Igor Kornelyuk personal life children. Kornelyuk Igor composer

Gave many amazing hits to his listeners talented Igor Kornelyuk. He gained enormous popularity in the 80-90s. Today the artist is engaged in writing music for films and TV series.


Igor was born on November 16th in 1962. His hometown- Brest. Father made money on the track railway tracks, mother was an engineer. His parents never studied music. The singer's older sister studied piano at a music school. The composer’s grandmother, Maria Demyanovna, at one time knew how to play the guitar and loved to sing romances.

The family often gathered at the common table, where Igor was constantly asked to perform something. And then he took the button accordion and sang all the songs he knew. At first, his parents did not welcome his desire to devote his life to music. But their opinion changed in the future.


In 1968 he entered a music school. From the age of 12 he began performing with an ensemble at the Palace of Culture. Then he began studying at the city music school.

Soon Igor decided to move to Leningrad to study at a composition school. This decision was unexpected for the parents, and the departure itself was hasty. Arriving in Leningrad, he began composing plays for the exam, which was one week away.

After the exam, Igor was confident of failure. But what a surprise he was when the conservatory teacher approached him, praised him and congratulated him on entering the school. It was Vladlen Chistyakov, who in the future treated the singer like a son.

Time within the walls of the school was not in vain. Kornelyuk considers it the most fruitful and at the same time very difficult in terms of workload. The singer began to seriously study the work of the orchestra and took up composition.

He was even given the opportunity to write musical accompaniment for the play “The Trumpeter on the Square,” which was staged at the Drama Theater. Pushkin. The artist graduated from college with excellent marks in 1982.

Then he entered the State Conservatory without much difficulty. By this time, Kornelyuk was already married, and he and his wife had a hard time. He tried to support his family on a scholarship and worked part-time where he could.

During his studies, Igor composed a symphony, many romances, music for films, theater performances. Here he became more familiar with the synthesizer and music processing on a computer. As his thesis, he presented a computer symphony to his teachers.

Even then, Professor A.S. Leman noted the guy’s enormous talent. After brilliantly graduating from university, the composer no longer composed symphonies, although this desire did not let him go for a long time.

First songs

According to the musician, his work was influenced by different music. He listened to QUEEN and loved jazz. Kornelyuk wrote his first song at the age of 9 years. His work was greatly influenced by the first unrequited love. Igor worried and suffered for a long time because his girl Lyuba abandoned him.

That's when the first love songs appeared. The musician believes that it was this event that made him a composer.

One day he bet with a classmate that he would write a hit that everyone would sing. Soviet Union. This is what the song “Darling” turned out to be. Later Kornelyuk performed it himself together with E. Spiridonova and A. Ivantsova. The composition “A boy and a girl were friends,” sung by A. Asadullin, became even more successful.

The artist composed many popular songs with Regina Lisits, whom he met in his youth. In 1985, they wrote many hits, performed by famous stars stage. These were the compositions “Find out” by Anna Veski, “Not with me” by Svetlana Medyanik.

Subsequently, Anna Veski released an entire album with Kornelyuk’s songs. In 1987, the Smena newspaper named the singer best author and performer of his songs, he became one of the 10 best melodists of the USSR.

Kornelyuk's successful career as a solo singer began in 1988. He left the Buff Theater, where he worked as artistic director, and popularity suddenly came to him. Victor Reznikov invited him to take part in “ Musical ring».

Despite Reznik’s serious team, consisting of fans and famous artists, Kornelyuk won and woke up famous after the program. He began to sing his own songs. His composition “Ticket to the Ballet” received the “Song of the Year” prize at the concert.

In 1988, the singer performed his solo concert at Luzhniki. His touring activities began to gain momentum. In 1989, a concert took place at the Olimpiysky, in 1991 - again at Luzhniki, in 1992 - at concert hall"Oktyabrsky", in 1996 - at the State Central KZ "Russia".

In 1998, the second “Musical Ring” in the singer’s life took place, but this time with Viktor Chaika. And again he won. During his musical career, Kornelyuk created music studio and wrote more than a hundred songs.

Igor became one of the popular composers of Russian cinema. Just look at one hit, “The City That Doesn’t Exist,” written for the TV series “Gangster Petersburg.” The artist composed music for such films as “The Master and Margarita”, “Justice of Wolves”, “Russian Translation”, “Number 43”, “Taras Bulba”, “The Idiot” and others.

