Ideas for painting. DIY interior paintings - create comfort and a wonderful atmosphere in the house

It is very noteworthy that today more and more owners prefer to decorate the interior of their homes with paintings self made. And this is wonderful, because diversity modern materials allows you to make handicrafts using all kinds of techniques. It’s great that such handwritten creations can not only be hung on the walls of your home, but also presented as a gift to loved ones, colleagues or even children.

It is a common mistake to think that a picture is something drawn on a piece of paper. But in our modern times it is a design element that is performed using completely unusual techniques.

Today you can find a large number of photos homemade paintings on the Internet, they will help you decide on the direction and design of future products.

In the article we will describe several of the most interesting master classes on how to make beautiful and, most importantly, unique paintings. It is important that the following methods for the manufacture of such decorative elements will not require exorbitant sums. And a list necessary materials will not be prohibitive.

Paintings using beads

Surely you know a lot of materials from which you can make beautiful picture. In addition to the painted products that are familiar to us, there is a very remarkable technique using beads that will sparkle bright colors on the walls of your kitchen or bedroom.

Depending on the chosen theme, the product can be hung in a child’s room or in the living room.

Let us note that this type of creativity requires considerable physical effort and time, but the result will exceed all your expectations and will certainly attract the attention of household members and guests.

To make it you will not need many materials, half of which can always be found in any home:

  • frame on a strong frame;
  • finished painting (pre-printed);
  • small size beads (1-2 mm);
  • Super glue;
  • dental stick.

The process of doing the work is simple. To begin, take the base (frame) of our future painting and glue the selected design onto it. Next, carefully begin gluing the beads, distributing them evenly on the canvas.

Do not allow the formation of empty “holes”; for this you should use a toothpick, with which it is easier to reach the smallest corners of the picture.

Carry out this procedure separately, that is, visually divide the canvas into several elements and gradually fill these parts with beads. When finished, let the painting dry completely by placing it in a vertical position.

If necessary, you can decorate a beaded masterpiece in beautiful frame and then we select the maximum appropriate place for the product.

Custom fabric paintings

Here is another interesting idea with which it is easy to make a picture. IN this method production You do not need to come up with patterns, composition and select paints or pencils. Here the only useful idea is how to choose the right fabric for the interior according to color and shape.

It is not at all important that intricate plots are depicted on the fabric - the choice of elegant abstractions is quite suitable, which can be played on canvases of different sizes to create overall harmony.

Make similar ones Modular pictures at home it’s very simple, the main thing is to find suitable fabrics and choose the perfect stretcher. One large pattern or drawing looks harmonious, smoothly stretching across two or three paintings.

"Golden" paintings

Sounds expensive, doesn't it? But in making paintings from gold you will not need to spend a lot of money, but on the contrary, necessary materials easy to find in simple stores with building materials or household goods. And the technique itself is extremely simple, and even a schoolboy can handle it.

So, for work you will need:

  • thick cardboard or a piece of unnecessary flat plywood;
  • plain fabric;
  • acrylic paint;
  • glue in stick;
  • brush;
  • a twig from any nearby growing tree;
  • aerosol with gold paint.

Work process

We cover our base with fabric, carefully smoothing all the edges to avoid the appearance of bends or excess glue. After waiting for it to dry completely, we begin painting the fabric. To do this, very carefully apply an even layer of the paint you like and wait for it to dry. This stage can be avoided if you select ready-made colored fabric for our composition in advance.

Now comes the fun part - creating the golden branch. Take a twig and apply it to the dried canvas, and apply a generous even layer on top spray paint at a distance of 25-30 cm from the painting

Wait for it to dry again. The homemade drawing is ready! If you want to add some zest, you can manually draw in the missing elements: a bird, leaves or berries; You can add rhinestones and beads for more pomp.


As we found out, each of us can create a truly unique masterpiece in a single copy for the interior. Not only a mother on maternity leave or an art student can produce paintings. Creating such paintings brings people together, so working on them is perfect for a young couple or a mother with a child.

On the Internet you can easily find many ways and instructions on how to make a picture. It is worth noting that sometimes the cost of materials and tools will cost a little more than a ready-made purchased product, but the result own work pushes this drawback into the background.

Develop your imagination and creative skills and you will certainly be able to please your family and friends, because a handmade painting is an ideal housewarming gift, for your boss, or just good friend for a birthday.

