Artist: different facets of the profession. Profession Painter

Drawing is an art. While drawing, a person immerses himself in amazing world creativity. There are a great variety of professions related to the fine arts.

One of the most common professions that require drawing skills is called a designer. This is a profession that can be combined with a hobby and passion. Useful with pleasant - that's how you can call it. Interior design is in great demand nowadays. A person wants to live and work in a comfortable, beautiful environment. Color, light, interior details - this is where there are many different solutions.

The most popular specialties

The flight of fantasy is limitless. The list will continue with the following specializations:

  • – a specialty that is in demand at all times, because with the expansion of the construction industry, new vacancies appear in this area;
  • Clothes designer can imagine herself as a fairy from the fairy tale “Cinderella”. Of course, to work in the field of design, in addition to the ability to draw, you need knowledge of technology, study of production and new modern materials;
  • Visagiste- a person who owns various techniques makeup, to create a certain image, by applying decorative cosmetics.

List of professions related to artistic activity

The list of professions related to the fine arts is very extensive:

  1. Visagiste.
  2. Gallery owner.
  3. Graphic Designer.
  4. Web Designer.
  5. Artist.
  6. Architect.
  7. Furniture or interior designer.
  8. Stylist.
  9. Hairdresser.
  10. Landscape designer.
  11. Jeweler.
  12. Decorator.
  13. Schedule.
  14. Cartoonist.
  15. Painter.
  16. Copyist.
  17. Various artists ( miniature painting, painting on wood, metal, enamel, fabric).
  18. Costume designer.
  19. Illustrator.
  20. The artist is the director.
  21. Animator.
  22. Sculptor.
  23. Ceramist.
  24. Airbrush and cartography specialist.

And this is not the limit. This list can be continued. Where else can you work if you have the skills to draw and create artistic images?

Description of some specialties

Where can a creative person work?

Well, for example, at work engineer- the designer requires not only engineering knowledge, but also artistic skill, and sometimes a creative approach. Knowledge of computer graphics is a plus. Specialists with this knowledge are in demand in any field, be it mechanical engineering or construction.

An artist who paints scenery based on sketches is called decorator. He is developing art projects and designs interiors. A person in this profession must have accuracy and attentiveness, as well as a rich imagination. Creative thinking allows you to come up with interesting implementations of various ideas.

Interesting profession - restorer. Who, if not he, knows the methods for restoring damaged paintings or art objects of historical value? They must not only be able to draw, but also identify the style of a particular artist and be able to copy it, because if you make the wrong stroke, you can ruin it valuable painting. You also need the skill to assess the degree of damage and select the paints and materials needed for restoration.

Landscape designer specializes in creating compositions of landscape architecture. A person who masters drawing techniques, the basics of composition, drawing, and also knows the features of growing plants should work here.

If you are interested in fashion and style, as well as have taste and the ability to dress well, then perhaps you are on your way to fashion designers. A person in this profession is a specialist in making clothes. This is a very responsible job that requires a lot of patience. This is constant self-improvement and tracking fashion trends, studying demand, as well as knowing what materials the modern market has.

The ability to draw will also help you out when carrying out renovations in your apartment. Artistic vision and the ability to combine colors will be the best assistant in the selection of paints, wallpaper, and furniture. Interior designer- is in great demand at the moment. This type of activity creates comfort and harmony in the home.

Who do you think draws the maps? After all, humanity simply cannot exist without them. Of course it is cartographer. Previously, plans and maps were drawn by hand. These creations were admired by historians, collectors and simply connoisseurs of graphics. Modern maps are created with the participation of scientific achievements and modern technologies. The use of remote methods helps: aerial photography and satellite scanning of the earth's surface. With these tools, modern maps and plans are more complete and accurate. Computer graphics makes it possible to create maps of any complexity.

If you combine pedagogical activity and knowledge of skills visual arts, then you can test yourself as teacher. The teaching profession is always in demand. After all, someone must pass on their experience to the younger generation.

Trending specialty - florist. This specialty is related to decoration with flowers. Florists create exclusive and original bouquets and participate in decorating the premises.

It should be noted that the history of floristry goes back to ancient times. In the fifth century BC. e. people have already started decorating their homes with flowers. Archaeological finds prove this: vases, pots, seed remains and historical records are historical evidence.

Must be a bright and extraordinary personality. This is a person who knows how to convey the whole range of emotions in photographs, making people cry or laugh. The ability to see beauty in simple everyday things distinguishes people in this profession from other people.

The youngest form of art is photography. The first photograph was taken in 1822, but, unfortunately, it has not reached our time; the author was Joseph Niepce. A few years later he created another image: "View from the Window." Created in 1826, the picture is the first official photo. Of course, almost two centuries have passed since then, and photography has come a long way. With the transition to the digital level, more opportunities have emerged. They have virtually no boundaries. People who devote their lives to this art are called photographers and amaze us with amazing photographs.

There are many professions related to art in the world. And it doesn’t matter whether a person creates beautiful costumes, draws maps, or makes a home cozy. The main thing in this work is the ability to feel the beautiful and always keep your finger on the pulse, to always be aware of what others like now. Use of modern materials and technical achievements will help you create any image or masterpiece.

