)
    2. Finish: “Don’t have a hundred rubles,.......” (and have a hundred friends)
    3. Give a synonym for the word anxiety (Worry)
    4. Replace the phrase with one word: a person of the same age as someone. (Peer, same year)
    5. In which phrase is the word dark used in its literal meaning: dark night or dark soul? (dark night)
    6. I am synonymous with octopus

    And without with - There are many of us in the broom. (Octopus - twig)

    1. What does the name Ekaterina mean? (Greek) - purity, decency).
    2. Match to Old Church Slavonicism mouth Russian correspondence. (Lips).
    3. Name it in one word: a monetary or other reward for success in something. (Prize)
    4. Replace the following phrase with a phraseological unit: completely, completely new, just made, manufactured. (Brand new)

    “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this heritage passed on by our predecessors!” - the remarkable connoisseur and master of language Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev called in one of his articles.

    We must treat our native language with care and love, think about it, study it, love it passionately, and then a world of boundless joys will open to us, just as the treasures of the Russian language are limitless.

    The game is coming to an end.

    9. Summing up.

    10. Awarding the winners.

    « Intellectual game In Russian

    "Lucky case"

    Command View

    1 point

    First game:

    Second game: “You - for me, I - for you.”

    1 point for correct answer

    Third game: “Blitz tournament for captains”

    3 points

    Game four: “Troubles” from the barrel.”

    1 point for correct answer

    Fifth game: "Dark horse".

    1 point for correct answer

    Sixth game: "Jumble".

    1 point for correct answer

    Game seven: “Race for the leader.”

    1 point for correct answer

    Bottom line.

    Game "Letter Got Lost"

    Target: learn to distinguish consonant sounds and letters by ear and when writing, develop attention, wit, and resourcefulness.

    Description. Before the teacher begins to read the poem, he asks the children to listen carefully to all the words and, where an error is made, pronounce the correct word in unison.

    It is unknown how it happened

    Only the letter got lost:

    Dropped into someone's house

    And he rules it.

    But I barely got there

    Naughty letter

    Stranger Things

    Things started to happen.

    The hunter shouted: “Oh!

    D Believe me, they’re chasing me!”

    In front of the kids

    Kry With The painters are painting.

    Throwing the doll out of my hands,

    Masha rushes to her mother:

    There's green creeping there l uk

    With a long mustache!

    They say one fisherman

    I caught a shoe in the river,

    But then he

    Got hooked d ohm

    Look at this, guys:

    R they grew up in the garden!

    The snow is melting, the stream is flowing,

    The branches are full V crabs.

    We collected cornflowers -

    On our heads sch enki.

    Old Grandfather Pakhom

    On ko h e rode on horseback.

    Bug boo d I didn’t finish it:

    Reluctantly, tired of it.

    On yellowed leaves

    Drops le V your foliage.

    Mom with b I went with glasses

    On the road along the village.

    Misha didn’t cut the wood,

    stove To he drowned with epoxy.

    The sea turns blue before us,

    They fly m aiki over the waves.

    L. Shibaev

    Game "Typography"

    Goals: expand lexicon children; develop ingenuity, thinking, erudition.

    Note. The teacher can offer children anything keyword in letter composition and interpretation, corresponding to a particular age of children.

    Description. Two teams of 8 people each take part in the game. For the participants in the game, you need to prepare two sets of cards with letters that form the word “literate”. The cards of one set differ from the other in color. The teams line up one against the other, each player has a card with a letter that he must remember. The teacher names one after another the words that can be made from the letters included in the word “letter”. For example: hero, sea, theme, thunder, atom, company, March, mountain, grotto, volume, mouth, din, magician, bargaining and others. Team members whose letters are included in the word called by the teacher take a step forward and line up so that each word can be read. The team whose representatives “form the word” faster is awarded a point. Then the players return to their seats and wait for the next word to be called. The team with the most points wins.

    To make cards, you can choose other words in which all the letters are different. For example, from the word “file” you can make the following words: drops, paws, packs, sticky. From the word “tributary” - portico, tropic and others. For each class, words are selected that correspond in level of difficulty to the age of the students.

    Game "Words on the topic"

    Goals: develop students’ logical speech and thinking, promote the creation favorable climate collective and competitive work of children.

    Note. With each age category, the given topics become more complicated by the teacher.

    Description. The teacher asks the children to choose words related to a specific topic, for example: “The house where I live”, “Our school”, “A walk in the forest”, “At the grocery store”. The one who starts the game names all the words that he can remember (words that are not related to the topic are not written down). Then the teacher invites other children to add to this list. When all the additions have been made, the teacher invites someone to name at least one more word related to the topic that has not yet been named. The winner is the one who named large quantity words, as well as the one who added the last to the already named words.