Photos of paintings made by yourself

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

Paintings are one of the components of the warm and unique atmosphere. And if the paintings are made independently, the emotional “response” from them can be an order of magnitude higher than that of purchased ones. created with your own hands - you will see photos of examples below - thoughtfully thought out and lovingly brought to life, they will give you a good mood for a long time.

Let you not have the talent of an artist, do not shine with creative flair and doubt your taste. Cast aside your doubts. Having the desire to create original paintings for the interior, you can learn some techniques on your own and after a while admire the creation of your hands.

Looking for an idea for a painting

Inspiration is a fickle and timid thing. Let's not wait for inspiration from above, but let's get busy active search ideas for future paintings for the interior.

Advice. At the very beginning, it will be useful not to look on the Internet in search of ideas. Trust your inner instinct: what exactly do I need, how would I like my painting to look, what mood should it bring into my life and into the interior of my home? Write down all the thoughts that come to your mind.

Information, having gained a critical mass, will definitely “shoot” original idea. And having the main features of what you are looking for, you can choose suitable technique to create paintings with your own hands for the interior and see photos.

Anything can serve as an impulse for creativity: from sewing accessories and beads to family photos and letters from the home archive.

Advice. For any mother, a touching option for interior decor will be a panel collage of children's drawings, appliqués, the first cute doodles and other priceless creations of little hands.

Choosing ways to create a picture for your interior

You can turn your creative ideas into reality different ways. Paint with watercolors, acrylics, paint in oils, create panels from leather, thread or wool, make posters from photos - the choice is yours. Each of the paintings will be interesting and unique in the interior.

Painting with paints

Even if the talent of a painter has passed you by, create abstract paintings for an interior at the “nice and soulful” level, it’s quite within your capabilities. You will need:

  • oil, acrylic or watercolor paints;
  • tablet or easel;
  • canvas;
  • brushes;
  • palette and palette knife;
  • scotch;
  • solvent.

Making a sketch

The future of the painting that will decorate the interior of your apartment is first drawn with a pencil on the canvas: a composition is built, small elements and main lines are outlined. The space around the main object is “overgrown” with details, the lines of objects intersect with each other and overlap. This gives the picture depth and volume.

Determining the light source

To make the image more realistic, draw in dark and illuminated areas. Mark where and at what angle the light will fall on the objects, where the shadow, penumbra and highlights will be located.

Choosing colors

In order to choose the right colors for a painting, you need to know that:

  • to obtain the desired shade, the paints are mixed on a palette and only then applied to the canvas;
  • on a sunny day, the color of the object has golden shades, on a cloudy day – grayish;
  • if the subject of the painting is night, the objects will be richer and darker than during the day.

Let's create

Multi-volume works and 6 years of study at the institute are devoted to the art of drawing. At the everyday level, we can give several guidelines in this process:

  • draw simple objects first;
  • dilute and mix the paints for your painting with a reserve, because you won’t be able to achieve exactly the same shade again;
  • Before applying the next layer, the previous one must dry well;
  • try different techniques, but focus on two or three that you can handle;
  • within three days the image completed oil paints, you can correct, correct failed details or completely erase them.

Advice. If, when starting the picture, you planned a plot in the style of realism, and by the middle of the process you are surprised by abstractionism, it doesn’t matter. Urgently pretend that this is what you intended from the very beginning. Abstract creations are merciful to the mistakes of beginners, and in the interior they look impressive and mysterious.

Bead paintings

We begin to create a masterpiece for the interior.

  1. Free the frame from the glass.
  2. Draw the outlines of the frame on the base.
  3. Paste the pattern on which you will lay out the beads.
  4. Use thread or wire to mark the contours of the design, gluing them to the base.
  5. Glue the beads, distributing them tightly, without voids. If this is uncomfortable to do with your fingers, use a toothpick. Apply glue to small fragments, not allowing it to dry.
  6. Let the painting dry completely by placing it vertically for a while. If somewhere the beads are not glued well, they will fall off and you can re-attach them.
  7. Frame your beaded item, hang it on the wall and admire the transformed interior.

Painting for the interior from scrap materials

To make the work of your hands, intended for the interior of your home, interesting, do not limit your imagination to any specific techniques. Combine, break the rules, create your own recipes.

Various decorative and natural materials: leather, fabric, buttons, sequins, quilling elements, wallpaper, dried flowers, sea pebbles, shells and even wool. The painting for the interior made of wool is worth considering in more detail.