Music career

The composer tried himself in different areas: hosted television programs and beauty contests, starred in TV series, participated in TV shows. At the age of 45, he received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2010, Honorary Resident of the Petrograd District.

Besides concert activities Igor Kornelyuk participates in charitable projects and is one of the founders of the fund for supporting education and creativity.

Igor's parents were incredibly proud of him. Unfortunately, they are no longer alive. In 2012, Kornelyuk buried his father, who suffered three strokes. His mother died in 2014. The musician had a hard time with the death of his parents. His only salvation was his job and his beloved family.

Personal life

The musician's chosen one studied at the department choral singing. Igor and Marina had been together for about two years when they decided to get married. At this time, the singer was just entering the conservatory. Their parents dissuaded them and asked them to wait, because the young people were nineteen years old.

But Igor did not listen to them and considers this decision one of the most correct in fate. He earned money for the wedding himself and didn’t ask anyone for help. The celebration took place in a restaurant, where relatives and friends were invited.

In 1983, the couple had a son, Anton. He did not want to follow in his father’s footsteps and now his hobby is computer technology. Igor dreams of having grandchildren as soon as possible, but Anton has not yet introduced his girlfriend to his parents.

Igor Evgenievich Kornelyuk born on November 16, 1962 in Brest.

His grandfather, Kasyan Grigorievich, owned land in the Brest region. In 1939, when she came Soviet authority, gave up his lands and went to work in the depot, thereby avoiding dispossession. Father Evgeny Kasyanovich Kornelyuk worked for railway from 1959 to 1988 as a shunting dispatcher in the western park of the central area of ​​the Brest-Vostochny station. He sang well.


At six years old Igor Kornelyuk started studying at music school. He studied in Brest in High school No. 4, and on weekends from the age of 12 he played in an ensemble on ionics at dances at the Brest Palace of Culture. After eight classes in September 1977, he entered the Brest Music College in the class of the composer and musician Mark Rusin, who wrote music for the Brest drama theater. In 1978 he moved from Brest to Leningrad to live with relatives.

1978-1982 - music school at the Leningrad Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov graduated with honors and effortlessly entered the conservatory.

1982-1987 - Leningrad Conservatory, composition class.

He got married when he was a student. During his first year of study, his son Anton was born; after the birth of my son I. Kornelyuk earned money by performing songs at weddings.


As a composer, he was influenced by the work of Queen, jazz, and The Mighty Handful.

From 1985 to 1988 Igor Kornelyuk have worked musical director Leningrad Buff Theater and composed music for it.

In 1985, he recorded his first record: the Melodiya company released the EP “A Boy Was Friends with a Girl” performed by Albert Asadullin.

In 1988 Kornelyuk began his solo career in the television program “Musical Ring”, for the first time he reached the finals of the “Song of the Year 1988” festival.

Wrote music for the plays: “Trumpeter on the Square” (Leningrad Pushkin Theater 1982), “Tic Tac Toe” (Comedy Theater 1985), an opera for children “Pull-Push, or Aibolit from Zverinskaya Street” (Music Hall 1988), music for the film " Music games"(Lenfilm 1988).

His songs were performed by Mikhail Boyarsky - “Walking in Paris”, Anne Veski - “Horoscope”, “Find out”, “I don’t understand what’s wrong with me”, “Monkey”, E. Alexandrov and E. Spiridonova - “Darling”, Edita Piekha - “White Evening”, cabaret duet “Academy” - “I was offended”, Philip Kirkorov - “Sign”, “Let’s make peace”.

In 1990, he starred in the film “Kud-kud-kuda, or Provincial stories with interludes and a divertissement in the finale,” and in 1992 the film “Let Them Talk” was made about his work.

Television[edit | edit wiki text]
In 1999-2001, he hosted the program “Dad, Mom, I am a Sports Family” on the RTR TV channel, and also performed a song from this program. In 2013, the song began to be performed in the “Our Way Out” program. On May 18, 2014, he was a member of the jury in the show “One to One.”


  • Kasyan Grigorievich Kornelyuk- grandfather
  • Evgeniy Kasyanovich Kornelyuk- father, former shunting dispatcher at the railway (died in 2012)
  • Nina Afanasyevna Kornelyuk- mother
  • Marina Kornelyuk- wife, musician, director Igor Kornelyuk
  • Anton Kornelyuk- (born 1983) - son


Igor- author of more than 200 popular songs. As a composer and performer, Igor wrote music and performed the following songs:
  • "Ticket to the Ballet"
  • "Let's dance"
  • "Come back"
  • "A town that does not exist"
  • "City outside the window"
  • "Rains"
  • "Smoke"
  • "Cool"
  • "Moon Road"
  • “You never know...”
  • "The month of May"
  • "Cute"
  • "Time to go home"
  • "Walking around Paris"
  • "I believe"
and others.


