Ideal abs female set of exercises. Fitness abdominal exercises for women at home

At all times, representatives of the fair sex want to look attractive. The standards of female beauty are changing, but this desire always remains.

Today, a beautiful toned body, elastic buttocks, slender legs, and a flat stomach are in fashion. Today’s article is about how to pump up a girl’s abs at home.

When is the best time to pump up your abs?

When training at home, many recommend doing exercises in the morning on an empty stomach. This is effective because the body uses up all the evening energy during sleep, so morning workouts use fat energy. A sure step towards getting rid of belly fat.

However, remember that in the morning the glycogen reserve (these are “canned” carbohydrates, the energy reserve of our body) is practically zero, so strength training is not recommended. It’s good to do yoga, stretching, and simple exercises without stress. Monitor your well-being.

Perform the exercises using the correct breathing technique: force as you exhale, relax your muscles as you inhale. The most effective workout will not give the desired result without the correct breathing technique.

How quickly can you pump up your abs?

As for the timing, on average, it takes at least a month of regular exercise to give the abdominal muscles definition (pump up the abs with “cubes”). It is better to exercise every day, spending half an hour on exercises. Assurances that there are miracle programs that can help you achieve perfect abs at home in a week are simply a myth. The task becomes more complicated if the girl is overweight. A layer of fat on the abdomen more than 1 cm thick will hide the cubes even during the most intense exercise. In this case, strength training is necessarily accompanied by weight loss exercises (running, walking), healthy eating and drying the body.

Abdominal exercises for girls at home: contraindications and warnings

Contraindications to performing abdominal exercises may include various diseases and ailments of the organs located in this area, hernias, recent surgeries, and problems with the spine. I think this is already clear, but I’ll say it once again - pregnancy is also a significant contraindication to performing this kind of exercise. The first month after childbirth is also better to refrain from physical activity.

Rules for home training for girls

  • You need to exercise no earlier than two hours after eating;
  • you can go to bed a few hours after training;
  • It is better to do exercises on a hard surface, since a soft one will not give the desired effect and can damage your back;
  • It is better to train every other day, so the body will have the opportunity to recover;
  • The most suitable training for girls will be a workout where each exercise will be repeated 10-15 times, and the number of approaches will not exceed 4;
  • the load should be increased gradually;
  • It’s worth warming up before exercising.

For the last point, running, warming up or intensive cleaning of the apartment are perfect. Which will help you combine business with pleasure, warming up, and clean housing.

Exercises for girls to pump up the abs

If you're training at home, here are some great exercises to get you started:

  1. Crunch for 4 counts – 10 reps. As you perform the exercise, think about lifting your shoulders off the ground or mat as you crunch.
  2. Crunches – 10 reps. When crunching, you don't have to lift your entire back off the ground like you do when you sit down. Only the upper part of the back needs to be torn off. Lie down on a mat, floor or carpet. Keep your hands at your head or crossed over your chest. Use your abdominal muscles to lift your shoulders and hold them at the top. Exhale as you lower down.
  3. Circular crunches - 10 repetitions. Get into a crunch position. Bend your upper body to the left for the left circle, and to the right for the right circle. For easy execution, make small circular movements. To add difficulty, make large circular movements.
  4. Reverse crunches – 12 reps. Start the exercise with your knees in line with your hips. Bring your knees to your chest and then slowly return to the starting position. Use your arms for support at your sides.
  5. Bicycle – 10 slow reps, 8 fast reps. Bend your knees toward your chest, lift your left knee, and rotate your right shoulder toward your knee. For a complete repetition, switch legs and repeat on the other side.
  6. Straight Leg Raises – 10 reps. Start the exercise with your knees level with your hips. Raise your knees to your chest. Then extend your knees up. To complete a full repetition, lower your legs straight to the mat. For additional resistance, keep your hands under your lower back.
  7. Abdominal stretch – hold for 30 seconds. Stretch your arms and legs. Tighten your abs as if you were pulling your fingers and toes toward opposite walls. Try taking a deep breath.
  8. Oblique muscle stretch – hold for 30 seconds. The exercise is performed in a sitting position. Bring your right leg forward, keeping your feet flat on the mat. Wrap your left leg around your right and bend it to the right. Breathe deeply. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
  9. Side plank – hold for 30 seconds. Place your elbow below your shoulder. Raise your hips while balancing on your feet and elbow. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  10. Hip raises – 8 reps. After the plank, lie with your back on the floor. Lift your hips up towards the ceiling. After that, lower them to the floor. Do you want to get sculpted muscles in a month? Accelerate your results with this effective training plan.