Painting with wool

Wool painting is a whole art from an unexpected perspective. This is where you don't have to worry about artistic abilities: a sketch of a drawing can also be applied under a stencil. Warmth, depth, volume are just a few of the epithets for such a work. A painting made of wool breathes, lives its own life and brings special warmth to the interior.

You will need:

  • clamping frame;
  • non-woven or flannel backing;
  • scissors, tweezers;
  • wool of different colors.

It is believed that painting a picture with your own hands means not just getting a stylish addition in the form of an unusual decorative element, but also thus reflecting the individuality of the interior and your own vision of the space. If you have always had an excellent score in drawing or you even have art school, creating a canvas will not be difficult. It won't take long to get there, you just need to grab inspiration by the tail. But if you are from the category of beginners in fine arts, then our advice will come in handy. This publication will talk about how to draw a picture without having professional skills.

Creating a landscape

The painting style that we propose at the very beginning is more suitable for expressive people. Arm yourself with canvas, paints and buckets. You don't need brushes. It is better if you create your masterpiece in an open space so as not to stain the walls and floor with paint.

Spit out your emotions and desires onto the canvas, take as many shades as you see fit, and give preference to bright tones. You can even layer applications on top of each other. As you can see, there are not only paintings drawn in pencil and watercolor. In our case, this is pure expressionism, which can give the amateur artist both a unique experience and a stunning canvas of its kind.


Since the 20th century, among the recognized masters of painting, abstractionists have always been in the forefront. Looking at their masterpieces, which are now valued at fabulous sums, a common person may exclaim: “My little daughter draws just as well!” And all because there are no principles. Therefore, if you do not know how to draw a picture, use a genre called abstract art to create a canvas. What should you focus on when creating a masterpiece?

First of all, stock up on acrylic paints from your favorite color range. If there is a color in nature that you can admire endlessly, be sure to take it into your arsenal. Then complement the color spectrum with softer and darker shades. Now all that remains is to stock up on canvas, brushes of different thicknesses, a watercolor palette and water. Let us take into account that water will play an important role in our process.

brush stroke technique

To begin, mentally break the canvas into several parts. Start applying strokes from left to right, using the darkest shade in the palette first. The result is a color stretch of amazing beauty. Remember that acrylic paints are the most fertile material for an inexperienced painter.

You always have the opportunity to correct not-so-successful pieces of a painting on canvas by using a higher paint consistency or diluting it with water. Plus, acrylic paint dries easily, so you don't need to rush. On average, it can take no more than an hour to create a masterpiece. Now you know what picture to draw, all that remains is to complete the design of the canvas with a beautiful frame.

Frames for canvases

By the way, if you see that your canvas is self-sufficient, you can place it in a place of honor on the wall, even without a frame. Nowadays, any manifestations of non-standard approaches to design are relevant. Let's give one such example. What if you place the frame on the wall separately without the picture? It turns out that you will decorate the interior with a painting that does not exist!

Decorate the frame with flowers, bows, and any available materials. The decoration of the frame, the more impressive it will look on the wall. Don't know how to draw a picture? You won't need it. Using this technique, you can decorate an entire wall, you just need to select a dozen frames different sizes and forms.

Geometric patterns

For this technique, in addition to paints and canvas, you will need regular masking tape, a pencil and foam sponge. To begin, create in your imagination some kind of geometric composition, for example, a herringbone pattern adopted from a parquet board. Now arm yourself with a pencil and sketch out the areas on the canvas that should remain white when finished. Cover these areas with masking tape. This way, you will get perfectly smooth edges of the patterns, and you will not need to waste time on outlining with a ruler. Apply a base tone to the unpainted areas.

Now your task is to complement your masterpiece with spectacular stains. Take a sponge and dip it into any paint you want to see on the canvas. Work with the base still wet on the canvas so that the stains appear as natural as possible. Once completely dry, remove the masking tape. That's all, now you know what picture to draw, even if you are not good at painting.

Photo printing

If you want laconic, strict and correct silhouettes for own picture, you can turn to professionals for help. Printing workshops provide their services to the public and produce high-quality prints on any surface. Photo retouching technology will create the illusion of a drawing made using black paint. Choose any image you like and transfer it to your wall as an original painting.

Just don’t get carried away by the images of strangers staring at you from the canvas, otherwise it will turn out like in known history“Bill painted this picture.” According to rumors, the boy depicted in the painting forced all owners of the canvas to experience many terrible moments, so much so that they had to get rid of the mysterious canvas. So the painting constantly wandered from owner to owner. More than one horror film has been created based on this legend.