    After this, the players begin to select words for another topic.

    Game of Fives

    Goals: learn to combine words into a generalized topic, develop the ability to interact with team members.

    Description. 25-30 people can participate in the game. According to the number of participants, it is necessary to prepare cards with words (or drawings) on certain topics: “Plants”, “ Animal world", "School supplies", "Vehicles" and others. For each topic, 5 words or pictures are selected. The cards are shuffled and distributed to the players. The tasks of the players: unite in groups of 5 people, so that in each group everyone has cards on the same topic. Finding the owners of cards with the right words (or pictures) among all the players is not at all easy. The first five, who correctly selected the words (pictures) and came to the teacher, receive six points, the second - five points, etc.

    The teacher can announce the topics on which the A's should unite when all the cards have been distributed. But you don’t have to name the topics - let the guys guess for themselves. The game will be more difficult, but more interesting.

    Game "Let's Play Words"

    Target: expand students’ vocabulary and speech, their idea of ​​wealth native language, about the possibility of composing (folding) many words from the same word.

    1. Guess the word that needs to be entered in the cells to get new words:

    2. Guess the word that needs to be entered into the cells to get new ones

    Answers. 1) fox; 2) chalk; 3) onion; 4) port; 5) goal; 6) anthem.

    Note: You can offer tasks to teams, you can use this form to individual work students.

    Game "Parade of Literacy"

    Exercise: determine whether everything in these statements is correct; put all sentences in order.

    The cat ran quickly on one leg.

    She was so frightened that she fainted.

    The painting depicts a middle-aged student.

    His right cheek smiled cheerfully.

    My father was walking towards me. The girl and the dog barked joyfully.

    The younger sister wore a scarf on her head, the older sister wore boots.

    He mounted his horse and rode off on foot.

    He went to bed and slept as hard as he could.

    When my friend was drowning, I rushed to save him because he was wearing my swimming trunks.

    My friend has a snub nose that blends smoothly into his neck.

    Some monkeys hang upside down in trees.

    When the fog cleared, the prince saw the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

    The hunter closed his eyes wide and fired.

    We slept, but we couldn't sleep.

    Repin walked along the banks of the Neva and saw barge haulers on the Volga.

    The boy licked his lips all the way to his ears.

    My favorite corner of nature is the sun.

    There were a lot of pigeons on the roof, about forty people.

    During breaks we rode along the railings from the first to the third floor.

    Shyly smiling with only his eyes, he sniffed with one nose.

    Misha looked in the mirror for a long time until he recognized his face.

    He wanted to say something, but his tongue was dumbfounded.

    A shot rang out and he was wounded in the right head.

    A boy and a girl entered the class; they were brothers.

    The Northern Ocean is very icy.

    Darwin worked on his theory like a beast.

    His face was oval, like a right angle.

    I felt at home in my boots.

    Vova has a black eye, which suits him very well.

    He had a sword with one cartridge.

    My sister loves to help her sister Tanya when she eats chocolate.

    I love books so much that I even read them.

    Finally we saw birch grove where there were only oak trees.

    Various ideas came to my mind, but the best ones settled on a jar of strawberry jam.

    He was very scared, and his soul went into his shoes.

    I quickly stood in one place.

    Behind the numerous freckles on his face, it was impossible to discern his character traits.

    His white teeth peeked out from under his black curls.

    Suddenly he heard someone's gaze.

    Olya ate a bagel with the dog running next to her.

    And then he took a knife and shot himself.

    There was something blue behind the bush.

    He recognized her by the mole on her right nose.

    Having fallen asleep, sitting on a horse, Sergei merrily sang a song.

    His ears stick out in all directions.

    His favorite time of the year was the holidays.

    Thoughts, as luck would have it, did not want to think.

    I was so cold that I was sweating.

    On the left the forest is sparse but dense.

    At first his forehead began to sweat, and then a lump appeared.

    A thought struck me.

    Seryozha’s hands itched on his knees.

    Sasha left to the loud mooing of the entire class.

    He hit his head hard and limped for a long time.

    Game "Collect words"

    Exercise: connect the words in the columns so that new words appear.

    Problems with letters and words “Down the stairs”

    Exercise: select words as their letter number increases (that is, the steps of the ladder increase) and get a vocabulary ladder.










    social activist






    enemy fortification

    Game "Friendly Family"

    Goals: consolidate the concept of parts of speech, practice composing examples (words) denoting all parts of speech.

    Description. « Friendly family" - these are ten parts of speech. The presenter calls a word consisting of 10 letters. For example, literature. You need to write it down vertically and select a word (part of speech) for each letter.

    L- whether - particle.

    AND- or - union.

    T- three hundred is a numeral.

    E- go - verb.

    R- joyfully - adverb.