Abdominal exercise programs for 30 days

Exercises for forming “cubes” for girls

However, many women who are wondering whether it is possible to pump up abs in a month want to get sculpted abs with noticeable six-packs. For this purpose, you can use the following exercises:

Sit on the edge of a chair or bed with your legs extended forward. Bend them and pull them towards your chest, tensing your abdominal muscles as much as possible, then return to the starting position.

Lie on the floor, straighten your legs forward, put your hands behind your head, hold on to the edge of the sofa. Raise your straight legs slowly and smoothly lower them.

Do the bicycle exercise.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your hips at right angles to the floor surface. Pull your knees closer to your chest, tightening your abdominal muscles, then return to the starting position. These exercises are called reverse crunches.

Effective abdominal exercise on video

We pump up the lower abdominal muscles at home

There are a lot of exercises for girls to pump up their lower abdominal muscles at home. Take the method described above for strengthening the abdominal muscles as a basis. But be sure to complement it:

  • Lying on your back, place your hands behind your head and bend your knees. Raising your pelvis slightly, try to pull your knees towards your chest. If you can’t perform this action right away, pull it up as much as possible.
  • Maintaining the previous position, straighten your legs and lift them slightly off the surface, keeping them parallel to the floor. Now we perform “scissors”, alternately spreading our legs and crossing them together.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

We pump up the muscles of the upper abs at home

  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent and hip-width apart. Your arms can be behind your head or crossed in front of you. Raise your shoulders and shoulder blades. No need to try and raise your lower back! It should not come off and be pressed tightly.
  • Another complex for the upper abs is leg raises. Lying on the floor, straighten your legs. Lift them up until they reach a right angle with the floor. Lower it. To make it more difficult, you can raise your legs not perpendicular to the floor, but at 45° and hold them.

A flat stomach with six-pack always looks beautiful, but is it possible for girls to pump up their abs in a week? To succeed, you need to train daily, and correctly. The abdominal press consists of several muscle groups that need to be trained one by one. There are specific exercises to target each muscle.

Is it possible to pump up a girl's abs in a week? Answering this question is problematic. The effect of training to pump up the abs depends on a combination of factors:

  • proper nutrition;
  • regularity and intensity of classes;
  • A complex approach.

If you are not lazy and exercise 2 times a day for 15 minutes, the cubes will appear quickly, within 2 weeks. It will be more difficult for those who train 2-3 times a week. This may take a month, or even more.

Even with intensive and regular exercise, you should not expect the appearance of six-pack muscles within 1 week of training.

In 7 days, your stomach will significantly decrease in volume, it will become more toned, fat deposits will disappear and your abs will be noticeable.

How quickly the six-pack will appear on your stomach depends on the condition of your abs. If folds of fat have appeared and you are overweight, it will be more difficult to get your figure in order. First you need to lose weight, get rid of fat (this may take 1-2 months), and then start pumping up your six-pack.

To quickly pump up your abs, you must follow these recommendations:

  • follow a low-calorie diet;
  • before performing the exercises you need to do a warm-up;
  • exercise regularly, for untrained people you can do it every other day;
  • exercise in the morning before breakfast;
  • gradually increase the load; beginners should not overdo it in the first days.

Exercises should be intense and rhythmic, then fats will be burned faster. What matters is not how many crunches you do, but how long they are done (optimally 15 crunches in 30 seconds). In order for the cubes to appear, the exercises must be performed measuredly, staying in each position for several seconds.

Over time, it is advisable to complicate the loads, use dumbbells and expanders, and train other muscle groups.

Effective exercises for girls

The abdominal press consists of a large number of muscles, but the main ones are:

  • oblique internal and external;
  • straight;
  • transverse

Each requires a special set of exercises.

Before class you need to do a warm-up. You can jump rope, dance or run in place. Perform each exercise no more than 20 times, you can do several approaches.