The artist is creative person who knows how to transfer his thoughts, experiences and impressions onto canvas using paints, pencils, etc. He is a master of fine and other forms of art.


40,000–60,000 rub. (

Place of work

The artist's field of activity covers work in art workshops, book publishing houses, private studios, newspapers and magazines, exhibition and advertising business, fashion salons, as well as the implementation of teaching activities in special educational institutions.


The word artist itself has the following meanings:
— An artist is an artist in the broad sense of the word.
— An artist is a person engaged in fine art.
— Painter - engages in painting.
— Graphic artist - deals with graphics.
— Photographer - is engaged in photography.
— Cartoonist.

In the professional field there are many various types artists depending on their drawing technique and responsibilities: graphic artists, painters, designers, illustrators, film artists, animators, photo artists, caricaturist, miniature painting artist, designers, costume designers, scenery designers, restorer, fashion designer, stylist, technologist, etc.

Important qualities

Rich imagination, the ability to perceive and distinguish a wide range of colors and their shades, originality, resourcefulness, developed spatial thinking, a sense of harmony and taste.

Reviews about the profession

“This profession is suitable creative people with a well-developed imagination. A true artist knows how to draw inspiration from everything around him and interpret his emotions into works of fine art.”

From an interview with the artist.

Stereotypes, humor

Friends once noticed that there was not a single painting by the owner on the walls of Picasso’s house. - Don’t you like your paintings? - they asked Picasso. “I like them very much, but I can’t afford them,” the artist threw up his hands.


You can study at universities such as: State Academy of Arts and Industry, St. Petersburg Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after. I. E. Repin, Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen.

Art universities in Moscow: Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. S.G. Stroganov, Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov, Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts.

An artist is a creative person who knows how to transfer his thoughts, experiences and impressions onto canvas with the help of paints, pencils, etc. He is a master of fine and other forms of art.




Entry barrier


There is a huge variety of profiles and specializations of artists. These are artists, real creators. This profession originated in the distant past. More primitive people depicted scenes of their life and activities on the walls of caves. It was they who gave rise to creative processes and the birth of painting. Artists were especially popular during the period of antiquity. This art developed rapidly, and the masters gained respect. But with the advent of the medieval “dark times”, an era of downtime began in all areas of art. Painting and master artists were no exception. Painting was equated with demonic craft and was punishable by death. Only the masters who worked on church frescoes were recognized.

With the advent of the Renaissance, art and crafts began to develop rapidly. The creators were respected. Many people sought to learn the intricacies of artists' skills, so art schools were organized en masse. Many masters accepted apprentices who became their followers. Over time, art also developed. Nowadays, the artist's profession has a number of varieties, which depend on the style, type of consumables and activity profile. Their earnings differ significantly. Many artists live below the poverty line, hoping for recognition, while others drown in luxury. Modern Art impossible without classical painting and works of artists.


The profession of an artist is a creative work that requires good imagination, inspiration and mastery of drawing techniques. Directions artistic activity there are a lot, so the profession has a number of narrower specializations:

  • Illustrator. A specialist who creates pictures that describe text.
  • Graphic artist. A master working in one contrasting color. Most often it is black. Pencil, ink, etc. are used for drawings.
  • Cartoonist. This is a specialist who creates funny portraits or parodies of current events.
  • Painter. The name of this industry is the most ancient and it is characterized by drawing from life.
  • Fashion designer. This specialist specializes in creating sketches of new clothing collections. An artist who designs an outfit, a trendsetter.
  • Copy artist. A specialist who creates copies of paintings and reproductions.
  • Restoration artist. These specialists know exactly how to restore masterpieces to their original appearance.
  • Specialist in the field of miniature painting.
  • Portrait artist. This is working with people in order to fully convey their external features. The transfer can be partial, it all depends on the style in which the master works.

There are many other equally popular areas of activity. The specifics of work in each of them have a number of differences. But one thing remains common - the art of conveying thoughts and fantasies through drawing.

What specialties to study?

In order to become an artist, it is not necessary to receive an education. The main thing is talent, but the lack of a diploma will not allow you to get a job. Good work. Therefore, you should enroll in the following specialties:

  • graphic arts;
  • design;
  • painting;
  • artist of monumental and decorative art (painting);
  • theatrical and decorative arts;
  • fine arts and drawing.

There are other highly specialized specialties.

Where to study

Get art education possible both in universities and art schools or at home experienced craftsmen visual arts. The following institutions are considered the most prestigious for obtaining such a specialty:

  • St. Petersburg State University technology and design.
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology.
  • Tolyatti State University.
  • Arctic State Institute of Arts and Culture.

What do you have to do at work and specializations?

