Characteristics of Lisa Brichkina. The history of the creation of the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” (22 photos) Sonya Gurevich The Dawns Here Are Quiet

(432 words) The legendary story by B. L. Vasilyev describes women in the war: Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Lisa Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich, Galya Chetvertak. Each image in the book is individual and worthy of attention.

Rita Osyanina was stern and silent. The reason for this is the loss of her husband on the second day of the war. Osyanina’s child remained in her mother’s arms; she ran to him at night when they were transferred to the patrol. Returning from her son in the morning, she noticed the saboteurs. During the task, Rita, like the other girls, showed herself heroically, she was strong in spirit, so she fought to the end. Having received a mortal wound, she does not blame Vaskov, but only asks to take care of her son. The war destroyed her life, but the woman died with the knowledge that she stood up for her homeland.

Zhenya Komelkova arrived at the department to replace the murdered server. Before her eyes, the Germans shot her relatives, and she went to the front. Despite the trials, the beautiful Zhenya is cheerful, smiling and friendly. During the mission, she behaves boldly and even desperately: when the heroes pretend to be lumberjacks, she bathes in full view of the Germans, saves Vaskov’s life, and in the final battle she tries to lead the enemies with her. She loves life too much and believes in its infinity. How can you die at 19? But, unfortunately, war takes the best.

Liza Brichkina lived in the forests of the Bryansk region, seeing little in life, but dreaming a lot about the future. Even during the war, she continued to wait for happiness. She liked Sergeant Major Vaskov, for her he was an ideal. And the fact that he sent her for reinforcements confirmed the heroine’s thoughts about her exclusivity. But dreams have no place in war: thinking about Vaskov, Lisa stumbled while crossing a swamp and drowned. The life of a young girl was cut short in such an absurd and tragic way.

Sonya Gurvich is a quiet, weak, intelligent girl who loves poetry and theater. University, first love, close-knit family - everything was left behind when the war began, and the heroine could not hide behind other people's backs. She was little adapted to military life, but tried with all her might to be useful to a country in danger. This inability to adapt became fatal: she ran after the pouch left by Vaskov and was hit by an enemy bullet.

Galya Chetvertak came up with a whole world in which everything was presented in romantic colors. The girl grew up in an orphanage, where the reality was not at all joyful; she needed an outlet. She went to war thinking it was all romance. But seeing death, blood, shells, the girl was completely lost. She abandoned her rifle in battle, broken by the death of her friend Sonya, and then, when Vaskov took her on a reconnaissance mission, she ran out of an ambush to cut across the enemies. Galya was not ready for a real war, but she tried her best to protect her homeland.

B. L. Vasiliev, describing women in war, emphasizes the mercilessness of this massacre. However, if you need to stand up for the whole world, then a girl can become strong. Or at least try.

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B. L. Vasiliev, “And the dawns here are quiet...” Summary

May 1942 Countryside in Russia. There is a war with Nazi Germany. The 171st railway siding is commanded by foreman Fedot Evgrafych Vaskov. He is thirty-two years old. He has only four years of education. Vaskov was married, but his wife ran away with the regimental veterinarian, and his son soon died.

It's calm at the crossing. The soldiers arrive here, look around, and then start “drinking and partying.” Vaskov persistently writes reports, and, in the end, they send him a platoon of “teetotal” fighters - girl anti-aircraft gunners. At first, the girls laugh at Vaskov, but he doesn’t know how to deal with them. The commander of the first section of the platoon is Rita Osyanina. Rita's husband died on the second day of the war. She sent her son Albert to his parents. Soon Rita ended up in the regimental anti-aircraft school. With the death of her husband, she learned to hate the Germans “quietly and mercilessly” and was harsh with the girls in her unit.