To the rectus muscle

It is important to pump up this muscle, since it is where the cubes are formed. She is responsible for the work of the pelvis and lower back. It can be roughly divided into lower and upper. Exercises affect these segments differently. The upper part can be pumped up by twisting, and the lower part by pulling the legs towards the body.

Effective exercises:

  • Leg lifts. Lie on your back, arms along your body. Raise your legs at an angle of 90˚ to your body, slowly lower them, but do not place them on the floor.
  • Hanging on a horizontal bar with leg lifts. The effect is similar to that of the previous exercise. You can raise your legs straight or press them towards your body with your knees bent.
  • Classic crunches. Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. Raise your upper body to lift your shoulders off the floor. Hold for 5-10 seconds, slowly lie down on the floor.
  • Twisting with body lifting. Legs straight, arms along the body. Using the force of your abs, you need to completely lift your torso off the floor, standing up to reach your toes with your fingertips. Hold for 10 seconds, slowly lie down on the floor.
  • Reverse crunches. Lie on your back, raise your legs with your knees slightly bent so as to lift your lower back off the floor. Hold for 10-20 seconds. and slowly return to the starting position.
  • Plank. Focus on your elbows and toes. Hold in this position for at least 20 seconds.
  • Scissors. This exercise can be performed hanging on a horizontal bar, but it is only accessible to physically trained people.

The number of approaches can be increased to 4.

For the oblique muscles

The oblique muscles are responsible for bending, bending and turning the body. Exercises will help you remove sagging sides and a few centimeters from your waist, as well as form good posture.

You cannot overdo it with pumping this muscle group, otherwise the waistline will disappear. The figure will take on an H-shape.

The external oblique muscle can be pumped using asymmetric twists, torso turns and leg lifts, the internal oblique muscle can be pumped up using bends, rotation of the pelvis and torso. There are effective exercises for standing, sitting and lying down.

Training complex:

  • Side bends. Stand up straight, hands behind your head. Do 12 bends in both directions in 3 sets. You need to bend over until you feel tension in your side.
  • Sliding slopes along the body. It is advisable to perform the exercise with dumbbells weighing up to 1.5 kg. Left hand on the waist, right hand along the body, bend to the right side, trying to reach the knee. Change hands and do the same.
  • Bend forward touching the opposite leg. Try to reach with your left hand to the tips of the toes of your right foot. Do not bend the limbs at the knees.
  • Swing your legs. Keep your back straight, grab the support with your hand. Swing to the side, then back and forth. You can make the exercise more difficult. At the same time, swing your leg to the side and back. Do 20-30 times in 2 approaches.
  • Side plank. Lie on your side, lean on your elbow, rest your feet on the floor. Raise your torso, holding for 20-30 seconds.
  • Side crunches. Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. Raise your torso, touching your right leg with your left hand, and vice versa.
  • Side twists. Lie on your left side, legs straight, right hand behind your head. Try to lift your torso off the floor.
  • Side turns while sitting. Legs straight, arms clasped in front of you. Moving your arms to the left, pull your right leg towards your body.
  • Diagonal twists. Lie on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Raising your body and pulling your knees, touch your left elbow to your right knee, and vice versa.

Most exercises work not only the obliques, but also the buttocks and thighs.

On the core muscles

The core muscles include the muscles responsible for the pelvis, hips and spine. This:

  • oblique and rectus abdominis muscles;
  • gluteus maximus muscles;
  • thigh muscles;
  • back extensors and ankle flexors.

Swimming and cycling are good for strengthening your core.


  • Swing your legs forward and backward, to the sides. Performed in a standing position.
  • Leg abduction. Lie on your side, lean on your elbow. Raise your leg up.
  • Raising your legs from a supine position. Alternately lift the left and right limbs, then both.
  • Straight lift of the body. Lie on your back, arms along your body. Raise your forearms, reach your legs with your hands.
  • Plank. Any variation of this exercise is suitable.
  • Bridge. Lying on your back, place your arms along the body, palms pressed to the floor. Raise your buttocks so that your torso and hips are in line. Do not lift your heels off the floor. Stand in this position for 20-30 seconds.
  • Maintaining balance on one leg. Get on all fours. Raise your left arm and leg. Stand in this position for 30-40 seconds.

Examples of exercise sets for the week

You can exercise every other day, the main thing is to choose exercises that help pump the desired muscle group. A sure sign that the exercises are going well is a slight burning sensation in the abdominal area.