CDs with songs Igor Kornelyuk:

1988 - “Ticket to the Ballet”
1990 - “Wait”
1993 - “I can’t live like this”
1994 - “My favorite songs” (Collection)
1998 - “Hello, this is Kornelyuk!”
2003 - “Soundtrack for the series “Gangster Petersburg”” (OST)
2010 - “Songs from Cinema” (Collection)
2010 - “Taras Bulba” (OST)
2010 - “The Master and Margarita” (OST)

Composer's filmography

1988 - “Musical Games”
1990 - “Kud-kud-kuda, or provincial stories with interludes and divertissement in the finale”
1992 - “Let them talk”
2000 - “Gangster Petersburg”
2003 - “Heaven and Earth”
2003 - “Idiot”
2003 - “Repetition of the past”
2004 - “The Legend of Tampuk”
2005 - “I have the honor”
2005 - “The Master and Margarita”
2006 - “Russian translation”
2007 - “Mika and Alfred”
2009 - “Taras Bulba”
2009 - “Justice of Wolves”
2010 - “If the sky is silent”
2010 - “No. 43”
2012 - “Fan”


1998 - Streets of Broken Lanterns - cameo
2001 - Secrets of investigation 1 - cameo

Music for theater

1982 - “Trumpeter on the Square” (Leningrad Pushkin Theater)
1985 - “Tic Tac Toe” (Comedy Theatre)
1988 - “Pull-Push or Aibolit from Zverinskaya Street”, opera for children (Music Hall)

Kornelyuk Igor Evgenievich


There were no musicians in Igor’s family, except for the hobby of Marusya’s grandmother, Maria Demyanovna, who performed romances, accompanying herself on a seven-string guitar.
But the family loved to sing at the table on holidays and when guests came. For Igor, such family singing became primary school vocals: “...Since I had a rather sonorous voice, (I was) asked to sing. I spent the whole evening performing everything I know to the accordion,” recalls Igor.

Igor’s older sister, Natalya, had already been studying the violin and piano for some time. In an interview with the publication “Vacancy”, Igor admitted: “I remember how I once discovered that if you press “do”, “mi” and “sol” at the same time, a surprisingly harmonious chord sounds. This was a discovery for me no less than the theory of relativity.”

Parents, mother Nina Afanasyevna and father Evgeny Kasyanovich, both engineers by training, at first musical career they did not welcome their son, but on the urgent advice of a professor at the Belarusian State Conservatory, at the age of 6 they sent Igor to study at a music school, taking piano classes.

Evgeny Kasyanovich’s opinion about his son’s profession changed much later, when the Solo career Igor. “My father worked as a dispatcher at the Brest-Tsentralnaya station. For many years he stood in line to buy a “nine” - it was his dream. And when the day came to receive the car, he had a heart attack. After being discharged, I began to find out when he could come pick up the car, and heard: “Well, what kind of car do you need now? You are now disabled." My father was very upset and worried for a long time... And at that time I was just starting to tour. I was then offered a big tour to Tolyatti. It was there that I took advantage of the opportunity: I bought a car for my father and drove it to Brest. When he saw her, he cried. I remember how I told him: “Agree, dad, that the profession of a musician is still not bad.” Then he agreed."

(On February 25, 2012, Igor’s father passed away. We mourn together with Igor and share the bitterness of his loss, and also wish Igor’s mother, Nina Afanasyevna, good health and long, happy years life)


At the age of 9, Igor had already written his first song “Russia, dear Russia, slender trunks of birch trees...”.
Igor studied at the music school, in his own words, disgustingly, he had a “score” in solfeggio. That, however, did not stop Igor from playing in the ensemble at dances. He came home from school, took off his pioneer tie and went to perform.

Igor began his musical work experience in the 5th grade - on Saturdays and Sundays he played the ionic in an ensemble at dances in the city Palace of Culture, receiving 29 rubles and kopecks per month for his work.

