Classic works of art. Russian and foreign world classics: books (list of the best)

Literature as an art form is extremely diverse. But each of its genres has its best, so to speak, exemplary works. These books make up an array classical literature, they will never go out of fashion, they will be understandable and close to people different countries and eras.

About the classics

So, we have already found out that classical literature represents the best, most talented works created in certain periods. The very concept of classics arose at the end of antiquity. Then it was understood as certain writers who, thanks to their authority, were models for masters of words, as well as in the field of obtaining various knowledge.

The Greeks certainly considered the famous Homer to be the first classical writer . Already in ancient times of the classical period of Hellas, his works “Odyssey” and “Iliad” were considered absolute standards dramatic genre that no one will ever be able to achieve.

At the end of the ancient era in Europe, a list of canonical works begins to take shape - those texts that were used for educational purposes. In different cultural centers The list of names on this list varied, although only slightly. The backbone of the canon was made up of the same authors everywhere.

Only at the end of the Middle Ages did not only ancient authors, but also writers who lived in later eras begin to be classified as classics. The list of classical literature began to gradually expand. These works were considered practically impersonal; they were the common property of humanity.

More modern interpretation classics arises during the period European Renaissance when literature moves away from religion, secularization of all spheres occurs public life. At that time, Greek writers were considered the greatest authorities.

Over time, interest in antiquity increased so much that such a cultural movement as classicism arose. Its essence was to imitate the best examples of Greek art.

Gradually, in addition to the narrow concept of classics, which included Greek literature, a broader interpretation appeared, which included all the best works of literature in a particular genre.

The best books of classical literature

There are many great works in this category that are worth reading. Something closer to modern man, something is not very good. But all classical literature has significant artistic and universal value . However, there are the best of the best who modern world are considered a must-read for any educated person:

  • Lev Tolstoy ;
  • Fedor Dostoevsky ;
  • Victor Hugo ;
  • Erich Maria Remarque ;
  • Ernest Hemingway ;
  • Mikhail Bulgakov and many others.

Theodore Dreiser

In this book of the famous American writer tells the life story of Clyde Griffiths. He set himself the goal of achieving success and climbing up the social ladder.

To do this, Griffiths uses absolutely any methods, be it meanness, betrayal or even crime. Novel , who is dressed in the form of a detective, in fact touches on a number of important philosophical and social issues relating to modern society .

William Somerset Maugham

In this famous creation classic British literature tells about the tragic love story, unfolding among exotic surroundings . A young and promising bacteriologist, Walter Fein, falls madly in love with the frivolous and superficial girl Kitty. The young lady agrees to marriage only for the reason that “it’s time.”

Since Kitty doesn't love her husband, she quickly starts an affair in Hong Kong, where the couple moved after their wedding. When Walter finds out about the betrayal, he decides to take revenge on his wife in the most brutal way. Further, the plot becomes more and more tragic and ends with the death of Walter.

Well, don’t waste time and start reading the best works classical prose, which, by the way, are available on our website for free online access.

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By Russian classical literature we mean the works of classics: writers who are not only exemplary, but also who have become symbols of Russian culture. Only the person who knows classical works, appreciates their merits, feels them inner beauty, can be considered truly educated. Today you will find out by opinion women's magazine Charla.

10 best books of Russian literature: “The Brothers Karamazov”

"The Brothers Karamazov" was conceived as the first part of the novel “The Life of a Great Sinner.” The first sketches were made in 1878, the novel was completed in 1880. However, Dostoevsky did not have time to complete his plans: the writer died a few months after the publication of the book. Most of The Brothers Karamazov was written in Staraya Russa, the prototype of Skotoprigonyevsk, where the main action takes place.

Perhaps this novel can be considered the most complex and controversial work of the great Russian writer. Critics have dubbed it an “intellectual detective story,” and many call it the best work about the mysterious Russian soul. This is the last and one of the most famous novels Dostoevsky, it was filmed both here and in the West, where, by the way, this work is held in special esteem. What is this novel about? Each reader answers this question differently. The author himself defined his great creation as “a novel about blasphemy and its refutation.” One thing is certain, this is one of the deepest philosophical works world literature about sin, mercy, the eternal struggle taking place in the human soul.