The approach to shaping a beautiful female figure is significantly different from the principles on which training for men is based. In men and women, the abdominal muscles have certain differences that affect the effectiveness of certain techniques in each specific case. This cannot be ignored if you want to achieve an impressive result and are interested in how to pump up abs for a girl.

In order for men to get beautiful abs, they need persistent strength training, and they also need to make other efforts to gain muscle mass. And for women to create a beautiful tummy, they need to devote time to endurance and flexibility exercises.

The work of the female body is organized much more subtly and complexly than the functioning of the male body. All work on the body must be correlated with the characteristics and nuances of the female body. Workouts should be distributed so as to take into account the menstrual cycle. The day before menstruation, during it, and also a couple of days after, you should not exercise.

Many girls dream of quickly and effortlessly getting their tummy into ideal shape. The ideal shape means elastic abs, on which the notorious cubes are clearly visible. In search of a solution to the problem, they ask themselves the question: how to pump up a girl’s abs in a week at home? There is only one answer to this question: no way. It will take about a month for the stomach to acquire the desired appearance. It is simply impossible to cope with this task in one week. But regular exercises for a month are quite capable of providing the desired effect. Training should be daily and last at least half an hour. All other methods and techniques that promise the appearance of cubes a week after the start of classes are simply deception, a myth and a banal scam. When we talk about an ideal belly in a month, we mean slim girls who do not have a significant amount of excess weight. If you have pounds that you need to get rid of, then the task of creating an ideal tummy becomes much more complicated. After all, the fat layer will hide pumped up cubes. Just 1 cm of fat is enough to negate all efforts to create beautiful abs. In this situation, abdominal muscle training must certainly be combined with activities aimed at losing weight throughout the body. Running, swimming, and cycling are best suited for this purpose. Also a necessary condition for slimness and an attractive, toned tummy is a healthy, balanced diet. During training, it is recommended to adhere to the principles of cutting in order to get rid of fat, which hides the results of training.

Now we need to talk about how to pump up a girl’s abs correctly and safely. It is quite possible to conduct abdominal workouts at home, but for this you need to acquire the necessary sports equipment. For abdominal pumping exercises, you will need a rigid foundation. You can pump up your muscles while lying on the floor or on a special mat.

You need to do it competently and correctly. The training begins with a warm-up. Here every girl can choose the option that she likes best. This could be stretching exercises, dancing, gymnastics. If the abdominal muscles are well warmed up before the main exercises, the effectiveness of the workout will be much higher. Prepared muscles absorb the load better.

You need to choose the optimal time for training. It should be done a couple of hours after eating and not immediately before bed.

Home abdominal exercises for women

In modern fitness programs, separate techniques are developed for each muscle group that allow you to work each muscle most effectively. This is the easiest way to pump up a girl’s abs quickly. Many such programs have been developed for the press. They are compiled taking into account the specifics of the training zone, and are selected in accordance with the result that needs to be obtained. The press is usually pumped while lying down.

The rectus muscle is located at the superficial level. It depends on its shape how well those very cubes that girls strive for will be visible. But even the most beautiful shape of the rectus muscle will not help show off your six-pack abs to the world if there is a layer of fat covering it on top. The rectus muscle is a solid paired muscle. It is located in front on the abdominal wall. The muscle is divided into lower and upper abs. This is a conditional division that is used solely for convenience. The rectus muscle can consist of 6-8 parts, which form the notorious cubes. The exact number of cube parts is determined at the genetic level, and no amount of training can change it. The best exercises to train the rectus muscle are:

  • Twisting. The classic twist pattern is familiar to almost everyone. Performed from a supine position. The legs must be bent and the arms clasped at the back of the head. Slowly and smoothly you need to raise your torso 20-30 cm above the floor, fix your body at the top point and smoothly return your torso to the starting position. The optimal load is a couple of sets of 15 repetitions. If you want to increase the load, use a ball.
  • Deflections. The starting position is lying on your stomach. The legs need to be stretched out, the arms should be clasped behind the back. It is necessary to slowly and smoothly lift your torso off the floor, lift it as high as you can, fix your body at the top point, take five slow exhalations and smoothly lower yourself to the starting position. The optimal load is a couple of sets of 10 repetitions.
  • Leg lift. Starting position – lying on your back. It is necessary to raise your straight legs up to a vertical position, and then slowly lower them to the starting position. The optimal load is 10 repetitions.
  • Harmonic. Starting position – sitting with legs extended forward. You need to smoothly lift your legs, stop in the top position for a couple of seconds, pull them towards your chest, and then return them to the starting position. The optimal load is a couple of sets of 15 repetitions.
  • Steps on weight. Starts from a supine position. It is necessary to raise your legs to 45º and move up and down at a fast pace. The optimal load is 35 repetitions.
  • Leg lift. Starts from a position lying on your back, one leg straightened, the other bent. It is necessary, tensing your abs and leaning on your bent leg, to lift and straighten your pelvis along with your straightened leg. The optimal load is one set of 25 repetitions.
  • Scissors. Starts from a supine position. It is necessary to raise your legs 20 cm and perform crossing movements with them. The optimal load is a couple of sets of 30 repetitions.

Practice shows that there is no fundamental difference between exercises for the upper and lower abs. Any of these exercises train the rectus muscle. The whole difference is that some put a greater load on the upper part, while others put more stress on the lower part.

If you are thinking about how to pump up a girl’s abs quickly at home, then take into account techniques for the core muscles. The only effective exercise for them is the plank. It allows you to train your entire abdomen at once, and therefore is quite universal. The plank will not help you pump up your abs, but it will significantly strengthen your muscle corset, reduce your waist, and give your tummy a toned look. There are several types of planks:

  • Classic. Performed from a lying position. The upper body rests on the elbow part of the arm. It is necessary to tense your stomach and maintain a strictly horizontal, level position for 30-60 seconds. The buttocks should not rise up, the lower back should not bend. The optimal load is three approaches. A lightweight version - with support not on your toes, but on your knees.
  • Lateral. Performed with emphasis on the feet and elbow of one hand. The body is turned to the side. It is necessary to lift your hips off the floor, straighten your body, tense your abs and maintain this position for 30-60 seconds. The optimal load is three approaches on each side.
  • With push-ups. Performed from the same position as the classic one. It is necessary to straighten your arms, take a lying position with support on your palms, tense your abs, stay in this position and slowly return to resting on your elbows.

All the techniques on how to pump up a girl’s abs at home are aimed at giving the stomach prominence. But they will not help you get rid of fat, tighten your tummy or make your waist thinner. To solve these problems, a vacuum for the abdomen is better suited. It trains the muscles located inside. It is recommended to perform it every day to reduce internal fat layers, tighten the stomach, and give a slim waist. A vacuum will help you achieve flat abs, but will not allow you to pump them up.

The starting position is lying on your back or standing. You need to slowly and deeply inhale through your nose, then exhale sharply and forcefully, as if pushing out the air, the abdominal muscles need to be pulled in as much as possible, held for 10-15 seconds, and relaxed. The optimal load is 10 repetitions.

Daily efforts to pump up your abs will not only not bring you the desired results, but can also be harmful. Any muscles should receive proper rest. Recovery after proper and effective training requires at least 48 hours. For girls, the optimal program is one that includes 2-3 sessions per week, in which they alternate exercises for various abdominal muscles;

  • 2-3 exercises for the rectus muscle;
  • 1-2 core exercises;

Remember that training the abdominal muscles is more aimed at giving relief. It will not help you become slimmer, have a thin waist and a thin tummy. To do this, you need to review your diet and also devote time to training to lose weight.

To get a well-defined belly, you will need to follow a strict diet. I think you already know this. But it should also be noted the absolute importance of abdominal training, because it is what can make your stomach flat and toned.

Abdominal exercises for girls, along with a proper diet, are the only way to an ideal stomach.

Even if you have built your diet correctly and lost all excess fat, well-developed and elastic muscles are necessary to achieve a truly beautiful silhouette. In this article we will look at the best abdominal exercises for girls. They will help you get a beautiful figure.

So, after you have confirmed your intention to work on yourself, begin intensive training of your abdominal muscles. They need to be worked just as hard as any other muscle. For a successful workout, it's not enough to just do a few crunches and call it a training day. Getting ripped abs takes time and hard work.