And then Igor fell in love. Hopelessly. The girl left him. The tragedy was so monstrous for the child’s vulnerable soul that Igor fell ill, and when he recovered, an irresistible need arose to pour out in sounds what was overwhelming him.
“So I am forever grateful to Lyuba, she made me a composer!” - says Igor. “Naive songs about love appeared. I took words from everyone - Yesenin, Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, I even got to Pasternak, hardly understanding then what he was writing about.”

At music school, Igor played in the VIA “Smile”, and also fulfilled requests to record the notes of the melody and the elementary accompaniment of his favorite song.

After 8th grade, in 1977, Igor entered the Brest Music School in the theoretical and composition department. True, it was difficult to call it study, since at the same time he played in rock ensembles, “partied”, came home tired in the morning, so there was no time for theories. But it was precisely this year that the teacher told Igor that he needed to go to study in Leningrad, since there was the strongest composing school there.

One fine June morning in 1978, returning home from another “session”, Igor told his mother: “I’m going to study in Leningrad!” Mom waved her hand tiredly and replied: “Do whatever you want!” On the same day, Igor left for Leningrad.

Music School at the Leningrad State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (1978 - 1982).

Since the decision to leave was spontaneous, and the departure itself was rapid, Igor arrived in Leningrad without any documents for admission to the Music School.
There was no talk of any transfer from course to course from the Brest Music School - the difference in the curriculum and level of training was too great. Igor had to re-enroll as a first-year student. There was one week left before the entrance exams.

During this time, Igor composed a series of pieces for piano, which he brought to the exam. Vladlen Pavlovich Chistyakov, who teaches instrumentation and composition at the Leningrad Conservatory, was invited to take the exam at the school. Having passed the exam, Igor went out into the corridor, completely confident of failure. But after some time the door opened, Vladlen Pavlovich appeared, approached Igor and said: “Congratulations, young man! I will have the honor to teach you." They spent all four years together and their relationship was very warm, almost filial-fatherly.

In general, four years of study at the school, according to Igor, were the most fruitful for him in terms of education. It was difficult, the workload was enormous. It was at the school that Igor took up composition in earnest and for the first time seriously approached the study of the orchestra.

There, in music school, in 1979, Igor met Regina Lisits, who in the future became his constant collaborator. Their first joint song - “Who said: it will pass?” they wrote to the student skit.

Received a diploma from the music school at the Leningrad State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

At the very end of the fourth year of music school, Igor received his first order in his life to write music. At that time in Academic Theater drama named after A.S. Pushkin was preparing premiere performance“The Trumpeter on the Square”, in which, by the way, the main role was played by the then young debutant actor Nikolai Fomenko. Igor was commissioned to write music for this performance. He took the order very seriously. Having written the score, he invited musicians from the V.P. Orchestra to record the phonogram. Solovyov-Sedov Leningrad Radio and Television.

And four days later, Igor married Marina, with whom they have lived together for more than a quarter of a century.

(On July 19, 2012, Igor and Marina celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary. Congratulations!)

Leningrad State Conservatory (1982-1987)

The next step in education was to be the conservatory, which Igor graduated with flying colors. While studying at the conservatory (composition class), Igor wrote music for a popular science film about the needs of collective farms, music for the play “Tic Tac Toe” (Comedy Theater named after N.P. Akimov, 1985), a symphony, four plays for piano, several piano cycles, a cycle of romances (8) based on verses by B. Pasternak, a cycle of romances (4) based on verses by A. Akhmatova, a cycle of romances (5) based on verses Mustaya Karima, choral cycle based on poems by A.S. Pushkin, string quartet.
All his works were performed by students of the conservatory.

Igor’s development as a composer, according to him, was influenced by a variety of music: in his youth - “QUEEN”, in a music school - jazz, in the conservatory - the work of musicians “ Mighty bunch"(N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M.P. Mussorgsky, A.P. Borodin). Igor even wrote a rock suite using the intonations and musical structure of great composers.

Igor became a hitmaker on a dare. It happened like this.

According to Igor, Alexander Morozov, a classmate and by that time already a venerable composer, once told him in a confidential conversation: “Old man, do you know what the difference is between you and me? You are a well-trained person, and I am talented. Here you are writing complex music for a prepared listener, and I - simple songs, and they are sung by the Soviet people. You can’t do that.” Igor was touched by a nerve, and they bet two bottles of cognac that Igor would write a song that the entire Soviet people would sing.

Igor wrote several songs at once.