Daily responsibilities are quite extensive and largely depend on the specialist’s specialization. However, there is also a range of processes common to all specialists:

  • Search for customers. The artist himself does this. To do this, he participates in exhibitions and presentations. Also, the search for customers is often carried out via the Internet. Many artists work as freelancers.
  • Meeting customers and finding out their needs. Often clients order paintings as gifts, illustrations, portraits, caricatures. The artist must understand as clearly as possible what the clients want. In addition, it is important to demonstrate your work so that customers understand the style in which the author writes. After all, most of the names are not clear to ordinary people. It is precisely because of such mistakes that conflict situations arise.
  • Thinking over the concept of a future work. The artist thinks through what he would like to depict and in what context.
  • Purchase of necessary materials.
  • Creating a sketch. This is the general outline future painting, with visualization of the future location of key objects. It can be compared to a utility diagram.
  • The actual drawing process itself. This is the longest stage. It is usually tied to deadlines. Creative process may occur over several months or even years.
  • Framing the picture and preparing for delivery.
  • Delivery of completed work and settlement with the buyer.

This is far from a complete range of artist responsibilities. It can only expand and increase depending on the specialization of the master.

Who is this profession suitable for?

This profession is suitable for creative people with a well-developed imagination. A true artist knows how to draw inspiration from everything that surrounds him and interpret his emotions into works of fine art.

In addition, self-organization is an important quality for any artist. After all, the working day is mainly structured depending on orders and inspiration. A master must be able to force himself to work even through “I don’t want to.”

Communication skills are very important. After all, an order depends 50% on whether the creator of works of art can please future customers.


The demand for a profession directly depends on specialization. But if we take it in a general sense, it is very low. Basically, artists are freelance painters and work for themselves.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

Earnings directly depend on the employment and demand of the master. If you could find permanent job in a printing company, publishing house or design firm, then you will have an income from 15 to 70 thousand rubles per month.

Freelance creators have an absolutely unpredictable level of income. They may not earn anything for months, or they may make huge amounts of money in just a few weeks.

Is it easy to get a job?

Finding a job is quite problematic due to low demand. If you manage to find a vacancy, then at the interview it is important to show yourself as the most creative and responsible person. Be sure to take your portfolio with photographs of your most striking and successful works.

They may offer you test, on the fulfillment of which employment depends.

How does one usually build a career?

Being an artist is not a profession for careerists. Usually there is no growth, but you can reach heights if you constantly develop and take part in competitions. The peak of your career can be your own exhibitions or the opportunity to teach other less experienced artists.

Prospects for the profession

There are prospects in every profession and an artist is no exception. It is important to be able to break into the elite of fine arts. To do this, you should take part in all kinds of fine art competitions and festivals. This will give you the opportunity to develop connections and get wealthy customers. In the future, substantial fees and recognition of your skill are possible, accompanied by the opening of your own gallery or art school. This is the apogee of the artist's career.

If you still have even the slightest doubt that the profession of “Artist” is your calling, do not rush. After all, you can spend your whole life regretting the years you lost studying and working in a specialty that simply doesn’t suit you. To find a profession in which you can maximize your talents, go through online career aptitude test or order consultation "Career vector" .

Hi Aleksey!

I want to tell you, and everyone else who reads this, as a person from the future, who was in your situation and ended up going the wrong way, then came to his senses 10 years later and finally took the right course. No one in this world will ever be able to tell you what your direction is and what to do in life, because all this advice will simply be from the bell tower of another person, from his prism of perception of this world. Only your soul can know what to do. If you don’t know now, then just do what suits you. at this stage Interesting. To become a professional in something, you don’t have to graduate from college (most often it only discourages you from doing what you liked so much, because there are too many boundaries that you can’t go beyond.... teachers set tasks that can be are uninteresting and also drink only juices)... Just do what is interesting and swim in that direction. If you don’t like something, then it’s okay, start doing something else, it’s normal, it’s a search... Otherwise, it’s impossible to achieve anything if you don’t try anything and focus on only one thing. If you can do both here and there, it means you are a creative person, and he, as you know, is talented in everything, because he approaches everything with his soul. In general, just be and enjoy life, do only what interests you and don’t waste time on what others say is important! etc! just be and develop and then you will go on the right path. And when you find your path, then everything around you turns out incredibly cool, it seems that you are living in a fairy-tale world!
(at one time, 10 years ago, I wanted to become a clothing designer, and after school go study this... But my parents insisted that the work was not profitable and in general it was difficult to break through, and they sent me to study to become an architect. I never really cared I didn’t like it, but I graduated from college and institute. Already at the institute, I went to work as an architect and while working I realized that this was not my thing at all, but I had to pay for the institute. As a result, after graduating from institute, I left my job and settled at home in search of myself. It took 2 years for my former desire for art, costume, drawing, etc. to begin to return... I became an artist, a sculptor, I sew clothes, I exhibit in galleries and museums. Now I am doing everything that has brought me true pleasure since childhood. , and from which I was led away by advice from all sides, about how to live correctly and what to do... And only after that my parents noted that this was really my calling. I will never trade this knowledge for anything again for the generation that. If you stand in the way of choice, I will always say that first of all you need to listen to the voice inside, even if, according to the whole world, this is nonsense!)

Good luck to you Alexey, and to everyone who stands on this path of choice! You will succeed, believe in yourself!!!

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