Below I will give seven super abdominal exercises for girls that will help you get the ideal figure. You can take all of these exercises and make them into a separate ab workout, or you can incorporate some of them into your regular workout routine. If you do this, get ready to see amazing results!

Exercise 1 - oblique crunches

There are many variations of crunches. To perform this exercise, lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor. Place the ankle of your left foot over your right knee and place your hands behind your head. While pressing your lower back toward the floor, lift your shoulder blades off the floor and then twist your upper body diagonally toward your left knee.

Performing abdominal exercises for girls is not only an opportunity to become more beautiful, but also to take care of your health.

The key to doing this exercise to work your abs and obliques is to apply maximum tension at the top of the movement. Be sure to alternate legs so that both sides of your body develop harmoniously.

Exercise 2 - bicycle

You should definitely love this exercise because it works all the abdominal muscles without exception. When you add cycling exercise to your regular workout routine, you are sure to see results. This is a grueling exercise, but you have to endure it because a beautiful belly is worth it.

To perform the exercise, lie on the floor, bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, put your hands behind your head. Raising your shoulders off the floor, reach your right knee toward your left elbow and straighten your left leg. Continue alternating opposite knees and elbows.

Cycling is a great exercise that works all the abdominal muscles.

Try to raise your shoulders higher from the floor, despite the fact that it is more difficult to perform the exercise this way. This is necessary to put more stress on the abdominal muscles. Do more reps until your abs start to burn! Abdominal exercises for girls, unlike exercises for men, are not intended to build muscle mass. In fact, you are training for endurance and relief. By performing a large number of repetitions and not using weights, you can get your stomach into ideal shape while maintaining your feminine figure.

Exercise 3 – letter “V”

This is a complex and amplitude exercise. It is no coincidence that it is third on the list, because it is advisable to perform it after your abdominal muscles have received a good warm-up. This exercise will push your abdominal muscles to the limit and may even result in muscle pain the next day. In order to avoid back injury, you need to follow the technique of performing the exercise and do it on a soft mat.

To begin, lie on your back and extend your arms above your head as if you were diving into a pool. Now, using your abdominal muscles, lift your upper and lower body so that your body forms the letter “V”.

This is one of the more difficult abdominal exercises, but it's worth it.

You don't have to touch your toes with your hands on every rep if you can't do it without bending your arms. Gently lower your legs and body to the floor and relax. Do everything slowly and with concentration. Fast and sudden movements will only harm your abs and back.

Exercise 4 – reverse crunches

This abdominal exercise for girls puts more stress on the lower abdominal muscles. It is quite simple, but fitness club visitors often forget about it.

Lie on your back and pull your knees up so that they are bent at a 90-degree angle. Now, using your abdominal muscles, lift your hips off the floor and pull your knees towards your shoulders.

By doing an exercise like reverse crunches, you give a good workout to the lower abdominal muscles.

Don't make the mistake of putting all your weight on your neck. You don't need to move your hips too far. You will already feel the lower abdominal muscles working.

Exercise 5 – leg raises

This is another great exercise for the lower abdominal muscles. When you do it, your abs will simply burn! Be patient, to see the result you need to work until there is a slight burning sensation.

To perform the exercise, lie on the floor, stretch your legs and place your hands next to your buttocks, palms down.

This exercise is performed slowly. Try not to lift your lower back off the floor.

Slowly lift both legs off the floor until they are perpendicular to the floor. Hold this position for a second, and then slowly lower your legs until there are a few centimeters left of the floor. Hold your legs in this position for a couple of seconds and then lift them up again. Do not lift your lower back off the floor. If you want to make the exercise more difficult, place your hands behind your head.

Exercise 6 – Scissors in the horizontal plane

Scissoring is a fun exercise, but also quite challenging. When you do them, be sure to press your lower back into the floor.

Do not raise your legs high; there should be about 10 centimeters left to the floor.

Lie on your back and place your hands under your buttocks, palms on the floor. Raise your straight legs a few centimeters off the floor. Now move your legs in a criss-cross pattern for as long as you can. You can even record your time and try to beat it every next time.

Exercise 7 – Leg Swings

This exercise will be a great end to your workout. Leg swings are best done when the abdominal muscles are already tired and now they need to be, as they say, polished.