The Germans kill the carrier and send Zhenya Komelkova, a slender red-haired beauty, in her place. A year ago, before Zhenya’s eyes, the Germans shot her loved ones. After their death, Zhenya crossed the front. He picked her up, protected her, “and not just took advantage of her defenselessness - Colonel Luzhin stuck her to himself.” He was a family man, and the military authorities, having found out about this, “recruited” the colonel, and sent Zhenya “to a good team.” Despite everything, Zhenya is “outgoing and mischievous.” Her fate immediately “crosses out Rita’s exclusivity.” Zhenya and Rita get together, and the latter “thaws out”.

When it comes to transferring from the front line to a patrol, Rita is inspired and asks to send her squad. The crossing is located near the city where her mother and son live. At night, Rita secretly runs into the city, carrying groceries for her family. One day, returning at dawn, Rita sees two Germans in the forest. She wakes up Vaskov. He receives orders from his superiors to “catch” the Germans. Vaskov calculates that the Germans’ route lies on the Kirov Railway. The foreman decides to take a shortcut through the swamps to the Sinyukhina ridge, stretching between two lakes, along which is the only way to get to the railway, and wait for the Germans there - they will probably take a roundabout route. Vaskov takes Rita, Zhenya, Lisa Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak with him.

Lisa is from the Bryansk region, she is the daughter of a forester. For five years I cared for my terminally ill mother, but because of this I was unable to finish school. A visiting hunter, who awakened Lisa’s first love, promised to help her enter a technical school. But the war began, Lisa ended up in an anti-aircraft unit. Lisa likes Sergeant Major Vaskov.

Sonya Gurvich from Minsk. Her father was a local doctor, they had a large and friendly family. She herself studied for a year at Moscow University and knows German. A neighbor at lectures, Sonya’s first love, with whom they spent only one unforgettable evening in a cultural park, volunteered for the front.

Galya Chetvertak grew up in an orphanage. There she was “overtaken” by her first love. After the orphanage, Galya ended up in a library technical school. The war found her in her third year.

The path to Lake Vop lies through the swamps. Vaskov leads the girls along a path well known to him, on both sides of which there is a quagmire. The soldiers safely reach the lake and, hiding on the Sinyukhina Ridge, wait for the Germans. They appear on the lake shore only the next morning. It turns out there are not two of them, but sixteen. While the Germans have about three hours left to reach Vaskov and the girls, the foreman sends Lisa Brichkina back to the patrol to report on the change in the situation. But Lisa, crossing the swamp, stumbles and drowns. Nobody knows about this, and everyone is waiting for help. Until then, the girls decide to mislead the Germans. They pretend to be lumberjacks, shout loudly, Vaskov cuts down trees.

The Germans retreat to Lake Legontov, not daring to walk along the Sinyukhin ridge, on which, as they think, someone is cutting down the forest. Vaskov and the girls are moving to a new place. He left his pouch in the same place, and Sonya Gurvich volunteers to bring it. While in a hurry, she stumbles upon two Germans who kill her. Vaskov and Zhenya kill these Germans. Sonya is buried.

Soon the soldiers see the rest of the Germans approaching them. Hiding behind bushes and boulders, they shoot first; the Germans retreat, fearing an invisible enemy. Zhenya and Rita accuse Galya of cowardice, but Vaskov defends her and takes her with him on reconnaissance missions for “educational purposes.” But Basque does not suspect what mark Sonin’s death left in Galya’s soul. She is terrified and at the most crucial moment she gives herself away, and the Germans kill her.

Fedot Evgrafych takes on the Germans to lead them away from Zhenya and Rita. He is wounded in the arm. But he manages to escape and reach an island in the swamp. In the water, he notices Lisa's skirt and realizes that help will not come. Vaskov finds the place where the Germans stopped to rest, kills one of them and goes to look for the girls. They are preparing to make their final battle. The Germans appear. In an unequal battle, Vaskov and the girls kill several Germans. Rita is mortally wounded, and while Vaskov drags her to a safe place, the Germans kill Zhenya. Rita asks Vaskov to take care of her son and shoots herself in the temple. Vaskov buries Zhenya and Rita. After this, he goes to the forest hut where the five surviving Germans are sleeping. Vaskov kills one of them on the spot, and takes four prisoner. They themselves tie each other with belts, because they do not believe that Vaskov is “alone for many miles.” He loses consciousness from pain only when his own Russians are already coming towards him.