10 best books of Russian literature: “The Idiot” by Fyodor Dostoevsky

"Idiot"- Dostoevsky's fifth novel. Published from 1868 to 1869 in the Russian Bulletin magazine. This novel occupies a special place in the writer’s work: it is considered one of Dostoevsky’s most mysterious works. The main character of the book is Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin, whom the author himself called a “positively wonderful” person, the embodiment of Christian goodness and virtue. Having spent most of his life in seclusion, Prince Myshkin decided to go out into the world, but he did not know what cruelty, hypocrisy, and greed he would have to face: for his unselfishness, honesty, philanthropy and kindness, the prince was contemptuously nicknamed “idiot”...

10 best books of Russian literature: “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy

Epic novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" about the times of two wars against Napoleon - 1805 and 1812 - one of the most famous works of not only Russian, but also world literature. This book is one of the eternal classics, because it reveals with deep skill the main components human life: war and peace, life and death, love and betrayal, courage and cowardice. Greatest epic work has had tremendous success all over the world: the book has been filmed several times, plays and operas have been staged based on it. The novel consists of four parts, the first part was published in 1865 in the Russian Messenger.

The tragic novel about the love of married Anna Karenina for the handsome officer Vronsky is one of the greatest masterpieces of Russian literature, still relevant today. "All happy families are similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” - these lines are familiar to every person.

"Anna Karenina"- a complex, deep, psychologically sophisticated work that captures the reader from the first lines and does not let go until the end. The novel by the brilliant psychologist Tolstoy captivates with its absolute artistic authenticity and dramatic narrative, forcing the reader to watch intensely how the relationship will develop between Anna Karenina and Vronsky, Levin and Kitty. It is not surprising that this book captivated not only Russian readers, but also Europe and America.

10 best books of Russian literature: “The Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov

Bulgakov wrote this brilliant novel over the course of eleven years, constantly changing and adding to the text. However, Bulgakov never managed to see it published: a full thirty years passed before one of the greatest works of Russian prose of the twentieth century was allowed to be published. "Master and Margarita"- the most mysterious and mystical novel in Russian literature. This book has received worldwide recognition: many countries around the world are trying to comprehend its secrets.

10 best books of Russian literature: “Dead Souls” by Nikolai Gogol

Gogol's immortal work "Dead Souls" about human tricks and weaknesses should definitely be in your home library. Gogol showed very clearly and colorfully human souls: after all " dead Souls“- these are not only those that Chichikov bought, but also the souls of living people, buried under their petty interests.

The novel was originally conceived in three volumes. The first volume was published in 1842. However further events have a mystical connotation: having finished the second volume, Gogol completely burned it - only a few chapters remained in drafts. And ten days after that the writer died...

10 best books of Russian literature: “Doctor Zhivago” by Boris Pasternak

"Doctor Zhivago"- the pinnacle of Pasternak’s creativity as a prose writer. The writer created his novel over ten years from 1945 to 1955. This is a sincere and poignant love story against the backdrop of chaos. Civil War, which is accompanied by poems by the main character - Yuri Zhivago. These poems, written by Pasternak in different periods his life reveals in the best possible way the unique facets of the author’s poetic talent. For Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak received the Nobel Prize on October 23, 1958. But in the writer’s homeland, unfortunately, the novel became the cause of a huge scandal, and besides, the book was long years banned. Pasternak was one of the few who defended freedom of speech to the end. Perhaps this is what cost him his life...

10 best books of Russian literature: collection of stories “Dark Alleys” by Ivan Bunin

Stories « Dark alleys» - frank, sincere, exquisitely sensual stories about love. Perhaps these stories can be considered best example Russian love prose. Laureate Nobel Prize, brilliant writer was one of the few authors of his time (the stories were written in 1938) who spoke so openly, sincerely and beautifully about the relationship between a man and a woman, about beautiful love, which can last a lifetime... “Dark Alleys” will definitely appeal to all women and girls as one of the most poignant stories about love.

10 best books of Russian literature: “Quiet Don” by Mikhail Sholokhov

Epic novel « Quiet Don» in four volumes was published in 1940 in Roman-Gazeta. This is one of the largest works of Russian literature, which brought Mikhail Sholokhov world fame. Moreover, in 1965 the writer was awarded the Nobel Prize “For the artistic strength and integrity of the epic about the Don Cossacks at a turning point for Russia.” This is a grandiose novel about the fate of the Don Cossacks, a fascinating saga about love, devotion, betrayal and hatred. A book about which controversy continues to this day: some literary scholars believe that the authorship does not actually belong to Sholokhov. In any case, this work deserves to be read.