The song “Darling” came to almost every home - both in Leningrad and in Moscow, Bryansk, Tomsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk... The first to perform this song were the artists of the Leningrad Buff Theater Lena Spiridonova and Zhenya Alexandrov (later Igor performed this song with Elena Spiridonova for the album “Ticket to the Ballet” (1989), and subsequently also recorded in a duet with Alena Ivantsova (“My Favorite Songs” (1994).

And another song - the composer's first phonographic debut - was released by the Melodiya company: the EP "A Boy Was Friends with a Girl" performed by Albert Asadullin. A wave of success swept across the country. According to a survey conducted in 1985 by the newspaper TVNZ", the song "A boy and a girl were friends" was included in the top ten songs).

In 1985, Igor wrote his first professional songs based on the poems of Regina Lisits, his main poet and co-author, which were performed by famous Soviet pop stars. Anna Veski performs with the song “Find out” in Sopot and becomes a laureate of the festival, Svetlana Medyanik, performing the song “Not with me”, takes second place in the television competition “Jurmala-86”.

In 2012, Igor celebrates three anniversaries at once: the 25th anniversary of stage activity, the 30th wedding anniversary and his 50th anniversary.

However, it is not in Igor’s character to relax and rest on his laurels as a hero of the day - Igor is more actively touring than ever, around the country and the world, working on new film projects, writing songs and dreams of writing an opera...

The biography was compiled based on materials from Internet sites, including:


Singer and composer Igor Kornelyuk is known as the author and performer of popular hits of the 80-90s. Today he writes music for TV series and films, remaining as popular and in demand as in his youth.

Childhood and youth

Igor was born on November 16, 1962 in Brest (Belarus). His parents were not musicians. His father worked on the railroad, his mother worked as an engineer. His sister studied violin and piano at a music school. The love of music was passed on to the children from grandmother Maria, who sang romances with a guitar.

Parents were against music education son, but on the advice of a conservatory professor, in 1968 they sent Igor to a music school. He had a sonorous voice, and he often sang during family holidays in the presence of guests, accompanying himself on the button accordion. Igor wrote his first song entitled “Russia, dear Russia, slender trunks of birches…” at the age of 9.

Studying at a music school was not encouraging; the boy was not good at solfeggio, but this did not stop him from playing at dances. From the age of 12, on weekends, Igor performed at the Palace of Culture with an ensemble. His musical seniority started in 5th grade. Igor played the ionica and received 30 rubles a month for this. There he first met his love Lyuba. Igor, despite young age, truly fell in love, but the girl did not return his feelings.

For the vulnerable child's soul, this became a tragedy that affected his health. When Igor recovered from mental trauma and illness, he felt the need to express everything that filled his soul. So the girl Lyuba made him a composer. The first, still naive, songs about love appeared. He took words for his works from, and even from.

Igor enters the music school after 8th grade. Little time was devoted to studying, since he played in a rock ensemble, “hanged out” and returned home in the morning. At that time, he received advice from one of his teachers that influenced him future fate. Igor was advised to go to Leningrad, where at that time there was a strong composing school.

The decision to move was hasty; he confronted his parents with a fait accompli by announcing that he was going to Leningrad. He passed the exams without expecting success, so he was very surprised when the teacher approached him and congratulated him on his enrollment. This teacher was Vladlen Chistyakov, who would become his mentor and close friend.

The study turned out to be difficult, but fruitful and interesting. Students studied the work of the orchestra and practiced composition. While studying at the school, Kornelyuk was entrusted with writing musical accompaniment for the play “Trumpeter on the Square” for the Drama Theater. . The school was successfully completed in 1982.

By the time he entered the conservatory, Kornelyuk already had a family to support. The scholarship was not enough, so he worked part-time where he could. During his studies, he wrote a symphony, composed romances, music for films and theatrical productions. During this period, he mastered synthesizers and computers. His diploma work, which Kornelyuk defended with “excellent” marks, was a computer symphony.


On becoming creative biography the composer was influenced by different music: in teenage years it was “QUEEN”, in the music school - jazz. As a student at the conservatory, the young man became interested in the works of the great classics of the “Mighty Handful” (, M. P. Mussorgsky,).

He was helped to become a hitmaker, who touched Igor to the quick, accusing him of writing music incomprehensible to the common man. to the Soviet people. In response, Kornelyuk wrote several songs that became hits. His new songs “Darling”, “A boy and a girl were friends”, “Rains” and many others were heard in every home.