Many years later, a gray-haired, stocky old man without an arm and a rocket captain, whose name is Albert Fedotich, will bring a marble slab to Rita’s grave.

Alexander Minkin, remark on Radio Liberty.

Boris Vasiliev, the writer who wrote “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” told me how he experienced these rehearsals. And I specifically worked the night shift at my ugly workshop so that I could go to rehearsals during the day. And so they rehearse “And the dawns here are quiet.” They are rehearsing, and Boris Vasiliev is thrilled that his story is being staged at the Taganka Theater - it’s amazing. And suddenly Lyubimov says: “This is not necessary, throw it away, and don’t come out at all.” Vasiliev is horrified, they started having a real scandal at the rehearsal. And Lyubimov became furious and said: “Sorry, you’re disturbing me,” and Boris Vasiliev said: “I won’t set foot in this den.” And left.

The performance was staged for two and a half hours. And naturally, these are two acts with an intermission and a buffet. And in the buffet, excuse me, there is a sandwich with caviar and a hundred grams of cognac, and that’s all. War cannot be played like that, war cannot be interrupted by sandwiches with caviar. And Lyubimov suddenly understands, a brilliant man, a brilliant director, that this should be played from beginning to end in one breath. And he begins to throw away already completed beautiful scenes for the sake of simply cutting it down and cramming the performance into one act at 20 or 30 hours. And in the finale, he has five shell casings standing and burning on the stairs to the buffet, on the second floor of Taganka, and he put five shell casings there, poured kerosene into it, inserted the wicks, and they burn like an eternal flame for these five girls. And the fireman forbade it. There is a fire in a Soviet theater, where you can’t light a cigarette backstage, you’ll be fined and closed. And he invited the chief fireman to the dress rehearsal; at the end of the performance, the chief fireman wiped away his tears and said: “Let them burn, don’t touch them.”

The story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” by Boris Vasiliev is one of the most heartfelt and tragic works about the Great Patriotic War. First published in 1969.
The story of five female anti-aircraft gunners and a sergeant major who entered into battle with sixteen German saboteurs. The heroes speak to us from the pages of the story about the unnaturalness of war, about personality in war, about the strength of the human spirit.

The main theme of the story - a woman in war - reflects all the “mercilessness of war”, but the topic itself had not been raised in literature about the war before the appearance of Vasiliev’s story. To understand the events of the story, you can read the summary of “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” chapter by chapter on our website.

Main characters

Vaskov Fedot Evgrafych– 32 years old, sergeant major, commandant of the patrol where the female anti-aircraft gunners are assigned to serve.

Brichkina Elizaveta-19 years old, the daughter of a forester, who lived before the war on one of the cordons in the forests of the Bryansk region in “premonition of dazzling happiness.”

Gurvich Sonya- a girl from an intelligent “very large and very friendly family” of a Minsk doctor. After studying for a year at Moscow University, she went to the front. Loves theater and poetry.

Komelkova Evgenia- 19 years. Zhenya has her own score to settle with the Germans: her family was shot. Despite the grief, “her character was cheerful and smiling.”

Osyanina Margarita- the first of the class to get married, a year later she gave birth to a son. The husband, a border guard, died on the second day of the war. Leaving the child with her mother, Rita went to the front.

Chetvertak Galina- an orphanage student, a dreamer. She lived in a world of her own fantasies, and went to the front with the conviction that war is romance.

Other characters

Kiryanova- Sergeant, deputy platoon commander of female anti-aircraft gunners.

Chapter 1

In May 1942, at 171 railway sidings, which found themselves in the midst of military operations going on around them, several yards survived. The Germans stopped bombing. In case of a raid, the command left two anti-aircraft installations.