10 best books of Russian literature: “The Gulag Archipelago” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Another Nobel Prize winner, classic Russian literature, outstanding writer 20th century - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of the world-famous documentary epic "GULAG Archipelago", which tells about repressions in Soviet years. This is more than a book: it is an entire study based on personal experience the author (Solzhenitsyn himself was a victim of repression), documents and testimonies of many eyewitnesses. This is a book about suffering, tears, blood. But at the same time, it shows that a person can always remain human under the most difficult circumstances.

Of course, this is far from full list outstanding books of Russian literature. Nevertheless, these are books that every person who appreciates and honors Russian culture should know.

Alisa Terentyeva

In the modern world, there are fewer and fewer people reading. Sad but true. If you meet earlier public transport A person with a book was something in the order of things, but now it is a real rarity. Gadgets are crowding out literature, leaving it somewhere in the margins. After all, it’s much easier to turn on a toy or climb into in social networks than to immerse yourself in a complex fantasy world. Reading has become work, not accessible entertainment. It is sad. After all, books form a point of view on the world, religion, politics, art, love. They allow you to broaden your horizons and gain experience from the mistakes of others, and foster humanity and compassion. None computer game or Facebook won’t do this.

Therefore, to expand the boundaries of your own consciousness, you need to read. At least worldwide famous works, the so-called classic books that everyone should read.

Russian literature

Not everyone can wade through the jungle of ancient Greek or Roman cultural heritage and understand the works of Socrates, Aristotle or Plutarch. Therefore, it is better to start with what is closer in mentality: books of Russian classics that everyone should read. These can be works that have been known since school, but are perceived completely differently in adulthood, when no one forces you to read under pressure. So are books recognized as modern classics.

"Eugene Onegin"

First love, mental anguish, jealousy, choice - all this is on the pages famous novel in verse. And what previously eluded will sparkle with new colors and make you empathize with the heroes.

In addition, the novel perfectly conveys the spirit of its time and describes the realistic life of the nobility.

"Crime and Punishment"

One of the first psychological novels, enjoying worldwide popularity, was written by Dostoevsky back in 1866. This work is included in the list of “100 Classics Everyone Should Read.”

Anyone can decide that they have the right to administer justice, but what is the cost of these actions? Is it internal freedom or crime? The lines between evil and good are so blurred that it is easy to slip. And the hand will be given by the one who himself is considered to be beyond the bounds.

"Fathers and Sons"

Turgenev’s novel touches on the issue of generations: “they are not like us” and the desire to prove that the new is better than the old. However, the ideological struggle fades when feelings come into play. What will he choose? main character: following ideals or love for a woman, the desire to change the world and rebuild it or quiet life V native village? After all, maybe the ideals of fathers are not as bad as they seem.

"Master and Margarita"

If you are interested in more modern novels with elements of mysticism and fantasy, pay attention to Bulgakov. This is a classic that everyone should read. It has everything: partings and meetings, atrocities and retribution, execution and resurrection. Some parallel lines, one more interesting than the other, ambiguous characters... The novel has been filmed several times, and is based on theatrical performances. And debates around the meaning and main characters are still ongoing.

"Quiet Don"

Which everyone should read are so varied and diverse that you can find something to like. Those who are interested in history will be interested in this work by Mikhail Sholokhov. Together with the main characters, the reader will live through the First World War and the Civil War, and will see the events through the eyes of the participants.

“Not on the lists”

The story by Boris Vasiliev tells about a simple Russian guy who, instead of the easy path, chose the difficult one and put his civic duty to the Motherland first.


Now the dystopian genre has become popular, but few people remember that Russian authors have works of this kind.

However, such a work was written by Yevgeny Zamyatin back in 1920 and has not yet lost its relevance. It is also on the list of “classics that everyone should read.”

Thirty-second century. A society with strict totalitarian control over everything and everyone. There are no names - numbers instead. There is no freedom of choice, even in clothes - instead of it there is a uniform. There is no personal space. Even in your own home it is impossible to find salvation from the all-seeing eye - glass walls do not hide anything. There should be no place for love or attachment to anything. But what to do if they arise? Either inform, or join the opponents of the existing system. However, can a small group resist a huge and well-functioning machine?

Foreign literature

"Romeo and Juliet"

A young girl and a young guy from opposing families should have a priori hated each other, but instead they fell in love. Instead of obediently following their parents' will, they decided to go against tradition and fight for their happiness.