    A- a - union.

    T- that is a pronoun.

    U- u - preposition.

    R- pink - adjective.

    A- ah - interjection.

    Another example with the word is hard work.

    T- you are a pronoun.

    R- is it a particle?

    U- to be surprised is a verb.

    D- ten is a numeral.

    ABOUT- oh - interjection.

    L- easy - adverb.

    YU- spinning top - noun.

    B- without - preposition.

    AND- or - union.

    E- unctuous - adjective.

    Game "Find the numbers"

    Exercise: read funny poems by Wanda Khotomskaya. Indicate the numerals: how many are there, in which words are they found?

    We have three ses three tsy.

    Don't you know them?

    How would I like your ears three there is

    Talk about three.

    The one in C three jove,

    I lived above the window with three and.

    WITH three whose craftswoman she is -

    Come see her, baby!

    The other one, in Us three tsakh,

    No mustache three no,

    But then three Well

    Served for lunch!

    And the third, in Bys three tse,

    Bys three on on the river,

    And they frolic three tones

    At night on the sand.

    About one hundred th watchman -

    Not about one hundred city ​​house:

    Cha one hundred there's a centipede in it

    wanders under one hundred scrap.

    Treasured one hundred leg

    Chi one hundred toe legs

    AND one hundred personal polish

    Cleans one hundred boot.

    Together one hundred two are not easy

    Clean everything one hundred,

    Straightaway one hundred only shoes

    Nobody wore it!

    About one hundred th one hundred legs

    One hundred let's stand,

    You can have one hundred legs

    Learn from experience!

    Translation by L. Kondratenko

    Game “Who can make up the most words?”

    Goals: expand vocabulary, develop observation, attentiveness, thinking.

    Guys! Help me read the words that have been composed. I guess that there was a fox here, she wagged her fluffy tail and mixed up all the words. It’s not for nothing that people say about a fox: “It wags its tail and covers all its tracks.”

    In this game, the one who composes the most words wins.

    (Words: perch, cat, whale, movie, window, note, etc.)

    Game “The record in words will be broken: we are making the alphabet!”

    (on topic: Common nouns and proper names nouns)

    Exercise: Write 33 words of common nouns in the nominative singular case. Each word must consist of 5 letters. The middle letters should form a complete alphabet. (The task can be modified: make words of 7 letters so that the fourth letters form a complete alphabet.)

    Stelmachenok Lyudmila DmitrievnaMBOU "Secondary School No. 27", PermPrimary school teacher

    “Didactic games in Russian language lessons”

    “Without play there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which spiritual world The child receives a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around him. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    How to make a Russian language lesson interesting, entertaining and a favorite subject for a child?

    Play is the main activity of a child. She plays big role in the formation and development of mental, emotional, physical and creativity child. The game helps develop memory, thinking, imagination, attention,helps the formation of phonemic perception of words, enriches the child with new information, activates mental activity, attention, and stimulates speech. As a result, children develop an interest in the Russian language. Not to mention the fact that didactic games in the Russian language contribute to the formation of spelling vigilance in younger schoolchildren.

    A didactic game is a valuable means of cultivating the mental activity of children; it activates mental processes and arouses in students a keen interest in the process of cognition. In it, children willingly overcome significant difficulties, train their strength, develop abilities and skills. She helps to do anything educational material exciting, creates a joyful working mood in students, and facilitates the process of learning knowledge.

    IN didactic games the child observes, compares, juxtaposes, classifies objects according to certain characteristics, performs analysis and synthesis available to him, and makes generalizations.

    Play activity how an element of a lesson can be used at any stage - from testing homework before execution test work and generalizations.

    1. Didactic game “Hard - Soft”

    Goal: repetition of spelling of hard and soft characters.

    Students are divided into two teams. One team is called “Stone”, the other is “Vata”. The “Stone” team stands up if I read a word with a hard sign, if I read a word with soft sign, the “Vata” team stands up.

    Words: congress, drive in, blizzard, pouring, entrance, pouring, announcement, stakes, runners, detour, ears of corn, drink, shooting, etc.

    2. Didactic game “Be careful.”
    Goal: to activate memory, attention, vocabulary, based on knowledge of the rules.

    From the proposed poems, write down words with combinations zhi, shi:

    1. They lived in a siskin hut,

    Mice, hedgehogs, swifts,

    Walruses come to visit them

    And giraffes and snakes.

    2. Vest, animal, belly,

    Giraffes, painting, lives,

    Rose hips, tires, reeds,

    Cars and pencils

    Circle, serve, make friends and live,

    Hurry up, make you laugh,

    Sizzling and sewing.

    All combinations of ZHI and SHI

    Write only with the letter I!

    3. Game "Boomerang"

    develops attention and speed of reaction in children: the student needs to remember the right word and “return” it to the teacher.