Regina Lisits becomes his poet-co-author. Their songs are performed by Soviet pop stars, they take prizes at competitions and festivals. Already in the first year of joint creativity, Igor Kornelyuk’s song “Find out” helped become a laureate of the festival in Sopot. The singer had a whole program of Kornelyuk’s songs, including: “I don’t understand what’s wrong with me,” “Monkey,” “Horoscope” and others. And at the television competition “Jurmala-86” Svetlana Medyanik became second, performing the composer’s hit “Not with me”. In 1987 he was recognized as the best songwriter and performer own composition.

In addition to working on solo compositions, the composer works on music for plays and films, and also creates musicals. Among the works of the late 80s are the children's opera “Pull-Push, or Aibolit from Zverinskaya Street” and the musical design for the film “Musical Games”. Kornelyuk's songs replenish the repertoire of the cabaret duo "Academy".

His solo career began in 1988 after leaving the Buff Theater, where he held the position artistic director. Igor becomes extremely popular, participates in the “Music Ring”, where he was invited. He wins and becomes famous, and the composition “Ticket to the Ballet,” with which he performed at the “Song of the Year,” receives a prize.

Igor Kornelyuk. Song "Rains"

Three solo album, which appeared one after another - “Ticket to the Ballet”, “Wait”, “I Can’t Live Like This”, made the singer mega-popular. From now on, Igor Kornelyuk becomes a welcome guest at “Christmas Meetings”, his songs are heard in popular intellectual game"What? Where? When?". The popular festival “Song of the Year” is not complete without Kornelyuk. In 1998, the composer reminded of himself with the album “Hello, this is Kornelyuk!”, after which the composer’s discography was replenished only with works from films.

In the early 90s, Igor Kornelyuk tried himself as an actor, starring in the film “Kud-kud-kuda, or Provincial stories with interludes and a divertissement in the finale.” Plot and musical material film comedies were used by Kornelyuk in joint concerts with.

Igor Kornelyuk. Song "Ticket to the Ballet"

The singer performs with solo concerts in the Luzhniki, Olympic, Oktyabrsky and Rossiya State Central concert halls. In 1998, he again participated in the Music Ring, now with. This was his second victory in popular show. Kornelyuk for time musical activity wrote more than a hundred songs and created a music studio.

Igor Kornelyuk – composer, music writer for cinema. “The City That Doesn’t Exist” from the TV series “” is one of the most popular hits. A clip was created using footage from the film.

Igor Kornelyuk, "The City That Doesn't Exist"

His music can be heard in the films “The Idiot”, “Taras Bulba”, “If the Sky is Silent”, “Alien War” and others. The soundtrack from “The Master and Margarita” was called “Infernal Waltz” and was also released as a separate video.

Igor Kornelyuk performs not only solo, but also in duets. He performed the song “Darling” years later together with. In 2014, Kornelyuk was invited to join the jury of the One to One television competition.

Personal life

His wife Marina studied at the choral singing department. The young people got married after two years of living together, when they were 19 years old. The wedding took place between the final exams at the school and the entrance exams to the conservatory. At the same time, the play “Trumpeter on the Square” was performed with leading role. For Kornelyuk, working on the music for the production was a premiere. A student wedding was played for the first fee. In 1983, their son Anton was born. The son did not follow in the footsteps of his parents, devoting his life to computer technology.

There are many photographic portraits and photos on the Internet. full height Igor and Marina, who live in happy marriage for more than 30 years. Igor writes music in his country house, and Marina is organizing concerts for her talented husband.

In 2012, the artist officially announced that he suffers from diabetes. The failure in the body was influenced by a difficult event in the composer’s personal life - the death of his father, which occurred suddenly from a blood clot. The singer could not come to his senses for a long time; problems with sugar began. The illness forced the composer to reconsider his attitude to diet. A diet and noni fruit juice helped me lose weight from 110 kg to 92 kg.

Igor Kornelyuk now

Now the Kornelyuks live in a country mansion in Sestroretsk. At the musician's house large collection watches and rare items. The singer does not use social networks, on Instagram his photos are posted on fan pages.

In 2017, the singer re-released the collection “Igor Kornelyuk. Best songs" In 2018, the musician delighted the residents of Petrozavodsk with a performance at City Day.