The cult book has been filmed several times, but nothing can overshadow the impression of the printed source.

The main character travels to Transylvania to sell a house to his client - a strange, eccentric old man, Dracula. Not listening to the warnings of random fellow travelers, the young man finds himself in the midst of terrible events, which he himself initiated. But who could have guessed that his client was the real Evil. Miraculously escaping from captivity, the young man returns home. But the nightmare does not stop even in London.


George Orwell's work is suspiciously reminiscent of Zamyatin's book. The same atmosphere of hopelessness, the same attempts to break out of control, doomed to failure in advance.

In a world where every step of a person is known almost in advance and the future is predetermined, it is difficult to resist the system. It's difficult and scary. What happens to those who go against the grain? They disappear... And then they appear brainwashed. The main character tried to be like everyone else, allowing himself only a little dissent. Maybe because he knew a little more than others. Meeting with an unusual girl, completely changed his life. She brought new colors into it and became a catalyst for many events.

"A little prince"

The list of “books - classics - that everyone should read” includes this one. unusual fairy tale for adults. Saint-Exupéry talks about his adventures Little Prince, about his acquaintance with the Earth, but at the same time it also speaks about more important things: love, friendship, fidelity.

"Three Musketeers"

The adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas is known to many thanks to numerous film adaptations. But nothing can better convey the atmosphere of medieval France than a book. On its pages, beloved characters come to life again and details that the films are silent about are revealed.

Young D'Artagnan comes to Paris from the provinces in search of better life and finds her by enrolling military service to the privileged part. And at the same time, loyal friends for many years, no less loyal and treacherous enemies, and, of course, adventure.

"Catcher in the rye"

Salinger's novel is considered by some, but not every teenager can understand it.

The story is told from the perspective of an ordinary seventeen-year-old guy Holden, a student at a closed American school. One day he was kicked out for his behavior and had to spend a few days alone in New York.

It's hard to say what this novel is about. About everything and nothing in particular. The hero reflects on the meaning of life, his place in it, his goals and aspirations. His thoughts are mostly depressive. However, the story pulls you in and doesn't let go until the end.

For children

There is no point in reading or giving to younger children school age complex works, as many parents like to do. It is unlikely that they will be able to understand and appreciate them. In addition, there is a lot of excellent literature designed specifically for young readers. So what are the books (classics) that every child should read?

"The Wizard of Oz"

The story of the adventures of little Ellie and Totoshka will not leave you indifferent. A girl who, by chance, found herself in magical land, are waiting full of dangers adventures. The yellow brick road turned out to be not as simple as it seemed at first. However, new friends will help you overcome all difficulties and find your way home.

"Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

Restless Tom brings nothing but problems to his family, he is such a restless and inventive boy. He can even turn punishment to his advantage. Tom manages to find adventures even where there couldn't be any! But together with his true friend He is able to overcome any difficulties with his help. Even bring it to clean water Scary Injun Joe.

"The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

In the Flower City, everyone does their own thing: Znayka invents, Vintik and Shpuntik repair, Tube draws, Doctor Pilyulkin treats... Only Dunno is idle and composes fables. But he has the most beautiful hat and tie - no one else has them. Because of Dunno's carelessness, the rest of the residents of Flower City often get into trouble. But he’s not out of malice... And he’ll try to correct what he’s done.

For teenagers

The list of “books (classics) that every teenager should read” includes works recognized as the “golden fund” of literature.

"Lord of the Flies"

Golding's novel should appeal to those who love young adult books. It is one of the first books written in this direction, and its echoes can be found in many authors.

A group of boys miraculously survived a plane crash and ended up on a desert island. At first everything was fine: the sea, palm trees, hunting, fruits, hope of salvation, organization of life in the image and likeness of Robinson Cruz. Two boys wanting to be leaders and realizing there can only be one. From a tiny spark of hostility, a whole bonfire of hatred flared up, in which every idea of ​​​​humanity burned out.

"Treasure Island"

Pirates, treasures, dangers at every turn - this is not what the young man was looking for when he searched the guest's chest in search of money. But in addition to what he was looking for, the young man finds a tattered map of the island, where the location of the treasure is marked. Having enlisted the help of his older comrades, he goes in search of treasure. But pirates go to the island with them... Who will get the treasure found?