Life on the patrol was quiet and calm, the anti-aircraft gunners could not stand the temptation of female attention and moonshine, and according to the report of the commandant of the patrol, Sergeant Major Vaskov, one half-platoon, “swollen with fun” and drunkenness, was replaced by the next... Vaskov asked to send non-drinkers.

The “teetotal” anti-aircraft gunners arrived. The fighters turned out to be very young, and they were... girls.

It became calm at the crossing. The girls made fun of the foreman, Vaskov felt awkward in the presence of “learned” soldiers: he only had a 4th grade education. The main concern was the internal “disorder” of the heroines - they did everything not “according to the rules.”

Chapter 2

Having lost her husband, Rita Osyanina, the commander of a squad of anti-aircraft gunners, became stern and withdrawn. Once they killed a serving girl, and instead of her they sent the beautiful Zhenya Komelkova, in front of whose eyes the Germans shot her loved ones. Despite the tragedy experienced. Zhenya is open and mischievous. Rita and Zhenya became friends, and Rita “thawed out”.

Their friend becomes the “runaway” Galya Chetvertak.

Hearing about the possibility of transferring from the front line to a patrol, Rita perks up - it turns out that she has a son next to the patrol in the city. At night, Rita runs to visit her son.

Chapter 3

Returning from an unauthorized absence through the forest, Osyanina discovers two strangers in camouflage robes, with weapons and packages in their hands. She hurries to tell the patrol commandant about this. After listening carefully to Rita, the sergeant major understands that she has encountered German saboteurs moving towards the railway, and decides to go to intercept the enemy. 5 female anti-aircraft gunners have been allocated to Vaskov. Worried about them, the foreman tries to prepare his “guard” for the meeting with the Germans and cheer them up, jokes, “so that they laugh, so that cheerfulness appears.”

Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Lisa Brichkina, Galya Chetvertak and Sonya Gurvich with the senior group Vaskov take a short route to Vop-lake, where they expect to meet and detain the saboteurs.

Chapter 4

Fedot Evgrafych safely leads his soldiers through the swamps, bypassing the swamps (only Galya Chetvertak loses her boot in the swamp), to the lake. It’s quiet here, “like in a dream.” “Before the war, these regions were not very populated, but now they have become completely wild, as if lumberjacks, hunters, and fishermen had gone to the front.”

Chapter 5

Expecting to quickly deal with the two saboteurs, Vaskov still chose the path of retreat “to be on the safe side.” While waiting for the Germans, the girls had lunch, the foreman gave a combat order to detain the Germans when they appeared, and everyone took up positions.

Galya Chetvertak, wet in the swamp, fell ill.

The Germans appeared only the next morning: “gray-green figures with machine guns at the ready kept coming out of the depths,” and it turned out there were not two of them, but sixteen.

Chapter 6

Realizing that “five funny girls and five clips for a rifle” cannot cope with the Nazis, Vaskov sends “forest” resident Lisa Brichkina to the patrol to report that reinforcements are needed.

Trying to scare off the Germans and force them to go around, Vaskov and the girls pretend that lumberjacks are working in the forest. They call to each other loudly, fires are lit, the foreman is cutting down trees, and the desperate Zhenya even bathes in the river in full view of the saboteurs.

The Germans left, and everyone laughed “to the point of tears, to the point of exhaustion,” thinking that the worst was over...

Chapter 7

Lisa “flew through the forest as if on wings,” thinking about Vaskov, and missed a noticeable pine tree, near which she needed to turn. Moving with difficulty in the swamp slurry, I stumbled and lost the path. Feeling the quagmire swallow her up, she saw sunlight for the last time.

Chapter 8

Vaskov, realizing that the enemy, although he has disappeared, can attack the detachment at any moment, goes with Rita on reconnaissance. Having found out that the Germans had settled at a halt, the foreman decides to change the location of the group and sends Osyanina to fetch the girls. Vaskov is upset when he discovers that he forgot his pouch. Seeing this, Sonya Gurvich runs to pick up the pouch.