  • 1988 - “Ticket to the Ballet”
  • 1990 - “Wait”
  • 1993 - “I can’t live like this”
  • 1994 - “My favorite songs”
  • 1998 - “Hello, this is Kornelyuk!”
  • 2001 - “Soundtrack for the series “Gangster Petersburg”” (OST)
  • 2010 - “Songs from the Movies”
  • 2010 - “Taras Bulba” (OST)
  • 2010 - “The Master and Margarita” (OST)

The composer drinks juice exotic fruit from Tahiti

Igor KORNELYUK has been struggling with excess weight all his life. Not a single diet helped the artist: he rapidly lost weight. overweight, but dialed them again with lightning speed. On the eve of his 50th birthday, Igor Evgenievich still found the ideal way to lose weight. The artist eats meat and drinks it with the juice of an exotic fruit - noni. In this way, Kornelyuk has already lost 18 kilograms.

This year, Igor Kornelyuk celebrates not only his 50th birthday. 25 years ago he first appeared on the professional stage, and 30 years ago he took his beloved woman, Marina, to the registry office. But the meeting with the composer in his country house turned out to be sad. Recently, my father, Evgeny Kasyanovich, died, and the composer met us in a funeral suit.
“Now I’m probably going through the most difficult period in my life,” shared Igor Evgenievich. - Dad died. This really unsettled me. It seems that he didn’t give his father something, that he didn’t like him somehow. Although I tried to help all the time. Marina and I were not at all ready for this - that day we were touring Germany. Everything happened suddenly: the blood clot came off. We urgently flew to Belarus, where my parents lived, and all concerts were cancelled.

Gave me a car

- Your father didn’t want you to become a musician, did he?
- In Brest, where I was born, the Civil Engineering Institute was considered the best university. Dad often said: “Son, get an education and study music as much as you want.” But I decided to become a musician and left for Leningrad. Then my dad warned me for a long time: “Son, all musicians become drunkards.” When guests arrived, he poured vodka and said: “Drink, son, you’re a musician with us!”
-Have you proven to your father that you made the right choice?
- Dad stood in line for a car for many years. And then that happy day came when in the evening it was necessary to receive the long-awaited Zhiguli. In the morning, dad went to work: he was a dispatcher on the railway. The work is intense: you have to sit in the depot hall and monitor all the train lines. At the same time, our roads and European roads are different in track - it was necessary to change the wheels. All this had to be tracked. He was so worried that he had a stroke that day.

- There was no question of a car?
- When he left the hospital, the officials said: “Well, what kind of car do you need now?!” And dad dreamed about her so much. Before that, he drove a Zaporozhets. And I was just invited to Togliatti, where they were making the Zhiguli. I tell the concert organizers: “I beg you, I don’t need money, sell the car.” I brought the car to Brest. I drive up to the house: dad is sitting in the yard peeling potatoes. I say: “I stopped by for an hour. And this is for you." And then dad noticed the car. I never saw my father cry again. Then I remarked: “Agree, the profession of a musician is also not bad.”
-Who was the head of the family?
“Mom was the driving force in the family. I remember when color TV appeared in the house, it was a whole event. Mom insisted on buying. In this sense, dad was more conservative.

Miraculous icon

- There are many icons in the house, do you collect them?
- Our family was believers, and I was baptized in Soviet times. We have always observed fasting. Me too long years fasted. But this year I went on a diet and came to the priest at the Smolensk Church in St. Petersburg to ask permission. I say: “I can’t eat bread, potatoes, fruits, because I have high sugar due to diabetes.” Father blessed me to go on a diet.
-Which icon is the most precious to you?
- This icon is not in the house, only a copy of it. In 1994, a friend called me and said that there was an icon of St. George the Victorious from the 19th century in excellent condition. I arrived at the store, looked, and on the way out I saw a large icon that said to me: “Take me away from here!” I ask: “How much does it cost?” It turned out that we had exactly this amount at home. On the icon was written: “Saint Anna Kashinskaya.” And the shrine thanked me. Two days later I bought a Mazda car.

- Was it a time of crisis when nothing could be obtained?
- Yes. I was asked to hold a concert for rich people. He sang, sang, sang and made a lot of money. And a couple of days later they offered me this car at half price. I worked concerts in Omsk and gave everything. I had the icon for six years. In 2000, when I learned about Anna Kashinskaya’s monastery, I realized: it shouldn’t hang in my home. After all, in the 1920s she was taken out of the temple. I brought the icon into the monastery and placed it on a pedestal. The nun and the abbess were present, but no one else. And five minutes later there was a line of about a hundred people to venerate the icon. Now it hangs to the right of the altar. I often come to her and pray.
- There are clocks everywhere in the house...
- I love them. They create peace and comfort. A respectable man must have three things: nice watch, expensive shoes and a car.