Modern classic

"Do not let me go"

There are books (classics) that everyone should read. And this is one of them. created a stunningly atmospheric work. At first it’s not entirely clear what we’re talking about we're talking about, but then it’s impossible to tear yourself away, even realizing the horror of what’s happening on the pages.

These children grew up without knowing their parents, without knowing love, but convinced that they had a special purpose. They were told about this since childhood, and they got used to considering it something ordinary, not strange and not scary.


This is very unusual story from the English writer Joanne Harris. Mystical, beautiful, with an indescribable feeling of immersion in the Middle Ages, although the novel takes place in the early 1960s.

A new resident arrives in a small French town with her daughter. She opens a shop of sweets, which she prepares herself according to old recipes. Everyone who tries them always comes back for the delicacy, and this looks very suspicious in the eyes of the local priest. And a woman is not as simple as she seems. She and her daughter are hiding a big secret.

"Perfumer. The story of a killer"

The story of a genius who turned into a monster, wanting to create the perfect scent. Even if this meant committing a crime, the main character did not doubt for a minute. What does the life of a young innocent girl mean? Nothing. She is just the desired ingredient in a complex perfume composition.

After the film adaptation was released, the book produced the effect of a bomb exploding: stunned, disgusted, delighted. There were no indifferent people.

Instead of an afterword

Classic books everyone should read educated person, it is difficult to compile into a list limited by any framework. There are too many worthy works, all people have different tastes, so you just need to read and look for your own, not limiting yourself to just “chewing gum for the brain.” Books that make you think and leave a mark on your memory are worth your time.

The best classic books of autumn 2018

Our new rating The top 100 best classics books have undergone significant changes. It's all because of the new beginning educational school, and a school curriculum that clearly sets the tone in this category. Nevertheless, they only really hit him best books classics, not only Russian, but also foreign. After all, this list of the best classics was compiled based on your queries on the Internet and perfectly reflects the interest of readers in our country.













































































Story " Sunstroke» Author: Bunin I. A. Year of publication of the story: 1925 Many people refer to Bunin’s story “Sunstroke” as the best works writer. It is included in school curriculum, and has also been filmed more than once. The last film adaptation was released in 2014 and was very successful. This aroused even more interest in reading the story “Sunstroke”, and also allowed Ivan Bunin to take […]

The works of the classics are like good wine - they are aged and tested by time and a huge number of readers. Many of these books are universal: they heal the soul, seek answers to eternal questions life, entertain, relax, uplift, make you think and give an invaluable opportunity to gain a unique life experience.

Russian classics

"The Master and Margarita", Mikhail Bulgakov

A brilliant masterpiece of world classical literature. An extraordinary meaningful mystical novel exposing human sins and vices. It intertwined the eternal themes of the struggle between good and evil, death and immortality, as well as an incredible line of love that began with a chance meeting of people created for each other.

"Eugene Onegin", Alexander Pushkin

A good product for those who choose classic for self-development. A novel in verse, in which two characters are contrasted: the jaded, bored young man Evgeny Onegin and the pure, naive girl Tatyana Larina, who followed a sincere feeling. A story about the growth and development of one personality and the inner emptiness of another.

"Anna Karenina", Leo Tolstoy

Married Anna Karenina falls in love with the young officer Vronsky. He reciprocates her feelings. But the environment turns away from the “fallen woman.” The lovers' desperate attempts to reunite against the backdrop of the morals and customs of the nobility of that time were unsuccessful.

Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak

The history of the generation of the early 20th century, which was part of new era with faith in big changes. However, the trials they had to endure (civil and first World War, revolution), brought only disappointments and broken hopes. But, despite everything, people gained invaluable experience. The book is full of reflections on the fate of people and the state.

“12 chairs”, Evgeny Petrov, Ilya Ilf

The story is about two adventurers looking for diamonds hidden in the chairs of Madame Petukhova’s living room set. The novel-feuilleton is incredibly fascinating, imbued with sharp humor and inexhaustible optimism. It will provide several exciting evenings for those who have not yet read the book, and will cheer up those who have taken it up again.

"Heart of a Dog", Mikhail Bulgakov

Professor Preobrazhensky explores rejuvenation methods. One day he brings a stray dog ​​Sharik from the street and gives him a pituitary gland transplant from the deceased Klim Chugunkin, a drunkard and hooligan. Instead of a kind, flexible animal, you get a creature with an absolutely disgusting character and habits. The novel demonstrates the history of the relationship between the intelligentsia and the “new breed” of man.