    Find a synonym.

    Ordinary person(unsophisticated), simple task(light),simple truth(capital);restless person(restless),restless look(anxious);strong friendship(reliable),strong sole(durable).

    Find an antonym.

    Close shore(far),close person(stranger);funny comedy(boring), fun mood(sad); deep well(small), deep knowledge(superficial);small fish(large), shallow river(deep).

    4. “Phraseological menagerie” .

    Goal: expanding students' vocabulary.

    Add the missing word - the name of the animal. Hungry like... (a wolf). Cunning like... (fox). Cowardly as... (hare). Dumb like... (fish). Prickly like... (hedgehog). Healthy as... (bull).

    5. “How many points - so many sounds"

    Equipment: a cube with a different number of dots on its faces: two, three, four, five, six; one side is empty.

    Children take turns throwing the cube and calling out words in which the number of sounds is equal to the number of dots on the top face of the cube. If a zero is rolled, the player skips his turn and passes the die to the next player.

    6. Didactic game: “In one word.”
    Goal: to activate children’s vocabulary, develop the ability to generalize.
    Students are asked to replace combinations of words and sentences with one word with the syllables cha, shcha, chu.schu.

    1. Tree stump - ... (block).

    2. Sixty minutes-…(hour).

    3. Dense frequent forest - ... (thicket).

    4. A predatory fish with sharp teeth - ... (pike).

    5. What are heavy frying pans made of -... (cast iron).

    6. Cover your eyes from the sun - ... (squint).

    7. A vessel with a handle and spout for boiling water or brewing tea - ... (teapot) and

    7. Didactic game: “Everything is the other way around.”
    Goal: to consolidate the spelling of words with the combination –chn-.
    The teacher invites the children to replace the proposed phrases like noun + noun with another so that one of the words includes the combination -chn-.

    Christmas tree toy-…(Christmas tree toy)

    Fairy tale hero - ... (fairy tale hero)

    Apple juice-… (apple juice)

    Milk soup -…(milk soup)

    Strawberry jam-… (strawberry jam)

    Buckwheat porridge-… (buckwheat porridge)

    Water from the river-... (river water)

    Hole in the castle -…(keyhole)

    Wheat flour -... (wheat flour), etc.

    8. Didactic game: “Replace the letter.”

    Goal: to activate the mental activity of students, to develop spelling and phonetic vigilance, attentiveness, and logical thinking.

    Children are offered original word with the spelling, they change either one or two sounds in it sequentially, while maintaining the combination –chk-, and get new words. The one who composes the most words wins.

    daughter pen
    barrel river

    night candle

    hummock stove

    point kidney

    cloud daughter

    car night
    9. Didactic game “Find the mistake.”
    Goal: to develop the ability to identify words in speech that denote an object.

    The teacher names a number of words denoting the names of objects and makes one “mistake.” Students must determine which word is the odd one out and why.
    1. Doll, house, sea, came out, student.

    2.Map, sun, iron, door, sailor.

    3.Girl, chalk, more, pencil, toad.

    4.Castle, hard, rooster, plate, cherry.

    5. Runs, book, window, gate, elephant, etc.

    10. Didactic game “Find a pair.”
    Goal: to develop the ability to correctly correlate the name of an object and an action.

    Equipment: each student has a card on his desk on which the words are written in one column: blizzard, thunder, sun, lightning, wind, rain, snow, clouds, fog, frost, and in the other column the action words: dripping, floating, falling , spreads, floats, sweeps, thunders, bakes, sparkles, blows, crackles.

    For each word denoting the name of a phenomenon, students select a word denoting the action of the object, marking it with an arrow.

    11. Didactic tasks and exercises.
    Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “Dividing soft sign”, to develop memory and thinking.

    1. First name the words in which you need to write the letter b at the end, and then in the middle.

    2. Find words with a soft separator. Emphasize them: drink, sew, beat, family, ring, spear, pony, dress, coat, sparrow, sew, etc.

    3. Write down the words with the separator b:

    The seal lies all day long,

    And he is not too lazy to lie down.

    It's a pity, seal diligence

    Not a role model.

    (B. Zakhoder)

    If only you had some fox teeth, hare!

    If only you were gray and had wolf legs!

    Here's to you, scythe, and lynx claws!

    -Uh, what do I need fangs and claws?

    My soul is still like a hare.

    4. Charades.

    I am with a softened L - underground With a hard L I am on the wall

    I can be stone or brown. (books, for example, on me),

    And with a hard one - anyone in the room, But as soon as you soften the L,

    IN geometric figure. Turn it into a dance right away.

    (Coal-corner) (Polka-shelf).

    Without M - I should show off in the forest;

    S M - the courts are afraid of me.


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