Vaskov does not have time to stop the girl. After some time, he hears “a distant, weak voice, like a sigh, an almost silent cry.” Guessing what this sound could mean, Fedot Evgrafych calls Zhenya Komelkova with him and goes to his previous position. Together they find Sonya, killed by her enemies.

Chapter 9

Vaskov furiously pursued the saboteurs to avenge Sonya's death. Having quietly approached the “Krauts” walking without fear, the foreman kills the first, but does not have enough strength for the second. Zhenya saves Vaskov from death by killing the German with a rifle butt. Fedot Evgrafych “was full of sadness, full to the very throat” because of the death of Sonya. But, understanding the state of Zhenya, who is painfully enduring the murder she committed, she explains that the enemies themselves violated human laws and therefore she needs to understand: “these are not people, not people, not even animals - fascists.”

Chapter 10

The detachment buried Sonya and moved on. Looking out from behind another boulder, Vaskov saw the Germans - they were walking straight at them. Having started a counter battle, the girls and the commander forced the saboteurs to retreat, only Galya Chetvertak threw her rifle away out of fear and fell to the ground.

After the battle, the foreman canceled the meeting where the girls wanted to judge Galya for cowardice; he explained her behavior as inexperience and confusion.

Vaskov goes on reconnaissance and takes Galya with him for educational purposes.

Chapter 11

Galya Chetvertak followed Vaskov. She, who always lived in her own fantasy world, was broken by the horror of a real war at the sight of the murdered Sonya.

The scouts saw the corpses: the wounded were finished off by their own people. There were 12 saboteurs left.

Hiding in ambush with Galya, Vaskov is ready to shoot the Germans who appear. Suddenly, the clueless Galya Chetvertak rushed across the enemies and was hit by a machine gun fire.

The foreman decided to take the saboteurs as far as possible from Rita and Zhenya. Until nightfall, he rushed between the trees, made noise, briefly shot at the flickering figures of the enemy, shouted, dragging the Germans with him closer and closer to the swamps. Wounded in the arm, he hid in the swamp.

At dawn, having climbed out of the swamp onto the ground, the sergeant-major saw Brichkina’s army skirt, blackened on the surface of the swamp, tied to a pole, and realized that Liza had died in the quagmire.

There was no hope of help now...

Chapter 12

With heavy thoughts that “he lost his entire war yesterday,” but with the hope that Rita and Zhenya are alive, Vaskov sets off in search of saboteurs. He comes across an abandoned hut, which turns out to be a German shelter. He watches them hide explosives and go on reconnaissance. Vaskov kills one of the enemies remaining in the monastery and takes the weapon.

On the bank of the river, where yesterday “they staged a show for the Fritz,” the foreman and the girls meet - with joy, like sisters and brother. The foreman says that Galya and Lisa died the death of the brave, and that all of them will have to take on their last, apparently, battle.

Chapter 13

The Germans came ashore and the battle began. “Vaskov knew one thing in this battle: not to retreat. Don’t give the Germans a single piece of land on this shore. No matter how hard it is, no matter how hopeless it is, to hold on.” It seemed to Fedot Vaskov that he was the last son of his Motherland and its last defender. The detachment did not allow the Germans to cross to the other side.

Rita was seriously wounded in the stomach by a grenade fragment.

Firing back, Komelkova tried to lead the Germans with her. Cheerful, smiling and cheerful Zhenya did not even immediately realize that she had been wounded - after all, it was stupid and impossible to die at the age of nineteen! She shot while she had ammo and strength. “The Germans finished her off point-blank, and then looked at her proud and beautiful face for a long time...”

Chapter 14

Realizing that she is dying, Rita tells Vaskov about her son Albert and asks him to take care of him. The foreman shares with Osyanina his first doubt: was it worth protecting the canal and the road at the cost of the death of the girls, who had their whole lives ahead of them? But Rita believes that “The Motherland does not begin with canals. Not from there at all. And we protected her. First her, and only then the channel.”