“The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Soldier Ivan Chonkin”, Vladimir Voinovich

A wonderful choice of work to read on vacation, such a light anecdote novel. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War In a small village, a plane lands due to a breakdown. There is no way to tow it, so the simple-minded and ridiculous guard Ivan Chonkin is assigned to him, who eventually transfers his place of duty to the house of the postman Nyura...

“And the dawns here are quiet”, Boris Vasiliev

A tragic story about the unequal confrontation between five female anti-aircraft gunners and a detachment of German saboteurs consisting of 16 people. Dreams about the future and women's stories about their loved ones create a stunning contrast with the brutal reality of war.

"Dowry", Alexander Ostrovsky

The play is about a woman forced to throw in her lot with an inconspicuous, uninteresting and unloved man simply because she does not have a dowry. The man whom she loves and considers ideal is only having fun with her, having no intention of exchanging his rich bride for her.

“Garnet Bracelet”, Alexander Kuprin

Having once seen Princess Vera in the circus box, Georgy Zheltkov fell madly in love with her. He sent her letters, hoping for nothing, since she was married. The love lasted for several years until he decided to give her Garnet bracelet. A wonderful work that is suitable for those who are looking for something to read for the soul.

Foreign literature

The Thorn Birds, Colin McCullough

The epic story of a family of poor people who later became managers of a large Australian estate. The plot of the novel is based on strong, dramatic feelings between the main character Maggie and the Catholic priest Father Ralph. What will win, love or religion? The work has become one of the most popular romance novels among admirers.

Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell

Roman about strong woman Scarlett O'Hara, who took care of her family on her shoulders in difficult years American Civil War. The book talks about incredible story love and demonstrates the evolution of feelings main character amid the trials of war.

"Pride and Prejudice", Jane Austen

England 18th century. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, who have raised five daughters, are thinking about marrying young ladies. Mr. Bingley, who has settled next door, is perfectly suited to the role of the groom. Besides, he has many friends. The book is about how feelings arise and how love helps overcome pride and prejudice.

"The Great Gatsby", Francis Scott Fitzgerald

The book takes place in America during the Jazz Age. The author shows reverse side the notorious " American dream" At the center of the story is the story of a rich man and a spendthrift, Gatsby, who is trying to return the woman he loves, who left him when he was still achieving success. Unfortunately, wealth never brought him happiness.

"A Little Sun in Cold Water" by Francoise Sagan

This great option works modern classics. The story of the romance of the Parisian journalist Gilles Lantier with married woman who left her husband. The work raises the theme of fatigue from life, what is commonly called depression. It seems that the relationship helped Gilles overcome his illness. But is his chosen one happy?

Arc de Triomphe, Erich Maria Remarque

German emigrant Ravik lives illegally and works as a surgeon in pre-war Paris. Returning home late, he notices a woman trying to throw herself off a bridge. Thus begins a romance between an actress named Joan and a German refugee. Extraordinarily beautiful, passionate and sad story love, full of philosophical reflections.

"Notre-Dame de Paris", Victor Hugo

This is a real classic historical novel, describing medieval Paris. At the center of the story is the incredible romantic story the hunchback bell ringer Quasimodo and the gypsy street dancer Esmeralda. However, the author positions the cathedral itself as the main character of the novel. Notre Dame of Paris, thereby attracting public attention to it.

"Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbury

Moments of summer, sealed in bottles - this is dandelion wine. The book is woven from large and small stories that take place throughout the summer, everyday discoveries, the main one of which is that we live, we feel, we breathe. The narrative itself is warm and leisurely. Brothers Douglas and Tom live in a provincial town and through them we see the world through the eyes of 12-year-old children.

"Fried Green Tomatoes at the Stop Cafe" by Fannie Flagg

Evelyn, a middle-aged woman, has lost interest in life and eats chocolate for her depression. Once a week she is forced to visit her mother-in-law in a nursing home. There Evelyn meets 86-year-old Ninny, who is full of love and zest for life. Each time the old woman tells stories from her past, which helps Evelyn reconsider her worldview.

"Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kesey

The main character Randle recklessly chooses the latter between prison and a mental hospital. Here he is trying to change the established rules and teach other patients to enjoy life. An elderly, sullen nurse resists the innovations of a freedom-loving patient for fear of losing power over the staff and patients.

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