Lie on your back and place your hands under your buttocks, palms down. Raise one leg 45 centimeters from the floor. Alternate your legs as if you were walking or swimming quickly—one up, one down. Legs should be kept straight and heels should not be placed on the floor. Do the exercise as intensely as you can, as if your life depended on it! When you can't take another swing, congratulations, you're ready to go home.

This exercise is a good way to complete your abdominal workout.

The above ab exercises for girls are an excellent training program. Do them three times a week and within a month you will be surprised when you look at yourself in the mirror. And after three to four months of regular training, less successful fitness enthusiasts will begin to envy you.

Abdominal exercises for girls are just as important as, say, exercises for the legs and buttocks. In order to look good, you need to harmoniously develop your entire body, without exception. In addition, by working on the abdominal muscles, you improve blood circulation in the internal organs, which is important for women's health.

Don’t forget about technique, try not to unnecessarily strain your lower back and neck muscles. If after a workout you feel like you're hurting where you shouldn't be, you might be doing something wrong. Focus on your sensations and learn to feel your own body, as well as enjoy the training process itself.

Nowadays it is fashionable among girls to be athletic and fit, so they not only go on diets, but also play sports. Cubes on a girl's stomach are the dream of many representatives of the fair sex. It is worth considering that the recommendations for pumping them up will be somewhat different than for guys, since the abdominal muscles of men and women are structured differently. If it is best for men to gain weight through strength exercises, then for ladies it is advisable to combine such loads with stretching and endurance exercises. The female body is more complex than the male. When planning your workouts, you need to take your menstrual cycle into account. You shouldn’t overwork yourself the day before your period and in the first 2-3 days after it starts.

Of course, many are interested in how to quickly pump up a girl’s abs to a six-pack at home. Let us immediately note that it is impossible to do this quickly. It will take at least a month of regular classes. Recommended exercise every day, devoting at least half an hour to this. No matter how they assure us that there are wonderful programs that allow you to achieve perfect abs in a week, this is impossible.

If a girl is overweight, then the task becomes more difficult. Even if you exercise very actively, but you have more than one centimeter of fat on your stomach, cubes may appear, but they simply won’t be visible under the fat. In this case, to pump up a girl’s abs, she will also need weight loss exercises and a special diet. You will have to try, but the result will justify these efforts, because even the photos of the girl’s six-pack look amazing. By the way, they can become your motivation.

How to pump up a girl's abs correctly

To create six-pack abs on a girl, you need to know how to exercise correctly. If you plan to do this at home, you won't need any special equipment. You only need a hard surface, so it’s better to do your abs on the floor.

Use a special mat designed for yoga or fitness.

Class start with a warm-up. It doesn’t matter what it will be - gymnastics, dancing, and so on. By warming up your muscles well, you will increase the effectiveness of abdominal exercises. You also need to know that you need to exercise no earlier than a couple of hours after eating, and no later than a couple of hours before bedtime.

To make cubes on a girl’s stomach, it is advisable to repeat each exercise 12-15 times in 3-4 approaches. Increase the load gradually. There is no need to overload yourself right away, otherwise you will achieve nothing but severe pain. Nutrition is also very important. Avoid sweets, fast food, and unhealthy fats. Eat often and in small portions, include proteins in your diet. In addition, it is important to drink enough water.

How are the abdominal muscles structured?

To know how to pump up a six-pack on a girl’s stomach, you need to understand how the abdominal muscles work. They are not limited to a few cubes. Cubes are only the visible part of those muscles, under which lie deeper layers. Like the lower back muscles, the abs belong to the core muscles. And this is a whole complex of muscles that is responsible for the stable functioning of the pelvis, spine and hips. A strong core also means attractive posture and a flat tummy.

Core muscles include the obliques, rectus abdominis, transversus abdominis, infraspinatus, adductors, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, hamstrings, and coracobrachialis. To achieve a good result and understand how to get six-pack belly fat on a girl, you need to train all of them.

The best exercises for pumping up six-pack abs for girls

Coping with such a task as pumping up the six-pack on a girl’s stomach at home is quite possible if you devote time to it. Let's look at the most effective exercises that will help us with this.


Crunching is an exercise that has become a classic. It can help us figure out how to pump up abs for a girl. Almost all complexes for performing at home include it. You need to lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Bend your legs slightly at the knees and place them on the floor. Tightening your muscles, lift your abs and twist your body, as if lifting up. Watch your muscles. Many beginners make the mistake of straining the muscles of their arms, back and even neck during this exercise. Only the press should work here. The body should twist so that the distance between the chest and the lower border of the abdomen decreases.