Vaskov headed towards the enemies. Hearing the faint sound of a shot, he returned. Rita shot herself, not wanting to suffer and be a burden.

Having buried Zhenya and Rita, almost exhausted, Vaskov wandered forward to the abandoned monastery. Having broken into the saboteurs, he killed one of them and captured four. In delirium, the wounded Vaskov leads the saboteurs to his own, and only realizing that he has arrived, he loses consciousness.


From a letter from a tourist (written many years after the end of the war), vacationing on quiet lakes, where there is “complete carlessness and desolation,” we learn that a gray-haired old man without an arm and rocket captain Albert Fedotich who arrived there brought a marble slab. Together with the visitors, the tourist is looking for the grave of the anti-aircraft gunners who once died here. He notices how quiet the dawns are here...


For many years, the tragic fate of the heroines has not left readers of any age indifferent, making them realize the value of a peaceful life, the greatness and beauty of true patriotism.

The retelling of “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” gives an idea of ​​the storyline of the work and introduces its characters. It will be possible to penetrate into the essence, to feel the charm of the lyrical narrative and the psychological subtlety of the author's story by reading the full text of the story.

Test on the story

After reading the summary, be sure to try to answer the questions in this test.

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Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 2731.

Sonya Gurvich is a character in B. Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, one of those five anti-aircraft gunners whom Sergeant Vaskov selected into his detachment to eliminate the Germans who were secretly making their way behind the lines of our troops in order to commit sabotage on the railway. Fragile, intelligent Sonya is direct proof that “war does not have a woman’s face.” Why does the foreman take this “urban girl” into his detachment? Yes, because Sonya knows German very well. Before the war, the girl studied for one year at Moscow University, studying German. After completing accelerated translation courses, Sonya goes to the front line. But, as it turned out, there were enough translators there even without her, but no anti-aircraft gunners. So the fighter Gurvich turned out to be an anti-aircraft gunner. And Vaskova found herself in the detachment as a translator.

Sonya Gurvich was born and raised in Minsk in a large and close-knit Jewish family. Her father, Solomon Aronovich Gurvich, was a local doctor. The family did not live well. In addition to parents and children, their numerous relatives lived in the house. We slept three on one bed. Even at university, Sonya dressed in dresses altered from her sisters’ old “outfits.” How much pain and anxiety can be discerned in the girl’s strangled words: “The Germans took Minsk.” The fear for the family is not drowned out by the faint hope that perhaps they managed to leave.

In the unit, as in life in general, Sonya was quiet, inconspicuous and efficient. Thin, with a serious, ugly face and a thin voice, “a little sparrow,” she could hardly count on a happy personal life. However, even during her studies, a modest, intelligent boy liked Sonya. Fate gave them one and only unforgettable evening, after which the young man volunteered for the army, leaving Sonya a book of Blok’s poems as a souvenir.

Yes, this boy knew what to give Sonya Gurvich. Poems were Sonya's greatest love. She remembered them by heart and read them everywhere, even at a halt after a hard, tiring journey. At the university, Sonya did not devote her free time to dancing, like other girls, but went to the reading room. Or to the theater, if you managed to get a ticket to the gallery.

The death of Sonya Gurvich was not heroic. Realizing how difficult it is for a man to remain without tobacco, the sympathetic girl ran for the pouch forgotten by the foreman and unexpectedly ran into the Germans, who killed her with a knife in the chest. The first blow did not reach the heart, because it was intended for a man. Before her death, Sonya manages to scream, warning her comrades, and dies from the second blow of the knife. However, the feat of this quiet, inconspicuous girl is truly great. After all, such small everyday feats made up the great common Victory.

Essay by Sonya Gurvich

Boris Vasiliev’s work “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” shows the story of very young girls, anti-aircraft gunners, who had to find themselves in the war. They all lived simple lives, chasing their dreams, until the war began. One of these heroines was Sonya Gurvich.