Wife is a wise woman

- How did you manage to save the marriage, because usually creative people fickle?
- Thanks to Marina’s wisdom and understanding of life. Often families collapse due to stupidity and ego. Much depends on the woman. Marina had the intelligence and tact to behave correctly at certain moments.
- Did you get married while you were still students?
- We were 20. Legendary chess player Mark Taimanov about Marina and me he said: “The young people loved each other so much that their child was born six months after the wedding.” We got married in June 1982, when I took my final exams at the music school and the entrance exams to the conservatory. In addition, there was the first premiere in my life - the play “Trumpeter on the Square” Kolya Fomenko, for which I wrote the music. With money from her, about 600 rubles, they celebrated the wedding. My parents had no money, and my mother raised Marina alone. I knew that she really wanted a celebration, but I definitely didn’t. One thought was spinning in my head: it would all be over faster.
- Did you sing serenades to your wife?
- Yes, when Anton was born in 1983. I had a concert, and the administrator said: “Who is Kornelyuk here? Your son was born." I went to the buffet, we celebrated, and then with a group of enthusiasts we went to the maternity hospital and staged demonstrations under the windows.

Got fat at 25

- When did you start writing music?
- The first time I composed it was on the basis of rejected love at school. There was such a girl, Lyuba, cute, defenseless. I saw Lyuba just now and didn’t recognize her. It would be better if I didn’t see her, because the image was destroyed.
- Why didn’t they go abroad, like many of our stars?
- Once I came to Los Angeles. There they made me an offer to work in Hollywood. Friends took me to a famous recording studio. They offered to work for $500 a week. But I refused: “In the Soviet Union I am a star, but in yours I am a nobody.”
- You said that when you were writing music for the film “The Idiot”, you dreamed of Dostoevsky. Does anyone else suffer at night?
- Now I’m telling this as an anecdote, but at that moment I was scared: Dostoevsky I dreamed about it every day. I wanted to refuse: “Guys, sorry, it’s not working.” In a movie, you have to get there in seconds: the music has to be precise, and you have to find four notes. And there was a feeling that I dug the subway.
- Do you no longer write music for Plushenko?
- I believe that one cannot step into the same river twice. I wrote the music for Zhenya. His coach Mishin He told me: “Igorechenka, I like everything. But it needs to be shorter by five seconds.” - “How can you cut it off without changing anything?!” - “You will somehow.” I tried to deceive him, it would be faster to make a file. Mishin immediately heard and said: “The crystallineness has disappeared.” And Zhenya shows me in the studio: “Here is a track, then a double axel, and here is a sheepskin coat.” I’m sitting, thinking: it’s going to blow my entire studio away.

- How do you evaluate the Eurovision contest?
- Once upon a time, this was a song competition, that is, the work of the composer and the author of poetry was assessed first of all. And they sang in the national language. Over the years, this competition has become politicized. I don't like that this has become a real show. When the wind blows, the backup dancers turn out Nice picture. However, this distracts from the point. I would hold this competition in village club with Ilyich's light bulb. And everyone has the same conditions - come out and sing.
- Do you feel your age?
“I am afraid of only one thing in life: that I will be old and helpless.” Because I don’t want to become a burden for my son. Leonid Bronevoy said an amazing phrase at his anniversary: ​​“I don’t know, is longevity a reward or a punishment?” I can’t answer this question yet.
-Have you always been well-fed?
- Until the age of 25, I was as skinny as a soup set. But dad warned: “Igor, after 25 years you will become large and fat.” And now I’m 25: performing at the Rossiya Concert Hall. Before the concert, I look at myself in the mirror and say to my colleague: “ Isaac Romanovich Shtokbant, am I fat? - “Well, yes, he’s not skinny...”
- I know you’ve tried a lot of diets.
- Whatever I did, whatever I drank to lose weight! I was starving - I ate one apple a week. I lost weight and quickly gained it back. Finally a diet Pierre Dukan suited me perfectly. It is completely protein, without fruit. Chicken, turkey, beef, fish. In the first week you should not eat vegetables. I also drink noni fruit juice. It grows in Tahiti. My blood pressure has stabilized, my stomach is in order... I feel great. My friends don’t believe me when they see me devouring a fatty piece of halibut and losing weight at the same time. I weighed 110, but became 92. I want to lose it so that the first number is not 9. I want it that way, that’s all!


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