2. Leg raises

This exercise is effective for the lower abs. You need to lie on the floor, spread your arms to the side. Raise your legs up, then slowly lower them. You don't need to put your feet on the floor. While performing the entire approach, keep them a couple of centimeters away from the floor.

3. Raises the legs and body at the same time

These exercises for abs on the stomach help a girl work out her abdominal muscles. You need to lie on the floor, your body should be straight. Place your arms and legs on the floor. Exhaling, lift your legs and upper body up, and try to reach your toes with your hands.

Keep your arms straight while performing the exercise.

4.Pelvic lifts

Pelvic lifts help pump up a girl's abs by strengthening her lower and middle abs. Lie on the floor, place your arms along your body and lift your legs up. Tightening your abdominal muscles, slightly lift your pelvis from the floor, pointing it upward. There is no need to help yourself with your arms and legs - only your abs should work.

5. "Frog"

The exercise helps to pump up a girl's six-pack abs, working the entire abdominal area and strengthening the abdominal muscles. You need to sit on the floor, place your hands slightly behind your body and lean on them. Legs should be straight, stretch them forward, tilt your body back. While performing the exercise, simultaneously pull your legs towards your body and straighten your bodies. Again, only the abdominal muscles should work.

6. Heel touching while lying down

This exercise helps a girl get six-pack abs by working the oblique and lateral abdominal muscles. You need to lie on the floor, raise your body a little. Place your arms along your body, place your legs on the floor, bending them at the knees. Now take turns touching the heel of your left foot with your left hand, and the heel of your right foot with your right hand. Do not pull your hands towards your legs - move only your body.

Six-pack press at home: where to start?

You should wait a lot longer with active abdominal exercises if you haven’t done much sports before. In this case, before pumping up six-pack abs for girls, it’s worth starting with other exercises that will improve the tone of the abdominal muscles and slightly strengthen them. Anyone can do them, regardless of their level of training.


Vacuum is a very simple and at the same time effective exercise for those whose stomach “hangs” due to untrained abdominal muscles. It will help improve muscle tone and reduce abdominal volume.

Vacuum can be performed in different ways, but the essence is the same for all. Try to inhale deeply and slowly, pulling your stomach inward. Now take the same strong breath and draw in your stomach even more. Try to keep it pulled in as long as you can. This exercise was originally used in bodybuilding. It helps to give the body an aesthetic shape and emphasize other muscles through the waist. Later it began to be used in various sports fields, and its main purpose is to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

This exercise can be performed sitting, lying down, or however you like. It is best to remember the position of the abdomen when performing it, and constantly reproduce it. That is, as often as possible, wherever you are, pull in and strain stomach. Over time, the muscles will get used to it and get stronger, and you will be able to get rid of all the excess in the abdominal area.


Girls with six-pack abs usually include a plank in their training routine. It helps strengthen the rectus abdominis muscle and improve the tone of the abdominal muscles. The plank has many variations. Let's look at its classic version.

Lie on your stomach, stand on your elbows and toes so that your body forms a straight line. You can't bend over in the back or buttocks area. Try to stay in this position for as long as you can. To complicate the exercise, you can deprive the body of one of the support points, that is, raise one arm or leg.

3.Side plank

The exercise is similar to the previous one, but is performed a little differently. It will work and strengthen the lateral and oblique abdominal muscles. Lie on your side, lift your body on your elbow. Place your other hand on your body. One foot should be on the floor, the other should be on it. As in the previous version of the plank, try to hold in the indicated position for as long as possible.

With a little training, you can soon move on to the main set of exercises, which will help you create beautiful sculpted abs. Don’t worry about how to get six-pack belly fat for a girl quickly. To achieve high-quality and lasting results, you will have to try. Remember that an important role should be given to diet, because in women everything that is unnecessary often tends to accumulate in the abdominal area. You can also add cardio training to your program to burn fat. This could be as simple as riding a bike or jumping rope. It also burns excess fat around the abs well. Hula Hup. It is an integrated approach that will help you get the desired cubes.

Ideal abs for girls: video

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