Sonya stands out from the new female team. She is a romantic, dreamy and intelligent girl, previously a student at a Moscow institute who studied German. Sonya was born into a Jewish family in Minsk. Once at the front, Sonya took accelerated translation courses, because she only managed to complete the first year of the institute, but she was not able to use her knowledge of the German language. Sonya becomes an anti-aircraft gunner, due to a large shortage of artillerymen, falling under the command of Sergeant Major Vaskov. But this is where her knowledge of the German language will come in handy, which will help her complete the task of the sergeant major.

Sonya's well-readness and erudition sets her apart from the female team. She loves theater and poetry, her intelligence manifests itself not only in ordinary life, but also in war.

Sonya's family was not rich. With the exception of her parents, Sonya Gurvich had older sisters, behind whom she had to wear dresses and alter them to suit her figure. From the outside, she, like her sisters, was an unremarkable, thin girl who did not attract many glances.

In part, Sonya was not interested in girls because she was a quiet, silent person. The girls thought that men would never pay attention to her because of her plain appearance. But they were wrong. At the institute, Sonya met an equally smart, well-read boy and spent one evening with him before he went to the front.

Sonya went on a mission with anti-aircraft gunners and a sergeant major to eliminate the Germans who wanted to commit sabotage on the railway. Having learned that the foreman was left without tobacco, Sonya ran for the forgotten pouch, but on the way the Germans were waiting for her, who killed the poor girl with a knife in the chest. Sonya manages to save her fighting friends and the foreman by warning them with her cry.

Sonya Gurvich is an example of brave, courageous girls who, despite the war, remained fragile and romantic.

Option 3

Sofya Gurvich is one of five anti-aircraft gunners who were in a group led by Sergeant Major Vaskov. Like other heroines of Boris Vasiliev’s work, the girl is a strong and brave person and sacrifices her life for the liberation of her Motherland.

Sonya, like all members of her friendly and large family, is Jewish by nationality. Her relatives live in Minsk, Sonya’s dad is a local doctor. Her family is not rich: while studying at the university, the girl wears her sisters’ gray and tatty altered dresses. She knows nothing about the fate of her relatives, but sincerely believes that they managed to escape.

Outwardly, Sonya is described as a young girl with a sharp, ugly, but serious face and a skinny figure. She is discreet, modest and efficient. A girl, having studied excellently at Moscow University for a year, goes to the front. While studying, Sonya meets a bespectacled neighbor at lectures and spends an unforgettable evening with him, but after this the young man voluntarily goes to war, leaving her a thin collection of Blok’s poems as a souvenir.

After graduating from German language courses, she, along with Zhenya Komelkova, ends up in a detachment of anti-aircraft gunners, since “there were enough translators, but there were no anti-aircraft gunners.” It is precisely because of his good knowledge of German that soldier Gurvich ends up in the group of Sergeant Major Vaskov.

Sonya is distinguished by her intelligence and poetic nature. During her student years, she is interested in theater and the library, which is how other girls are attracted to dancing. She loves poetry, and even during the war she reads them out loud from her collection.

Soldier Gurvich is the first from Vaskov’s detachment to die. The foreman asks Rita Osyanina to take his tobacco, but she forgets about it, and Sonya wants to rectify the situation. She decides to go back and pick up the ill-fated tobacco pouch. While she is running along the path she has taken twice, a German soldier overtakes her. He kills her with two blows of the knife: the first blow, intended for a man, does not reach the heart because of the chest.

Before her death, she manages to scream, and this scream is heard by the foreman. She is buried, and bitter thoughts appear in Vaskov’s head: “... Sonya could have given birth to children, and they would have grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but now this thread will not exist. A small thread in the endless yarn of humanity, cut by a knife..."

The anti-aircraft gunner, like the other heroines of the work, is brave and courageous, but her fate is tragic. In the image and death of Sonya Gurvich, the author shows the severity of women's fate in war. All the girls from Fedot Vaskov’s detachment had their own plans and hopes, which the war mercilessly destroyed.

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