That's why best images for canvas with photo printing, animals, plants, natural phenomena, as well as the world's most famous landmarks.


If you have a desire to create a unique and stylish decor in your interior with the help of exclusive paintings, draw them yourself. This way you will more fully reflect your own idea of ​​the world, acquire a new hobby, show your imagination and gain invaluable experience. Rest assured that you will never find such masterpieces in any other home, because you created them with your own hands.

Stages of work "Rowan"


1. Select the required frame size, cut out the fiberboard - this is the basis of the work.
2. Sketch.

3. Prime the fiberboard (water + PVA glue), paint with water dispersion paint + gouache.
4. While it dries, prepare the dough. desired color. You can paint with aniline dyes during kneading (color the water), and here we are... Roll out the dough, cover with a layer of green gouache, knead, mix, it becomes too soft - add flour

5. We picked up branches; they were mostly birch or elm. Light lines marked the direction of the branch.

6. Leaf - roll into a ball, flatten it so that it turns out on both sides with sharp tips. Flatten it into a flat cake and work with a cutter - veins and sharp edges.

7. We start from the bottom layer and on top of the branch. Leaf by leaf, somewhere they are on their own, somewhere they overlap each other, somewhere they bend. Moisten the joint with water + glue.

You see, the work is not molded at once, but the branch grows. We mask the junctions of branches under leaves.

8. We simplified the painting - we decided to paint the leaves first, and then sculpt the berries. Practical!

The painting is mostly gouache, but there is also some watercolor. The work is delicate, because... Do not stain the base.

9. Dirty work again! Dough colored with gouache is brighter after drying than with food coloring.

10. Helpers!!! The berries were formed into clusters, for this it is better to look at your work from a distance.

There is no photo of how rowan bunches were painted. It’s boring if they’re all the same tone, so we tinted them a little.
11. This stage is also difficult - varnishing, concentration is required. The background is not touched at all (matte and rough), only the branch with the berries is varnished.

12. Another highlight - ladybugs. They molded them separately, painted them, varnished them and glued them on.

This is the final triptych. "Gifts of Autumn"

This is a graphical diagram of the stages of work, if something is not clear. Try - create - give yourself and your friends a good mood!!!

300 grams of “extra” salt (one glass)

300 grams of flour (two cups)

200 milligrams of water (almost a full glass)

1 tbsp. spoon of subs. oils

Good day to all. Recently I went to visit a friend and saw on her wall a beautiful picture made of sequins. I really liked it and I wanted one too. I went to the store, looked at the pictures, at the prices. It turned out to be a little expensive. Then I decided to make a painting with my own hands, the kind that I need and without spending a lot of money. I want to show you what I did.

To make it I needed:
- Styrofoam the right size or cardboard lids.
- Ruler.
- Wallpaper.
- Knife.
- Scissors.
- Glue (VPA, moment).
- Sequins.
- Beads.
- Pencil, felt-tip pen.
- Free time, patience and imagination.

I saw pictures of complex work, but since I have no experience, I decided to do something simpler first. And so, I took polystyrene foam (refrigerator packaging, although a cardboard box will do). Using a ruler and pencil, I drew a square of the required size and, armed with a knife, cut it out.

Then I covered it with wallpaper. You can take plain wallpaper (or fabric of any texture). I chose one with a not bright pattern.

The next step was to apply the selected pattern. I wanted to draw a couple in love, since the day before was Valentine's Day. First, I penciled the sketch onto the canvas, and then outlined it with a black felt-tip pen for better visibility.
If you have problems with drawing, you can transfer the drawing you like using carbon paper. I took the subjects of the paintings from the Internet.

Taking glue and sequins, I began to glue them one after another end-to-end on all the competition lines, except for the thin lines on the face (lips, eyes, eyebrows, ears).

I glued beads to the thin lines in the same way.

This is how the picture turned out. I really liked it, so I decided to make two more paintings with different drawings.

Here's another one big picture, made from cardboard using sequins.

Despite the fact that the sequins are black, they shimmer beautifully when touched. sunny color. With such paintings you can decorate not only the living room of your home, but also the bedroom or kitchen. They will a good gift to relatives and friends for any occasion. You just need to choose the desired subject for the picture.
Goodbye, see you again.
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